PAE r, tomTitt MICmCi AN IAWL'Y_ Fifty-Eighth Year y I Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity. of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Edwin Schneider ................inance Manager Lida Dailes....................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal................Library Director Melvin Tick .....,............Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post OfficemattAnn Arbor, Mich- Igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE Prayer for Peace 0DAY IS Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving prayers said today must express our thanks for our present peace- confused as it is-and our current opportun- ity to weld a permanent and lasting peace that the world can be thankful for in gen- erations to come. Prayers for peace must be followed by action for peace. America can use her present power and influence courageously toward the goal of security. Concerted action in internalimonal politics can only be attained by the whole- hearted action of all citizens. There are many ways the University student can work for a better future. He may give aid to European and Asiatic needy, support UN, ,attend meetings of the United World Federalists or other or- ganizations that aim at a secure world organization and support internationally- minded public officers. Thanksgiving Day prayers should be pray- ers for peace-but to turn these prayers into reality, lets go out and make peace a reality. -Craig H. Wilson. Fact and Fancy THE LINEUP between fact and opinion is often a fine one-but it does exist. It is often difficult to present facts ob- jectively, especially when current events are of such a fluid nature that a reporter sometimes finds what he says today at odds with yesterday's report. In such a situation it is almost inevitable that, over along period, news will be colored by the bias of the reporter or the group for which he works. We recognize this when we speak of papers and magazines as being conservative or liberal. But the line is still there, and even the most cursory respect for democratic ideals demands that those who have the job of re- porting news do so in a reasonably objec- tive manner. Apparently one of WJR's news- men, John Denman, has decided that these ideals do not deserve even that much con-J sideration. Mr. Denman reports "tomorrow morn- ing's headlines," at midnight six days a week. He does not purport to give "to- morrow morning's editorial page." Yet for ten minutes he presents the most blatant display of prejudice, through iusinuation and open comment, that this writer has heard on a "news" broadcast. Ie manages to out-McCormick the Colonel himself. There is a place for editorializing in a newspaper; on the editorial page. There is also a place on the radio-through the medium of news commentators and analysts. If WJR agrees with Mr. Denman's opinions. which it apparently does since he is per- mitted to continue broadcasting, then he should be given an opportunity to present them-appropriately labelled as such. It is not a question of which side of the I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: lBy SA'It LI. GRAFTON ONE CAN GIVE THANKS for fall itself, a fine time of year. One can give thanks that one need not give thanks to any other nation for getting up a relief program for us. (Consider what' Thanksgiving would be if the Swiss, say, were getting up an Amer- ican aid program, and were marking their parcels "Swiss Aid" so that we would be sure to be grateful.) One can give thanks, for example, that America has, so far, passed through the most serious crisis in human affairs with- out internal violence. That is not such a take-it-for-granted item as it may seem, considering how few places in this world can say the same. Thanks, then, that we are not breaking each other's heads; that is quite rmarkable on this planet today. We have trembled on the edge of it, at a couple of public affairs lately, but we haven't done it. Thanks for blessed, nonconformist Amer- ica, and for the newspapers and public fig- ures, a fair, fat handful, who still stir themselves to fight for the right of any American not to think like any other, if he doesn't want to. Thanks, not that we are to the right, nor that we are to the left, but that we aren't punching. Thanks for the democratic fabric, which has held. May it never frazzle; and a solemn, thought- ful Thanksgiving to those who would like it otherwise, with more intellectual or phys- ical roughhouse. Thanks for an America in which one may build model railroads or be a theosophist, if such be his pleasure, with- out regard to prevailing opinion on model railroads or theosophy One may legitimately give thanks for the way our children look, on the fields or on the streets. Thanks, also, for time itself. Thanks for the two years since the war's end. Thanks for each slow day which, in passing, erodes a little more of that strange, naive bump- tiousnpess we showed at the end of the war, when we decided that we did not need the world, nor to help each other to keep our prices low and our tables filled. Thanks for the months and years which are always mercifully given to us in which to make up for our mistakes. Thanks for the gift of time itself, denied to so many other countries. Thanks for that second chance, which we seem always to get. Thanks for the way the world waits while we test our attitudes, and may the future, incredibly, be as generous with the months