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November 26, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-26

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Fifty-Eighth Year

No Answer

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ................... Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman ........Advertising Manager
(Stuart Vinlayson..............Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus.......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ........... ...... Women's Editcr
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
Thne Associated Press is 'ekclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
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Bubscrption during the regular school year by
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Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



Internal Meddling
to gain support in his attempt to form
a middle-of-the-road cabinet between the
extremes of right and left running rampant
in France today serves to point up with
crystal clarity a situation which is becoming
increasingly serious-the shift of political
power toward the extreme right and left.
Leon Blum is a Socialist, a compromiser,
and lacks the decisiveness which a leader
should have to cope with the present
critical situation in France. But he is one
of the few men who could possibly bring
together the warring elements of the Com-
munists and De Gaullists.
In his rejection, we see the plight of all
men in Europe today who hold a central po-
litical philosophy and are trying to reconcile
the right and left before civil war is the
horrible result. They are rejected and hated
equally by both sides.
It is significant that in Italy, also, the
Socialists are being placed in this unen-
viable fence-sitting position, and that both
Fascists and Communists are trying their
best to overthrow the government of Pre-
mier De Gaspari. Both sides want to take
over the government;, yet for either one to
do so wouldI mean a bloody civil war far
more severe than the general strikes of
In all of these countries, the significance
for America is clear. We must either quit
opposing these socialist governments on the
grounds of their mildly collectivist pro-
grams, or we will face one of two alterna-
tives: (1) Communist dictatorships looking
for leadership to Russia, or (2) Fascist dic-
tatorships, looking to us for support, but
at the same time carrying on repressive
policies in their own nations which would
be the very negation of the principles of
individual freedom for which the United
States traditionally stands.
The plain truth of the matter is that
the present socialist governments of West-
ern Europe are, in practice, far more dem-
ocratic in the American sense than col-
lectivist in the Russian sense. As such,
they stand as the strongest hope America
has to bring the center of power back to
the approximate political center, and rid
Europe of the extremist violence of to-
To accept these socialist governments as
democracic partners does not mean that we
should keep our hands completely off the
internal affairs of France and Italy, for we
should make sure that the money which we
have appropriated for European relief is
spent efficiently for just that, and not used
to line the pockets of grafting politicos.
It does mean, however, that we should
not expect to use threats of withdrawing aid
in order to dictate what form of govern-
ment will hold power in these countries so
long as the existing regimes: (1) Admin.
ister American relief for the benefit of all
their people, (2') Retain a cooperative at-
titude toward this country, and t3) Refuse
to follow the Russian line.
For the United , States to attempt to
dictate the strictly internal policies of
these governments would serve to dis-
credit them in the eyes of their own peo-
nle and would be analogous to the des-

