MA4 t r4 t gun
Latest Deadline in the State
$597MillionForei nidBill asses
Sen ate
May Merge
Three Zones
Of Germany
Discord Reigns
Among Ministers
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 1-Convoking of
a three-power conference to
merge the American, British and
French zones of Germany ap-
peared a possibility tonight as the
For eign Ministers Conference
staggered from disagreement to
disagreement amid a flood of
Soviet attacks against the Western
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov again devoted most of
today's two hour and 50 minute
session to portraying Russia as
the only defender of Germany
against the "imperialistic" west-
ern countries who want to turn
the beaten nation into a helpless
"colony," conference sources said.
Minor agreements were reached
on peace treaty procedural mat-
ters without touching on funda-
mental issues. One agreement
provides the Big Four Foreign
Ministers will write the treaty it-
Today's session was the sixth of
the current meeting. Failure of
the four powers to agree thus far
even on fundamentals appeared
to lend added significance to a
statement earlier today by French
Foreign Minister Georges Bi-
dault. "If this conference fails,"
Bidault declared, France may
merge her zone with the economi-
cally united American and British
occupation area.
City Council
Studies Traf fic
Would Curb Jams
Along Waslitenaw
The problems posed by the
Washtenaw and South University
intersection, perennial noon-hour
traffic horror, were clarified by
the Ann Arbor Common Council
in its meeting last night.
The Council voted to ask the
State Highway Department for
permission to install a stop light,
and the "no-parking" zone on the
north side of South University
was extended to prevent inter-city
busses from jamming traffic on
Also acting on the recommenda-
tion of Mayor William E. Brown,
Jr., the Council voted to expedite
nstallation of signal lights along
Auron St., at 4th, 5th, and Divi-
sion Streets.
Proposed use of parking meters
as collection boxes for the March
of Dimes was characterized by
city attorney William Laird as
"unconstitutional" and by the
Council traffic committee as "in-
* * *
Blind Woman
I Asks Damages
A blind woman last night peti-
tioned the Common Council to
make good the loss of her seeing-
eye dog.
The dog had died of rat poison,
which the women set out in her
basement on the advice of Dr. J.
A. Wessinger of the local Board of
Health. Dr. Wessinger, however,
disclaimed responsibility for the
f tragedy, saying the woman had
aot followed instructions in the
.se of the poison-that she had
doubled the dose, which otherwise
would not have been sufficient to
kill the dog.
The Council took no action.
Druids Society
Taps Initiates
Druids. senior honorary society
French Communists Stall
Schuman A nt-Strike Bill
Herriot Stops Assembly After Near-Riot;
Strong Labor Control Act Not Yet Passed
PARB hec. 1-Paresspolice The Communist deputies began
cleared sitdown strikers from six a disturbance at a session of the
power plants in the. capital area Assembly which became so tumul-
today as Communist deputies, em- tous that Edouard Herriot, pres-
ploying similar sitdown tactics in ident of the Assembly, suspended
an attempt to kill the govern- the meeting last night. It will re-
ment's drastic anti-strike bill, oc- sume at 3 p.m. today.
cupied the Chamber of the Na- The session ended before the
tional Assembly in relays. deputies could enact Premier Rob-
-__ _ - ert Schuman's powerful strike
control bill the government wants
Dono s c to use to break the Communist
hold on the labor movement.
W ill Perfor The power plants strikers,
whose refusal to work halted Paris
Tasubways yesterday, darkened
Tomgcht at XH1 ---
_rPARIS, Dec. 1-(A)-One by-
product of the current French
Excerpts from two Russian strike crisis is the "Glove of
Operas will be featured by the Love."
Original Don Cossack Chorus and A Paris stylist invented the
Dancers at 8:30 p.m. today at Hill two-handed mitten for couples
Auditorium, in the third in the Who want to hold hands in the
Extra Concert Series, capital's unheated theatres.
The Cossacks, under the direc-
tion of their founder, Serge Jar- many Paris homescriled other
off, will also present a group of public utilities and closed down
Russian and Ukrainian folk music, theatres and movie houses, were
Russian drinking songs and a c redmowerhouses.
Cantata of Russian Church Mu- cleared from power houses
sic. No incidents were reported and
The 27 year old chorus will ap- when the police had finished their
pear in their ninth performance work, no Paris area power plants
before an Ann Arbor audience in were left in the strikers' hands.
A tour scheduled to cover 119 The service began to improve im-
United States cities. mediately and it was reported au-
Originally composed of a troop thoritatively the government in-
of Russian soldiers, the Cossacks tended to run the system with
became the choir of Orthodox army technicians.
