PAGP, FOUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, U Fifty-Eighth Year ON WORLD AFFAIRS: A - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor.. ; 0 iI UrU~I,(bhI I Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell...................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Lida Dailes.....................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ...............Library Director Melvin Tick...............Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KATZ Hail Victors! The Daily staff salutes the victorious Wolverines of 1947! We are justifiably proud of this great Michigan football team. They have brought us our first undisputed Western Conference championship since 1933. They have completed the first unbeiaten, untied season since 1933. And they have probably clinched the mythical national championship. We feel certain that they will prove their superiority over the Pacific Coast champions Jan. 1 at Pasadena. The 1947 Wolverines are the finest team we have ever seen on a grid- iron. Yet we doubt that there will be very many All-Americans named from Michigan this year. The system em- ployed by Coach Fritz Crisler stresses specialization and teamwork. And teamwork is what made this squad brilliant. The students of this University won't be paying much attention to the indivi- dual selections this year. We know we have the All-American Team of 1947 right here on campus. -The Senior Editors. Rent Testimony TOMORROW NIGHT. the local Rent Ad- visory Board will hear testimony on a question of vital interest to at least half of the 20,000 students here at the University of Michigan. At that time both tenants and landlords will present testimony on present rent levels. On the basis of this testimony the board will recommend that rents in this county: 1. Remain the same. 2. Be adjusted upward or downward. 3. Be decontrolled entirely. In making their decision it would be well for the board to consider carefully all angles of the housing situation here. It is true that landlords as well as tenants have been caught in the current inflationary price spiral. How- ever the present federal rent legislation pro- vides relief for landlords in hardship cases. The present law also provides for 15 per cent rent increases if both landlord and tenant agree to a two-year lease. How- ever less than a quarter of the local land- lords have agreed to a lease and increase, obviously in the hope that federal legis- lation will not be extended past the March expiration date and they will be free to raise rents to any desired level. Since more than one-third of Ann Arbor's population is transient, the rent question as- sumes great import here. Because of the large renting population, any increase in rents will have far reaching economic ef- fects on the notoriously strained pocket- book of the college student. Additional rents may cause students to drop out of school and leave Ann Arbor thus causing a drop in retail sales. Recently Frank Hamilton, who admin- isters the federal rent control law here said that Ann Arbor was a "hot spot" in the rent area. This from a man who is inti- mately acquainted with all phases of the problem. In light of these facts, and the recent re- quest of President Truman that rent controls By EDGAR ANSEL MO WlfV I THE SECOND ASSEMBLY of the U.N. ;as; demonstrated one useful thing: practical- ly everybody agrees that the U.N. in its pre- sent form cannot endure. Many delegates recognize that: if the U.N. is to prevent future war it must first turn into a body able to enact, interpret and enforce world law - the phrase is that of Senator Tobey of New ampshire. Such a body would be a limited world govern- ment. A minimum requirement of such a gov- ernment is a legislative body. To be gener- ally acceptable such a legislature can brook no veto power. A veto implies an inadmis- World Federalists TESTUDENT WORLD FEDERALISTS here on campus, rend kin organizations around the world are an ambitious lot. They're out to rescue the whole concept of world government from the academic circles in which it's been going round and round these hundreds of years. They very frankly seek to sell the idea to a reluctant world - a world steeped in emotional nationalisms. They plan to convince governments, who are wrapped up almost beyond saving in state sovereignty, of the need to surrender some of that sovereighty to a world federalized for peace. And from here it looks as i leyl suc- ceed! For these aren't voices in the wilderness. These are people who know that if their voices aren't heard, there won't be very much left but wilderness. The World Federalists are people who have read history and know that after every