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December 04, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-04

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743 i1


Latest Deadline in the State


Molotov Asks
For Separate
Treaty Drafts
Bidault Opposes
Delay Involved
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 3--Soviet For-
eign Minister Molotov surprised
the Foreign Ministers' Council to-
day with a proposal that each o
the Big Four powers prepare their
own drafts of a German peace
treaty and submit them to the
council in two months.
The suggestion brought from
French Foreign Minister Bidault
the quick observation that if the
council accepted the idea of a
two-month delay it might just
as well go home now.
The proposal startled mystified
diplomats and apparently fore-
shadowed some new move in So-
viet tactics.
Meanwhile, shortly before the
meeting, it was learned that U.S.
Adviser John Foster Dulles would
leave for France tomorrow on a
"personal" trip to study the
French situation in relation to
current foreign policy and report
to Secretary Marshall.
The foreign ministers had
been plodding from disagree-
ment to disagreement on pro-
cedural matters without solving
any major problem when Molo-
tov suddenly took the floor.
He made a long speech on
the necessity of a German peace
treaty and then made his pro-
posal that each government pro-
duce drafts of a German treaty
within two months.
Bidault, who was presiding,
"If preparation of a peace
treaty is not envisaged under
these items, why have these items
been adopted for the agenda?
Cites Menace
Of Red Army
Chairman Eaton (R.-N.J.) of the
House Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee declared today that Russia is
out to conquer the world, andhis
committee produced figures to
show that the Soviets have an
army of 4,050,000 to help in the
Eaton appeared before the
House Rules Committee to get
clearance for the opening of de-
bate tomorrow on a bill author-
izing $590,000,000 in emergency,
stop-Communism aid to France,
Italy, Austria and China.
The rules body recommended
that the bill be opened for amend-
ments after 12 hours of. debate,
which will take place tomorrow
and Friday.
"What could stop Russia from
taking over all of Europe in 24
hours?" asked Rep. Cox (D.-Ga.),
a member of the rules committee.
"Not a thing," Eaton replied.
Many Alumni
Will Gao West

rinsPlanes Set
For Rose Bowl Trip
Few are the students who would
turn down a chance to follow the
team to the Rose Bowl. Michigan
alumni--forever students at heart
-are no exception.
Such has been the demand from
that important segment of the
Michigan famiy that two special
trains and some airlines flagships
have been set aside for the trek
westward later this month.
One train will leave Detroit, the
other Chicago, on Saturday, Dec.
27. A four-day stop-over in Los
Angeles has bees arranged for all
ticket-holders, including hotel ac-
commodations and game seats.
Jack A. Tomkins, an alumnus
and airlines official, has planned
the flagship flights. In addition
to the general alumni specials, a
plane has been assigned to "M~
men exclusively.
Explosion Shakes
Candy Shop Here

White, Negro Group Hits
Anti-Segregation Laws
Southern Civil Rights Committee Proposes
Education, Not Legislation, as Chief Hope
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA. Dec. 3 - Southerners, White and Negro, meeting
around a common table recently agreed that Federal legislation is not
the solution to the problem of racial segregation.
They-the directors of the Southern Regional Council-there-
fore took exception to the report by President Truman's Committee
on Civil Rights.
This Civil Rights Committee recommended, "The elimination of
segregation based on race, color, creed or national origin, from Ameri-
can life," through "the conditioning of all Federal grants in aid and
other forms of Federal assistance to public and private agencies for

