e S-I x THEr MTCTTTGAN wxRiil-ly err T r . , r :, c r .r . ?t;. : ~ix WFflN1~DAV. NO 1~I1~TTt & OMMUNITY PROPERTIES LAW: Future Legal Issues Will Be Studied By New Tax Institute ~. ,, .>_ Married citizens of Michigan may find the new community tax law advantageous. but the act spells problems for future lawyers of the state. In an effort to clarify a totally different notion in communal property, the Law School is spon- soriny the Community Tax Insti- tute, to continue from Dec. 1 through 6, in Hutchins Hall. Union Calls for Student Talent Make Plans To Hold Intermission Shows Student talent is being paged by the Michigan Union. All men and women students who wish to participate in a week- ly 15-minute show to be given during intermission at the regular Union dance every Saturday night are requested to sign up immedi- ately for auditions, Keith Jordan, chairman of the Union social com- mittee announced yesterday. Individuals or groups of stu- dents with a talent for singing or dancing interested in this oppor- tunity to perform before large audiences may report to the Ui- ion student offices anytime be- tween 3 and 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Applicants may also call Bill Curry at 2-3256 or Bob Perrin andj Al Sosin at 4211. Speaking to University law stu- dents on problems of sale, lia- bility, divorce and death under the new state law, will be Prof. Wil- liam E. Burby, of the Unifersity of Southern California. He will speak at 4:15 Monday through Friday afternoons, in Rm.. 100 Hutchins Hall. Prof. Burby will be joined by other tax law experts on Satur- day, Dec. 6, for an all-day dis- cussion of the new Michigan law with members of the state bar as- sociation attending. Those joining him are Prof. Paul G. Kauper, and Paul M. Trigg, Adrian W. DeWind, and William Coit Allee, practicing attorneys. The concept of community property between husband and wife, whereby the wife has an equal share in the husband's earnings and material possessions, is a fairly new one. Only 13 states have laws providing for commun- ity property, as it is not part of the English Common Law where- on most of our laws are based. As such, it gives married persons some advantage in figuring in- come tax exemptions. Campus Roundup The Campus News Roundup will be heard at 4 p.m. today over WPAG instead of tomorrow, be- cause of the Thanksgiving holi- day. The weekly news program is broadcast from the studios of the University Broadcasting Service. DEPARTMENT STORE SWEPT BY FIRE-Firemen pour streams of water into Ballantyne's de- partment store in Christchurch, New Zealand, as flames shoot skyward at the height of a tragic fire which took at least 41 lives, and estimated damage of $1,600,000. STAGGERING TOTAL: Student Interest Surges In Psychology Courses i In the world of women's and ch il dren's apparel, distribution is by 'PEERENCE Through the thousands of store buyers who are the patrons of the apparel production centers of the na- tion comes the voice of the clothes-consuming public. The choices of the retailers, transmitted to the manu- facturing markets through millions of miles of their own and of salesmen's journeys, are originally the tastes of the wearers. Designing room and production plan are ever-sensi- tive to the requirements of the public. BIy PAT JAMES The postwar years on campus, have seen a sudden upsurge of student interest in psychology, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 5) ham Bldg. Daily, 8-5: Sunday 2-5. through November 28. "Natural History Studies at the Erwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan," Museums Bldg. Rotunda through December. Events Today Radio Program: 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc..), Trends in American Humor, Rob- ert Brackett. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870Kc.), University of Michigan Concert Band. 4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.), Campus News. Sigma Xi: Members of other Chapters of the Society who are now associated with the Univer- sity of Michigan and wish affili- ation with the local Chapter are cordially invited to notify the Secretary, 402 South Wing, Ex- tension 2535, giving membership status, year of election, and Chapter where initiated. Varsity Debating: All debaters should check bulletin board. No meeting today. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet- ing, Rm. 3056, Natural Sci- ence Bldg. Mr. Robert Hutchinson will speak on "The Geology of the Browns Lake Area, Beaverhead Mountains, Montana." Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Results of the Rose Bowl Ball will be dis- cussed. Attendance will be taken. U. of M. Rifle Club: Meet at 7:15 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. All experienced riflemen are invited. Square Dance sponsored by the Graduate Outing Club, Women's Athletic Bldg., 8 p.m. All gradu- ates and undergraduates welcome. Roger Williams Guild: Infor- mal "chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m. Coming Events International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 -p.m., Thurs., Nov. 27. Sponsored by the International Students Association. courses on all levels, a Daily sur- vey reveals. This increased interest is re- flected in the number of students enrolled in such courses, in the number of students concentrating in psychology and in the number of graduate students in psychol- ogy. The tremendous increase in en- rollment can be attributed to a new popular interest in the sub- ject, resulting from the student's experiences with psychology dur- ing the war years, according to Prof. D. G. Marquis, chairman of the department. The greatly en- larged departmental staff and re- organization of some courses also attracted student interest, he as- serted. Upward Spiral Enrollment in psychology courses has spiraled upwards from a pre-war average of 3,500 students in such classes during the school year to the present staggering, total of 7,800 pupils. The number of psychology concen- trates has doubled, and there are six times as many students study- ing for their doctoral degrees here. One particularly popular course which was introduced last year in Psychology 41, the Psychology of Interpersonal Relations. It is de- signed to give the student an un- derstanding of the dynamic psy- chological principles which oper- ate in the social life of personal relationships in the home, school, and community. Every semester the maximum of 450 students in the course has been reached early in the registration schedule. Increased Popularity A growth in the research pro- gram sponsored by the depart- ment is a major reason for its in- creased popularity with graduate students. The establishment of the Survey Research Center was a big impetus, as it provides facilities for social and economic research, and for student training in survey techniques. Another important project is the continuation by Prof. N.R.F. Maier of his series of animal re- searches on the mechanisms of abnormal behavior resulting from frustration. One of his previous experiments with rats 'in a maze has been widely used as an illus- tration of animal intelligence. Evaluate Merits Currently under the conduction of Prof. Marquis and Dr. Harold Guetzkow is a study of the ad- ministrative conference, in an at- tempt to evaluate its merits and improve its effectiveness. This project, along with that of the Vision-Research Laboratory, is supported by government funds of close to $100,000 a year. A couple of years ago students evaluated their instructors in the elementary psychology courses and on the basis of their opinions, the teaching of the courses were reorganized. An exceptionally fine staff, both in teaching and research, and the stimulus of a nation-wide interest in psychology, have led students tc crowd these classes to capacity. Prof. Miller To Attend Accounting Meetings Prof. Herbert E. Miller of the business administration school i leaving Friday for Columbus, Ohio to attend a committee meeting of the American Accounting Associ- ation, which is working on, a re- vision of a statement of account- ing principles. I l r r Record Exhibit] Of Dutch Art To End Friday The current showing of 16th and 17th century Dutch art ends i Friday at Alumni Memorial Hall.7 An attendance exceeding 3,000 has already set an all-time high for campus exhibits since the dis- play opened Nov. 13. Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, director of the Uni- versity Museum of Art, predicted yesterday that the exhibit, which includes Rembrandt and Steen originals, will attract a total of more than 4,000 art-admirers. The previous record for Univer- sity exhibits was set last year at a 26-day showing which drew 2,000 visitors. The 46 paintings will be shipped from Ann Arbor to the Metropol- itan Museum of Art in New York for their last showing in this country. The University is one of the 13 exhibitors of the art work, and the only state university which has shown the paintings. The galleries will be open from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m. today and Friday, and from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. Panel To Air Problem Of Mobilizing Engineers A panel discussion on "The Problem of Mobilizing Engineer- ing Talent for Ordinance Produc- tion," will be held Thursday, Dec. 4. Sponsored by the University Post of the Army Ordnance As- sociation, the panel will include Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the engineering college, Prof. John C. Brier of the chemical engineering department, Lt. Col. John M. Cone, deputy-chief of the Detroit Ordnance District, and Clinton Harris, chief engineer of Argus, Inc. of Ann Arbor. U' Federalists Pass on Aid, Marshall Plan For Provisions To Plan Made in Study The campus chapter of the United World Federalists unani - mously approved 'the Marshall Plan and economic aid to Europe with four provisions, at a meeting last night. The resolution, drawn up by the UWF Executive committee and voted upon by the group, rec- ommends the Marshall Plan as "one step" toward world govern- meent. and outlines four principles under which the aid should be given. L Aid must be extended to all nations that are willing to coop- erate towards their rehabilitation. 