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December 03, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-03

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Latest Deadline in the State



CIO Leaders
Call for New
Wage Boosts
Demands Based
On Inflated Cosh
By The Associated Press
leaders today demanded a thir
round of post-war wage increase
for the 6,000,000 members of CIC
Presidei4 Philip Murray anc
the nine vice-presidents of CIC
made the announcement at til
end of an all-day meeting. The
expressed their determination t
"lighten the- unbearable economi
burden" they said had bee
brought on by price inflation.
"To this end," the union
leaders anounced, "the CO0
and its affiliated unions shall
proceed through the channels of
collective bargaining to obtain
substantial wage increases for
the American workers to restore
their loss in real income suf-
fered through inflation and as-
sure sustained purchasing
power as the foundation for
continued maximum employ-
ment and production."
The CIO's demand posed
heavy additional problem for the
Administration, driving agains
odds to get President Truman
10-point economic prograr
through a Republican Congress.
In an effort to meet Congres-
sional demands that it "get spe-
cific" on the program, the Admin
istration was drafting two anti
inflation bills.
At the same time, Rep. Craw
ford (Rep., Mich.) introduced
resolution seeking creation of
special House committee to stud,
what he called the influence o
Adminstration policies on th
Murray told reporters that the
first of the collective bargaining
negotiations probably will start
early next year. His own Steel
Workers' Union, however, will
not open negotiations until
April. This was taken to mean
that some other CIO group such
as the United Auto Workers,
the Maritime Unions or the
United Electrical Workers will
start the ball rolling.
"We are all living, in hope tha
it will not be necessary to havy
strikes," Murray told a question-
The so-called first round o
wage increases after V-J Da:
amounted generally speaking to
181/2 cents an hour and were ob
tained in the spring of 1946. 1
second round, of 15 cents, wen
through last spring.
Danish Royal
Family Reveals
Wedding Plans
COPENHAGEN. Denmark, Dec
2-(-4)-A beautiful blonde Danish
princess who worked briefly as a
sales girl in a fashionable Fifth'
Avenue department store in New
York City will wed dashing King
Mihai of Romania, an informant
close to the Danish royal family
said today.
The engagement of 24-year-ok
Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma
and Denmark to King Mihai, 26
will be announced, the informani

said, after King Christian of Den-
mark gives his consent, possibly
this month. There was no official
or royal confirmation.
Mihai and Anne are now ir
Laussane, Switzerland, where they
flew Sunday in a plane piloted by
Mihai after attending the wedding
of Princess Elizabeth and Prince
Philip in London.
Mihai said upon his arrival in
Switzerland that he planned tc
stay for several days before re-
turning to his home-land-now
under control of a Communist-led
government. Court circles close tc
Anne's family said she would re-
turn to Copenhagen within a week.
Crown Steer
Grand Champ
CHICAGO, Dec. 2 - (A) - An

Fourteen Killed in Palestine as
Arabs Protest UN Partitioning;
French Anti-Strike Bill Passed




HOMEMADE SAW-Two forestry students operate the 54-inch circular saw in the new sawmill
which students in the School of Forestry and Conservation recently constructed. Serving as head
sawyer is 'Ted 'hiesna (left) whileFred Reiter works as tail sawyer. The mill will give students of

