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November 30, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-30

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Li L




Latest Deadline in the State


Molotov Asks
Central Rule
In Germany
U.S. Says Peace
More Important
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 29-Soviet For-
eign Minister V. M. Molotov con-
demned in advance today any
attempt by the western powers to
establish a provisional German
government over their occupation
areas. He indicated Russia would
not allow such a government to
speak at the peace table.
An Amesican source said Molo-
toy told the Big Four Foreign Min-
isters Council: "If an ersatz gov-
ernment was set up for Bi-zonia
(the economically-merged British
and American zones), it would not
be adequate to speak for Ger-
No Agreement
As the first week of the confer-
ence ended without agreement on
any major issues, Molotov de-
manded that the establishment of
a central German government be
required before a peace conference
is held. He met a solid line of
foreign ministers of the United
States, Britain and France who
disagreed with him, informants
Officials present quoted U.S.
Secretary of State George C. Mar-
shall as saying:
"We regard both the question of
a peace conference and establish-
ment of a German government as
important. I hope there will be an
adequate German government be-
fore the peace conference gets un-
derway, but neither should depend
upon the other."
Oppose Molotov
British Foreign Secretary Ernest
Bevin and French Foreign Minis-
ter Georges Bidault also opposed
"Look what we risk doing," Bi-
dault exclaimed. "To proclaim that
participation of a German gov-
ernment is necessary to the writ-
ing of the peace is to make a still
unknown and perhaps impossible
German government the prior
condition for peace. We are not
here to make Germany the arbiter
of our discussions."
For the second successive day
Molotov attempted to get from
the western powers some informa-
tion of their plans if the four
powers fail to reach an agreement
at this conference on Germany's
Cites Danger
Of Civil War
Warning Issued as
New Violence Flares
ROME, Nov. 29-VP)-Francesco
Saverio Nitti, 79-year-old former
premier, gravely warned Italy that
she was in danger of drifting into
civil war.
Nitti's "manifesto to the na-
tion," written after weeks of pri-
vate negotiation trying to find
some agreement among bitterly
contesting forces, declared "we are
witnessing a continuous, and al-
ways more dangerous, process of
division among the parties and

among Italians."
Citing strikes and disorders
which have taken a toll of 24 lives
in about two weeks, Nitti said "it
is necessary to flee the spectre
of civil war."
His solemn warning was
drowned out, however, by the
headlines on an acrimonious de-
bate in the constituent assembly
over yesterday's "umbrella insur-
rection" at Milan.
That was the name given by
Milanese to the siege laid to the
palace of the provincial governor
by thousands of leftist partisans,
despite cold rain and snow against
which their sea of umbrellas gave
scant protection.
The big city, heart of Italy's
heavy industry, was back to nor-
mal today after a truce had been
patched up at dawn by which the
government agreed to let the left-
ist governor, Ettore Troilo, remain
temporarily in office. The par-

Tag Day Drive Will Aid
Children in'U'Hospital
Maintenance of Work Shop and Fun Fund
Are Objects of Galen Society's Collection
To a child, confinement in a hospital and the resulting separation
from friends and family often appears as if the bottom were dropping
out of the world.
In order to hilp overcome this dejection, the 24 members of the
Galen Honorary Medical Society will undertake their annual Christ-
mas Tag Day Drive on campus next Friday and Saturday. The funds
secured from this drive are dedicated to making every child's stay at
the University hospital as pleasant as possible.
In 1928, the Galen Society, made up of junior and senior medical
students, first opened the Galen Shop on the hospital's ninth floor
- with funds from Tag Day dona-

... will lead chorus here
Jaroff Leads
Don Cossacks
Tuesday at HIl
Church, Opera, Folk
Music Will Be Sung
The Original Don Cossack Cho-
rus and Dancers, under the direc-
tion of their founder, Serge Jar-
off, will present the third in the
current Extra Concert series at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Hill Audi-
Jaroff, whose height has in-
spired titles from "minikin mar-
tinet" to "Russia's Tom Thumb"
and the "Mighty Atom" is well
over ten inches shorter than any
member of the troupe. But the
Cossacks are thoroughly discip-
lined and Jaroff is far from being
self-conscious about his height.
Low Center
"I have a low center of grav-
ity," Jaroff says, and remembers
the bigger-they-come-the-harder-
they-fall maxim.
Jaroff is thoroughly pampered
by his men off stage, but pulls his
rank only at rehearsals and con-
certs. Before every concert he
holds a full inspection and fines
the Cossacks for not shaving, un-
shined boots, creased blouses or
with liquor on his breath.
Now, with his Cossacks com-
pletely successful, Jaroff has ex-
pressed a desire to organize a sim-
ilar troupe with the U.S. Army
soldiers. "Imagine, the U.S. Army
singing in Moscow's Bolchoi The-
atre while the Red Army Chorus
holds forth at Radio City Music
Hall," Jaroff says. "No politics,
mind you; just singing."
Tickets Available
For their program here, the
Cossacks will sing a group of Rus-
sian and Ukrainian folk songs, ex-
cerpts from Russian operas and
selections from Russian Church
A limited number of tickets may
be purchased at the offices of the
University Musical Society in the
Burton Tower.
Bowl Tickets
Deadline INear
Faculty, Student Sale
Closes Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the deadline for
students, faculty and staff mem-
bers wishing to apply for tickets
to the Michigan-Southern Cal.
gridiron clash in the Rose Bowl

