FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY W EN 1 A r, " ; ,= x a +4, 1, Fifty-Eighth Year Edited and managed by students of the Unin- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell ................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...........'.....General Manager Clyde Recht ......................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager Stuart Finlayson .............Editorial Director Edwin Schneider ..............Finance Manager Lida Dailes....................Associate Editor Eic~e Mntz .................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ......................Sports Editor Bob Lent ...............Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ................. Women's Editor Betty Steward .........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ...............Library Director Melvin Tick ...............Circulation Manager Telephone 2324-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches Credited to It or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by Carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 E~ditorials published in The Michigan Daily rare written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KATZ w Yes or No? Tp UNITED NATIONS decision to parti- tion Palestine recevied well over the two-thirds approval of those delegates pres- ent and voting required in the Assembly. But inherent in the inclusion of the word "voting" in the requirement is the admission of a grave blemish on the real representative nature of the Assembly's decisions-on the Palestine is.ue, ten nations abstained from voting. As the United Nations itself is based on the principle of the broadest possible pattlcipation in world decisions, it is ridic- ulous to suppose that any member na- tion has refrained from participation on the grounds of not being informed about or concerned with the issue in question. Great Britain's abstention from voting on the Palestine issue can be justified on the basis of desiring to remain impartial about a situation in whih she has been so closely involved. However, the failure to vote o-n the other nine abstaining members can only be interpreted as a silent boycott on the whole proceeding. In this critical period of the UN's history, such policies tend to undermine the strength of the organization. At present, Russia's refusalsto participate in the "little Assembly" or interim committee of the General As- sembly, virtually shears that organ of its effectiveness. It is time for all members of the UN to adopt a more adult attitude to- wardtheir responsibilities, and to express their opinions in clear terms of "yes" or "no" rather than in the silent criticism of abstention. -Pat James. ON WORLD AFFAIRS: British Socialism By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER LONDON-While Moscow is unleashing in France and Italy a series of wild rev- olutionary strikes against an European re- covery. sober Britishers with pencil in hand are quietly trying to chart the future of British Socialism. The British Labor party won 34 by-elec- tions in a row-a feat never before ac- complished in British history. That this run was stopped last Wednesday by a conservative victory at Howdenshire can- not diminish the size of this achievement. Labor party strategists are particularly pleased with winning the by-election - at G-ravesend. This constituency was Conserv- ative until 1945 wlhn Labor won it with an 8,500 majority. The Tories, overstimulated by their smashing victory in the recent municipal elections, counted on rewinning Grave- send. The recent heavier restrictions are inevitably laid at the feet of the ruling Labor party. With even potatoes rationed and basic gasoline suppressed as of De- cember 1-roughly equivalent to what an individual got on an A card in America during the war-popular resentment was supposed to be running high. The ques- tion was how high? Realizing that the alleged trend must be reversed if socialism is to survive in the British Labor party the leaders concentrated on holding Gravesend. Their candidate, Sir Richard Acland, is a Puritan preaching the joys of "austerity" is also something of a screwball. But a passionate Socialist and a good speaker. Backed by the support of sev- eral Labor big-shots he beat his colorless Conservative rival by 1,600 votes. You could hear the Labor crows around the world. Frank Conservat4ves admitted the Laborites had something to crow about. The latest Gallup gave the Tories 44, Labor 40 per cent popular preference with the Liberals still holding the balance. Political experts, British and foreign, are divided about this. One American col- league noted for both his shrewdness and his Labor sympathies, confided to me that at a general election held now "So- cialism in Britain would be lost." Another equally sensitive student believes Labor would sneak through. Both admit that the British people have been turning from socialism rather faster than people us- ually turn from the party in power. Ox- ford and Cambridge Universities-it is an- nounced - are again pro-Conservative. Other signs aren't