see Page 4
It A 0,A19ZU
Latest Deadline in the State
House Group
Pares Relief
Bill to Europe
Committee Adds
China Aid to Plan
By The Associated Press
r An 18 per cent slash in President
Truman's request for $597,000,000
European emergency aid was voted
today by the House Foreign Af-
fairs Committee-and then it
threw in $60,000,000 for China.
This broadside revision of the
administration's carefully planned
winter relief program is included
in a bill the committee is writing
to lay before the House. On the
Senate side, the Foreign Relations
Committee has unanimously ap-
proved the $597,000,000 figure.
Specifically the House commit-
tee bill proposes to set up $489,-
000,000 for France, Italy and Aus-
tria this winter, whereas Mr. Tru-
man asked the full $597,000,000
for these three countries to pre-
vent "chaos."
Include China
The administration did -not in-
clude China in the emergency
proposal to the special session, but
Sesretary of State Marshall has
used the $60,000,000 figure in dis-
cussion of Chinese needs for this
fiscal year.
Even with China included in
the House bill, its revised total
would be $549,000,000-or a net
overall cut of $48,000,000.
Rep. Vorys (Rep., Ohio) said
that the reduction in projected
help for the three European coun-
tries was based on information
the committee obtained of the
amount of goods that will be
available for them.
"Final" Figure
Asked if the $549,000,000 told
is a "final" figure, Vorys said no,
that it represents committee ac-
tion "to date" on the bill.
A committee member told a re-
porter the vote was 10 to 9 on a
motion of Rep. Chiperfield (Rep.,'
Ill.) to cut the $108,000,000 from
the $594,000,000 the administra-
tion recommended as a "minimum
for the three European countries.
The closeness of the ballot'
pointed to a rough scrap over the
total when the bill reached the
House floor for a vote.
The committee hopes to com-
plete the. bill by the end of the
week, then meet next Monday to
approve it in final form for in-
troduction by Chairman Eaton
(Rep., N.J.). That would make it
possible to start House considera-
tion later next week.
Discuss Legislation
Speaker Martin called the
House Republican Steering Com-
nittee, to meet next Tuesday to
discuss the legislation and possi-
bly to take a unified position on
it. The Steering Committee shapes
party policy in the House.
In the Senate, where the Euro-
pean stop-gap aid authorization
measure already has reached the
floor, the second day of debate
pushed it toward a vote, possibly
tomorrow. Senators voted in an
amendment which directs that re-
lief buying be done in a manner
having the least effect on domes-
tic prices.
Riots Flare Up
Again in Italy
Terror Marked by
Slayings, Plundering
ROME, Nov. 25-(YP)--Political
terror, dormant over the weekend,
burst out again in southern Italy
today with two slayings, rioting
and the sacking of anti-Commu-
nist Party offices.
While last week's strife cen-
tered in Apulia in the heel of the
Italian boot, the new outbreaks
were in Calabria, in the toe.
A minor outburst also occurred
in Rome tonight when a bomb was
thrown from a passing automo-
bile against a building in which
the Communist newspaper Unita
is printed. There were no casual-
ties and the only damage was a
few broken windows.
One newspaper said "disorders
spread throughout Calabria," and
another headline reported "deaths,
devastation, armored cars as the
Students Will Apply for
Rose Bowl Ducats Today
Ticket Windows Will Be Open Every Day
At Athletic Administration Building Office
Student applications for Rose Bowl tickets will be accepted be-
ginning this morning at the Athletic Administration Building, Don
Weir, University ticket manager, announced yesterday.
Ticket windows will be open daily from 8:30 to 4:30 until Decem-
ber 1, to accommodate the students.
A one ticket limitation will be rigidly enforced and identification
cards plus signatures will be required both at the ticket window and
in California.
The distribution plan, originated by Bob Chappuis and Pete Elliott,
student members of the Board in Control of Inter-collegiate athletics,
U. N. Committee
Approves Design
Barber Shops
Will Continue
Organization Refuses
IRA's Present Plea
Members of the Ann Arbor Bar-
bers' Association will not serve
Negroes, Joe Kneiper, president,
declared yesterday.
