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November 20, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-20

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Latest Deadline in the State


SL Approves
New Election
Standard Forms,
$5 Bond Required
At its meeting last night, the
Student Legislature approved in
total a number of new and re-
vised election rules formulated by
its elections committee working
in cooperation with the Men's Ju-
diciary Council.
The new rulings, to be applied
in the all-campus legislature and
NSA elections Dec. 10, called for
a standard petition form, the abol-
ition of class room circulation of
the forms, the posting of a $5 bond
by each prospective candidate sub-
ject to forfeit in the event of in-
fractions of election rules or in
case the candidate received fewer
than 25 first place votes, and op-
portunity for candidates to in-
formally address interested mem-
bers of the student body.
New Petition Form
The new standard petition form
will consist of four pages, one
bearing full instructions and the
three others with space for 50
signatures each.
Petitions will be dated to elim-
inate the "mongrel petitions"
prevalent in past elections.
Classroom Circulation
The committee pointed out that
person-to-person circulation of
petitions in classes and study
rooms has become a nuisance, and
the legislature agreed that signa-
tures may be obtained only on an
individual basis in the future.
The third entirely new ruling to
receive the legislature's approval
called for the posting of a $51 bond
by each prospective candidate at
the time petition forms are re-
ceived. Bonds will be forfeited in
the event of petition or election
Number of Candidates
The committee also decried the
excessive number of candiates
entered in past elections, and in a
move to correct the condition de-
clared that the $5 bond will be
similarly forfeited by any can-
didate who fails to receive at least
25 first place votes:
It was held that any candidates
not confident of at least that
number of votes should not have
his name included on the already
crowded ballots.
Speaking Opportunities
The legislature, after some dis-
cussion, approved a proposal to
make speaking opportunities from
the library steps at set hours
available to candidates. It was
pointed out that this would be in
no way compulsory.
Also included in the body of
recommendations approved by the
legislature were: a re-statement
of the power of the Men's Judici-
ary Council to disqualify improper
petitions; the ruling that cam-
paigning may not take place with-
in 50 feet of polls, and that no
posters will be allowed on the
campus; and finally, candidates
pre-election statements must dem-
onstrate the "sincerity of inten-
tion" said to have been lacking in
a few preceding last months' elec-
Policy Shifts
For Pep Rally
A policy change in the program,

of the Pep Rally to include a
march down State street led by
the Band was announced jointly
by the Student Legislature Var-
sity committee and the Wolverine
Club yesterday.
Differing from the pre-Minne-
sota game rally, the revised pro-
gram calls for students to assem-
ble at 7 p.m. in front of the Union
for a torchlight parade to Ferry
Principal speaker at the Rally
will be Fred Matthaei, a Univer-
sity alumnus, who will talk to the
student body gathered around the
traditional bonfire.
Following the Rally, there will
be a snake dance back to the Un-
Panel Will Discuss
World Federalism
After University debaters have

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH-David Oberlin '48E (left), Roy Boldt,
'48E and Charles Guthrie, '49E (on table) determine the specific
gravity and alcohol content of beer for the Tau Beta Pi initiation.
* * *
Tau Betes' .initiation Causes
Barkeep's Consternation
Curious spectators gathered and business became disrupted when
a local tavern was invaded by what many thought were the state in-
The state inspectors, however, turned out to be physics majors
and chemical engineers being initiated into Tau Beta Pi, engineering
honorary society.
Required Prerequisites
To fulfill the requirements of the initiation the future Tau Betes
had to find the specific gravity and alcoholic content of the beer served

Prof. Willard
Named Russel
Lecturer in '48
Prof. Hobart H. Willard, of the
chemistry department, has been
named the Henry Russell Lecturer
for 1947-48 by the Board of Re-
Announcement of his appoint-
ment was made at last night's
meeting of the University's Re-
search Club by Prof. Werner E.
Bachmann, of the chemistry de-
partment, who is president of the
Established by Endowment
Prof. Willard is the 23rd Henry
Russel Lecturer to be appointed
since establishment of the honor
in 1925 under terms of an en-
dowment by the late Henry Rus-
sell, of Detroit.
The lecturer is nominated each
year by the Research Club, the
honor going to the faculty mem-
ber adjudged to have achieved
highest distinction in his field of
Award To Be Announced
The lecture will be delivered in
the spring, at which time the
Henry Russel award will be an-
nounced. This award goes an-
nually to the instructor or assist-'
ant professor whose scholarly ac-
tivities and future promise seem
most to merit the appointment.
Prof. Willard is ranked as one
of the country's most outstanding
analytical chemists, his research
work having led to use of new re-
agents and new methods of chem-
ical analysis.