and years as the pastl has been. Thanks for time whiche cools the shouting 1ma, and answers him long after lie thinks to have silenced all opponents. ConemptCitationsa THE HOUSE, as expected, voted Monday to approve the contempt citations levied against ten Hollywood writers and directors by the un-American activities committee during their recent investigation of the mo- tion picture industry. Tuesday the movie high command de- cided to discharge them for having done a "disservice" to the industry, and chair- man Thomas of the committee hailed the action as "a step inm the right direction." But by making prejudgments, by making its own rules as it proceeds, by smearing a man's good name without giving him an op- portunity to answer the charges made against him, by intimidation, by giving "privilege" to witnesses so they may make any slander they choose and by delving into the private affairs of an individual to ob- tain their "evidence," the un-American Ac- 6vities Committee has violated just about every constitutional guarantee provided for the defense of accused persons. It is not difficult then to understand the position of the writers and directors in refusing to answer the committee's ques- tions concerning their political beliefs. Yet despite the scandalous character of the investigation the House has sent the case to the United States district attorney for prosecution. Nor is this the first time that the house has upheld the contempt citations of the committee. In August last year, George Marshall, then chairman of the National Fiederation for Constitutional Liberties, was subpoenaed to appear before the com- mittee at towo hearings from which his attorney was excluded. When he refused to list the names of contributors to the Federation, he was cited for contempt, indicted, and no awats trial. Gerhardt Esler, an Austrian Communist who was attempting to flee Europe to exile in Mexico, ws detained in this country by the committee on the grounds of being an "international plotter" and an "atom bomb spy." He was later conicted of contempt by the courts and sentenced to a year in prison and fined $1,000 without being given the opportunity to read a prepared state- ment to t tie committee. T w,.. r* xonly two x iin fproi'c'i, fn )rho f irXi Thoughts One can give thanks, by all means, that we still have a chance to keep the peace, even though it be so narrow that we can only get our fingers in, or a pencil, against the final closing, the shutting down. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corporation) Wkat teq 4al... * About the French Crisis IN WASHINGTON, Congress moved toward an effective aid program. In Paris, polit- ical and economic crisis threatened to frus- trate that program. The moderate Ramadier regime, pressured by Communists on one hand and anti-Com- munists on the other, stepped down. So- cialist leader Leon Blum sought a vote of confidence as the new premier. But his con- tention that the extreme Left and the ex- treme Right were equal dangers did not con- vince the Assembly. It was clear that no man would head the French government without General de Gaulle's sanction. So Blum was replaced by Robert Schuman, former Finance Min- ister, with an acceptable blending of mod- erate and rightist persuasions. Meanwhile rising prices and falling real wages offered Communist labor leaders the impetus to send much of France's labor force on strike. A general strike threatened, with complete paralysis of French industry in the offing, Some commentaries on crisis in France: THE NEW YORK TIMES is encouraged by the accession of Schuman to power in France. Schuman's success, noted the Times, helps to explain Leon Blum's failure. "The veteran Socialist leader could only offer his country continued division instead of union in the present crisis. Most Frenchmen are not prepared . . . to accept his thesis that Communist disloyalty and de Gaullist ambition are equal menaces. "Under Schu- man, the Times continues, "France is un- doubtedly heading toward a national union against the creeping Red terror." * * * T HE WASHINGTON POST looks ahead to the tasks confronting the new Schuman government. If France is to achieve lasting and substantial aid furnished under the Marshall Plan, "she must reform her dis- ordered currency system and abolish deficit financing," the Post editorial asserts. If that can be done, "we believe a formidable weap- on will have been fashioned against the Communist-inspired disturbances which ap- pear to have brought France to the brink of civil war." M. Schuman, it is pointed out, is in close touch with the situation, having served for a year and a half as Finance Minister. "The real question," according to the Post, "is whether his competence in this field can be united to the kind of energetic and forward- looking leadership that France needs in this hour of crisis." * * * RICHARD L. STOKES, St. Louis Post- Dispatch correspondent, reports that Washington is preparing for de Gaulle's pos- sible accession to complete power. The ad ministration is, he says, "affecting a neat hedging operation to correct the unfavorable attitude" toward the French resistance lead- er which it inherited from President Roose- velt. Washington expects the French center party, despite its current control and de- spite the apparent unity brought on by Schuman, to undergo complete shipwreck. And when that happens, President Auriol would be confronted with the "devil'and the deep blue sea"-de