,,, PA-c-F roLT1U THE MICHIGAN DAILMY 4TU~~Y~ GVE~R ~1947~ I Fifty-Eighth Year ..- - WA SH INGTON WIRE: Iattle !ines Form Letters to the Editor DAiLY OFICIL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Eunice Mints...................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor. Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other mhatters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- lian, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by darrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.0a'. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN Incomplete .Pass SENATE REPUBLICAN leaders have shown little ingenuity in their latest attempt att passing the buck. They've effectively nullified President Trunan's 10-point program to curb infla- tion by refusing to give it a place on the agenda for the special session of Congress. But they've made a vague attempt to impress the voters that their hearts are in the right place, by declaring that they just don't understand what the President wants. The President already has "most of the powers necessary to curb inflation," Republican leaders say on the one hand, and, on the other, the President's anti- inflation program is stated "in such gen- eral terms that it cannot be clearly under- stood." This attempt to place the entire burden for price curbs on the President is a poor at- tempt at 'evasion. And by awaiting clarifi- cation from the President, the Republican senators seem to infer that they can't de- vise a program of their own. Come, now., --Harriett Friedman. By IRVING JAFFE WASHINGTON - The sharp crack of po- litical rifle fire in Washington this week broke up an unwholesome, stagnant truce which was making it increasingly dif- ficult to distinguish between the two parties. When President Truman presented his 10- point program for domestic economic con- trols on Monday, he set off the first real give-and-take on vital issues in many months. Mr. Truman reversed his field and this time refused to out-Republican the Repub- licans. He realized, at least in part, that he is the leader of a rival party which should stand for something clear and distinct from what the GOP represents. The Presi- dent knew his program would draw Repub- lican blood, and it did. His task was not an easy one, as he faced the joint Congressional session on Monday. He had already created serious difficulties for himself by expressing atti- tudes on economic matters that would stand like roadblocks in the path of a forthright policy decision. One of the biggest barriers was his recent statement that price controls and consumer ra- tioning were police state methods. But Mr. Truman swallowed hard and, by 1m- plication, renounced the ill-conceived po- lice state remark when he presented his program. The clinching proof the Republicans real- ize they now have to deal with an Adminis- tration which, at least on the domestic econ- omy front, stands in clear opposition to them tration, which on the domestic economy proposals. Leading Republicans are saying: if we approve the Truman program and it works, he'll take -the credit; if we refuse and the price spiral doesn't stop, we'll have to take the blame. The GOP had not counted on the possibility that Mr. Truman might declare his emancipation from backward- looking Republican economic principles. As for the President's program itself, on the whole it is a bold and intelligent assessment of the measures needed to con- trol our economic chaos. But a few trou- blesome questions arise. For one thing, there is a suspicion that Mr. Truman may have been trying to dull the edge of the Republican wrath somewhat by asking authority to impose only "selective" price controls on a few items. There is the ques- tion whether it would not have been bet- ter to seek a more sweeping control au- thority, so as to be able to apply the reins more firmly to soaring prices. The only answer we will be able to get to this is the way in which the limited controls asked by Mr. Truman are applied, if and when-mainly if-they are granted. Another question that can be answered only if and when Congress acts on the more controversial of the President's re- quests is how wage control authority will be used. Before any such controls are im- posed, it is of the greatest'importance to take into account certain considerations- the all-time high profits of industry; the fact, as shown repeatedly by Bureau of La- bor statistics reports, that price increases have consistently outrun wage boosts; and the inference to be drawn from these facts that industry with its huge profits, is cap- able of absorbing considerable wage in- creases without raising prices. But it appears that evaluation of the program is largely an academic matter. The Republicans, led by Senator Taft, seem determined to scuttle the rationing and price and wage control portions of Mr. Truman's plan. Already, the bitter GOP opposition has come to a head in a decision by Taft's Joint Committee on the Economic Report to by-pass consider- ation of these requests-at least during the special session. Nevertheless, it is good to see a sharp cleavage between the parties, at least on domestic economic policy. Mr. Truman's eagerness to "cooperate" with the GOP has too often blurred the line of demarcation be- tween the parties. MATTER OF FACT: Price Struggle II What's on Wax FTER .SEVERAL successful years as a bandleader, Will Bradley finally gave it up and turned to radio work for a liveli- hood. Since that time, he has