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November 25, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-25

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House Votes
Against 10 1
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24-)-
In rapid-fire order, the House to-
day voted contempt citations
against 10 Hollywood script writ-
ers. directors and producers who
refused to say "yes" or "no" when
asked whether they were Conmm-
Veterans enrolled in the Uni-
-ersity on a part-time basis may
oe entitled to partial subsistence
payments under the G.I. Bill, Vet-
erans Administration officials ex-
plained yesterday.
Student veterans without de-
partments are entitled to substi-
tute allowances of $65 monthly for
full-time courses, $48.75 for three-
quarter time courses, $32.50 for
half-time and $16.25 for one-
quarter time. Veterans with de-
pendents may receive $90 monthly
for full-time, $67.50 for three-
quarter time, $45 for half-time
and $22.50 for one-quarter time.
The law provides that income
from outside work, plus the sub-
sistence allowance, cannot exceed
$175 a month for a veteran with-
out a dependent or $200 monthly
if he has one or more dependents.
Subsistence allowances of vet-
erans taking full-time courses
who earn more than $110 monthly
are reduced accordingly to keep
the combined income within the
limitations These ceilings also
apply to veterans taking part-time
If a veteran is enrolled in the
University on a part-time basis,
his period of educational eligi-
bility is prorated. For example, a
veteran eligible for one year of
education who attends a course on
a half-time basis may continue in
training for a two year period.
In a move aimed at improving
the quality of veterans' newly-
built homes, the Veterans Admin-
istration has announced inaugura-
tion of a new plan for VA inspec-
tion of houses while they are under
The plan provides for a pre-
construction appraisal of "reason-
able value" for G.I. loan purposes,
based on complete plans and spec-
ifications; and for a minimum of
three interim inspections as the
work advances to insure adherence
to the standards agreed upon, VA
officials explained.
* * *
To speed active medical treat-
ment of veteran-patients, the re-
ception services in Veterans' Ad-
ministration Hospitals are being
abolished, VA officials announced
In the future, all general medi-
cal and surgical patients will be
admitted directly into active treat-
ment wards where their case his-
tories, necessary X-rays and oth-
er routine examinations will be
Previously, these functions were
conducted by the reception serv-
ices pending assignment of pa-
tients to treatment words.

Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Post Office for the fol-
lowing veterans:
Richard P. Barnard, Murvel J.
Bratt, Barber C. Carlson, Bartley
B. Feinberg, Marie Grimm, Alton
M. Harvill, Jr., George Lemberger,
Murray F. Markland, Dorothy N.
Mineland Ross, Alice E. Soder-
strom, Dan Steinhoff, Jr., Rudolph
R. Wedenoja.
Veterans listed above should
pick up their checks by Dec. 11
when they will be returned to Co-
lumbus, O.

iovie Men
By sending the citations to the
United States District Attorney
for prosecution, the House over-
whelmingly backed its Committee
on un-American Activities, which
had questioned the men in its in-
vestigation of alleged Communisn
in Hollyviood.
Maximum punishm(ut for con-
tempt of Congress is a year in jail
and $1,000 fine.
The 10 contended that by in-
quiring into their political beliefs,
the committee was violating the
Although each of the cases was
handled separately by the House,
there was only one roll-call vote
and it thumpingly upheld the
committee, 346 to 17.
Rep. Thomas, chairman cf the
committee, told the House the 10
were subpoenaed "because our in-
vestigation had disclosed that they}
were Communists or had long rec-r
ords of Communist affiliation and

YPCA Grants
Speifie Adioii
0111 [ctICIS
Sidents in Voting
A resolution authorizing spei-
'ic action on the comin Student
legislature elections WaS apprOX-
ed by the campus chapter 'o
xoung Progressive Citizens of
America at its last regular meet-

Radio Students Will Take
1o Simulated Air Waves

Everybody will get into the act.
ct lats most of the speech depart-
nent' radio students when sta-
:ion WMDS 'Miehican Depart-
:1cen o Speech takes oxer the
.ui t U floi Cl Angell Hall for two
:'dys 01 >simula ied bye adcas ing
next vionday and Tuesday.

