NLEW L IBERALISM SEE PAGQE 2 Y 1Mw A 4a i] SNOW FLURRIES; CONTINUED COLD Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, N .58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cabinet Asks Extra Power Over Strikes Galls Parliamienti Bly TIhe Associate'd Press PARIS, Saturday, Nov. 29-- Premier Robert Schuman's Cab- inet summoned Parliament to meet at 1:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m., Cen- tral Standard Time) today to act upon its demands for extraordi- nary powers to cope with spread- ing strikes. The Cabinet held a three-hour emergency meeting last night af- ter the Premier had fired 66 police commissioners and called 80,000 troops back to the army in the midst of a strike of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 men in 20 national un- ions, including railwaymen. Cabinet Demands The demands the Cabinet, agreed upon were not disclosed of- ficially, but they were understood to include authorization to (1) mobilize certain public service workers; (2) take stern measures. against sabotage, particularly of railroads, post offices, communi- cations and electric light plants, and (3) deal strictly with civil servants and employes of the na- tionalized railroads judged guilty of breaking discipline. There was a possibility also, a parliamentary source said, th at the National Assembly might be asked to limit the right to strike. Other Proposals The Cabinet also decided to meet tomorrow to vote on pro- posals for reclassification of civil servants-a measure that would in many cases result in pay rises intended to satisfy the strikers' demands. Minister of Commerce and In- dustry Robert Lacoste, in a radio broadcast, asked coal miners to k return to work. He cited critical needs for fuel for homes and in- dustries. Meanwhile, a split widened in the general confederation of labor between Communists and anti- Communists over the strike move- ment, which was getting a stran- h glehold on the French economy. Gen. LeClerc, French Hero, Killed in Crash 1 PARIS, Nov. 28-(P)-Gen. Le- clerc, the hero of the march from Lake Chad and the man who led French troops back into Paris, has been killed in an airplane crash in Africa, the Air Ministry an- nounced tonight. The 46-year-old expert in ar- mored warfare died in the Sahara Desert where he first gained fame in World War II. Air secretary Andre Maroselli said the accident occurred '20 miles from Colomb- Bechar near the Algeria-Morocco border. It was understood that all the 12 persons aboard the plane were burned to death. Just when the crash occurred was not an- nounced. Leclerc, inspector general of all French North African forces, fig- ured in a series of dramatic ex- ploits during the war, emerging as one of France's greatest heroes. A member of an old and aristo- cratic French family, the General assumed the name Leclerc during the war to shield his wife and six children in German - occupied France from reprisals. His real name was Count Philippe de Hauteclocque. The slight, fair haired Leclerc firmly established his military reputation when he led a Free French Force on an epic march of almost 2,000 miles from Fort Lamy in the Lake Chad region of French Equitorial Africa to Trip- oli and a junction on Jan. 23, 1943 with Field Marshal Lord Mont- gomery's British Eighth Army. Later, with large-scale Ameri- can participation, the campaign, of which this march. across the Sahara was a part, resulted in the expulsion of the Germans and Italians from North Africa. Holiday Deaths Reported Heavy At least 123 violent deaths were Turkey-Stuffed Students Reluctantly Face Classes Iager Reavews With LongWeary- aes Tr'iige To lass 'Through Snow and ice I F ' 1 l t E J t t T r By HAROLD JACKSON Discords and sour notes were universal yesterday as only the valiant returned to face the University's academic music. Since attendance is not "required," officials wouldn't venture a guess at how many students dropped in on their post Thanksgiving classes, but the campus grapevine estimated it at a tired 65 per cent. Faithful Return The return of the faithful began late Thursday afternoon and continued all night. Long and lifeless faces supported by upturned coat collars were visible everywhere as students with eight o'clocks -tramped through the chilly dawn with the ringing exuberance of a Georgia chain gang. A sharp biting wind was na- ture's reward for devotion to rrm higher learning and all morning long she bounced stinging pow- Sw me (e dery snow off pale faces and red noses. Great inky overshoes slogged through slushy sidewalks listrlibution System and from four to six feet above