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November 15, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-15

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#T"e, 4 1947



The firtliig allTtait
Fifty-Eighth Year
- I
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authiority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Clyde Recht......................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dcl, Kraus .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of aull news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited ii this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials publishedin The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

A i hnuil NerveCenter


NEAA Activates
WHILE the observance of Amlerican Ed-
ucation Week this week has caused the
educators to take stock of the drastic needs
in their field, it might be recalled that the
American education system has a very faith-
ful friend in the person of the National
Education Association.
The National Educational Association
is constantly working on beneficial legis-
lation, research and general advancement
of learning and culture. Concerned with
teacher welfare and affording every stu-
dent opportunities in education, the NEA
in cooperation with the U.S. office of
education and other groups originated
American Education Week in 1920.
Proclaimed annually by the President of
the United States and governors of the
states, American Education Week, was hail-
ed mainly by those who deplored the edu-
cation system's shortcomings.
It is not surprising, in view of all short-
ages this year, that the articles in the
November Survey Graphic should lament
the teacher shortage nor that the writer
in the November School and Society
should be alarmed about the lack of facil-
Considering all the drawbacks such as
overcrowding and lack of personnel, we are
confident that the educators represented
by the National Education Association and
other comparable groups wlil continue to
make strides in overcoming the obstacles
in their field of endeavor.
.-Mess Hayes
THE WELL-TAILORED voice of Set Svan-
holm rang the changes on the familiar
Vesti La Giubba, from "Paghacci," making
clear that classification of him as a "Wag-
nerian tenor" is too restricting. The aria was
sung as one of numerous encores following
his very fine concert last night.
Singing a selection of songs in four lan-
guages, with a program on which Wagner
was hmited to encores, Svanholm displayed
a clarity of intonation and an hiinct for
the dramatic which captivated the audience.
After opening with two early I alian songs,
he sang five Schubert lieder, of which Lieb-
esbotschaft and UnIeduld were done ex-
quisitely. Two songs each by Bahma and
Richard Strauss followed and Ihese were
surpassed only by the Schubert.
Following intermission, he sang sele'Lions
by Ture Rangstron and Sibelius and four
English numbers, and then encores by
Wagner and the well-known 'laugh clown
laugh" aria from "Pagliacci."
In choosing the latter Svanholm invites
comparison with Caruso, who is closely
associated with the famous aria in the minds
of most concert-goers. Such comparison
gives Caruso a clear margin of superiority,
but not so much as might be expeted. In
terms of vocal technique the two are just
«hnt - nn a iis - nir 'tnriitlzr i a n

WASHINGTON At exactly 3 p.m. on or
about the 10th day of every month, an
obscure set of offices in the South Agri-
culture Building in Washington becomes a
vital national nerve center. At precisely
that hour, a news item is flashed through-
out the couinry, an item which can send
send stocks soaring or shooting downward,
determine the price you will pay for your'
bread and eggs, and, in these days of des-
pe'ate world dependence on American food
supplies, quicken the pulse of a worried
government official in Paris and a weary
longshoreman in Marseilles.
The people who work in these offices,
located along a narrow corridor on the
second floor of the building, are the mem-
bers and staff of the Mriculture Depart-
ment's crop reporting board. Every 30
days they correlate farm information from
the states and wor'k up national estimates
and predictions for all U?.S. crops. They
are a quiet, hard-working group of about
1(0 whose daily labor attracts as little
notice as that of any of the thousands of
other goverunent employes. But on this
one day a month, the clerks, statisticians
and agricultural experts in the crop re-
porting setion awas seem a little be-
wildered by the spotlight which is turn-
ed on their work.
Dewey canto out last wek in favor of
"Aiding those whi 10sid with us in the
world in th hope t ht they will rise again
as bulwaks of . . . human freedom.'
Thus, Dewey dove ito the turbulent
} waters of U.S. foreign policy without even
(causing a ripple. His pious announcement
did nothing to clarify the muddled situa-
tion regarding either o' international re-
lations ur the position of Tom 1iewey on
these issues.
'Throughout his campaign 'or the Re-
publican presidential nomination, Dewey has
consistently avoided taking a definite stand
on any controversial issue. Presumably, he
is operating on the theory that if you don't
say anything, you can't hurt anybody's feel-
ings or make any enemies.
His generalizations about U.S. aid to
Europe can influence no one who has done
any thinking on the matter because he
has not said anything specific.
Dewey might just as well have come out
in favor of the "Ameican way of life," or
the five-cent cup of coffee.
Not since C'alvin Coolidge was elected
president without saying a word has any
presidential candidate gone so long with-
out declaring himself one way or the other
on most of the controversial issues of the
day. Coolidge could get away with silence
on political issues because he ran during
a period of economic quiet both here and
But when the next president takes office
in 1948, the many explosive issues that are'
only now coming to light wili be crystalliz-
ed. A man of decision, a man who has de-
finite ideas will be needed, not a man who
is so unsure of his own ideas that he hesi-
tates to make them public for fear of los-
ing favor with potential voters.
-Al Blumrosen
Food Gripes
FOOD GRIPES hit a new high when more
than 80' East and West Quad residents
recently signed a petition condemning the
handling of food in the quad residence halls.
The three charges, pointing to "prepar-
ation, de4 ibution and presentation"
somewhat reduntantly amount to a lack
of apprecia tion for the Tniversity's ef-
forts in serving meals in the residence

