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November 16, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-16

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See Page 4




Latest Deadline in the State






4 * *


Specific Aid Move:
Is Gaining Favor in,





Truman Expected To Ask Congress
For $597 Million at First Session
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15-A move developed on Capitol Hill today
to specify quantities of aid, rather than sums of money, in any Europ-
ean stopgap aid plan.
And, downtown, diplomatic authorities reported that the Adminis-
tration is presently planning to ask Congress to appropriate $6,000,-
000,000 for spending on Latin-American and Canadian commodities to
go into the longer-range proposal of a four-year European aid effort.
President's Program
President Truman will lay his $597,000,000 program for stop-gap
aid for France, Italy and Austria before the opening session of Congress

Wisconsin, 40-6,
To Grab Crown
Chappuis, Derricotte, Yerges Pace
Wolverine Attack on Sloppy Field
(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 15-Billed as the 1947 Big Nine "dream
game," the Michigan-Wisconsin grid battle in Camp Randall Stadium
today turned into a Badger nightmare as the Wolverines romped to a
40-6 triumph for their first undisputed Conference title since 1933, thus
gaining a date in the Rose Bowl New Year's Day.
Playing their best game of the year before a sellout throng of
45,000, the Maize and Blue lived up to all advance notices of being a
great ball club. Their highly touted backfield was all it was supposed to
be and more, and their line held the hitherto explosive Wisconsin
offensive to a pitifulsix first downs.
Chappuis Shows Mettle
Bob Chappuis added to his All-American stature by piling up a

AMONG THE HEROES-Left to right, Bob Chappuis, Bruce Hilk ene, H. O. (Fritz) Crisler and Howard Yerges. Chappuis tossed three
touchdown passes and picked up 77 yards on the ground to run his to tal offensive record to 1,088 yards in eight games. Captain Bruce
Hilkene led the Michigan line as they tore huge holes in the Badger forward wall. Coach Crisler watched his grid machine power its
way to the first undisputed Conference championship for Michig an since 1933. Howie Yerges not only called the signals, but snagged
two touchdown passes.


Monday, along with a suggested m
of living at home.

Perkins Cites
Flaw m State
Tax Plannming
Brands Amendment
As Cause of Problem
As a result of the Second
Amendment to the State Consti-
tution, the state may someday find
itself required to borrow 10 mil-
lion dollars to meet its obligations,
John A. Perkins, state budget
director, declared in an address
here yesterday.
Perkins, who delivered a lunch-
eon speech to 500 accountants at-
tending the 22nd annual Michi-
gan Accounting Conference, said
that this is the foremost financial
problem facing the state.
Revenue Allocation
the Second Amendment pro-
vides that one-third of the rev-
enue derived from -the state sales
tax be a'llocated to local govern-
ments and 44 per cent be appro-
priated to the schools. The 44 per
cent clause, however, is one year
behind in its application. That is,
j the 44 per cent of this year's tax
revenue appropriated to the
schools will come out of next year's
tax inccfne.
Perkins pointed out that "this
condition is satisfactory as long as
we remain in a rising price situa-
tion, but should prices drop sud-
denly, the state will find itself in
a precarious financial position."
Illustration Given
To illustrate the seriousness of
this situation, Perkins explained
that this year's estimated revenue
from the sales tax is 195 million
dollars, of which 65 million will go
to local governments, and the 44
per cent allocated to the schools
from last year's income also comes
from this fund. Then 44 per cent
of this 195 million, or approxi-
mately 87 million dollars, will come
out of next year's revenue.
But should prices drop in the
next year and the sales tax reven-
ue be reduced to 116 million dol-
lars, which was the figure for 1939,
a normal year, the present setup
would require that 39 million go
the local governments, and the
87 million dollars to the schools
would also have to come out of
these funds, Perkins said.
Borrowing Necessary
This means that the state would
ha e to borrow 10 million dollars
tPlumeet its obligations, in addi-
tion to being without funds to
carry out its own function, he ex-
"Responsibility for this situation
lies not with the legislature, but
with the people, who also have the
power to correct it by constitu-
tional revision. We must give com-
plete power of appropriation to the
legislature, and thus be able to
hold those we elect responsible for
what is done," Perkins declared.
U.S. Troops Evacuating
MamI a....-p-aman Pa'P. _

