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November 27, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-27

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Latest Deadline in the State


Of 10 Cited
On Contempt,
Scott, Dmytryk
Made 'Cross-Fire'
By The Associated Press
HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 26-R-K-0
Studio announced tonight the dis-
missal of Producer Adrian Scott
and Director Edward Dmytryk,
two of the 170 film executives
who were cited for contempt of a
House of Representatives Commit-
tee for refusing to state whether
or not they were Communists.
It was the first overt result of
the decision of a group of major
film executives in New York yes-
terday to dismiss the 10 cited for
contempt of the committe for re-
fusing to answer the direct ques-
tion whether they were Commu-
nist party members. Both Scott
and Dymtryk are regarded as top
men in the industry, and are in
the $3,000 to $5,000 weekly salary
bracket. Scott produced and Dmy-
. tryk directed R-K-O's' recent film
"Cross-Fire," an expose of anti-
Semitism which attracted wide at-
The film company, in curt no-
tices of dismissal, said:
"By your conduct (in refusing
to answer the questions) and by
your actions, attitude, public
statements and general conduct
before, at and since that time, you
have brought yourself into disre-
pute with large sections of the
ublic, have offended the com-
munity, have prejudiced this cor-
poration as your employer and the
motion picture industry in gen-
eral, have lessened your capacity
fully to comply with your employ-
ment agreement . . . and have
otherwise violated your employ-
ment agreement with us."
Scott issued the following state-
ment in behalf of himself and
"We have received our dismissal
notices from R-K-O. We believe
that the courts . will uphold Our
stand on principle which we now
"As a, footnote to the perver-
sion of justice, history will record
the temporary triumph of John
Rankin of Mississippi, who in the
halfz of Congress brought the cita-
tion debate to an end with a cal-
culated anti-Semitic reference.
"History will further record that
a great many members of Con-
gress, to their everlasting shame,
laughed and applauded.
"We, the producer and director
'of 'Cross-Fire," a picture which
opposed the degrading practice
of anti-Semitism, feel that 'Cross-
Fire' will stand as testament of
our Americanism long after Ran-
kin and Thomas are dead."
Italian Head
Threatens To
Curb Leftists
ROME, Thursday, Nov. 27-(fP)
-Premier Alcide de Gasperi said
last night the Italian government
"will. do its duty" in the face of
leftist-lead violence, mounting
strikes and the report of nation-
wide walkouts planned for Dec. 1.
The Italian Rightist and Inde-
pendent press reported from
"trustworthy sources" yesterday
that nation-wide strikes were be-
ing planned in Italy and France
for Dec. 1. The Communist Party

ridiculed the reports.
De Gasperi told the National
Council of his Christian Demo-
cratic Party that "organized
masses, labor and peasants" are
risking losing their liberty through
"a policy of (taking disputes to)
city squares and insurrectional tu-
The Council reelected de Gas-
peri leader of the party by a vote
of 53 to three.
The Independent Espresso said
Christian Democrats, who are
backing the Government of Pre-
mier Gasperi, believed the disor-
dens of the past two weeks in
Italy which have taken at least 24
lives were "a specific plan by To-
gliatti and Thorez, put into oper-
ation under orders of the comin-
f orm."
Cii rley Gets Home
For Thanksgiving

Bowl Plans Complete:
Gridders Leave Dec.18
Open up those Golden Gates!
For the Rose Bowl-bound Wolverines, 1947 Big Nine titlists, are
expected to arrive at Pasadena on Dec. 22, according to transporta-
tion and practice plans announced yesterday by Coach Fritz Crisler.
The Michigan gridiron mentor, who ordered a well-deserved two-
week "vacation" for his all-conquering eleven following Saturday's
21-0 thumping of Ohio State, will invihe approximately 50 gridders
to resume pigskin drills December 10.
Forty-Four To Go West
Only 44 Wolverines, however, will board a west-bound train at
'Ann Arbor's railroad station on