tions. Here, the children can
hammer, saw, carve, paint, burn
pictures in wood, and weave for
two hours a day to their hearts'
A part time instructor is pres-
ent to supervise the work and to
help the children plan projects
well within their abilities. Some
samples of the children's work are
now on display at the Ann Arbor
Trust Company Building.
Included in the Galen Shop is
a fair-sized library containing all
sorts of children's books. In addi-
tion to books suggesting ideas for
projects, and offering vocational
guidance, the shelves contain pic-
ture and story editions.
Another of the early interests of
the Galen Society was the estab-
lishing of a Fun Fund, which is
used to procure individual gifts
for the children at Christmas as
well as the rest of the year, for
parties, and for fun for the thous-
ands of children who come to the
hospital each year.
Christmas is not all receiving on
the part of the children, however.
For weeks before Christmas, the
boys and girls busy themselves
making gifts for the family back
home with the tools and materials
in the Galen Shop.
In the past, the society has al-
ways been glad to report their
drives complete successes because
of the generous contributions of
students as well as townspeople.
Spokesmen express hopes that this
year will be no exception.
Clothing Drive
To Be Collected
Contributions to the University
clothing drive will be collected
from residence halls tomorrow and
Tuesday according to Seymour
Goldstein, chairman of the drive.
Sponsored by the Save The
Children Federation of America,
this drive will help supply the
clothing needs of European chil-
dren. Shoes, warm clothing and
bedding are most urgently needed
for the severe winter ahead.
Goldstein commended the gen-
erous contributions already turned
in at Lane Hall. "Many students
have taken the initiative to sort
out clothes they can spare, but I
am sure there are some who do
not yet realize the plight of Euro-
pean children today," he said.
"Every student has some article
of clothing they can afford to do-
nate to foreign relief."
Last year over three tons of
clothing were collected at the
University for distribution in Eu-
rope. Many of the children there
today still have such poor clothing
and shoes that they cannot leave
their homes even for school in
cold or bad weather, according to
the Federation reports.
"Even wooden shoes in Hol-
land are rationed," Goldstein
said. "Clothing in shop windows
in Finland is made of paper or
wood fibre, woolen and cotton be-
ing unavailable. Shoes are made of
paper with wooden soles."
After the regular collections this
week contributions may be held at
Lane Hall, headquarters for the

u'N Votes
French S
Labor, New
Government - -
Clash on Bill
CGT Will End Strike
If Measure Is Killed
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Sunday, Nov. 30-Theo
French government and labor were -
deadlocked in a tense atmosphere
of political crisis today over a
drastic measure to stop strikers.
from molesting non-strikers in a
walk-out of 2,000,000 workers.
Both the government and the
Communist - dominated General
Confedereation of Labor (CGT)
wanted to return the workmen tc _
their jobs by tomorrow.
But the government insisted L
that it would discuss modification LAST LOOK
of its proposed "law for the de- Theatre, locate
fense of the republic" only after porary annex t
receiving written assurance from site for membe
the CGT that the strikes would
CGT leaders said they would
give such assurances when they
had been advised that the gov- W reck
ernment was ready to withdraw
its bill now before the National. Life o
Assembly. .
In the assembly Communists re-
sorted to every obstructionist By GLORI
method possible under French By ORt
Parliamentary practice to slow Nosing out th
passage of the measure which guage Building fo
would provide imprisonment and the current ca
fines for those molesting non- contest will be
strikers or inciting them to leave theatre, condemn
their jobs. 14 years ago.
At one point interior minister Showing the d
Jules Moch cried in the heat of of a long social li
debate that if Communist obstruc- ed structure behi
tionism continued, the govern- scheduled for th
ment would put the law into effect in the near futur
by decree. Erected as a t
The Assembly was in continu- to the first Union
ous session most of the night. The the scene of banq
cabinet met almost without a halt Mimes operas an
in the assembly corridors. A CGT ductions for ma
delegation was in permanent ses- condemnation re
sion in the labor ministry. Daniel as a Play Produ
Mayer, minister of social affairs, Theatrical Life
ran back and forth between the
cabinet and the labor leaders with Theatrbuiding in 19 life
propostions nd blildifl i 96
propositions and counter-proposi- took it over for t
tuns.Frm hstme
The stalemate between the gov- From this time
ernment and the CGT was report- gaus, ll
ed to have produced a threat of groups, includin
defection within Premier Robert tion and the Nell
Schuman's week-old coalition gov- a dramatic group
ernment. ulty members as