P. S sathem chins were high but spirits Proves Satisfactory low. Bleary-Eyed Watch With the Dec. 1 deadline draw- In classrooms, turkey-stuffed ing near, 750 University students, carcasses were eased tenderly faculty and staff members have down on harddbenches.Bleary already applied for Rose Bowl eyes watched dully as vitamin- tickets. packed instructors alertly checked Ticket Manager Don Weir said the roll and knifed smart "ah- his office was swamped with stu- ha's" at yawning, empty seats. dent and faculty applications Most students agreed that the. Wednesday and yesterday. How- tattered threadsof education ever, Weir believes that the ma- weren't picked up too successfully jority of those planning to make yesterday. Only a token grab at the Pasadena trek are taken care them was apparently made by of, with only a thin trickle of many, for by nightfall Ann Arbor's applications expected today and outskirt roads were again clogged Monday. with students heading back "over Nondrpey. eithe hill"-and back to that half- No Gripes Received finished turkey. Applications. which came most- _ Taft Wary of Plan To Curb Risig Priees Questions 'ood Faith' of Scheme By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-Sen. Taft (Rep., Ohio) today chal- lenged the Administration's "good faith" in asking "limited" eco- nomic control powers, while two high Administration officials dis- agreed on the best way to curb inflationary bank loans. Taft took issue with Secretary of Commerce Harriman's testi- mony before the Senate-House Economic Committee that only "limited" authority was being sought by President Truman to control and allocate scarce goods and commodities with the view to halting the rising cost of living. Blanket Authority The Ohio senator contended that what was really being sought was blanket "100 per cent au- thority." "I don't think your proposals are in good faith," he said. Harriman replied that there is a difference between the Truman plan for "standby" power and the 100 per cent authority Taft men- tioned. Harriman told' the Committee the overall aim was to channel scarce supplies into the most es- sential uses. He mentioned meats, steel and hunber as major fields wherein he "hoped" lower prices would result. Snyder Disagrees BEFORE THE STORM-British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin shakes hands with Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, before assail- ing Russia in a turbulent session of the Four Power Conference yesterday, in which he warned that the western powers may take independent action if the parley failed to agree on Germany's future. KARPINSKI OBSERVES: Relief Shipments to Europe Boost U.S. Populari-ty Abroad Powers May Act SeparatelyIf Big Four Parley Fails Bevin Asserts Need To Avert Chaos As Disagreement Mounts in London By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 28-British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin warned Russia tonight that the Western Powers possibly would act on their own to save Germany and Europe from "chaos" if the Big Four failed to agree on Germany's future. The warning came during a session of the Foreign Ministers Conference marked mainly by confusion and disagreements, inform- ants said. Bevin, the sources added, looked straight at impassive Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov and asked: Says Cannot "Continue in Chaos" "Are we going to leave Europe in chaos? Is chaos our objective? If it is we had better know now. If a settlement is to be blocked every time we try, I say we cannot Reuther's Men go on forever with chaos in Europe as it is now." Take Major Bevin asked the questions after Molotov blocked agreement on Y '~' settingup a border commission to UAW Ofices examine territorial claims on Ger- many and a proposal to allow eco- nomic integration of the Saar with Bannon To Succeed France. British Plan Leonard in Ford Post Molotov then charged that even E OI,,Nv28-()Tb before theConference started DETROIT, Nov. 2-. nThe Britain had a plan to set up a dominant forces of President Wal- western German government. He teo P. Reuther scored an almost then asked that the Four Powers complete monopoly of major ap- condemn the setting up of any pointments as the CIO United "segment" German government in Auto Workers held its first post- place of the central administra- convention Executive Board Meet., tion desired by the Soviet Union. ingutoday. Reuther himself retained direc- Bevin denied Molotov's charge tion of the Union's big General but added: Motors Department and Kenneth "While the British government Bannon, a Reuther