FRMAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1947 FAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY I Fifty-Eighth Year ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Report from Europe BILL MAULDIN fi Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus . .. . .................. . ... Sports Editor Bob Lent ................. Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ................. Women's Editor Betty Steward .........Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick ................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman ......... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider ...............Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Night Editor: Joan Katz Action on Prices? PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S congressional conference called for next Monday leaves the man with prices on his mind speculating, hopeful and somewhat dubious. The conference is swathed in chiffon mys- tery - no one seems to know exactly who is attending, what the agenda will be and if the all-important special session of Congress will be called. Yet the amateur political detective is doing some important guessing and allowing himself some indulgence by hoping. The guess is that the conference will dwell, perhaps, on the high cost of living, a fact which is no longer lodged statistically in Washington files. Those of us who eat and buy clothes have drawn not too subtle com- parisons between one of the better known congressional leader's solution for the crisis and one well-known French economist's, and find something similarly lacking in both. Prices are at the stage where we are being hit where it hurts the most. A special ses- sion of Congress is about due on this prob- lem-therein lies our hope. Whether va- cationing Congressmen experiencing high prices will try to pull other phony solutions or debate about who's to blame instead of providing a realistic program of stabiliza- tion is a question which arouses that uneasy feeling, familiar in these days. Though some of us feel that domestic high prices are not as importantly related to the European crisis as so many "experts" are loudly protesting, nevertheless, action on the situation in Europe is well worth a special session. Whether we will use our power as another weapon against the "iron curtain" or as a sincere instrument of humanitarian aid is another mystery. Because we are not in a financial position to imitate Congressional leaders, we cannot afford to sit at home, chewing the fat and deploring the high cost of living. The Ameri- can people are strong enough to make their protests count, in view of the coming elec- tions. The sooner we act, the sooner we will be able to make our dollars count. -Lida Dailes Margin of Survival THE ADVENT of the biggest sports year the nation has ever known, with two million persons expected to witness Big Nine football games alone, leads one to wonder whether the similarity between athletics to- day and the tremendous spectacles of an- cient Rome is merely a superficial resem- blance. It is true that more people participate in sports in this country today than anywhere else-ever, while the popular participation in Roman panoramas was limited to slaves and other inferiors. But it is also true that, at the same time the Roman leaders were en- tertaining the Roman mob, the veterans of Rome's wars were descending on the Roman capital with demands for compensation for their years in service, exactly as the veter- ans' groups of World War IL and to a less extent, of World War II, have done. This is not to disparage veterans orath- letes as such; the point is that conditions exist today, as they existed in the days of Rome, which make it likely or even neces- sary that people behave in similar ways. One factor that exists today, which was conspicuously absent during the decline of ,o ;ca lamrni+frmedi nolitcainmteli- By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER THE SUMMARY of the final report on needs from the sixteen European coun- tries should make Congress' willingness to grant the required funds a sure thing. Admittedly,' the report reveals that the spirit of inter-cooperation among the six- teen still leaves something to be desired. The fact is, socialism as practiced by modern na- tional states, isolates them far more than capitalism. State planners find international cooperation a difficult task. We ought therefore feel no surprise that the sixteen balk at really effective mea- sures like a customs union, that they offer only a "move" toward the standardization of mining and electrical supplies and freight cars, mere "examination" of the advantages of railway pooling and just "interchange of information" by the steel producing countries (instead of stern in- Blood or Oil? 0 N THE dockside at Hamburg, the ghosts of Hitler, Striecher and Himmler must have danced with unrestrained joy as a few thousand Jews, tragic remnants of millions who had inhabited Europe, those who sur- vived the horrors of the concentration camps and escaped the crematoriums, were forcibly returned to the graveyard of their people. For a parallel to the British Government's brutal treatment of the 4400 Exodus 1947 refugees, one must recall the inhumanity and barbarism of the Nazis. Democratic peopli's of the world who fought the greatest of wars to end the op- pression of the weak by the strong wish to know what individual or political force is morally responsible for this monstrous crime against humanity. Is the British of- ficer on board the Ocean