Replying to IRA's letter request-
ing the Barber's Association to
"eradicate disriminatory prac-
tices" against Negroes, Kneiper
:tated that "it would continue
the present policy" and would not
meet with campus representatives
to work out a positive solution to
the problem.
Resistance Promised
He also warned that if legal ac-
tion by IRA forces the city's bar-
ber shops to obey the Diggs Act
and serve Negroes, "they would
not be satisfied with the haircuts
they received."
In Kneiper's opinion, discrim-
inating barber shops will not be
influenced to change their stand
by IRA's threat "to take con-
certed action" before resorting to
a court test, if the Barbers' Asso-
ciation does not reach a "satis-
factory" decision by Dec. 1.
'Can't Afford It',
Shops in the vicinity of the
campus against which he believes
Operation Haircut is specifically
directed, could not "afford" to cut
Negroes' hair because their "cus-
tomers wouldn't like it" and would
go elsewhere for their haircuts,
Kneiper said.
IRA's campaign to persuade
Ann Arbor's barber shops to serve
Negroes is supported by "few stu-
dents and opposed by most towns-
people," he explained.
Ship Aground,
Fear 48 Loast
Survivors Sighted by
Coast Guard Plane
KETSHIKAN, Alaska, Nov. 25
- (P) - Two small Coast Guard
searching parties which reached
tiny Hippa Island near nightfall
messaged in mid-evening they had
been unable to find any survivors
from the wrecked army transport
Clarksdale Victory, although ear-
lier today a coast guard plane had
reported sighting three survivors
on the shore.
The bow section of the shat-
tered 10,850-ton ship was nosed
against the rocky beach of little
known Hippa Island, battered by
waves reported breaking 50 feet
high against it.
The after section, apparently
broken off by the tremendous
force of the sea, was submerged.
A Coast Guard plane reported
sighting only three survivors on
the shore, but officers at head-
quarters here drew hope for other
survivors from the sighting of a
lifeboat and life raft on the rocks.
They said it was unlikely that
only three men could have suc-
ceeded in getting a cumbersome
life boat safely ashore. , Others,
they said, might have taken shel-]
ter in adjacent woods.I
was designed to take care of stu-
dents first in distributing the
available tickets, while at the
same time minimizing the possi-
bility of scalping.
Married students only will be
permitted two tickets. It will not
be necessary for husband and wife
to present themselves at the Ath-
leti Building, but they will both
be required to pick up their tickets
in California.
It is suggested that graduate
students comply with the regula-
tions concerning the rest of the
student body, since they then will
be assured of one ticket. They
may not register for tickets under
both student and alumni classifi-
Weir warned that there is no
need for anyone to get down to
the ticket office early, since seat
allocations will be made after De-
cember 1, and the time of the pur-
chase will not assure choice seats.
Weir also announced that his
office has already received around
1,000 alumni applications since
Monday morning.
Galens Mark
December 5
For Tag Day
Pledging to make every child's
stay at the University Hospital as
pleasant as possible, the Galens'
Honorary Medical Society will un-
dertake its annual Christmas Tag
Day drive Dec. 5 and 6.
Donations which the 24 mem-
bers of the society will collect
are to be utilized in maintaining
the Hospital's Galens' shop and.
providing money for the Fun
Galens' Shop
The Galens' shop is well
equipped with tools which can be
used in making a variety of proj-
ects. Three jigsaws, a lathe, a
sander, a drill and circular saw
are available for use, as well as
numerous hand tools woodburn-
ing outfits and painting equip-
ment. A licensed instructor super-
vises the children's work, plan-
ning their programs to suit ability.
Funds from the Galens' drive are
ased here to provide the salary
for the instructor as well as to
replace worn equipment and buy
new equipment and material.
Year-Round Joy
Christmas, as well as year-round
joy is made possible by means of
the Fun Fund, which provides
gifts of toys, books and games for
the children throughout the year.
