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November 20, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-20

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THURSA,. N&VEMBE R 20, 1947


Fifty-Eighth Year

Domeslite Cnioas

Edted and managed by students of the Un-
verity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell...............Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Clyde Reht ..........................City Editr
Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider...............Finance Manager
Lida Dailes .......................Asscicate Editor
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dnick Kraus ......................Sport s Editor
Bob Lent..............AssociateSports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Worthy System
THE CONDUCT of the recent Congression-
al investigations of the Howard Hughes
airplane contracts and the "Communists in
Hollywood" has brought unjust criticism of
the institution of Congressional inquiry it-
self, extending even to the suggestion that
the policy be abolished.
While criticism of the two investiga-
tions mentioned above undoubtedly is jus-
tified, any generalizations about all con-
gressional investigations drawn from
these two instances do not stand up un-
der further study.
Congressional investigation is an inte-
gral part of the American system of gov-
ernment. One of the surest checks against
political or economic manipulations in the
government by the party in power is the
knowledge that, when the opposition party
takes over, a Congressional committee com-
posed of a majority of members who are
out for the scalp of the recently vanquish-
ed party will sift all the details of the pre-
ceeding administration which might dis-
credit it.
Congressional investigations uncovered
the Tea-Pot-Dome oil scandle of the
twenties. Early in the war, Congression-
al inquiries into the state of our war
production did much to help gear our
industries to war output.
Although almost every Congressional in-
quiry that has ever been instituted by Con-
gress has been laughed off at one time or
another, they have resulted in some very
constructive policies in many cases.
This is the case for Congressional in-
vestigating committees. Against this can
be placed only the blunderings of a couple
of individual Congressmen who are at
the present time busily engaged in mak-
ing fools of themselves and discredit-
ing' the Congress as a whole.
A revamping of the rules under which
Congressional committees conduct inves-
tigations is needed, not the abandonment of
a system that has proved its worth many
times in the past.
-Al Blumrosen

At Lydia Mendelssohn -..'
dina and Vladimir Kazanovich.
THE DANCING that takes place in Rus-
sian Ballerina is reported to be right out
of the top drawer and, not being much of
a ballet fan myself, I should be the last
to dispute it. Most of its pirouetting is done
by three young ladies -- Galina Ulanova,
Maria R.edina, and Nadia Yastrebova --
whose names would probably look impres-
sive on any billboard. They appear in a
generous sampling of well-phiotographed
scenes from Swan Lake and The Sleeping
Beauty, as well as in several back-stage se-
The plot around which these sequences
were built, however, left me heavy-lidded
and yawning. It dealt with the frustrations
of a tenor who had the misfortune to fall