major war for the past five or six hundred years, the people on this earth have asked for the end of global anarchy. From Hugo Grotius on up the line through Arnold Toynbee and Albert Einstein, the idea of the lawless world has been recog- nized and some form or other of world government has been advocated to meet it. Like the words of most scholars, their words fell on the already convinced ears of other scholars. The words ended there. The United World Federalists have avoid- ed the detour of intellectualism. They have shed the academic what-should-be and have donned the down-to-earth what is. They have surveyed the political real- ities on the campuses, in the municipali- ties, in the state and the nation. They have taken into consideration the inter- national power struggles. And they have devised a program aimed, over a two-year period at mobilizing the peoples of the world - at urging them to bring pressure on their governments to alter the United Nations Charter - to make of the United Nations a limited world govern- ment empowered to maintain peace. What of the U.S.? And what of the U.S.S.R.? As the leviathans of east and west, they are the nations least likely to surrender power - they're the countries that have the power. The first goal of the World Federalists in this country is, therefore, to sell the peo- ple here on the need for limited world gov- ernment now. To this end, plans are al- ready afoot to place the question, "World Government, yes or no?" on state ballots around the United States. This nation's delegation to the proposed world constituent assembly of 1950 might well take with it America's full support of the idea as expressed at the polling places. But can a world government be a world government without Russia? Obviously not. It would be a conflict in terms. What if the Soviet Union, as appears like- ly. is unwilling to go along with a revision of the United Nations Charter - that revi- sion which would so obviously undermine its cherished, disproportionate power in the U.N. Shall we let the Kremlin frustrate what seems to be the last hope of avoiding the final chaos? The only thing we can do is to gather together all nations that are interested in world government - and to leave the door open to all others. It's not at all incon- ceivable that the Soviets will become con- vinced that world government is the means -the only means-to a common goal of the American way of life and the Rus- sian way of life, capitalism and commun- ism, even Buddhism and Aetheism-the goal of averting World War III. The union of the thirteen colonies was not spontaneous. A United States was start- ed and was functioning without universal ratification. But early adherence was won from all as soon as those that had chosen to stay out realized that it was in their best interests to go along. The Student World Federalist group here and its vast family of organizations have determined not to quit until a federal world government with universal membership has been achieved. Can any of us quit? -Ben Zwerling THE HOPES of the Western Powers are based on the assumption that the Unit- ed States will continue to maintain its in- terest in Europe and help to safeguard both its traditional freedoms and the indepen- dence of its nations, in our own self-defense. In contrast, the Soviets want us out of sible qualitative difference tries. between coun- Neither can a world legislature be found- ed on a one-state one-vote practice where- by six dwarf states with less than half of one per cent of the earth's people could outvote the Big Five with about thirty- five per cent. Even less can it be founded on population alone. For that would allow semi-impotent populous states like China and India to out- vote efficient peoples like the Americans, the Britsh and the Russians. To be immediately acceptable, a world legislature must mirror the ability of peo- ples to take responsibility for preventing war - in other words, their effective power. Determining such relative power ac- cording to rough justice is the immediate problem. All students of this problem agree that the solution can be found only in "weighted" or "balanced" representation. Here the opponents of the idea (or of the aim?) have a field day. They declare that to obtain an index of weighted representa- tion is either impossible or inacceptable. If they are correct, we had better disband the U.N. and prepare for the next conflict. I do not think that they are correct. I am con- vinced that once world leaders honestly desire to find an acceptable index of real power, they can do so. Only the other day a prominent New Zealander stated: "A sys- tem of weighted voting, though difficult to devise, is