In accord with its policy of dis- T1
seminating informatica concern- }JI GleeC 11 1)
ng the mechanics of governmenl
and its objective of acquaintin 1
student voters with the spr' fic i' III1Rec 1d
ssues at stake in elections, the *
group will prepare voting cha:.s I
and analyze qualifications of can-
didates for the Legislature.
Candidates for positions in th The Men's Glee Club is current-j
election, which will take plaee ly getting ready to serve up some
December 10. will be personally cf its choicest musical morsels on!
interviewed and incumbents l ",latters" before the UniversityI
have their attendance and vet- B1'Oadicating Service's micro-
ing records graphically presented phones.
by a special committee fornd y Under the direction of Prof.
the group. Philip A. Ducy. the choral group
Al M'illstein and Gellert Seel has already recorded eight num-E
were nominated for the position bers. including old Union Opera
of chairman. Others nominated favorites, like "The Friar's Song"
include John Sloss for vice-chair- and "'Tis of Michigan We Sing."
man, 'Helen Greenberg and Jack When the Glee Club has per-
Lucas for treasurer. Catherine feeted its waxwork technique, the
Houston for secretary. and Mim re'ords will be combined into spe-
Levy and Louise Ginet for record- cial University programs, accord-

HOLLYWOOD CANTER-Singer Dennis Day astride his newly-
acquired horse, Dusty, accompanies Barbara Eilers on a jaunt
around a ranch near Hollywood.

Opponents of the citations
warned gainst "hysteria"' anad
contended the committee was il-
legally invading the field of
"thought and opinion."
In addition to Albert Maltz, who
prepared the scenario for "Desti-
nation Tokyo" and "Cloak and
Dagger," these men were cited:
Alvah Bessie, whose screen
works included "Objective Burma."
Herbert Biberman, director of
"The Master Race."
Lester Cole, who wrote the
screen version of "Blood on the
Edward Dmytryk, director of
"Hitler's Children" and "Cross-
Ring Lardner, Jr., author of the
scenario for "Forever Amber."
John Howard Lawson, who
wrote "Action in the North At-
lantic" and "Blockade."
Samuel Ornitz, who wrote "It
Can Happen To You" for the
Adrian Scott, producer of "Mur-
der," My Sweet."
Dalton Trumbo, whose screen
plays include "Kitty Foyle" and
"Our Vines Have Tender Grapes."
Stassen Opens
New Campaign
Calls for 'Forward
Looking Proposals'
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 24-(IP)--
Harold E. Stassen formally
launched his campaign for the Re-
publican presidential nomination
tonight with a plan to blend "lib-
eral, forward looking proposals"
with "conservative attitudes.
The former Minnesota governor
offered an eight-point domestic
and international program to
overcome "boom or bust tenden-
Wants Funds
The former Minnesota governor
appealed frankly for funds as well
as votes in his first official cam-
paign appearance. He spoke at the
Milwaukee Auditorium.
Stassen gave top priority to
housing and what he termed "lack
of adequate health service" in out-
lining his program at the cam-
paign kickoff sponsored by the Re-
publican organization of Wiscon-
sin and the Stassen for President
Volunteers of Wisconsin.
Social Security
"Everyone on social security
should be covered by an insurance
that will pay duly verified and
reasonable bills which are incurred
for medical and hospital expenses
in excess of $250 in any one year,"
he said.
"Through this means the eco-
nomic castrophe that comes with
major illness or accident is re-
moved, but the entire indepen-
dence of the medical profession
and the personal responsibility of
the individual citizen for his ordi-
nary expense is retained."
Huge Housing