supporter, was has come to no conclusion and named to succeed former Vice indeed has even refused to come President Richard T. Leonard as to a conclusion or even to assume the UAW's National Ford Direc- this conference will break down, tor. Bannon is President of Ford I am not in a position to commit Local 400 in suburban Highland either the government or the peo- Park. ple as to what might have to be Chrysler Director done in the event of Big Four fail- Norman Matthews, another ure to agree. Reuther man, was re-elected Na- Denies Soviet Charge tional Chrysler Director to round "If in the end peace is denied, out the Union leadership in the then surely you cannot at this auto industry's "big three" fac- stage ask us to stand still with tories. Europe in chaos and not do any- Leonard, defeated for re-elec- thing at all." tion along with other anti-Reu- The exchange on the creation therites at the recent UAW con- o a German government in the vention in Atlantic City, N.J., had occupation zones of the western- been Ford Director since the Un- powers came, the informants said, ion's first contract with the Ford as Molotov hammered on his fa- Motor Co. was signed in June, miliar theme "that the western 1941. He plans to return to his powers want a partitioned Ger- former job as a machine operator many." in the Chrysler DeSoto plant here ly from students, are slightly over Weir's initial estimate of between five and six hundred. He reported that no gripes have been received from students and faculty members on the duaca dis- tribution system. Most applicants seemed satisfied with the method and the distribution is going smoothly, according to Weir. Allocation Procedure The student-faculty allocation procedure was suggested by Bob Chappuis and Pete Elliot, student members of the Board in Control of Athletics. Applicants are given a receipt here which is to be pre- sented along with a University identification card on the West Coast prior to game time in order to pick up the pasteboards. When the University phase of the distribution system closes applications by Alumni and the general .public will be considered. Truman Calls For Training WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-(A')- President Truman, calling again for universal training legislation, said today this nation is deter- mined to remain strong as it pur- sues its policy of peace and free- dom. Speaking first to a crowd in Union Station after a 30 minute inspection of historic documents aboard the "Freedom Train," he said he wished all the people of the world could see them and know "what we are fighting for now-world peace." Later addressing a group of, champion recruiters of the Na- tional Guard, Mr. Truman said he would send Congress in January another message calling for uni- versal training legislation. He urged them to work among their Congressmen and Senators in be- half of its passage. 'Mobs Protest Transfer of Milan Prefect ROME, Nov. 28-(P)-Demon- strators in Milan were reported gathering again tonight around the Prefecture, besieged earlier by 9,000 partisans protesting the transfer of leftist Prefect Ettore Troilo. Late today a dispatch from the northern industrial city, Italy's second largest, had reported the crowd drifting away from the Pre- fecture, government building of Milan Province. Crowd Returns But a later dispatch said the crowd was back and had grown by 4,000 in an hour as truckloads of demonstrators arrived amid a light snowfall. Partisans wearing red neckerchiefs were reported promi- nent. Sixty-odd Carabinieri, Na- tional policemen, were stationed at the Prefecture, and troops stood by. Streets were blocked by barri- cades erected by the demonstra- tors, who also had maintained picket lines around the Prefecture part of the day. Day-Long Protest A "citizens' committee" claim- ing to speak for the demonstrators kept representatives in the Pre- fecture throughout the day, along with Prefect Troilo and Gen. Manlio Capizzi, commander of the Milan Army Garrison, the dis- patch said. Under Secretary of the Interior Achille Narazza, forced down by bad weather at Florence on a flight from Rome, arrived in Mi- lan by train. The Prefect and the general met him. A spokesman for a "committee of agitation" of the "citizens' committee" said it would participate in the talks with Narazza. Secretary of Treasury Snyder told the Committee he disagreed with the proposal of Federal Re- serve Board Chairman Marriner Eccles that banks be required to set aside special reserves. Eccles, in making the proposal last week, asserted the special reserves would cut down the amount