nct impossible." Indeed not. In fact, it must be possible for it is necessary. The problem is two-fold: first to agree upon the items that must figure in an in- dex of balanced representation; second, to fix the proportions of these items in the final result. The first (to my knowledge) to talk of weighted representation was the late Italian judge and philosopher, Gaetano Meale (pen name, Umano). In a memorandum address- ed to the Second Hague Conference (1907), Umano insisted that every human being disposes of a mental, a physical and an eco- nomic force. Therefore countries should be represented in a world legislature according to the national factors that reflect these three forces. That is to say, their industry, their numbers and their national wealth. Grenville Clark, the Dublin, N.H., law- yer and greatest American authority on weighted representation, would begin with a temporary allotment. The U.S., the Brit- ish Commonwealth and the U.S.S.R. would each receive 65 votes, France and China each 25, the Netherlands 12, and so on. Later he would ask for a more scientific apportionment (based much like Umano) "on a just formula taking account not only of population but of natural and industrial resources, educational progress, political inaturity, ability to contribute to world order and other revelant factors." Finally, Dr. Franz Stern of St. Louis, Mo., has wired me: "I see the democratic solution to make a U.N. that could work only in adopting a two- chamber organization. One chamber of delegates elected by the people of the world by direct vote based on population and a second chamber checking the first chamber with delegates with votes in number ac- cording to the power of the country they represent." Any or none of these suggestions may turn out to be the right one. But none will be accepted so long as our American lead- ers continue trying to fob off an American people ready for limited world government (see recent polls) with futile suggestions about "veto limitation," "self restraint" and "not discrediting the present (impo- tent) U.N." Here again the United States has the key position. If the American people really want lasting peace they can get it through estab- lishing world law. And in no other visible way. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) The Real Measures ONE READS of the movements of the "Friendship Train" with mingled amuse- ment, sympathy and deep concern. As originally conceived, the scheme was first concocted by food producers to escape meatless Tuesdays, eggless and poultryless Thursdays and general controls. It was a pitiful gesture by selfish men unwilling to accept the necessary measures to prevent famine and collapse in Europe. By itself the train represents a wholly inadequate solution, for it would attempt to fulfill Eur- ope's monumental needs with a pittance. Nevertheless, one must appreciate the warmth and generosity of the American people. Their response has been wonder- ful, as exemplified by the citizens of Tam- pa, Fla., in deluging the Tampa Tribune with carloads of canned grapefruit juice for the train. But this is not a real measure and one hopes that both Congress, President Truman and the people insist upon the real measures necessary. Jacob Hurwitz (Continued from Page 3) West Lodge: Mon., Nov. 24, 6:45 p.m., Bowl- ing, Willow Run Bowling Alley;: 7 p.m., League Basketball.r Tues., Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m., Fen-t cing Group; 8 p.m., Volleyball Lea-V gue. Wed., Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m., Dupli- cate Bridge. Sun., Nov. 30, 4:30-6 p.m., Coffee Hour; 6:45 p.m., Michigan-Ohio State football game pictures.v ----a Lectures r University Lecture: Dr. Carle- ton Sprague Smith, chief of the1 Music Section of the New YorkF Public Library, will lecture on thee subject "Brazilian Architecture"t (illustrated), Mon., Nov. 24, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. The public is invited. Doctor C. E. A. Winslow, Emeri- tus Professor of Public Health of Yale University, will lecture on the subject, "Social and Economicr Factors in Disease," at the regu- lar student assembly, Mon., Nov.1 24, 4 p.m., School of Public Health Auditorium.. The fifth lecture in the sympo- sium on "Current Research in thec Social Sciences" sponsored by Al- pha Kappa Delta will feature Dr. Howard Y. McClusky, Professor of1 Educational Psychology, Mental Measurement and Statistics who will speak on the subject "Selected1 Projects of the Bureau of Studiest in Community Adult Education," Mon., Nov. 24, 4 p.m., East Con- ference Rm., Rackham Bldg.