Will Conduct
Concert Here
Boston Symphony
To AppearMonday
The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, under the direction of Serge
Koussevitsky, will present the
fifth concert in the current Choral
Series at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill
Conductor of the orchestra
since 1924, Koissevitsky has lived
in Germany, France and England,,
and has become closely identified
with the musical culture of each
country. In the years that have
followed, America's composers
and musical points of .view have
become equally familiar o hlinl.
Koussevitsky spends his sum-
mers at the famous Berkshire
Music Camp near Lenox ,Mas-
chusetts, where he conducts a
school for musicians.
Students at the camp are care-
fully selected on the basis of ap-
plications, and concerts- which
drew music lovers from all over
the country are presented weekly
throughout the season.
Thor Johnson, former conduc-
tor of the University Choral Union,
was one of Koussevitsky's prize.
students. At present, Johnson is
conducting the Cincinnati Or-
chestra which will appear here
next March.
The program to be presented
Monday includes Mozart's "Diver-
timento in B-fat Major for String
and Two Horns"; "Daphnis et
Chloe" Suite, by Ravel; and "Har-
old in Italy," Symphony with
Viola Solo, by Berlioz.
Fewr Tickets
Still Available
Tickets foi"The Messiah," the
University Musical Society's an-
nual Christmas season produc-
tion, are still available in the So-
ciety's offices in Burton Memorial
Two performances of the Hlan-
del oratorio will be given: at 8:30
p.m. Dec. 13, and 2:30 p.m. Dec.
14, in Hill Auditorium.
Four American artists, Frances
Yeend, soprano; Mary Van Kirk,1
contralto; Harold Haugh, tenor;
and Mark Love, bass will sing the
solo roles.
Miss Yeend and Love will maket
their first Ann Arbor appearance
this year. Love has appeared in ther
bass role more than 250 times.
A special 60-piece orchestra and1
300 members of the University1
Choral Union will form the back-1
ground for the soloists, with Frieda
Op't Holt Vogan as organist. 1
Tickets are on sale from 9 a.m.
to noon and from 1 to 5 p. Mon-
day through Friday, and from 9c
a.m. to noon Saturday.

uany purpose on the absence of
segregation and discrimination."
Agreed with Committee
The council agreed with the
committee that elimination of
segregation was a thing greatly to
be desired, but took issue on the
proposal that federal aid be de-
nied states which failed to do so.
It commended the President for
his action in appointing it but
withheld unqualified endorse -
After the directors' meeting
council president Paul D. Wil-
liams of Richmond, Va., vice pres-
ident of the textbook publishing
IRA announced last night
that four barber shops will be
picketed from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. thus beginning its "Opera-
tion Haircut."
firm of Mentzner and Bush, am-
plified the council's stand in a
speach next day to the general
Long Been Answered
"The question of segregation,"
he said, "has long been answered
by the Southern Regional Council.
It has been answered not only in
words, but more important in
deeds. We have only to look at
our executive staff operating in
true Christian, democratic fash-
ion day in day out, to seek the an-
"The questions before us," Wil-
liams continued, "is not whether
segregation is right or wrong -
God knows and we know the an-
swer-the question is whether we
can convince other Southern-
ers that the way of life lived by
the council is so contagious that
others are brave enough to fall in

Price Ceilings
On Meat Seen
As Essential
House Group Hits
Anderson Talk
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3-Secre-
tary of Agriculture Anderson pre-
dicted today that meat price con-
trols will be needed soon to avoid
"distress everywhere" in living
Unless demand drops, "I don't
see how we can go through the
spring" without meat ceilings, the
Cabinet officer told the House
Banking Committee. He got a
cool reception.
Rep. Cole (Rep., Kans.) told
Anderson there are some things
worse than high prices, and one
of them is regimentation, ex-
cept in an extreme emergency.
Anderson and Secretary of La-
bor Schwellenbach appeared again
on Capitol Hill to back up Presi-
dent Truman's 10-point program
for controlling inflation.
Anderson said tonight in a sep-
arate statement that more than
600 persons, following "novel"
trading and accounting proce-
dures, are using the commodity
futures markets to avoid income
taxes on profits from commodity
trading or other sources.
The Secretary, while not pass-
ing on validity of the opera-
tions, said they should be
stopped. He said it has contrib-
uted to more speculative trading
in grain and other commodities
while markets were soaring.
Anderson told the Committee
that the present upward trend in
meat prices "need not continue,
but it looks like it will unless
something is done." He pointed
out that the per capita meat sup-
ply next year is estimated at 146
pounds, compared with 156 this
year, but still is above what the
nation consumed before the war.
He oberved that if a shortage
develops in the spring, "fantastic
prices" might result.
Anderson informed the Com-
mittee that rains in the south-
west have given wheat pros-
pects a boost, and that with rea-
sonably good weather 1948
might produce 1,200,000,000
bushels. This year's output was
Schwellenbach, who preceded
Anderson before the Committee,
was accused by Rep. Smith (Rep.,
Ohio) of "asking for political con-
trol of labor." But Schwellen-
bach, supporting Mr. Truman's re-
quest for modified' wage control
authority, replied that he will of-
fer Congress a set of standards by
which it could limit any wage con-
trols it authorizes.