Cathedral of St. Sofia, and in the Communist deputies relieved
Bulgarian capital were sent on each other in teams throughout
their first tour by one of the con- the night in occupying the Assem-
gregation, a concert manager. bly chamber after one of them re-
Since then, the Don Cossacks fused to accept a vote of censure
have traveled almost a million- for "inciting the army to revolt"
and-a-half miles in Europe, which would expel him tempor-
Africa, Australia and North and arily.
South America. They have toured
the United States annually since L Ci
1939, visiting an average of 125(a ne
cities each season-
A few tickets for todays concert Petition Blanks
may still be obtained in the Uni-
versity Musical Society's office in Available
the Burton Tower. Still ___
VA To Speed .Students wishing to run for po-
sitions on the Student Legisla-
ture in the all-campus election
Paym ents to be held Dec. 10, may still ob-
tain petition blanks at the Office
of Student Affairs, Dick Kelly,
Representatives To Student Legislature elections com-
Continue Assistance mittee chairman, announced yes-
Standard petition forms consist
ith the first on-the-campus of four pages including a list of
checkup of subsistence payments election rules and three pages with
scheduled for this week, Veterans space for 50 student signatures,
Administration officials an- each.
nounced yesterday that the VA Signed petitions must be sub-
will continue to send representa- mitted to the Office of Student
tives to the University during the Affairs before 4:0pf.Wens
initial week of each month of the p.m. Wednes-
1947-48 school year. day, Kelly emphasized.
These monthly visits are de- Prospective candidates must
signed to eliminate even the most
isolated cases of delayed subsist- All prospective candidates for
ence payments to veterans study- positions on the Student Legis-
ing under the GI Bill. lature are asked to attend the
VA representatives conducting Legislature meeting at 7:30 p.m.
the monthly surveys are prepared tomorrow in the League, ac-
to expedite action to remove the cording to Harvey Weisberg,
cause of any delays in payments Legislature president,
to students.
Allveterans not receiving their also submit a 50-word statement
allowances oh time will be inter- of qualifications showing serious-
viewed personally. ness of purpose, and must post
Reports of delayed payments a $5 bond, to be forfeited in the
will be forwarded directly to the event of petition or election dis-
offices in which the accounts are crepancies, or if the candidates
kept and efforts to expedite claims receives fewer than 25 first place
will be made. votes in the olotinn.
ti o
JEWS CELEBRATE IN TEL AVIV--Jewish residents of Tel Aviv waved jubilantly over the week
end after hearing reports of the United Nations' decision to partition Palestine. However the joyous
scene turned to terror yesterday as violence flar ed in the Holy Land. Latest reports tell of a rising
death toll as Arab bands roam the city streets protesting the agreement.
* * * * * * *
Arabs Jews on Campus Split Arab Groups
)ver Palestine Division Issue Shoot Seven
By AL BLUMROSEN I thousands of Jewish DP's who are In Palestine
Reaction to the UN partition of still living in concentration camp
alestine varied on campus yes- fashion in Europe."
rday as the spoesman for the Ismat Hamadeh '48E from Be- Protest To Partition
twish students came out in favor uit, Lebanon, said thatsthe Jews Takes Violent Form
the plan and the Arab club and were foreigners to Palestine who
rab students adamently opposed did not like to mingle with the JERUSALEM, Dec. 1-(P)-One
Arabs and would attempt to demi- Jew was killed and four other Jews
Rabbi Herschel Lymon of the nate them, at first by industrial and s r ere
illel Foundation said that the development and later, politically, two Polish Christians were
an was "the most gratifying ac- esrse htte1afmli wounded today as Arab bands,
an as themos grtifingac-He stressed that the half million seeking reprisal for the United
on since the announcement of Arabs in Palestine would not con- Natins deciso t Utied
.e Balfour Declaration," and sent to live under Jewish rule. Nations decision to partition Pal-
at, "it marked a milestone in * *est which they opposed, roved
.e struggle of the Jewish people through city streets and the Holy
r a national homeland." N M ovesTo Land countryside, punctuating
The Arab Club representing their protests with gunfire and
most all Arab students issued a ff .D iibomb blasts.
atement condemning the parti- ecL 1vislon' The latest communal clash oc-
n plan. "Arabs absolutely refute curred tonight in border streets
e A rab absolutlyefue .between the All-Jewish city of Tel
e partition and refuse to accept Palestine Committee Aviv and All-Arab Jaffa as Pal-
as a basis for discussion because estine authorities prepared for fu-
hrtition does not lead to peace. Prepares To Leave ture outbursts of violence tomor-
he result of partition will be row when a three-day Arab gen-
nstant conflict which might LAKE SUCCESS, Dec. 1-( P)- eral strike is scheduled to begin.
