PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMER 29, 1947 i_ _ f r 'i Fifty-Eighth Year MATTER OF FACT: Revolt Brewing Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell...................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager Stu~art FMnlayson........... ...Editorial Director Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager Lida Dailes......................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ....................... Sports Editor Bob Lent.................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ..................Women's Editor Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin ick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 rae- Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KATZ ew Liberalism WALTER REUITHER did not introduce Jr. the nation to a new brand of liberalism at the recent UAW elections, he rolled to the footlights a variety that has been shunted backstage since Henry Wallace set out to make himself "the most controversial figure in American politics." Unlike Wallace and the majority of lib- erals who welcome support indiscriminate- ly from any quarter, Reuther has repud- ited a powerful segment of liberalism by making it plain he wants neither the en- dorsement of Communists nor their com- pany as associate officers. By his courage- ous action, Reuther became the first prominent leader in the vital field of labor to successfully defy the Commu- nists and to highlight the distinction be- tween the goal of American labor and that of Communism. That these goals differ in fact and not in fancy, there is ample evidence. It is well known that the American labor movement was initiated to redress its many grievances and to seek changes in the relationships of management and labor. But whereas labor would replace parts and oil others in the American economic machine, the Commu- nists would discard the whole mechanism and substitute their own version. This has been the avowed philosophy of every Com- munist leader. Wherever Communists have gained suf- ficient power, such a wholesale change has occurred, and it has inevitably brought chaos as the last resistance is hacked away. For a vivid example of the system in action, witness France today, where the Communists have capitalized on the des- prate plight of the nation to wield the general strike as a political bludgeon in a bid for dominance. While the political struggle rages, the striking Frenchman is ignored as he is cut off from ihat little wages he had. Reuther's kind of liberalism circumnavigates this particular danger. In addition to dampening the ambitions of aspiring Communists, Reuther has ma- terially contributed to labor-management accord by his forthright action. By removing from power the men commonly known to be dedicated to management's destruction, he has crumbled perhaps the largest psycholog- ical barrier to agreement in the minds of management. To those who desire unanimity between labor and management, and not economic revolution, such an action is very heartening. Cries of "reactionary" and "fascistic" have marked the union defeat of the Communists, but Reuther's liberalism has stood up under the assault. And as long as he so pointedly works to improve the lot of the laborer, the charges will be baseless. Too infrequently seen today, Reuther's brand of liberalism merits consideration on the nation's college campuses. Although political plums are not readily gathered on the campus, Communists find it prof- itable to gain good will and sow seeds of n;Ab' b man ons By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-There have been angry mutterings in the cloak rooms before, but there are now for th'e first time real signs of a serious rebellion among Senate Republicans against Senator Robert A. Taft's leadership of the Senate majority. If the rebellion materializes it will center, of course, around the price issue. For a number of Senate Republicans are making no secret of the fact that they regard Sen- ator Taft's root-and-branch opposition to the Administration program for inflation control as bad politics if nothing worse. The revolt is still in the talk stage, and it may never crystallize into action. Yet already close observers of the Senate scene are beginning to tick off the names of those Republican Senators who might be expected to defy the powerful Taft. High- est on the list are the names of two fresh- men from New England, Ralph E. Flan- ders of Vermont and Raymond Baldwin of Connecticut. Already they have out- spokenly criticized what they regard as Taft's "negative approach" to the price issue. Baldwin and Flanders might well be joined by at least four other New Englanders, Massachusetts' Senators Henry Cabot Lodge and Leverett laltonstall, Vermont's Senator George Aiken and New Hampshire's Senator Charles Tobey. Tobey has already summed up his own attitude towards the price issue in the phrase "damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead"; an approach which seems to indicate something less than full agreement with Senator Taft. This hard core of New Englanders may well be reinforced by a scattering of re- cruits from elsewhere. The perpetual maverick, Senator Wayne Morse of Ore- gon, although an outcast from the party councils, is expected to support a positive price program on the Senate floor. An- other probable recruit to the rebels is Senator John Sherman Cooper of Ken- tucky. Cooper has told intimates that he is convinced that the Republican record on prices was directly responsible