forestry actual practice in loggin
IRA Pickets
Will Hit Four
Barber Shops
MeiIbers' To begiln
Campaign Tomorrow
Picketing of four local barber
shops by IRA members will begin
tomorrow, Hanny Gross, president
of the association, announced last
The Student Religious Associa-
tion, Panhellenic Association and
the Inter-Cooperative Council
yesterday voiced support of IRA's
action in protesting barber shop
discrimination against Negroes.
Members of Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta Tau
and Vaughan House have signed
statements supporting the organi-
zation's campaign.
Meanwhile, the University Law-
yer's Guild chapter drew uip a
brief as a preliminary step toward
IRA's proposed court test of dis-
crimination policies.
Catering restrictions of the
Ann Arbor Barber's Association
are "unworthy of argument pro
and con," so clearly do they fall
within prohibitions of the FDual
Accommodations Statute of Michi-
gan, the Guild asserted.
Racial discrimination, a viola-
tion of the Act which specifically
mentions barber shops, entitles
the aggrieved party not only to
criminal prosecution, but to civil
action as well, the brief stated.
Besides defining as misde-
meanor the refusal, withholding
or denying of accommodations,
advantages, facilities and privi-
leges, the Guild said, the Act is
violated by the mailing of "any
written or printed commukica-
tion" to the effect that accommo-
dations shall be refused to any
persons because of race, creed or
Warren Bovee Is
New Arch Druid'
Warren Bovee was elected Arch
Druid yesterday in the first meet-
ing since 1943 of Druids, honor-
ary society for literary college and
education school seniors.
The group, reactivated by for-
mer members Howard Baumgart-
en and Peter A. Ostafin, chose
Ed McNeill, Vice-Arch Druid;
Dennis Youngblood, Seneca, and
Stu Wilkins, Hoarder of the

ng and milling tim ber from University land.
*' *- **
Building Materials Furnished
By Foresters' Own Sawmill

Lack of building materials
doesn't stop the forestry school
If they have anything to build,
and they often have, they go out
to Stinchfield Woods, cut down a
few trees, haul them into their
new sawmill and proceed to make
little ones out of big ones,taccord-
ing to Frank Murray, Forest Man-
House Delves
Into Wartime
Presidential "political appointees"
and the whole vast structure of
Federal bookkeeping came under
fire today as Congress delved into
the handling of billions of dollars
by the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation during World War II.
T. Coleman Andrews, former au
ditor chief of the general account-
ing office, told a House subcom-
mittee on federal expenditures
that the government's bookkeeping
is so bad no one really knows
whether the treasury had a sur-
plus or a deficit in the last fiscal
The "surplus" of $757,000,000
the treasury announced was "just
a balance of cash," fie said, and
even businesses which are broke
usually have some cash on hand.
Turning to RFC accounts, he
said they were so "inept" that the
story of what became of wartime
billions could only be disclosed
"if you dug hard enough. But it
will never be apparent in any gov-
ernment reports."
Andrews appeared as the first
witness in the House group's in-
vestigation of RFC expenditures.
Former Secretary of Commerce
Jesse Jones was RFC chairman
from 1932 to January, 1945.
Andrews blasted what he termed
the selection of "political appoin-
tees" to head the nation's great
money - handling agencies.' He
urged that such posts should go
to men "who have demonstrated
by every act of their lifetimes that
they have no politics and who are
above the civil service level with
its 'fixed formula' of qualifica-

ager of the School of Forestry and
The actual construction of the
mill was begun last winter. Stu-
dents from the forestry school
contributed all the labor, so there
was no 'need to hire any skilled
Laboratory for Students
The mill was finished this fall
when the power was installed. Its
primary purpose is to give stu-
dents a laboratory in which to try
out procedures learned in the
school's logging and milling class,
Murray said.
Since it has been in operation
enough lumber has been turned.
out to enable the construction of
.several buildings "on other Uni-
versity owned acreage. Right now
the mill is turning out lumber to
complete a 20 by 30 garage at Sag-
inaw Forest.
Materials Plentiful
Students enrolled in the logging
and milling classes spend one af-
ternoon a week working at the
mill. They don't have to worry
about running out of materials,
for hardwood trees occupy 300 of
the 700 acres owned by the Uni-
versity. The rest of the woods is
used for reforestation and re-
search purposes.
Of the total cost for construc-
tion, 70 per cent was donated by
alumni, and the rest made up in
the form of student labor, Murray
The mill is located about 18
miles from Ann Arbor just off
the Dexter road near Peach Moun-

