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December 04, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-04

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Fifty-Eighth Year
{ ~
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Stuart.Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Lida Dales .......................Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor
Dick Krau......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward .........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Poet Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
IWn, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Edlitorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Haircut Heresy
T ODAY IS D-DAY for IRA's much pub-
licized "Operation Haircut," and as the
picket army takes the field against local bar-
bers accused of discrimination, there are
several things which should be seriously con-
First of all, from the lack-of opposition to
"Operation Haircut" which has been voiced
either editorially or in letters to the editor
in The Daily, it might appear that there is
campus-wide support for the maneuver--
that is not the case.
Many students have refrained from op-
posing the movement because they are
fundamentally in favor of the principle
and suppose that some method of ac-
complishing this aim is better than none
at all. This is a dangerous assumption be-
cause IRA's method in this case could
do far more harm than good, and to sup-
port it by passive silence only encour-
ages its leaders.
Sociologists long ago gave up the theory
that a nod from a legislature could wipe the
human slate clean of all prejudices and dis-
crimination. Probe ANY person deep enough
and you're bound to find some prejudice-
perhaps it's what makes him human.
Most of these prejudices wear away
slowly like stone steps, diminished not by
tramping feet or sledge hammers but by
the weathering processes of reason, com-
mon sense and understanding. This is why
"Operation Haircut" should really be
developing these senses WITHIN people
instead of trying to mold them exter-
rally to the empty form of an ineffective
The second objection to "Operation Hair-

cut" is the amount of coercion and emotion
IRA has used thus far in its campaign. IRA
sent a letter to the Ann Arbor Barber's
Association, Nov. 21 stating it "found your
policy of discrimination against Negroes un-
democratic and a breach of statutes of the
State of Michigan."
This letter shows IRA went into the
squabble with a chip on its shoulder. Fur-
thermore, though it demanded a meeting to
settle things by Dec. 1, IRA launched its
propaganda barrage one day after the bar-
bers had received the letter.
Some of IRA's questionable actions in-
clude quoting only half of Prof. Parker's
statement in their handbills and asking peo-
ple to pack The Daily's letters column with
letters supporting IRA.
The editorial entitled "Which Side" un-
lnowingly summed up IRA's trouble in
Tuesday's Daily. "You and I are on the
spot," it said. "We are being asked to stand
and be counted on the issue of Jim
Crowism in Ann Arbor." When IRA stops
trying to pin people against the wall and
'be counted," when they stop trying to
count their own gains and devote their
energies to conversions by reason and
persuasion, constructive progress will be
made toward eliminating discrimination.
The picket lines are out. Refusing to cross
them is not a true vote for anti-discrimina-
tion, it is only a vote for a minority group
which is trying to be successful as others
have been before it--in passing itself off
to the public as the voice of the student
body of the University.
_111 --iiM U.Ac " f..

