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November 23, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-23

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VY Ake




See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State



Clean aefr
Seluiman Approved
As New Premier by
French Parliament
Quick Strike Action Pledge Brings
Two-Thirds National Assembly Vote

ichigan as OSU Falls 21-0


By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 22-Robert Schuman, 61-year-old Lorraine lawyer of
the moderate Popular Republican Party, won Parliamentary approval
of his designation as Premier tonight on a pledge to act "quickly"
against a strike movement that is crippling France.
Schuman, who has been Finance Minister since 1946 and wh6
lived in hiding among resistance forces during the German occupa-
tion, won just two-thirds of all National Assembly votes after Socialist
Leon Blum had failed by nine fotes last night to get the green light
--- -- to form a government.

Russian Hits

Allied Policies,
In Germany
Gen. Clay Dismisses
'Propaganda' Charge
BERLIN, Nov. 22--()-Soviet
Aarshall Vassily D. Sokolovsky
denounced the Western allies' oc-
cupation policies in Germany in a
10,000-word attack published to-
day, and charged United States
and British authorities with pro-
moting "intensive propaganda for
a new war."
Promptly Gen. Lucius D. Clay,
the American commander, de-
scribed the charges of Russia's
chief in Germany as a "misrepre-
sentation of known facts."
Bitter Blast
The bitter Soviet blast almost on
the eve of the foreign ministers
conference in London apparently
foreshadowed, in the opinion of
many observers, another fruitless
four power wrangle over the fate
of Germany.
Sokolovsky's accusations, made
formally before the Allied Con-
trol 'Council yesterday, paralleled
nearly word for word the charges
which he made just before the
convening of the Foreign Minis-
ters Conference in Moscow last
h. That conference ended in
ea, k which has remained
tf roken. Official allied quarters
described the attack as signaling
the opening of a new Russian
propaganda drive.
Two-Hour Speech
Speaking for nearly two hours
before the Allied Control Council
yesterday, Sokolovsky accused the
United .States, rritain and France
of violating the Potsdam and
Yalta agreements and other ac-
cords on denazification, demili-
tarization and reparations.
Clay, the American counterpart
of Sokolovsky, told a news confer-
ence that the Soviet marshal's
statement appeared "based on a
misrepresentation of known facts."
Group Tied Up
Foreign Ministers'
Aides Fail To Agree
LONDON, Nov. 22-(g)-The
four-power foreign ministers' dep-
uties ended their 13th session on
preparations for the Big Four
meeting in complete disagreement
It was uncertain whether they
would meet again before the for-
eign ministers council assembles
Tuesday. One American infor-
mant described the 3,-hour ses-
sion today as "an all-time low" in
the series of preliminary confer-
ences which began Nov. 6.
Secretary of State George C.
Marshall arrived by plane yester-
day, and received an honorary
doctors degree from Oxford Uni-
versity today.
In an address delivered to the
colorfully robed audience, he com-
mented that in war-time confer-


Communist Opposition
Needing 309 votes, he received
412 from Socialists, Radical-So-
cialists, Popular Republicans and
many Rightists. Only the votes
of 184 Communists opposed him.
The de Gaullists either voted for
him or were among 21 deputies
who abstained.
Schuman, appealing to the As-
sembly for support, declared he
would "defend the republic" and
distinguish between the legitimate
demands of labor and "the syn-
chronized enterprises of sedition
throughout Europe."
Labor Crisis
He said he expects to form a,
cabinet tonight to deal with the
labor crisis.
Under guidance of Communist-
dominated General Confederation
of Labor, the number of strikers
passed the 750,000 mark, and
truckloads of mobile guardsmen
armed with tommyguns moved
into the city in preparation for
any outbreak of disorder which
some Frenchmen feared would
come Monday.
A distinct uneasiness was felt
in the capital as the population
read in their newspapers of the
discovery of four important clan-
destine arms depots in the past
two weeks, and learned that sab-
oteurs last night had cut tele-
phone lines linking two forts in
the outskirts of the city. A quart
of concentrated tear gas was
stolen from a Paris laboratory last
night, police reported.
Arrest Workers
Police also said that following
an explosion at the strike-bound
Renault Automobile Factory they
had arrested two Communist
workers on charges of manufac-
turing bombs there.
The nation's railroads and mer-
chant marine were partly tied up
by the growing wave of strikes
which now include metallurgical
and building workers, coal miners,
dock workers in southern France
Auto Accident
Causes Death
Auto accidents involved 17 cars
and the first traffic death of the
current football season as rain and
slippery pavements combined to
push total estimated damage yes-
erday over the $1,000 mark.
Charles G. Bennet, Detroit, was
critically injured at 1:15 p.m. in a
two-car accident at Vinewood and
Berkshire, and died at 2:55 p.m.
in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital.
Only two students were involved
in the nine accidents, both escap-
ing without injury.