read beyond the borders of Pal- Top United Nations officials Four Jews were wounded, one
tine." moved swiftly today to put into seriously, by an Arab band in Tel
dve Problem effect the General Assembly's de- Aviv-Jaffa. Jewish sources said
Rabbi Lymon, on the other cision to partition Palestine into the Arab group, containing - be-
nd, said that the partition may separate Jewish and Arab coun- tween 200 and 300 persons, was
lve the problem of Arab-Jewish tries, repulsed by a Jewish fighting
lations which has been plaguing The Palestine question was tak- force.
e Middle East for-years. He said en up at a private meeting of Haganah sources in Tel Aviv
at the partition was fair and Secretary - General Trygve Lie's said the Palestine government was
at there would be no injustice to chief assistants, along with othersadtePltiegvrmnws
aprhre oblemstossed to theSecretari "considering a plan" to withdraw
e Arabs. "There are many Arab blemsetssedbto.thesecreratall police and military forces from
ngdoms in the surrounding _ytheAssemby._Thesepr___em_ Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and the
eas whose sovereignty will not Cetah Tiqvah area and handing
impaired by the establishment For a map of the proposed over their duties to a Jewish com-
a Jewish State in Palestine" partition of the Holy Land turn mand.
Adnan Khoja '48E from Damas- to page 2 In the all-Arab town of Nablus,
s, Syria said that the partition citizens and tribesmen from the
an was unfair because Palestine included sending a special com- hillls gathered in the streets,
n not support the total number mission to Korea and moving the shouted threats and fired weapons
Jews who would come there if 1948 session of the Assembly to in noisw demonstration.
e immigration bars were let Europe.
wn. Informed quarters said that
sorb homeless measures already were being taken M ikado Ticket
Rabbi Lymon said that the new to choose personnel and arrange
wish state should be able to ab- I transportation for the special five-
rb all of the homeless European nation UN Palestine Commission. Sale to Begi
wery. "The possibility of a new No action was taken to bring
House Cuts Sum
But Votes Extra
Money for China
Truman Congratulates Vandenberg
And Barkley for Decisive Majorit
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1-A Bill authorizing $597,000,000 in emer-
gency aid to France, Italy and Austria was passed, 83 to six, by the
Senate late today but the House Foreign Affairs Committee vote(
soon afterward to hold the amount down to $590,000,000 and ad(
China to the list of countries to be helped.
Supporters of President Truman's full program of helping West
ern Europe through the winter as one means of fighting Communian
appeared certain to press for raising the House figure to the ful
$597,000,000 for France, Italy and
Austria alone. . -V
Immediately after he learned o 1 u - .Diiscloses
the Senate action, Mr. Truman
telephoned Senators Vandenberg acific
and Barkley to "congratulate
them and to thank them for the
large part that they had in bring- Testing Area
ing about this result," Presiden-
tial Press Secretary Charles G.
Ross reported. Hints Development
"The President," Ross said, f Newer Weapons
"was much gratified by the size of theN eajoriap."
Early Action . WASHINGTON, Dec. 1-(P)-
Members of the House Foreign Construction of elaborate atomic
Affairs Committee said they "testing grounds" is underway or
hoped to bring their bill before thetfaraway Pacific atoll of Eni
the House Wednesday or Thurs- wetok, the government discloses
day and Speaker Martin predicted today in an announcement sc
it would be ready for Presidential worded as to raise the possibilit:
action by the end of next week. that the U.S. has some new wea
The committee's bill did not pon in addition to the A-Bomb
specify any particular amount for A three paragraph announce.
China, uwhich was passed over ment from the Atomic Energy
temporarily in the administra- Commission spoke of atomic wea.
tion's stopgap aid proposals, but pons in the plural. Governmen
members voted earlier to give officials said security reasons-pre.
China $60,000,0000. , vent an explanation of whether
Aid nivisions this means the existence of ar
The administration bill, as atomic weapon other than the
drafted by the State Department, bomb. One spokesman said "you
drafed y te SateDeprtmntcan draw your own conclusions.'
asked that the $597,000,000 be di- Tean ouncem n hin s.
vided on this basis: Austria $42,- Thewannouncement hinted tha
000,000, Italy $227,000,000, and the tests will be on a major scali
France $328,000,000. for it said Eniwetok was chosen
, The measure was adopted by among other reasons, because "it
the Senate without major change. is isolated and there are hundreds
hn amendment by Senator Tay- of miles of open seas in the direc.
for which would have turned U. S. tion in which winds might carr
relief funds over to the United Na-
tions for distribution was shouted Large Area
down by voice vote. The closest large land area it
meland will give hope to the
vvvto All 411G C1G4taul1.7.