II iority Control

I WOUI lE HAD to find another co-
lege campus in t he country so tightly
controlled by a small miinority of the student
About 15 per cent of the undergraduate
students run this campus. They are led by
the Inter-fraternity Council and the Pan-
Hellenic Association. In short ,tIhey are thA
affilited students.
liw do they manage it? They merely
capitalize upon the apathy of the rest of
the student body. They swamp the polls
with carefully - instructed voters. , They
flood extra-curricular activities with try-
In many colleges, particularly in the East,
it is almost necessary to belong to a fra-
ternity or sorority in order to obtain any
important campus position because the
majority of the student body i affiliated.
Here the affiliated students are a small
minority-but the independents haven't
heard about it yet.
The Michigan independent hides when
Chugging Along
and Italy, it seems to me that we are
chugging majestically along the track about
six months too late. We have no notion that
we are late, of course, as we gravely debate
how much aid we are going to send to Eu-
rope, and when. We have all the airs and
graces, and the stately consequential man-
ner, of beings who are convinced that they
are shaping the future of the world. We are
sure our least word is of great importance,
our smallest action of immense significance.
We know we matter; that is the first article
in the credo of our national egoism.
But the startling truth may be that, so
far as events now unrolling in France and
Italy are concerned, we do not matter at all.
We may already have lost our chance to
matter, and are perhaps only chopping air
and and writing belated and confused foot-
notes to swift events.
It is going that rapidly. The Commu-
ists of France and Italy possess the reality
of on-the-scene power, of a kind hard to
counter from the outside with either spit-
balls or lollypops. They can call a strike,
settle it, and then call another while the
rejoicing at the end of the first is still
going on. They can manage their power
with executive skil and strategic grace,
making sure that no coal is dug while
trains are running, and that no trains run
when coal is being dug.
They can palayze the middle millions into
endless metaphysical discussion, while they
push France and Italy on toward accepting
a new way of life for a century in the be-
lief that they are only solving spot prob-
lem of the moment, concerning wages and
the price of bread. They have the goods on
part of the opposition, in the shape of bad
records; almost a whole generation of
French conservatism has rendered itself hors
de combat by past evil and silliness. It is
against this process, wild and galvanic, that
we are opposing our puffy current debate
on how much to help Europe, and for what
reasons, and when.
Why is it so hard for us to help those
great majorities in France and Italy which
obviously do not want Communism? Why do
we wheeze along so very late? I have
thought of, and discarded, many reasons
which might accountfor our curious power-
lessness. The controlling one, it seems to
me, is a certain cynical something in our
approach to postwar problems, which has, I
am afraid, communicated itself to the world.
Our dillydallying with European relief;
our in-again-out-again approach to it;
our present return to it, not because we
suddenly fell in love again with European
democracy, but because we became scared
of Russia; our own swing to the right,
and the stories which have crossed the

ocean about our own growing unconcern
about social problems-all these, I think,
have hurt.
Nor is the cry, "Quicker!" to Congress
the complete answer. We might still save
freedom in Western Europe, but it is not
quicker aid alone that we need; it is some-
thing bigger, as well as something quicker,
that is required, a blazing American demon-
stration that we love democrats very much,
and are with them to the end, without
counting, and through no matter what-
scheduled events. As to how one goes about
explaining this to the present Congress, I
have ne idea.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)
intimate that picketing does not some-
how befit the dignity of University students.
Restraint, they caution. So completely have
academic tracts and lectures saturated their
brains that they fail to see in public dem-
onstrations the most potent educational me-
dium at their command.
The Inter-Racial Association, as Daily
readers are well aware, has long conducted
an educational program of lectures, motion
pictures and discussions rivaled by few other
campus organizations. The Ann Arbor Bar-
ber's Association has obviously been un-
affected by these mediums. More dynamic
techniques are therefore imperative.
If 1 t A critics na unable to rise to the

