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November 21, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-21

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2 t thlda
fiftyighth Year
- -
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
-Clyde Recht .......................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz.................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent...............Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at thePost 'OfficemateAnn Arbor, Mich-
Igan as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $.0O, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
An .
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Penalty for Apathy
STUDENT TENANTS, the - largest single
group of renters in Ann Arbor, can
get a preview of their own chances at the
Monday rent hearing by a quick visit to 1008
First National Building, where Wilson H.
White, local Rent Advisory Board chair-
man, and associate of Andrews-White, real-
tot, has been receiving names of persons
who wish to testify.
In addition to the question, "Land-
lord or tenant?" the visitor is asked: "Stu-
dent?" The relevance of the latter ques-
tin to the rent situation is not made
elear, but the intimation is that while stu-
dents are tolerated in Ann Arbor as rent
payers, their concern over the size of
rent payments is somewhat presumptuous.
the preview also discloses that while stu-
dent living costs may be permitted as tes-
timony in the hearing, they will carry
little weight with Mr. White personally in
the post-hearing Board deliberations. Rec-
ommendations for a general five, ten or
15 per cent raise (or reduction, or for no
change) will be submitted to the four-
county rent group in Detroit-upon which
the seven Ann Arbor Rent Advisory Board
members also sit.
The Board, incidentally, will determine
-the number of students allowed to testify,
eien for a proposed five-minute period.
Because much of their reasoning will be
jidged ahead of time as irrelevant, and
because their "transient" status will be
considered relevant, the possibility that
few students, will be, heard at all is not
remote. The jeopardy surrounding oral
testimony demands recourse to other
If student tenants cannot be heard, then
they can be seen. Their massed physical
presence in the courtroom may stir the
Board as their testimony cannot. The pen-

alty for not attending the rent hearing may
be extra after-hours work, a few weeks
hence, to meet a new rent bill-its size de-
pending on how high the inflationary spiral
spirals. If it's a date, Monday, make it a
rent date. If it's studies, wink at the books
while you take a first-hand lesson in polit-
ical economy. It's your pocketbook! Whether
you've asked to testify or not: it's 7:30 p.m.,
Monday, at the courthouse.
-Malcolm Wright.
Stopping Russia
T oo MUCH ATTENTION on stopping
Russia may prevent us from stopping
the next war. Actually, the only way to
stop Russia in the long run may be the only
way to stop an atomic conflagration, namely,
by substituting law for force.
If we did the latter, we should not have
to worry so much about diplomatic jobs.
Yet until we do. governments must go
ahead with both tasks separately.
But there are enough diplomatic instru-
ments available for stopping Soviet imper-
ialism outside the U.N. without our turning
the UN away from its real purpose- which
is permanent peace. I should like to see
our delegation at Lake Success concentrat-
ina les nn keening Onter Mongolia out and

I ~Real 1Predwiate


Leters to the Edi tor...