SL Election
Petitions Due
On Wednesday
Candidates To Cite
Their Qualifications
Candidacy petitions for the
elections to positions on the Stu-
dent Legislature, to be held Dec.
10, must be submitted to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs no later
than 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dick
Kelly, Legislature elections com-
mittee chairman, announced yes-
Prospective candidates must
also submit a 50-word statement
of qualifications showing seri-
ousness of purpose, and must post
a $5 bond, to be forfeited in the
event of petition or election dis-
crepancies, or if the candidate re-
ceives fewer than 25 first place
votes in the elections.
Standard Petition Forms
.Standard petition forms, ob-
tainable at the Office of Student
Affairs, consist of four pages in-
cluding a list of election rules and
three pages with space for 50
names each.
No petitions may be circulated
in classes, study rooms and libar-
ies and, in any case, may be cir-
culated only. by the student seek-
ing nomination.
Speaking Opportunities
Under a new election set-up,
speaking opportunities from the
library steps will be made avail-
able to candidates at set times.
These talks are not compulsory,
but provide the only legal method
of campaigning on campus, Kelly
Also non-compulsory, but
strongly advocated by Legislature
President Harvey Weisberg are
orientation classes for candidates,
to be conducted by Barbara New-
man, Legislature publicity chair-
Early Experience
These classes will provide can-
didates with opportunities to gain
early experience with the body
and its committees, and may be
used by candidates in their pre-
election statements of qualifica-
tions, Weisberg explained.
Students interested may con-
tact Miss Newman or Weisberg.
Engine Talies
Ready Sun&iy
Final results in the engineering
college election which was held
yesterday will not be revealed until
Sunday, Ev Ellin, president of the
Engineering Council has an-
Ellin explained that since sev-
eral members of the election com-
mittee had left town for the
Thanksgiving holiday it was de-
cided to postpone the counting of
ballots until they could be pres-
Complete results will appear in
Sunday's Daily.

December 18 or 19.
Under existing Big Nine-Pacific
Coast agreements, a Rose Bowl
entrant is limited to 16 practice
days prior to the New Year's Day
classic. Crisler decided to divide
evenly these drill sessions at Ann
Arbor and Pasadena, respectively.
In case of inclement weather,
home practice will be held in Yost
Field House.
California GHQ
The Wolverines will maintain
headquarters at the Huntington
hotel in Pasadena, and will en-
gage in eight days of practice at
the nearby Brookside Park grid-
iron. Illinois, last year's Bose Bowl
victors, had the same accommo-
It was also announced that Cris-
ler will personally scout the Notre
Dame-Southern California tussle,
scheduled a week from this Sat-
urday in Los Angeles. One other
member of the Michigan coaching
staff will probably accompany
Looking Backward
Tnh the first Tournament of
Roses on New Year's Day, 1902,
Michigan swamped Stanford to
the tune of 49-0.
It took the late Fielding H. Yost
and his 14-man Michigan squad
16 days to reach the West Coast
from Ann Arbor.
Actually, the trip required only
eight days, because the squad
made several stops to practice,
take in some sight-seeing, eat
oranges, and partake in society
Relef for Asia
Called 'Uryent'
U.S. Has Opportunity
To Advance Freedom
Over-emphasis on battling
Communists in Europe may mean
sacrificing a "magnificent oppor-
tunity to help free peoples" in
Asia and the Middle East, accord-
ing to Hickman Price, former For-
eign Economic Administration of-
ficer, recently returned from a 60-
day round-the-world selling tour
for Kaiser-Frazer.
Immediate aid is an urgent ne-
cessity in former colonies and
backward countries if recent steps
toward economic freedom are not
to be retraced in those areas, Price
told "he International Students
Association banquet last night.
"India, as an example, was gov-
erned for other people for 200
years, and was somewhat sur-
prised to discover during the war
that it was free," Price declared.
Culmination of a long-term
trend toward political and eco-
nomic freedom is taking place at
a time when the U. S. is the only
country able to encourage self-re-
liance and freedom throughout
the world, he explained.
The overall picture is grave, and
everything hinges on whether
Americans will have the moral
integrity to assume the responsi-
bilities of a great country in
working for the brotherhood of
man, Price said.