the ballots are being east. te ducks when
the tryout calls are issued. Sometimes he
growls about being "unrepresented." More
often he sleeps it off.
A casual glance shows the results:
Affiliated students swept 78 per cent of
the nine offices in last week's engineering
class elections.
Affiliated students won all four of the
senior positions in the literary college this
fall. The total vote was 378.
Affiliated students also hold 100 per cent
of the nine posts on the J-Hop Committee
this year. There were 758 votes cast.
Affiliated students captured 50 per cent of
the ten-member Soph Prom Committee this
fall. The vote totalled 574.
By way of contrast, only one of the three
new student members of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications is affiliated. The
vote was 2,340.
But the 37-member Student Legislature,
campus governing body, is 65 per cent
affiliated. Exactly 3,065 students, repre-
senting about 16 per cent of the student
body, voted last spring.
We are not blind enough to believe that
a true cross-section of the student body
voted in these elections, nor are we naive
enough to believe that candidates were se-
lected solely on the basis of "ability and in-
terest." It was simply a rout engineered by
the well-organized Greeks. And the unsuc-
cessful independent candidates can thank
their lethargic supporters.
But this isn't the whole story.
Affiliated students hold 73 per cent of
the 11 positions on the Union Executive
Affiliated students hold 86 per cent of
the seven positions on the League Council.
And affiliated students make up 54 per
cent of the 13 senior editors of The Daily.
All these are appointive positions. The
percentages merely reflect widespread
drowsiness. Obviously, if it were not for Pan-
hel and the IFC most of the large campus
organizations would fall apart.
Every now and then a handful of inde-
pendents set out to wake up the campus.
They know they have about 85 per cent
of the student body to draw upon for
extra-curricular activities. They realize
that the combined vote of the East and
West Quadrangles would match the entire
Greek-letter vote.
It's pure mathematics. And that is what
Assembly and the newly-formed Association
of Independent Men are counting on. But
they need the interest and cooperation of
Michigan's 15,000 day-dreamers.
-John Campbell.
IN VIEW OF the refusal of the Republican-
dominated 80th Congress to enact Pres-
ident Truman's anti-inflation program, vot-
ers of America should have no difficulty in
placing responsibility for our runaway in-
When the 1948 presidential and congres-
sional elections roll around, they will recall
that it was a Republican-controlled Senate
and House of Representatives which also
swept away the last vestiges of OPA while
loudly proclaiming the capacity of private
enterprise to lower prices.
And they will remember that while
American industry reaped the greatest
profit in the entire history of the nation,
figures released by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics on the cost of living revealed
that it failed miserably to fulfill its pledge
to the American people.
In September the BLS recently reported
the cost-of-living index soared to a new
high of 66.1 per cent above the August,
1939 levels. This index was 12.3 per cent
higher than a year ago and 22.9 above June,
1946 when the GOP scrapped the final re-
mains of price control.
Translated into dollars and cents, this

figure means that American consumers are
now forced to pay $1.23 for goods and serv-
ices that cost them $1.00, 15 months ago,
because the Republican Party succumbed to
the call of big business interests.
Furthermore, between June, 1946 and
Sept. 15, 1947, food prices rose 39.8 per cent
and brought the food index to 203.5 per cent
above the 1935-39 average.
This was 10 per cent above the June,
1920 peak after World War I, an infla-
tionary catastrophe that the GOP loudly
declared it could save us from, if.indus-
try was afforded the opportunity to op-
erate in a free and unregulated economy.
Slowly and inexorably, American con-
sumer-voters are becoming aware that they
have been misled and duped by the GOP
and its monopoly-minded supporters in in-
They have been fooled before, but if
prices continue to spiral upward while cap-
ital gorges itself on profits, there is a good
chance that the voters of this nation will
answer with a thunderous "YES" next No-
vember, when the Democratic Party asks
them whether they have "Had more than
enough" of the Republican Party.
--Joe Frein.

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LetIt r1 to the Eitor ...


EDITOR' S NOTE: Recalse The D:ily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (liiCh is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
rxlre 'e"d in letters are thiose of the
Writers only. Letters of more than
31)0 words :ire shortened. printed or
onitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Edilitor:
ST IS MY BELIEF that sociolo-
g2umis cnar e on)ll a trci-
a bl me mhod of chlmina ins race
fluirt- idia to be the eimin)t ion of
r ietial ecoomic aid politi-
cal vi,(%,i - Edcato a con-
eivad tolay and its corollary
met hos ar i-c onl supplementary
Residetil seg-gao ms
abi shed, and so must be the rei
cl voice, Oceipaionii oppotut-
v y and public part icipan.
Foi these reasons, the climina-
ion of segregation as een in th
hk particular aim of t he cur~
rent "Operation Haircut") is oh.
iously a strong. Concrete stel) in-
I he rigiht Iirecti On.

he- s1t p'. \ ill ma ca knuckling to
t hemver. 01 gawi dmisrimination
n ou society which breeds pre-
dice and ives a moral base to
t he acIets. Are we going to ad-
m 1thit('he majority of us ap-
pmrmte ot te barb1r'. ,-tald that
In MI-11th aior1_it11y . obarber
1101)p )pat I i<<Inot desire to
he tile faciiies with Negroes;
or are \e going to admit that the
luajority of us hert-ily disapprove
(f this cancer in our society?
MAny of us fought to rid the
S f i 1 1 its philoso-
-:v lh ourcial s upremiacy. Is it ask-
into much to cairry a picket
:ign today ? '1'IeBar'be's Associ
ait io ha- thiPUWnl ip the barricade
ri in effect rin up the swasti-
ka. They say they speak for the
maom-ity. It is ti majority who
-1must ' how ihem up. Picketing
- le illIs mllcember 4.
-William '1. Carter


I"A LeIflet
To the Editr:

l- -

-Arthur Ross..