End of Long
Tieup Seen in
Sehuman Win
Communists Oppose
Premier's Program
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Wednesday, Dec. 3-The
French National Assembly over-
rode Communist opposition by a
decisive margin early today and
approved the first article of
Premier Robert Schuman's drasitc,
five-part anti-strike bill.
The article suspends for three
months the present French law
punishing sabotage by a maxi-
mum 180,000 franc ($1,500) fine
and three months imprisonment.
Article two, not yet voted, pro-
vides substitute penalties up to a
500,000 franc ($4,200) fine and
five, years imprisonment for a
more broadly defined offense.
The-vote favoring article one
was 402 to 183, with only the As-
sembly's Communist bloc opposing
The other four articles of the
bill will be debated and voted on
one by one, after which there will
be a vote on the bill as a whole.
The vote came as France's
three-week-old strike wave began
receding. A highly placed neutral
official said last night he believed
the Communists were beginning
to lose their first big offensive in
the French "cold war."
As the French National As-
sembly neared completion of a
drastic strike-control law, Min-
istry of Labor sources estimated
the number of strikers had
dropped to "well under" 2,000,000.
At its peak the strike movement
had tied up nearly 3,000,000 men,
it was unofficially estimated,
while the Communists had placed
the number at 4,000,000.
De Gasperi's
Party Called
ROME, Wednesday, Dec. 3-(P)
-Italy's Communist Party early
today called Premier de Gasperi's
Christian Democrat Party a dic-
tatorship "seeking to enslave Italy
to the foreigner" and appealed for
a nation-wide "labor front" to
fight it.
A lengthy communique issued
after a two-day meeting made it
clear the leftists had no intention
of abandoning strikes, demonstra-
tions and political violence as
weapons in their three weeks old
war of nerves on de Gasperi.
As the active front in this war
moved from northern to southern
Italy, the Communist directorate
sent greetings to "workers of all
parties" who, it said, had dis-
played their "decided will to re-
sist" the "reactionary counter-of-
fensive stimulated and supported"
by the government.
There are no Communists in de
Gasperi's cabinet. Continued ig-
norance of the Communists and
their allies, the communique said,
would be an"act of open hostility"
against the workers and intellec-
tuals and mean "permanent divi-
sion of the nation" with "provo-
cation to disorder and civil war."
The Leftist "Citizens Commit-
tee" of Milan, which staged a
smoothly functioning near-insur-
rection last week, yesterday de-

clared itself "satisfied" and ap-
parently signalled the end to the
dispute with the government over
the appointment of a prefect.

Michigan Gains in Poll
As Irish Hold on to First
NEW YORT , Dec. 2-(IP)-Notre Dame clung to its ranking as No.
1 college football team in the Associated Press poll today and the
Fighting Irish will be defending that lofty position as well as their
perfect record when they collide with Southern California Saturday.
Sports writers participating in the weekly balloting kept Coach
Frank Leahy's all-victorious South Benders in the top spot by a mere
eight points over Michigan's unbeaten Big Nine champions, compared
with the 30 points which separated the two powers the previous week.