Vigour when it was unloaded at Hamburg who confided to a reporter: "Today I am ashamed of my uniform," blameworthy? Obviously not, for he and the soldiers of the Sherwood Forest regiment were merely carrying out orders. If personal culpability is to be evaluated, the heaviest moral blame must be placed on Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin and Prime Minister Clement Atlee. Bevin, the rough and tumble labor leader who has consist- ently repudiated the fundamental ideals of socialism, was immediately responsible for this tragic incident. Atlee, the erstwhile so- cial worker and former secretary of J. Ram say MacDonald who also betrayed the La- bor Party of Britain and almost succeeded in destroying it nearly two decades ago, si- lently condoned Bevin's cruel and relentless determination to drive these innocent vic- tims of Nazi oppression back to the land which still reeks with the nauseating stench of the crematoriums. - In the final judgement, however, Ameri- can officialdom, by its failure to exert the tremendous pressure of which it is capable to prevent this crime and force Britain to accept UNSCOP's report calling for the im- mediate entry of 150.000 Jews into Palestine, stands condemned with greater guilt. While the people of the Exodus were being re- turned to Hamburg, the acting Secretary of State Robert Lovett claimed not to have the facts necessary to take effective action. Fol- lowing their forced disembarkation, Secre- tary of State Marshall revealed that a pro- test registered by this government with the British had been ignored. Who can be fooled by this brutal pretence of impotency? When Britain prepared to remove her troops from Greece, policy mak- ers in the State Department ordered the British to wait until the United States was ready to replace her there and the British waited. Time and again, the U.S.A. has ef- fectively demonstrated that our billions for loans, tariffs and Truman Doctrines are powerful weapons which even the British must respect, once we make up our minds to employ them. Through the Balfour Declaration, the in- ternational agreement which gave Palestine to Britain in mandate and the report of the Anglo-American Commission last year, the United States has committed itself in for- mal documentation to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. In spite of these official avowals, hypocritical American "statesmen" have reneged on their pledges to sulpport the ideal of a Jewish homeland by actively supporting Arabian feudal lords in their unrelenting opposition to the deep aspirations of the Arab masses to harmon- ize their interests with the Jews. Is it surprising then, that when our Con- gressmen return from abroad they report great distrust of and antagonism for the United States among foreign peoples? No, for America can expect to hold the faith and trust of all freedom-loving men and women only by demonstrating through effective ac tion that it sincerely believes a drop of blood is infintely more valuable than a drop of oil. -Joe Frein WOULD-BE government planners assume that anything would be better than an- other majcr depression-even the coercion that would be required to effectuate their plans to prevent it. They base their assump- tion on the unwarranted belief that state planning has succeeded in the Soviet Union. It has succeeded, they fondly imagine, be- cause there is even less unemployment in the ternational rationing of the insufficient, supplies of coke). Nonetheless, the report discloses a good deal of solid wisdom and a definite will to live among the sixteen. Apologists for the American Congress should take note. They have explained what looked like provincialism on Capitol Hill not by systematic isolationism or lack of hu- manity or indifference to American political interest. They have attributed it to the fear that in helping a bunch of European "bums," we should be dumping good American money down a bottomless drain. In this respect, then the Paris report should reassure them. Their will to help the sixteen free Eur- opean nations pronto would be further strengthened if they read the economic survey of Europe written by the foreign service of the New York Evening Post and published in that newspaper's issue of Sept. 17. Here you have brief and pointed analysis of all the sixteen soliciting coun- tries-and of some others. Each is written by a newspaper specialist, with enough sense of news to unearth what is really going on (unlike some politicians and economists) and enough knowledge of economics to.understand what they unearth (unlike some newsmen). The picture is spotty. Britain unhappily rates last as to morale but still has a rela- tively high standard of living. Switzerland is living as well or better than the United States but fears a collapse. Italy is bad and Germany stagnating, largely, the correspon- dent feels, because of American inadequa- cies. Finland and the Netherlands show the most energy. Sweden still enjoys abundance -and a feeling of guilt that is shared by Ireland. One fact stands out: as between planning and private initiative, the latter as prac- ticed in Belgium, seems on the whole to be giving the best results. Excessive con- trols are believed to be a demonstrable handicap to recovery in France. So, pos- sibly, in Britain. Here is a situation that planners will have to explain away if they still intend to insist upon the superior ability of socialism to provide a fuller life. Another point: Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jan Masaryk, in a recent speech to the UN Assembly, urged