Arab F
* *
Register Only
Negative Votes
Industrial Sabotage
Results in New Law
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Thursday, Dec. 4-The
French National Assembly ap-
proved Premier Robert Schu-
man's anti-sabotage and strike
control bill early today after more
than five days of bitter debate on
the instrument designed to arm
the government against a growing
wave of industrial strife.
An official count showed the
Assembly approved the measure
403 to 183. Only the chamber's
Communists voted against the
The vote came as mass demon-
strations and damage to indus-
trial equipment grew to alarming
proportions throughout the Na-
tion, while leftist-inspired strikes
appeared to be declining.
The whole bill was approved by
approximately the same majority
as each of its five component ar-
ticles and dozens of amendments
which were put to individual votes
during 126 hours of debate on the
controversial law. All of the non-
Communist members of the As-
sembly present at the session
voted approval and there were
only a few absentees.
Under the terms of the law,
which Schuman presented to
the Assembly last Saturday, he
will have a new weapon against
the rising incidence of sabotage.
The law probably will be put
Into effect later today.
As finally approved, the new
law raised the maximum prison
sentence for sabotage from six
months to 10 years and fixes fines
.as highasu1,000,000 francs ($8,-
000). The use of fraud, threats or
violence to start strikes, keep
them going or spread them will be
punishable by maximum five-year
prison teris and fine up to 500,-
000 francs ($4,000).
A Government communique
said French troops in northern
Fance had been fired upon by
strikers but that the troops had
not fire back
The communique said the sol-
diers stood the fire calmly "re-
sisting the pressures of many
hundreds of strikers."
Rescue workers dug through-
out the day in the debris of the
Paris -Lille express, derailed
near Arras in what two cabinet
ministers said was sabotage.
Moch announced that 20 per-
sons had been killed in the
wreck and 40 injured,
The derailment, announced in
the Assembly 15 minutes after it
had passed the second article of
Premier Robert Schuman's strike-
control law, raised a furore in the
legislative body.
Engine Council
Rules ons ie
Bruce Lockwood and Hugh Ken-
nedy will share the office of pres-

ident of the junior engineering
class, the Engineering Council de-
cided at its meeting last night.
Junior class votes were split
evenly between Lockwood and
Kennedy in the engineering college
election last week.
The Council passed a by-law
clearing the way for John Howell
to accept the office as secretary
of the senior engineering class.
The by-law states that if there
are no candidates for an office,
the candidate for senior class pres-
ident receivingthe second highest
number of votes will be asked to
accept it.

* *


Anti-Strike Bill

HIS LONELY HOURS WERE EASED-Galens, honorary medical,
society, have helped through their workshop to ease the lonely
hours of recovery for this young University Hospital patient and
hundreds like him. The Society's annual Christmas Tag Day
to raise funds for the continuation of their work will be held on
campus Friday and Saturday.
* * * * .
Galens Will Initiate $4,000
Tag Day Drive Tomorrow

orces Plunder, Murder

* *

SL Approves
61 Candidates
For Election
The Student Legislature last
night announced approval of 61
candidates' petitions for the Dec.
10 election in an orientation meet-
ing designed to explain legislature
activities to the candidates.
Election rules do not prohibit
intensive campaigns, Dick Kelly,
election committee chairman, said,
clarifying the regulations.
Although no posaers are allowed
on campus or, by local ordinance,
on trees, lamp-posts or telephone
poles, other types of publicity a re
encouraged, Kelly said.
There are 32 open positions in
the election, and of the 61 candi-
dates 25 were present at the ex-
planatory meeting:
Elinor Abrahamson, Raymond
Alm, William A. Brown, Betty
Clark, Patrick Daoust, Norris Do-
mangue, Norm Gottlieb, Dick Hait,
Gladys Hammond, Jo Hill, Jean-
nie Johnson, Lloyd Jones.
Beth Klaver, Al Maslin, Bill
Miller, Joe Miller, Alfred Millstein,
Blair Moody, Jr., John A. Pflug,
Arlynn Rosen, Donald Rothschild,
James Sakai, Walter W. Shaffer,
Michael S. Sherman, Norman V.
Steere, Catherine Tillotson.
Names and statements of all
candidates will appear in The
Daily next week.