At Christmas time these gifts are
passed out to the children by the
Hospital Santa Claus.
Legislative Leap?
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25-(A')-
Legislation to make it "a treason-
able act" to belong to the Com-
munist party or to practice Com-
munism was introduced today by
Rep. McDonough (Rep., Calif.).
Violators of the proposed act
would be prosecuted under the
treason laws.
YPCM, Young Progressive Citi-
zens of Michigan, was erroneouslyt
labeled YPCA in yesterday's Daily.
Soviet-American' Plan Goes to Full
Assembly for Approval Tomorrow
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 25-The "Soviet-American" plan to par-
tition Palestine into Jewish and Arab countries by next Oct. 1 was ap-
proved today by a vote of 25 to 13 in the 57-member Palestine cowi-
mittee of the United Nations Assembly.
This easily gave enough margin to carry the plan through the
committee. However, on this same ballot ratio, it was one short of
the two-thirds majority of those present and voting which will be
required for adoption in the full Aysembly.
The Assembly meets tomorrow at 11 a.m. (EST) to take up the
committee-approved plan. Afternoon and night sessions also were
UPHELD BY VOTE-Chairman J. Parnell Thomas (R-N.J.) (center) of the House Un-American
Activities Committee talks with two committee colleagues, Reps. Richard B. Vail (R.-Ill.) (left) and
John McDowell (R.-Pa.), in Washington, after the House voted a contempt citation against Albert
Maltz, screen writer and one of 10 "hostile" witnesses before last month's Reds-in-Hollywood in-
quiry. All three spoke in favor of the contempt resolution.
Special Inter-Faith Services
Scheduled for Thanksgiving
Special Thanksgiving services
will be held for students tomorrow
morning at Lane Hall, the League
and three local churches.
The campus inter-faith pro-
gram will begin at 9 a.m. tomor-
row with breakfast at Lane Hall
and a service there presented by
most of the Protestant Guilds,
Hillel, Unitarian Youth Group,
the International Center and the
Student Religious Association.
Foreign students will speak to the
group emphasizing the message
of Thanksgiving. No reservations
are required for breakfast and
there is no charge although a col-
lection will be taken which. will be
contributed to CARE boxes for
The nnual interfaith commu-
nity service will be held at 10:30
a.m. tomorrow at the Baptist
Church. The Rev. Herbert Hud-
nut, of the Woodward Ave. Pres-
byterian Church, Detroit, will de-
liver the sermon entitled "In
Everything Give Thanks." He will
be assisted by a colored minister
and a Greek minister.
The offertory service will be in
observance of the "silent guest."
The congregation will be given the
opportunity to contribute to for-
eign relief in order that Europeans
may have a Thanksgiving dinner
The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, will meet at 10:30 a.m.
tomorrow inthe Michigan League
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
HALIFAX, Nov. 25- A hurri-
cane ripped through Newfound-
land's west coast tonight, damag-
ing boats and gear. One man was
killed and at least three seriously
injured on Nova Scotia's Cape
Breton Island.
Postmaster General Robert E.
Ilannegan resigned today to
head the St. Louis Cardinals
baseball club and President
Truman named an ex-postman
to take his place in the Cabinet.
The appointment went to 62-
year old Jesse M. Donaldson,
First Assistant Postmaster Gen-'
eral, who has had 42 years in
the postal service.
* * *
PARIS, Nov. 25-The National
Federation of Railroad Workers
tonight ordered an immediate
general strike, the second in five
months, bringing the number of
workers on strike in France to_
close to 1,500,000.
** *
Ballroom. Following the usual or-
der of service there will be a brief
period in which members of the
congregation may express their
gratitude for healings and other
help which they have received
during the past year. Citations
will be used from the Bible and
"Science and Health" by Mary
Baker Eddy.
A special Thanksgiving Mass
will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow in
St. Mary's Chapel.
The University Lutheran Chapel
will hold services at 11 a.m. to-
morrow. The Rev. Alfred Scheips
will speak on "Be Ye Thankful."