of money banks can lend and thus be anti- inflationary. Snyder said he believes the best way to reduce the banks' lending ability is to keep tax revenues higher than government spending and use the' surplus to pay off government securities owned by banks. Taft Hits Past ForeignPolicy WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-V)- A charge that Roosevelt-Truman policies bred economic chaos in Europe and led to demands for billions in American aid was made today by Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) as the $597,000,000 (Mil- lions) winter relief bill encoun- tered a delay. Taft, while announcing that he would vote for the bill, told the Senate that the Executive branch of the government let the Rus- sians build themselves up as a strong power in eastern Europe, and gave them the opportunity to prevent the recovery of western Europe. He also declared that the Mor- genthau Plan for reducing Ger- many to an agricultural state dealt a severe blow to Europe's economy. World News At a Glance By The Associated Press HELSINKI, Finland, Nov. 28- More than 40,000 Finnish Govern- ment employes called off their strike today after Premier Mauno Pekkala's cabinet reportedly made plans to conscript the strikers into the army. LONDON, Nov. 28 - Sir Os- wald Mosley, the British Fascist leader, announced today the formation of a political group called the Union Movement which he said "will be frankly anti-semitic." * * * NANKING, Nov. 28 - Because Chinese voters elected their own write-in choices in last week's National Assembly election, instead of nominees prearranged By FRED SCHOTT America's popularity in Europe is zooming because of our gener- ous relief shipments, according to a former University mathematics professor, Louis C. Karpinski, who has just returned to Ann Arbor after a trip abroad. Karpinski . originally went to Europe to attend the Interna- tional Congress of the History of Science at Lusanne, Switzerland. On his way back, however, he made visits to France, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. Wherever he went, he found the population genuinely thankful for U. S. help. Met American 'n Holland, for example, he re- called meeting an American of Dutch descent from New Jersey who had saved enough money, to visit his native country. "Before he left America, he and his children and their church had sent tons of food to Holland," Karpinski said. "When I met him, he had been in Holland five months, and all of that time he was entertained and showered with gifts by Dutch families. They looked upon him as their rescuer." Americans were generally liked in Europe. Karpinski found. More than a few people on the street came up to him and said, "Ameri- can, we thank you." No Longer Joke The newspapers, and the popu- lation, in all the countries he vis- ited, no longer joke about Ameri- cans in the same old way, he ob- served. They've forgotten about the "Almighty dollar," he said. In France, he found a Prof. Chamard, of the Sorbonne, who taught in Ann Arbor about 20 years ago. "He had received pack- ages from all over the United States," he said. But Chamard and his country- men need more aid immediately, Karpinski asserted. "They need white flour and milk products most urgently-after that, food- stuffs of all kinds." Karpinski said the food is need- ed independent of any political considerations. We ought to send it as a "humanitarian" gesture, he thinks: "the need is the thing - it should be the greatest consid- eration." House Hearing Of War Frauds To Begin Soon WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-P)- Several more wartime purchasing officers of the Armed Forces will be called, upon to explain their relations with contractors who made large profits, members of a hnuse Committee indicated to- day after a long hunt for war frauds. Chairman Bender (R.-Ohio) of the House Expenditures Subcom- mittee, which has been digging into war transactions for several months, said he is "ready to do" on certain cases involving plane contracts. Bender told a reporter that the subcommittee is "not out hunting headlines." Nevertheless, he pre- dicted that the results of its in- quiry will compare favorably with those of the Senate War Inves- tigating Subcommittee which un- earthed the secret wartime deal- ings of Maj. Gen. Bennett E. Mey- ers, Air Force Procurement Offi- cer. Naming no names, Bender said that investigators have been ex- amining the relations of several wartime purchasing officers with manufacturers who later were list- ed as having been greatly overpaid by the government. He said the committee will