World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1-Six persons died today in a fire that
i aged through a four-story building housing a dormitory for homeless
Seventeen other persons were burned and critically injured as
the flames, which firemen said started in an overstuffed chair in a
first floor store, whipped quickly through the building.
FRANKFURT, Germany, Dec. 1--The U. S. Army Air Force
said tonight it had picked up faint radio signals which it believed
originated from a C-47 transport plane missing for three days
with 20 persons aboard.
IRA Presents
4-Point Plan
'Operation Haircut'
To Include Pickets f
A four-point plan of action un-
der "Operation Haircut" was
urged upon IRA members and
supporters at a meeting last night
in the Union.
Picketing of barbershops prac-
ticing racial discrimination was
the first point of the program.
This action will be instituted on
Friday. Pamphlets outlining IRA's
stand on the issue will be dis-
tributed on campus tomorrow.
Hanny Gross, president of IRA,
urged members and supporters
of "OperationHaircut" to assist
in the picketing, and to maintain
a strict boycott of the barber-
shops being picketed.
She said that IRA is holding
the current Palestine disturbances
to the attention of the Security
Council, although that body will
have the Holy Land problem be-
fore it officially when it meets
later in the week on the Indo-
nesian issue.
UN officials said Lie would send
the council a formal notice of the
Assembly's request for the Council
to act if peace was threatened as
a result of the partition scheme.
M ilistein Elected
YCM Chairman
Alfred Millstein was elected
chairman of YPMC at the elec-
tions held yesterday.
Also elected were John Sloss,
vice-chairman; Dolores Schreib-
man, corresponding secretary;
Sheldon Siegal, recording secre-
tary and Jack Lucas, treasurer.
Tickets for "The Mikado," all-
student operetta to be presented
at 8:30 p.m. Dec. 10 and 11 at
Pattengill Auditorium will go on
sale tomorrow at the booth outside
Rm. 3, University Hall, the Gil-
bert and Sullivan Society an-
nounced yesterday.
The well-known musical satire
on Japan will be staged by the
combined efforts of over 70 stu-
dents, including a 40 voice chorus
and a special orchestra all under
the direction of Harry L. Allen,
instructor in the architecture
school, according to the Society's
president, Jim Ueberhorst.
All balcony seats as well as those
on the main floor for both per-
formances will be reserved, he
said. The booth in University hall
will be open all day for the re-3
mainder of the week.b
Ki~m Si gler
Says His Job
Is ~rummy'
DETROIT, Dec. 1- (P) - Gov.
Kim' Sigler said today his job as
the state's chief executive is
"The office of governor as Mich-
igan has set it up is just a glori-
fied clerkship," Sigler told a
luncheon meeting of the Eco-
nomic Club of Detroit. "It's one
of the crummiest jobs in the
United States."
He listed these handicaps to his
Living in a hotel room and run-
ning the gauntlet of politicians,
job seekers and hangers-on every
time he goes home.
Exposing his wife and family to
"cloisteritis." Lack of provision
for private consultation.
Lack of control over important
governmental functions.
Sigler asked his audience of ex-
ecutives and business men:
"How would you gentlemer
who manage industry like it t
have your foremen and superin-
tendents responsible not to you
but to someone else?
"There are 100 boards and bu
reas in the Michigan government
"Things go great when an easy-
going governor doesn't interfere
but I'm not built that way."
New Guinea, about 1,500 miles to
the southwest.
Previous tests have indicated the
radioactive particles may be blown
great distances. After the two
atomic bomb explosions in tests
at Bikini, in July, 1946, radioac-
tive particles were reported in the
air as far away as the West Coast
of the United States and Paris,
France. But the government never
officially confirmed the reports,
Lt. Gen. John E. Hull, Pacific
Commander of Army Forces, is
co-ordinating the work of the
Army, Navy and Air Force in the
Close Secrecy
He has been working in such
secrecy, it was reported from Hon-
olulu today, that close friends of
the General were surprised to
learn he had been given the as-
The atomic bomb was in the
news today from another section
of the world--a proposal from the
Governor of the Panama Canal
Zone that the Panama Canal be
made a sea-level waterway. Gov.
J. C. Mehaffey said in a report
submitted to Congress by Presi-
den, Truman that the present
system of ioczs vw:r r ae more
vulnerable to an atomic bomb ex-
Italian Fihn
To Be Shown
"Shoe Shine," an Italian filh
acclaimed internationally, will be
presented by the Campus AVC and
the Art Cinema League next Fri-
day and Saturday at 8:30 pm. in
Hill Auditorium.
Two "shine" boys, taken out of
real life in Italy, play the leading
parts in this film, which the New
Talent Scout Offers Ann Gestie Film Test