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September 26, 1947 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-26

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'AY,. SEPTEMBER 26, 1947



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Students Brave Hazards in
Temporary Class Building

Students attending classes in
the temporarystructure located
behind the health service buildinr
will have to compete with work-
men rushing the unit to comple-
tion for at least two more weeks.
Study Hazards Abound
On a brief tour of the building
a Daily reporter encountered some
Prof. Woodward
At California Lab
Prof. Avalyn E. Woodward of
the zoology department left the
University late this summer to
study at the Marine Biological
Laboratory, Corona Del Mar, Cal.
Dr. George R. LaRue," chairman'
of the zoology department has an-
She will return to the Univer-
sity before the second semester,
Dr. LaRue said.
The Marine Laboratory is as-
sociated with the California In-
stitute of Technology.
Read and Use
Daily Classifed Ads

of the study detriments with
which stuaents will have to con-
nd in the meantime. After en-
ring the building over a tempo-
rary wooden ramp thrown across
a ten foot gully, your reporter
skirted several wooden carpen-
ter's benches and commenced a
tour of the building.
Workmen were scattered)
throughout the structure, busily
hammering and sawing on final
touches to the building. On the
second floor, painters were finish-
ing uncovered spots in stair wells,
while electricians and carpenters
swarmed through classrooms.
Persistent Professors
Meanwhile, classes went on be-
hind closed doors, with instructors
apparently little bothered by the
din. The new temporary class
rooms feature comfortable the-
atre-type seats equipped with
writing arms. Up-to-date lighting
arrangements were being installed
in the rooms which will be heated
from the central University heat-
ing plant.t
Currently the nearly completed
building is being used to teachI
courses which have overtaxed reg-
ular departmental facilities.

Theatie Group
Plans Mystery
"Murdered Alive," a three-act
mystery comedy, will be present-'
ed by the Willow Village Littlel
'heatre Group at the West LodgeI
Auditorium November 7, 8, and 9.
The play, a drama involving the
perplexities and problems sur-
rounding a missing heir, will be-
presented by students of the Uni-
The cast, which was chosen at
tryouts held September 23, in-
cludes Grace Schoolfield and
Marion Emerson, two of last sea-
son's successful actresses.
Other participants are Wilma
Bogart, Bennie Haggen, Harvey
Stewart, Claire Charlton, Gloria
Messian, Dick Charlton, William
V. Swisher, David Vance, Mar-
garet Seglund, and Mike Cetta.
The group will again be directed
by Don Decker, and Marion Em-
erson will act as player-produc-
tion manager. John Honig, a pro-
fessional in theatre, will serve
as stage manager.
Last March the Little Theatre
presented the thriller "Ten Nights
in a Barroom" for three nights to
enthusiastic audiences of students
and Village residents.

Solution in UN Seen Unlikely
Without Major PolicyChange
By J. M. ROBERTS ing that there are uses for indi-I
AP Foreign News Tnalyst id l i


Trygve Lie, Secretary General
of the United Nations, speak;,
with the voice of people every-
where when he calls on the great
powers to give the United Nations
a chance, but his hypothesis that
fear alone is at the root of the
trouble will bear scrutiny.
Big power suspicions, he says,
lead to fear and hate; it's the
spirit in which issues are ap-
proached. Not the machinery of
the U. N., which is at fault.
Sacrifice Necessary
But it is the action and policy
which produce fear that is really
at fault. The first reaction might
be to ask Stalin and Truman to
get together and see what can
be done. That may yet prove to
be the best possible try. But every-
thing would still depend on some-
one's willingness to sacrifice ma-
jor national policies.
The United States does not be-
lieve it is right for Russia to
coerce her neighbors either to de-
fend herself against possible at-
tack or to spread her ideology.
Russian Claims
Russia claims the western pow-
ers are mobilizing against her mil-
itarily, economically and political-
ly: that Communism and capital-
ism cannot live side by side in
peace; that she must make her-
self strong against any coalition;
and that the good which her sys-
tem will eventually produce jus-
tifies any method of imposition.
Fundamental Differences
There are issues involved in this
conflict that are being compro-
mised by the forces of time. West-
ern capitalism has for some years
been compromising with socialist
economic theory, and the Russian
monopolistic state has been find-

vu uai enterprise.
But there are fundamental dif-
ferences between what we call
democracy and what the Russians
call Communism. There is, for
instance, the issue of whether the
state shall derive its powers from
the people, or whether it shall
itself be the sole source of hu-
man rights. Such issues involve
an almost religious fervor, and
are not negotiable. They must
either be withdrawn from inter-
national affairs or one side must
admit it is wrong.
The small hope of that was em-
phasized after Lie's speech by
Andrei Vishinsky's reiteration of
Russian intransigence on prac-
tically every issue of the day.

