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November 21, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-21

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See Payee 4


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Latest Deadline in the State



Republicans Check
President's Request




Rationing and Price-Wage Controls
Not To Be Considered Immediately
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20-Republican leaders of the Senate to-
'iight virtually consigned to the scrap heap-at least for the time
5eing-President Truman's request for power to bring back rationing
and price-wage controls.
Senator Taft (R.-Ohio) said the Senate's Republican Policy
Committee, which he heads, put the two controversial proposals "at
the end of the list" of anti-inflation measures recommended by the
President and schedtiled for "immediate consideration" by the com-

This means, the Ohioan in-
dicated to reporters, that re-
vived controls and rationing are
out at least until the regular
session of Congress which begins
January 6.
The Republican leaders simul-
taneously liassed the price-curb
ball back to the President, declar-
ing after a meeting that he al-
ready has "most of the powers to
restrain inflation" and calling for
more information about the new
powers he is asking.
They said the ten points of his
anti-inflation program are worded
"in such general terms that they
cannot be clearly understood."
Taft said the Republican quest
for further information about the
President's 10 - point program
would begin tomorrow with Secre-
tary of Agriculture Anderson as
the first administration witness
before Senate-House Economic
Committee, also headed by Taft.
Taft stood firm in his opposi-
tion to new wage-price limita-
tions or rationing but said he
didn't want "to bar them abso-
lutely" from discussion during
the special session. He said prev-
iously that the Joint Economic
Committee wouldn't even dis-
cuss them at this time..
Subsequently two members of
the Joint Committee, Sparkman
(D.-Ala.), and Flanders (R.-Vt.),
said they thought rationing and
the other controls should be con-
sidered, but not necessarily ap-
proved, along with the rest of Mr.
Truman's 10-point anti-iliflation
However, the Senate Banking
Committee, which will have a ma-
jor role in presenting any anti-in-
flation, measures, decided to side-
track price-wage controls and ra-
tioning, at least until Chairman
Tobey (R.-NH), gets more data
on them from Secretary of the
Treasury Snyder in a conference
Tobey, declaring that the Amer-
ican people are "bitter and ugly"
over rising prices, told newsmen
his committee would concentrate
on four other Presidential propo-
sals-continued rent controls, re-
strictions on credit buying, tight-
ening of bank credit and perhaps
an increase in buying margins on
commodity exchanges.
"The paramount situation in the
country is prices and we in Con-
gress ought to have the guts and
the intelligence to find -a way
to meet this problem," Tobey
Unions Slow
Detroit Press
Papers Canceled as
Publishers Hit Delays
DETROIT, Nov. 20-(R)-The
Detroit Newspaper Publishers As-
sociation voiced a "demand" upon
two unions tonight to cease "slow-
down tactics" and "restore normal
operations. "
The association, official repre-
sentative of Detroit's three daily
newspapers, acted after a 48-hour
period of edition delays and can-
cellations at the Detroit Free
Press, Times, and News.,
N. W. Applegarth, executive sec-
i retary of the publishers group, ad-
dressed the "demand" to two typo-
graphical union affiliates here and
I to Woodruff Randolph, President
of the International Typograph-
ical Union.
The Detroit Times today can-
celled six of its eight editions and
the News, Detroit's other after-
noon paper, reported all its seven
editions late because of delayed
schedules in composing and mail-
ing rooms.

s * *

.. . delays action

.Lawn Student
Is Discov -3red
Dead in Room
The death of University law stu-
dent John G. Gold, 24, was pro-
nounced a suicide yesterday by
County Coroner Edwin C. Ganz-
horn, shortly after his body was,
discovered at noon in his quarters
at the Lawyers Club.
The coroner said Gold hanged
himself -and left a letter to his
parents which stated that he was
despondent over ill health. He was
a native of Yankton, South Da-
kota, and was in his first year in
law school.,
The body was discovered by
Gold's roommate, Gordon Boozer
when he returned to the room at
noon. Dr. William M. Brace of the
University Health Service was
summoned and pronounced death
at 12:25 p.m.
Before entering the University,
Gold attended Yankton high
school, Yankton College and Mi-
not State Teachers College. He
was described as an "outstanding
scholar" and entered law school
with a 3.9 average.
During the war, Gold was in a
Navy V-12 unit and later served
on a destroyer escort in both the
Atlantic and Pacific. He was a
lieutenant at the time of dis-
Gold is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gold, and his
sister, Mrs. Betty Bicknell, all of
Funeral arrangements have not
yet been completed.
AV C Presents
AM1C will bring the "Hoote-
nanny" back to town today.
Ann Arbor's second edition of
people's songs-folk music, bal-
lads and blues of many nations-
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. in
Rackham Auditorium. Bernie As-
bell, Betty Sanders, Win Stricke
and Bill Broonzy are featured in
the program.
The last remaining ti'ckets to
the "Hootenanny" will be on sale
today at the Union, the League
arid in University Hall. There will
be none available at the door.
An innovation at the new
"Hootenanny" will be the distribu-