doubtful. Everybody admits, however, that today the Liberals could decide the election provided they were able to fulfill three conditions. First, develop a positive democratic program opposed both to Tory privilege and to Labor bureaucracy and waste. Second, impose such strict party cohesion as to make their vote unanimous. Third, find leaders with more political sex appeal. Such considerations are somewhat ac- ademic. The ruling Laborites haven't the slightest intention of holding an elec- tion before 1950, when their mandate ex- pires. Nothing but a national economic catastrophe could compel them to do so. The discussion therefore boils down to whether things are going to get better or worse in Britain. Conservatives point to what is called Labor inefficiency and Socialist confusion, to prove that things must worsen. Give the Socialists more time and they are bound to fail, they say. The Laborites believe that their own ef- forts and a successful Marshall Plan will restore Britain's prosperity and with it, Labor's popularity by 1950. They point with pride to the recent increases in coal and steel production. For Americans this is a matter of importance. Everywhere the Amer- ican system is being challenged by collec- tivist philosophies, some whereof are capable of recruiting fanatical partisans. If the col- lectivist trend continues-many think free Europe will lean more and more towards Russia. If on the other hand collectivism gets a black eye or proves to be incompatible with human freedom, then closer partner- ship between free Europe and the United States seems virtually certain-provided, meanwhile, free Europe survives. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) /--19 f f * / ~~Cop 97b U d Fete S tcae n "I told you to cal me 'COMRADE General you impudent pup!" __A IL.Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor' ... 1 i; fi C? 0 1 J i THINK THE PLACING of the booths for the Dec. 10 election s very poor. The plan calls for our booths, two at the Engine Arch, and one in Angell Hall and >ne in the Law Quad. To my nind these booths will be off the paths of the people from Willow Village, Mosher-Jordan, Stockwell, Vaughn, Newberry, Barbour, West Quad as well as most of the peo- ple living below State Street. The booths should be placed so that they will be accessible to these people aswell as to the people entering and eaving the Campus Square by the southeastren and. southern paths. -Harold Goldfeder. * * * Wrong Method To the Editor: I'M AFRAID that IRA is follow- ing in the footsteps of many rad- ical organizations-they press the issue too hard. While sharing their views about the Negro race prob- lem, I'm afraid I cannot side with them in their fight to force bar- bers to serve Negroes. I believe that as a wage earner the barber has the right to refuse his serv- ices to anyone. He has the same right to turn down this "fob" as any wage earner has a right to re- fuse the offer of any jol. Yet Mr. Jones isn't looked down u'pon be- cause he refuses to work for Mr. Smith. Why, then, should the bar- ber be cast in the role of arch- villain? The trouble with IRA, as with many radical groups, is that they want immediate results. They are. too blind to see that forcing the issue leads to increased trouble, re- sentment. This is borne olit by the barbers' statement that if forced to serve Negroes, their haircuts would be somewhat under par. Radical ideas always take time to become generally accepted. If IRA worked with long-range views in mind rather than immediate results they might get farther. By a program of enlightenment show EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. ** * Election Booths To the Editor: a misguided public that the public isn't necessarily an inferior hu- man being. True. this is a slow, painful process and tangible re- sults are hard to put a finger upon for a long vhile, and with- out much appeal to the radical who wants quick results. Perhaps this isn't a satisfactory solution, but the use of force, the picketing of barber shops. the preparation of a court test, the signiiig of petitions, etc., do noth- ing to swing the barbers or any- one else to your side of the fence. Here's one big vote against meth- ods used by IRA-are they really helping, or are they increasing re- sentment and indignation? -Roger Hubbell. * * * Law and Freedom To the Editor: THE PRESENT CAMPAIGN Sagainst barbershop discrim- ination has given rise todcertain considerations that may not be apparent to some. The general concensus of opin- ion has been that individual free- dom in the United States has been inextricably bound up with the laws of this country. The laws, therefore, must be enforced and respected if they are to protect individual freedom. This means all laws must be enforced and re- spected at all times, and that in- dividuals are not allowed the priv- ilege of abiding by them at their own discretion. The Diggs Law says, in effect, that there shall be no discrimination in barbershops in the state of Michigan because of race or color. Because this law has been violated in Ann Arbor, it seems that this unwillingness to abide by the Diggs