eans of halting the rise in the cost
The diplomatic authorities, who
asked not to be quoted by name,
said that the use of U.S. dollars in
buying Latin American and Can-
adian products would be designed
to reduce the drain on U.S. re-
Products Involved
They said the major products
involved in the idea, in the order
cf their importance, are bread
grains, coarse grains, meats, fats
and oils, coffee, cotton and timber.
Secretary of State Marshall has
already said the administration
will ask Congress for authority un-
der which U.S. funds could be
spent in foreign countries for
commodities not readily available
here in large quantities.
Joint Session
The President will appear before
the joint session of the Senate and
House Monday in person, accom-
panied by his Cabinet. His mes-
sage, on which he worked today,
will be broadcast to the nation
(1:30 p.m. EST).
Meanwhile Carroll Reece, the
Republican national chairman,
called for two-way cooperation
between the White House and the
Hughes Hits
Fraud Charge
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15-(P)-
Howard Hughes demanded today
that Senator Ferguson (R-Mich.)
withdraw what Hughes called an
"implied challenge" that there was
fraud and corruption in the mil-
lionaire planemaker's wartime
Evidence still locked within the
files of the Senate War Inves-
tigating Committee, Hughes said,
will prove he "was telling the
truth" in denying he took part
in anything crooked.
His outburst came as the Com-
mittee ended its public hearings
on the $40,000,000 Hughes con-
Ferguson, chairman of a War
Investigating Subcommittee which
has been looking into Hughes'
contracts for photo planes for the
Air Force and for a huge flying
boat, quickly denied that he or
other senators had reached any
conclusions in the case.

Large Scale
Riots Sweep
Southern Italy
Strike Hits Rome;
Five Die inCerignola
ROME, Nov.h15--(A)-Riotous
fighting swept the Southern Ital-
ian city of Cerignola tonight, with
at least five persons reported
killed and many wounded, and a
sudden transportation strike tied
up Rome as the leftist assault on
Premier Alcide de Gasperi's gov-
ernment leaped from city to city
on a nation-wide scale.
Reinforcements of armored
cars, police and troops were rushed
to Cerignola, near Foggia, where
demonstrators were said to have
gained control of the main square.
Police Attacked
The Interior Ministry said it
had received word that the mob
had attacked the police barracks
there with machinegun fire and
hand grenades. The assistant po-
lice chief was gravely wounded
and three carabinieri and a police
agent were slightly wounded.
There are "numerous dead" in
the city, the Rome newspaper Mo-
mentosera reported. It added that
the roads into Cerignola were
blocked and telegraph and tele-
phone lines were cut. A general
strike also grapped Cerignola,
where many members of the U.S.
15th Air Force lived during the
Milling Demonstrators
Dispatches from the City said
the milling demonstrators at-
tacked the headquarters of De
Gasperi's Christian Democratic
(Catholic) Party and wrecked the
offices of the Democracy of La-
bor and of the University Asso-
ciation. The disorders began last
The province of Lecce, south of
Puglia in the heel of the Italian
boot, also was experiencing a
strike of peasants, diggers and to-
bacco workers. The Interior Min-
istry said that in some areas the
strikers had cut down telephone
poles. Several arrests were made.
Only taxis and ancient "Da-
mionette," privately-owned con-
verted pick-up trucks, were avail-
able to transport Romans who
lined the sides of these wheezing
vehicles two and three deep.

International Students Week
Observance To Start Today

International Students Week, as
proclaimed by the. NSA Commit-
tee of the Student Legislature,
starts today.
Designed to provide an oppor-
tunity for students on campus to
become acquainted with foreign
students and their countries, the
Third Force'
Meeting Called
By Ramadier
PARIS, Nov. 15-(AP)-Socialist
Premier Paul Ramadier today
called a series of important meet-
ings of political leaders for this
week-end in an effort to streng-
then his middle-of-the-road gov-
ernment as a 'third force" to meet
the rising threat of Communist
violence on the left and DeGaul-
list opposition on the right.
The call went out after the
Communists had presented a grave
new threat to the government by
ordering "action of the popular
masses" against cabinet decrees
raising gas, electricity and rail-
road rates, and had stirred riotous
trouble in Marseille. Industrial
sections in France's second largest
city were 80 per cent strike bound.
The strike was extended today
to Nice where dock workers walk-
ed out on instructions from Mar-
seille union headquarters.
High spot of the week-end con-
ferences scheduled by Ramadier is
to be a "political luncheon" to-
Those invited have been working
together since the municipal elec-
tions of Oct. 26 to set up a strong
"third force" to oppose the Com-
iunist and DeGaullist giants on
either side.
Reuther Signs
Red Affidavit
--(P)-President Walter Reuther
of the United Auto Workers (CIO)
and three other union officials
today wired the National Labor
Relations Board that they had
signed non-Communist affidavits
required by the Taft-Hartley Act.
The telegram, which was signed
also by Secretary-Treasurer Emil
Mazey and Vice Presidents Rich-
ard Gosser and John Livingston,
stated that the signing of the af-
fidavits would in no way prejudice
the Union's right to challenge thel
constitutionality of the law or tol
fight for its repeal.
The action was taken at a
special UAW Executive Board
meeting which followed the UAW
convention this week.
The reelection of Reuther as
president of the UAW and the
sweeping election victory of his
ticket Tuesday, was a setback to