"Run along, punk. I don't fight th' wars in this neighborhood-I
just stir 'em up."

JWhich Shop?
To the Editor:
tricia Fisk get her hair cut at?
I'm one of the 11 A.I0 (0ts SI'
5jpike ot and I doni't need any
l- d to do the' speaking for .11W
-R. A. Rossi'
and sevn otthers

Publication in 'il ie 171] il 1f ic i
Bulletin is eCU triectie notice to al
inember of I e Univerity. 1 lui iee
for teBullet in should be snt in
typewritten formu to the office of 'tie
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
An( elI Hall, by :3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:01) a m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 62
University Senate Meeting:
Monday, Dec. 8, 4:15 pm., Rack-t
ham Lecture Hall.
Ten-Week Grades for all Fres-
man Engineers are due in Dean
Crawford's Office Saturday, Dec.
Veterans: The Veterans Admin-
istration will conduct a subsist-1
ence survey on Friday, Dec. 5. All
veterans who have not receivdO
subsistence allowance due them
by that date are asked to report 1
to their training officer in Rm-
100A, Rackham Bld.
All Single Freshman Men living
in the Willow Run Dormitories
may apply for Residence Halls
accommodations for the Second
Semester in Rm. 2, University Hall
on December 4 and 5.
Fraternity and sorority presi-
dents are reminded that monthly,
membership reports for November
are now due. Reports should be
submitted to the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Rm. 2, University
Hall on or before Dec. 5.
Application Forms for Fellow-
ships and scholarships in the
Graduate School fot' the year,
1948-49 may be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
Present holders of appointments
who wish to apply for reappoint-
ment should fill out a renewal
blank at this time. All blanks
must be returned to the Graduate
School by February 15.
Application for Admission to
the Graduate School for the Sec-
ond Semester: Students in other
schools and colleges who will
graduate, and who may wish to
enter the Graduate School the
second semester, must submit
their applications for admission
by December 15 in order to be
given consideration. The crowded
condition in the University has
placed limitations upon the num-
ber that may be admitted.
Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall:
Minnesota Mining and Manu-
facturing Company will have a
representative here on Thursday,
Dec. 4, to interview non-technical
men (February graduates) for
sales positions.
Atlantic Refining Company will
have a representative here on
Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 8 .and
9, to interview February graduates
in chemical engineering, civil en-
gineering, mechanical engineer-
ing, geology, (B.S., M.S., & Ph.D.)
and graduate students in chemis-
try and physics.
MWicbigan Bell Telephone Com-
pany will interview on Thursday
and Friday, Dec. 11 and 12, for
men and women graduating in
February. Men will be interviewed