Gaulle and Maurice Tho- rez, leader of the Communists. Auriol would, according to Stokes, choose the former. THE NEW YORK HERALD-TRIBUNE, examining means of satisfying France's needs, finds new hope arising for the end of crisis. "France needs aid from the United States. She also needs to harness the spirit that went into the vote for Schuman to the workaday uses of government, to dem- onstrate that the nation abhors the assault which the Communist Party is making against the very life of France, and that the nation is determined, as a free people, to repel it." THE KANSAS CITY TIMES notes that Communists have isolated themselves temporarily from the main current of their country's political development. And, by playing into the hands of de Gaulle, they have not only weakened the parties which have been trying to find a middle ground I)etween Communism and reaction, but have exposed themselves to retaliation. From an economic viewpoint, the Kansas City Times points out, the formation of the Schuman government means a tightening of political resistance to Communism in West- ern Europe. -Ben Zwerling.. I DAILY OFFICIAL lBU|ETIN Letters to the Editor,,. Publication In The Daily official Bulletin is constructive notice to all f members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 57 Notices Regents' Meeting: 2 p.m., Dec. 19. Communications for considera- tion at this meeting must be in the ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Quadratics Problem By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER LONNThis four-power con- ference on Germany is the lat- est round in te contemporary struggle for the world. One side are the re-builders captained by USA. On other side are the wreck- ers led by the Soviet Union. The wreckers insist they are the real architects but have to destroy everything before they can start reconstruction. In this strugie everything goes short of war. To forecast the outcome of this particular round you have to solve an elaborate problem in quadrat- ics. Quadratics, in case you've forgotten, is at branch of algebra concerned with the problems in- vdlving two or more unknown' quantities. At, this conference the chief unknown quantities are five. X is the Soviet plan. Super- ficially, this seems plain. Comrade Zhdanov told the Warsaw con- ference of the Communist pa ties th'at the Soviet Union had been strengthened, not weakened by war, with USA as the only for- midable opponent. Commissar Molotov recently told the Russians that the Soviet aim is to thwart the Marshall Plan for European reconstruction. Communist lead- ers in Czechoslovakia, France and Italy are demonstrating the full fervor . of their allegiance to a foreign government and how they consider themselves expendable in promoting the ambitions of Moth- er Russia. What are the Soviets prepal to do when they find, as they will soon find, that they cannot take over France and Italy, or domin- ate Germany, or thwart the Mar- shall Plan? Here I am able to offer a curi- ous bit of new evidence. Recently when a group of British Labor MPs visited Stalin he surprised them at the end of the visit by satilng what he would do if he were British. "I would," he said, "get as close to America as pos- sible. I should accept the Mar- shall Plan and get whatever bene- fits I could and I should try to trade with Eastern Europe and not mind temporary rebuffs. Small wonder those British MP's came away goggle-eyed. Sta- lin's remark could be an indica- tion that after showing their po- tential disruptive power the So- viet leaders, realizing its ultimate inadequacy, are prepared to make a deal. Identify this deal and you perhaps solve X. Y is the amount of resistance that the un-Sovietized peoples will present to Communist out- rages and time wherein will elim- inate the local Communist threats. The situation of Czechoslovakia seems fairly desperate. Italy is decidedly wobbly. But the real battle is being fought in France. In DeGaulle andthe popular dis- gust with the economic planning, the French have powerful anti- Communist weapons. Z is the amount of the Ameri- can Congress's desire to imple- ment the Marshall Plan and if necessary, the Truman Doctrine. Here Comrades Zhdanov, Molotov and Vishinsky have worked for USA by revealing the full extent of Soviet malevolence. Without them the Marshall Plan might have been repudiated by Congress. But to be successful this plan must be adequate. A mutilated plan may be worse than no plan. Be- fore the final shape of a German settlement can be discerned the size of Z must be plain. Until this complicated problem in political quadratics is solved a prediction about the conference outcome is futile. But Americans may hope that our delegation will insist on a definite solution and oppose with a f irm no any fur- ther stalling from whatever source. Here is the place to settle the German question and the time is now. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) President's hands not later than December 11. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Faculty Meeting, College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts: 4:10 p.m., Dec. 1. Rm. 1025, An- gell Hall. Hayward Keniston AGENDA 1. Consideration of the min- utess of the meeting of Nov. 3, 1947 (pp. 1385-1387). 2. Consideration of reports submitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Prof', William Frankena. b. University Council - Asso. Prof. C. J. McHale. No report. c. Executive Board of the Grad- unate School-Prof. R. C. Angell. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-Prof. J. M. Cork. e. Deans' Conference - Dean Hayward Keniston. No report. 3. Degree Program in Russian Studies. 4. Preprofessional Program in Medicine and the Combined Cur- riculum in Letters and Medicine. 5. Prof. Clark Hopkins' motion re University expansion. 6. Examining Services of the University-Dr. R. M. W. Travers. 7. New business. 8. Announcements. Transfer Student Testing Pro- gram: Scores, together with man- uals of interpretation, arie now available to those students who recently completed the Transfer Student Testing Program. Stu- dents with less than sixty hours of credit may obtain their test scores in the Academic Counselors Office, 108 Mason Hall. Upper- class students may get their test scores and manuals from the of- fice of their department of con- centration. Upper-class students who listed no concentration ad- viser should go to the Academic ,Counselor's Office. Bowling: The bowling allys at the Women'shAthletic Building will close on Wed., Nov. 26, at 5:30 p.m. and will re-open on Fri., Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. February and June Graduates: The Naval Research Laboratories will have two rep- resentatives here on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 1 and 2, to inter- view February and June gradu- ates for civilian scientific and technical jobs. The examination will be held in January, 1948, to establish eligible lists of chem- ists, physicists, mathematicians, metalluirgists, psychologists, and librarians. February Graduates: General Electric Company will have a rep- resentative here on Monday, Dec. 1, to interview February graduates for their Business Training Course. This Course is designed to train young men for future non- technical administration positions within the organization. A previ- ous background in accounting is not necessary since liberal arts men can obtain further education in accounting through their eve- ning classroom program. February Graduates: The Fed- eral Department Stores, Detroit, Michigan, will interview men and women for department store ex- ecutive training on Tuesday, Dec. 2. For complete information con- cerning all these companies, ap- plication blanks, and appoint- ments, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, ex- tension 371. It is desired that ap- pointments be made this week. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Clifford T. Morgan, Chairman, Depart- ment of Psychology, Johns Hop- kins University, will speak on the subject, "Learning and the Brain," at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 4, Rack- ham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Psychology. The public is invited. French Lecture: Prof. W. F. Pat- terson of the Romance Lan- guage Department, will lecture on the subject, "Louis XIIL" at 4:10 p.m., Tues., Dec. 2, Rm. D, Alum- ni Memorial Hall; auspices of Le Cercle Francais. Tickets for the se- ries of lectures may be procured at Rm. 112, Romance Language Bldg., or at the door at the time of lecture. The public is invited. Academic Notices Astronomical C olloquium: 4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 28, Observatory. Dr. D. B. McLaughlin will speak on the subject, "The Transition Stage of Novae." EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter tothe editor re-~, ceived (which is signed, 300 wrds or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of thet writers only. Letters of more than1 300 words are shortened, printed or1 omitted at the discretion of the edi-1 tonial director. Positive Suggesti6on0. To the Editor: T HAS OCCURRED to me that Christmas will have very little meaning this year unless members of the student body and the Uni- versity staff take part in bringingl some measure of joy to the peo- ple of Europe who are in such an unfortunate condition this win- ter I should like to offer a positive suggestion. I make it as an idi- cation of how each of us can con- tribute to making "Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men" somewhat more of a reality. This Christmas season I am notifying each member of my family, and those friends with, whom I generally exchange pre- sents, that they will not receive a gift from me this Christmas. I am informing them that the money that would ordinarily have gone for their particular gift has been sent to CARE, Inc., New York City, in their name. I am requesting that they send my gift to CARE, also. This organization has been established to provide food packages for the people of Europe, Each year, every, member of the University family spends a con- siderable amount of money for Christmas. It may be difficult to provide for one's own needs and for Christmas overseas also. My suggestion is offered in the hope that it may provide a useful rein- edy for our financial dilemmas this season. -Murry J. Franklin, Department of Peonomics (hiestion~t To the Editor: AN OPEN QUESTION to the Inter-Fraternity Council: Since the recent actions of your co- ordinating committee have be- come a matter of public interest, how about making public the names of the members of that committee? ---'omW alsh or ldFederalism To the Editor: MR.' BEN ZWERLING's editor- ial on World Federalism Was a very interesting one. In my opinion, however, some more sali- ant facts of world politics were ignored. in the first place it is only by great stretching of already elastic imaginations