WHAT DOES Senator Taft want the Re-
publicans to do, get a reputation for
blowing money around?
The Senator's proposal that we spend
about five billions a year to aid Europe,
instead of the seven billions which might
he needed to put the Continent on its feet,
according to the Marshall Plan, is one of
the most spendthrifty ideas that has come
out of Washington in fifteen years.
That is really burning the taxpayers'
money up. The Senator suggests that we
spend not quite enough to do the job, that
we thriftily put our savings into building
two-thirds of a house and buying half a
car. He would have our Western world sit
down in the roofless dwelling thus construct-
ed, before a cold fire, with one-quarter of
a dog for company, and the memory of yes-
terday's supper and the hope of tomorrow's
supper to keep it cozy, but no supper for
tonight. The Senator's proposal is like that;
Labor Relations
AN IMPORTANT ROAD to industrial
peace is indicated in an experiment de-
scribed by Dr. John R. P. French, Jr., so-
cial psychologist, in a recent lecture here.
The experiment, carried out by a re-
searcher of the M.IT. Research Center for
Group- Dynamics, was a test of the rela-
tion between group participation by work-
ers in decisions involving their own jobs,
and the production level they maintained.
ie management at a clothing factory
had found that when it became necessary
to change an efficient worker to another
job the relearning process took so long,
and the worker's production rate fell per-
manently so low, that it was cheaper to hire
a new hand-preferably one who had never
even seen a factory.
This was a tremendous waste of human
material, but the management had solved
the problem as well as it could.
A few months ago the management at
this factory found it necessary to cut costs
-prices were too low. That involved sim-
plifying the design of the clothing, and
thus changing the jobs of four groups of
The first group was what scientists de-
scribe as a control-it followed the normal
procedure. The workers, about 15 in num-
ber, were to remain at their machines but
certain changes in their work were nec-
This was explained to them in detail, to-
gether with the reasons for the change, in a
conference with management. No loss of
pay was involved.
But, as expected, when they got on the job
the group production level fell from above
average to well below the plant stand-
ard. It stayed there. After 30 days manage-
ment had to break up the group.
When the second group was changed,
a different method was employed. As be-
fore the necessity for change was ex-
plained in conference, but details were
worked out in cooperation with manage-
ment by two elected representatives of the
workers. When everything had been de-
cided, they taught the other members of
their group the new processes.
Again, after the change there was a drop
in production-in fact, to a lower level than
with the control group. But within two
weeks the output increased, and steady
progress eventually put Group 2 production
level higher than before the switch-well
above the plant standard.
This was a striking result, and it was
borne out by what happened later.
Two more groups, somewhat smaller than
the first, had to be changed. After man-
agement had explained to the workers the
reasons for the change, the two groups par-
ticipated wholeheartedly. They planned, in
group discussions with management, ex-

actly what changes in design and working
methods would be made.
When Groups 3 and 4 got on the job again,
their production dropped sharply.
But in 10 days they passed their former
production level, still making steady up-
ward progress. In other words, not only
did group participation destroy the psy-
chological difficulties involved in the
switch-it actually rased the level of pro-
ducton after the change.
The efficiency of the groups and the dif-
ficulty of the changes each had to make
were about equal. The differences between
the control grotjp, the participation by
representation group and the full participa-
tion groups are therefore statistically sig-
The workers in this experiment didn't
have the final word on the problems-de-
cisions were reached in cooperation with
The experiment shows conclusively what
many psychologists have believed for sev-
eral years-that the feeling of team-work
will do more than high pay toward making
workers alert, satisfied citizens.
The fact that management was satisfied
by the cxNcriment is a very important point.