Final Rally
To Feature
Music, Fire
Marching Band
To Lead Throng
There'll be music, marching,
fun and firelight along State
Street tonight as the student body
turns out for the final pep rally
of the season and the last big
football get-together before New
Year's Day.
A mammoth torchlight parade,
leaving the Union at 7 p.m., will
touch off the rally. Its sponsors,
the Student Legislature Varsity
Committee and the Wolverine
Club, hope a big crowd will turn
out to make it "a real tribute to
a great Michigan team."
Let's Get Out There
The parade promises to be the
noisiest in State Street's history.
The Marching Band, 100 strong,
will lead the throng with the stir-
ring fight songs of olden days.
Cheerleaders will spark the yell-
ing and motorcycle police are ex-
pected to play siren music to add
to the general din.
Once at Ferry Field, the march-
ers will surround a blazing bon-
fire and with songs and yells at-
tempt to win for their team the
favor of the football gods both for
tomorrow game with Ohio State
and "in the near future."
Ways to the Rose Bowl
Ringing oratorf by students and
coaches alike will fan the flames
of the bonfire, and Fred Matthaei,
University alumnus and sports en-
thusiast, will lecture on "99 Ways
to Get to California."
Though the fire dies down, the
temper of the rally promises to re-
main white hot' as the throng
treats the residents of Ste Street
to another liberal d.,se of old-
fashioned Michigan noice with a
furious snake dance back up the
hill, breaking up at the Union.
Although the Wolverine Club
realizes that other attractions may
tempt the student tonight, it hopes
that a rousing crowd will be on
hand at bonfire time.
Another attraction at the rally,
arranged last night, will be the ap-
pearance of some of the team's
senior players, according to Club
Bradley To Be
Chief of Staff
Truman To Make
Announcement Soon
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20-(.P)-
President Truman's announce-
ment of his selection of Gen. Omar'
Bradley as army Chief of Staff is
imminent officials said tonight.
They said the announcement
may be made tomorrow at a news
conference in which the President
also may disclose his choice of a
successor to Bradley as Veterans'
This successor is a civilian and
not a professional soldier, said
these sources, refusing to be
quoted by name.
How soon General Bradley will
step into Gen. Dwight Eisenhow-
er's shoes as Chief of Staff de-
pends on the time of Eisenhow-
er's resignation to take over the
Presidency of Columbia Univer-

Cycling Coed Hit,
Bruised by Car
Ella May Randall, University
student, suffered bruises after be-
ing knocked from her bicycle by a
car at 10 last night, the Univer-
sity Health Service reported.
The accident occurred at N.
University and Forest behind the
Archeological Museum. Ann Arbor
police took her to the Health Serv-
ice. The name of the driver who
struck her was not disclosed.


Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten knelt before the
high altar in London's Westminster Abbey in a traditionally
colorful British royal wedding. Relatives of the Princess sat at
the left and those of the bridegroom at the right.
*' * *- *
London Observers Describe
Highlights of Royal Wedding

LONDON, Nov. 20-(AP)-A lav-
endar glow of light was cast over
London late today at the moment
Princess Elizabeth and her Ducal
husband left on the Royal Train
for their honeymoon-and was ac-
cepted as a good omen by hun-
The appropriate light wes de-
scribed by air misistry meteorolo-
gists as a phenomenon, occurring
three or four times a year, be-
leved to be caused by light refrac-
tion in humid air.
* * *
At Elizabeth's request her bridal
bouquet of white orchids was
placed on the grave of the Un-
known Soldier in Westminster Ab-
bey without a public ceremony af-
ter she left on her honeymoon.
King Peter of Yugoslavia-who
is now without a crown-left some
of his clothes in Paris and found
himself without enough dress
shrts. He had to rent one from a
store specializing in that business.
The salesman took the King's
word when Peter and his aide
were withput ready money to pay
for the shirts.
* * *
Scotland Yard reported 2,500
casualties, principally those in-
jured in the crush around West-
iiinster Abbey and Buckingham
Palace, were treated by first aid
squads. Forty persons were taken
to hospitals.
Also absent was a wedding gift