Law should in- fluence those opposed to it in hav- ing it modified or repealed. I think it is evident that any attempt to change the law in order to defeat its purpose, or to repeal it, would be vigorously opposed by the majority of the people of the state of Michigan. Since, obvious- ly, the Diggs Law will remain one of the laws of the state of Mich- igan, people are naive to assume that their individual freedom will be guaranteed regardless of the fact that they do not abide by the laws. People cannot afford to cbey one law and disregard another and continue to maintain that law is the source of individual free- dom. --J. Elliott. WASHINGTON WIRE: Late Thanksgiving J 'I ART By IRVING JAFFE WASHINGTON-Thanksgiving came two days late for the Jews wearing our their lives in the DP camps of Europe and for those pouring their being into the arid soil of Palestine's Negev desert to bring life itself from the earth. Thanksgiving this year came for them on Saturday, November 29, when in New York the General Assembly of the United Nations voted to partition Pal- estine into Arab and Jewish states, and thus open the door to an eventual real life for thousands of Jews, a harsh life, but free and holding promise of at least partial ful- fillment of centuries-old hopes. It was cause for Thanksgiving that, in the State Department here in Washing- ton, where career diplomats have long. been fed on the curdled milk of reaction and trained in ways of power politics, the forces of progress and humanity won out. For, the real issue of success or fail- ure of the partition balloting was decided in Washington, where, at the last min- ute, officials who wanted the U.S. to use its full influence to swing support of small nations behind the partition plan won out over those who, like Loy Hen- derson of the State Department's Near Eastdesk, would have killed the planeby a policy of U.S. apathy. It was cause for thanksgiving, too that the votes of these small nations actually had to be courted. It is distinct progress that the powerful nations of the world were forced to worry over how tiny Haiti would cast her ballot. It was a cause for thanksgiving that one of the most urgent problems facing the UN was decided with the cooperative backing of both the United States and Russia. It was something for which to be grateful that the final difference between the two nations on the Palestine issue were smoothed over with the help of Can- ada and little Guatemala. Some time ago, on the day the United States announced its decision to back up the partition plan, one of the world's great Jew- ish leaders spoke in Washington. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, chairman of the American sec- tion of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, said that if the nations of the world could find a solution to the Palestine issue, the trail might be blazed toward the kind of whole- hearted cooperation needed to settle the problems which threaten to tear the world apart. New Look for Pag(e Boys DESPITE the enormous problems that con- front us these days, it seems a shade more than trivial to note that the Senate, a supposedly conservative body, has given its page boys permission to wear long pants instead of knickerbockers. Thus the old gives way to the new, and the page boy be- comes more nearly indistinguishable from The Palestine problem is not yet fully settled. There remain the questions of the extent to which the Arabs will attempt to sabotage the plan and the measure of cooperation forthcoming from the British. Bupt the fact stands firm and indisputable that Russia and America have agreed on a vital issue, that their agreement was fa- cilitated by the efforts of small nations, and that the partition plan secured more than the required two-thirds majority. And so enough good has come out of the Palestine decision to keep alive, and maybe increase a little, the spark of hope that the world may yet be diverted from the path of destruction. If ancient Jerusalem in the year 1947 can become, as Dr. Silver has envisioned, a symbol for eventual achieve- ment of real peace on earth and good will toward men, then there will be cause in- deed for world-wide thanksgiving. MUSIC THE SINGING was better than the music in the generally satisfactory concert given last night by the Don Cossack Cho- rus. Many of the pieces seemed amorphous- the best illustration being a contrast with Mozart's music, which always ties up the loose ends. But the singing of the Chorus was relaxed and skillful, and increasing fa- miliarity with the shapelessness of the music made it very enjoyable. The "Selection from the Traditional Re- quiem" arranged by Shvedoff is character- istic of the Cossacks' repertoire. It goes in heavily for minor chord progressions, with the sopranos wailing on the fringe. Another type of song, equally typical of the chorus, was the "Bandura," an arrange- ment of Ukrainian folk songs, which was much less weird on first hearing than the more solemn numbers. The Chorus has a curious mixture of voices -the tenuous quality of the blues voice mixed with the basso profundo growl and the operatic