it gapes with holes and crevices and missing
walls. And to build this wreck from a torn
blueprint, as Mr. Taft suggests, would cos
five billions a year. It is hardly a bargain.
The New Deal never threw money
around like that, not even in the years
when Mr. Roosevelt was popularly sup-
posed to spend his evenings sitting on a
pile of billion dollar notes and tossing
them above his head for. the amusement
of Mr. Hopkins.
Mr. Taft is afraid that if we spent seven
billions a year under the Marshall Plan, we
would need price and rationing controls. He
dislikes price and rationing controls. He be-
lieves that if we spend only five billions we
can aboid them. But the Marshall Plan esti-
mates, calling for something like six billion
plus the first year (a little less than Mr.
Taft makes it) already represent a good
deal of cutting and pruning. To cut further
means to kill the Marshall Plan as a plan
for putting Europe on its feet, as a plan
for recovery. It means reducing it to the
level of just another handout. It means to
blow the five billions. And, in effect, Mr.
Taft's plan would blow the five billions just
to avoid price and rationing control. That
is really visionary spending. At least in the
old days we got TVA for our money.
As a matter of fact, the Republicans
are in deep political trouble, from which
they are not going to save themselves by
making a hundred-yard-dash to the radio
with an off-the-cuff plan, as Mr. Taft did,
a few hasty hours after the President
They are in trouble because some of their
theories have blown up. Their theory that
we would not have to help Europe at the
end of the war has exploded, leaving their
eyebrows singed. Their theory that prices
would return to normal once controls were
ended is also very dead. They are even in
trouble on their pet theory that voluntary
methods of rationing can work, because
they have been unable to resist kidding the
President when he tried it, and they have
thus thrown dishwater on their own cher-
ished alternative.
They cannot make up for this theoret-
ical collapse by putting together, with
flour paste and tissue paper, a flimsy
plan that tries to combine some spending
for Europe, a few allocations of scarce
goods here, and a pious wish or two.
That wouldn't last a minute in today's
winds. Nor can they get out of trouble
by pointing a scornful finger at the Pres-
ident and charging him with playing pol-
itics, as if playing politics were a dreadful
novelty, utterly new to Washington and
recently invented by Harry Truman.
No, the Republicans must face the facts
if they are ever going to reform their lines.
One of them is that their predicament, like
that of the world, is very real.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Time Presses
BERLIN-Every responsibfe American and
British official here shares the fervent
conviction that after the failure of the
London Conference urgent steps must be
taken to form a provisional government
in Western Germany.
They say first that it is vain and time-
wasting to continue seeking or hoping for
agreement with the Soviets. The Soviet con-
trol of Eastern Germany is squarely based
on ruthless terror, and has the total ex-
ploitation of Eastern Germany, both polit-
ical aid economic, as its purpose. Even
General Lucius D. Clay, whose highest am-
bition on coming to Germany was to achieve
agreement with the Soviets, now frankly
feels that there is no hope.
In the second place, the mere passage of
time is pressing these Americans and
Britishers who have the task of adminis-

tering the most important part of the
old German state. Their broad problem
is neatly summed up in the currency issue.
All four zones of Germany still use reichs-
marks printed by the Allies as their cur-
rency. But the currency is on the verge
of losing all value, except as a sort
of official script for buying official ra-
A large part of the trouble-has been caused
by the Soviets. They were negligently given
dies to print reichsmarks by our Treasury.
They have printed uncounted billions, to pay
their troops, to "buy" industries for Soviet
account, and to meet all other occupation
charges. They have consistently refused to
agree to German-wide currency reform. A
stage of acute danger has now been reached.
If the valueless reichsmarks are not soon
replaced with money having some value,
there is likelihood of a general catastrophe.
There is also the certainty that the effort
to rebuild Germany's economic life will fail.
Therefore the task of currency reform must
begin at once, and begin separately in the
Anglo-American and French zones.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin Is Constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angeli Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
FRIDAY, NOV. 21 1917
VOL. LVII, No. 52
Veterans: According to a recent
Veterans Administration regula-
tion, veterans enrolled under Pub-
lic Law 346 who plan to interrupt
their training at the conclusion of
the present Fall Semester will re-
ceive subsistence payments for an
additional fifteen days beyond the
effective date of their official in-
terruption of training. Conse-
quently, fifteen days of eligibility
time will be deducted from their
remaining entitlement.
It should be emphasized that
this procedure is automatic, in
that payment will be made and
entitlement reduced accordingly,
unless a veteran notifies the Vet-
erans Administration, in writing,
thirty days prior to the close of
the Fall Semester. This does not
apply to veterans who are re-en-
rolling for the Spring Semester.
It is the responsibility of the
veteran who does not desire the
extension of subsistence benefits
to notify the Veterans Adminis-
tration no later than January 7,
1948. Veterans who desire the fif-
teen days extension are not re-
quired to give any notice. Vet l-
ans who accept the additional fi-
teen days will have their eligibil-
ity time reduced by that time
The following form is suggested
for notification: "This is to noti-
fy you that I will interrupt my
training at the University of
Michigan at the end of the Fall
Semester, February 7, 1948. I do
not desire the fifteen days exten-
sion of subsistence allowances.
Signature, "C" Number, Reference,
"C" Number, Reference DT7AGB
TM." Tile notification should be
sent to Registration and Research
Section, Michigan Unit, Veterans
Administration, Guardian Build-
ing, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit
26, Michigan.
Approved social events for the
coming weekend:
November 21
Adams House, Collegiate Soro-
sis, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Lamb-
da Phi, West Lodge Recreation
November 22
Acacia, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Al-
pha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Anderson House, Beta Theta Pi,
Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta
Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Hender-
son House, Jordan Hall.
Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Al-
pha, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi
Upsilon, Robert Owen Coopera-
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Al-
pha Mu, Sigma Chi, Cigma Phi,
Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta
Xi, Williams House, Zeta Beta
Tau, Zeta Psi.
Pre-Football guest luncheons
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and
after game open houses from 5 to
7 p.m. held in organized student
residences will be approved chap-
eroned or unchaperoned provided
they are announced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date.