the world to take notice of the fact that Europe is "moving to the left." According to the Post survey, this is not true. Or at least, no longer true. During the war, owing to the criminal complicity of a large section of European capitalism with fascism, the Europeans moved left' steadily. Liberation revealed their slide. Now, how- ever, the tide has turned. Apparently, in nearly all countries, the Left is now slipping. This is another fact that ought not escape the attention of American law-makers when they debate whether to act on the Paris Re- port from the sixteen governments or to turn a deaf ear on Europe's misery. Most important is a final point. In con- cluding the Post survey, the analyst contra- dicts certain "impressions" of Europe cur- rently mouthed by superficial observers: "This survey does not show that Europe is 'finished.' It shows the contrary. It shows that Europe, on the whole, is recov- ering without help from us which is still going to be needed for a while." The Euro- peans "have been through every sort of difficulty in the course of the centuries ... But they have never quit and they are as far from quitting today as they ever were." After World War I, the Balkans were the critical area. "All the strange, psychological, political and economic phenomena now once more current were current then. The dif- ference is, this time they have spread over the whole of Europe instead of over only a part. With the years they worked them- selves out. It seems reasonable to suppose they will work themselves out again." In which case, a United States that failed to hasten the process with funds and friend- ship would be untrue to its own major interests. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) THE FACT that most principles and ideals can't be handled in a practical. manner was clinched for us with the latest report from the Freedom Train. When the train, housing historic Ameri- can documents arrived at the Hudson Tubes, connecting New York and Jersey City, it was discovered that it just wouldn't fit. After the ventilators and the horn on the engine had been removed, the oil changed because of safety regulations, and its brak- ing system switched to electrical control for use on the next railroad line, the mech- anized Paul Revere was able to proceed. We have had a feeling for a long time that some of the changes in our modern America might cause the Freedom Train a little embarrassment. -Harriet Friedman There is still no indication that our rest- ing congressmen will be called back to Washington for a special session, but thier vacations may be somewhat spoiled anyway. The news from Europe can hardly be called good hammock reading. -The New Yorker. r MIAMI, ARIZONA-People who love the West used to have a habit of coming out here from smoky skyscrapers and dirty streets, standing on top of a hill, looking at other hills, and sighing to no- body in particular, "Ahhh. The hugeness of it. The magnificence! Here is something man cannot touch. He can build fragile cities and dam little streams, but he cannot fool with the virgin beauty of a mountain." After gazing a while the sight- seer would get ready to go home and bore his friends with stories about communing with the gods and finding the true perspective as regards man and nature. If one of the enthralled visitors of a generation ago happened to be standing on a certain hill about half mile north of the city of Miami, Ariz., right under his feet were hundreds of frail little bipeds digging and grubbing and blast- ing and slowly accomplishing a feat which would have annoyed him terribly had he known about it. They were turning his moun- tain upside down. 'T This is not an unusual proced- ure in modern mining. As shafts, cross-cuts, and drifts are scienti- fically bored hundreds of feet be- low the surface, the ground be- comes so weakened that it caves and settles. Sometimes miners far underground find it better to cause the ore to cave down to them by gravity instead of digging upward after it. Engineers and technicians are able, of course, to calculate and predict the exact amount of settling, so the whole thing is done with deliberation, but it is amazing nevertheless. The Miami mountain holds a particular fascination for me, be- cause I have seen it every few years since I was seven or eight, and every time I look at the darn thing it is a little more upside down. More than a hundred mil- lion tons of ore have been taken from beneath it, and although the actual surface has never been touched by diggers, the mountain is now a pit almost a thousand feet deep, and in shape is almost an exact reversal of its former self. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omittedatthe discretion of the edi- torial director. ,* * Football Tickets To the Editor: IN THE OPINION of most of the transfer students living at Wil- low Run, the present student foot- ball ticket distribution system leaves much to be desired. Accord- ing to The Daily, the present method was adopted as the result of a polldtaken among the student body, of which transfer students make up only a small majority. As might be expected, the results fa- vored Michigan students, while discriminating against transfer students. No one denies the fact that stu- dents in attendance at the Univer- sity for one or more years should receive preference over newcom- ers. However, on the other hand, it is obviously unfair that a trans- fer student having eight or ten semesters of college to his credit should be allotted the same seats assigned to freshmen. A much fairer method