week's activities will be co-spon-
sored by the recently formed In-
ternational Students Association.
Speakers' Bureau
Highlighting the celebration will
be the inauguration of a perma-
nent foreign student speaker's
bureau. Throughits facilities, stu-
dents from China, Egypt, France,
India, Latin America, the Philip-
pines, Scandinavia and Turkey
will be available as guest lecturers
at meetings of student groups.
Arrangements for speakers can
be made by contacting Shankar
Ranganathan at 6757.
Opportunity to Learn
Urging all types of campus or-
ganizations to take advantage of
the opportunity thus offered to
them. Tom Walsh, chairman of
the NSA Committee, declared,
"Students now have the oppor-
tunity to learn about foreign
countries, not from textbooks, but
from fellow students at the Uni-
versity who were born and raised
in those countries."
Already the campus chapter of
AVC, which had originally
planned for their Wednesday
meeting a discussion of the re-
port on civil liberties recently pre-
sented to President Truman, will
extend the topic to include a panel
discussion by representative for-
eign students on the status of
civil liberties in their native coun-
On World Government
On Thursday, the Student
World Federalists will turn over
the second part of its meeting to
a panel of foreign students who
will discuss the pros and cons of
world government as seen from
their various national viewpoints.
As the first activity on the
week's calendar, ISA is sponsor-
ing a "Filipino Supper," at 6 p.m.
today in the International Center
at which President and Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven will be guests
of honor and which will be open
to all students on campus.
The campus celebration this
week will coincide with world-
wide student recognition of Nov.
17. It was on this date that the
Germans suspended all education
in Czechoslovakia and subsequent-
ly slaughtered 156 students who
participated in a protest demon-
WCTU Proposes Plan
CHICAGO, Nov. 15-3P)-The
national Woman's Christian Tem-
perance Union urged today that
the special session of Congress de-
clare a "holiday from hangovers"
to save grain for Europe.

Costs To Be
Subject of Poll
Seek Data as Support
For Subsistence Hike
Student veterans on 25 cam-
puses throughout Michigan will
observe Operation Subsistence
Week, beginning tomorrow, as the
latest phase in the renewed cam-
paign to increase government sub-
sistence under the G.I. bill.
A state-wide survey of veterans
to arrive at a cost of living in-
dex-which will serve as the basis
for revised subsistence demands
-will be'conducted on all cam-
A reproduction of the Opera-
tion Subsistence Questionnaire
appears on Page 8.
puses. Uniform questionnaires as
drawn up by AVC and the Uni-
versity Women Veterans' organi-
zation are being used throughout
the state.
Completion Wednesday
Here on campus, veterans will
be asked to complete the question-
naires on Wednesday. Sampling
techniques similar to those of the
Survey Research Center, are
"Since it is impossible to hit
all veterans on campus," George
Antonofsky, temporary chairman
of Operation Subsistence, ex-
plained, "we feel that we can get
the most accurate results only if
we use a representative sampling."
Approximately 400 Questioned
Approximately 400 veterans will
be questioned, Antonof sky said.
Survey results here and
throughout the state, after they
have been tabulated and inter-
preted, will be presented before a
statewide planning conference at
East Lansing on Dec. 13. A final
program will be completed then
for presentation at the opening
of the regular session of Congress
in January.
Previous Survey
(A survey of subsistence con-
ducted here by AVC last year was
submitted to Congress at the last
session. According to Antonofsky,
who represented the AVC in
Washington at that time, the sur-
vey "was very effective in con-
vincing many doubtful Congress-
men of the veterans' needs.")
"Our sights are focused on the
House of Representatives this
time," Antonofsky said, "and we
have no doubt that we can con-
vince enough Congressmen to put
a pay increase across.
"But we need accurate, docu-
mented information to present to
them. Only complete cooperation
on the part of those we interview
can give us the information we
need," he added.