All women students attending
the Pan-Hellenic Ball on Nov, 21
have 1:30 a.m. permission. Call-
ing hours will not be extended.
Women students who wish to
leave for the Thanksgiving holiday
on Wed., Nov. 26, are instructed to
request permission directly from
their housemothers.
Closing hours for women stu-
dents over the Thanksgiving holi-
day are as follows:
Wed., Nov. 26, 12:30 a.m.
Thurs., Nov. 27, 11:30 p.m.
All Senior single men living in
Willow Run dormitories may ap-
ply for Residence Hall accommo-
dations for the second semester in
Rm. 2, University Hall on Nov.
20, 21, 22.
All student organizations who
have not previously submitted a
list of members are requested to do
so immediately. Lists should be
submitted to the Office of Student
Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall.
Meting of all students who

want teaching positions at the end
of the first semester will be held in
Rm. 2003, Angell Hall, Tues., Nov.
25, 4 p.m. All graduate students as
well as those just getting their de- I
grees are urged to attend. Univer-
sity Rureau of Appointments and
Olccupational Information.
The Ford Motor 'Company will
be at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, Mon., Nov. 24, to
interview non-technical February
graduates for their Ford Field
Training Program. For appoint-
ments and applicatons call at the
Bureau of Appointments.
The National Tube Company
will be at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, Tues., Nov.
25, to interview engineers graduat-
ing in February. Call at the Bu-
reau for booklets, applications, and
University Lecture: Dr. Carle-
ton Sprague Smith, chief of the
Music Section of the New York
Public Library, will lecture on the
subject "Brazilian Architecture"
illustrated), Mon., Nov. 24, 4:15
p.m., Rackham' Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Fri., Nov. 21, 4 p.m., Rm. 319, West
Medical Bldg. Subject: "The Roles
of Iron and of Cobalt in Nutrition.
Recent Sties.-'' All interested
are invited.
The University Musical Society
will present The Westminister
Choir, Dr. John Finley Williamson,
conductor, in the Choral Union
Series, Mon., Nov. 24, 8:30 p.m,
Hill Auditorium.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society; and will
be on sale after 7 p.m. on the eve-
ning of the concert in the Hill Au-
ditorium box office.
Atomic Energy: Association of
U. of M. Scientists calls to the at-
tention of its members, and any
others who may be interested, the
exhibit on atomic energy, its sci-
entific and political implications,
now on display at the Ann Arbor
High School.
Design and the Modern Poster.
Ground floor corridor, College of
Architecture and Design. Through
November 26.
Museum of Art: PAINTINGS
through November 28. Alumni Me-
morial Hall: Daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5;
Wednesday evenings, 7-9; Thanks-
giving Day, 2-5. Gallery talk; No-
vember 25 at 4:15. The public is
cordially invited.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Items Relating to the Dutch Set-
tlements in Michigan," 160 Rack-
ham Bldg. Daily, 8-5; Sunday 2-5,
through November 28.
"Natural History Studies at the
Erwin S. Georgo Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan," Museums
Bldg. Rotunda through December.
Events Today
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public for observa-
tion of the moon, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Children must be accompanied