Michigan Eases on Notre Dame
Notre Dame drew 58' first p
House GOP
Asks Further
Cut in Aid Bill
Slash of $7,000,000
Hit as Insufficient
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2-(/P)-
Rank and file Republican legisla-
tors called tonight for a whittling
of the $590,000,000 recommended
by the House Foreign Affairs
Committee for emergency aid to
France, Italy and Austria.
G.O.P. Leader Halleck said fol-
lowing a meeting of all House Re-
publicans that the Committee's
figure, trimmed $7,000,000 from
the sum authorized by the Sen-
ate yesterday, was regarded by
many Representatives as "still too
Rep. Harness (Rep., Ind.) told
reporters he would like to see the
winter relief fund slashed to $400,-
000,000 and Rep. Stefan (Rep.,
Neb.) declared that when the
measure comes before the appro-
priations committee, of which he
is a member, "I know it's going to
be cut."
These economy demands pres-
aged a sharp, concentrated fight
when the relief measure reaches
the House floor on Thursday since
several Democrats have indicated
they will seek to restore the full
amount approved by the Senate.
Halleck and Speaker Martin
(Rep., Mass.) said today's confer-
ence was held simply to hear the
bill explained and sound senti-
ment on it. The Republican lead-
ership, Halleck said, is taking no
position on the amount of aid that
should be provided.
Before the meeting Halleck told
reporters he would not be sur-
prised if demands were voiced to
cut the $597,000,000 figure by $60,-
000,000 to $90,000,000 or more.
Big ' U' Crowd
Bowl Bound
An estimated 1,300 students,
faculty and staff members will be
on hand to cheer the Wolverines
to victory when they meet South-
ern Cal in the Rose Bowl New
Year's Day.
Ticket manager Don Weir re-
ports that 1,300 members of the
University community applied for
Pasadena pasteboards and re-
ceived stubs entitling them to pick
up the tickets on the West Coast.
Most of the applicants were stu-
dents with few faculty and staff
members planning to make the
With the University phase of
the distribution out of the way,
Weir now has the job of allocat-
ing his remaining tickets to Alum-
ni and the general public. Thou-
sands of applications from every
part of the nation have been pour-
ing into his office daily. Allocation
will be made by lot.

lace votes and Michigan got 5412,
; with three of the 129 experts call-
ing first place a tie between the
two. On the usual basis of ten
points for a first place vote, nine
for second, and so on, the Irish
compiled 1,184 points to 1,176 for
the Wolverines.
Southern California, Pacific
Coast Conference champion and
Rose Bowl Host, moved into the
third slot this week, changing
places with Southern Methodist
which dropped to fourth after
missing its bid for an all-victori-
ous season by playing a 19-19 tie
with Texas Christian.
Two Trojan Firsts
The unbeaten but once-tied
Trojans, who will be trying to be-
come the first team in two years to
whip Notre Dame Saturday, polled
two first place votes and 836
points compared with 745 points
and no first place ballots for
Southern Methodist.
The team holding the No. 1 po-
sition in the final poll, as Notre
Dame did last year, generally is
accepted as the mythical national
champion, and an upset by South-
ern California Saturday could re-
vamp the entire top ten.
Costs Viewed
By Bookstore
Managers, SL
Students voicing the "it's-bad-
enough - we- have -to -write-the-
exam" complaint concerning the
price of bluebooks, will have to
take the whole matter up with
their professors, according to pre-
dictions of five major campus
bookstore managers.
Meeting with the Student Leg-
islature cabinet yesterday, in an
effort to resolve mutual student-
bookstore misunderstandings,
bookstore spokesmen predicted a
fall in bluebook prices by next
They also hinted a rise in text-
book prices.
In answer to questions regard-
ing the rise of overhead costs com-
pared with the rise in demand
caused by the increased enroll-
ment of students, the bookstore
mously that overhead cots had
risen out of proportion to the in-
creased demand.
They explained that many of
their higher prices were beyond
control-such as list prices or
textbooks set by publishing houses
and items with nationalized stand-
ard prices set by manufacturers.
as fountain pens and ink.
The managers also cited losses
attributable to an "enormous
amount of shop-lifting" during
rush seasons and costly mistakes
made by employes.
Several spokesmen made it clear
that their books and income state-
ments would be opened to those at
the meeting who wished to verify
their reports.
Legislature President Harvey
Weisberg, who called the joint
meeting, proposed that lists of
commodities comparing prices
here and in other bookstores on
University campuses be submitted
to the Ann Arbor bookstores with
adjustment of discrepancies in