WASHINGTON-"But what are we going
to do today . . . today?" What alterna-
tives to price controls and rationing do you
propose to relieve housewives of the grow-
ing burden of inflation?
These questions were asked repeatedly
by Stanley Ruttenberg, assistant research
director of the CIO, during a Washington
radio discussion of President Truman's
program for economic controls.
What was the answer from the other
side of the NBC table, where Chamber of
Commerce economist Emerson Schmidt sat?
The answer of evasion, the answer of irrele-
vance, the answer of a change of subject.
The answer of no answer.
Here, at its clearest, was the bank-
ruptcy of ideas of big business, the un-
willingness, on the one hand, to accept the
necessity of price controls and ration-
ing, and the inability, on the other hand,
to put forth new suggestions. Mr. Schmidt
opposed controls, but not one concrete
substitute proposal came from him. He
talked of high prices as only a "symptom"
of inflation, but he could suggest no
positive action to eliminate the "symp-
tom" or the disease. He resorted to the
well-worn and repeatedly discredited ar-
gument of labor responsibility for high
prices by pointing to the increase in aver-
age factory wages to $50 a week. Mr. Rut-
tenberg, the CIO representative, discredit-
ed the argument once again by citing
Labor Department figures which show
that $50 today can buy only $29 worth of
goods in 1939 money values.
There were no real answers from Mr.
Schmidt, but there was the usual bag of
sly, deceptive tricks. There was the calcu-
lated rhetorical question: "You would issue
rationing coupons to the American house-
wife again?" This apparently was an en-
deavor to capitalize on unavoidable resent-
ments provoked by imperfections in the has-
tily set up OPA during the war. There was
no attempt by Mr. Schmidt to back up that
casually tossed query with an argument, or
to show its relevance to the basic issues
of controls and rationing.
When a direct question on OPA made
an evasive remark impossible, the Cham-
ber of Commerce economist ventured to
declare flatly that the price control agency
had been a failure. Reminded by both the
CIO official and by Russel Smith of the
National Farmers' Union that OPA had
held the line on prices, Mr. Schmidt
emitted a broken "No-o-o-" which trailed
Wasted Weapon?
IN AN EDITORIAL which appeared in yes-
terday's Daily it was pointed out why
participation in campus elections is so
important. It was shown how just a few
votes can be a deciding factor and thus how
a single vote in a student election carries
so much more weight than a corresponding
vote in a national, state, or local election.
In addition to this, however, we ought
to take notice of the fact that elections
at the University are not as free and
as spontaneous as we sometimes believe.
Students do not always cast their ballots
with their decision based solely on the
candidates' respective qualifications.
Rather there is definite proof that elec-
tions are sometimes decided on the specific
issue of whether or not a man belongs to a
It seems that there is still existent on
campus a group which definitely feels that
a fraternity pin is a better measure of a
man's capacity for student office than a
past record or a platform could possibly be.
They are wont to perpetuate, the idea (to
paraphrase James Madison) that those who
are with and those who are without will
ever form distinct groups.
Whenever protests are raised on cam-
pus against what are alleged to be "un-
democratic" practices which exist with-
in fraternities, there is always a loud

reply that these are private organizations
and the practices involved concern only
the members of each organization.
When, however, the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, the co-ordinating group of the Greek
network, assumes the role of a pressure
group and directly involves itself in a strict-
ly campus election, such as the one to be
held today in the College of Engineering,
we feel they have overstepped their justifi-
able function.
When, in a letter addressed to all fra-
ternity house presidents, the Council pre-
sents for "consideration" the names of all
fraternity members who are candidates in
the engineering college election, it seems
to be "not cricket" to us.
This is especially so because of what
the Interfraternity Council gives as their
reason for sending out the letter: "In line
with keeping fraternity men in office on this
campus it is suggested that you pick your
candidates from the above slate."
Fraternities are no longer only private
organizations, providing for the social life
of their members, but have become an
active political force on campus.
We feel such additional support given cer-
tain candidates creates an unfair advantage.