by parents. The Observatory will
not be open if the sky is overcast.
Geology and Mineralogy Jour-
nal Club: 12 noon, Rm. 3056, Nat-
ural Science Bldg. Dr. John P.
Marble, Chairman of the Commit-
tee for Radioactive Determination
of Geologic Time, will speak on
the subject, "Recent Developments
in the Determination of Geologic
"fime by Radioactive Methods."
All interested are invited.
Armenian Students' Association:
Meeting, Rm. 305, Michigan Union,
7:30 p.m. Guest speaker: Dr.
Byron A. Hughes.
University Women and Men
Guests: Bowling is available at the
Women's Athletic Building alleys
on Friday afternoons, 3:30-5:30
p.m. University women may invite
men guests to bowl at student rate.
Lydia Mendelssohn: Art Cinema
League presents RUSSIAN BAL-
LERINA, Maria Redina. Complete

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mecause The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed In letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
oited at the discretion of the edi-
torral director.
Michigan Ceers
To the Editor:
This letter was held in abey-
ance until Michigan's status as
Rose Bowl participant had been
finally determined. It is prompted
by the actions of those jolly souls
for perhaps we should say heels)
who lead Michigan cheers come
each Saturday afternoon.
After studying all night for a
week and floating a small loan
from the Ann Arbor Bank, we were
able to wend our way to Cham-
pain to watch our gladiators do
battle with the Illini. The game
was tremendous - but our happy
friends threw somewhat of a
damper over the affair by going
into business for themselves. What
could be more disgusting than to
hear the representatives of your
University telling the opposition
to "drop dead?" No purpose was
served, to our knowledge, except
to demonstrate that eight college
students could spell two four let-
ter words without mistake.
The entire Michigan student
body was privileged to hear this
same sort of puerile nonsense
,when the Indiana gridders arrived
as ouir guess on the following
Saturday. Weweren't at Wis-
consin we're still paying our
debts fron the Illinois game, but
if thec heerleaders were there, we
can safely assume that eight in-
dividuals left the state of Wis-
consin with plenty of raspberries
to fill the trunk of their shiny,
new car.
Now for the point of this let-
ter. The people of California and
sportsmen from all over the na-
tion wlil see our cheerleadersas
well as our team in the Rose Bowl.
Let's stop this morbid madness
and have some cheers. Let's show
the sporting public that Michigan
students have progressed to a
stage where they can intelligent-
ly lend vocal support to the team.
(if we dont, the team may win
but the University of Michigan
will be the loser.
California, here we come.
-Bud Shulman
.-Bill .Siegel
Dtin iig
To the Editor:
On November thirteenth there
was printed in The Daily a reply
to a mass masculine protest con-
cerning the coeducational enroll-
ment at the University. The let-
ter, both in content and signa-
ture, appeared to come from a
feminine source, even though Miss
Judy Laikin's name is not in the
student directory. Assuming that
a co-ed did write it, one is com-
pelled to question herdefense of
the -existing male-coed ratio. It
was about as convincing as sighs
of frustration emanating from
the averagetLadahkian woman
(Ladahk, Tibet, that is).
The letter lacked, above all, sta-
tistical support. According to her,
she "knows dozens of girls who
sit home weekend after weekend
or sneak out to a show with a
girl-friend." Maybe she does, but
such information is not available
to the nonclairvoyaflt man.. This
is indicated in several places in
her letter. She says that girls
should have the privilege of put-
ting men asking for dates at the
bottom of their waiting lists, evi-
dently even if the waiting list is
English titles. Tonight and Sat.,
8:30 p.m.
SRA COFFEE HOUR: 4:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Everyone is invited.