Taken piecemeal, the resolution breaks
down into marry petty considerations such
as why facilities are so crowded.
Due to vastly increased enrollments, the
quads are operating 40 per cent over ca-
pacity, in order to aecomnodate as many
student as possible.
Another gripe is the food stoppages in
the (a eterlis. in order to keep food hot
until the time that it is to be served and
'onserve seace, food must be brought in
at the tume it is to be used.
Food res'rving simply does not exist in
thr rte!ted lea for the East Quad-
'angie for the period of Oct. 22 through
Ncv. 1.
ial pra ice in food preparation was
anot her chaige t' the riesulutioni, but all
food fur'shed is presented according to
hStandar:i'ds set up by the Committee of
Fods and Nutr'ition, National Research
In iiost cases, t 0wiclh thos mentioned
are, I , the quadder's complaints boil
down to a misuniderstanding of the food
situation. Considering the high cost of liv-
ing in Ann Arbor, it is impossible to buy
the meals served in the Quadrangles at a
restaurant for any price near the $.50
per day that residents pay.
Food serving has always been a prob-
lem for residence halls. Besides trying to
please everyone with a varied and ap-
..: . nwa f. c r i- ic- .tmo- lf, w thi

Outside of the military, the monthly crop
report is one of the most carefully guarded
secrets in the government - until the 3
p.m. release time.
But it wasn't always that way. Previous
to 1905, the department was lax in its
handling of the report, and the honesty of
the people working on it was about the only
protection against premature release of the
Then came the two "leaks" of 1905.
Both involved top-flight officials of the
board. In one case, the official was caught
transmitting crop information to an ac-
complice outside by means of lowering
and raising a window shade according to
pre-arranged signals. The scheme was
designed to make a killing in speculation
on the grain exchanges before the in-
formation was released to the 10blic.
The other case involved an even bolder
and more irresponsible action. The head
of the board deliberately falsified the fig-
ures, apparently with the same idea of
cleaning up in speculation on the market.
,Incidentally, a touch of irony was added
to the episode later in the year. It turned
out that the falsified figures were very
nearly the actual crop production after all
the harvests were in.
After these incidents, the department
clamped a lid of the tightest secrecy on
the crop information. And four years lat-
er, in 1909, Congress passed a law pro-
viding a maximum sentence of $10,000
and 10 years in prison for any employe
who reveals information in advance of
publication of the report. Five years be-
hind bars and a $5,000' fine await anyone
who falsifies th figures. As far as can
be determined, there has never been oc-
casion to invoke the law.
The department's procedure now is prac-
tically fool-proof. At 8 a.m. - sometimes
6 a.m.- on the day o the monthly report,
the estimates from the states are brought
from a double sae in the Agriculture Sec-
retary's office to the crop reporting sec-
tion. At the moment, guards lock the door
leading to the section's corridor, and the
venetian blinds in each office are locked
down. No one is permitted to leave the
section until 3 p.m. Only section employes
and a woman who provides their lunch are
given passes to enter the corridor before
that time.
THE BEST ANDIDOTE to the threat of
Communism to the democratic system is
the effective maintenance of that system,
Russell Barnes, .foreign correspondent for
the Detroit News who recently has returned
from a tour of Europe, declared in a recent
address before the University Press Club.
Mr. Barnes has suggested a logical, posi-
tive solution to a problem which has here-
to-fore been approached only negatively.
The bills and investigations on the subject
have been concerned with punishment of
outward results, not with the real causes.
We. are involved in an ideological struggle
between two basic philosophies of politico-
economic life. To prove the superiority of
our theory we have to "make it work" in
providing the best way of life for the ma-
jority of people.
Making our system work involves solv-
ing the major political, economic and so-
cial issues confronting us. Our solution
to the housing shortage, inflation spiral,
unemployment question, racial tensions
and broken homes will have more effect
on stopping Communism than any nega-
tive approach. Therefore time spent in
constructive efforts to meet these crises
will be more effective in the long run than
those solutions which miss the basic is-

