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December 04, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-04

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~AO~ ~


Washington 'Post' Editor
To Open Lecture Series


SRA, Inter-Guild Will Hold
World Social Problem Parley

sity ectures on journalism Unil e
given tomorrow by James R. Wig-
gins, managing editor of the
Washington "Post."
In a lecture open to the public,
Wiggins will speak on "Impact of
~hc News" at 8 p.m. in the Rack-'
hamn Amphitheatre-.
Io Address Students
During the afternoon he will
State's Single
School District
Ruled Ilegal
Predict Tax Raise
1947 Lgislturelast-breth at-
tempt to save something from the
sales tax diversion amendment by
creating a "single school district"
in Michigan was overturned by the
State Supreme Court today.
The court, in a six to two de-
cision, declared that the State still
owed the public schools of Mich-
igan $6,836,260.
That was the sum which the
lawmakers last spring took out of
the school aid appropriation man-
dated by the diversion amendment
and gave to four state educational
programs on the pretext that the
state was all one school district.
The court, in a majority opin-
land W. arr, held the Lgislature
had no right to create such a
single state-wide school district.
Meanwhile State Treasurer D.
Hale Brake said the State may
have to raise $70 million in new
taxes by 1950 because of the sales
tax diversion amendment if there
is a normal reduction in sales tax
revenues. -
Brake termed the amendment,
which each year gives school dis-
tricts 44.7 per cent of the previous
year's sales tax collections, a de-
layed-effect "time" bomb."

address students studying editorial
management and policy on the
the subject of "Racial Minorities
in the News."'
Before entering the Army in
1942 Mr. Wiggins rose from edi-
torial writer to the position of
editor on the St. Paul "Pioneer
Press." After serving in the Army's
intelligence corps he became as-
sistant to the publisher of the
New York "Times," previous to
joining the staff of the Washing-
to '' os.'.
Editors and Pblisheres int
series will be made by outstanding
oer the tate nhain acord-
ing to Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, ex-
ecutive secretary of the journal-.
ism department.
Among the Michigan publishers
and editors who have already been
lishe Battl Creek 'Enquirr and
News," Dec. 15; Clare McKinley,
manager, Ann Arbor "News," Dec.
17 and 19; Phillip Rich, publisher,
Midland "News," Jan. 7; Fred
Gartner, Jr., managing editor, De-
troit "News;" Jan. 9; and Arthur
Stace, editor, Ann Arbor "News,"
Jan. 12.
Outstate newspapermen who
have so far consented to speak,
include N. R. Howard, editor of
the Cleveland "News" and pres-
ident of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors, Dec. 10; James
Pope, managing editor of the
Louisville "Courier-Journal," Jan.
14; and Paul Shinkman, radio
commentator and former foreign
correspondent for INS, Jan. 16.
House Groups May Pay
Ont Perceritage Baqsis
Fraternity, sorority and house
groups wishing to receive their
page in the 1948 'Ensian on a per-
centage basis must submit names
of all members who have pur-
chased copies of the 'Ensian to
the 'Ensian office by Dec. 10.
Subscription serial numb er s
.should be included, if available.

dancing are being paged by the
Union, which plans to present in-
termission shows at the regular
Saturday night dances. h
.Men and women students who
'wish to participate in a weekly 15-
minute show are requested to sign
up immediately for auditions,
Keith Jordan, Union social com-
mittee chairman, announced.
Applicants may report to the
Union student offices anytime be-
tween 3 and 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday or call Bill Curry
at 2-3256.

Arabs during rioting in the Holy Land. A test of blood and fire be
when thousands of angry Arabs swept through Jerusalem, wreckin
Voice in UN Little Assembly'
) I

Wit fina e mtin fast
aprocing u addtional ttors are
s. qem dor tettrasrvc
Tutors may register for the
ps in Jerusalm al'e looted by service from 3 to 5 p.m. on Mon-
'gan for Palestine partition plan day through Friday in the Union
g, burning, and looting Jewish studen offices.uosmsthv n
"A" in the course they wish to
teach or a "B" average if the
siger's cii01(1 tin Is subject is their major.
Excellent, Doctor Says student being instructed at the
rate of one dollar per hour.
ernor Sigler's condition "remainsD.SueGesS th
excellent" tonight in St. Law- Prof. Malcolm H. Soule, of the
rence hospital following an opera- Medical School, is attending the
tion this morning for the removal annual meeting of the American
of an infected gall bladder, his Society of Tropical Medicine in
personal physician said. Atlanta, Ga.