Engine School
To Hold C lass
Engineering college class offi-
cers for the coming year will be
chosen in a special election today.
Voting hours at the four elec-
tion booths have been changed
slightly to give students a better
opportunity to cast their ballots
during the lunch hour, Ev Ellin,
president of the Engineering
Council, announced yesterday. -
Under the new arrangement, the
booths will be open from 8 a.m.
to 12:10 p.m. and from 12:50 to
4 p.m.
The booths will be located in
Lhe lobby of East Engineering
Building, inside the door of the
East Engineering Extension, in
the Engine Arch doorway of West
Engineering, and on the second
floor of the same building outside
the Dean's office.
Senior students will choose a
president,\ vice-president, and
treasurer, while lower classmen
will pick a president and a secre-
tary for their respective classes.
The candidates for president
and secretary of the freshman
class and secretary of the sopho-
more class are running unopposed
and will need just 25 qualifying
votes to win their respective of-
In addition since no nominat-
ing petitions have been filed for
the position of senior class secre-
tary, that office will remain va-
cant, Ellin revealed.
No electioneering will be per-
mitted on behalf of any candi-
date within 25 feet of the polling
place. Campaign material may be
posted but will have to be removed
by 9 a.m. Friday or the candidate
will be liable to a fine to be im-
posed at the discretion of the elec-
tion committee.
Writers vital
To Revival of
Union Opera
A special meeting of all stu-
dents interested in helping to re-
write and complete the book and
lyrics needed to make the staging
of a Union Opera next fall pos-
sible is being planned for the near
future, the Union Opera Com-
mittee announced yesterday.
"Several of the books submit-
ted to the Committee show great
promise," Dave Upton, Committee
chairman reported. "If we can
just get some interested writers to
help work them into shape, we'll
be able to pick out the best and
then be able to go ahead with pro-
duction plans," he said.
Upton explained that the Com-
mittee has decided to concentrate
all energies on tentatively pre-
senting a full scale Union Opera
between Thanksgiving'and Christ-
mas next fall instead of rushing
a possibly incomplete show before
the footlights this spring.
"We're going to do everything
we can to make 'the new Union
Opera rival the great successes of
old and well worthy of carrying on
the Opera's long and colorful tra-
dition," he said.
The Committee has been work-
See OPERA, Page 2
Clothing Drive
Will Continue
'U' Students Urged
To Give Generously
The University Famine Com-
mittee will continue the clothing
drive today under the chairman-
ship of Seymour Goldstein.
"The purpose of this drive is to
make it possible for students in
Europe to attend school, which is
essential for building and main-
taining world peace," Goldstein
Students going home for
Thanksgiving are asked to bring
back any clothing they can spare
and turn it in to their house col-
lecting station or leave it at the
Lane Hall desk. Clothing of all
sorts is needed as well as blankets
and other bedding, according to
"The future of the child will
determine the future of the
world," Goldstein said. "It is our
moral duty to do all we can to
help the 3,000 shattered schools
in Europe."
Clothing, shoes and bedding
are especially needed in Europe
today, he added, urging students
to give all they can possibly spare.I
scheduled for the Assembly, all in
Flushing Meadow Park, New York.
The United States and Russia
were the only members of the Big
Five to vote for partition. Britain,
which has not taken part in the
long discussions except to say she
would notccarry out a major role
in enforcing partition, abstained
along with France and China.
Seventeen Abstentions
There were seventeen.absten-
tions in all. The Philippines and
Paraguay were absent on the final
rollcall in committee.
Spokesmen for the Arab higher
committee, representing Arabs of
Palestine, and for the six Arab
countries in the UN promptly an-
nounced they considered the com-
mittee decision "null and void"
and declared they are "prepared
for the worst."