The .German Coffee Hour:
3-4 p.m., Michigan League Coke
Bar. All interested students and
faculty members are invited.
Canterbury Chub: Open house
and tea, 4-6 p.m. at the student
center, 218 S. Division.
Roger Williams Guild: Open
House 8:30-12 midnight at the
Guild House.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday Evening Services, 7:30
p.m. at the Foundation, followed
by a fireside discussion led by Dr.
J. H. Meisel of the Department of
Political Science. Subject: "Eu-
rope-Reformation or Revolu-
tion?" Social hour. All students
are invited to attend.
Delta Epsilon Pi Orthodox So-
ciety: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall. Instructions to
delegates for Chicago convention
t( 'oi.I in<<Exd on Fate 6)

Purely ficticious. Another good
excuse to frighten away unwant-
ed masculine attention is the pre-
tense of pressing scholastic duties.
Then too, a coed must never seem
predatory, even if it means being
as affable as an icicle.
In addition to criticizing the
Michigan man for his intellectual
deficiencies ("men can be awfl
dumb"), she demands by im-
plication, the impossible in mas-
culine looks. According to her
"most girls don't look like Hedy
Lamarr; neither do most men."
It is quite obvious that women
closely approximate the ideal).
It would seem that this thorough
denunciation would be adequate.
But no. Not only does she publish
her criticism of men; she makes
it impossible for them to appear
alone on Saturday nights. None
but the more courageous males
will brave the looks of scorn and
the bitter, bitter laughs coming
from the Judy Laikins who can
well afford to snear at the over-
manned stags.
-Joseph Jones
Studlent Response
To the Editor:
At Madison last weekend we
marvelled at the Wisconsin stu-
dents' response to their cheer
leaders. With West Point preci-
siol, 20,000 voices rang out as
one, not only during Wisconsin's
few bright spots, but also when
they trailed by 34 points. During
5 home games in our huge stad-
ium, ther'e was never heard even
a faint approach to the Badger
school spirit.
Th're is no reason why our
own student body can't show its
appreciation of our champion
Wolverines in the one remaining
-Tom Friedskin
-Bob Davidson
-P. T. Austin
Lights Needed
To the Editor:
Sunday night my wife and I
had a harrowing experience. Hav-
ing nothing else to do, we started
out on foot for the center of town.
From Granger on the going was
good. As we passed the Union my
wife gave my hand a squeeze -
it looked as though we would get
to see a movie without being run
over or shot at along the way. As
we trudged through the blacken-
ing void in front of the General
Service Building, our footing be-
came increasingly precarious; and
we suddenly realized that bot-
tom was not where it should be...
My wife came up first. After
much floundering and splashing
we reached the opposite shore.
Shaking ourslves off, we squish-
ed onward through the night.
Might I suggest that the Uni-
versity do one of four things: (1)
Post a lifeguard on the scene, (2)
Put life preservers in a handy
place, (3) Mark the shallowest
route with buoys, or (4) Construct
a lighthouse or otherwise shed a
little light on the subject under
-Paul Rivard
Police State'

To the Editor:

SENATOR TAFT, replying to the
S President was somewhat rem-
iniscent of Don Quixote who
"jumped on his horse and gal-
loped madly in all directions."
However, there was one insistent
repetition-"police state."
.Just what constitutes a police
state, and how a police state
comes into existence is a matter
that defies precise definition.
However, there are three good
examples of police states in re-
cent history-Russia, Italy, Ger-
many. From the history of these
examples much can be learned.
There is a body of experience
available for the senator to use.
If the Senator would study these
examples carefully, he would dis-
cover that in each instance these
police states were able to effect a
coup-d'-etat because the govern-
ment in power failed to solve na-
tional economic problems. Again,
it wasn't b:cautse of the measures
that the Italian government used
to meet the economic needs of the
people that enabled Mussolini to
come to power. Rather it was be-
cause the Italian government,
hamstrung by short-sighted polit-
ical factions, couldn't effect- any
program that would meet the
economic problems of Italy. This
is the way police states came into
A suggestion to the senator with
regard to the enforcing body for a
measure that might enable the
government to establish a pro-
gram meeting the economic prob-
lems of this country; the consum-
ers of the nation could refuse to
buy from black marketeers. True,
this is simplified. But it is more
to the point than to say that
because a problem is difficult,
nothing should be done about it.
Would t he Senator say that the
government must not serve the








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