Barber Shop
Policy To Get
Court Test
IRA Campaign
Gains Support
Operation Haircut, the cam-
paign to break down discrimina-
tion in Ann Arbor's barber shops,
moved forward last night with the
disclosure that the barbers' re-
fusal to serve Negroes would be
put to a court test.
The decision follows a state-
ment from Joe Kneiper, president
of the Ann Arbor Barber's Asso-
ciation that the barber shops will
not backtrack on their policy
(According to a Daily survey, 22
of the 26 barber shops in town
maintain color lines.)
Diggs Act Provision
Court action will hinge upon
provisions of the Diggs Act, a
state law specifying that "all per-
sons . . . shall be entitled to full
and equal accommodations, facili-
ties and privileges of barber
A brief is being drawn up, and
completed plans will be an-
nounced shortly, Lee Salk, educa-
tional director of the Inter-Racial
Association, disclosed.
Meeting Called
Salk announced, too, that a
meeting has been called of all
campus groups and persons in-
terested in supporting the IRA's
attack on barber shop discrimi-
nation. The meeting is scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. Monday in the
Among plans now in the forma-
tive stage is a widespread cam-
paign of education -- informing
students and townspeople of bar-
ber shop discrimination through
leaflets and picketing. It will be
urged that all persons patronize
only those shops that do not prac-
tice discrimination.
Widespread Support
Meanwhile, IRA's sounding out
of opinion on their campaign re-
vealed widespread support.
Rabbi Herschel Lymon, director
of Hillel Foundation wrote the
"I am unalterably opposed to
discrimination of any sort-and
particularly to the matter of bar-
ber shops refusing to serve Ne-
groes. The efforts of the IRA to
eliminate this condition in our
community deserves the support
of all who are concerned with the
maintenance of the great Avneri-
can ideal of democracy."
Public Discrimination
Prof. Dewitt Parker of the phil-
osophy department commented:
"Though I cannot sanction any
attempt to regiment or infringe
on the right of personal choice in
human social relationships, I
must state my complete opposi-
tion to any sort of discriminatory
policy involving public places or
the consumption of public serv-
Complete Endorsement
Bernard Goodman, president of
the Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion on campus announced com-
plete endorsement of the pro-
"Social freedom," he said, "is
an inseparable component of po-
litical and economic democracy.
If we as Americans hope to aid
democracy abroad, we must first
make it a living thing at home."
I World News

At a Glance
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 26 - A
spokesman for the National
Friendship Food Train Committee
said today approximately 12,000
tons of food collected during the
train's transcontinental journey
would be sent to Europe in four
ships next month.
* * *
LONDON, Nov. 26-Britain's
once great Liberal Party
knocked firmly in the head to-
night recent reports of a fusion
with Winston Churchill's Con-
servatives to fight the next gen-
eral election against the Labor
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26--Sen-
ator Aiken (R.-Vt.) advocated to-
day reorganization of the Repub-
lican Party "from top to bottom."

Senate Vote
On European
Aid Deferred

BOWL-BOUND--The University Marching Band, here forming an American shield in pre-game flag-
raising ceremonies, will accompany the Wolverine gridders in their transcontinental trek to the
New Year's Day classic in the Rose Bowl.


* * * *

Agenda Fixed
By Big Four
Austrian Treaty Put
First On Program
LONDON, Nov. 26-(A')--Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
in a slashing attack upon "im-
perialist" forces raised the spectre
of a third World War before the
foreign ministers tonight, and
Secretary Marshall replied he was
convinced Molotov "does not
really believe his allegations."
The American Secretary of
State, scribbling hastily as Molo-
tov read from a 2,800 word state-
ment, delivered this plea:
"Let us get down to work and
drop this business of alleging evil
motives which are figments of
propaganda, not of mind, and log-
ically endeavor to reach an agree-
ment for the benefit of the entire
"We need to promote tranquil-
ity instead of bitterness and mis-
Despite this sharp clash, as re-
ported by officials who briefed
newsmen on the second session of
the foreign ministers council, Mol-
otov and the ministers of the
western powers succeeded in re-
solving their differences over pri-
ority on items on the conference
Molotov agreed to putting the
Austrian treaty in the number one
spot with the provision that it be
referred immediately to the dep-
uties for resolving of outstanding
differences. This was done in
short order.
Marshall and the Western pow-
ers gave way to Molotov's demand
for discussing preparation of a
German peac treaty ahead of
economic and political unfication'
of Germny.
Molotov charged that the West-
ern Powers were blocking a Ger-
man peace treaty, imperialistical-.
ly seeking to enslave small nations
and trying to tear down the Ger-
man economy to avoid competi-
tion and build up the German war
The speech was similar to
charges he made at the confer-
ence in Moscow last April, and
Western observers believed it was
intended for its effect upon the
German people rather than his
council table colleagues.
He said the Soviet Union was
prepared to devote its full time to
a German peace treaty and that
without a European peace no
world peace was possible.
No 'Daily' Tomorrow
Because of the Thanksgiving
holiday, The Daily will not be
published tomorrow. Publica-
tioi will be resumed on Satur-