ever more weakly into the microphone
until it disintegrated into complete silence.
Not a word of argument to back up his
remarkable monosyllabic answer.
Here is the same violent negativeness, the
same fury of denunciation of controls which
is issuing forth from the Republican high
command on Capitol Hill-the same No, no,
no, not price controls, without a constructive
substitute idea. It is the strategy of defeat,
the technique of inaction, accompanied by
the desperate hope that the accusing finger
of the public, after an economic catastrophe,
will not point at the GOP.
Even the impartial moderator of the
NBC radio debate, finding that time had
run out, remarked that he had hoped to
get an answer to Mr. Ruttenberg's ques-
tion, but that it would probably take at
least another hour and a half.
The question is still awaiting an answer
from Capitol Hill. The Congressmen have
more than an hour and a half, but not
so very much more. "What are we going to
do today . . . today?"
Campaign News
WHEN A CANDIDATE for the presidency
of the United States deliberately alien-
ates a block of votes friendly towards him-
that is news.
Harold E. Stassen, electioneering dyna-
mo from Minnesota, recently refused the
offer of support by the George L. Sheldon
faction of the Mississippi Republicans be-
cause of their traditional "lily-white" rule.
Because the Sheldon Republicans refused
to admit Negro voters to their party ranks,
Stassen virtually scuttled two major ob-
jectives of his Mississippi campaign. He gave,
no help to the faction's current fight to oust
National Committeeman Perry Howard,
which favors Senator Robert A. Taft; and
he lost the support of the stop-Taft wing
at the coming national convention in Phil-
Stassen, continuing on his deep south
tour, left a liaison man to discuss the
situation with the Sheldon faction with
the hope of getting them to open their
fold to Negro voters. The success of this
move is not likely.
Although Republicans in Mississippi are
not great in number, Stassen's action de-
prives him of very much needed support
and may further the cause of the Taft-ites.
This is not the way to get around-polit
Apparently, the long-term principle at
stake is of more importance to Stassen
than the short-term aid he stands to re-
ceive by supporting the local fight against
For an investment with a quick return,
Stassen could have quietly sided with the
Sheldon faction, fought Taft, received the
group's support at the convention and said
nothing about "lily-white" rules and Negro
But for long-term considerations: the
new importance of peaceful racial heter-
ogeneity, and the great strides of Negro
development; Stassen has shown himself
to be above what is referred to as the "pol-
Stassen's step toward a higher plane of
campaigning serves as an admirable example
for other presidential candidates to follow.
The sooner all politicians join the fight
against racial discrimination in thought
or practice, the sooner racial freedom will
become a reality.
-Craig H. Wilson.

It Seems to Mel
World War II had ceased and
the millions of GI's, sailors and
marines returned from all parts
of the globe, each carried an idea
in his mind of what he would find
when he "hit the States'; but
many a vet was severely jolted
during the first weeks at home
because he had not realized how
greatly things had changed dur-
ing his many months overseas.
This same feeling struck me
when I reached New York in
September, but what startled me
most was not the prosperity of
the country nor the money-mad
attitude of so many people, but
rather the war fever which had
gripped the whole nation.
From the time I reached home,
the same question has been fired
at me time after time. "When will
the shooting start?" The question
wasn't, "will we have war" or "how
can we prevent war" but WHEN
will it happen. In other words,
our public opinion has been so
poisoned in the past year that
people no longer think that peace
is possible. In fact, some of these
so-called authorities are already
advocating a war with Russia now
"to get it over with before they
are strong enough to lick us." It
is hardly necessary to add that
most of these individuals were
never in the thick of battle during
the war.
I spent a year in Berlin with
American Military Government
and I don't know of another
place where a person is so lase
to the international situation.
Here we were in constant con-
tact with the four occupying
powers of Germany and here we
learned from first hand experi-
ence how the Russians think
and act and how they feel about
the world situation. Since Ber-
lin is actually an island com-
pletely surrounded by the Sovi-
et zone of occupation, we rea-
lized also that in case of war
we would be inside the enemy
lines. But the point which
which seeps significant to me is
that nobody was particularly
afraid of the Russians nor of
an impending war.
It is true chat the Soviets are
extremely suspicious of the west-
ern powers and that it is most
difficult to cultivate their confi-
dence in dealing with German
problems, but if one remembers
the many attempts made after
1917 by certain western powers to
throw the communists out of Rus-
sia it is small wonder that they
tend to suspect us now. But de-
spite the arguing of the conference
room, good will always existed
among the nationalities, espec-
ially at a party. No matter how
heated the discussions had been
during the day, no trace of it re-
mained when the champagne and
vodka flowed at night. Argu-
ments, yes; but war seemed very
What, then, is responsible for
the situation existing in this
country today? No one in his
right mind wants war, but it
is also true that the news in
our papers, and magazines, and
radio are slowly but surely con-
ditioning our public to the in-
evitability of war. It is true
that the international situation
does not offer much toward se-
curity, but to label every disa-
greement a war threat and build
it into a direct challenge from
the Soviet Union is a crime
against the American people's
sense of judgment.