THE PRESIDENT has asked for price
ceilings, rationing, wage control and a
number of other measures to. keep us level
while we help Europe, and so the chips are
down. From now on the congressional sit-
uation will resemble what happens in a
glass of water when you throw one of those
drug store effervescing tablets in.
Whoosh! For it seems clear that many
leading Republicans, and conservatives
generally, are going to react not cere-
brally but chemically to what the Presi-
dent has said.
For they are torn, torn as a man may
be torn between two maidens. On the one
hand they want to help Western Europe,
and to keep the hated Communists out.
On the other hand,they want freedom from
controls in the United States. They want
What theqy ~...a
* A bout Trumnns Program
MR. TRUMAN called on Congress - and
himself - to backtrack on the "fill 'er
up" attitude they both adopted at the war's
end, when controls were lifted long before
our economy or the world's economy were
So with inflationary fears of the 1946
OPA fight realized, and the bubble close
to the bursting point, President Truman
asked for authority to impose "selective"
ceilings on wages and prices and to revive
consumer rationing, if necessary.. This
authority must be granted, he said, if our
our economy is to withstand the infla-
tion that "threatens our entire program
of foreign aid."
Republicans and some Democrats in both
houses were unconvinced. Some objected
to the tactics, calling them "dictatorial."
Others saw in Mr. Truinai's proposals a
"'mre colossal Office of Price Administra-
tion." Still others in Congress seemed to
feel that the price spiral just doesn't exist,
and no action i necessary.
Two of the nation's leading Republican
newspapers take opposing views in criticiz-
ing the President's speech.
the speech is but another indication of
the incompetence of Mr. Truman and his
party. The "World's Greatest Newspaper,"
says, " .. . the true cure, the only real cure
for the inflation that the New Deal has
brought on, is an enormous reduction in
government spending. Everything else is
fraud and quackery . . . Anyone who is gen-
uinely concerned to keep prices from getting
out of hand will not advocate the further
inflation which will result from foreign
loans, nor will he urge enormous increases
in the amount of goods this country exports
against the loans it makes."
criticized the President for not being
sufficiently blunt. "He almost apologetical-
ly presented an inflation control program
which can hardly be escaped, but which is
certainly drastic enough . . . to have de-
manded a maximum of boldness, frank-
ness and precision in its presentation."
For some curious reason, continues the
Herald-Tribune, "the President all but di-
vorced inflation control from the European
aid program. Although the intimate rela-
tion between the two constitutes the strong-
est argument for both . . . the President
chose to separate them."
His program, the editorial declares, "Is
a moderate, even a minimum program for
any real attack upon inflation; unless ap-
plied with vigor and consistency it will be
largely useless."
* * *
THE DAILY WORKER, seeningly oblivi-
ous of the President's message, calling
for rationing and price control, goes off
on its own tack condemning Mr. Truman's
" . . refusal to give price relief to the

American people (which is) matched by his
refusal to provide real non-political re-
relief . . . to all war ravaged lands without
strings . . . He didn't ask Congress to roll
back prices. Nor did he urge any kind of
effective price control on food, clothing and
fuel," concluded the Worker.
* * * *'
some productive debate in Congress on
the President's program - "debate pro-
ductive of some really sound conclusions re-
garding the acute problem of inflation and
how best to deal with that problem before
it is too late."
For it is foolish, says the Gazette, to pre-
tend that this problem does not exist or that
we can "safely let it ride the way it has
been going for more than a year now-. .
to call the President's control proposals un-
welcome and distasteful is not enough. If
those proposals are rejected . . . let us hope
that the collective wisdom of Congress and
the administration and the American busi-
ness community will devise some acceptable
means of combatting an inflationary peril
which is, beyond question, all too real."
H EARST PAPERS about the nation, in a
uniform editorial, warn their readers

both. They sigh over each pretty picture
in turn, and make little cooing noises to it,
and kiss it, and will give neither up. Nev-
er! No! No! No!
Some of the more wide-eyed elements
among the conservatives not only want
to help remodel Europe along free enter-
prise lines, while allowing prices here to
churn freely upward at will, producing
inflated profits, but they also, and in
addition, want substantial tax cuts. These
are the ones who are really drooling.
We must also expect a certain amount of
four-flushing to show itself. There will be
those who will say hotly that they are for
the Marshall Plan, but that it can be car-
ried out without the imposition of price
ceilings and rationing at home.
As a matter of fact, the Marshall Plan
cannot be carried out without these con-
trols; we cannot swim seven to eight bil-
lions of dollars of fat each year off our
economy without raising prices wildly,
and bringing the real domestic cost of the
Marshall Plan up to three or four times
the actual appropriated cost.
Men who take the line that we can avoid
controls will not really be for the Marshall
Plan at all. They may say they are; they
may even think they are, but they cannot
really be said to want it, just as no man
can be said really to want an article for
which he is unwilling to pay the price.
Here a warning suggests itself. Many
of those who will oppose the President's
rather mild and limited system of con-
trols may be remembering 1946 too well,
the year when everybody was loaded, and
when getting a steak was life's chief prob-
lem. The~re has been a year and a half
of sobering and thinning inflation since
then. Enemies of price control may be
shocked when they reach out for the
unexpected applause, and fail to get it.
For the President could have played the
four-flushing game, too. It is part of the
mystery of democratic process that the peo-
ple may react to the courage he showed in
his message to Congress, that they will get
it, and that they will turn to him with a
confidence which the more jaunty lads, in-
cluding the four-flushers, can not inspire.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Modern 'Art'
IN VIEWING the current exhibition of
Dutcl paintings in the University's Art
Gallery we were impressed by how clearly
the true function of the painters of this
period is revealed: to portray unquestion-
ingly the life of the burgher and his family.
Nothing too searching, but smply an
indication of the surface qualities of one
segment of a society is the result of their
efforts. Amusing incidents of a general
nature, such as Jan Steen's "Drunken
Girl" form their material; attractive in-
teriors, as well as Biblical and historical
events represented completely in terms
of their own society is what they have
This started us wondering who or what in
our society performs this function. Certainly
not the newspaper cameraman. He is in-
terested only in the immediate. An event's
pertinence is measured by what degree it
departs from the unusual, not by what light
it may shed for future historians or an-
We could establish no connection, for
our purposes between the modern artist,
exhibited on 57th Street in New York and
in our other cultural centers, with those
of 16th century Holland. Our contempo-
raries are no longer interested in record-
ing what men see, or even what they be-
lieve they see. Instead, they attempt to
portray the emotions occurring within
men. A completely different matter.
Even a snore searching artisan like pho-
tographer Alfred Steglitz has little sociolog-
ical intents. Ile aims for something else,
something whicl is more akin to "modern
art" than to an exact record.
Only in portraiture do we find that