This is true because it is a matter of his-
toric fact that a satisfied people do not "go"
Communist. A man who has a good job,
a good home and family, and certain basic
liberties does not want change. It is only
those people who are desperately situated
who will turn to Communism. Russia, itself,
was in dire straits before the revolution.
However, Russia now seems to be fol-
lowing a policy of creating chaos in Eur-
ope as a prelude to spreading their doc-
trine. The Communist party has made
the biggest gains in the countries which
are economically the worst off. The Bal-
kans are Soviet dominated, France and
Italy though not Communist ruled, have
stronger Communist parties than ever be-
fore. Even England, the traditional bul-
wark of conservatism has compromised to
the point of adopting Socialism. This
growth of Communism has had its basis
in economic and social breakdowns.
Therefore, if we would enervate the threat
of Communism, our most potent weapon lies
not in witch hunts but in sane solution of
our most pressing domestic problems.
-Alice Brinkman

Iutch Defeise
about dnesa t
again illustrate 1 he futility O
making moral-poiali judgments
without uppohut g reasons. The
writers have taken it upon them-
selves to question Ditch behavior
in the Ines out. seems.
a very great knoledge of either
Dutch or Indonesian policy.
A letter TuesayV was so hys-
terical it conclIded by asserting
the Truman administ rAt ion hopes
to gain --oil. tin and rubber for
Wall Street'' by closing its eyes
to the situation, that we will not
argue with the writer until we are
convinced he has done some re-
search into the problem. Appar-


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by,3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 47


EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
appeared in this column, girls
have been coming up to me and

sent. for publication samples of
.hait they think is funny. We are
]lieral-minded, and one of our
editors Aughs at anything; so it
will p ably get printed. Any-
thing. en people can write let-
ters to the Editor about Mr. Ar-
The Gargoyle is highly revered
in all Detroit high schools.
As for my personal friend, Dick
Coleman, I find nothing objec-
tionable in his being eight feet
tall and having three eyes. Nor
does he. He finds his height con-
venient in watching parades. And
his jlasses are fascinating.



ently he does not realize, for in- Assembly, School of Forestry and
stance, that the Dutch will have Conservation: 10 a.m., Tues., Nov.
rto more control over Indonesia, 18. W. K. Kellogg Auditorium.
under the terms of the Linggad- Dr. Ralph H. Allee, Director of
jati agreement effective next the Inter-American Institute of
year) than the British have over Agricultural Sciences at Turrial-
Canada. Even after fighting be- ba, Costa Rica, will speak on the
gan, the Dutch government an- activities of the Institute.
nounced (Sept. 23) additional All School of Forestry and Con-
plans for a Federal Government _servation students not having nor-
of Indonesia, also to go into effect forestry conflicts are expected to
next year. Inetrim governments,' attend. All others interested are
of course, already exist in Borneo cordially invited to attend.
and East Indonesia. where Dutch
and Indonesians rule together. The following men have been
The writer of Sunday's let- selected as members of the Men's
ter says in effect that he doesn't Glee Club. These will be a meet-
really know what the situation ing Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
is in Indonesia, but that he is First Tenors-Bay, Bennett,
willing to find out. He asks an Bernardy, Kochenderfer, Mc-
intelligent question: "Why don't Laughlin, Pringle, Puff, Stephen-
the Dutch ask the United Na- son, Wright.
tions to assume jrisdi'tion?' Second Tenors-Beam, Challis,
The Dutch haveanswered that { DeMerritt, Dunkle, Fischer, Har-
In the firs llace, the UN is rington, McGowan, Phebus, Rue-
only supposed to interiene il sit- tenik, Van Husen, Westphal.
nations "dangerous Wo the inter- I Baritones-Boesen, David, Grei-
national peace.' Surely the inter- der, H; mmel, Hanson, Hblmes,
national peace is not el(dangered Jensen, Jones, Morris, Mark,
in Java: the Indonesian "Repub- Pfluke, Ryckman, Sandweiss,
lic" is not a "sovereign state." I{Strickland, Talbot.
Therefore the Dutch would be Basses - Brockhaus, Cleveland,
within their rights to exclude the Entenmann, Garchow, Gault, Hall,
UN. Hart ,Jensen, Lindquist, Lowen-

