SeePare 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Truman Askscongress
To Revive Controls
Campus Rent
Witnesses To
Hold Meeting
Nov. 24 Hearing
To Be Discussed
A meeting to co-ordinate all
campus groups interested in ap-
pearing at next week's open hear-
ing on relaxing local rent con-
trols, will be held at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday in the Union.
Co-sponsored by the AVC and
the Student Legislature, the meet-
ing is designed to give all inter-
ested campus groups and inde-
pendent students a chance to co-
ordinate testimony which will be
presented at the formal open hear-
ing. The open hearing, slated for
See Page 2 for a questionnaire
dealing with proposed rent in-
creases. AVC and the Student
Legislature request that students
and faculty members living outside
University residences fill out the
questionnaire and mail it in.
7:30 p.m., Nov. 24 at Washtenaw
County Courthouse, was called by
the local rent advisory board.
Interest Mushrooms
William White, board chairman,
said that interest in the meeting
has mushroomed among local citi-
cens and students. In order that
all interested persons may pre-
sent testimony, White said it will
probably be necessary to limit
each witness to five minutes.
After the hearing the local ad-
vistory board may take one of
three recommendations to the De-
troit rent board which will refer
them to federal authorities. De-
control of local rents, changed
rent levels, or adjustments of
individual cases may be recom-
mended by the local board..
Public Lacks
Of Blindness
Rehabilitation for the blind per-
son is impeded by a "stone age"
philosophy and definition of
blindness on the part of the "see-
ing world," according to visiting
speakers who attended the na-
tional conference on Psychological
diagnosis and counseling of the
adult blind, at the University,
Joseph F. Clunk, of the Federal
Office of Vocational Rehabilita-
tion, Washington, D. C., declared
that aggressive and positive adver-
tising of the abilities of the blind
will be necessary before blind per-
sons will be accepted for industrial
Lack of understanding on the
part of the "seeing world" persists
because of a continuous sales cam-
paign advertising and helplessness
and the limitations of blind per-
sons, Clunk charged. "The em-
ployer is not in a special class, dis-
criminating against the blind. He
merely reflects the public lack of
understanding of physical blind-
Pointing out measures for ad-
justment, Gabriel Farrell, director
of the Perkins Institute and Mas-
sachusetts School of the Blind,
told members of the conference
that education of the family and
friends of the blind is almost as
vital as education of the blind1
Social Adjustment
He explained that the first "so-
cial adjustment" of the blind per-
son takes place within his home,
and the second within his own
community. Because of mistaken
ideas and emotions about blind-
ness, the adjustment of the "see-
ing world" to the blind is often as
difficult as the adjustment of the
blind person to his own visual
handicap, Farrell said.
Farrell also emphasized the need
Occupation of Japan
Commended by Brown
But Much Still Remaining To Be Done, Says
California Historian; Will Lecture Today
"On the whole General MacArthur has done a good job in Japan
but there is much that remains to be done," Prof. D61mar M. Brown of
the University of California history department, said in an interview
last night.
Prof. Brown, who will discuss "Problems of the American Occupa-
tion of Japan" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre, spent
six years in Japan teaching Ehglish and studying Japanese history
and language. During the war he served in the Navy doing intelli-
gence work for Admiral Nimitz.
Talks Today
In his talk today, Prof. Brown will survey the military, religious.
- political educational and economic
GOP Spokesmen, One Democrat
Brand New Plan 'Reginientation'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17-President Truman called on Congress
today for authority to revive partial wage, price and rationing controls
as "insurance" against the "catastrophe" of ruinous inflation.
And tonight he had a battle on his hands.
Key Republicans' and at least one Democrat, Senator Elmer
Thomas of Oklahoma, said Mr. Truman's 10 point program means
House Speaker Martin said the Chief Executive evidently wants
Student Vets
Will Conduct
Cost Survey
Prelude to Higher
Subsistence Plea
A thoroughgoing survey of the
student veteran's cost of living will
be conducted on campus tomorrow
as a preliminary to renewed pres-
sure for government subsistence
increases under the G.I. Bill.
The campus AVC will join with
the University's Woman Veterans'
Association to conduct the probe.