0 0
Campus Highlights
Gallery Talk tated by a conflict with another
are lecture.
Prof. Harold E. Wethey's gal- * * *
lery talk at the exhibition "Paint-
ings Looted from Hollland" will be A.S.M.E. Meeting . .
given at 3 p.m. today instead of There will be a special meet-
4:15 as originally scheduled, in the ing of the American Society of
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Mechanical Engineers to pose
Hall. for the 'Ensian picture at 6:45
The time change was necessi- p.m. today in the Union Ball-
. . * *, *
Thanksgiving "Ensian Tryouts ...
Michiganensian editorial try-
D inner Tickets outswill meet at 4:15 p.m. today
in the editorial office of the 'En-
Still Available sian to have their pictures taken
for the yearbook.
* * *
Tickets are still on sale at theL
International Center and Lane Lecture on Chil *-*
Hall for the Thanksgiving Dinner Alberto Villalon, University
(to be held by the International student from Chile, will discuss
Students Association at 7:30 p.m. the recent political develop-
tomorrow in Masonic Temple. ments in Chile at 8 p.m. today
Featured at the foreign students in the Rackham auditorium.
dinner will be the traditional The lecture, which is open to
American turkey with all the trim- the public, is part of a series on
mings. The dinner is intended as the life and culture of Latin
a climax to International Students America being sponsored by Phi
Week just concluded. Iota Alpha, Latin American fra-
Main speaker on the after-din- ternity.
ner program will be Hickman
Price of Kaiser-Frazer, recently World Federalists . .
returned from travels abroad.
Among the guests of honor will The campus chapter of the
be Dean and Mrs. Ralph A. Saw- United World Federalists will dis-
yer, of the graduate school. cuss the Marshall Plan at 7 p.m.
Tickets may be obtained at today, in the League.
$2.25. Committees will be formed for
future activities of the chapter at
the meeting.
ISA To Close *
Coffee Hour .. .
Bridge Entries The Michigan Union's eighth
faculty-student coffee hour of the
semester will be held from 4 to 5
Wednesday Last Day p.m. tomorrow in the, Terrace
To Get in Tourney Room of the Union.
Wednesday is the last day to Eta Kappa Nu
enter the Duplicate Bridge Tour-
nament sponsored by the Inter-
national Students Association, ac-
cording to M. K. Raju, president
of the group. Eta Kappa Nu, national electri-
Any approved campus organiza- cal engineering honor society, wil
tion or student residence may en- initiate 16 men tonight in the Un-
ter any number of four member ion.
teams, paying $1 for each entry. George M. Chute, engineer for
Each team is divided into two sub- General Electric, will speak at the
teams, with competitors being banquet following initiation.
chosen by draw. The initiates are:
A trophy is being awarded by Donald Allen, Mel Bondy, Rich-
the ISA to the winning organiza- ard Daniel, Thomas Corn, Ralph
tion, with individual prizes given De Grand, Harlan Frerking, Rob-
to the winners and runners-up. ert Ginn.
The games will be played at the The list continues with Ray
International Center. Holt, Donald Jones, Byron Mays,
David Plevin, Richard Strobe, Jack
It's not the laundry which Underwood, Rob.ert Vehn, and
causes your hands to chap but Donald Yost.
hasty, inadequate drying. Take Henry Gomberg, engineering
time to get them really dry in this research assistant will also be ini-
brisk weather. tiated.

Actually. t he "racsig
1i1 last front i to 10 p i. both
datys. but during that span, a com-
plete variety of programs. that
might appear in the daily schedule
of a commercial radio station will
be presented by approximately 200
studcts from the radio classes.
Four Studios4
Using four studios, the mythical
station will broadcast news, discI
jockey, man on the street, serial,
roundtable, quiz. mystery and evenw
soap cpera program., which are
Because of ile Thanksgiving1
holiday, the Campus News Round-
up, usually broadcast Thursday,
will be heard at 4 p.m. tomorrow
over WPAG.
The date of the program, which#
is presented by student newscast -
ers every week from the University
Broadcasting Service's studios, will,
be changed for this week only.
written. produced and acted by
members of the radio classes.
Arrangements of the station's
programs was made by speech de-
partment faculty members Garnet
Garrison. Hugh Norton. Tom Bat-,
tin and William Stegath. Students
Roger' Shepard and Dean Coston
will handle the engineering duties.+
Lack of space will prevent the
public from witnessing the broad-
" "as"" future plans may
provide for public attendance, ac-
cording to Garrison.
On Doorstep
Nine stolen sorority and fra-w
ternity front-door plates turned
up inexplicably on Kappa Alpha
Theta's doorstep yesterday morn-
ing, thereby ending a minor cam-'
pus mystery.
The insignia, consisting of 8
address shields and one plaque
had been pried off doors during
the past two weeks. A general
appeal to the police and campus+
brought no response until yester-
The Thetas were not number-
ed among the victims. The fol-
lowing houses were notified by+
KAT: Delta Gamma, Sorosis, Al-
pha Chi Omega, Alpha Gamma1
Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha1
Delta Pi, Theta Chi and Kappa4
Kappa Gamma.N