There may be several reasons
for the wave of biased news which .
is sweeping us today: perhaps in
order to sell papers and magazines
the publishers must resort to sen-
sational stories; maybe the ;ov-
ernment, in order to sell its for-
eign aid program must awaken
the American public by scaring
us into agreement. But whatever
the reasons, it seems to me that
we are working ourselves into a
state of tension from which only
war can result, even if it is against
the better interest of the country.
I do not say that war is not
possible, for in our time we must
always consider the possibility of
conflict. For this reason it is vit-
ally necessary that we remain pre-
pared for any eventuality and take
the lead in bringing about sane
and peaceful solutions to the
problems which confront the
world. Our policy of firmness with
the Russians is a sound policy in
view of previous dealings with
them, but we must be very sure
that the pendulum of public opin-
ion does not rest in a position
where we feel that we are always
right and the Soviets are always
wrong. Such a tendency exists
today and it is time we put a stop
to it before we find ourselves in-
capable of sane evaluations df the
world situation.

ERLIN-In London, where the
Foreign Ministers are gather-
ing, total deadlock has already
been reached in the meetings of
their deputies. The relentless pet-
tifogging of the Soviet delegation
has, however, served to confirm
British and American suspicions
on one major point. Both delega-
tions now expect Molotov to make
a grand theatrical gestui'e of sup-
port for a strong, unified German
Reich - possibly in the form of
a proposal to end the occupation
of Germany.
In making his gesture, Molotov
will know in advance that its re-
jection is certain. He will also
know that he is doing incalculable
damage to the Communist party
in such key neighboring countries
as France and Czechoslovakia.
Why then should Molotov embar-
rass Comrades Thorez and Gott-
wald for the sake'of display of
empty histronics which will only
impress the Germans?
The reason is very simple. In
the contest for Germany which
the Soviet Union launched at
the close of the war, the Krem-
lin is forced to employ tactics
of this sort. Conditions in the
Soviet zone do not permit any
other kind of appeal to the Ger-
mans. There is proof enough of
this assertion in one extraordin-
ary fact. Marshal Sokolovsky,
Soviet commander in Germany,
has now set the Germans to
watching the Russians.
The order was issued some time
ago by Soviet headquarters at
Karlshorst to the high command
of the Soviets political stooge par-
ty, the Socialist Unity Party. The
Socialist Unity Party was com-
manded to instruct its lower eche-
lons to report to Karlshorst all
cases of inefficiency and corrup-
tion among Soviet Military Gov-
ernment officials and Russian fac-
tory managers. Assurances were
given that these reports would be
held confidential. It was grimly
added that if investigation prov-
ed the accuracy of the charges,
the offending Russians would be
removed and appropriately disci-
This astonishing order is the
final admission, in turn, of a
strange condition. This condi-
tion has for some time been dis-
cerned by official American in-
vestigators peering through the
cracks in the iron curtain cut-
ting off the Soviet zone. It has
an odd historical parallel.
The history minded may recall
that after the defeat of Athens
in the Pelopennesian wars, the
heavy-handed Spartans for a time
dominated the Aegean Sea. But
the Spartan administrators and
soldiers sent out to command the
new territories and strong points
won by Sparta suffered from a
fatal weakness. The bleak, regi-
mented life of Sparta,. with its
endless round of military exercises,
political indoctrination and sparse
living, left the Spartans utterly
unprotected against the tempta-
tions of a richer environment.
Part of the Soviet problem de-
rives from the unappeasable
hunger of the Soviet Union in
particular, and the Soviet sphere
in general, for manufactured
goods of all kinds. This has
caused eastern Germany to be
classed with Czechoslovakia as
a heavy contributor of industrial
products to the general pool.
Hence arises the constant pres-