which might be considered an equivalent
of a Ter Borch or a Netscher. Men like
Karsch, inject exactly as much commen-
tary into their photographs of statesmen,
or society women, as Rembrandt did in
his work.
It becomes obvious that it is pnly in our
motion pictures that we will find the most
complete parallel. In Hollywood our life is
represented on the same level of inclusive-
ness as the painters of the 16th and 17th
century recorded theirs.
Using interesting compositions and
pleasing tones of black and white, or
color, the pleasantries of these societies
are projected on canvas. Attractive wom-
en in painstakingly designed and execut-
ed costumes of great beauty, amusing but
uninsPired incidents, gorgeous scenic
views and lush household interiors. The
humans that people each of these two
canvases are all very much the same, in
appearance, in action and in dimension.
Thus in two widely separated periods, life
is represented in the same manner and to
the same extent.
-Arthur H. Friedman.

Our Infliwuece
nally throw n down the g;aunt-
let to the Republican-dominated
80th Congress.
Abashed by the iog treatment
accorded his Administration by
this Congress since it bowed to
the will of monopoly-controlled
big business interests and scrapped
price controls, Truman assiduous-
ly avoided calling for direct and
unequivocal action to stem the
rising tide of America's runaway
inflation. With tongue-in-cheek.
he joined Sen. Taft in exhorting
the American people to force
prices down by conserving food.
Public response to this circum-
ventive approach to this increas-
ingly ominous problem was apa-
thetic and prices continued to
spiral upward.
Meanwhile, the angry mutter-
ings of the people grew in vol-
ume with the result that not
even the President could remain
insensate to the public demand
for a frontal attack on infla-
tion. In response, he went be-
fore this hostile Congress and
demanded that the Government
be given the authority to insti-
tute price, credit, rationing and
wage controls whenever and
wherever the Administration be-
lieved voluntary action to curb
prices had been willfully ob-
structed or had prosed ineffec-
Led by Sen. Taft and Speaker
Martin, Republican leaders imme-
diately launched a bitter attack
on Truman's program. Sen. Taft
warned that government regula-
tion of the nation's economy
would lead to totalitarianism.
However, he neglected to point
out that more comprehensive and
stringent controls than the Pres-
ident urged the Congress to enact
were successfully employed dur-
ing World War IT from which the
people emerged with their freedom
Nor did Taft admit when he
declared that domestic inflation
could be stemmed by curtailing
foreign aid that unless rationing
is revived and Americans share
their food and machinery with
a prostrate world, millions of
people will perish of starvation
during the coming year.
Moreover, Republican spokes-
men who cited the failure of la-
bor and watered down post-war
price controls to increase pro-
duction and prevent rising prices,
failed to state that efforts to ex-
pand productivity were frustrated
by the steadfast refusal of steel
and other industrial giants to en-
large their plant capacity or that
the cattle and meat packing in-
terests who blackmailed the
American people into junking the
OPA by curtailing meat shipments
were largely responsible for price
Furthermore, Taft and his co-
horts did not reveal that while
the American standard of liv-
ing and the rehabilitation of
war-torn foreign nations is be-
ing undermined and imperiled
by exorbitant prices, big bus-
iness is reaping the greatest
profits in our history.
In view of Truman's statement
several weeks ago that "all forms
of government economic controls
are weapons of a police state," we
cannot deny that the President's
espousal of a strong anti-infla-
tionary program may have been
motivated by political opportun-
ism. If the Republicandmajority
in Congress fails to adopt his
program and the present price in-
flationary trend is not checked,
the President will have a strong
talking point on which to base
his campaign for reelection in

