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November 22, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-22

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Britain Seeks Peace To
Rebuild a Weary Empire

LONDON, Nov. 21-(P)-War-
weary, care-beset Britain wants
peaceyand time to rebuild at home
and in her commonwealth, and in
that mood will seek a moderator's
role when the foreign ministers of
Britain, the United States, Russia
and France meet here Tuesday.
Britain's is not an attitude of
appeasement; it is not a philoso-
phy of "peace at any price," but
one rather which would tone down
Praise Police
For Clearing
Traff icRush
(Continued from Page 1)
rect traffic, others have special
duties like taking over meeting the
visiting team from the state po-
lice at the city limits, and escort-
ing it to the stadium. Escorts are
also provided for the Wolverine
team and the band. Outside the
stadium, detectives are busy
watching for scalpers and pick-
pockets, and patrolmen keep order
at the gates.
Complete Lock-up
Inside, officers watch over the
benches and sidelines as well as
the dressing rooms. There is a
complete "lock-up"' under the
stands for unruly and "over-en-
thusiastic" fans.
An officer is stationed at the
head of each aisle, and these jobs
are rotated so that a good share of
the 110 men are able to see at
least half of the game.
Many of them never see the
game at all, though. They are
either patoling the parked cars
to watch for looters, or walking
regular beats. "Contrary to popu-
lar opinion, the city of Ann Arbor
is not dead during the game," says
Capt. Gainsley. "That's when
many people like to shop in peace
and quiet."
"The police. have very little
trouble with fans or students at
the games, according to the Cap-
tain. He did note that there doesn't
seem to be as much noise as there
used' to be. "I think student spirit
has fallen off, due mainly to the
veterans," he said.
Little Theatre'
Discloses Cast
The cast for the Pulitzer Prize
winning play "They Knew What
They Wanted," by Sidney Howard,
has been announced by the Little
Theatre of Willow Village.
The cast will include A. Michael
Cetta, Ben Dziengielewski, Thelma
Bogart, Jack Hess, Robert John-
son, David Vance, and Hank Vilas.
The play will be presented in
the West Lodge auditorium Jan.
9, 10, and 11.
The following officers were
elected by the theatre group at
their last meeting: Donald Decker,
chairman; William Swisher, treas-
urer; Marion Emerson, secretary.
Elected to the executive board
were: Donald Decker, Michael
Cetta, and Marion Emerson.

the angry exchanges between the
East and the West.
Seeks Middle Road
She takes account of her close
ties with the United States. But,
-onscious of the common Euro-
ean identity she shares with Rus-
:ia, she seeks to stake her tonior-
rows on a course somewhere be-
tween the extremes.
No soft-tongued statesman by
1hoice or by training, burly Ern-
ast Bevin expressed what most
3ritons hope when he called upon
his fellow foreign ministers recent-
ly to curb their "slinging matches"
and get down to the "basic facts
of Europe."
What Britain Wants
He has made it plain what
Great Britain wants. Basically it
is a unified Germany, an inde-
pendent Austria and an economi-
cally-solvent Europe.
A unified Germany would cut
down the economic drain on Great
Britain in terms of money, man-
power and material. She needs all
these things at home.
Needs Solvent Europe
A strong and independent Aus-
tria would decrease the danger of
a new German-Austrian alliance
with war-making potentials.
A solvent Europe is essential to
Great Britain, which is dependent
primarily upon a re-export trade.
But what happens if the Council
fails to agree on the future of Ger-
many and Austria? If the rift
widens? If Germany remains di-
vided and, with that division, Eu-
rope remains divided economical-
ly and ideologically?
Probable Position
Officially, Great Britain has re-
fused to acknowledge plans of her
own based upon such a possibil-
ity. But, step by step in recent
months, she has demonstrated the
path she will pursue if it occurs.
Primarily, it would be based
upon stiengthening that part of
Germany under control of the
Western Powers, as evidenced by
the recent agreements to stimulate
coal production and to raise the
level of industry in western Ger-
Upon Bevin will fall the task of
presenting the British case.
At a recent ambassadorial re-
ception, while talking to diplomats,
politicians and reporters, he
wagged his finger solemnly and
"My job is the toughest any for-
eign secretary in Britain has had
for a thousand years."
Disarmament Program
Bevin recognizes, his friends say,
that national policies in Germany
can no longer be restrained if the
Council fails to agree this time.
In some aspects of these talks,
common to each of the Big Four,
this country has had the coopera-
tion of her three partners, but in
others only the United States has
seen eye to eye with her.
British administrators regard
the process of disarming their zone
of Germany as having been com-
pleted successfully. Still to be
completed, though, is a joint
American -British program for
dismantling the industrial plant
considered surplus to the peaceful
needs of their part of Germany.