A uniform questionnaire, drawn
up bytwoulocal veterans' groups
is" being used on 25 campuses
throughout the state. Results of
the survey, will serve as the nu-
cleus for demands to be placed
before the regular session of Con-
gress, opening in January.
Last Year Too
(A survey conducted by AVC
at the University last year was
presented at Congressional hear-
ings. According to George Anton-
ofsky, temporary chairman of Op-
eration Subsistence - Michigan,
the survey was very effective in
informing Congressional leaders of
the veterans' plight).
The new survey will utilize the
sampling techniques of the Sur-
vey Research Center to arrive at
a picture of the veteran's living
problems. A representative group
of 400 veterans will be interviewed
on campus.
Statewide Meeting
When the survey here and
around the state has been com-
pleted and the results intetrpreted,
a program will be drawn up for
subsistence demands. A statewide
conference at Lansing on Dec.
12 will map out final plans to be
taken to Washington early next
Gospel Goes
Through Wall
The Bill of Rights has tri-
umphed again.
A complaint that Evangelical
Temple's meeting last night was
disturbing the peace evoked the
following comment from an offi-
cer of the law: "Well, I'm sorry
lady, but if that's their way of
worshiping God we can't inter-
The complainant had reported
she could hear the faithful sing-
ing next door on Williams St. with
all her doors and windows closed.j
problems faced in the occupation.
The military potential of Japan
has been destroyed, educationa.
and religious reforms have beer
undertaken, a new constitution
and a bill of rights have been
adoptel, State Shintoism abolishes
and the Emperor has admitted his
non-divinity, Prof. Brown stated.
But the success and permanence
of these reforms depend upon the
creation of a healthy economic
order, according to Prof. Brown
He listed a severe food shortage
black market operations, high
prices, decreased industrial output
and labor problems as obstacles to
a healthy Japanese economy.
No Dollar Credits
Unless some arrangements are
mnade which will enable the Jap-
anese to export enough to obtain
dollar credits, they will be unable
to buy the raw materials and
equipment necessary for building
up their industries to provide
them with their peacetime needs,
Prof. Brown said.
The liberal political reforms will
also be endangered without a
healthy order, he added.
One of the important needs of
'the occupation is a supply trained
experts which the University's In-
stitute for Japanese studies, the
only adequate program of its kind
in the country, Prof. Brown con-
Original Plaly
Tops Student
Bill Tomorrow
Students in advanced theatre
courses in the speech department
will present a bill of four one-act
plays at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Austin Bach, '48 will witness the
premiere performance of his orig-
inal "Flowers for Julia," written
in a playwriting course last year
Although this is the only student-
written play on the program, the
entire bill is being directed and
staged by students.
The other plays on the bill are
"One Sunday Afternoon" by
James Hagan, "Lithuania" by
Rupert Brooke and George Kelly's
"Poor Aubrey."
Men's Judiciary
To Probe Election
Men's Judiciary Council will
conduct an investigation of il-
legal practices in the recent cam-
pus election from 4 to 6 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 308 of the Union.
Anyone witnessing such prac-
tices is requested to appear before
the council at that time.
ADMIRE DUTCH ART-Jayne Semsker and Margaret Hallam, art school sophomores, look at a
painting by the only 16th century artist represen ted at the exhibit of Dutch art now on display at
the University Museum of Art. The portrait is Mae rten Van Heemskerck's "Anna Codde, Wife." The
art works in the exhibit, which will run through N ov. 28 at Alumni Memorial Hall, were looted from
Dutch collections during the Nazi occupation. They are now on loan to the U.S. by the Netherlands
Fire Hazard
.removal Job
Nears Finish
Science Building
Dangers Eliminated
Fire hazards in the Natural Sci-
ence Building caused by poor use
of storage space have been elimi-
nated and space made available
for offices and laboratories, Prof.
George R. LaRue, chairman of the
zoology department, announced
Rubbish and obsolete equipment
discovered by Walter Burns, fire
inspector for the state fire mar-
shal; Capt. Harold Gauss, of the
local Fire Department and Andred
Leland, Maintenance Inspector for
the Plant Department, during a
routine inspection last March,
have been removed, according to
Prof. LaRue.
An article describing hazard-
ous conditions in the Natural Sci-
ence Building appeared in The
Daily last March 22.