Possible actions on current
world social problems will be dis-
cussed at the Social Action Con-
ference, sponsored by the Student
Religious Association and Inter-
Guild, to be held from 3 to 8 p.mn.
tomorrow in Lane Hall.
To e Shown~ t
"Shoe Shine," an Italian picture
whih Life maazne said "will
shock h world, wil be presnt-1
The film concerns two Italian
shine boys, who were picked out
of real life, who progress from
black marketeering to robbery to
mud'r,d in prsuit of the normal
Full English subtitles are fur-
nished for the showing, which is
spnsored by te Campus AVC and
Placemnent Conference
Mildred Webber of the Univer-
city Bureau of Placements and
Occupational Information, will be
in Chicago today through Friday,
for the Northwestern University
Placement Conference.

The tentative program includes
introductory remarks, "Why So-
cial Action?", by the Rev. Francis
W. MePeek, of the Chicago Coun-
cil for Social Action.
Panel Discussions
Panel discussions will follow on
"Industrial Relations," "Educa-
tional Rehabilitation of Post-War
Europe" and "Minority Groups in
Our Democracy."
Panel leaders will be Mrs. A, C.
Sedgwick, archaeologist, Sheldon
Rahn, of the Detroit Council of
Churches and the Rev. MoPeek.
Coffee will be served at 5 p.m. in
byedinnr and informaediscusion
with the entire group and three
The concluding discussion will
deal wit "Our Place In Social Ac-
Reservations may be made by
calling Lane Hall. Dinner will be
erved t noinal cost and there
Lewis Towler, chairman of the
Stutdent Religious Association
public affairs committee, and
Betty Lou Zwemer, chairman of
the Inter-Guild social action com-
mittee, are in charge of the con-
All sessions are open to students
and faculty.

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
Some students of United Nations
procedure believe they have founid
a way by which Russia can stick
to her boycott of the new "Little
Assembly" and still participate in
any decisions.
Since the Interim Committee
actually amounts to a committee
of the whole, it can, by a few flips
of the wrist, become a special ses-
sion of the General Assembly.
It could work this way:
When the Little Assembly, made
up of the same people who consti-
tute the General Assembly-minus
the Russian bloc-has threshed
over a situation and decided on a
recommendation, any country can
ask Trygvie Lie to call a special
U.S. Reports
Soviet Inflation
The State Department's "Voice of
America" radio tonight beamed
overseas in 23 languages a report
that Russianis have started whole-
sale runs on banks and stores in
Moscow and other Soviet cities be-
cause of fear the ruble is losing
its value.
The report was attributed to
travelers just returned from Rus-
sia and was not immediately con-
firedbyMoscow news dispatches
Crowds anxious to exchange the
Soviet currency for any durable
goods were besieging shops last
week to buy dry goods jewelry',
rare books or any other physical
goods, the report said.
Many stores were reported to
banks in Moscow, the rpeort said,
have limited withdrawals to 200
widespread in Russia that the So-
viet government was preparing to
issue new currency, effective Dcc.
5, which would wipe out the pres-
ent currency.

session. He would poll the gov-
ernments of the member nations
and, if they agreed, the Little As-
sembly would become the Big As-
sembly, and the Russians could
walk right back in without loss of
The idea is to preserve the ut-
most general participation in UN
activities and not to regularize
the situation in which the West-
ern and Eastern blocs work
against each other.
It is clear now that, while the
Russians are boycotting the Lit-
tle Assembly, the Korean and the
Balkan commissions, and while
they do not participate in the
work of the trusteeship council or
of six other specialized UN agen-
cies, they definitely have no in-
tention of pulling out of UN.
The Little Assembly is going to
be an unequalled forum for prop-
aganda. The U. S. idea in setting
it up was to keep a constant light
on various world issues and to fo-
cus the force of its opinions on
the veto-hampered Security Coun-
cil. But the U. S. also is still try-
ing to keep the door open at all
times for any change in Russian
The Russians would find it ex-
tremely hard to answer, from out-
side the Assembly chamber, the
pressure which will be brought
there for an end to the obstruc-
tionist tactics which are holding
he Lttle Asembly wil not be
an importantly decisive group.
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