might be to count one .semester at Michigan equal to two;semesters at another school, thus giving transfer students the even break which they are not getting now. --Herbert Aronson ' * * * Aims of ADA To the Editor: EVER SINCE the organization of the Michigan chapter of Amer- icans for Democratic Action (Stu- dent Division) last Spring, there has been considerable confusion between that organization and Letters to the Editor.. American Youth for Democracy. The distinction between these two organizations should have long ago been made evident for they are' unlike both in principle and policy. In the first instance, ADA feels itself to be a sincerely liberal or- ganization; and because liberalism cannot possibly be extended to in- clude totalitarianism we reject Communism (as well 'as Fascism) as a philosophy incompatible with the objectives of progressive thought and action. To we of ADA, liberalism is a faith not a dogma - a faith that finds its foundation in the dignity of man and the responsibility of the individual to work toward a society that yields the greatest good for the greatest number. If this is the philosophy of liberalism then by necessity it must be flexi- ble enough to fit the society it seeks to serve; thus no imported blueprint for progress can be rig- idly fitted to America's hetero- geneous society and dynamic econ- omy and at the same time be called liberal. Domestically, ADA seeks a lib- eral program which does not bar- ter freedom for security but em- braces both. Internationally, ADA seeks a program which in the long run will produce true world gov- ernment and in the short run combat totalitarianism by com- bating hunger, want, and inse- curity. This broadly is our pro- gram; in two forthcoming letters I will attempt a more detailed out- line of ADA's domestic and for- eign policy. The Michigan chapter of ADA- Student Division hopes to bring together all liberal and progressive students interested in promoting such a program through the media of education and farsighted, in- formative political action. Bernard L. Goodman President, U. of M. ADA I DAILY~ OFFICIAL BULLETIN ' 4 Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 4 Notices School of Business Administra- tion: Faculty meeting, Friday, Sept. 26, 4 p.m., Rm. 110, Tap- pan Hall. Forestry Assembly: 11 a.m., Fri., Sept. 26, Rackham . Amphithea- tre. All students in the school are expected to attend except those with conflicts in non-forestry courses. All Transfer Students in the College of Literature, Science, and Arts who received yellow evalua- tion sheets during registration week must return them to 1209 Angell Hall by September 30. Married Veterans of World War II-University Terrace Apart- ments and Veterans' Emergency Housing Project. Opportunity will be provided Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, October 1, 2, and 3 for students in the above group to file applica-_ tion for residence in the Univer- sity Terrace Apartments and the Veterans' Emergency Housing Project. At present there are no vacan- cies in these apartments, but ap- plications will be considered for future vacancies. Applications for residence in these apartments will be consid- ered according to the following qualifications: 1. Only married veterans who are at present registered in the University may apply. 2. Only married veterans of World War II may apply. 3. Only Michigan residents may apply. (The Regents' definition of a Michigan resident follows. "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michigan for the purpose of reg- istration in the University unless he or she has resided in this state, six months next preceding the date of proposed enrollment.") 4. Veterans who have incurred physical disability of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. A written statement from Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service concerning such disability should be included in the application. 5. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (Summer session is considered as one-half term.) 6. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years. 7. Length of overseas service will be an important determin- ing factor. 8. In considering an applicant's total length of service, A.S.T.P., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted. 9. If both husband and wife are veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resident and both are enrolled in the Uni- versity their combined application will be given special consideration. 10. Each ipplicant must file with his application his Military Record and Report of Separation. Married veterans of World War II who have filed applications for the Terrace Apartments prior to October 1, 1947 should not apply again, since their applications are being processed in terms of the above qualifications. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall All Students, Graduate and Un- dergraduate, are notified of the following revised regulations adopted by the Committee on Stu- dent Conduct: The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events approved by the Of- fice of Student Affairs, is not per- mitted. (This regulation obvious- ly does not apply to mothers of members.) Effective February, 1947. Exchange and guest dinners must be announced to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date, and are approved,schaperonedor unchaperoned, provided that they are confined to the hours 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din- ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun- day dinners. Exchange dinners are defined as meals in men's resi- dences or women's residences at- tended by representative groups of members of approved organi- zations of the other sex; guest dinners are defined as meals in men's residences and women's residences attended by guests of the other sex who may or may not belong to University organiza- tions. The use or presence of intoxi- cating liquors in student quarters has a tendency to impair student morale, and is contrary. to the best interests of the students and of the University and is not per- itted. Effective July, 1947. Baby Sitters interested in put- ting their names on the baby sit- ters list may register in the Office of the Dean of Women. Householders interested in ob- taining baby sitters may inquire at the Office of the Dean of Wom- en. Student Print Loan Library: Students interested in obtaining a picture for the fall semester may sign for the print between Thursday, Sept. 25 and Saturday, Oct. 4, West Gallery, Alumni Me- morial Hall. A desk will be set up at that time for this purpose. Stu-l dents are requested to bring stu-1 dent identification with them at the time they make their reserva- tion. A rental fee will be charged. The prints will be issued from Rm. 205, University Hall, the week following the close of the exhibit+ on Oct. 4. The West Gallery is open to the public from 10-12 a.m. and from 2-5 p.m. daily ex- cept Monday. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for George Iwao Fujumoto, Chemis- try; thesis: "Preparation and Re- actions of Certain Cyclic Ketones," Fri., Sept. 26, East Council Room, RackhamcBldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, SW. E. Bachmann. Doctoral Examination for Mi- chael Joseph Rzasa, Chemical En- gineering; thesis: "Vapor-liquid Equilibria in the Methane-Kensol System," Sat., Sept. 27, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., 9 a.m. Chair- man, D. L. Katz. Graduate Students: Prelimi- nary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held Fri., Sept. 26, 4 to 6 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Diction- aries may be used. Medical Aptitude Examination. All applicants for admission to Medical Schools, who wish to be admitted during 1948, must take the Medical Aptitude Examina- tion on Sat., Oct. 25, 1947 or Mon., Feb. 2,:1948. The examination will not be .given on any other day. In order to be admitted to the October 25th examination, can-I didates must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Candidates must register for the October 25th examination on or before Thurs., Sept. 25, 1947, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. Sept. 25 will be the last day for registra- tion for the October 25th exami- nation. 2. Candidates mustbring to the examination a check or money order for five dollars payable to the Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he pays fee in this way. Cash will not be ac- cepted. Candidates who register will be- gin the examination at 8:45 a.m. on Oct. 25, 1947, in the Lecture Hall of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. The examination will be divided into two sessions and will take all day. Inquiries should be addressed to The Chief Examiner, Bureau of Psychological Services, (Ext. 2297). Biological Chemistry Seminar: Fri., Sept. 26, 4 p.m., 319 W. Medi- cal Bldg. Dr. Raymond L. Garner will discuss the recent Conference on the Medicinal and Experimen- tal Uses of Isotopes which was held at Madison early in Septem- ber. All interested are invited. Political Science 151: British Government MWF at 9 in 2203 A.H. Political Science 121: American Constitutional Law. MWF at '9 in 2003 A.H. Political Science 52: Sec. 2 (Laing). Wednesdays at 11 in 2014 A.H.. Political Science 383: National Government and American Politi- cal Thought, Wed., 3-5, Rm. 308 Library. Events Today Choral Union Ushers: If you were a regular usher last year and want to usher again this year, sign up today at Hill Auditorium,, 5-6 Visitor's Night, Department of Astronomy: 8 to 10 p.m., Angell Hall, for observation of the moon. (This is the first of four Visitor's Nights, to be held Oct. 10, 24, and Nov. 21.) NSA Meeting, 5 p.m., Rm. 306, Michigan Union, of delegates and alternate delegates to the National Student Association convention recently held in Wisconsin, to discuss plans and transportation, for regional meeting in Kalama- zoo this Sunday. Theta sigma Phi: Business meeting, 4 p.m. See department bulletin board for place of meet- ing. Sigma Chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi: First meeting of fall semester, 8 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Union. Organization, rushing rules and activities for the year will be dis- cussed. I SRA Coffee Hour: Lane 4:30-5:30 p.m. Everyone is dially invited. Hall, cor- Barnaby:Club: Membership meeting. 5:15 p.m., at the Lane Hall Coffee Hour, followed bya buffet dinner, and a student panel and discussion. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will commence its regular Friday evening services at 7:45 p.m. A social hour will follow. Hindustan Association: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., International Cen- ter. Office-bearers for the fall semester will be elected. Coming Events International Center: Due to the Reception to New Foreign Students on Saturday in the Rackham Assembly Hall, the In- ternational Center will be closed Sat., Sept. 27 at 1:30 and will re- open Sunday at 2 p.m. Formal Reception for Foreign Students will be given by The In- ternational Center, Sat., Sept. 27, o n m R.n elthnmm m A vh1rn Ze . BARNABY...