for non-teciical positions ii
their business, commercial, and
traffic departments. Women will
be interviewed for positions as
service representative and in their
business offices.
For complete information and
appointments, call the Bureau,
extension 371.
i- -Y
University Lecture: Dr. Mar-
shall Kay, professor of Geology at}
Columbia University will speak on
the subject, "The Growth and De-
velopment of the North American
Continent," Rm. 2054, Natural
Science Bldg., 4 p.m., Thurs., Dec.
University Lecture: Dr. Clifford,
T. Morgan. Chairman, Depart-
ment of Psychology, Johns Hop-
kins University, will speak on the;
subject, "earning and the Brain,"
at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 4, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre; auspices of
the Department of Psychology.
The public is invited.
Vniversity Lecture: James R.
Wiggins, mnaging editor of The
*Vashington Post and formerly as-
sistant to the publisher of The
New York Times, will lecture on
the subject, "Impact of the News,"
8 p.m., Fri., Dec. 4, Rackham Am-
phiheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Journalism. The
public is invited.
Mr. Wiggins will address the
class in Newspaper Policy and
Management at 3 p.m., Friday, on
"Racial Minorities in the News."
Journalism seniors, not enrolled
in the class, may attend.
Marriage Relations Lecture Se-
ries: The fifth lecture in the Mar-
riage Relations Series will be pre-
sented by Dr. Sprague Gadiner in
the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 4. Dr. Gardiner will
speak on "The Medical Basis for
Sane Sex Practice." Students
are requested to present their
identification cards at the door in
addition to their tickets.
La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
sent a lecture by a Sr. Manuel
Guerra entitled "Aguilas y Estrel-
las," 8 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 4, Rm. D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Academic Notices
Business Administration 173.
Property and Liability Insurance.
Midsemester examination, 2 p.m.,
Thursday, Dec. 4, Rm. 25, Angell
Make-up examinations for
transfer students: Session one, 8
a.m.-12 noon, Sat., Dec. 6, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. This is a re-
quired University examination for-
all students who transferred from
another college or university and
who have more than thirty credit-
Session two, 8 a.m.-12 noon,
Sat., Dec. 13, Rackham Amphi-
Seminar on Complex Variables:
Thurs., Dec. 4, 3 p.m., Rm. 3010,
Angell Hall. Prof. Kaplan will
speak on Rimann surfaces asso-
ciated with elliptic functions.
Chamber Music Progrm: Gil

A (:lh. igallg
To the Editor:

challenge to all me:n of good
wi ee is an opom-tnily to
emyonsti-ate an active, faith in our
democracy, to show a sincere dis-
gust with discredited racists and
their polices. There can be no
intellectual hedging, no pleading
for a sane discussioi of the ques-
tion when tie Barber's Associatiou
has made the issue clear by its ar-
rogant refusal to sit down and dis-
cuss the situation with represen-
tative campis groups. In the i
refusm.al to a-bitrate, in theii' thi-oat
that Negroes won't like tlw 11air-
cuts they'll get, is implied some
of the force that thoughtful per-
nso1 deplore.
Will we be intimidated? I hope
not. We can rightfully answer
with thi'forceful weapons of a
democr-atic people: the pr essmre of
tme boycott anid theconietmtation
of the picket line. To conele the
victory (as suggested by H. Lee
Wilson who advocated the setting
up of a competing inter-racial bar-

T 1H FOLLOWING is the text
of tIe leaflet wiich is being
pulicly distibuted by the Inter-
Racial Association at four campus
barber shops which refuse to serve
This barbershop is one of
twentytwo members of the Ann
Aro' Barbers' Association which
n ftses to serve Negroes. This re-
fusal is-bothita denouncement of
the democratic principle of equal
iglt,11and, more slpecifically, it
15 violatmun rof ta statute (Diggs'
Act' of the State of Michigan.
"11e p-rinciple reason given by
the Barbelrs' Association for con-
tinning its present policy is the
Association's belief that all this
liulabaloo about equal rights for
Negroes is the work of a few cam-
pus trouble-makars. The great
nmjomrity of its customers, the As-
sociation believes, is staunchly in
favor of White Supremacy. It is
up to each of us to prove how
wron gthese men are. Almost all of
us inisttat we are opposed to
any sort of racial discrimination.
"We may publicly announce from
now until doomsday that we are
opposed to racial inequality, but
unless we do something about
eliminating it we are, in reality,
fostering and condoning it.
"Your boycotting of this shop
is n way of positively expressing
Your indigination over the infringe-
ment of rightis stupposedly guar-
inteed to all im our Constitution.
"%We would like to direct your
attention to the fact that the
Michigan Union Barber Shop does
not discrliminate against any ra-
cial, religious, or national group
ad mi wouli appreciate your patron-
Inter-Racial Association
University of Michigan.