- University Lecture: Alfred Fran- kenstein, Art and Music Critic of the San Francisco Chronicle will speak on "Art into Music-Modeste Moussorgsky and Victor Hart- mann" at 4:15 Tues., Nov. 25, Rackham Lecture Hall. Open to general public without charge. t Miss Ruth Chatterton, disting-i uished star of stage and screen, will be presented Tues., 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium as the fourth number on the 1947-48 Lecture Course. Miss Chatterton will give a lecture-recital covering interest- ing experiences in her theatrical work, and as an added attraction, she will give some dramatic sket- ches from her favorite plays. Tic- kets may be purchased tomorrow1 and Tuesday at the Auditorium box office, which will be open to- morrow from 10-1, 2-5, and Tues- day from 10-1, 2-8:30 p.m. Academic Notices Classical Representations Semi- nar: Mon., Nov. 24, at 4:15 p.m. in 3010 A.H. Miss Winifred Bur- roughs will speak on Young Sym- metrizers. Concerts The University Musical Society will present The Westminister Choir, Dr. John Finley Williamson, conductor, in the Choral Union Series, Mon., Nov. 24, 8:30. p.m., Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society; and will be on sale after 7 p.m. on the eve- ning of the concert in the Hill Au- ditorium box office. Exhibitions Design and the Modern Poster. Ground floor corridor, College of Architecture and Design. Thrugh November 26. Michigan Historical Collections: "Items Relating to the Dutch Set- tlements in Michigan," 160 Rack- ham Bldg. Daily, 8-5; Sunday 2-5, through November 28. "Natural History Studies at the Erwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan," Museums Bldg. Rotunda through December. Museum of Art: PAINTINGS LOOTED FROM HOLLAND, through November 28. Alumni Me- morial Hall: Daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evenings, 7-9; Thanks- giving Day, 2-5. Gallery talk; No- vember 25 at 3:00. Prof. Harold E. Wethey will speak. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Radio Programs: 9:15-9:45 a.m., WJR (760 kc.). Hymns of Freedom. Young Progressive Citizens of America: General meeting, 3 p.m. at Michigan Union. All students interested in the research into and action regarding political pro- cesses are welcome. Inter-Co-operative Council pre- , sents Mr. Harvey Weisberg and panel in a discussion of "The Na- tional Students Association." 8 p.m., Robert Owen Co-operative House, 1017 Oakland Ave. Social hour and refreshments. The pub- lic is invited. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will open its Corned Beef Cornern at 8 p.m. Open every Sunday eve- ning. U. of M. Hot Record Society willc meet at 8, p.m., League Ballroom.- Program of early hot jazz present-a ed by Phil Diamond. Ensian pic- tures will be taken. Meeting is open to the public.e Student Religious Groups: s Canterbury Club supper and dis-c cussion. 5:30 p.m. at the Episcopalt Student Center. Mr. John Bootyv will be the speaker.- Evangelical and Reformed Guilda meeting at 7:15 p.m. Discussiona on the Catechism led by Rev. C. R.- Loew.- Gamma Delta 4:00 p.m., discus- sion hour; supper meeting, 5:30.1 Delegate Fred Droege's report ont Convention at Lincoln, Nebraska. Lutheran Student Association:1 Supper and panel discussion:I "Must Individual Freedom and So-~ cial Justice Clash." Arvo Lohela,' leader. Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.t Roger Williams Guild: Supperi and meeting, 6:00 p.m. Prof. Paul Kauper will speak on "Law's Con-t tribution to Tomorrow's World."'' Unitrian Student Group: Snacky and discussion, 6:30 p.m., Rev. Merrill O. Bates, Grosse Pointe, Mich.. "The Separation of Church and State." Congregational-Disciples Guild: Supper at the Congregational Church, 6 p.m. Dr. Ruth Isabel1 Seabury, Educational Secretary,' American Board of Foreign Mis-1 sions, Congregational Christian1 Church will speak on "Fellowship of the Mystery." Bruce Edwardsi is student leader.t Westminster Guild meeting at 5:00 p.m. Prof. Theodore M. New-t comb will speak on "Personality1 and Social Change." Student lead- er, Jane Dahlberg. Supper meet- ing fellows. Wesley Foundation: Meeting att 5:30 p.m. Student Panel. "Ed- ucation for Socil Awareness," fol-r lowed by supper and fellowshipi hour. Coining Events Student Federalists Internation- al Committee Meeting, Mon., Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. New projects will be discussed. Faculty Woman's Club: The Play Reading Section will meet on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 25, 1:45 in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. English Journal Club: Meeting, Tues., Nov. 25, 8 p.m., East Lounge, Rasckham Buildg. Mr. Lester Wolfson, Mr. E. M. Halliday, and Mr. Peter Stanlis will lead a dis- cussion of four lyrics by Shelley. Radio Programs: Monday, Nov. 24. 