Despite this possibility, how-
ever, the fact remains that Tru-
man has presented the only pro-
gram which can bring prices
down and secure our living
standards. His political motives
may be reprehensible, but Amer-
icans must support his pro-
posals with all their intelligence
and energy if the Congress is
to be bludgeoned into a com-
plete acceptance of this anti-
inflationary program.
Unless we the people exert the
full pressure of our influence to
force this entire plan through
Congress, an economic "catas-
trophe" that will cause the last
depression to pall into piddling in-
significance awaits us.
-Joe Frein.
T[HE CRISIS in Europe will be a
long-term crisis only if that
ruling class which the European
masses no longer accept is so am-
ply supported by America that it
is able either to stage a counter-
revolution or to postpone the
achievement of stability until, as
in Nazi Germany, the masses turn
to some demagogue like Hitler in
the hope that he will provide the
basis of a new equilibrium.
-Harold J. Laski,
in The Nation.

Publication in The Daily Official
fuletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
ThURSDAY, Nov. 20, 1917
VOL. LVIII, No. 51
Veterans: According to a recent
Veterans Administration regula-
tion, veterans enrolled under Pub-
lic Law 346 who plan to interrupt
their training at the conclusion of,
the present Fall Semester will re-
ceive subsistence payments for an,
additional fifteen days beyond the,
effective date of their official in-
terruption of training. Conse-
quently, fifteen days of eligibility
time will be deducted from their
remaining entitlement.
It should be emphasized that
this procedure is automatic, in
that payment will be made and
entitlement reduced accordingly,
unless a veteran notifies the Vet-
erans Administration, in writing,
thirty days prior to the close of
the Fall Semester. This does not
apply to veterans who are re-en-
rolling for the Spring Semester.
It is the responsibility of the
veteran who does not desire the
extension of subsistence benefits
to notify the Veterans Adminis-
tration no later than January 7,
1948. Veterans who desire the fif-
teen days extension are not re-
quired to give any notice. Veter-
ans who accept the additional fif-
teen days will have their eligibil-
ity ime reduced by that time
The following form is suggested
nor notifiication: "This is to noti-
fy you that 1 will interrupt my
training at the University of
Michigan at the end of the Fall
Semester, February 7, 1948. h do
not desire the fifteen days exten-
sion of subsistence allowances.
Signature, "C" Number, Reference,
"C" Number, Reference DT7AGB
TM." The notification should be
sent to Registration and Research
Section, Michigan Unit, Veterans
Administration, Guardian Build-
ing, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit
26, Michigan.
All Senior single men living in
Willow Run dormitories may ap-
ply for Residence Hall accommo-
dations for the second semester in
Rm. 2, University Hall on Nov.
20, 21, 22.
All Junior and Senior single
men who are living at Willow Run
and are residents of the State of
Michigan are'eligible to apply for
Residence Hall accommodations
for the second semester in Rm. 2,
University Hall on Nov. 20.
All student organizations who
have not previously submitted a
list of members are requested to do
so immediately. Lists should be
submitted to the Office of Student
Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall.
Pre-Football guest luncheons
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and
after game open houses from 5 to
7 p.m. held in organized student
residences will be approved chap-
eroned or unchaperoned provided
they are announced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date.
All women students attending
the Pan-Hellenic Ball on Nov. 21
have 1:30 a.m. permission. Call-
ing hours will not be extended.
All Engineering Students inter-
ested in an opportunities of the
Civil Engineer Corps, Regular
Navy, may obtain information