sure for more and more Ger-
man goods for Russia. At the
same time, eastern Germany is
deficient in coal, and acutely
deficient in iron and steel -
the bases of any industrial econ-
In the Soviet zone, everything
has been done to win the support
of the people for the Soviets and
their stooges. All that has been
done has failed. The Germans as
a whole, including the Soviet-zone
Germans, still look to the West.
Even Russians are not immune
to the appeal. Attempts by Soviet
officers and officials to desert
to us are the common gossip of
Berlin. One German who knows
Karlshorst well remarked laugh-
ingly to this correspondent that
Marshal Sokolovsky would soon
lack any staff, if the western pow-
ers would only offer Russians in
Berlin the equivalent of forty
acres and a mule. This looking to
the west is MVolotov's Achilles heel.
This is why such drastic propa-
ganda is resorted to.
Unless the Anglo-Franco-Amer-
ican effort in western Germany is
paralyzed, hereafter, by" indecis-
ion, weakness and stupidity, prop-
aganda is not to be feared. The
superior magnetism, which some
do oddly concede to the. Soviets, is
really ours. To exploit it, we need
only do a decent job in Germany.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Veteran Spirit
To the Editor:
THIS IS FOOD for thought for
the "matured" veteran, Harold
T. Walsh.
In the first place, Mr. Walsh,
our predecessors who came to
Michigan, even today, are the most
ardent supporters of our team. Do
you consider them childish and
immature? Our distinguished
graduates don't.
Secondly, the veterans at Wis-
consin and Illinois didn't seem to
feel it immature to cheer for their
respective teams. If you are a
typical veteran, do you feel more
mature than other veterans who
go to the fore-to mentioned uni-
versities? Are Michigan veterans
so different from veterans of other
schools? Frankly, I don't think
so. I give them more credit..
Thirdly, do you think that show-
ing a little loyalty to your team
on Saturdays will hamper your
preparation to assume the respon-
sibilities of the business world?
If so, it is a weak excuse.
Fourthly, do you realize that
almost our entire team consists
of veterans? They don't feel it
beneath their dignity to show a
little school spirit.
Last but not least, Mr. Walsh,
do you know what made this
country great? It was spirit. Ev-
erything the American under-
takes, whether it be athletics or
business enterprises, he does with
a spirit unrivaled by any other
national group. When we loose
this spirit, we will no longer be a
great nation!
-Brad Stone
Pigskin Epic
To the Editor:
1'WAs P.M.,Martinmass plus
With nimbi and mist and wind in

Letters to the Editor

Eighty-seven thousand the num-
ber was,
Who braved the cold and darkness
for their cause.
Hoped the smaller group of ten
Their visiting' warriors would
While the remaining seventy-
Their hopes too were bright, un-
like the heavens.
The toss made, the Ohio captain
His team kicked, our team received
on the run.
Two hours and a half the battle
was fought,
The struggle was intense, each
team gave up naught.
Wet was the field, sloppy and
Wet were the fans from rain
and much whiskey.
But Chappuis, Yerges, and Elliott,
Left the Bucks a twenty-one
So out to the Rose Bowl will go
our team,
As Maize and Blue with a "We
will win" gleam.
And were I not a Bavius of sort,
Would gladly agree on this report.
-"Sum" Howard
* * *
To the Editor:
letter sent to the Ann Arbor
Barbers Association:
We, the members of the Inter-
Racial Association, find that your
policy' of discrimination against
Negroes is not only undemocratic,
but is a breach of statute of the
State of Michigan; namely, the
Diggs' Act. Furthermore, it is
contrary to the policy of Presi-
dent Truman's recently organized
Civil Rights Committee.
In view of this we are asking
that you meet with members of
our committee before December
1st in an effort to erradicate these
discriminatory practices. If no
favorable decision is reached by
that time, we will have no other
alternative 'but to take concerted
action on this issue.
-Executive Committee, Inter-
Racial Association, Irwin Goff-
man, Chairman, Testing Com-