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 kc.). The Medical Series-Diabetes Mel- litus-Dr. Jere Bauer. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870 kc.). Problem of the Mental Defective -Robert Haskell. 4:00-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 kc). The News and You-Preston W. Slosson-Professor of History. La p'tite causette Monday at 3:30 in the Russian Room of the Michi- gan League. U. of M. Section of the America Chemical Society: Nov. 24, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. W. E. Hanford of the M. W. Kel- logg Company, New York City, will speak on "Vinyl Polymeriza- tion." The public is invited. Women of the University Facul- ty: . Supper meeting, Michigan. Michigan League, Tues., Nov. 25, 6:15 p.m. Speaker, Mrs. Ralph A. Sawyer. Subject: Citizen Interest in Price Control. Institute of Aeronautical Sci- ences: Meeting, Tues., Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m., 1042 East Engineering Bldg. Program: Plans for the ban- quet next month will be discussed; Dr. Ross will talk on Supersonics. New members are welcome. Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak- ers Society: Meeting to be held Nov. 25, 1947 at 7:15 p.m., Rm. 319, Michigan Union. Michigan Ensian pictures to be taken. There will be a demonstration by John EDITOi'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter tothe editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 wordst or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of theS writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or1 omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. G(rg Humo. To the Editor: THIS BUSINESS about the Gargf gets funnier every day. Re-t gardless of the merits of the Garg itself, the letters to The Daily concerning it, have given me some good belly laughs. Thus I think1 we may consider the Garg a serv- ice to humanity.1 Personally, I didn't buy the lat- est copy of the Garg. I'm still try- ing to find the humor in last spring's issue. I see now, that ac- cording to Mr. Wm. Reeve, my trouble must be that I don't know what humor is. So I'm going over to Mr. Webster Webster and fix all that. Now when I read Garg again I'll no doubt have hyster- ics, fall over on the floor and roll around with foam-flecked face. But something is still wrong. Mr.! Reeves intimates that Garg must be funny because it fits the dic- tionary definition of humor. Well I don't know, this sort of thing reminds me of some folks down in Tennessee who decided that they could make evolution the "bunk" by the process of having their leg- islature pass a law to that effect. Here all the time I have been thinking that humor was some sort of thing that made you laugh. Hmm! -Henry H. Hicks, Jr. Disgusted To the Editor: SOME TIME AGO a girl from ' Stockwell Hall wrote to The Daily' to complain that despite the sex ratio many girls were without dates Friday and Saturday eve- nings. If this girl had ever tried to put 'a phone call through to Stockwell between seven and ten- thirty any evening she might not have been quite so free to throw stones One evening this week I dialed 2-4471 at least ten times, and each time got the busy signal. Stockwell girls are very nice and the sex ratio is very tough, but things aren't so nice over there or so tough over here that men are go- ing to crawl on their hands and knees over broken beer bottles to get a Stockwell girl. If the girls would rather talk than date, o.k. If they would rather date than talk, a five-minute rule on all telephone calls doesn't seem unreasonable. Sign this "Disgusted." -Gordon G. Carlson . .* Bus Service Again To the Editor: IN ANSWER to H. M. Stiles' let- ter in the Sunday Daily, in which he informs us that "It's too bad there have to be so many com- plaints about a service which the University is not forced to give us." I feel compelled to clarify several points. 1. I would be inclined to agree that the University is not "forced" to give us decent bus service to and from Willow Village-IF we were free to move from Willow Village whenever the opportunity present- ed itself. But, as you probably know, the University (not the Fed- eral Public Housing Authority) compels us to stay the full term of our contract out here at Wil- low Village. Therefore, it is with- out a doubt the University's moral, if not legal obligation to provide us with decent transportation. If we were free to break our part of the contract and move to Ann Arbor when the opportunity pre- sented itself, I am sure that most of us would have moved there long ago. 2. If you would like to re-exam- ine my letter in last Thursday's Daily, you will more than likely find that my complaint was not directed at standing, per se, but rather at the number of people forced to stand, which in this par- ticular case was twenty, as there were forty sitting, and the total number of passengers carried was sixty. (This of course is not an iso- lated example, as there were in- stances when even more passengers than that have been transported by one Willow Village bus). Did you know that the insurance car- ried on these busses becomes in- valid if more than fifty passengers are carried? 