Rent Survey
Shows Dorm
Prices Vary
'V* Rates f1Or (.((.(
ResidPee RnHg
A recently completed survey at
Kansas State College reveals that
room and 'board rates for women
here are among the highest charg-
ed at any of the 13 schools in-
eluded in the survey.
The survey revealed that rates
range from a high of $14.44 week-
ly at Wisconsin to a low of $9.72
at the University of Missouri,
The University of Michigan is
listed in the highest bracket along
with Wisconsin, Ohio State and
the University of Iowa. Rates at
all of these schools are above
$12.50 per week for women.
The survey, covering a period
from 1942 to the present, was
drawn up by Helen Moore, dean of
women at Kansas State College.
She revealed that room and board
rates for women have increased
at all of the schools, in some cases
as much as 50 percent. Largest
increases are in the board bills.
Other schools surveyed, whose
rates are between $11 and $12.50
weekly, include: Colorado A and
M College, Colorado State College
of Education, University of Ok-
lahoma, Iowa State College, Uni-
versity of Nebraska, Kansas State
College, University of Kansas and
the University of Colorado.
w, S ape C
Union Confer
DETROIT, Nov. 24-- P)-Rep-
resentatives of managements of'
Detroit's three daily newspapers
conferred today with Woodruff
Randolph, president of the Inter-
national Typographical Union,
over publishers' charges that their
editions have been delayed inter-
mittently since last week because
of "slowdowns" in composing and
mailing rooms.
Norman Applegarth, executive
secretary of the Detroit Publish-
ers' Association, said after a two-
and-a-quarter hour meeting with
Randolph that the sessions would
be resumed Tuesday.
Randolph's appearance here to-
day came after the publishers' as-
sociation charged that week that
the union had employed "delaying
tactics" in a dispute over printers'
and mailers demands for new
working conditions.



ing secretary.

To Talk Here
Paintings as inspiration for

ing to Prof. Waldo Abbot, director
of the Broadcasting Service.
Right now the Glee Club is still
experim"enting ith transcriptions,
Prof. Duey said. The ones that
have been made so far are just
the beginnings of an extensive re-
cording program. of concert un-
bers nd college favorites, he de-
mu- Idcared.

sic will be discussed by Alfred . part of the 130th annual
Frankenstein, art and music critic altimni reunion next March, the
for the San Francisco Chronicle, group's recordings will be dis-
at a special lecture to be given at ,atched to radio stations in all
4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Lee- of the country where there
ture Hall. parts of te ners.r
The talk, entitled "'Art into Mu-a
sic," will be based on Moussorg- ~~~~~ ~
sky's piano suite, "Pictures at an Nl *w l W ill
Exhibition,' which were inspired' Muic~ale W10111


by the paintings and drawings of
Victor Alexandrovitch Hartmann.
Frankenstein discovered the pic-
tures after considerable research
and will show slides of them at
the lecture. The program will also
include the playing of recorded
music by Moussorgsky.
A lecturer on fine arts at Mills
College, Oakland, Calif., Frank-
enstein is also associated with the
extension division of the Univer-
sity of California. In addition. h
is program annotator for the Sa:
Francisco Symphony Orchestrr.

Be Presented
Mu Phi Epsilon, national pro-
fessional honorary music soror-
ity, will present a musicale at 4:15
p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
Participating in the program
are Lorraine Zeeuw and Patricia
Baumgarten, organists; Lois For-
burger, Joanne Baker, Lydia Pe-
karky, pianists; Jean Morgan, vio-
linist; Norma Heyde, soprano;
Harriet Boden, mezzo-soprano,






s.., +
r r" f- ± t
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Veterans, Come in
and Get Your
Subscriptions to

Now being offe
You at Special

red to
~ -



FORTUNE ... .$10.00
LIFE ..........$ 5.50

'* A







II --~ - m -- - -n

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