World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
ARRAS, France, Dec. 3 - At
least 17 persons were killed and 40
others injured today in the dreck
of the Paris-Lille night train,
which two French cabinet minis-
ters said was caused by sabotage.
Rescue workers at the scene
said they thought three other
bodies were buried beneath the de-
bris. (Interior Minister Jules
Moch, a Socialist, told the French
National Assembly in Paris that
20 persons, including women and
children, had been killed.)
** *
KEY WEST, Fla., Dec. 3-
Key West put on its best holiday
attire today to give a cheering
welcome to President Truman on
his third visit to Florida since
becoming the nation's chief ex-
FRANKFURT, Germany, Thurs-
day, Dec. 4-The United States
Air Force said early today it had
received what it believed to be its
"best clue" to date in the six-day-
old se 'rch for a missing C-47
transpoi t plane with 20 persons
Officers at air rescue headquar-
ters said a 30-foot-long "oil fire"
had been sighted in a valley in
the French zone of Germany near
Berschweiler, 11 miles northwest
of Kaiserlautern, late last night.
HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 3-A res-
olution prohibiting and Commu-
nist from holding office or
serving in any executive capaci-
ty in the Screen Directors Guild
was adopted by the membership,

With only three weeks remain-
ing until Christmas, traces of holi-
day spirit are beginning to fill the
children's ward in the University
Responsible for a large part of
this joyous mood is the Galen
Honorary Medical Society, which
supports the Galen Shop, the Ga-
len Library, and the Fun Fund
by means of money collected in its
annual Christmas Tag Day Drive.
This year's drive will take place
tomorrow and Saturday, with con-
tributions being collected by the
24 medical student members of the
Society. A goal of $4,000 Aas been
The Christmas spirit usually
fills the hospital in an ascending
tempo. First indication of it is in
the type of projects the children
select to work on in the Galen
Shop. Gifts for relatives become
the popular thing to make for
about a month before Christmas.
The Galen Shop is well equipped
for such work. Three jigsaws, a
drill press, a lathe, sander, and cir-
cular saw, as well as numerous
hand tools may be used in work-
ing on projects. Instructors in the
shop report that children fre-
quently play Christmas carols as
well as other records, borrowed
from the Galen collection, while
they are working. Samples of the
Children's handiwork may be seen
at a State street bookstore as well
as at the Ann Arbor Trust Com-
pany Building.
Highlighting the festive mood is
the annual Christmas party, us-
ually given a few 'days before
Christmas so that the children
who may go home for the holi-
day will be present. At the party,
which comes as a surprise to the
children, Santa Claus, with his
huge bag on wheels, passes gifts
to the children. The surprise and
delight expressed by the boys and
girls on receiving their presents

is well worth seeing, hospital per-
sonnel report. For the childrer
whose condition does not allow
their going home, a second part:
is given 'on Christmas day, wher
I additional gifts are distributed.
These gifts are all made possibl(
See TAG DAY, Page 2
'Plan To Test,
Truman's Civil
AVC's campus chapter initiater
plans last night to present thi'
recommendations of the Presi
dent's Committee for Civil Liber
ties before Ann Arbor's city coun
cil, as a "positive means of meet
ing violations of basic rights."
The chapter will urge that thi
community serve as a provin'
ground for the validity of thI
Committee's report and sugges
tions. Full details of the mean,
for implementing the report it
Ann Arbor will be drawn up by E
committee headed by Max Dean
who sponsored the proposal.
(Presented by a 15-man grout
appointed by President Iruman
the report is the result of a lonf
study of civil rights and theim
violations in this country.)
The proposal came at an AVC-
sponsored meeting on civil rights
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of th,
journalism department, presidec
at the discussion which dealt witl
the question of racial and reli.
gious prejudices in the South anc
throughout the United States.
Included in the Report to th,
President are specific suggestion,,
for strengthening machinery t(
protectrcivil rights, for strength.
ening the right of citizenship anc
its privileges- and for furtherint
the "right of freedom of consciene
and expression."

