POOR STRATEGY See Page 4 Ci r A6PP A6F t ijattu CLOUDY, COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Russian Bloc Hits Fasci In Argentina Veto Discussed In UN Committee By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 18 - Yugoslavia and White Russia, two members of the Soviet bloc in the United Nations, denounced Argen- tina today as a "supporter of the last vestige of the Rome-Berlin axis." Argentina replied with a denial. The exchange came during hot debate in the UN Assembly's 57- member political committee over a United States proposal that the recently approved year-around "Little Assembly" should study the big power veto issue and report to the 1948 Assembly. Palestine Question On the Palestine,: question, the remaining major item before the Assembly on which the delegates hope to obtain action, a 9-power group approved a division of Jeru- salem into a three-part, UN-ruled Holy City. It would be separate from the Jewish and Arab coun- tries envisioned in the partition plan. In the debate earlier, Dr. Ales Bebler of Yugoslavia charged that the Argentine delegation is a "sup- porter of the last vestige of the Rome-Berlin Axis" and 'the most vigorous champion of the Franco regime in Spain." U. S. Position American Delegate John Foster Dulles said the U. S. believed it would be useful for the Assembly to study the voting procedure in the Security Council by which one of the five great powers, France, Britain, China, Russia and the U.S., can- kill with a negative, or veto, vote anw important proposal before council. He said that if Russia objected to the "Little Assembly" because Russia will not serve on that new group, the U. S. would not object to a special committee. Historian Says Japan Needs }More U.S. Aid Japan's economic situation is rapidly deteriorating due to the war and other causes, according to Prof. Delmar M. Brown of the University of California history department. Speaking on the problems of American occupation in Japan last night, Prof. Brown said that the Unitel States would probably have to ship more food to Japan this winter than we did last year. The return of Japanese soldiers to their homes has come at a time when the rice crop is down due to lack of' fertilizers. Three-fourths of Japan's vital fishing fleet has been destroyed during the war, Prof. Brown said. The resulting shortage of fish t coupled with a light rice crop combine to make Japan's eco- nomic outlook dark, Prof. Brown asserted. "The only hope for building up a healthy foreign trade for Japan is in the sale of cheap cotton and silk textiles . . . . but not much progress has been made on this project," he added. Newark Bay Battle Is Over Scrap Company, City Smoke Peace Pipe WASHINGTON, Nov. 18-(YP)- The "Battle of Newark Bay" end- ed tonight with agreement among feuding city officials and a sal- vage company, and the city called off its "embattled" fireboats. Undersecretary of the Navy W. John Kenney announced settle- ment of the widely publicized dis- pute over scrapping the old bat- tleship New Mexico on Newark's waterfront. And Mayor Vincent Murphy of Newark said he was demobilizing the fireboats, which have been val- Michigan Hits Top Spot InNational Sports Poll Newsmen Give Notre Dame Second Place; S. lMethodist, California Follow Behind By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Nov. 18-Prestige gained by a 40-6 romp over a highly-rated Wisconsin team, sent the Michigan Wolverines to the top of the pile today in the weekly Associated Press coast-to-coast poll of 246 football writers. Despite Notre Dame's 26-19 victory over Northwestern, the Fight- ing Irish dropped to second place. Michigan drew 140 first place votes and Notre Dame 87 as a rec- ord number of newsmen participated in the balloting. Mustangs Advance Although Southern Methodist had to go hard to beat Arkansas, - 14-6, the Mustangs advanced when Republicans Fight Truman Plan Strikes Tie Up French MInes, Auto Industry Danger of General Strike in Paris Seen PARIS, Nov. 18-P(A)-Conmu- nist-led strikes tied up France's coal mines and most of the auto industry and threatened Paris with a general work stoppage to- night.' Socialist Premier Paul Ramadier took the lead in efforts to form a new, strong government to cope with the spreading crisis which was heightened by the calling of a meeting here tonight of the ex- ecutive body of the General Con- federation of Labor of the Paris region to debate calling of a gen- eral strike. Coal Miners Quit The Communist - dominated General Confederation of Labor has ordered unions to demand a 3,800-franc ($31) increase in the minimum monthly wage and 25 percent salary advances pending negotiations, the minimum wage is now 7,000 frances ($58). As a result: 114,000 coal miners in the northern fields walked out. Employes of the Renault, Hitch- kiss, Panhard, Citroen and Ford automobile factories and the Gnome-Rhone truck plant went on strike. Maritime School teachers decided to strike Friday whether