Band To Accompany Team
O !ia,,l r i p-- 1'-' ri

"Clin iu t i ELrtum ItfL5
"California, Here I Come," fa-
vorite theme of Prof. William D.
Revelli's 131 march-time music
makers this season has been re-
duced to time-tables and train
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven announced yesterday that the
University Marching Band will
France Expels
19 Russians;
Tension Rises

ru i rtp sL


PARIS, Nov. " 26 -(A) - The
three-day-old Schuman govern-
ment, carrying out a policy of "act
fast and talk little," announced
today the expulsiori of 19 Russians
for "interfering in French af-
fairs" as violence broke out at a
number of places in strike-harried
With Communist banners in the
van, a crowd of 20,000 attempted
to march on the prefecture in the
textile center of Lyon and was
dispersed by police throwing tear
gas. Several persons were injured.,
Eugene Thomas, Secretary of
State for Communications,
charged "Communistic elements"
had launched a "violent offensive"
against postal employes who re-
fused to strike and a number of
postmen were reported beaten upl
in Paris.
Fights between strikers and
non-strikers were reported in
Northern Lille, center of the coal'
strike, and a number of localities
in Eastern France as a general
strike of railwaymen got under
way. Workers in a number of rail-
road centers refused to answer the
strike call of the Communist-dom-
mated General Confederation of
Labor, but service a,;most places
was reported at a standstill.
The first sign of a general strike
of all unions came from the Al-
pine town of Annecy where the
departmental headquarters of the
General Confederation of Labor
called out all its followers in the
last Resort'
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-()'-
The Truman Administration asked
Congress today for "last resort"
power to control the distribution
of steel, grain, farm machinery
and fertilizer to most essential
'Standby" authority for price
control as well as rationing of
grain was sought by Secretary of
Agriculture Anderson, who ap-
peared before one Congressional
committee while Secretary of
Commerce Harriman addressed

accompany the Wolverines to the
Rose Bowl. The Buick Division of
the General Motors Corporation
will sponsor the band in an all-
expense trip to Pasadena, he said.
Stop-over Plans
Practically the entire country
will get a chance to see Michigan's
famed marching band on their
western tour. Present plans in-
clude not only an exhibition of
the band's musical and marching
talents in the Bowl, but several
parades in various other cities
where the band will make brief
Salt Lake City, San Francisco
and Kansas City will witness
street appearances of the band,
according to tentative plans
drawn up by Prof. Revelli and
Walter B. Rea, Associate Dean of
students and band business man-
Other Possible Stops
Other possible stops include,
Denver on the trip out and
Phoenix and Tuscon, Ariz., and
El Paso, Tex. on the trip home.
Financial arrang:epents for the
trip were made thrqugh Harlow
H. Curtice, Buick general man-
ager andvice-president of Gen-
eral Motors, according to Pres.
Ruthven's announcement.
Bandsmen are scheduled to
leave Ann Arbor at 1:30 p.m. Dec.
26 via special train and return
Sunday afternoon, Jan. 4 in time
to begin classes the fdllowing
Monday morning.
The band will appear in the
bowl and possibly in other fea-
tures of the traditional "Tourna-
ment of the Roses" but final de-
tails have not yet been completed.
Arabs Gaining
Support in UN
UN Votes Friday on
Palestine Problem
NEW YORK, Nov. 26 - (P) -
Arab-led forces fighting the pro-
posal to partition Palestine into
Jewish and Arabic countries held
a slim lead tonight in a see-saw
battle in the United Nations As-
sembly but a final vote was put
off until Friday.
On the basis of present declara-
tions, 28 nations including the
United States and Russia have
come out for partition. At least 15
nations are opposed. The parti-
tion forces thus would need two
more votes under the Assembly
rules requiring a two-thirds ma-
jority of those present and voting
for approval of a major issue.
At the end of the day's debate
the delegates voted 24 to 21
against a night session. Ten more
speakers are left to be heard when
the debate reopens Friday.