156-yard offensive total, while
Bump Elliott was close behind
with 141 yards. Jack Weisenburg-
er added 81 yards to his Confer-
ence rushing leadership.
*nMichigan's first touchdown came
on a break and the Wolverines
used just three plays to capitalize
on it. With six minutes of the
game gone, Wisconsin halfback
Jug Girard dropped back to his
own 12 to punt. A bad pass from
center confused the sophomore
ace and he was dropped on the ten
as he tried to run with the ball.
Yerges Scores
Two. plays failed to move the
ball, but Chappuis passed to Yer-
ges who stood all alone in the
right flat and went over standing
up. Brieske's kick was wide and
Michigan led 6-0.
Three minutes later the Wolver-
ine blitzkrieg struck again when
Gene Derricotte took a Girard
punt on his own 23 yard line, pick-
ed up some beautiful downfield
blocking, evadel the last man in
A Rose Bowl-bound Wolver-
ine football team arrives in the
Ann Arbor Michigan Central
Depot at 9:35 a.m. today. They
bring with them Michigan's first
undisputed Conference title in
14 years.
his way and went 77 yards to
score. This time Brieske's kick was
good and Michigan led 13-0.
Self Runs 70 Yards
Clarence Self then gave the par-
tisan crowd their first chance to
'cheer when he took the next kick
off and raced 70 yards to the
Michigan 14 where Big Lennie
Ford hit him and the ball squirted
out of his hand. Dick Loepfe jump-
ed on the loose ball on the 12 and
Wisconsin had their first scoring
chance. They muffed it however
as Derricotte intercepted a Girard
pass in the end zone.
Midway in the second quarter
See CRISLER, Page 6
Union To Present
Football Movie
Motion pictures of the Michi-
gan-Indiana football games will
be shown at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Union ballroom.
The same film will also be pre-
sented at 6:45 p.m. in the West
Lodge of Willow Village.
Movies of the Wolverine grid
contest played the week before
will be shown every Sunday during
the season.
Women students may attend.

Mood Swings.
Lost weekend

Friday Night Gaiety
Gives Way to Despair
(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 15-Mad-
ison offered a contrast in moods
this weekend.
Friday night optimism ran ex-
tremely high with most of the
population definitely hopeful of
an upset win over Michigan.
Drinks. Drinks were free-flowing
all over the town.
Last night the town was dead
by comparison as its Big Nine
championship and Rose Bowl
bubble was burst by a truly great
Maize and Blue team.
Fathers Saluted
Half-time ceremonies saluted
the 36 fathers of the Badger foot-
ball team. Highlights of the goings
on were a "Hi Dad" formation by
the band followed by the playing
of "What's the Matter with Fa-
A huge "Beat Michigan" sign
,was written in the snow just out-
side the Stadium but the Wol-
verine eleven evidently didn't no-
tice it.
Biggest Since 1926
Only in 1926 did the Wolverines
run up a bigger score against a
Wisconsin team, and they did it
by hauling one of last season's
most effective plays off the shelf.
It's the old Chappuis to Yerges
pass which accounted for two of
the six Maize and Blue touch-
downs and connected every time
it was used.
Heavy sleet and windstorms in
this part of the country knocked
out many of the telegraph and
radio wires in the state and one
radio announcer had to give up
up after talking for half an hour
when it turned out that he had
no audience.
Number One?
Speculation ran high in the
press box as to whether Mich-
igan wouldn't be the number one
team in the nation after yester-
day's impressive win.
Most agreed that Notre Dame's
narrow call with Northwestern
would vault the Wolverines into
first place in this week's AP poll
and that with only Ohio State
left on its agenda, Crisler's men
would be in a good position to
end the season as this country's
top-rated ball club.
Coaches' Comments
Coach Crisler's only comment
was that he was well-pleased with
his club.
Over in the rival dressing room,
Coach Harry Stuhldreher ad-
mitted that Michigan had a great
club. He did think, however, that
the score would have been closer
if the early game breaks hadn't
gone so much against his Badgers.

Kuiper Doubts Interplanetary
Trips,_Predicts Moon Flights

Rocket flights to the Moon at
present are "theoretically possib-
le," but attempted trips to other
planets would be "virtually im-
possible in the foreseeable future
because of the great distances in-
volved," Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper, di-
rector of the University of Chi-
cago's Yerkes Observatory, said

servatories on earth, which has
the effect of "traveling to Mars
with the speed of light."
"A low form of vegetation, such
as lichen, can and probably does
exist on Mars," Dr. Kuiper said.
However, he pointed out that Mars
has a light atmosphere, water va-
por is the only moisture, and temp-
erature changes are so much
greterthan on earth that no

Grad Student Gives Museum the Birds


A hirri i the hand.t Kn W.

did some extensive bird hunting,

Sunday's roast leghorn, the birds
am faria- - ia _ ,

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