the government accepted their demands for salary advances or not. Other civil ser- vants decided to await the gov- ernment's answer. A strike decision was debated in Maritime union locals in the na- tion's ports. One national Mari- time strike was settled only a few weeks ago. Police in Rome Battle Strikers Disorders Reported Elsewhere in Italy ROME, Nov. 18-(P)-Two per- sons were killed and eight wound- ed today in a three-hour battle be- tween police and more than a thousand strikers in Bari, dis- patches said tonight. Elsewhere in Italy there were other reports of leftist-inspired disorders. Ansa News Agency said that Premier Alcide de Gasperi, deter- mined not to be driven from power by the disorders, had or- dered mechanized troops and po- lice into Puglia, in the Italian hell, to quash violence. Infantry troops were reported sent to Corata near Bari where the headquarters of the Uomo Qualunque (common man) movement was fired. Reports to Rome newspapers said a general strike had been de- clared on the island of Sardinia. Penn dropped from third to sixth after its 7-7 tie with Army, mar- ring itsperfect record. The total vote with points fig- ured on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis (first place votes in paren- thesis)-: Totals Given 1. Michigan (140) .........2341 2. Notre Dame (87) .......2261 3. Southern Methodist (9) ..1801 4. Southern California (3) ..1522 5 Penn State (6) ..........1371 6. Pennsylvania............1099 7. Texas .................. 953 8. Alabama ................ 477 9. California ..............308 10. Georgia Tech ........... 302 11. Army, 277; 12. Illinois, 195; 13. North Carolina (1), 109; 14. William and Mary, 99; 15. Missis- sippi, 84; 16. Virginia, 66; 17. Kan- sas, 56; 18. UCLA, 39; 19. Colum- bia, 35; 20. Rice, 32. Others receiving votes were Kentucky 19, Wisconsin 16, Utah 11, Purdue and Missouri each 10, Duke 9, Wesleyan and Princeton, each 8, Vanderbilt, Oklahoma and LSU, each 7, Tennessee 5, Iowa 4, New Hampshire, Mississippi State, Texas Christian, Northwestern, Minnesota, each 3, West Virginia, Westchester (Po.) Teachers and Idaho, each 2, Wake Forest, Rut- gers. No Reply Yet On Rose Bowl Ticket Sales All those questions on Rose Bowl tickets will have to remain unan- swered for several more days. Official University spokesmen are still remaining "mum" on the question. Both "Fritz" Crisler and ticket manager Don Weir, say it will be presumptious to discuss the Rose Bowl until the Big Nine fac- ulty committee takes its vote Sat- urday night. This much is definite, however. An estimated 11,000 tickets will be made available to Michigan. From this pie, ticket manager Weir will have to cut slices which will satis- fy more than 5,000 Wolverine Alumni on the West Coast, many thousand other alums here in Michigan and other parts of the nation, University students and faculty members, plus the ordinary sports fan who wants to see the New Year's grid classic. Unofficial sources have it that Michigan alumni, University stu- dents, and faculty members, will have first priority on the precious pasteboards, with 1,500 allotted to students. Weir is working on a system to make sure that each ticket pur- chased here will be used by the buyer. Judiciary Council Holds Query on Last Election An investigation of illegal prac- tices in the recent campus elec- tion will be conducted from 4 to 6 pm. today by the Men's Judi- ciary Council in Rm. 304 of the Union. Any student who witnessed such practices is requested to appear before the council at that time. * Sec. Marshall Calls Russian Talk 'Brazen' Denies Accusation Of U.S.Imperialism By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Nov. 18-Secretary of State Marshall tonight de- nounced Russia's "brazen and con- temptuous" propaganda as a threat to world stability and said it was time to call it to a halt. "We do not propose to stand b" and watch the disintegration of the international community t( which we belong," Marshall de* clared. Sharply denying that the United States has imperialistic aims in extending aid to Europe, he said Communistic misrepre- sentations "goaded the Ameri- can people into a state of active resentment." Speaking on the eve of his de parture for the Big Four Foreigr Ministers Conference at London Marshall said that Russia hersel is to blame for what he termed a complete change in tlis country' atttitude toward the Soviets since. German's surrender. Her territorial expansion con- trasts, he noted, with the volun- tary reductions in area made by the United States and Britain. Russia, he charged, appears de- termined to prolong Europe's plight indefinitely. Marshall spoke out bluntly in an address to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and the Chi- cago Chamber of Commerce. "We do not propose to stand by and watch the disintegration of the international community to which we belong," he declared. But despite "provocation," Mar- shall said he would take an open mind to London