To Split


AT A LANDMARK-University shows will have to go on without the old Laboratory
d back of the Union, and long a campus landmark. Originally constructed as a tem-
to the old Union building, the theatre, which has served as a workshop and rehearsal
rs of Play Production for the past 17 years, will soon be torn down.
- * * *' *

:ers To End Colorful
Laboratory Theatre

Arab Groups
Decry Action,
Leave Parley

e Romance Lan-
or first honors in
mpus demolition
the laboratory
ed as a fire trap
issipating effects
fe, the dilapidat-
ind the Union is
e wrecking crew
temporary annex
building, it was
quets and dances,
d dramatic pro-
ny years before
legated it to use
ction workshop.
began for the
when the Mimes
he Union operas,
on, the theatre
campus dramatic
g Play Produc-
Gwynn Players,
made up of fac-
well as Mimes.

Pritula Wins
Engine Post
Dugan, Baldwin Also
Claim Senior Offices
Bill Pritula was elected presi-
dent of the engineering college
senior class in the elections held
last week, William Shelley, chair-
man of the Engineering Council
elections committee, announced
late yesterday.
Dick Dugan and Dave Baldwin
were elected vice-president and
treasurer, respectively.
Junior class votes were split
evenly between Hugh Kennedy
and Bruce Lockwood on the presi-
dential ballot. Settlement of the
tie will be made by the Engineer-
ing Council next week, Shelley
Don Barnett was selected as
junior class secretary.
Sophomores chose Harry Ev-
ans as president and Alan H. An-
derson as secretary, with Walter
Dublanica and Robert Preston
president and secretary, respect-
ively, of the freshman class.

Some of the pa'ticipants in
Gwynn productions are well
known campus figures today.
Among those who chose an aca-
demic career in preference to the
wig and mask are Prof. Karl Litz-
enburg,,of the English department,
Prof. James O'Neill and Prof.
Warner Patterson, both of the
Romance Language department.
In 1930, the theatre was given
over to Play Producton's exclus-
ive use. Under the supervision of
Harry R. Allen of the School of
Architecture, it was redecorated
and on Dec. 1, 1930 was formally
Doomed Life
The building's life as a theatre
was doomed however, for in 1933
it was condemned as a public
gathering place. Since then, it has
been used in the capacity of a
workshop and rehearsal site.
Noel Coward's "Hay Fever" was
the last public performance there.
This production was such an over-
whelming success that some of the
audience sat on radiators and oth-
er makeshift seats to witness the
farewell performance.
Martha Scott and Ruth Hussey
daughter of Prof. Russell C. Hus-
sey, of the geology department,
are two well-known stars of today
who trod the boards of the theatre

before its burlap-painted "tap-
estries" faded and the rustic
cross beams on the ceiling became
Play Pro Hit
Hardest hit by the imminent
demolition of the theatre will be
participants in Play Production,
the Speech Department's thes-
pian group. The stage, which has
proved so invaluable to them for
the past 14 years is still being
used, but most of Play Produc-
tion's activities have been moved
to the Temporary Classroom
Although quarters in the TCB
are more spacious and convenient,
it will probably be a long while
before anything can replace the
atmosphere and tradition that
will disappear with the ram-
shackle old theatre, according to
Prof. Valentine Windt, Play Pro-
duction director.
Expect Budget
Will Provide
$39.5 Billion
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29-(A)-
The Administration's next budget
will call for the government to
spend almost forty billion dollars
during fiscal 1949 which begins
next July 1, authoritative sources
estimated today.
Despite sizeable reductions in
domestic spending, foreign aid
under the proposed Marshall Plan
will push total spending to around
$39,500,000,000, topping the cur-
rent fiscal year figure by $2,500,-
000,000, they forecast.
These authorities, who cannot
be identified, uaid the government
has the biggest budget surplus in
its history virtually in the bag for'
the current fiscal year, but in-
creased spending and tax cut
possibilities make next year's out-
look cloudy.
They forecast for this fiscal
year that, barring a tax cut in
early 1948, which the adminis-
tration is sure to oppose, the gov-
ernment will have a surplus pos-
sibly six times bigger than the
$1,155,000,000 record of fiscal 1927.