FIGHT RENT INCREASE-Harvey Weisberg (left), president of the Student Legislature is first
to sign his name to one of the two giant post cards protesting rent increases in this area as Jack
Geist, chairman of AVC, looks on. The post' cards, which were eventually signed by 1,100 students
and teachers, will be presented before Ann Arbor's Rent Advisory Board at an open hearing tomor-
row night. Representatives of several campus or ganizations, headed by the Legislature and AVC,
will offer testimony at the meeting to prove the ne ed for maintaining rent controls.

Visa Requirements Hamper
Trans-European Travelers
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles by a former
city editor now completing a tour of Europe.)
(Special to The Daily)
LONDON, Nov. 18-(Delayed)-For the last word in confusion,
try riding an international train in Europe without an armload of
Suppose you are in Basel, Switzerland, and want to go to Amster-
dam. Go down to the Basel station, check out with the Swiss customs
officials and check in with the French. Board the train, and soon after
you're rolling across Alsace-Lorraine.

The porter advises that the
Dutch customs officials will be
coming aboard at about 4:30 a.m.
Although you want some sleep be-
fore this next encounter with offi-
cialdom, you anticipate no trouble,
since Holland does not require a
visa of U.S. citizens. You leave
your passport with the porter and
turn in.
At midnight you are aroused
from your slumbers by a loud
knocking on the door of your com-
partment. You open it and find
yourself staring into the face of a
gendarme. He informs you that
you are at the Belgian frontier and
that, inasmuch as you do not have
a Belgian visa, you will have to
get off the train.
You are dazed. You hadn't real-
ized the train would have to cross
Belgium enroute to Holland. You
protest that you are going to Am-
sterdam direct and have no in-
tention of disembarking in Bel-
gium-but to no avail.
So you get off the train, which
immediately steams north without
you. Hours later, following instruc-
tions of the Belgian customs offi-
cials, you arrive in the city of
Luxembourg (the Duchy requires
no entrance visa) and call at the
Belgian consulate for that vital
stamp in your passport.
The purpose of t ls account is
not to criticize the Belgian gov-
ernment for enforcing its visa
See TRIP, Page 8

Gifts Accepted
By'U' Regents
Six appointments to the faculty
and staff of the University were
approved yesterday at a meeting
of the Board of Regents.
The Regents accepted gifts
amounting to $21,593.75, approved
appointments to several commit-
tees and granted two leaves of ab-
An appropriation of $2,500 to
permit the Extension Service to
purchase, frame, insure and dis-
tribute reproductions of famous
paintings as loan exhibitions in
rural and village schools also re-
ceived approval.
Dentistry Plan Approved
The recommendation of the ex-
ecutive committee of the dentistry
school for the establishment of a
four-year program of study lead-
ing to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Dental Hygiene was
adopted by the Regents. No such
degree is now granted by the Uni-
versity, but the new program will
have no effect on the existing two-
year program leading to a Certifi-
cate in Dental Hygiene.
The appointments which re-
ceived approval were: Dr. Richard
Brauer as professor of mathe-
matics, Dr. Lawrence E. Vredevoe
as assistant director of the Bureau
of Cooperation with Educational
Institutions, Dr. Carl E. Buck as
residenct lect:rer in public health
practice i- the School of Public
Health, Gunnar Hok as research
engineer in the engineering re-
search department, Leslie S.
O'Bannon as visiting professor in
mechanical engineering, and Lieut.
Col. Paul V. Kiehl, Medical Corps,
as assistant professor of military
tactics and science.
Largest Gift
TarrAf sr--,c i f+ wa c nni f U4~.AWl