and will seek only for a sound basis of agreement. Severe Quake Rocks Pacific Coastal Area LOS ANGELES, Nov. 18-(IP)- A gently rocking, moderately se- vere earthquake was felt in Los Angeles and along the northern seacoast of Southern California to- day. There were no immediate re- ports of damage. Dr. Charles F. Richter of Cali- fornia Institute of Technology de- scribed it as "good sized local shock." He timed it at 4:59 p.m. (EST). It was felt in the beach cities of Santa Barbara, Redondo Beach and Hermosa Beach, but appar- ently did not extend south or east. It escaped unnoiticed in San Bernardino, Santa Ana and Long Beach. Downtown Los Angeles build- ings, including the towering City Hall, swayed noticeably. Dr. Richter said the center of the dis- turbance probably was nearby, but could not be quickly fixed. World News At a Glance By The Associated Press MADISON, Wis., Nov. 18-Four frantic days which began with murder ended today for two young eb -convicts. Buford Sennett, 22, and Robert Winslow, 24, who gave up last night after a 12 hour siege in a backwoods barn, heard Superior Judge R o y Proctor sentence them to life imprisonment for an attack and slaying four days ago. * * * ' LONDON, Nov. 18 - King George VT today brightened the Propaganda Denounced CONGRESS, CABINET HEAR PRESIDENT TRUMAN--Members of Congress and the Cabinet hear President Truman (on rostrum) deliver his message at a joint session in the House chamber yesterday. Back of him are Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) President Pro-Tempore of the Senate and House Speaker Joseph Martin (R.-Mass.) (left to right). * * * * MAGIC BEAMS: Electronic Devices for Blind Demonstrated at Conference Actual deionstrations of the! way the science of electronics is being applied to help blind people read and move about more easily were presented here last night be- fore a national conference on psy- chological problems of the blind. Included among the inventions was the "electronic pencil," a de- vice for "reading by sound" which was developed and is now being perfected in the University's Bu- reau of Psychological research. The conference was told that, the new model of the "pencil" be- ing produced in the laboratory will actually pronounce the letters its beam of light picks up from the page instead of just rendering sounds which must be used by the blind user. Also shown were electronic guid- Session To Close With Discussions A round table discussion of cur- rent problems faced by rehabilita- tion centers for the blind will ush- er in the final sessions of the three-day national conference on "Psychological Diagnosis and Counseling of the Adult Blind," which is being held in the Rack- ham Building. Dr. Wima Donahue, director of the University's Bureau of Psycho- logical Services, will preside at the afternoon round table on "Needed Research and Coordination." The final round table discussion will center on the topic "Organi- zation and Function of a Regional Committee. Donald Dabelstein, Assistant Di- rector of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, will then make the concluding remarks about the re- sults of the conference. STOCK REACTION: ance devices 'whieh use the re- bounding of supersonic signals to warn blind persons of obstacles in their path. The basic defect pointed out about all such devices was that at present they monopolize the blind person's hearing through the use of a hearing aid to such an extent that he is unable to de- tect approaching cars and other vital sounds. Dinner To Top International Students Week A traditional Thanksgiving din- ner with all the trimmings will be served to 250 foreign and Ameri- can students Nov. 26 at the Ma- sonic Temple, as a climax to In- ternational Studentsweek. The dinner is being sponsored by the International Students Associ- ation as part of its program de-' signed to increase understanding between foreign and American students. Reservations may be made at the International Center. In conjunction with Interna- tional Students Week a panel of three foreign students, Maria Van der Harst from Spain, Shanker Ranganathan from India and Zorac Organschi from Italy will discuss civil rights in their coun- tries at the AVC meeting today. Special emphasis will be placed1 on the need for understanding among nations at the Interna- tional Center tea, 4:30 p.m. to- morrow. Other groups participating in International Student Week in- clude Kappa Alpha Theta, and Martha Cook dormitory. Vet Groups To Conduct HCL Survey Today Data To Be Used for Subsistence Petitions A dozen interviewers, manning three posts on campus, will con- duct a thoroughgoing cost of liv- ing survey of student veterans to- day to form the basis for a re- newed fight to increase Govern- ment subsistence under the G.1, Bill. Booths will be set up in thF Union, at the Engineering Arch and ion the Diagonal, where 400 veterans selected on a random sampling basis will be asked to complete the Operation Subsist- ence