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November 19, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-19

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Student veterans planning to
establish and operate their own
businesses after leaving the Uni-
versity can avail themselves of the
assistance offered by the U.S. De-
partment of Commerce and vet-
erans' counseling centers through-
out the nation.
Results of the fact-finding fa-
cilities of the Department of Com-
merce published in reports and
pamphlets are available to any
veteran for a nominal fee of fif-
teen to fifty cents.
These publications contain a
comprehensive record of informa-
tion that can serve as a valuable
guide to veterans in establishing
and operating small businesses
and service enterprises in a num-
ber of fields.
A complete list of the books is
available at all veterans' counsel-
ing centers or may be secured
by writing to the U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce.
* * *
The Veterans Administration
recently reported a record enroll-
ment of 132,116 World War .II
veterans taking educational and
job-training courses in Michigan.
Veterans studying and training
under both the G.I. Bill and Public
Law 16 are included in this total.
VA officials said that the peak
enrollment was reached with the
entry of 37,249 veterans in Mich-
igan schools and colleges during
Coffee Hour To Honor
German Department
Faculty members of the Uni-
versity German department will
be guests of honor at the Mich-
igan Union's faculty-student cof-
fee hour to be held from 4 to 5
p.m. today in the Terrace Room of
the Union.
This series of coffee hours is
primarily designed to afford stu-
dents an opportunity to become
better acquainted with the fac-
Women students may attend.

SNorthwestern Students Soon
Will See Light, Say Officials

A recent probe of classroom
lighting conditions at North-
western University has brought
action from college officials. The
Daily Northwestern, student news-
paper at the college, launched the
probe, taking readings of illumnia-
tion in various campus buildings
with a light meter. The results of
the probe showed that most class-
rooms were far below minimum il-
lumination standards.
As a result of the investigation
university authorities have prom-
ised to do all they can to remedy
the situation. Buildings and
groundsuofficials saydthat they
were aware of the poor lighting
conditions and will make changes
as soon as possible.
* * *
The newly formed Student As-
sembly at Texas A. & M. got off
to a flying start with a move to
investigate alleged high prices in
the University Commons and
Fountain Room, counterparts of
the Michigan League and Union.
Members of the Texas A. & M.
student government have termed
the University-operated eating
places "gyp joints." A many-
pronged investigation will be
launched into alleged high prices,
poor service and distribution of
Recent hurricanes in Florida
have set back a giant housing pro-
gram at the University of Miami
Freak tornadoes which accom-
panied the recent tropical storms
have held up work on the hous-
ing units. When finally completed
the University of Miami housing
unit will contain 533 new dwell-
ings for married and single stu-
Also at the University of Miami
an investigation has been
launched into a recent campus
election for a new constitution
and several campus of ficer4. Now
it has been charged that the elec-
tions were marked by fraud. The
student who conducted the elec-
tions and several of the newly
elected officers will be tried on
the charges by a special court
at the University of Miami.