by a local tavern.1
The initiates, overloaded with
beakers, graduates, a Westfall bal-
ance and other apparatus, pro-
ceeded en masse through the
"swinging doors."
Well Underway
In no time at all the future Tau
Betes arranged their equipment
and were well underway with the
They were interrupted, however,
when three slightly intoxicated
persons became curious. The
drunks looked the situation over,
serenaded the initiates and took as
their pay the samples used in the
Additional Research
Besides running the required
tests the initiates proceeded to see
if the beer passed the taste test.
Before the experiment was com-
pleted they were served a round of
hot coffee.
The results of their labor and
the results of the other problems
solved in the initiation were multi-
plied by fudge factors which were
used to stake out the Tau Beta Pi
symbol on the engineering quad-
rangle lawn.
One More Problem
To make the symbol the tfuture
Tau Betes were given one piece of
cloth. The problem was to form
the symbol without having any
cloth left over.
The formal initiation will be
held tonight followed by a ban-
Airline Crash in Italy
Kills 20 Swedish Pilots
NAPLES, Italy, Nov. 19-()-
Twenty Swedish fliers were killed
and 5 others, the only survivors,
were injured last night in the
crash of a Swedish airliner carry-
ing 21 pilots who had delivered
bombers to Ethiopa.

Surveys Rent
'ownspeople To
Present Results
Protests against relaxing rent
controls in this area were high-
lighted yesterday by completion of
a gigantic house-to-house opin-
ion survey conducted by the local
chapter of the Progressive Citi-
zens of America, made up of
For two days a group of PCA
members interviewed some 700
Ann Arbor families and landlords
on the rent question.
Open Hearing
Results of the scientific sample
will be presented before the local
Rent Advisory Board during the
open hearing at 7:30 p.m. Nov.
24 in Washtenaw County Court-
Yesterday the campus was
flooded with leaflets issued by the
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action calling for opposition to
relaxed rent controls. The MYDA
leaflet cited skyrocketing rents in
Louisville, Ky., after rent controls
were lifted.
AVC Postcards
Last night scores of AVC mem-
bers signed two giant postcards
protesting any change in rents
here. The postcards, which were
jointly drawn up by the Student
Legislature and the AVC, will be
sent to the rent advisory board.
This afternoon the AV and
Student Legislature will jointly
sponsor a meeting to co-ordinate
any campus groups or individuals
interested in appearing at the
open hearing next Monday night.
Spokesman have urged interested
persons to attend the meeting at
4:30 p.m. today in the Union.
At aGlance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON,, Nov. 19-Win-
ter relief up to a total of $597,000,-
000 for France, Italy and Austria
was approved by the Senate For-
eign Relations committee today-
with curbs designed to safeguard
supplies at home and to keep an
American eye on how the money is
But the Senate-House Economic
Committee ruled out, for the pres-
ent special session at least, any
consideration of President Tru-
man's request for power to bring
back rationing, and price control,
on a "selective" basis, if other
anti-inflation measures fail.
* *
nine-nation Palestine sub- com-
mittee, including the United
States and Russia, late today
unanimously approved a de-
tailed plan for the partition of
Palestine into separate Jewish
and Arab countries.
ROME, Nov. 19-Italy and Si-
cily put up feeble defenses against
an increasing wave of violence to-!
night as political disorders and
Communist-led labor stoppages
swept the nation.
A crowd of 1,000 miners and
peasants overpowered police head-
quarters at Caltanissetta in Si-
cily, attempted to lynch the chief
of police and wrecked the head-
quarters of two right wing parties.
CHICAGO, Nov. 19-Officials

of the nation's leading railways
said today that wage and rules
negotiations between the car-
riers and three operating unions
had broken down, and that the
National Mediation Board would
be asked to intervene in the dis-
The three unions are the
Brotherhood of Locomotive En-
gineers, the Brotherhood of Lo-
comotive Firemen, and the En-
ginemen and Switchmen's Un-
ion of North America.
* * *
torney General Tom C. Clark said
here today the Justice Department
will seek indictment of Maj. Gen.
Bennett E. Meyers on an income
tax evasion charge as soon as the
Senate War Investigating Sub-
committee completes its present
Price of 'Ensign
Will Bie Increased