"Offices for two departmental
instructors and laboratories for
five graduate students have been
provided by the clean-up;-
Walls between small storage
rooms and closets were knocked
out to form three large rooms.
After the inspection last March,
the department reorganized the
stored equipment on hand, threw
out unnecessary articles and
stored the remainder in an old
heating tunnel under the building.
"We have a few more small
items to clean up but most of our
projects are done," Prof. LaRue
Menu Revised
t West Lodge
Meat Choice Added
To Cafeteria Special
West Lodge Cafeteria has an-
nounced that beginning Nov. 30
and lasting until Dec. 14 students
or will have a choice of one of two
or three meats on the 75 cents
If food prices rise no higher and
if the plan meets with approval, it
will be continued.
The cafeteria is not a concession
but is under the control of the
University. All food for the cafe-
teria is bought through the Uni-
versity and is the same as that
served by the Union, the League,
Campus Groups Ready for
International Students Week
Several campus organizations
have indicated plans to partici-
pate in International Students
Week by inviting foreign students
as guests and speakers at pro-
grams being held throughout the
The Congregational - Disciples
Guild has invited Turkish stu-
dents as guests at a tea being
held at 4:30 p.m. today inbthe
guild house. Sunday a panel of
foreign students will discuss "Re-
ligion in Education" at a meet-
ing of the Unitarian student
Hinsdale House is the first res-
idence to announce a program
Engine College
Class Officer
Election Nears
Nominating petitions for engi-
neering college class officers may
now be obtained in Rm. 255, West
Engineering, Ev Ellin, president of
the Engineering Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
The petitions, which are being
distributed by Mrs. Post, secretary
to the Dean, state the necessary
qualifications for candidates and
rules for the election.
Completed petitions, will be due
at 5 p.m. Friday and must contain
50 signatures of members of the
candidate's class, and at least a.
25 word statement of plans and
qualifications for the office. The
statement must appear on each
sheet of the petition.
At the election, which will be
held Nov. 26, four officers will be
elected by the senior class and a
president and secretary will be
elected by each of, the three un-
for International Student Week.
A speaker from the Latin Amer-
ican Club will talk on the eco-
nomic situation in South America
and job opportunities for Amer-
icans there.
Programs are being arranged for
the speakers bureau at the re-
cently organized International
Students Association which is
making panels and individual
speakers available to student
groups on campus and through-
out the state.
The NSA committee of the Stu-
dent Legislature has contacted all
schools in the state offering the
services of the bureau for pro-
grams, according to Tom Walsh,
chairman of the committee.
Walsh also urged residences to'
invite foreign students to partici-
pate in informal discussions dur-
ing this week. Interested groups
may contact. Shankar Rangana-
than at the International Center
from2 to 5 p.m. daily.
To carry out the program of ac-
quainting students on campus
with foreign students throughout
the year, the ISA is planning a
counseling service for foreign stu-
dents. As projected, American stu-
dents would act as advisors to
newly arrived foreign students.
Liner Crashes
Nbear Willow
A skillful crash landing in a
pasture by veteran pilot Capt.
Thad Royall saved 17 lives Sunday
night near Willow Run Airport.
The Miami-bound plane, owned
by Eastern Air Lines, clipped a
wire fence and skidded to a stop
within a few paces of a 10-foot
ditch and a row of trees.
It had just taken off from Wil-
low Run at 5:40 with 14 passengers
and a three-man crew when pro-
pellor trouble developed.
"a more colossal OPA" and :
"The President, having had
service in the Senate, certainly
should know he couldn't get en-
acted in both houses measures of
this magnitude, and as controver-
sial, in the space of time of the
special session."
Drastic Measures
Also among the "drastic meas-
ures" Mr. Truman asked for the
war against climbing living costs
were tighter rent controls and
power to curb installment buying
These and half a dozen others
should get by without too much
trouble, Senator Sparkman pre-
dicted to newsmen. But he shook
his head over price, rationing and
wage controls as highly controver-
But Mr. Truman made it plain
he wants 'his whole program en-
acted. The people, he said, want
protection against inflation, they
are entitled to it, and should not
be "misled with half measures."