try to find out whether any of the officers were cut in on the contracts. A report from the General Ac- countinf Office, turned over to Congress early this year, is the foundation for the Bender Com- mittee's inquiry. The accounting Office report said that some of the Army and Navy officers who handled war contracts since have been hired by the manufacturers whose contracts they renegotiated. Laborites Win By-Elections Two Year Record Remains Unbroken LONDON, Nov. 28- (A') - The Labor Government's record of re- taining every one of its House of Commons seats at stake in by- elections since 1945 remained un- broken today despite recent up- sets in municipal contests. Vote counters reported a Labor victory in East Edinburgh yester- day, while Conservatives rolled up a big majority in the by-election at Howdenshire and retained the seat vacated by a retiring Tory member of Parliament. Laborite John Whealtey, Lord Advocate in Prime Minister At- tlee's Government, won the East Edinburgh seat vacated by the previous Labor M.P. The East Edinburgh eleation was the 22nd by-election victory for labor since the 1945 general election landslide. Conservatives have retained their eight con- servative seats at strike and won three seats formerly held by inde- pendents. France Delays Palestine Vote Both U.S. and Russia Oppose Adjournment NEW YORK, Nov. 28-(M)-A surprise compromise move by France today put off for at least 24 hours a final showdown vote in the United Nations Assembly on the so-called Soviet-American plan to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arabic countries. The Assembly voted 25 to 15 on the simple question of adjourning for 24 hours. The turn in the situation. came after several delegates including the Assembly President predicted off the floor that the partition plan would be approved with one or two votes to spare. Chief U.S. Delegate, Warren R. Austin, who had voted against the 24-hour delay, commented: "It will not diminish the prospect of the majority report (the partition plan) being accepted." One highly-placed UN official, however, said that the adjourn- ment made postponement of the whole problem until next year much more likely. The Soviet Union sided with the U.S. in voting against adjourn- ment. The vote was taken on a show of hands. A motion for adjournment takes precedence over all other business, must be voted on promptly, and requires only a simple majority for adoption. Dec. 1. ' Win 18 Posts The 22-man executive board, holding its first regular meeting since Reuther supporters won 18 of the posts, also revised the Un- ion's top policy committee, which runs its affairs between meetings. Named to the committee which often directs strike strategy were the four top officers-Reuther, Secretary-Treasurer Emil Mazey and Vice Presidents Richard Gos- ser and John Livingston-and the following Board members: Matthews: Joseph McCusker, Detroit; George Burt, Canadian Regional Director; Richard Reis- inger, Cleveland, and Leonard Woodcock, Muskegon, Mich. Reis- inger and Burt are two of the four anti-Reuther board members. Movie Studio Fires Writer Thomas Committee Blamed by Lardner HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 28-(M-- Writer Ring Lardner, Jr., one of 10 film figures cited by the Thom- as Un-American Activities Com- mitee for contempt in refusing to testify whether he is a member of the Communist party, was dis- missed today by 20th Century- Fox. The action was in line with a decision of movie executives in New York earlier in the week. Lardner issued this statement: "I have been informed that the studio will not continue to pay me beyond today, but so far they have not given me the grounds for this action. But I naturally suspect that the Thomas Commit- tee blackmail operations have something to do with it." LIFE AND DEATH: Private Collection of Taboos Guides Don Cossack Chorus Performances of the Don Cos- sack Chorus are life and death af- fairs. At least that's the way the sing- ers feel-and with sound reason. It is a universal belief among the giant Cossacks who will present the third in the Extra Concert Series at 8:30 p.m. Tues- day at Hill Auditorium, that "So long as a Cossack sings in the the Cossacks have a pack of ta- boos all their own. 1 If a cat (any color will do) crosses their path on the way to a performance, the effect is not merely bad luck. The cat simply portends the loss of their voices during the concert. Cossack Tenor And one of the Cossack tenors, althougl no one quite knows why, is mysteriously compelled to be DOCUMENTARY BASIS: Pauil Rnhesn Feuairmc i'Native, ILand' I I