Choral Group
Plans Varied
Westminster Choir
To SingTomorrow
A varied program, including
English and American folk songs
as well as compositions by Bach,
Brahms, and Sibelius will be pre-
sented by the Westminster Choir,
noted American choral group, at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Making its first transcontinen-
tal tour since the war, the Choir
is appearing here as the fifth pre-
sentation in the current Choral
Union Series.
Once Amateur Group
Under the direction of Dr. John
Finley Williamson, the group has
grown into a professional choir
which has made numerous appear-
ances both in this country and
For an interpretation of what
is at stake in the Foreign Min-
ister's conference see story on
page 3.
Today, the members of the
group are chosen from the student
body of Westminster Choir Col-
lege in Princeton, New Jersey, a
non-sectarian musical institution
founded by Dr. Williamson to pro-
vide training that would enable
the group to meet his high stand-
Movie Experience
Motion pictures and recordings
have contributed to the group's
popularity. The Choir participat-
ed in the filming of Walt Disney's
"Fantasia" several years ago, and
this year was highly commended
for its work with Arturo Toscanini
in OWI's film, "Hymn of Nations."
A limited number of tickets for
tomorrow's performance are still
available at the office of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Football Movies
Movies of the Michigan-Wiscon-
sin football game will be shown
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Union
Residents of Willow Run will
have a chance to see the film at
6:45 p.m. in West Lodge.

Senate OK of
Stop-Gap Aid
Is Foreseen
House To Offer
Much Opposition
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22- The
Senate appears ready to approve
President Truman's proposal for
stop-gap European relief next
week but with the blunt notice
that his domestic living cost and
long range foreign recovery pro-
grams face lengthy and searching
Chairman Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.) will take the floor Mon-
day to urge approval of a $597,-
000,000 aid bill which the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee said
should be passed speedily to com-
bat the "twin spectres of cold and
hunger accompanied by political
chaos" in France, Italy and Aus-
Time for Investigation
But-Vandenberg is expected to
base part of his appeal for Repub
lican support of the President's
proposal on the grounds that its
passage will give Congress time to
make a full and unhurried in-
vestigation of the long-range
Marshall Plan for helping pull 16
Western European nations up on
their economic feet.
There was no indication of ef-
fective Senate opposition to the
appeal for the three-nation relief
In the House, however, members
of the Foreign Affairs Committee
said the going Ym1ay be tougher.
The Committee still is writing its
own bill, with indications that the
measure cannot be brought before
the House for another 10 days.
Committee Opposition
Before that it will have to run
the gauntlet of the House Rules
Committee, where there is report-
ed to be strong opposition.
But there was evidence that
once Congress votes to authorize
the emergency aid it will take
apart piece by piece the long-
range program, yet to be sub-
mitted in detail by President Tru-
Republicans already have begun
tearing up portions of his 10-point
anti-inflation proposal and will
continue next week hearings which
already have indicated clearly that
the President cannot expect to get
the standby price-wage and ra-
tioning controls he asked for.
Star To Relate
Success Story
Ruth Chatterton Will
Depict Stage Roles
Favorite stage experiences and
dramatic readings will be present-
ed by Ruth Chatterton, stage and
screefi star at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Chatterton, who went from
stage fame to the movies and then
returned to the theatre will ap-
pear in the fourth Oratorical As-
sociation lecture of the season.
At 14, Miss Chatterton made her
first stage appearance, and took
many lead parts in the next few
years. After she was established
as one of the "glamorous" actress-
es, she turned to Hollywood and

appeared in such famous movies as
"Madame X."
Tickets for the lecture may be
purchased from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
and 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow, and
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from
2 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. Patrons
may use the ticket issued for the
Jane Cowl lecture.

Wolverines I
First Undefel
Season Since


...defense star
* * *
Happy Players
Toss Crisler
Into Shower
A delirious Rose Bowl-bound
Michigan football squad tossed
happy "Fritz" Crisler into the
showers yesterday after crushing
a hapless Buckeye eleven in a
colorful climax to the 1947 grid-
iron season.
The dripping coach climbed
laughingly out of his impromptu
dunking, as thoroughly satisfied
with his pigskin juggernaut as
were the 86,000 fans who had
braved the elements to view the
final Ann Arbor appearance of the
Sporadic Drizzle
Sporadic drizzles and drifting
storm clouds which intermittent-
ly shrouded the field in near dark-
ness failed to daunt fans who bois-
terously cheered the Big Nine
Undaunted by the trailing Ohio
State score, 10,000 Buckeye root-
ers rocked the stadium with cheers
at each scoring attempt of Wes
Fesler's grid charges. However,
the Wolverine cheerleaders were
roundly booed when they mis-
takenly tried to lead an Ohio
section in Michigan yells.
Dog Dilemma
Major, giant Delta Tau Delta
canine mascot, broke up the game
midway in the second stanza when
he ambled onto the field. Fans
yelled encouragement to officials
who futilely tried to oust the
gamboling Delmatian from the
OSU-Michigan rivalry wasn't
confined to the gridiron as half-
time saw both marching bands
trying to drown one another out
in respective school songs.
As the Michigan band victor-
iously marched down the field
after the game a determined group
of fans attacked the North goal
posts. And after 15 minutes of
hard work the fans managed to
uproot the steel posts.