bert Ross, Violinist, Oliver Edel,
Cellist, and Joseph Brinkman, Pi-
anist, of the School of Music fa
ulty, 8:30 p.m., Sun., Dee. 7, Lydia
endelssohn Theatre. Program:
Trio in E major, K. 542 by Mo-
zart, Trio in C major, Op. 87 by°
Brahms, and Beethoven's Trio in
D major, Op. 70. No. 1. Open to
the public.
Events Today
Army Ordnance Association:
Meeting, Rm. 304, Michigan Un-
ion, 8:15 pm., Panel discus-
sion: "The Problem of Mobiliz-
ing Engineering-Talent for Ord-
nance Production." The educa-
tional and training proving
ground, district office, and manu-
facturers' problems will be dis-
cussed by Ivan C. Crawford, Dean
of the Engineering School; J. C.
Brier, Prof. of Chemical Engineer-
ing; Lt.-Col. J. M. Cone, Deputy
Chief of Detroit Ordnance Dis-
trict; and Mr. C. H. Harris, Chief
Engineer of Argus Inc. Interested
faculty members, R.O.T.C.,
N.R.O.T.C., a nd Engineer-ing
students are invited.
League housemothers: Business
Meeting, 7:45 p.m., Barbour Gym-
nasium. Refreshments.
International Center weekly tea:
4:30-5:30 p.m., Yusuf Mehr Alley,
former Mayor of Bombay, will be
the special guest. All Indian stu-
dents are invited. Hostesses: Mrs.
J. M. Plumer and Miss L. M. Desai.
Modern Poetry: 8 p.m., Rm.
2208, Angell Hall. Dr. Morris
Greenhut will begin the discus-
sion of Eliot's Wasteland. Bring
copies of The Wasteland.
Theta Sigma Phi: Meetinmg
7:30 p.m., Editorial Room, Haven
Alpha Phi Oiega: Meeting.
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. 'Ension
picture will be taken at 7:30 p.m.
All members and pledges urged to

Kappa Phi: Meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
Wesleyan Guild Room, Methodist
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Lithuanian Group: Meeting, 7
p.m., Michigan League. All mem-
bers unged to attend.
Coming Events
Acolytes: Lewis Zerby, Professor
of Philosophy at Michigan State
College, will give a talk, "Law,
Philosophy, and the Philosophy of
Law," 7:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Open to the public.
American Education in the Near
East: Lecture and conference, by
President Emeritus Bayard Dodge
of the American University of
Beirut, 8 p.m., Fri., Dec. 5, East
Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg.; auspices of Arab Club. Pub-
lie is invited.
sfi-Eq:; :mAlley tfi,,;;
Communion Breakfast T h e
Newman Club will sponsor a Com-
munion Breakfast on Sun., Dec. 7,
after 9:30 mass in the Clubrooms
at St. Mary's Chapel. Dr. Louise
Cuyler of the Music School will
seak on the subject "The Red
Cro-s in the South Pacific." Tick-
- mdy be purchased in the
Clubrooms any time before Sun-
day and after 8:00 and 9:30 mass
Art Cinema League and Campus
AV present widely acclaimed
l fit-run film, "SHOE SHINE."
Lngli.'h titles. Fri. and Sat., 8:30
p.m. Also short film, "One World
or None." Phone 4121, Ext. 479.
Hill Auditorium.
Art Cinema League and the IRA
present Paul Robson in NATIVE
LAND, plus "Americans All," a
short teling how the city of
Spriiglield fought discrimination.
StI. and Mon., Dec. 7 and 8, 8:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Tickets
on sale at University Hall, 10-12
noon and 1-4 p.m. beginning Wed-
n esday .
Graduating Outing Club: Meet
fr, cmi. - "i , -n" n T eP





Mr. O'Malley, Pop is mad because that roLot
went around the house pushing buttons. Tiro
lights and the icebox and the radio and the-

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ed personnel in ts r obo ar
x, except for tho odd cmpplsion
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