The Ohio College Newspaper As-
sociation has recommended that
students working on college news-
papers be paid or given college
credit for their activities. Most
of the colleges in the association
already comply with this recom-
mendation, and those not com-
plying are expected to follow the
recommendations in the future.
The association also went on rec-
ord as opposing administrative at-
tempts by college officials to dic-
tate policy on student newspapers.
atents To Be
Subject of Talk
John F. Schmidt, '35E, will ad-
dress the student chapter of the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers on "Patent Law," at
7:30 p.m., today in Rm. 311, W.
Engineering Building.
A former president of ASME's
student chapter, Schmidt is now
a practicing attorney in a patent
and trade mark law firm. His talk
will describe the constitutional
basis for the patent system; ways
of determining what can be pat-
ented; and invention protection
prior to patenting.
ASME has opened the meeting
to all interested students and fac-
ulty members.
Citizenship Filin
Plays Here Today
The Ann Arbor premiere of the
educational film, "Learning the
Ways of Democracy," will be held
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Uni-
versity High School auditorium.
Produced under the sponsorship
of the Michigan Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Re-
public and the education school,
the film portrays citizenship prac-
tices prevailing in a number of
Michigan high schools. Several
scenes were provided by the stu-
dents of University High and Ann
Arbor High. The movie is open
to the public.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent ina
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. *on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1947
VOL. LVIII,, No. 50
Parking, evening of November
19: On the evening of November
19, there will be a lecture in the
Clements Library, and it is re-
quested that the parking space at
the rear of West Engineering Bldg.
be reserved for those attending the
lecture, especially those who are
from out of town. An attendant
will be in charge and if those who
would ordinarily use this parking
space on that evening will please
park elsewhere, it will be appreci-
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Assemblies, School of Forestry
and Conservation: 11 a.m., Nov.
24 and' 10 a.m., Nov. 26, Rackham
Amphitheatre. G. A. Pearson, for-
mer Director of the Southwestern
Forest Experiment Station, will
speak on both occasions on the
theory and practive of silviculture.
with special reference to condi-
tions in the Southwestern United
All students of the School of
Forestry and Conservation not
having non-forestry conflicts are
expected to attend. All others in-
terested are invited.
Veterans: According to a recent
Veterans Administration regula-
tion, veterans' enrolled under Pub-
lic Law 346 who plan to interrupt
their training at the conclusion of
the present Fall Semester will re-
ceive subsistence payments for an
additional fifteen days beyond the
effective date of their official in-
terruption of training. Conse-
quently, fifteen days of eligibility
time will be deducted from their
remaining entitlement.
It should be emphasized that
this procedure is automatic, in
that payment will be made and
entitlement reduced accordingly,
unless a veteran notifies the Vet-
erans Administration, in writing,
thirty days prior to the close of
11 A.M.-1:30 P.M. 5-7 P.M.
"Known for Good Food"
338 Maynard Street

the Fall Semester. This does not
apply to veterans who are re-en-
rolling for the Spring Semester.
It is the responsibility of the
veteran who does not desire the
extension of subsistence benefits
to notify the Veterans Adminis-
tration no later than January 7,
1948. Veterans who desire the fif-
teen days extension are not re-
quired to give any notice. Veter-
ans who accept the additional fif-
teen days will have their eligibil-

ity time reduced by that time
The following form is suggested
for notification; "This is to notify
you that I will interrupt my train-
ing at the University of Michigan
at the end of the Fall Semester,
February 7, 1948. I do not desire
the fifteen days extension of sub-
sistence allowances. Signature,
"C" Number, Reference DT7AGB
TM." The notification should be
(Continued on Page 3)






Maria Reding
Russja's greatest aalltr in
in Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lek"S
with Leningrad State oper a ABallet Ennsp*M#
ARTK1NO R111ASE "ROUXfnO4 u.s.s.I Nov. 20, 21, 22 - 8:30
Complete English Titles
Box Office Opens 2:30 P.M. Daily
Admission 50c (tax incl.) Reservations-Phone 6300




ROOM AND BOARD offered to
dents for acting as porter in
ternity annex. Call mornings,
Hill St.

) 33

RIDE to Harrisburg, Pa., Christmas,
student and wife. Share expenses,
driving. Roy Smith, 579 Harris Road,
Ypsilanti. Telephone Ypsi 9225. )53
RIDE WANTED from Ann Arbor to
Indianapolis or any place between-
Chicago, Fort Wayne, South Bend.
Will share driving and expenses. Must
leave Friday, Nov. 14 after 6 p.m. or
early Saturday morning. Call Dick:
2-2610. )46


n mcnu~vcun+1 S+

DESPERATE DAN needs car. Will pay
up to $75.00. Call 2-7032. )81
RIDE WANTED to Boston, Mass., or
vicinity for Christmas vacation. Will
share expenses. Phone 2-4401. 404
Williams. Kenny Munson. )104
ONE OR MORE girls want ride to
and from Texas or Oklahoma for
Christmas holidays. Call or write
Betty Johnston. West lodge, Ypsi-
lanti. Phone Ypsi 9265. Share ex-
penses. ) 80
MEN'S USED clothing bought and sold.
Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )50
WELL TRAINED and experienced so-
cial worker is opening a small play
group for pre-school children for
mornings. Ph 8727. )89
(TWO) 2 TICKETS for Ohio State
game. Write Fran Whitfield, 4895,
Saline Road. Thanks. )75
WANTED-Six Ohio football tickets.
Student or regular. Phone 26205 in
the evening. )11
WANTED-Two tickets for Ohio State.
Call before 5. 7160. )26
WANTED: Ride to Texas at Christmas.
Call Harvey Porter. 25644. )7
MATRON interested in manager or
house motherfor student quarters,
varied experience. P. O. Box 549, Ann
Arbor. )24
RIDE WANTED to Columbia, S.C. or
vicinity and return for Christmas
holidays. Share expenses. Phone
2-1907. Ask for Jack. )36