lished last season.
The Toledo ace flipped 12 suc-
cessful passes out of 26 tries with
a wet ball, good for a total of
217 yards. He added 121 running,
but a fumble and an unsuccessful
pass attempt cost him 31 yards in
losses, enough to spoil his record
For the defense it was big Len
Ford, who sparked a forward wall
that never let the Bucks threat-
en. His end was practically im-
pregnable. He smashed Ohio in-
terference time and again, he
continually harassed Dick Slager
and Pandel Savic, the Ohio pass-
ers, and he made life miserable
for Pete Perini, blocking one punt
and rushing the Buckeye bootee
on nearly all of his kicks.
Nothing could spoil the Wol-
veriries bid for their first un-
blemished season under Crisler.
Five times in the first half Mich-
igan drives penetrated deep into
Ohio State territory. They only
cashed in once, however, late in
the first quarter on a 62 yard sus-
tained drive that was climaxed by
Bump Elliott, who took off from
the four yard line on the reverse
play to score.
Jim Brieske, who missed an in-
dividual record for point after
touchdown conversions by two,
booted the first of three.
The Wolverines didn't score
again until midway through the
third period. Again they did it the
hard way, grinding out 80 yards
in 13 plays. It began with Chap-
puifs blasting up the middle for
seven yards and ended with his
four-yard scamper around end af-
ter taking a lateral from Howie
The quarterbacking of Yerges
on this march was particularly
brilliant. He pulled the State de-
fenses in with two plays up the
middle, then called a ,Chappuis
pass which was good for 12 y'ards,
and that was pretty much the
pattern as he mixed his weapons
brilliantly to steer Michigan to
that second score.
See CHAPPUIS, Page 6
'Slave' Rumor
Found Untrue
No GIs Held in China,
Lololand Mission Says
NANKING, Nov. 22-(A')-Two
U.S. soldiers told today how they
disguised themselves as priests,
lived six months with the primi-
tive Lololanders in Far West
China and proved there was no
truth to rumors that downed
American airmen were enslaved
Heroes of the daring mission
were Capt. Edward McCallister,
Alleghany, Va., and Sgt. John Fox,
Tacoma. Wash. They were chosen
from Army grave registration
search teams because they speak
Their task was to penetrate re
mote, mountainous Lololand to see
if there was any basis to a report
that five U.S. airmen forced down
while flying the hump from India
during the war were held in cap-
Putting on the garb of Chinese

Chappuis Short of Record Mark;
Ford Outstandina in Defensive Play
The price of touchdowns got caught in the inflationary spiral
as Michigan's hard earned 450 yard running and passing total was
good for only three touchdowns, but that was enough to enable the
Wolverines to wind up their first unbeaten season since 1933, as they
tore over and around Ohio State yesterday at Michigan Stadium, for
a 21-0 pre-Rose Bowl triumph.
Bob Chappuis clinched an All-American berth with his finest
performance of the season, personally accounting for 307 yards, just
20 less than he needed to break his own Big Nine 1,029-yard total
__o ffense record which he estab-

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-The Justice Department signalled
today for Grand Jury action against Maj. Gen. Bennett E. Meyers
after Senate investigators heard Meyers' wartime chief, General of
the Army H. H. Arnold, denounce him as a "rotten apple."
The Senate War Investigating Committee concluded its sensa-
tional investigation of Meyers and turned the case over to Govern-
ment prosecutors to pursue in the light of statutes against fraud,
corruption, tax evasion and perjury.
* * * *
DETROIT, Nov. 22--Publication schedules of Detroit's after-
noon newspapers, the Times and News, were approaching normal
today with announcement that Woodruff Randolph, President of
the AFL International Typographical Union. would arrive here

European Troubles May Speed Aid

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