Jamal Hussein, vice chairman
of the Arab higher committee,
who sat in the UN lounge through-
out the committee session in the
adjacent room, told newsmen af-
terward: "We know that tonight
the United States and the Jewish
agency will be exerting great ef-
fort to get the two-thirds ma-
No Comment
The Jewish agency for Palestine,'
spokesman for the Jews of the
Holy Land, said it would have no
comment. "Why should we talk
now," one agency representative
The partition plan broadly is
The British would withdraw
from Palestine by next Aug. 1.
The two new . countries-Arab
and Jewish - would be established
by Oct. 1.
Jerusalem would be an inter-
national city, under the eye of the
UN Trusteeship Council.
International City .
A five-nation UN commission
would be entrusted with adminis-
tering the Holy Land during the
transition period.
The Security Council would take
responsibility for making partition
effective and of seeing that no
threats to peace or acts of aggres-
sion are committed in the Pales-
tine area. The Arabs have said
they will not cooperate in parti-
Ag reement on
Austria Must
Russia Seeks Treaty
To Disarm Germany
LONDON, Nov. 25-(IP)-An ap-
peal by the Western Powers for at
least one quick Big Four agree-
ment to "assure the people of the
world" failed tonight to move
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov into consenting to imme-
diate consideration of an Austrian
The opening of the Conference
of Foreign Ministers in ancient,
sedate Lancaster House, as de-
scribed to correspondents by brief-
ing officers, indicated that Molo-
tov had changed his poition lit-
tle, if any, from the meeting last
April in Moscow.
The Foreign Ministers of the
Un.ited States, Britain, France and
Russia agreed on a six point
agenda, but split in the usual 3
o 1 fashion over whether Austria
or Germany should get top con-
Disarmament Treaty
Molotov did agree to take up the
U.S.-proposed four-power 40-year
disarmament treaty against Ger-
many-provided it was coupled
with discussion of what Molotov
said was the "failure" of the
Western Povrs to carry out pres-
ent demilitorization policies for
the Reich.
This indicated Molotov would
again raise the repeatedly denied
Soviet charges made in Moscow
and in the Berlin Allied Control
Council by Marshal Sokolowsky
A ihc TThi1rd States and Brit-
am were failing to disarm Ger-
The East and West came to
grips over which order should be
given the items in the agenda for
Britain, France and the United
States said agreement was near on
an Austrian treaty and added that
if a quick final settlement could
be reached it would reassure an
"anxious world."
U.S. Secretary of State Marshall
said" it is very important we
agree on something quickly to as-
sure the people of the world."
Movies Cut 10
From Payroll
NEW YORK, Nov. 25-(A')-The
high command of the nation's
movie industry decided to drop
from its payrolls the 10 Hollywood
figures cited for contempt of Con-
gress and at the same time an-
nounced no known Communists
would be hired in the future.
The action was announced by
Eric Johnston, President of the
Motion Picture Association of
America, after a two-day closed
session attended by 50 of film-
dom's top executives.
None of the 10 men, Johnston's
statement said, would be rehired
until "he is acquitted or has
purged himself of contempt and
declared under oath that he is not
a Communist."
Buck Chases Man;
Study Urgred
Students planning to run for
election to the Student Legisla-
ture have been urged by Harvey
Weisberg, president, to gain some
early experience with the body
and its committees.
There is opportunity, he said,
for actual work with the commit-
tees, as well as over-all orienta-
Weisberg added that such early
experience may be used by candi-
dates in their pre-election state-
ments of qualifications.
Those interested may contact
either Weisberg or the legisla-
ture's publicity chairman, Bar-
bara Newman.
All-Out War on Communism
In Chile Pictured by Villalon
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill, Nov. 25
-An embargo on all shipments
of livestock to the nearby Na-
tional Stockyards was declared
today as a walkout of handlers
at the big market extended
through the second day with no
immediate signs of a settlement
in a contract dispute.
Survey Shows Wages Higher Here
A Chile already in the throes of
relations with Russia on the
grounds that Russia was warring
University students here are in
The types of unskilled work
done are nearly the same through-
out the nation-baby-sitting, leaf-
This will be compared with the
results of Operations Subsistence,
the ,sivv evher Pwhih ill h