* * *
Prof. Haber Is
Nominated to
defense Post
Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department, who served as
Director of Planning for the War
Manpower Commission during the
war, has been named a consultant
to the Secretary of National De-
fense in the field of manpower.
The group of experts with which
Prof. Haber will be associated will
be responsible for formulating a
manpower mobilization policy for
use in case of a national emer-
gency. They hope to arrive at this
policy by applying knowledge
gained during the war in studying
the problems of manpower mobili-
zation, selective service and the
possibilities of a civilian draft.
The Army and Navy Munitions
Board War Manpower Consulting
Group, as the board is called, will
meet twice monthly in Washing-
ton for an indefinite period to
study the recommendations of the
Army and Navy Munitions Board.
In addition to Prof. Haber the
group includes Major General
Lewis B. Hershey, selective service
director and representatives of
labor, management, agriculture
and government.
Football Pictures Will
Be Shown Tomorrow
Motion pictures of the Michi-
gan-Wisconsin football game will
be shown at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union ballroom.
The same film will also be pre-
sented at 6:45 p.m. in the West
Lodge at Willow Run.
Movies of the Michigan-Ohio
State grid contest will be shown
Sunday, Nov. 30.

ISATo Hold
Open House
For Campus
Student Week To
Enid With Divner
An open house, with cider and
doughnuts for the entire campus,
will be held after the game today
at the International Center to
provide another opportunity for
American and foreign students to
become acquainted during Inter-
national Student Week.
The event is being sponsored by
the International Students Asso-
ciaton, the NSA Committee of the
Student Legislature and the Cen-
Although the open house marks
the official end of International
Student Week the real climax will
come next Wednesday when for-
eign and American students join
in a Thanksgiving dinner to be
held at the Masonic Temple.
Turkey and all the trimmings
have been promised by ISA which
is sponsoring the dinner. The pro-
gram will include a talk by Hick-
man Price of Kaiser-Fraser who
has recently returned from
abroad. Dean and Mrs. Ralph A.
Sawyer will be guests of honor.
Tickets for the dinner are $2.25
and may be purchased at the In-
ternational Center or Lane Hall.
The favorable response of cam-
pus groups to the aim of Inter-
national Student Week has been
commended by Tom Walsh, chair-
man of the NSA Committee which
joined the ISA in sponsoring the
"Now that the campus has been
introduced to ISA and the for-
eign students we hope that all
groups will take part in the con-
tinuing program of assimilating
students from other nations into
university life," he said.
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Post Office for the fol-
lowing veterans:
Roaul J. Bryant, Jay Bunker,
Darwin H. Dixon, Delmar Joseph
Fox, Jack C. Gilbert, Richard C.
Hiett, Edmund C. Johnston, Har-
old#G. Kretchmar, Eleanor C. Lar-
den, Donald M. Martin, Clarence
Ward Marlatt, Llewellyn McGuf-
fey, Donald R. Rouser, Patrick,
Clyde Russ, David H. Shepard,
Nancy L. Ward.
Veterans listed above should
pick up their checks by Nov. 29
when they will be returned to
Columbus, O.

PLEDGE SAVING OF FOOD FOR EUROPE-Women's representatives on the Citizens Food Con-
servation Committee, appointed by Gov. Sigler, are carrying on a statewide campaign among women.
Leaders of the campaign are (left to right) Mrs. Ralph A. Sawyer, Ann Arbor, American Associa-
tion of University Women; Mrs. Paul W. Jones, Grand Rapids, Michigan League of Women Voters,
and Mrs. Roy T. Gilbert, Algonac, Michigan Fed eration of Women's Clubs.