become one of the busiest and better-paid sidemen on the networks. Until recently his recording activities have been somewhat sporadic. Just released is Signature's "Bop 'n' Boogie" fea- turing a band made up of studio musicians and headed by Bradley. The arrangement is by Milt Grant who dug up some rather contrived bop figures and combined them with a shuffle rhythm, thereby justifying the title. The band has a clean sound, how- ever, and Will plays some nice trombone. The reverse, "Lonely Moments" is the Mary Lou Williams piece which isn't too startling but is nicely executed here. Benny Carter, presented all too seldom on records these days, is heard to good advantage on a recent Capitol offering, "'Prelude to a Kiss." The lovely Ellington tune is a perfect vehicle for Benny's leg- ato alto-sax style and he does justice to it. On the second side, "I Can't Escape from You," the band is ih rough shape and sounds badly out of tune. Former Woody Herman vocalist Frances Wayne is at present a single doing mostly night-club work and recordings. One of her latest is "Honeysuckle Rose" on Exclu- sive. Accompanied by a band led by husband S Neil Hefti, her work is reminiscent of some of'the better torch singers of the last decade. The reverse "Cheatin' on Me" is an example of how a good voice can rise above trite. material. Duke Ellington's first two Columbia slides are somiewhat disappointing. The first, "The Widest Gal in Town," features new vocalist Dolores Parker doing her best with By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - Round two of the price battle is now getting under way on Capitol Hill. The battle can be expected to rage with intermittent fury at least until November, 1948. It is thus worth knowing something of the history of the battle's first round, which was fought out quietly and dispassionately within the Adminis- tration itself. In part, perhaps, because President Tru- man, with his newly acquired sense of sure- ness, made it clear that nothing of the sort would be tolerated, there was no table- thumping row, no public washing of dirty linen. Yet the internal differences of opinion in the Administration on the price issue were none the less exceedingly sharp. One group of the President's advisers, who might be called for convenience the halfwayites, believed that measures short of price control and rationing would do the job. They believed that credit allocation, export, and and other controls would suffice to keep prices in line, and moreover, that only by proposing such halfway measures could the Administration avoid an all-out, eye-gouging, shiv-sticking political free-for- all at this time of crisis. The leaders of the halfwayites were, not unexpectedly, Secre- tary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson and Treasury Secretary John Snyder. They were generally supported by Commerce Secretary Averell Harriman and Presidential Adviser John Steelman. Another group-call them the wholehog- gers-argued cogently that half measures would almost certainly fail, and that selec- tive price controls and rationing were abso- lutely essential if a really disastrous infla- tion, particularly in food prices, was to be avoided. Chief protagonists of the whole- hoggers were Clark Clifford, the able White House counsel, and Under Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, substituting for Interior Secretary Julius Krug, who was ill. The wholehoggers were backed by most of the government's economists, includ- ing Dr. Edwin Nourse's Council of Eco- nomic Advisers; the Council's Vice-Chair- man, Dr. Leon Keyserling, was particu- larly persuasive. Postmaster General Rob- ert Hannegan also inclined to the whole- hoggers' position. The Democratic Na- tional Committee bigwigs, Senator Howard McGrath and Gael Sullivan, were known to favor going the whole way, although on this occasion the President did not ask their views. The wholehoggers received their most ef- fective, if sinister, support from the winter wheat belt, where the long dry spell was lerly hvinp'in- fthe nightmareo f five dollar when he conducted a sort of poll among a number of his advisers. He asked them whether measures short of price control and rationing could be expected to do the job of holding prices in line with a reason- able assurance of success. By a large ma- jority, the answer was no. Then the Pres- ident plumped unconditionally for the wholehoggers. Ile announced his decision at the Fri- day Cabinet meeting, where it was met with a marked enthusiasm from the Sny- der-Anderson camp. For the -halfwayites remained wholly unpersuaded. They made their last stand at a White House meeting on Sunday, the day before the President was to deliver his message to Congress. But the Presidential mind was made up. The next day he tossed his bombshell into the laps of the Congressional Republicans, who reacted with startled fury. The fat was in the fire. It is interesting that at one point, before the President had decided to go the whole hog, a compromise suggestion was offered by the former OPA executives, James Brownlee, Henry Hart, and Richard Fields whom Commerce Secretary Harriman had invited to Washington to give their views. They proposed that the President ask for rationing of meat only, a suggestion which such moderate Republicans as Senator Ralph Flanders and Raymond Baldwin had already advanced. They urged further that the President should not ask for the imme- diate imposition of price controls. Rather, he should propose a non-partisan investigat- ing body, which would get at the facts be- hind the price situation. Since so much of price control administration is a matter of getting information, this body could immediately form the nucleus of a price control agency, if the price situation threat- ened to get out of hand. Thus, if real eco- nomic catastrophe threatened, the barn door could be slammed shut before the horse was stolen. Nothing is more clear than that the Re- publicans will not go the whole way with the President's proposals. Yet this compro- mise suggestion would seem well worth pon- dering by the Republican moderates. For behind all the political fury which the Pres- ident's bombshell has aroused, the ominous price problem still exists. It must be dealt with by more effective means than furious denunciation of the President's political motives. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) THE PREDOMINANCE of news photo- graphs of public personalities in amor- ous poses with blond beauty queens would seem to indicate that the old-time policy of kissing babies is obsolete. -B.K. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. IS Week To the Editor: ()N NOVEMBER 17, back in .1939, all the colleges and uni- versities in Czechoslovakia were closed. At least 156 students were slaughtered outright. Others, stu- dents and instructors alike, were sent to concentration camps. All higher education in Czechoslovak- a was suppressed. To positively commemorate this event which is now recognized by a large portion of the world student community. International Student Week was established here with a constructive program de- signed to bring American students in contact and acquaintance with the University's many foreign stu- dents and their countries. Campus organizations and resi- dences have been asked to coop- erate with IS Week by using for- eign students from the speakers' bureau in their programs and by inviting foreign students to din- ners, suppers, or teas for informal discussions. Many groups like the United World Federalists, the American Veterans Committee, Hinesdale House, Kappa Alpha Theta, Martha Cook, Helen New- berry and Betsy Barbour dormi- tories, the Student Religious As- sociation, and the Unitarian Stu- dent Group have already respond- ed. Many others have indorsed In- ternational Students Week and are planning to use the speakers' bureau in the near future. Following our victory today the campus is invited to drop in to the International Center for cider and doughnuts at an open house sponsored by the Center, the ISA and the NSA Committee. A Thanksgiving dinner at the Masonic Temple Wednesday will officially climax IS Week. Tickets for it are now available at the Center and at Lane Hall. However, the Speakers' Bureau is a permanent service available to the campus and the Center is open daily as a place for American AND foreign students to meet. -Tom Walsh, chairman, NSA C ommittee, Student Legislature * * * Food Situation To the Editor: N REGARD to your editorial on food gripes, I would like to enter a few facts and opinions. You have quoted Francis Sheil as saying that the dorms are built with University funds. This must mean that either you or he is tak- ing a peculiar view of University funds because they were built with U.S. Government money via W.P.A. appropriation. And it is my opinion that the University considers their accomplishment of providing decent facilities for 20 per cent of the students as very wonderful. If Ann Arbor were the size of Detroit, the other 80 per cent could be expected to find good housing. I believe that it is high time that this University start to build a physical plant that is worthy of an institution of 20,000 students, and they should be able to do it without waiting for U.S. Government money or another Rackham or Cook to do their job for them. -Frank D. Amon *S * * Franco Spain Again To the Editor: IN ANSWER to objections raised by Mr. Jeroff concerning my recent article on Franco Spain, I wish to offer the following expla- nation in hope that most of his points of contention may be clear- ed up. First of all, after spending only a week in Spain, I certainly do not consider myself an authority on Spain's internal politics. My sole purpose was to shed some light on the trend of public opin- ion as I found it in order to sub- stantiate my contention that Franco is not likely to be over- thrown by his own people at this time. Secondly, most of my informa- tion was obtained from a member of our foreign office in Madrid. from a British businessman who has traveled in Spain for fifteen years, and from various Spaniards who were definitely not pro- Franco. Mr. Jaroff has my as- surances that Hearst papers and Franco propaganda had no influ- ence on what I reported. Regarding my statement that Communists held power before Franco's final victory in 1938, I admit that this is misleading and that Mr. Jaroff has a valid ob- jection. it is true, however, that by controlling the labor unions of the more industrialized parts of Spain (Barcelona, for instance the Communists assumed great power in the Loyalist government. especially when the Loyalists sought Communist aid in a united front against Franco's revolution. Although the government was composed mostly of Republicans, the strong Communist minority dominated much of the Loyalist policy and accepted direct aid from Soviet Russia during the revolution. Coupled with this powerful position in the Loyalist ranks, the Communists initiated reforms of their own such as pil- laging