Anger Rises,
Riots Spread
In Holy Land
Exiled Mufti Cited as
ResponsihVe for Clash
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Wednesday, Dec.
3-An unofficial casualty list
showed early today that eight
Jews and six Arabs were killed
yesterday in bloody armed clashes
during the first 24 hours of an
Arab general strike protesting
United Nations decision to parti-
ion Palestine.
Thirty-two Jews and six Arabs
were wounded in the same fight-
yng, which raged throughout' the
dlay in Jerusalem and opened last
eight in Tel Aviv, the world's only
ill-Jewish metropolis, as the
Fierce Arab mobs apparently
'hifted the scene of their opera-
Haganah, the underground
Tewish group whose organized
'irmy helped British troops gain
-ontrol of the situation yesterday
n Jerusalem, said last night in a
"ommunique that the riots were
inspired by Hajamin El Husseini,
'he exiled Mufti of Jerusalem.
"The hirelings of the Mufti
have succeeded in turning the
first day of the strike into a day
of bloodshed and rowdyism,"
the communique said.
The vortex of the whirlpool of
Holy Land bloodshed and violence
hifted from Jerusalem to Tel
Aviv last night when a group of
several hundred Arabs were seen
anging the border between Tel
Aviv and the all-Arab city of
The explosion of grenades and
the battle of machinegun fire be-
tween the Arabs and Jewish de-
fenders of Tel Aviv was heard for
a long period during the night and
then subsidedinto an "armed
pause" when British police in ar-
:nored cars routed the combat-
It was generally believed that
the Tel Aviv situation would
take a more serious turn later
today and one Haganah source
said "there's something cooking,
but I doubt that it will be served
up tonight (Tuesday)."
Two Arabs and one Jew were
reported killed in the Tel Aviv
The riots in the Holy City be-
gan when thousands of A/rabp
>tormed out of the old walled city
of Jerusalem and beat and stgned
Jews and put the torch to Jewish
Jews retaliated by attacking
Arab cafes, stores and moving pie-
Lure theatres, and smoke that
arose from the fires cast a pall
'ver the entire city.
Jewish sources said property
lamage in Jerusalem reached $1,-
00,000 and that 50 shops were
)urned or damaged and some
'ere looted.
Shoe Shine'
Hig hly Praised
Faculty Cites 'Power,'
'Honesty' of Film
Under the sponsorship of AVC
and the Art Cinema League, the
highly-acclaimed Italian film
"Shoe Shine" will be presented at
3:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday in
:Flill Auditorium.
University faculty members who
attended a special preview yester-
lay, agreed that the first-run film

was honest and powerful in its
depiction of the degenerate affect
,which war has on children.
The movie, which tells of two
shine boys of Rome who seek to
satisfy a normal child's desires
through criminal methods was
deemed "Powerful" by Clark Tib-
bitts, director of the Institute for

World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 - Pope
Pius XII has appointed Bishop
Frances P. Keough to be Arch-
bishop of Baltimore and the Right
Rev. Msgr. Patrick A. O'Boyle to
be Archbishop of Washington, the
National Catholic Welfare Con-
ference announced today.
voluntary program of gasoline
and fuel oil rationing, designed
to relieve the current shortage,
is under preparation.
LAKE SUCCESS, Dec. 2-A six-
nation group, with Russia omit-
ted, was named today to draft
plans for the rule of Jerusalem as
an international city under Unit-
ed Nations supervision.
DETROIT, Dec. 2 - Alleged
refusal to serve a luncheon
group of inter-racial workers
brought a charge today of vio-
lating the State Civil Rights law
against Robert H. Boerth, as-
sistant manager of the Ponchar-
train wine cellars.
LANSING, Dec. 2-A state ad-
ministrative board committee to-
day studied a proposal that the

,Value of Tag Day Collections
SVisible in Galen Shop, Library
l~l~i JU leU E (dN

People usually like to know
what they are getting for their
money, so with this thought in
mind, we decided to visit the
Galen Shop on the hospital's
ninth floor andsee in action the
proceeds of last year's Galen Tag
Day drive.

for members of their families. Us-
ually more children are present,
the instructor explained, but
many at the particular time were
receiving X-rays and shots.
One of the boys was too small
to reach the drill press, and with
an instructor standing nearby,
stood on a stool which made it


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