'ATIAI',-X4) ENU 2, -19474
Human Bone
Aids Cripples
Spare Parts Kept
On .ce in Banks
By The Associated Press
Bone banks preserving human
bone are being used successfully
to aid the crippled, the injured,
and victims of some diseases.
They are the latest such savings
accounts of human spare parts,
joining eye banks, skin banks,
blood banks, and plasma banks.
The bone banks use deep freeze
refrigeration to keep the material t
fresh and ready for use.
The pioneering work at two Ne-r
York hospitals has just been dis-
closed after more than 125 opera-
tions. Some of these used bone
preserved as long as three months.
Dr. Wilson reported 60 success-
ful transplants, and Dr. Leonard
F. Bush of the New York Ortho-
pedic Hospital said excellent re-
suits were obtained in 67 opera-
tions there. These two hospitals
began the banks simultaneously
about a year and a half ago.
Pieces of healthy bone obtained
in operations or from amputations
are placed immediately in sealed,
sterile jars, and stored in a re-
frigerator at temperatures of 10 to
20 degrees below zero fahrenheit..
Advantages of the bone bank,
the surgeons said, are that it
avoids the time, pain, and shock of
supplemental operations to take
bone from the leg or hip of a pa-
tient for grafting elsewhere. It also
avoids weakening and possible
fracture of the area from which
bone is borrowed.
Hillel Again Opens
'Cornabeef Corner' A
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
will open their "Cornbeef Corner"
at B p.m. tomorrow at the Fbun-
Begun last year as part of the
Hillel program, "Cornbeef Corner"
will offer sandwiches and soft
drinks and a friendly get-together
for all students. Murray Stock
will be manager of the project
this year.
The whole foundation will be
open at this time and all students
are free to use any of the facilities
there. Profits from the evening
will go- to Jewish relief.


Harvard Professor Publishes
Story of 'Battle of the Atlantic'
By The Associated Press might have been placed there with
After living a vivid segment of a pepper shaker.
American history, tall, wiry Prof. Prof. Morison disclosed that on
Samuel Eliot Morison, lately cap- June 11, 1942. the German Sub-
tain in the U.S. Navy, has returned marine U-87 laid a mine field off
to teaching it at Harvard Univer- Boston which remained undiscov-I
sity, convinced that if another war' erect until enemy records were ex-
comes it will be decided largely amined after the war.
in the air and under the sea. "It really served as protection
"New weapons," he says, "would for convoys leaving Boston," he
make surface operations very pre- chuckled, "because German sub-
carious." marines were instructed to keep
His latest historical work, "The away from it."
Battle of the Atlantic," is volume Peak merchant ship losses were
I of his 13-volume history of the reached in the month of May,
Navy's part in World War II He 1942, when subs claimed 120 in
estimates the history, ending with the Atlantic and Arctic areas, the
"The Liquidation of the Japanese majority in the Eastern Atlantic
Empire," will be completed in 1953. and many close to shore.
In a sense, "Battle of the At- Prof. Morison places March 1943
lantic," comes within the "now as the turning point in the battle
it can be told" category, for it re- of the Atlantic, during that
veals among many other things month, he records, 116 submarines
how very close to home German were operating in the North At-
submarines brought the early part lantic. More than 500,000 tons of
of the war. It contains a chart shipping went down in 20 days.
of merchant ship sinkings along A gripping chapter on the north
the Eastern seaboard during the Russian run, through "Bomb
first eight months, marked by tiny Alley," starkly describes the fate of
crosses-one to a sinking-so one 33-ship convoy, of which 22
closely interspersed that they were lost.

IRA To Probe
Reports from Rink
Provoke InVestigation
Racial discrimination reported
at an Ann Arbor roller-skating
rink will be investigated by the
Inter-Racial Association, accord-
ing to Arthur Ross, publicity
The issue will be discussed with
the proprietor of the establish-
ment in an attempt to determine
the cause, extent and frequency of
the alleged situation.
A personal report of the occur-
rence was presented at an IRA
meeting Thursday.
IRA will join other campus
groups in protesting the removal
of rent controls here, it was decid-
ed at the meeting. Delegates were
appointed to represent the organi-
zation at the conference of the
Civil Rights Congress this weekend
in Chicago.
Students interested in Concert
Band membership should attend
the first rehearsal at 4:15 p.m.
Monday in Harris Hall, when au-
ditions will be held.
Openings exist in all sections ac-
cording to Dr. William D. Revelli,
conductor of the band.