homes of Spanish capital- ists and wrecking the factories of some industrialists who protest- ed the Communist influence in the government. As for my contention that Com- munists would again come into power if Franco were ousted, I again refer to their ultimate con- trol of the labor unions from which they could dictate in large measure the government's foreign and domestic policies, as the French and Italian Communists seek to do today. From what I learned in Madrid, when Don Juan made his bid for the return of the monarchy last spring he promised to reore free labor un- ions. The Spanish workers took this to mean that the Commun- ists could again penetrate their unions, and having remembered the violence inspired by the Com- munists before the revolution the workers decided that Franco was the better of two evils because he at least kept peace in the ,ountry I hope that this will explain more fully my contentions with due regard for Mr. Jaroff's ob- jections. -Don Nuchterlein * * * Decentralization To the Editor: AS A TRANSFER STUDENT from a smaller college, com- parisons between this University and the other institution are in- evitable and interesting. Mindful of the days of Plato when it was his practice to hold classes out in the open with logs as benches, wine to loosen the tongue and informality the keynote, we are aware that such conditions at the present time are unavailable at either school. We wonder, however, whether the prestige of attendance at this large educational factory is ade- quate compensation for the loss of intimacy (or at least familiar- ity or acquaintance) between tea- cher and pupil, and informal dis- cussions out of class which are characteristic of a smaller college. We admit that from 10:30 to 12 on Mon., Wed., and Fri., it is possible to see Professor "X" as the white card on his office door attests, but one, fellow can't barge in and rehash his latest lecture. The degree to which decentral- ization is carried is amusing - to wit: we received blue books back the other day on which there was not a single mark of correction except a grade on the cover. When the Prof evidenced no desire or intention of discussing the test or the proper solutions and even expressed amazement that he should take up class time in such a discussion we finally evoked this answer: "See me first and then you can see my secretary who will arrange an appointment for you to see Mr. "Y" who cor- rects your papers." Even our marks are entered in the class record book by this Mr. "Y". And yet our placement forms ask that we list two University profs as reference to future employers. -C. L. Griffin Cerigu ohi Leftists To the Editor: IN REGARD to Samuel Molod's letter concerning the article on "Italian Leftists" in Tuesday's Daily, I would like to make a few corrections and qualifications: 1) I stand corrected on the date (1943) mentioned in the story. It should have been 1944-45. I was misquoted by the writer. 2) There was, however, a Com- munist headquarters in Carignola as there was in practically every town in southern Italy in late 1944 and 1945. 3) I did not say there were ma- jor disturbances, save for the soldier-Communist riot; during 1941-45. There were several min- P~ilbilcation in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin s~onld be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m, Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, NOV. 22, 194 VOL. LVIII, No. 53 Nottlws Veterans: According to a recent Veterans Administration regula- tion, veterans enrolled under Pub- lic Law 346 who plan to interrupt their training at the conclusion of the present Fall Semester will re- ceive subsistence payments for an additional fifteen days beyond the effective date of their official in- terruption of training. Conse- quently, fifteen days of eligibility time will be deducted from their remaining entitlement. It should be emphasized that this procedure is automatic, in that payment will be made and or disturbances in the same per- iod. I only meant to show that there were evidences of leftist disorder as early as 1944, and that the present riot resulted from long-standing strife. 4) I grant that no political gatherings were allowed until early 1945. But there were frequent unofficial, unorganized meetings of the street-corner var- iety before 1945. 5) If there was so much food in and around Carignola, as Mr. Molod says, whly were there so many Italian civilians waiting for us at our messhall so that we could give them scraps from our messkits and dregs from our mess cups? Why did one Italian fam- ily, for one instance, living in Car- ignola, eat a cat for dinner the 25th of December, 1944? Even the dogs were skinny from being chased. 