from Comdr. A. C. Husband, CEC,
USN, at North Hall, Thurs., Nov.
Application for Admission to
the Graduate School for the Sec-
ond Semester: Students in other
schools and colleges who will
graduate, and who wish to
graduate, and who -may wish to
enter the Graduate School the
second semester, must submit
their applications for admission
by December 15 in order to be
given consideration. The crowded
condition in the University has
placed limitations upon the num-
ber that may be admitted.
The Victor Chemical Company
will have a representative at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 A-
son Hall, Fri., Nov. 21, to inter-
view chemists (B.S., M.S., and
PhD.), and chemical engineers,
both seniors and graduates. Call
extension 371 for appointments.
Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd


i i

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
Prints every letter to the editor re-s
ceived (which is signed, 300 wordst
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the viewst
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Food BIludget
To the Editor:
Wilson in Saturday's "Daily"
showed a rather specious analysis
of the food situation in the Quads.r
His basic point was that the din-r
ing halls MUST operate withint
a fixed budget of $1.50 a day per
person, which is either a mis-
understanding of the facts or an
outright lie.t
Very few people eat all twenty-1
ine meals a week in the Quad.
The University knows this andi
they base their price of $1050 at
week on an average they hae
set, which is well under twenty-
one. This means that their brd-t
get 15 NOT $1.50 a day, but a
figure well above that;,t least
(my estimate $1.75.
Contrary to Mr .Wilson's ill-
arrived at conclusions, the food1
gripes WERE caused by the' stu-i
dents' realizations of the circum- I
stances of the situation.
-Herb Weingarten
lDiscrin ation.
To the Editor:
IN ANN ARBOR, a college town
town that supposedly looks
down upon racial and religious
discrimination, there is still at
least one place which Negroes are
not allowed to enter.
Saturday evening a group of
four - two Negroes and two
whites - - went to the IRollerdrome1
Skating Rink in Ann Arbor. The
two Negroes were refused admis-
sion. A "private party" was in
progress. The others could have
gotten in had they wanted to.
Since when are private skating
pa ties held on a. Saturday night?
Is this rink really so prosperous
that it can afford to limit its at-
tendance on p, date night?
As members of a university in
which discrimination is condemn-
ed, situated in a country where
discrimination is SUPPOSEDLY
condemned, it is our duty to pro-
test such behavior. It is our duty
will present an illustrated lecture,
"Discovery" tonight at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium as the third number
on the 1947-48 Lecture Course.
Pictures from his many polar ex-
plorations will be shown, including
scenes from his most recent trip
last winter. Tickets are on sale
today at the Auditorium box of-
fice from 10-1 and 2-8:30 p.m.
University Lecture: Mon-
sieur R. Jasinski, Professor of
French Literature, University of
Paris, will lecture on the subject,
"Les generations litteraires" (in
French), at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov.
20, Kellogg Auditorium; auspices
of the Department of Romance
University Lecture: Carroll L.
Shartel, Professor of Psychology,
and Chairman of ,the Personnel
Research Board, Ohio State Uni-
versity, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Some Problems in Studying
Leadership," at 4:15 p.m., Thurs.,
Nov. 20, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
University Lecture: Dr. Carle-
ton Sprague Smith, chief of the
Music Section of the New York
Public Library, will lecture on the
subject "Brazilian Architecture"