tremolo. This variety proved useful several times in the program, and surprisingly, the blending of the group was occasionally excellent. Hill Auditorium, long notorious as an accoustical monstrosity, was far from kind to the Chorus' tones. But the Cossacks seemed to be enjoying themselves just the same. On the whole, the same can be said for the audience. -Phil Dawson. Publication in The Daily Official; Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 61 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- dents Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 3, from 4 to 6 o'clock. University S e nate Meeting: Monday, Dc. 8, 4:15 p.m., Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Ten-Week Grades for all Fresh- man Engineers are due in Dean Crawford's Office Saturday, Dec. 6. Veterans: The Veterans Admin- istration will conduct a subsist- ence survey on Friday, Dec. 5. All veterans who have not received subsistence allowance due them by that date are asked to report to their training officer in Rm. 100A, Rackham Bldg. All Single Freshman Men living in the Willow Run Dormitories may apply for Residence Halls accommodations for the Second Semester in Rm. 2, University Hall on December 3, 4, and '5. Fraternity and sorority presi- dents are reminded that monthly membership reports for November are now due. Reports should be submitted to the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall on or before Dec. 5. Approved social events for the coming weekend: December 5. Alpha Phi Omega, Congrega- tional Disciples Guild, Delta Sig- ma Delta, Delta Upsilon, Phi Mu Alpha, Lambda Chi Alpha, M- Club, Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Ta Alpha. °December 6. Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Phi, Delta Kap- pa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Lester Coop- erative, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma, Prescott House, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Theta Delta Chi, Triangle, Trigon, Tyler House, West Quadrangle, Zeta Beta Tau (afternoon and evening), Zeta Psi. Application Forms for Fellow- ships and scholarships in the Graduate School of the University for the year, 1948-49 may be ob- tained from the Office of the Graduate School. Present holders of appointments who wish to ap- ply for reappointment should fill out a renewal blank at this time. All blanks must be returned to the Graduate School by February 15. Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall: City of Detroit Civil Service Commission announces examina- tion for position of Playleader, male or female, on Dec. 30. Filing period, to December 23. State of Michigan Civil Service announcements have been re-t ceived for:l 1. Trade Industrial Education t Supervisor IV, Salary Range,1 $415-$475. Closing date, Dec. 17.i 2. Institution Dentist III and IV. Salary Range, $335-$405. Clos- ing date, Dec. 17.- For complete information, 'call1 at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Minnesota Mining and Manufac- turing Company will have a rep- resentative on Thursday, Dec. 4, to interview non-technical men (February graduates) for sales1 positions. For appointments, call1 the Bureau of Appointments, ex-i tension 371. Lectures University Lecture: "The Time- Space Copcept in the Work of Pi- casso" (illustrated). Dr. Paul M. Laporte, lecturer on Fine Arts. Oli- vet College; auspices of the Mu- seum of Art. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 3, Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Clifford T. Morgan, Chairman, Depart- ment of Psychology, Johns Hop- kins University, will speak on the subject, "Learning and the Brain," at 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 4, Rack- ham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Psychology. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Mar- shall Kay, professor of Geology at Columbia University will speak on the subject, "The Growth and De- velopment of the North American Continent," Rm. 2054, Natural Science Bldg., 4 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 4. La Sociedad Hispanica will pre- sent a lecture by Sr. Manuel Guerra entitled "Aguilas y Estrel- las," 8 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 4, Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Marriage Relations Lecture Se- ries: The fourth and fifth lecture in the Marriage Relations Series will be presented by Dr. Sprague Gardiner in the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 3, and Thurs., Dec. 4. Dr. Gardiner will speak on "The Anatomy and Physiology of Reproduction" Wednesday evening, and on "The Medical Basis for Sane Sex Pra- tice" Thursday evening. Students are requested to present their identification cards at the door in addition to their tickets. Academic Notices Business Administration 173. Property and Liability Insurance. Midsemester examination, 2 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 4, Rm. 25, Angell Hall. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Wed., Dec. 3, 3 p.m., Rm. 247, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. I. Opa- towski will speak on 2-dimen- sional compressible flows. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Fri., Dec. 5, 3:30 p.m., Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg. Subject: "Some Factors Which Influence Utiliza- tion of Fat." All interested are in- vited. Chemistry 234: Students plan- ning to elect physico-chemical methods of analysis (instrumenta- tion) for the spring term shouldt leave their name with Mr. J. A. Dean, 328 Chemistry Bldg. The instructor's permission is required as laboratory space is limited. Seminar on Complex Variables: Thurs., Dec. 4, 3 p.m., Rm. 3010,, Angell Hall. Prof. Kaplan will speak on Riemann surfaces asso- ciated with elliptic functions. Geometry Seminar: Wed., Dec. 3, 2 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Dr. Kenneth Leisenring willadi- cuss "Conics in Reciprocal Geom- etry." Concerts Chamber Music Program: Gil- bert Ross, Violinist, Oliver Edel, Cellist, and Joseph Brinkman, Pi- anist, of the School of Music fac- ulty, 8:30 p.m., Sun., Dec. 7, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Plrogram: Trio in E major, K. 542 by Mo- zart, Trio in C major, Op. 87 by Brahms, and Beethoven's Trio in D major, Op. 70. No. 1. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art: AMERICAN ABSTRACT ARTISTS. Through December 21. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily, except Monday, 10- 12 and 2-5; Sunday 2-5; Wednes- day evenings, 7-9. The public is invited. Architecture Building. Ex- change exhibition of student work from 'the College of Architecture of the University of Illinois. Spon- sored by the student branch of the A.I.A. Architecture Building. Century of Photography; from the Muse- um of Modern Art. Through De- cember 15. "Natural History Studies at the Erwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan," Museums Bldg. Rotunda. Through Decem- ber. Events Today Postponement: Students inter- ested in writing a book for the re- vival of the Michigan Union ONLY ONE WHOSE lecture notes are dec- orated with enigmatic doodles and forms can truly appreciate abstract art. Being guilty of such indiscretions I thoroughly en- joyed many of the 33 canvases in the Amer- ican Abstract Artists show now in the Uni- versity Art Gallery. The pictures have been well chosen with an eye for diversity. They vary from Er- nest Trubough's delightful bit of whimsy, somewhat reminiscent of cave man draw- ings, "Little Man Eats Big Fish" to the quiet but magnetic strength of "Indian Forms" by George L. K. Morris. An abstract painting must be liked and enjoyed for ;itself, for its color, for its forms, not for what it represents. Some compare this to liking a person because of his char- acter, for what does anyone represent? Therefore many of the canvases have such titles as "Surfaces in Light and Dark" or "Forms in Equilibrium" to pre- vent the viewer from reading any incor- rect literal meaning into them. A painting such as "Atomic Flight" suffers because viewing the work one can' neither feel nor see anything atomic. But A. D. F. Reinhardt's "Yellow Variation" is com- pletely successful for one is free to en- joy the dazzling color and titilating forms Opera will not meet tonight, as originally scheduled. Varsity Debating: All debaters are expected to attend the meet- ing at 7:15 p.m., 4202 Angell Hall. Sigma Xi: Members of other Chapters of the So'ciety who are now associated with the Univer- sity of Michigan and wish affili- ation with the local Chapter are cordially invited to notify the Secretary, 402 South Wing, Ex- tension 2535, giving membership status, year of election, and Chapter where initiated. A.S.M.E. field trip to Yellow Coach Co., Pontiac,' Michigan. Bus and cars will leave promptly at 12:30 p.m. outside the main 'n- trance of E. Engineering Bldg. Sign up on A.S.M.E. bulletin board in W. Engi. Bldg. Chemistry Reception: 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. All ,graduate students and faculty members in the chemistry depart- ment are invited. AVC Meetings: Exec. Commit- tee, 6:15 p.m., 306 Michigan Un- ion. Membership, 7:30 p.m., 318- 320 Michigan Union. Prof. W. H. Maurer, of the Department of Journalism, will speak on the sub- ject, "Civil Liberties." U. of M. Flying Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1042, E. Engineering Bldg. Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional Business Fraternity: Pledge meet- ing, 8:30 p.m. in Chapter House. A group picture will be taken. Ullr Ski Club: 7:30 p.m., Michi- gan Union. Everyone interested is invited. Membership will be taken. Delta Sigma Pi, professiona Business Administration frater nity: Business meeting, 8 pM, Rm. 110, Tappan Hall. Pledges meet 7:30 p.m. same room. Student Federalist Study Group Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 244 W, Engineering Bldg. Topic: "The Ruhr." Topic for next week: "Contem- porary European History." A minimum preparation is re- quested. IDeutscher Verein: 7:30 p.m., Room 319, Michigan Union. Dr. Bernard, of the Department of 4 4 I -4 I A BA*NABY.. Why are all the lights on, Barnaby, in 1i wos'a robot in Ellen! There arej John, look of this! Two of the push. 1