6) It was forbidden . to carry sidearms, but there were many times when it was done in spite of the rule. At one time, many trucks had armed guards with them at all times when they were moving through the town. My purpose, I repeat, was to show that this recent uprising was not spontaneous, but was the re- sult of starvation and prolonged dissension among the people of Carignola. They were destitute, desperate and easily swayed. Com- munism offered them a solution, they thought, and they -tried it. The hammer-aand-sickle emblems that we saw were more than "orn- aments" to the people. They stood for an active turn to the left which has become steadily wider since its beginning in 1944. -Daniel C. Paul * * * 'Matured Man' To the Editor: I HAVE of late been noticing that a childish attack is being made on the conspicuous absence of school spirit at this University. We don't like to constantly be complaining, but I think that at long length an answer is overdue. In the first place, I think that I ought to say that I am a Vet and that as a consequence of this I am prejudiced, but in this case I think that this does not and should not prevent me from ex- pressing our point of view, be- cause a great many of us here on the campus were in the Armed Services. What most people do not seem to realize is that the veteran today is a matured man, having been in the Army or Navy and seen what it's all about. We have a far bet- ter grasp of Life than do those younger students here who are complaining so about school spir- it. Not that we have anything against a man just because he is young. But we do think that since there are so many of us, and since we are more experienced, they ought to listen to us. A word to the wise, they say, is sufficient. Secondly, I think that it is about time that we came to realize that this is a business world, and that we are preparing ourselves to assume the responsibilities of this business world. That means that it is high time we admitted that a university is, and of right ought to be, a commercial institution. We have nothing against a broad education, but I think that it should be remembered by all of us, particularly we veterans, that we must lead a practical life later on. Cheering is perfectly all right if you want to cheer, but remem- ber that we veterans have a more serious attitude. Please don't try to force us to be immature like yourselves. , -Harold T. Walsh entitlemnent reduced accordingly, unless a veteran notifies the Vet- erans Administration, in writing. thirty days prior to the close of the Fall Semester. This does not apply to veterans who are re-en- rolling for the Spring Semester. It is the responsibility ofthe veteran wt1ho does not, desire the extension of subsistence benefits to notify the Veterans Adminis- Iration no later than January 7, 1948. Veterans who desire the fif- teen days extension are not re- quired to give any notice. Veter- ans who accept the additional fif- teen days will have their eligibi - ity time reduced by that time amount. The following form is suggested for notification: "This is to noti- fy you that I will interrupt my training at, the University of Michigan at the end of the Fall Semester, February 7, 1948. I do not desire the fifteen days exten- sion of subsistence allowances. Signature, "C" Number, Reference, "C" Nimber, Reference DT7AGB TMN." Tile notification shiould be sent to Registration and Research Section, Michigan Unit, Veterans Administration, Guardian Build- ing, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit 26, Michigan. Meeting of all students who want teaching positions at the end of the first semester will be held in Rm. 2003. Angell Hall, Tues., Nov. 25, 4 p.m. All graduate students as well as those just getting their de- grees are urged to attend. Univer- sity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. All Junior and Sophomore Men living in the Willow Run Dormi- tories may apply for Residence Halls accommodations for the Sec- ond Semester in Rm. 2, University Hall on November 24, 25, and 26. Alpha Lambda Delta members will have their pictures for the 'Ensian taken on Monday, No- vember 24. All members are re- quested to meet in front of An- gell Hall promptly at 12:40. Women students who wish to leave for the Thanksgiving holiday on Wed., Nov. 26, are instructed to request permission directly from their housemothers. Closing hours for women .stu- dents over the Thanksgiving holi- day are as'follows: Wed., Nov. 26, 12:30 a.m. Thurs., Nov. 27, 11:30 p.m. The Ford Motor Company will be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, Mon., Nov. 24, to interview non-technical February graduates for their Ford Field Training Program. For appoint- ments and applications call at the Bureau of Appointments. The National. Tube Company will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, Tues., Nov. 25, to interview engineers graduat- ing in February. Call at the Bu- reau for booklets, applications, and appointments. Lectures Doctor C. E. A. Winslow, Emeri- tus Professor of Public Health of Yale University, will lecture on the subject, "Social and Economic Factors in Disease," at the regu- lar student assembly, Mon., Nov. 24, 4 p.m., School of Public Health Auditorium. The fifth lecture in the sympo- sium on "Current Researcd in the Social Sciences" sponsored by Al- pha Kappa Delta will feature Dr. Howard Y. McClusky, Professor of Educational Psychology, Mental Measurement and Statistics who will speak on the subject "Selected Projects of the Bureau of Studies in Community Adult Education," Mon., Nov. 24, 4 p.m., East Con- ference Rm., Rackham Bldg. University Lecture: Dr. Carle- ton Sprague Smith, chief of the Music Section of the New York Public Library, will lecture on the subject "Brazilian Architecture" (illustrated), Mon., Nov. 24, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. The public is invited. Academic Notices Physical and Inorganic Chemis- try Seminar: Tues., Nov. 25, 4:15 p.m.; Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. J. E. Boggs will speak on "Or- der and Mechanism of Chemical Reactions." Students who plan to elect So- ciology 128 (Intermediate Social Statistics) next semester are re- quested to sign their names on a list on the Sociology Dept. bulletin board. Concerts 4 I 4 4 '4 4q I RARNARY - . r