Blum Agrees


from the Soviet Union. But Soviet
Ambassador George Zarubin and
Mrs. Zarubin watched the cere-
mony attentively.
Comedian Bob Hope was at the
other end-of the camera today. He
"shot" the Royal procession with
a home movie camera from a van-
tage point on Carlton House Ter-
race. Hope said it was a "real pa-
*~ * *
The butler at Broadlands, Rom-
sey, where the newlyweds will
spend their honeymoon, has his
problems. Looking over the stock
of food in the pantry, he re-
marked, "I hope they bring their
ration books with them-I had to
get the groceries on tick."
Many- Answer
Call for Blood
Vivian Wakeford, University
Hospital patient for whom The
Daily made an appeal yesterday
for blood wishes to express her
thanks to all those who offered to
make donations.
Although the hospital was be-
sieged with calls from students in-
terested in donating blood, three
pints were all that the hospital
was able to accept. Miss Wake-
ford is being given the blood in
preparation for an operation
which she is to undergo.

SRoyal Couple
Begins Quiet
Wedding Trip
Arrive in Hampshire
After Nuptial Rites
By The Associated Press
ROMSEY, Hampshire, England,
Nov. 20-Dinner was ready and
cherry log fires cracked in many
rooms of Broadlands Mansion to-
night when the royal newlyweds,
Princess Elizabeth and Prince
Philip, stepped from a shining
limousine into the privacy of their
The 6,000 inhabitants of this
south English town, 10 miles
northwest of Southampton, turned
out en masse to give the royal
couple one last cheer before Eliz-
abeth and Pli'lip, fatigued by the
long wedat'rg ceremony, the re-
ception and the journey from Lon-
don, entered Earl Mountbatten's
extensive country home.
Mountbatten lent the estate to
his nephew for the first two weeks
of the one-month honeymoon. The
last two weeks will be spent at
Balmoral, Scotland, site of a royal
The Curious Villagers
The last mile of the drive was
under the glare of floodlights and
the stares of polite but curious
villagers, some even perched in
trees. As the limousine purred up
to the Palmerston gate of Broad-
lands at 6:30 p.m., the residents
let go with their cheer.
The little town which was so de-
termined not to disturb the soli-
tude of the honeymooners finally
hit upon a way to extend its offi-
cial welcome. It was done by a
16-year-old girl on a bicycle, Beryl
Stone, who pedalled up to the
mansion in the afternoon and de-
livered a typed greeting.
The royal wing of the great
Georgian estate-the greater part
of the home has been turned into a
hospital in which 74 patients are
being care for-was gay with red
and purple chrysanthemums, and
both the drawing and dining
rooms conveyed an intimacy and
quiet informality rare in such
large establishments.
Frank Randall, th 68-year-old
butler, impeccable in a blue frock
coat with gilt buttons and a velvet
collar, served the simple dinner
prepared by the cook, Mrs. Mary
The First Dinner
Sherry was served with a thick
soup. Then followed chicken and
a few vegetables from the home
farm. Ice cream and a 1941 vin-
tage champaign completed the
The honeymooners, so far as is
known, have few engagements.
They are expected to attend
church services at the ancient
abbey here Sunday morning and
later that day will again face
scores of photographers for hon-
eymoon photographs. The rest
of the time is their own.
Resale of Football
Tickets To Be Held
Non-Student football tickets for
the Michigan-Ohio State game
will be accepted for resale from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow at the
Union travel desk
Tickets will be sold at face value.
However, the Union does not guar-
antee sale of all tickets accepted.
If tickets are sold, the former

owner will receive a cashier's
check in the mail by Friday.

... next vice-premier?
Students Map
Plan To Keep
Rent Control
Several of the most influential
student organizations on campus
met yesterday in the Union to
map plans for a fight to halt re-
laxation of rent controls in Wash-
tenaw County.
Plans were laid for testimony to
be presented at the Rent Advis-
ory Board's open hearing slated
for next Monday night in Wash-
tenaw County Courthouse. Dele-
gates co-ordinated factual inf or-
mation gathered thus far relevant
to the rent question,
Antonofsky Lashes Out
George Antonofsky, an AVC
spokesman, bitterly lashed out at
any move to decontrol rent here.
He declared that decontrol here is
inconceivable and would result in
wild hysteria with hard pressed
tenants bidding rents upward.
A delegate representing tenants
at Pittsfield Village revealed plans
to testify at the meeting in be-
half of his group.
Jack Geist, AVC chairman, re-
vealed that more than 1,100 stu-
dents have signed two giant post-
cards protesting rent decontrol.
The giant postcard will be pre-
sented to the Rent Advisory Board
at the open hearing.
Shaffer's Plans
Ed Shaffer, MYDA chairman,
revealed that his group plans to
present a chart illustrating the
Ann Arbor housing situation at
the open hearing. Charts graph-
ically portraying other aspects of
the rent and housing situation are
also being prepared by the AVC.
At yesterday's co-ordinating
meeting also were delegates from
Assembly, IRA, the Student Leg-
islature, and interested students.
Tickets Asked
For Veterans
Students unable to use their
Ohio State game tickets are re-
quested to donate them to hos-
pitalized veterans of the Veterans
Readjustment Center and the
Percy Jones Hospital.
Tickets brought to the AVC of-
fice in Rm. 306 of the Union by
noon today will be channeled to
the veterans, Jack Geist, AVC
chairman announced.
(Under a special ruling of the
athletic office's ticket bureau, stu-
dent tickets held by such vet-
erans will be honored at the
Engineer Petitions
Must Be in Today
Nominating petitions for the