Children's Pligt


SCHOOLING will end this winter for thou-
sands of children and young people all
over Europe who just do not have enough
clothing and shoes to face the cold.
Last year, when members of the Univer-
sity Famine Committee's Clothing Drive
committee told the student body about
the plight of school children in Europe,
they received an immediate and sympa-
thetic response. The drive netted more
than three tons of clothing and shoes.
One year has brought no relief for the
critical food, coal and clothing shortages in
Europe. In Holland, even wooden shoes are
being rationed, and in Finland, clothes are
being made from paper and wood-fibre.
This year, therefore, an even greater ef-
fort must be made by the student body and
townspeople in contributing to the drive.
The instructions are simple:
Clean, serviceable clothing and shoes
are requested, although a reconditioning
service for slightly damaged clothing is
maintained by the Save the Children Fed-
eration, which ships and distributes the
material. Clothing will be collected from
residence halls and church guilds, or may
be left at Lane Hall.
The children of Europe need anything you
can spare, so look in your closets and give
--Harriett Friedman.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 10211
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-1
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 1947
VOL. LVIII, No. 56
Regents' Meeting: 2 p.m., Dec.
19. Communications for considera-
tion at this meeting must be in the
President's hands not later than
December 11.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Transfer Student Testing Pro-
gram: Scores, together with man-
uals of interpretation, are now
available to those students who
recently completed the Transfer
Student Testing 'Program. Stu-
dents with less than sixty hours
of credit may obtain their test
scores in the Academic Counselors
Office, 108 Mason Hall. Upper-
class students may get their test
scores and manuals from the of-
fice of their department of con-
centration. Upper-class students
who listed no concentration ad-
viser should go to the Academic
Counselor's Office.
Faculty and Veteran Students:
The final date for the approval of
requisitions for the purchase of
books, equipment and special sup-
plies will be Wednesday, Jan. 7,
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
November 28
Congregational Disciples Guild
November 29
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Delta Tau Delta
All Junior and Sophomore Men
living in the Willow Run Dormi-
tories may apply for Residence
Halls accommodations for the Sec-
ond Semester in Rm. 2, University
Hall on November 24, 25, and 26.
Application for Admission to
the Graduate School for the Sec-
ond Semester: Students in other

schools and colleges who will
graduate, and who may wish to
enter the Graduate School the
second semester, must submit
their applications for admission
by December 15 in order to be
given consideration. The crowded
condition in the Univresity has
placed limitations upon the num-
ber that may be admitted.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at
the Women's Athletic Building
will close on Wed., Nov. 26, at 5:30
p.m. and will re-open on Fri., Nov.
28 at 7:30 p.m.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupation Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall February and June
Graduates: The Naval Research
Laboratories will have two rep-
resentatives here on 'Monday and
Tuesday, Dec. 1 and 2, to inter-
view February and June gradu-
ates for civilian scientific and
technical jobs. The examination
will be held in January, 1948, to
establish eligible lists of chem-
ists, physicists, mathematicians,
metalluirgists, psychologists, and
February Graduates: General
Electric Company will have a rep-
resentative here on Monday, Dec.
1, to interview February graduates
for their Business Training
Course. This Course is designed to
train young men for future non-
technical administration positions
within the organization. A previ-
ous background in accounting
is not necessary since liberal arts
men can obtain further education
in accounting through their eve-
ning classroom program.
February Graduates: The Fed-
eral Department Stores, Detroit,
Michigan, will interview men and
women for department store ex-
ecutive training on Tuesday, Dec.
For complete information con-
cerning all these companies, ap-
plication blanks, and appoint
ments, call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, ex-
tension 371. It is desired that ap-
pointments be made this week.
Academic Notices
School of Business Administra-
tion, Course 61-Money in Bank-
ing: Mr. Brown's sections will not
meet on Wed., Nov. 26.



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