Favors New
Relief Agency
Conflict Expected on
Administration Policy
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29-()-
Senator Vandenberg said today he
favors administration of the Mar-
shall Plan for European recovery
by an independent agency, linked
only to the State Department at
the policy-making level.
The chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee told
a reporter he believes the actual
operation of the proposed recov-
ery program should be undertaken
by a set of officials completely
outside the State Department.
But he made it clear he sup-
ports the contention of Secretary
Marshall, made in appearances be-
fore Congressional committees,
that the department must have a
hand in shaping policies that will
help determine the nature of
American relations with the rest
of the world.
Vandenberg's views, which he
has communicated to the Senate
Republican Conference, parallel in
some respects the recommenda-
tions of the special House com-
mittee headed by Rep. Herter (R.-
Mass.), and are expected to be-
come a powerful force in deter-
mining the Republican position on
one of the controversial parts of
the proposed recovery ,program.
Some House Republicans have
been saying privately that the
whole program, including policy-
making functions, should be di-
vorced from the State Depart-
Truman Asps
Disability Pay
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29-(iP)-
President Truman has called on
the armed services to clean house
by wiping out "any possible rack-
et" in connection with tax-free
disability retirement pay going to
more than 30,000 former officers,
the President's top military aide
said today.
The aide, Maj. Gen. Harry H.
Vaughan, declared Mr. Truman
has told the Army, Navy and Air
Force to look into the records
of all officers retired on such pay.
"We've had reports of officers
who passed rigid physical examin-
ations for commissions and prom-
otions and then pleaded disabil-
ities at the close of the war in
order to receive tax-free disabil-
ity retirement pay," Vaughan

Bitterly Charge UN
Charter 'Murdered'
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 29-Parti-
tioning of Palestine into Jewish
and Arab countries was approved
by the United Nations Assembly
ate today. Arabs here and in the
Middle East promptly threatened
Teneral opposition and uprisings
against any attempt to carry out
he Assembly's decision.
JERUSATEM, Sunday, Nov,
30-(RP)-Thousands jamming
the streets of the all-Jewish
city of Tel Aviv went wild last
night when announcement was
made by radio that the UN had
voted for partition of Palestine.
There were shouts, songs and
some tears. An American visi-
tor said "This is like V-E Day
at home," as he watched scores
dancing In the streets waving
champagne bottles.
The six Arab nations represent-
ed here walked out of the crowded
assembly hall in protest after
charging bitterly that the U.N.
charter had been "murdered" by
the majority verdict.
The Assembly's final vote ap-
proving the "Soviet-American"
proposal to set up independent
Jewish and Arab countries in
the Holy Land by next Oct. 1 was
33 to 13.
The final vote was taken after
the Arabs backed down from their
former stand and proposed the
creation of a federal government
composed of Jewish and Arab
states-similar to the organiza-
tion of the United States of Am-
But the 33-13 vote was well
over the requirement for ap-
proval by two-thirds of those
delegates present and voting.
The 13 opposed to partition
could have been defeated by a
minimum of 26 affirmative
votes. Ten nations abstained
and Siam was absent.
The Arabs made it clear that
their walk-out here was directed
only against the decision on Pal-
estine, which they said they would
not obey.
It was the second walk-out in
U.N. history. The first was by An-
drei A. Gromyko of Russia, who
left the Security Council in pro-
test against a decision in the Iran-
ian case in March, 1946.
Soon after the crucial vote on
partition the 1947 assembly ad-
journed finally at 6:59 p.m.
(E.S.T.). The session began
Sept. 16. The next assembly,
unless a special session is called,
is slated to meet in some Europ-
ean City next September.
The decision on Palestine found
the United States and Russia
teaming together for one of the
few times in U.N. history. It was
the ony important question which
arose during the eleven weeks of
the 1947 session on which the two
big powers agreed fully.
Herschel V. Johnson, U.S. dele-
gate, praised the assembly vote as
demonstrating that the U.N. "is
capable of dealing forthrightly
with urgent international issues."
Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet Dep-
uty Foreign Minister, declared
that the Palestine decision is a
"just one" and "the best under
the circumstances."
* * *
Meeting Goes
Wild With Glee
NEW YORK, Nov. 29-0P)-Six
thousand persons, singing and
dancing to celebrate the new Jew-
ish State, swarmed outside Nich-

After Hour Musicians Glad ly Pay To Play Classics


1 74





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