Seven Dead,
Hundreds Hurt
In Skirmishes
Palestine Partition
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Dec. 3 - The
flame of hatred against those who
played any part in the United Na-
tions' decision to partition Pales-
tine burned fiercer and hotter
through the Arabian world tonight
and reports from Alleppo to Aden
brought news of new bloodshed,
destruction and pillage.
Palestine alone counted its
dead at 31-17 Jews and 14
Arabs by unofficial tabulation-
and its wounded in the uncount-
ed hundreds for the past two
days as Arab mobs and Jewish
defense forces, backing up Brit-
ish police and troops, skirmished
in all quarters of the Holy Land
and fought a major hand gre-
nade and machinegun battle on
the "borders" separating the all-
Jewish city of Tel Aviv and all-
Arab Jaffa.
In Cairo, "Queen City" of the
Middle East, Egyptians stormed
through the streets smashing win-
dows and laying waste foreign
property. Policemen used their
clubs in beating back demonstra-
tors before Egypt's royal palace,
reports from Cairo said. British
and Russian property appeared to
be the main target of the Cairo
The fighting in Palestine con-
tinued tonight following the
bloody battle on the Tel Aviv-
Jaffa border and the night's oper-
ations indicated also the Arabs
were out to inflict property dam-
age wherever possible.
A large,. Jewish-owned lum-
beryard adjoining a ShellOil
Company tank farm in Haifa
was destroyed by fire and short-
ly afterward a small Arab shop
in the same area was burned.
Sporadic gunfire was heard in
Jerusalem. Special Jewish police
beat off an attack on four bus
convoys on the Tel Aviv-Behovoth
road. One drvier was wounded and
wo attackers were believed to
have been wounded by gunfire,
At least two concrete move-
nents to turn the anti-Jewish dis-
)rders into a Jihad (holy war)
were reported in the Arab world.
In Baghdad, Iraq, demonstrators
carried banners demanding a "Ji-
had foia Palestine" and in Cairo
Ashar University formed two com-
mittees to organize "a Hihad to
drive the wolves from Palestine."
UN Looks for
British Order
In Holy Land
LAKE SUCCESS, Dec. 3--(P)-.
A top United Nations Official in-
dicated today that the UN was
looking to Britain alone to main-
tam order in Palestine as long as
the British continue administer-
ing the Holy Land under their
League of Nations mandate,
This view was expressed by As-
sistant Secretary-General Arkady
A. Sobolev, a Russian national, at
a news conference where Secre-
tary-General Trygve Lie said he
was considering a visit to Pales-
tine early next year by himself or
one of his chief aides,
Lie announced the appointment
)f Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, an Amer-
can Negro formerly with the State

Department, as principal secretary
to the five-nation commiss<ion ap-
pointed by the 1947 UN Assebyn
to supervise partitioning of the
Holy Land into separate Jewish
and Arab countries by next Oct. 1.
At the same time a six-nation
working group of the UN trus-
teeship Council began preliminary
work on plans for the government
of Jerusalem as an international
city. The six delegates, represent-
ing the United States, Britain,
France, China, Australia and Mex-
ico, met 'privately for more than
two hours on procedural questions.

Today'U'Yearbook's Bmidmg
To Face Crucial Tower Test

A dozen college yearDooxs will
be heaved from the top of the
Union Tower at 3 p.m. today to
prove that the 1948 Michiganen-
sian is "bound" to be a success.
"The remains of the other
schools' annuals compared tothe
remains of editions of the Michi-
,..' ncin n ~ffRr 4bcP 1MAfo.

the use of University property,
Buck Dawson, managing editor,
Wreckage, scraps and assorted
debris from the "Union Test" will
be displayed in the window of a
local bookstore.
Honorable Way Out
Hinting that "a yearbook is no

Science, Art Meet n Relativity-Laporte

Take the two least understood
topics of today-Einstein and
modern art-mix them together,

velopment and meaning in modern
science and modern art.
Going back to the flat, two-di-

to get over the idea of continuous
movement. In what Laporte com-
pares to a moving-picture ap-
nroac.Piasso tkes a se'ries of

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