Village .Plans
Dance Series
The De Icer Hop, first of a
series of free dances to be given
at West Lodge Auditorium in Wil-
low Village, will be presented from
8:30 until 11:30 p.m. today.
Bryce Durant will act as Mas-
ter of Ceremonies, and music will
be supplied by records of top
The planning committee for the
dance consisted of Florence Ros-
enberg. Phil Marrinar, and Gene
Subsequent dances may be held
alternate Friday nights, R. Gram-
beau, West Lodge Recreation Di-
rector, announced.
The word mausoleum originated
with the magnificent monument
erected by Queen Artemisia in 353
B. C. in memory of her husband,
King Mausolus.


Michigan Christian Fellowship
will hold a post-game Football,
Jamboree for freshmen and new
students at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Lane Hall. Games and refresh-
ments are included in the party's
* * *
The Canterbury Club, Episcopal
student guild, will hold its first
open house and tea from 4 to 6
p..m., Friday, in the new club
home at 318 N. Division.
All Episcopal students and their
friends have been invited to at-
The group will also hold a sup-I
per, followed by a discussion, cof-
fee hour and group singing at 6
p.m. Sunday.

Reservations may be had
phoning 2-4097.
* * *


The Baptist Guild will hold a
football party at 8:30 p.m. Fri-
day. in tle Baptist church base-
There will be movies of 1946
football games, social dancing, re-
freshmen ts.
Freshmen are especially invit-
Despite the repatriation of
about 500,000 persons during 1946,
the census of displaced persons in
Europe by the end of the year
stood at approximately 1,000,000
people, according to the Encyclo-
pedia. Britannica 1947 Book of the


II Welcomes



Students Rush
For the first time in the his-
tory of the Oriental Languages
department it has become neces-
sary to add an additional section
to the beginning course in Chi-
nese, Prof. W. H. Worrell, chair-
man of the department, said yes-
The addition was brought about
by the large number of students
who enrolled in beginning Chi-
nese. The enrollment was almost
three times as great as was ex-
pected, Prof. Worrell said.
To meet the increased interest
in the Chinese language, the lit-
erary college has added two new
members to its faculty, and has
expanded its offerings so that
the Chinese language may be
studied at six different levels,
Prof. Worrell said.
One of the new members is Dr.
Yao Shen, who received her doc-
tor's degree from the University
and who is also serving as a re-
search associate in the English
Language Institute.
The other is Bayard Lyon, who
has spent twelve years in China
and who has recently been with
the Institute of Chinese Language
and Literature at YaleUniver-
In beginning Chinese the stu-
dent is first taught to speak the
language, and after he has ac-
quired a speaking knowledge of it,
he then begins studying writing
and grammar. This method, al-
though it is relatively new, has
been successful in previous ex-
periments, Prof. Worrell said.

Former IaIj,4hon e
WE'RE mighty proud that many students here at the
University are girls who have worked as operators in
telephone offices.
If -oU are one of therm, wSv ciaiit you to visit us at the
telephone office here. WV want to neet you so we can
welcome you personally to Ann Arbor. For after all,
every former telephone operator is still a "telephone
woman" to us.
If you would like part-tin employment while You're
attending the University, we may be able to work out
a schedule that won't interfere with your classroom
or study periods. We already have a number of college
students who work part time and they find our lounge
room ideal for studying and our employees' cafeteria a
convenient place to eat.
The telephone office is just 2- 2zblocks from the
campus, at 323 East Washington street, which makes
it mighty convenient to get to and from.
But whether or not you wish to earn additional money,
do drop in and see us. The welcome sign is always out.
Just ask for Mrs. Kirk.
323 East Washington Street

If you are a former telephone
operator and would like to work
while your husband attends the
university,come in and see


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