2. Aid must not be given on a political basis. Nations must not be hampered in the administration of the aid given. 4. Aid given must not be used by the United States to strength- en her strategic position in rela- tion to Russia.I The executive committee of the Federalists will meet with other campus organizations to enlist cooperation of action under the resolution and will send a dele- gate to an ADA open forum on the Marshall plan, George Shep- herd, president of the Federalists, said. A petition will be circulated to enlist campus support for the resolution. Willow AYC Elects Officers Reorganizing Plan Will Be Considered Officers for the coming year were elected by the Willow Vil- lage AVC at their meeting last night. New officers elected are: Wil- liam L. O'Neill, chairman; William A. Klein III, vice-chairman; Ar- thur Vogel, treasurer; and Ginny Smith, secretary. Following the elections severa] announcements were matlo by the new officers. O'Neill requested a meeting of all old and new offi- cers Nov. 27. in order to expedite in an efficient manner, the trans- ferring of offices. Klein recom- mended a short meeting for th following Monday, Dec. 1. At tha time, Klein said, the new officers should have a reorganizational plan ready for consideration by the members. Confidence in the new officer and the belief that the Willow Vil- lage AVC's activities for the com- ing year would be enlarged anc intensified, was expressed by sev- eral of the members at the con- clusion of the meeting. Chess Club To Conduct Open Meeting Tonight The Students Chess Club wil meet at 7:30 p.m., today in Rm 302 of the Union. The meeting i open to all students. I NEW YORK. Nov. 25- ) -- Shortages of certain essential ma- terials are threatening to ham- string America's home building campaign. Builders in various sections ofl the country are reporting "gray" , markets springing' up -- closely resembling the notorious black markets of the immediate post- war period. Some shortages have become so fantastic that one of the largest housing projects in New York City recently was opened for occupan- cy with no doors on bathrooms or closets. The National Association of Home Builders, completing a sur- vey of strategic materials, reports "a really dangerous shortage of nails." The New York Journal of Com- merce says "the shortage of nails is becoming so alarming that some authorities fear it may force a virtual shutdown of building ac- tivities. - ROOF OVER HIS HEAD: Material Shortages Threaten Home Construction Campaign The National Committee on Housing reports that "lumber dealers are short of millwork ev- erywhere..." The Western Pine Association lists orders for lumber running close to 100.000,000 board feet in excess of production at 87 lumber mills for the first 10 months of the year. This equals about four per cent of total production. With some areas short of cer- tain types of materia-l which are plentiful elsewhere, distribution appears to be at fault. Fred H. Ludwig, president of the National Committee on Housing, blames the general shortage of millwork "primarily on the lack of box cars to transport much needed lumber to the manufacturers." "Like steel production," he says, "the production of pine mills is reported near an all-time high. The demand for lumber is wider and greater. Therefore it trickles more slowly to the millwork man- ufacturers." I N "'S SHOE STORE 108 SOUTH MAIN ST. I i = __-. -- - .- __ - -_ ._. _ __ , -s Introducing The Women's and Children's Wear Industry to THE AMERICAN COLLEGIATE PUBLIC A series sponsored by "Women's Wear Daily," a Fairchild Publication, 8 East 13th St., New York 3, N.Y. T 3 f i s Z s e s f s e e n e It 0 e s a, f TH E IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Here are some suggestions from our vast selection of Fiction and Non-Fiction. NON-FICTION Back Home, by Bill Mauldin ................. $3.50 Speaking Frankly, by James F. Byrnes ........ 3.50 Rebel at Large, by George Creel .............. 3.75 Postscript to Yesterday, by Lloyd Morris-.-.....5.00 FICTION Proud Destiny, by Lion Feuchtwanger ......... $3.50 The Stoic, by Theodore Dreiser .......;........ 3.00 The Moneyman, by Thomas B. Costain........3.00 The Miracle of the Bells, by Russell Janney . ... 3.00 Come in and Browse OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS Building new telephone lines for you takes well planned tl teamwork by these two)) f %'t "He's service .. I'm supply" II/ fV 4 hi - lii ', "" for ANN ARBOR TONIGHT at 7:30 Behind this giant plow train, burying a new transcontinental telephone cable, there's a story of typical teamwork by Western Electric in help- ing the Bell Telephone Companies to give you faster, even better service. As the supply member of the Bell Telephone team, Western Electric is producing the coaxial cable which can carry 1800 telephone messages at once - can transmit television network pro- grams, too. Complex machines - designed by Western Electric engineers-are turning out this cable mile after mile to. keep the plow trains nncinr f .ca lnn rh arll DR. H. H. SAVAGE of Pontiac