for the recent Republican debacle in Kentucky. Senator Arthur V. Watkins of Utah has also amazed his colleagues by proposing government purchase of the entire wheat crop, a proposal which goes beyond any- thing contained in the Truman program, and which was greeted with horror in the Taft camp. Other possible recruits for the Republican price rebellion include the able Senator Irv- ing Ives of New York, and Senators William Knowland of California, Edward Thye of Minnesota, Alexander Smith of New Jersey, C. D. Buck of Delaware, and Zales Ecton of Montana. Ecton, a member of the price sub- committee for the west, received a vivid object lesson in the meaning of the price situation from his daughter and son-in-law, who were trying to live on the West Coast on $2,400 a year. Finally, Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan might move quietly into the rebel camp. Vandenberg will never trespass openly on Taft's domestic policy bailiwick, but he too has undoubtedly heard from industrial Michigan echoes of the mounting anger about prices. And he is in a better position than most to judge what five dollar wheat might do to American for- eign policy.. This listing is, of course, largely spec- ulative. Yet if even a dozen or so Sen- ators openly defied the Taft leadership Gripe Significance LETTERS TO THE DAILY display a va- riety of student complaints, but under- lying the diversity is a discernible concensus, which might be said to represent the general student idea of what's wrong with the Uni- versity of Michigan. Many letter-writers have a legitimate beef about some aspect of their collegiate existence. And they feel strongly enough to pound out a letter, a test which undoubt- edly prevents many a perennial and verbal griper from wasting everybody's time. By emphasizing the personal and the par- ticular, however, most letter-writers touch only the periphery of the problems they discuss. Complaints about bus service, University eateries, rulings on discipline and teaching concern themselves with effects more than with causes. One factor which is of far-reaching im- portance to students is enrollment. It's fine that 20,000 people can come to college here, but implicit in the complaints of letter-writers is the question: "Are we getting a good education?" Obviously those who criticize teaching don't think so. Not so obvious, but just as significant, is the relationship between complaints about bus service, for example, or dating, and the over-large enrollment. Education, orientation speakers say, is not just an accumulation of course credits-it includes everyt;ing you do, every experience. In line with that principle, University authorities, by maintaining an enrollment of at least 18,000, are making significant education impossible. If those responsible for enrollment policy on the price issue, that would amount to the first really serious break in Repub- lican Senatorial ranks. The episode of last week's Republican conference illustrates why such a break is now a serious possi- bility At this conference the Flanders-Baldwin group urged that the price issue would cer- tainly decide next year's election, that the Republicans must avoid merely whittling down on the Truman program, and that they must emerge instead with a positive Republican program. Taft seemed to agree. Yet immediately after the conference, he announced his intention to whittle away still another Truman item, that calling for controls on the feeding of high-priced cattle. Hard feelings resulted, and they have not been soothed by an editorial in "The Republican News" written by fatuous Re- publican Chairman, Carroll Reece. The edi- torial is captioned "A Cop in Every Kit- chen," and it consists of furious semantics about "totalitarian methods." The kind of program the Republican moderates would like to substitute for this unrewarding rage was indicated in the report of the Flanders-Baldwin subcom- mittee of the joint committee on the economic report. This report suggests many of the measures proposed in the Truman message. It suggests further that meat be rationed immediately, and that price controls, rather than being angrily discarded in the Taft manner, be held in reserve as a reluctant last-ditch weapon- in the fight on high prices. It is interest- ing that this program is much like that proposed by the middle-of-the-roaders among the President's advisors, who were finally over-ruled by the President when he decided to go the whole hog for ra- tioning and price control. The brewing Republican rebellion may yet be quashed. Yet it is at least heartening that a number of Senate Republicans see more in the price problem than a chance to hurl Truman's silly remark about "police state methods" back in his face. And it is also heartening that a reasonable compromise on the issue between the Administration and the Congress is at least not beyond the bounds of possibility. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) ['D RATHER BE RIGHT: Dewcey Speech By SAMUEL GRAFTON G OVERNOR DEWEY came down to the Waldorf from Albany the other evening to do a speech about China, and the effect was very strange. The Gov., it happens, is on rather a hot spot. He supports the Administration's foreign policy, yet as a potential Presi- dential candidate for next year, he must do some intelligent opposing. Sometimes he does this by saying that our foreign policy is good, but that he invented most of it. Sometimes, contrariwise, the Gov. does it by saying that he supports our for- eign policy, but that it isn't very good. The point is that the administration has done a good deal of fretting about China. For years we have been sending emissaries' over to report on the facts, and it has hap- pened that the resulting report reveals so much garft and corruption in the National Government that it has to be suppressed. When we do send aid to the National Gov- ernment so much of it is misused that the only result is to convert more of the Chinese people, by brigades and platoons, to Com- munism. The idea of Dewey giving heavy ad- vice on China to Marshall, who has been there, is rather funny. Certainly one would like to see demo- cratic freedom preserved in China. But before you could preserve it there, you'd have to grow it; Dewey's plan is a plan for preserving peaches in an area that, at present, is rich in cactus. Dewey's blithe acceptance of the National Government, with throb effects, skips light- ly by the critical sections in the famous Marshall Report of last January. Marshall, no hothead, and no Commu- nist, denounced the "dominant reaction- aries" in the Chinese government and said that only the liberals could save China. Dewey, blinking his way past this material, asks that we give our dollars to the very forces Marshall attacked. He thus comes close to announcing the policy that we ought to help anybody who is anti- Communist, regardless of what else he is. But any such line would subordinate the positive, pro-democratic content of our foreign policy to its anti-Communist con- tent; and it is the pro-freedom content which gives our policy life and affirma- tion. Dewey hasn't found a hole in our foreign policy: he has merely fallen into one of his own. Marshall remarked crisply last Jan- uary that the National Government's reac- tionaries "have evidently counted upon sub-' stantial American support regardless of their actions." In Dewey's case they seem to have been right. (Copyright. 1947. New York Post Syndicate) ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Public 'Mediator By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER LONDON - British Diplomat: You Americans are always in such a dashed hurry. American Official: Hurry, your aunt. We can tell a church by the sight and a corpse by the smell. Cooperation between Russia and the western democ- racies has been dead these three years. Unless you call the civil war now being waged in France and Italy cooperation. You ' would admit it, if you hadn't absorbed hypocrisy with your mother's milk. B. D.: Hypocrisy has its uses, old boy. After all, diplomacy is founded on make-believe. But then you Americans have, strictly speaking, never understood diplo- macy. A. O.: At least we know when to stop flogging a dead horse. In pretending that this conference about Germany has a China- man's chance of succeeding you aren't fooling the Russians. They know that it hasn't for they killed cooperation years ago. All you are doing is fooling the British people. Some day they are going to grow up and take it out of your hide. B. D.: Admitting that coopera- tion is really dead, there is still much to be gained by choosing the right time and the right type of funeral. A. O.: Naturally you would prefer another burial of Sir John Moore. "Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his corpse to the ramparts we hurried." Here at London it just won't work. The Russians will provide plenty of thunder no matter how you people stand and sim- per. Be honest and admit that what you are trying for is the role of public mediator. B. D.: It's an old role for Eng- land-. A. O.: And one that has paid well. But all any mediator can get here is pinched fingers. B.D.: What makes you so sure? A. O.: Because neither the Russians nor we Americans will let you. The Russians are bound to raise cain for their only chance is to hasten that much heralded "American depres- sion." They counted on it for 1947-it didn't come. Now they must have it in 1948. They be- lieve that they can precipitate an American crisis by prevent- ing the Marshall Plan. This they can accomplish only by violence. That leaves no place for Brit- ish mediation. Secondly, we Americans will stand only just so much British flirtation with Moscow. When we have had enough all we need to do is to drop a hint to Joe Stalin' that so far as we are concerned, he can have what is left of your rickety Empire - and next morning you will be knocking on Secretary Marshall's door begging us to say publicly that it isn't so. Let's stop kidding each other and get down to the business of this conference. B. D.: Externally you may b right. Internally, with conserva tives pressing laborites, Bevin needs to consolidate his party some of which are pro-Fussian, by acting as though he believed co. operation with the Soviets is stil possible. A. O.: Quite so. Now that I've smoked you out, let's concen- trate on our real task of making this international divorce pain- less. B. D.: You mean division o Germany? A. O.: Naturally. Thereby there will be one less area left to quarrel about. Once we reach a clean solution of other dis- puted areas - France, Italy, China and Korea-then we can start negotiating with the So- viets for an understanding on a new basis. B. D.: Namely? A. O.: They to stay on their side of the fence, we on ours. B. D.: That is obviously what i coming. A. O.: Exactly. So face up and drop this sham of mediation. B. D.: My dear fellow, a countr like Britain does not relinquis ancient habits overnight. But yo know quite well that in a pinci we shall always be on your side- A. O.: (Ironically): And rescue us again just as you did in 1917 and 1941. B. D.: (With dignity): Pardo me. As we saved you in 1914 an 1939. Columnist's Note: The abov conversation is entirely fictitiou and rigorously accurate. (copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc Publication in The Daily Official Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 58 Notices Regents' Meeting: 2 p.m.. Dec. 19. Communications for considera- tion at this meeting must be in the. President's hands not later than December 11. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Faculty Meeting, College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts: 4:10 p.m., Dec. 1, Rm. 1025, An- gell Hall. Hayward Keniston AGENDA 1. Consideration of the min- utes of the meeting of Nov. 3. 1947 (pp. 1385-1387). 2. Consideration of reports submitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Prof, William Frankena. b. University Council - Asso. Prof. C. J. McHale. No report. c. Executive Board of the Grad- uate School-Prof. R. C. Angell. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-Prof. J. M. Cork. e. Deans' Conference - Dean Hayward Keniston. No report. 3. Degree Program in Russian Studies. 4. Preprofessional Program in Medicine and the Combined Cur- riculum in Letters and Medicine. 5. Prof. Clark Hopkins' motion re University expansion. 6. Examining Services of the University-Dr. R. M. W. Travers. 7. New business. 8. Announcements. Faculty and Veteran Students: The final date for the approval of requisitions for the purchase of books, equipment and special sup- plies will be Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1948. Transfer Student Testing Pro- gram: Scores, together with man- uals of interpretation, are now available to those students who recently completed the Transfer Student Testing Program. Stu- dents with less than sixty hours of credit may obtain their test scores in the Academic Counselors Office, 108 Mason Hall. Upper- class students may get their test scores and manuals from the of- fice of their department of con- centration. Upper-class students who listed no concentration ad- viser should go to the Academic Counselor's Office. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall (See note at bottom) The Naval Research Labora- tories will have two representa- e tives here on Monday and Tues - day, Dec. 1 and 2, to interview i February and June graduates fo , civilian scientific and technica y jobs. The examination will be - held in January to establish eligi- l ble lists of chemists, physicists mathematicians, metallurgists psychologists, and librarians. Federal Department Stores, De troit, Michigan, will interview men and women graduating in February for department stor executive training on Tuesdai / 'fDec. 2. U. S. Rubber Company, Misha waka, Indiana, will interview Feb ruary graduates on Wednesday Dec. 3, for the following positions 1. Production: Non - technica graduates to train for supervisor: positions, Mishawaka, Indiana. A few openings in Chicago. 2. Credit work: Mishawaka, In diana. A few openings in Chicago 3. Industrial Engineers: Indus trial Engineering degree or Busi ness Administration with engi neering background. Mishawaka Indiana. A few openings in Chi cago. 4. Control work: Chemical En y gineers. A few openings in Chi h cago. U 5. Development work on lastex h rubber, plastics: Chemists, Physi- cists, Chemical Engineers. Provi dence, Rhode Island. For complete information an appointments, call the Bureau o n Appointments, 201 Mason Hal d extension 371. s Academic Notices .) Physical and Inorganic Chem DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily 1 prints every letter togthe editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 wordsr or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of tie writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Band Etiquette To the Editor: T HURSDAY'S DAILY carried a "Michigan Manners" criticism from a Marjorie Ruoss, wherein the Michigan band and the Mich- igan cheerleaders were found; guilty of poor conduct. May I be1 permitted to answer this letter, in the referral to the Michigan band alone. It is a custom between schools, to follow certain rules. And if a visiting band is in attendance. here are some of those customs. When the visiting team comes on the field, pre-game or pre-last- half, the visiting band welcomes them with their fight song. As soon as the Michigan team comes on the field, the Michigan band welcomes their team with our own fight song. We do not wait until the visiting band has f in- ished-we burst out with the greeting immediately on the istry Seminar: Tues., Dac. 1, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. E. F. Westrum, Jr. will speak on "Chemistry of Neptunium." Concert The University Musical Society will present the Don Cossack Chorus, Serge Jaroff, conductor, in the Second Annual Extra Con- cert Series, Tues., Dec. 2, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Conductor Jaroff has built a pogram of folk songs, religious music, and Rus- siansoldier songs. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- vesity Musical Society in Burton Tower, and will be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office on the night of the concert after 7 p.m. Exhibitions Architecture Building. Ex- change exhibition of student work from the College of Architecture of the University of Illinois. Spon- sored by the student branch of the A.I.A. Architecture Building. Century of Photography; from the Muse- um of Modern Art. Through De- cember 15. Events Today The Congregational - Disciples Guild: Fireside, 7:30-9 p.m., Guild House. A Guild member will show slides taken during his bicycle trip through Europe and will speak on the work being done by American Youth Hostels in France. Coming Events Science Research Club: 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 2, Rackham Am- phitheatre. Program: "Flow Visualization2 at Supersonic Speeds," by Eugen i B. Turner, Department of Aero- nautical Engineering. "Sodiur eRestriction in the Treatment of High Blood Pressure," by J. Mar- ion Bryant, Department of Inter- nal Medicine. Introduction of new members. -' Spanish Play: Preliminary try. outs for the Spanish play will b h eld Monday and Tuesday, De- cember 1 and 2, from 4 to 6 p.m. in Rm. 408 RL. Graduating Outing Club, meet for ice-skating or hiking, 2:30 a p.m., Sun., Nov. 30, northwest en- y trance, Rackham Bldg. Sign u A at Rackham check desk bef ore noon Saturday. All graduate stu- - dents welcome. 4. - A.I.Ch.E. Meeting, Mon., Dec. 1, - 7:30 p.m., Rm. 318, Michigan Un- - ion. 'Ensian picture will be taker Prof. C. T. Olmstead will delivera - talk on "Registration of Engi- neers." - Russian Circle: 8 p.m., Mon. Dec. 1, International Center. AL K, interested students are welcome. - IRA: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michi- - gan Union, Mon., Dec. 1. Plan c action to be "briefed" on curreni d "Operation Haircut." Everyone or f campus is invited. l, Young Progressive Citizens o Michigan: Meeting, Dec. 1, Mon. 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Elec. tion of officers. Activation of prc - gram. All interested invited. Letters to the Editor... team's appearance. When we go away with the team, the same procedure is followed. Nether of us figure to be trying to drown out the other, nor to be showing bad manners. Incidentally, when the visiting team brings no band with them, the Michigan band greets the first appearance of the visiting team on the field by playing their own fight song as a greeting-we switch to our own as soon as our own team comes on the field. Next point is this. Any band always bursts out as soon as their team makes a touchdown. If the other band should happen to be playing at that time, it makes no difference, the band of the scoring team always bursts out in the col- lege marching song. This often re- sults in such a condition as oc- curred during the OSU game, with both bands playing at once, but no one in complete knowledge of collegiate custom is ever offended. During time outs, the custom is for the visiting band to play the first one, the home team the sec- ond one, and then to alternate. This was fpllowed during the OSU game. I hope that this explanation by a mere outsider will suffice to sat- isfy Miss Ruoss and others who are interested. Am merely a rather sincere follower of both the Mich- igan Team and the Michigan band. -G. I. Hoag. Yost Anecdote To the Editor: WAS UNABLE to listen to "Campus Quarter" over WPAG this morning. I should like, how- ever, to mention a conversation with Coach Yost some years ago, unless this instance was related over the radio. A few years after the appear- ance of "The Victors," at the finish of one of Michigan's cus- tomary victories, Mr. Elbel -said to Coach Yost. "Aren't you glad I wrote 'The Victors'?" The Coach at once said that he was glad, that they liked very much to sing the selection, and that the whole University was glad he wrote it. Then Mr. Yost with, I imagine, a twinkle in his eye, asked, "Aren't you glad you came to a school where you could write 'The Vic- tors'?" -George E. Carrothers. * *n * Thanks 4 Il 4 I I To the Editor: WE WERE TWO of the many unlucky people who spent Thanksgiving in Health Service. Naturally, on that day, we had, memories of our previous Thanks- givings. In spite of the gloom attendant with the prospect of spending a holiday in Health Service, we want to thank the doctors, nurses, and aids for making us so com- ifortable. We are especially grate- ful to the cooks for the delicious dinner which was served. The sin- cerity of the staff was not only evident on that particular day but was continuous throughout our entire stay. -BettyJean Himelhoch. Ella May Randall. * * * High Prices To the Editor: r(THANKS to a recently published letter by Mr. McMorris, I have been reminded once again of the excessive blue book prices. The unwarranted high prices of all school supplies has both puzzled and angered me for some time, even though I am fortunate enough to obtain my books and expendables simply by sighing a requisition blank. Possibly the fact that there are so many veterans who don't have to painfully shell out cash for their supplies gives us a fairly good expanation of these high prices. It makes pretty good bus- iness sense to charge the highest possible prices, especially when no one will challenge this practice. If there was some method by which students could alleviate the situation such letters as this wouldn't be necessary. This is where the prevailing condition of high prices is especially unfortu- nate. To keep peace in the com- munity, the University must bow to the pressure of the local "Mer- chant's League" and declare its opposition to such "commercial" and "private enterprise" undertak- ings that would attempt to'bring commodities down to the level of the average student's pocketbook. The Union and the League will continue to match the prevailing prices because it is not their policy to disturb the high cost of living that has been established in our I 4 4 BARNABY.., 0 rI 'I I , i -