"If we fail to prepare and dis-
aster results," he said, ". . . We
shall have gambled with our na-
tional safety-and lost."
Aid To Europe
With his plan for combatting
inflation at home, the President
coupled another administration
bid for $597,000,000 to aid France,
Italy and Austria this winter.
In an obvious jab at Russia, he
said this country will not let "crit-
icisms so loudly expressed" halt
its foreign program.
In short, crisp sentences, he told
Congress it is "vital and essen-
tial" that it pass laws immediately
1. "Authorize price ceilings on
products in short supply which
basically affect the cost of living
or industrial production, and to
authorize such wage ceilings as
are essential to maintain the nec-
essary price ceilings."
2. "Authorize consumer ration-
ing of products in short supply
which basically affect the cost of
3. "Extend and strengthen rent
4. "Restore consumer credit
controls ". . "
5. "Extend and strengthen ex-
port controls."
6. "Authorize the regulation of
speculative trading on the com-
modity exchanges."
7. "Authorize allocation and in-
ventory control of scarce commod-
ities "
8. "Extend authority to allo-
cate transportation facilities and
9. Permit measures to encour-
age marketing of livestock and
poultry in a way to obtain the
most efficient use of grain.
10. Enable the agriculture de-
partment to develop conservation
practices and allow steps to step
up food production abroad.
Truman Talk
Evokes Varied
Professors Slosson,
Faculty reaction to President
Truman's proposals ranged from
one extreme to the other last
Prof. B. W. Wheeler of the his-
tory department said that he was
unfavorably impressed by the
grain di4ersion program suggested
by the President. Prof. Wheeler
said that he doubted that the
farmers would willingly cooperate
in the grain conservation plan as
outlined in Truman's speech.
Wheeler Skeptical
He said that he agreed with the
ends to which the President's plan
aspired, but doubted that the plan
would succeed. "Only increased
production can ease our difficul-
ties,"he said.
In regard to the grain program
Prof. Wheeler said that the only
successful device for grain diver-
sion was an excessively high price
on grain, which in itself was not
desirable. Prof. Wheeler saw no
way of immediately solving this
country's financial problems.
O.K. With Slosson
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department took the op-
posite view. He said that the Pres-
ident's plan probably would get
through Congress although
"chipped off at the edges" by
Prof. Slosson said that, "since
the country is still in a state of
emergency similar to the war,
broad executive powers are nec-
Traf f iePlan
Proposed by
Possible future relief for Ann
Arbor'.S overcrowded street system
was contained in a long range
Thoroughfare Plan presented last
night to the City Council as part
f a busy meeting.
The plan, which includes the
iroposed widening of Washtenaw
Avenue and Hill Street in the
ampus area, has taken over a
'ar and a half to formulate. It
vas presented to therCouncil by
Mayor William Brown with the
'lopes that it would be thoroughly
discussed throughout the city and
action taken.
Council also voted funds to drill
two new wells to insure against a
repetition of last summer's serious
water shortage which affected the
entire city including the Univer-
A seven year renewal of the city
bus franchise was apprved by the
Council, but only after the inser-
+: _v of - ... ^"v - -ir --f ~..n a
IWorld News At AGlanceI
By The Associated Press
NEILLSVILLE, Wis., Nov. 17-Two young ex-convicts, who for
12 hours had kept at bay an armed posse seeking them in the attack
of a University of Michigan coed and the cold blooded slaying of her
brother-in-law, surrendered meekly late today.
With their hands in the air, 'the pair walked out of a barn in the
heavily wooded area of north-central Wisconsin and surrendered.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17-Sweeping concessions in United
States tariffs were announced tonight, affecting three-fourths
of all imports and dropping the nation's tariff barrier to the low-
est point in decades.
* * * *
Italian Leftists Active in '43, Says Vet
Foreshadowing of Sunday's
Leftist diorders in Cerignola, Italy,
were observed as early as 1943 by
15th Air Force men, according to
prevented any of them from get-
ting out of haid."
"Every night, though, crowds
were excited by speakers in the
main square.
Paul said Cerignola was one of
Italian reaction to the mention
of Big Three names-Roosevelt,
Churchill and Stalin-became a
well-known joke among Ameri-
Rnsvelt- "nn hunno"