!ritain Awaits Royal Weddin

Huge Crowds
Sing, Cheer at
Royal Palace
King Confers Title
On Lt. Mountbatten
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday, Nov. 20-A
small stag party in the swank
Dorchester Hotel sped Philip
Mountbatten, the newly-created
Duke of Edinburgh, nearer to mar-
ried life early this morning and he
returned to Kensington Palace to
snatch a few hours of sleep before
his wedding with Princess Eliza-
beth, only nine hours away.
Elizabeth retired shortly before
midnight when the glaring flood-
lights illuminating Buckingham
Palace were snapped off.
Carnival of Gaiety
As Philip quit his last bachelor
function at 2 a.m., hundreds of
thousands of laughing, singing,
frolicking people surged through
London's misty streets in a carni-
val of gaiety which greeted the
royal wedding day.
More thousands lingered in a
dense crowd before the barred
fence of Buckingham Palace after
the lights went out and then scat-
tered to claim curbstone and side-
walk seats for the morning wed-
ding procession.
WeddiigW Route
The entire wedding route from
the palace to Westminster Abbey
was lined with "squatters," many
of them sleeping rolled up in
blankets or just sprawled on news-
papers on the sidewalk.
As the early morning crowds
cavorted, the weather appeared to
be brightening considerably and a
warm air mass swept into London,
ending a thin drizzle and routing
a wispy fog.
Public Celebration
Bursting bonds of austerity,
great crowds began congregating
early last night from Buckingham
Palace to Westminster Abbey and
through historic Whitehall in the
biggest, noisiest public celebration
since the 1937 coronation.
Twice during the night Princess
Elizabeth and her fiance, now "His
Red Feather
Exceeds Quota
Community Chest
Goes Over the Top
Boosted by voluntary contribu-
tions from student groups, the
University division of the 1948
Community Fund Campaign went
more than $3,000 over its $22,000
quota in the recently concluded
A total of $25,000 was collected
in the campaign, Prof. Karl F.
Lagler, chairman of the, campus
committee, estimated yesterday.
Although dependent primarily on
contributions from University
staff employes who were person-
ally contacted in the two-week
drive, special contributions from
student organizations made the
campaign a success, Prof. Lagler
Largest single contribution re-
ceived was the $1,000 donated by
the AVC. Independent women's
residences making voluntary con-
tributions were Martha Cook and
Helen Newberry.
Among the fraternities which

made donations to the campaign
were Phi Delta Theta, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu
and Trigon. Contributions were
also received from the following
sororities: Alpha Gamma Delta,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi,
Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega,
Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha
The Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa
mma and Pi Beta Phi.
T 'ickets Asked I

Way Is Open
For Coalition

SKETCH OF WEDDING DRESS-Pictured is an artist's impres-
sion of the gown of ivory duchesse satin, cut on classic lines,
with fitted bodice, long tight sleeves and full-falling skirt, which
Princess Elizabeth will wear today at her wedding.
American Holiday To Climax
International, Students Week


Foreign and American students
will join in celebrating one of
America's most traditional holi-
days, Thanksgiving, at a turkey
dinner to be given at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the Masonic Temple
as the climax to International
Students Week.
Speaker for the evening will be
Hickman Price, of Kaiser-Fraser,
who has recently returned from
abroad. M. K. Raju, president of
the International Students Asso-
ciation which is sponsoring the
dinner, will speak on the purpose
of the ISA.
Dinner Reservations
Reservations for the dinner may
be made at the International Cen-
The purpose of International
Student Week has been commend-
ed by Dr. Esson M. Gale, director
of the International Center, as
pointing out and providing a rem-
edy for the failure of foreign and
American students to work in suf-
ficiently close cooperation.
Effective Cooperation
"It has been most gratifying to
observe how effectively this coop-
eration has been carried out in
the program of this notable week
in the history of the University's
intercultural program," Dr. Gale
He added that the campus
groups which are entertaining stu-
dents from other lands are carry-
ing out a program which will serve
to promote international good-
"Striking Example"
"The young people of all na-
tions are offering a striking ex-
ample to their elders at a time
distinguished by bitter contro-
versy," he said.
Groups which have planned
programs for International Stu-



dent Week include Betsy Bar-
bour and Helen Newberry dormi-
tories, which have invited for-
eign students as dinner guests to-
The Student Religious Associa-
tion will have foreign students as
special guests at several of its
functions, including a panel dis-
cussion at a public affairs com-
mittee meeting, 7:30 p.m. today,
Coffee Hour at 4:30 p.m. tomor-
row and Saturday Luncheon Dis-
An open house will be held af-
ter the game Saturday at the In-
ternational Center. ISA and the
NSA Committee of the Student
Legislature will act as hosts to
the entire campus.
Blood Donors
Are Sou ht