I. d

Want ToFind
A Charmer?

(Continued from Page 4)
Open house after the game. All
students invited.
Congregational - Disciples Fire-
side at the Guild House, 7:30-9:00.
Guest of the evening, Miss Ruth
Isabel Seabury, Educational Sec-
retary of the American Board of
Foreign Missions.
Lydia Mendelssohn: Art Cinema
League presents RUSSIAN BAL-
LERINA, Maria Redina. Complete
English titles. 8:30 p.m.
Cwning Events
Roger Williams Guild: Open
House, following Ohio State game,{
at the Guild House.
U. of M. Section of the America
Chemical Society: Nov. 24, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Dr.
W. E. Hanford of the M. W. Kel-
logg Company, New York City,
will speak on "Vinyl Polymeriza-
tion." The public is invited.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
will open its Corned Beef Corner

at 8 p.m., Sun., Nov. 23. Open'
every Sunday evening.
Inter-Co-operative Council pre-
sents Mr. Harvey Weisberg and
panel in a discussion of "The Na-
tional Students Association," 8r
p.m., Sun., Nov. 23, Robert Owen
Co-operative House, 1017 Oakland
Ave. Social hour and refreshments.
The public is invited.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Meeting, Tues., . Nov. 25,
7:30 p.m., 1042 East Engineering
Bldg. Program: Plans for the ban-
quet next month will be discussed;
Dr. Ross will talk on Supersonics.
New members are welcome.
Young Progressive Citizens of
America: General meeting, Sun.,
Nov. 23, 3 p.m. at Michigan Union.
All students interested, in the re-
search into and action regarding
political processes are welcome.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: . Supper meeting, Michigan.
Michigan League, Tues., Nov. 25,
6:15 p.m. Speaker, Mrs. Ralph A.
Sawyer. Subject: Citizen Interest
in Price Control.

, __----
'' --
M K:.
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Just like Social Security.
Only quicker. Pepsi-Cola
pays up to $15 for jokes,
gags, quips and such-like
for this page. Just send your
stuff to Easy Money De-
partment, Box B, Pepsi-
Cola Company, Lonag Island
City, N. Y., along with your
uanw, address, school and
class. All contributions be-

come the property of Pepsi-
Cola Company. We pay
only for those we print.
(Working "Pepsi-Cola" into
your gag, incidentally, won't
hurt your chances a bit.)
Dough-shy? Get dough-
heavy! Or start a new hobby
-collecting rejection slips.
We'll help you out-one
way or the other.






Here's a column i.spired by one of
man's most fundamental mn tivations-
his primitive urge to make a buck. And
why not?-a buck's a buck. Get daffy,
Synonym--the word you use when you
can t spell the word you want.
Pedestrian-a married man who owns
a car.
Hangover-the penalty for switching
from Pepsi-Cola.

Know a Tie-She gag? If you think
iHs Funny, send it in. If we think it's
fun-ywe'll bjuyit-for threeuck's.
We'll even print it.. Sheer altruism.
Take ten-and see if you don't come
up with something sharper than
these soggy specimens:
Sihe: XXhy don't you put out. that
light and come sit here beside
Ile: It's the best offer I've had to-
day--but I'd rather have a

Ile: Darling, is there nothing I can
do to make you care?
She: D. U. '.
She: Yeah-drop dead twice!
She: }ight now innterested in
something tall, dark and hand-
He: Gosh! Me?
She: No, silly-Pepsi-Cola!
Yep, we pay three bucks apiece
for any of these we print. You
never had it so good.


Get Funny . . Win Money ... Write a Title

Snoring-sheet music.


It's as easy as Pie
to useJ

Will find ANYTHING!

You've really got us to the wall when
we'll pay a buck apiece for these.
But that's the dealS. $.1 each for those
we buy.
Sharpen up those gags, gagsters! At the
end of the year (if we haven't laughed
ourselves to death) we're going to pick
the one best item we've bought and
award it a fat extra

. t

.S S t


s l t a E s t e




Little Moron Corner


Murgatroyd, our massive moron, was
observed the other afternoon working
out with the girls' archery teamr.ome-





i I




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