Paul Reynaud
Seen as Next
Vice Premier
Railwaymen Strike,
Troops Keep Order
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 20-President Vin-
cent Auriol recalled 140,000 con-
scripts to the Army late tonight
and announced that 75-year-old
Leon Blum had agreed to try to
form a new government of "public
safety" to deal with a Communist-
inspired labor crisis.
Blum, twice a pre-war premier
and head of the short caretaker
regime between the provisional
government and the fourth repub-
lic, will go before the National As-
sembly tomorrow to ask for con-
firmation of his appointment.
If he succeeds in winning 310
votes, a majority of the 619
members, he will set about or-
ganizing a cabinet which it was
reported would be widely repre-
sentative of French political
Political sources believed Paul
Reynaud, independent Rightist
who was France's last pre-Vichy
premier, would be vice premier.
With more than 500,000 coal
miners, metal workers, longshore-
men, flour millers and railwaymen
on strike, more due to walk out to-
morrow and Monday, and the na-
tion's coal stockpile reduced to
dangerous level, the President to-
day appealed for calm. At the
same time the government recalled
to the colors, part of the 1947 mili-
tary class to bring the army up to
"normal strength."
Half of the 1947 contingent,
not due to be demobilized until
next spring, was freed a few
months ago to provide man-
power for agriculture and indus-
Railwaymen in Marseille walked
off their jobs as the National Rail-
waymen's Union decided to sup-
port other strikers in demands for
salary advances. There still was
no indication, however, that a na-
tion-wide railway strike would be
Special security guards of troops
and police maitained posts at
strategic parts of Paris and at
Marseille to prevent any disorder
resulting from the government
crisis arising from the resignation
last night of Socialist Premier
Paul Ramadier after 10 stormy
months in office.
French Strikes
To Have Little
Basic Effect?
The Communist inspired wave
of strikes and riots in France and
Italy will probably not result in
a basic change in either govern-
ment at the present time, accord-
ing to Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department.
Changes in the personnel of the
French government have already
taken place, and more are expect-
ed in both France and Italy, Prof.
Slosson said. "But these changes
will not be in the direction of the
"The series of outbreaks by the
Communists in Europe at this time
For another analysis of the
French and Italian crises see a

report by J. M. Roberts, Asso-
ciated Press Foreign Affairs An-
alyst on page 6.
is obviously an attempt by Mos-
cow to head off the Marshall
Plan," he added.
Prof. Slosson said that if Con-
gress acted promptly in approv-
ing aid to Europe through the
Marshall Plan, the governments
in those countries might he stah-


Cabinet, Troops Called
In French Labor Crisis

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
NANKING, Friday, Nov. 21-,China began voting today in its first
national election in history with a general air of apathy toward this
initial use of the ballot under a new constitution.
NEW YORK, Nov. 20-Secretary of the Treasury John W.
Snyder said tonight he believed "tax reduction feasible and proper
after we have met certain necessary prerequisite obligations."
* * * *
ROME, Nov. 20-The week-old drive of Italian leftists to unseat
Premier Alcide De Gasperi by strikes and disturbance diminished in
violence somewhat today.
* * , *
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20-Armed with a fresh expression of
President Truman's "utmost confidence," Secretary of State Mar-
shall left today for a new "Big Four" effort at London to reach
agreement on a European peace settlement.
* * *
LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 20-Britain refused today to share respon-
sibility for the Palestine mandate with a United Nations Commission
and thus rejected one of the main props under an elaborate plan for
creating independent Arab and Jewish countries.

Admiral Byrd Cites Field f or Further Explorations


ment's taking over in the once in-

vealed that the Russians were also

corded at the coldest spot thus far

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