Half-Million Workers
On Strike in France
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Thursday, Nov. 20
Premier Paul Ramadier resigned
last night after 10 months of al-
most continual political, economic
and Communist - inspired labor
crises, and left the way open for
Leon Blum or some other middle-
of-the-road leader to attempt to
form a new coalition government.
As Ramadier resigned, it was es-
timated that a half-million work-'
ers were on strike throughout
France. Special security guards
were posted in Paris where Com-
munist-led walkguts threatened to
develop into a general strike,
Guards were on duty in other key
cities to prevent possible violence.
Remain Temporarily
Ramadier's ministers remained
in office temporarily to carry on
the fight against the deteriorat-
ing labor situation. These includ-
ed Georges Bidault at the foreign
office, Robert Schuman at the fi-
nance ministry and Edouard De-
preux at the interior ministry. De-
preux has jurisdiction over the na-
tional police.
It was expected the ministers
would continue in their jobs dur-
ing President Vincent Auriol's ne-
gotiations to find a successor to
Likeliest Choice
Blum, 75-year-old Socialist col-
league of Ramadier, was believed
the likeliest choice to undertake
the task of building a new govern-
ment. Guy Molletin, Socialist
party secretary-general, said ys-
terday Blum had consented to a-
cept the premiership.
Twice premier before the war
and head of the interim govern-
ment that prepared the way for
the inauguration of the Fourth
Republic early this year, Blum
kept temporarily in the back-
ground. His "caretaker" govern-
ment ended last Jan. 17 when Au-
riol appointed Ramadier premier.
Follows Negotiations
The 60-year-old economist and
lawyer's resignation came after
two weeks of political negotiations
carried on before a background of
growingsocial and economic
A riot last week in Marseille was
followed by a wave of Communist-
led strikes which have tied up
France's coal mines, automobile
factories, Mediterranean ports and
threatened to develop into a gen-
eral strike in Paris.
Security guards were posted at
strategic points throughout Paris
last night after Ramadier's resig-
There were unconfirmed reports
of troop movements discreetly car-
ried out. Two regiments of sol-
diers were guarding strike-par-
alyzed Marseille and more than
4,500 troops were sent to Le Havre
where Communists last week
forced the resignation of a non-
Communist mayor.
Game Income
Hits New High
Although the attendance at this
year's football games will fall
short of last year's record total,
it will be more successful from a
financial standpoint.
Because of anincrease in the
ticket price from $3.00 to $3.60,
the actual income from ticket
sales will be the highest in Wol-
verine athletic history.
This season, including this Sat-
urday's game against Ohio State
which has been a sellout for sev-
eral months now, the Wolverines
will have a season attendance of
453,993 some short of the record

numberd of fans-14,598-who
followed the team last year.
Last season, however, the Maize
and Blue played one more game
than the six-game card of the

to three

donations amounting
pints have been re-
to aid a paralysis-
University Hospital

The patient, Vivian Wake-
ford, 21, will receive blood from
the hospital bank today in
preparation for a critical op-
eration. Replacement of the
blood will depend upon free do-
nations by interested persons.
Miss Wakeford has under-
gone nearly 40 operations dur-
ing six years of confinement in
the continuing effort to relieve
a serious lower paralysis.
Prospective donors may re-
port for examination from 8
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the
day or from 5 to 7 p.m. Tues-
day and Thursday evenings.

Admiral Byrd Will Lecture
On South Pole ,Expeditions

Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
famed explorer, will present the
third Oratorical Association lec-
ture at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Au-
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the
geology department, himself an
explorer of note, will introduce
Byrd's speech.
"Discovery," a film pieced to-
gether by Byrd over a five year pe-
riod, which portrays South Pole

Male Corsage-Buyers Shell
Out for Coed Bid Panhel Ball

With the lads invited by the la-
dies, the Panhel Ball may seem
like a pretty good deal, but it's

carnations and some carmelias,
but florists were loth to tell The
Daily what they cost as corsages.
"It depends on a lot of variables
-rich n how much time and ma-

::: ":

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