3. You very kindly advise us, that if we don't like to stand for nine cents on the University busses, we may stand for thirty-five cents on the commercial busses. Perhaps, you are overlooking the fact that the University rents its busses from the U.S. Government-for $1 per year, for the express purpose of transporting students to and from the Willow Run Federal Housing Project. With such cooperation from the Federal Government, is it too much to ask of the Univer- sity to run these busses in the best interests of the Willow Village students? -Curtis L. Mann Room vs. Board k To the Editor: t, JOURNALISTS WEEP at the de- cline of the editorial page. When they read Craig Wilson's editorial, Food Gripes, they can cry uncontrollably for they will have discovered the reason. it is a mass of incoherence. Has he ev- er studied rhetoric? Or logic? If the editors of The Daiy must turn him loose again, hand him a the- saurus and a dictionary. One item of the gibberish, how- ever, impresses me: part of the $1.50 a day paid for food goes to- ward financing the dormitories. Is this necessary? Three men shar- ing two hall-like rooms equipped with a sink pay approximately $66.50 per month rent. Last year four men paid about $80.00 montl- ly for the some rooms. Do Univer- sity dormitories cost more to op- erate than privately owned apart- ment houses? There seems to be no need to dip into the $1.50 a day board bill, which is very rea- sonable, to make up any deficits of house rents. The income from rooms should be more than suf- ficient to sustain the dorms, con- sidering the rather exorbitant fees. In fact, less room rent should be paid and the difference added to the board bill., -Lee C. O'Conner *1* * The Old South To the Editor:. WAS "Gone with the ' ViL" a movie or a football game? In his movie review, Mistah Har- vey A. Leve didn't even mention the glory of the old South. Ah hope vo' all didn't get the wrong ah- deah. Everybody knows who won the wah fa'r and squ'ar, so don't let this damyankee Leve fool you with his propagandah. -Nat Springer Art of Criticism To the Editor: TSHE DAILY'S cinematic reviewer has not quite grasped the func- tion of the critic. True, he tries hard to emulate some of the re- viewers on the metropolitan news- papers, with such blase phrases, as "the plot - left me heavy-lidded and yawning," "the ballerina for- gave him, and ho-hum." These were his comments on The Baller- ma. It's amazing how little this re- viewer actually says of the film. It's amazing how little he fulfills his role of criticizing the film as a work of art, as a work of art which approaches truth. The same might be said of Mr. Lowe's review of Gorki's The Low- er Depths about two weeks ago. Having little to say in the way of criticism of the film itself, he spends one long paragraph at- tempting to show a direct attempt on Gorki's part to interpret the reasons for the Soviet Revolution of 1917. Mr. Lowe might have looked a bit into Gorki's develop- ment as an artist. The play, The Lower Depths, was written around 1902. The author, at that time, was a naturalist in his approach to art and life. He was not a revolu- tionist, nor was he, at that time, acquainted with the men who were to lead the Revolution. He was an interpreter of life, as he saw it, and 11 Holt and training for Circle De- bates. Quarterdeck meeting Tues., Nov. 25, at 7:15 p.m. in Rm. 336, West Engineering Bldg. A talk on "The Vibration of a Ship as a Floating Elastic Beam" will be presented by Mr. G. K. Hess of the Engineering Mechanics De- partment. A.S.H. and V.E. meeting Tues., Nov. 25 at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 308 Michigan Union. Speaker, Prof. Katz, of Engineering Research in Chemical Engineering. Subject, "Heat Transfer Thru Fin Tubes," accompanied by slide pictures. All interested are urged to be out to this meeting. Michigan Dames Music Group meets Mon., 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. L. M. Groves, 2442 Fernwood, East Ann Arbor. The program, in charge of Mrs. J. R. Staton and Mrs. C. L. Gibson, will be Twen- tieth Century Music. d ,I 4 4 BARNABY... ~- I XE.e Pu( 7- nufq_ Let's oause at r--m --Ar OEM i - tN I A I - I I I m morlev NM C' c 1. I I