Proposal To Cut
Total Defeated
Senate today postponed until
Monday its final vote on the $597,-
600,000 emergency authorization
for European winter aid.
Before the decision was reached,
the members defeated, 56 to 30,
a proposal sponsored by eight Re-
publicans to cut the total to a
flat $400,000,000.
Delay Final Action
The original timetable called
for final action on the bill today.
But late in the afternoon, with
several amendments pending, Sen-
ator Vandenbexg (R.-Mich.) said
it would be impossible to reach a
roll call today and announced he
would be willing to delay final ac-
tion until Monday.
The bill would authorize appro-
priation of the sum to provide es-
sential winter needs of France,
Italy and Austria. Separate legis-
lation, not yet introduced, is nec-
essary to actually set up the
money. It is described as stop-gap
aid pending action on the Mar-
shall Plan for long-range econo-
mic rebuilding of Western Eu-
No Net Time Lost
Vandenberg, Chairman of the
Foreign Relations Committee
which approved the measure
unanimously, had stepped down
from the dais as the Senate's pre-
siding officer to act' as floor man-
ager for the bill.
He said that no net time will
be lost by the postponement be-
cause the House will not be ready
to consider its own bill on the
same subject before next week.
The Senate, like the house, will
observe the Thanksgiving Holiday
tomorrow, but the Senate will
meet again Friday in an effort
to dispose of remaining amend-
Other Developments
,Meanwhile there were other de-
velopments on the foreign aid
1. Government officials said the
Administration will be ready next
week to present to Congress the
long range Marshall Plan for fa-
cilitating European recovery. It is
expected to entail the spending of
$16,000,000,000 to $20,000,000,000
over the next four years.
2. Undersecretary of State Rob-
ert A. Lovett said Congress may
be asked to supplement the $300,-
000,000 it voted for aid to Greece
last May. Several unexpected de-
velopments have arisen, he ex-
plained to a news conference.
These included a big drop in the
Greek wheat harvest, attributed
to drought; the enforced evacua-
tion of 310,000 refugees from the
guerrilla fighting zone, and the
general increase in prices which
has reduced the purchasing power
of the appropriation.
Opposed to Cut
Vandenberg took the floor in
opposition to the $197,000,000 cut
proposed by Senators Malone (R.-
Nev.), Bricker (R-Ohio), Kem
(R,-Mo), Williams (R.-Del.), Wil-
son (R.-Iowa), Ecton (R-Mont.),
Dworshak (R.-Idaho) and Jenner
"I know of no advantage in
throwing a 15-foot rope to a man
that is drowning 20 feet off shore,"
the Michigan Senator said.
Forecasts Senate Passage
With the threat of a reduction
beaten back, Vandenberg forecast
Senate passage "with a minimum
of final opposition."
Regional NSA
Meets Sunday
Will Discuss Plans

For IUS Conference
Plans to send a negotiating
team to the International Union
of Students' conference in Prague
next summer will be- discussed at
the Michigan Region National
Student Association Meeting Sun-
day at the Highland Park YMCA
in Detroit, Harvey Weisberg, Re-
gional president, announced.
The teamn will consist of stu-
dent delegates who willpropose
plans of affiliation with IUS on
the conditions laid down in the
NSA: constitution approved early
this fall.

Students Tax Transportation
TerminalsinHoliday Hustle

Students poured through trans-
portation terminals in Ann Arbor
yesterday in a record Thanksgiv-
ing rush that made local travel
agents wince at the prospect of
the Christmas exodus.
Both bus and train stations re-
ported that they were pushing

the Ann Arbor terminal, most of
them bound for Detroit, Flint and
Lansing, John Hagen, terminal
manager said. Though the station
could scarcely accommodate the
crowds, Hagen said everything
had been going smoothly.
Christmas Preparations
All passengers on the one flight

Dorms Will Devour Ton of Turkey



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