that a co-operative Russia can be assumed. as a mem- ber of a world government. I am not saying why she wouldn't join nor would I assign a moral valua- tion to her motives. But if the term "fact" can be given to any concept while extra-plating in the social sciences this is one of them. We may deem Russia's attitude intransigent, but we must admit that whatever her compul- sions may be, they are powerful ones. It would be fatuous to as- sume a right about face in any attempt to lay hold of holy Rus- sian sovereignty. Granting this logical assump- tion, it becomes patent that the creation of any world government becomes in fact a bloc directed. against the Soviet Union and sat- ellites. At first the new federal union may well feel a charity to- ward their Russian brothers and sincerely want them in the or- ganization. But in time the ada- mant stand will become highly annoying and the original Soviet fear will become a reality by de- fault. And in truth, while Rus- sian arguments may essentially be a jeremiad posited on a mild par- anoia, the assumption that the United States would dominate thru her economic position isn't illogical. In view of the organiz- ed vested interests in our coun- try, her fear is understandable. Political Science 67: Hour test, Thursday, Dec. 4. Exhibitions Museum of Art: PAINTINGS LOOTED FROM HOLLAND, through November 28. Alumni Me- morial Hall: Daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evenings, 7-9; Thanks- giving Day, 2-5. The public is cor- dially invited. In short, the gulf between the East and the West would become an ocean. The organized rest of the world would regard the recalci- trants as the very real threat to peace, the Reds would fear and hate thie persecutors of the faith. Each behemoth would gird his loins and the shibboleth of world peace would hie off to the limbo. As the International Mulligan is bubbling now, we at least have all the vegetables in the same tin can, leaky tho it may be. If noth- ing more can be said for the UN, it at last, brings mutually sus- picious people together. Contact is preferable to isolated antagon- ism. To scuttle the Charter now would destroy the only true world organization feasible under pre- sent political mores. The quickest way to sink it is by abolishing the veto power, the only thing which keeps Russia and the Uni- ted States?) participating at all. -George Vetter PHOOEY ! To the Editor: IN SATURDAY'S DAILY there appeared a letter by Mr. Har- old T. Walsh. He presented him- self as a representative of the vet- erans on campus. As the veterans' representative he sought to pre- sent the point that the veterans of the U. of M. are a group of long faced men and women who think of absolutely nothing ex- cept the outside world (business world). He also portrays them as dropping little morsels of advice for the younger students to pounce eagerly upon and digest. In reply to the above points I would like to say PHOOE!! I too am a veteran with some three years in service and have been discharged for three years. I also am married but I'll be darned if I feel ready for a wheel chair. Nor do I feel so weighted down by the responsibilities that one day I expect to assume that I cannot loosen up and have a little fun. As for your argument against broad education, Mr. Walsh, please remember that the U, of Mv. also trains writers, poets, historians, etc. T'hese people need this broad education which you dismiss as a non-essential frill. Many veterans want to become writers, poets, etc. When you admit at the start of your letter that you are pre- judiced, please do not include the whole veteran group. Remember that there were a few people dis- charged from service under fifty. I do not believe that the whole veteran group on campus have assumed the "holier-than-thou" attitude that you seem to have assumed. -Lex Herrin Michigan Manners To the Editor: AFTER SEEING SATURDAY'S football game, I wonder if I am out of order in raising a ques- tion about Michigan's manners? True enough, everyone was prim- ed to almost exploding with their enthusiasm over the team's ac- complishments and the possibil- ity (sic) of the Rose Bowl trip, but do these factors give us rea- son to be rude 'to an opposing team? Is it not generally the practice of the home team to con- sider their opponents, as their guests? It was obvious, however, that numerous times when the Ohio band would play from the sidelines or when the Ohio cheer leaders would drum up some yells, our band or our cheer leaders were rude enough to drown them out. Most of the fans thoroughly enjoyed the Ohio band, the fight of their team, and the spirit of their followers and therefore spoke unfavorably of Michigan's manners. Certainly we do not invite guests into our homes and then try to talk louder than they or turn up the radio to drown them out; so why should we treat our guests at the University in such a fash- ion? Michigan has not risen to such heights that we can forget to accept our fame in good taste. -,Marjorie Ruoss "Items Relating to the Dutch Set- I tlements in Michigan," 160 Rack- ham Bldg. Daily, 8-5; Sunday 2-5. Through November 28, Architecture Building. Century of Photography; from the Muse- um of Modern Art. November 2F through December 15. Events Today Canterbury Club: Open house for students remaining in Ann Ar- bor Thanksgiving Day at the stu- dent center, 218 S. Division, 3-6 p.m. International Center weekly tea: Michigan Historical Collections:I BARNABY ..f