WHOEVER TOOK the Alpha Chi Omega
letters from our front door, please
return them. They mean nothing to
you and a great deal to us,. , ) 82
LOST-BROWN LEATHER billfold con-
taining money and identifying pa-
pers in vicinity of Nickels Arcade,
Nov. 17. Reward. Phone 21872 after
5 p.m. )90
LOST-Theta Xi fraternity pin, vicinity
of the Union. G.R. Jr. engraved on
back. Phone 6923. Reward. )101
GREY TOPCOAT with grey gloves in
pocket. 2nd floor west Quad. Re-
ward. 510 Williams House. )40
WANTED: Sewing, dress making and
alterations. Miss Livingston, 315 S.
Division. 2 rings. )82
sales. Buy through Goodyear store.
For service call A. A. 2-0298. W. O.
Taylor, 1612 Brooklyn, Ann Arbor.)32
BECAUSE OF AN enlargement in our
personnel, we can now offer prompt
service on your alterations. Tailoring,
dressmaking, formal restyling a spe-
cialty. Hildegarde Sewing Shop.
2-4669. )30
$1.00 RENTS big utility trailer at East
Ann Arbor Trailer Co. Open evenings.
3304 Platt Rd. 25-9931. )73
FOR RENT: Single room in faculty
home. Man preferred. Box 33. )44
LARGE DOUBLE room for men near
Arboretum. Call 2-3080. )25I
DOUBLE ROOM with twin beds for!
student couple or two working girls.
Phone 23911. )1
ROOM FOR THREE male students. 803
E. Kingsley. Tel. 2-3356. )6

ATTENTION: Philanthropist: Chicken
Al needs more than cigarettes. Con-
tinue philanthropic movement. )38
JACK, The Wolverines get wreathed
Saturday night at I-M Building.
Gotta go. Joe. )77
MALE: The University of Michigan
has an opening in its Lake Angelus
Observatory (near Pontiac, Michi-
gan) for a young man interested in
astronomy. Necessary qualifications
include a fairly comprehensive know-
ledge of mathematics and physics.
Some knowledge of photography
would also be beneficial. Letter of
application should include outline
of educational background and ex-
perience to date and should be sent
to the Personnel Office, Room 208,
University Hall. )84
TAILS, practically new, 39L, including
vest and full dress shirt. Phone 2-2720,
2120 Brockman Blvd. )106
EUREKA vacuum cleaner with at-
tachments. Rebuilt motor. $20. 301 N.
Seventh St. )105
PERFECT CAMERA for amateur. No
guesswork involved. Altiflex (4.5)
brought from Austria. Call Marcus.
2-4591. 220 Greene House. )102

TOMORROW - 8:30 P.M.
Rear Adm. Richard E Byrd
I World's Greatest Living Explorer in a
Thrilling Motion Picture Narrative
'Tickets 1.20 - 90c - 60c (tax incl. )
Box Office Open Today 10-1, 2-5; Tomorrow 10-1, 24:30


FOR SALE: Fur coat, white lapin. Size
12. Perfect condition. Half price. 562
South Seventh. Phone 5330. )108
Never been used or removed from
its case. A $10.00 reduction from
retail price. )45
1939 PLYMOUTH 4 door. Radio and
heater included. New engine, tires,
and battery. Excellent overall condi-
tion. Phone 2-4969, after 5 p.m. )3



A Nr



Continuous from 1 P.M. - 35c to 5 P.M.


Reservations made
for parties over ten in


our banquet rooms .
for your convenience
now converted into
private dining rooms.

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