Questionnaire. The booth,, will open at 10 a.m. and will re- main open till the 400 interviewers are completed. The questionnaire, drawn up by the two veterans' groups, is being used throughout the state this week by ex-GI's on 25 campuses. Results of the survey, will be brought before a statewide plan- ning conference in East Lansing, Dec. 12. A final program will then be mapped out for presentation before Congress when the next regular session convenes in Janu- ary. The questionnaire will call on the veteran to indicate his costs for food, rent, personal items, and recreation. No authorization for associating Survey Research Center or its methods with the survey was giv- en, Jack Geist, campus AVC chairman, said, clarifying The Daily's earlier report. 'U' Orchestra Will Present Concert Opening with Mendelssohn's "Italian" Symphony, the Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra, con- ducted by Wayne Dunlap, will pre- sent a concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Copland's Suite from the Ballet "Appalachian Spring" an d Franck's Symphony in D Minoir will also be included in the pro- gram of the 108 member orchestra The Copland ballet suite re- ceived the Pulitzer Prize in 1945. The concert is open to the pub- lic. Enslavement Charge Made By Rep. Smith Committees Work On Emergency Aid By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 18-Re- mublicans launched an all-out of- fensive against the President's bid Cor authority to bring back ra- ioning and wage-control, if nec- ?ssary, to keep prices from climb- ng- Keynoting the GOP assault on he President's 10-point inflation rogram, Rep. Frederick C. Smith Rep., Ohio) told the House that he proposed curbs apparently vere intended "to enslave the lmerican people." The White House said 47 out of 50 letters received, favored the idea of controls. Coingressional committeel , neanwhile, worked on President 'ruman's plan for emergency aid o Italy, France and Austria, with he threat of a "Communist queeze" in mind. Rep. Dirksen (Rep., Ill.) told the House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee, which completed hear- ings on immediate foreign aid, that Czechoslovakia would be the victim of a "Communist squeeze" within four months un- less she had U. S. help. The S en ate Appropriations Sommittee called meanwhile for in inventory of U.S. food supplies, 7esentand future, to determine 'ow much this country can send trope and whether some should e purchased abroad. AFL president William Green 'night endorsed President Tru- Man's foreign aid program and nuch of his anti-inflation plan 'ut said that labor was opposed to roposed price and wage controls xept as a final resort in the vent of a "national crisis." Students W are Petitions War On Rent Rise A student drive to oppose any relatxation of rent controls in Washtenaw Co. gained momentum yesterday as a petition campaign got underway. Several student organizations including the AVC, Student Leg- islature, ADA and MYDA circu- lated petitions protesting any in- crease of rent in the city of Ann Arbor. The petitions will be pre- sented to the local rent advisory board which has called an open hearing at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 24 in the Washtenaw County Court- house on the question of chang- ing rent levels in this area. Meanwhile it has been revealed that at least one witness at the opening hearing, AVC spokesman Max Dean, will call for a city rent control law to augment the federal legislation which expires in March, 1948. Dean, a law stu- dent, has gathered legal informa- tion concerning a possible city rent control measure. AVC plans to send two giant postcards to the rent board, cov- ered with the names of students opposing relaxed controls. The AVC will ask students to sign the cards on the Diagonal tomorrow. All groups and individuals inter- ested in the rent hearings will gather at a co-ordinating meeting at 4:30 pm oorwi h Union. Daily Meeting Plans Continue Provost James P. Adams will make the welcoming address at MASS HYSTERIA: Mental Diseases Dangerously Contagious---Dr.C. R. Miller Women Students Walk on Air, Undisturbed by Perilous Path By BETTE HAMILTON Mental diseases can be as dan- gerously contagious as physical ailments, according to Dr. Clyde R. Miller, professor of education, at Columbia University. "Mass psychosis can sweep the whnle natinn n break nt in the cause of the disease is found, a method of prevention or cure is devised. Now we must apply the same scientific method to the cure and prevention of mental diseases." Commenting on the situation in rermanv under Hitler. Mllr vx- Helen Newberry residents and their visitors have been literally walking on air for the last few days. In the interests of a heating tunnel fnr the new General Serv- gaped as the carefully preserved Union lawn fell before the claws of the steam shovel. The heating tunnel, through which steam will enter the new huilding will na sunder the mu-