(illustrated), Mon., Oct. 24, 4:15
pA., Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. The public is invited.
Mr. Henry L. Logan, Fellow of
the American Institute of Electri-
cal Engineers, Manager of Dept.
of Applied Research of the Holo-
phane Company, Inc., of New York,
will speak on "Light for Living," at
4:15 p.m., Architecture Auditorium;
Thurs., Nov. 20. The public is in-
Academic Notices
Zoology Seminar: Thurs., Nov.
20, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Anphi-
theatre. Mr. James B. Kitzmiller
will speak on "The lag of differ-
entiation of wings and related
structures behind their determina-
tive in the aphid Macrosiphum
sanborni (Gillette)."
Seminar on Complex Variables:
Thurs., Nov. 20, 3 p.m., Rm. 3017,
Angell Hall. Mr. Lapidus will

--if need be - to boycott this
rink until -its policies are altered.
Only then can a supposition be
turned into a reality.
-Karen Guber,
-Abe Tersoff
-Eve C. Cohen
--'arol Gallancy
To the Editor:
WHY IS IT that on the faculties
of this University we have so
many brilliant men and yet so
many poor teachers? Why is it
Ihat a man who can write a high-
grade research article cannot, or
will not organize a Food class dis-
cussion? If our University was set
up primarily to provide instrue-
tion, whv has this function been
so often subordinated to the gain-
ing of a national scholarly repu-
It is my understanding that th
University requires such a -reputa-
tion as a requisite for promotion
to assocate p'ofessor . .. But what
of those staff members who are
just not interested in teaching?
Their pupils are quick to sense
this lack, and a loss of enthus-
id sm for their courses inevitably
ensues. Such men are found in
all departments and yet nothing
seems to be done ...
When discussing this situation,
the pupil is usually admonished
to "get the subject yourself." I
maintain that a proper job of
absorbing a new field of knowl-
edge is an impossibility without
the willing aid of a teacher. . .
The functions of the teacher are:
to organize his subject matter,
emphasizing important relation-
ships; to attempt to endow his
students with scholarly interests
which will enable them to know
how and where to proceed in fur-
ther study after formal training
has been completed .. .
What reforms are indicated? 1.
Further increases in teacher's sal-
aries so that they need not depend
on payment for research articles
to maintain an adequate living
standard. 2. More worth assessed
to excellence of teaching methods
and some supervision thereof. 3.
Separation of the teaching and
research functions so that men
may be hired for either purpose
and may, for stated periods,
change from the one to the other.
-Donald B. Hirsch.
speak on the elliptic functions of
Carillon Recital: Final program
in the fall series will be presented
by Percival Price, University Caril-
lonneur, at 7:15 this evening. Pro-
gram: Early Clavier Works, Selec-
tions from Freischutz, by Wueber;
Variations on an Air for Carillon,
by Simmermacher, folk songs ,ar-
ranged by Brahms, and a group of
popular music.
Atomic Energy: Association of
U. of M. Scientists calls to the at-
tention of its members, and any
others who may be interested, the
exhibit on atomic energy, its sci-
entific and political implications,
now on display at the Ann Arbor
High School.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Items Relating to the Dutch Set-
tlements in Michigan," through
November 28, 160 Rackham Bldg.
Daily, 8-5; Sunday 2-5.
Events Today
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting for
pledges and members, 7:30 p.m.,

}Rm._ 315, Michigan Union.
Phi Kappa Phi: Members from
other chapters desiring to affili-
ate with the U. of M. Chapter,
please communicate with the sec-
retary, Judith M. Jimenez, Univ.
Health Service.
Theta Sigma Phi: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Editorial Room, Haven Hall.
Plans for fashion show and for
trip to Chicago will be discussed.
The Student Federalists will
present the Michigan Debate
Team at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 319, Mich-
ipan Union. Topic: "World Fed-
ration Now
F ohi fing the debate there will"
be a panel d icusion by foreign
tAdent on World Government as
part of International Student's
Day ceremonies.
Quarterdeck: Picture for 'En-
;Ian to b: taken at the Naval Tank,
Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m.,
Pm., 2208, Angel Hall. Discussio:
of French Symbolists and of Con-
tempor ary Criticism.
C nI'I I) fteaan Com 'rion of

Letters to the Editor



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