But the Dutch have not1
begged the question on tech-
nical grounds. They have agreed
as have the Indonesians. to
abide by UN decisions. So, in
effect, the Mtc ihave asked
the UiN's jurisdiction. But it
would be more accurate to say
that the UN has arrogated to
itself jurisdiction over the dis-
pute; the Dutch, we see, don't
have to ask the UN to as-
sume jurisdiction-they already
have, even though Britain,
France, the United States and
Belgium voted against that step
as a violation of the Charter.I
And of course, the cease-fire or-
der was issued.
Those were early developments.
Despite Sunday's denial, a UN1
Commission is in Indonesia; the
Java Consular Commission. ap-
pointed by the UN to survey the
problem, has been at work for two
The Commission has already
made a preliminary report-drawn'
up by Australian, Chinese, French,
British and United States and
Belgian officials. It appears in the
New York Times of Oct. 15. It
says, in part:
because of mutual lack
of confidence no, attempt has
been made by either side to come
to an agreement about enforcing
the cease-fire order." Dutch
forces, the report said, continued
to mop up bypassed Indonesians,
but did not extend their lines.
"The population suffered con-
siderably even before the police
action from banditry and the
scorched-earth policy," declared
the report. "This was intensi-
fied during and after the police
"'There is 'little hatred of
the Dutch, whose assistance in
running the country is recog-
nized as essential,'" the report
With the repdrt in mind, the
United Nations Security Council
adopted a resolution Nov. 2 in-
tended to halt fighting in Java
and to lead to a peaceful settle-
ment of the Indonesian question.
The resolution called upon both
sides to "consult with each other"
directly or through the Committee
of Good Offices and to "give ef-
fect to the cease-fire resolution
of Aug.1."'~
Well, as the UN and the
Dutch know, the resolution is
so weak, and UN power so lim-
ited, that any violations by
either side won't be punished.
General Romulo, of the Philip-
pines, who has been trying to
organize an international police
force, wryly commented that he
"would like something to do for
a change."
So the Dutch face practical and
pressing problems. The extremist-
terrorist elements continue to
make trouble for everybody by
raids upon the population. Where-
upon the natives run to the Dutch
and plead for protection-they
need food, clothing and medical
aid. The Dutch really have no
choice. They must act despite the
UN, even as they have acted with
the UN; they cannot be expected
to sit back when their people ask
for help.
--Fred Schott.

l t U , .. , " ""
berg, Perry, Peterson, Ross. S
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: Today is the final day for
Dropping Courses Without Record.
A course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instruc-
Students' College of Engineer-
ing: Today is the final day for Re-
moval of Incompletes. Petitions
for extension of time must be on
file in the Secretary's Office today.
Women students living in
League Houses: Room and board
payments for the second half of
the fall semester are due on Nov.
20. '
Women students interested in
applying for residence in Hender-
son house beginning with the fall
semester of 1948 may call at the
Office of the Dean of Women. This
small house for fifteen girls is run
on a cooperative basis, enabling
the residents to earn part of their
living expenses. Meal are served.
The alumnae give consideration
in choice of residents to the stu-
dent's interest in and desire for
the principles of cooperative liv-
University Lecture: Mon-
sieur R. Jasinski, Professor of
French Literature, University of
Paris, will lecture on the subject,
"Les generations litterraires" (in
French), at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov.
20, Kellogg Auditorium; auspices
of the Department of Romance
University Lecture: Carroll L.
Shartel, Professor of Psychology,
and Chairman of the Personnel
Research Board, Ohio State Uni-
versity, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Some Problems in Studying
Leadership," at 4:15 p.m., Thurs.,
Nov. 20, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the department of Psy-
Doctor Haven Emerson, Profes-
sor of Public Health of Columbia
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "The Control of the Com-
municable Diseases," at the regu-
lar student assembly at 4 p.m.,
Nov. 17, School of Public Health
Academic Notices
Medical Aptitude Examination:
All applicants for admission to
medical schools, who wish to be
admitted during 1948 and who did
not take the Medical Aptitude Ex-
amination on Saturday, Oct. 25,
1947, must take the examination
on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948. The ex-
amination will not be given again
before the Fall semester. In order
to be admitted to the examination,
candidates must fulfill the follow-
ing requirements:
1. Candidates must register for
the examination before Saturday,
Nov. 15, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg.
2. Candidates must bring to
the examination a check or money


Letters to the Editor...

"You don't look like Hedy La-- --'uee Seeger,
,marr. Garg Staff Member.
In the words of Al Shapiro, I
apologize to the University of Indignt
--Milt Freudenheini. To the Editor:
AM INDIGNANT; and right-
Gargoyle - eously so, I feel. To have my
physical afflictions made a source
To the Editor: of attack upon the Gargoyle is
bad enough. But to be referred to
SR. RICHARD ARNESEN says as "an ill-begotten venture" is too
he thinks the Gargoyle is not imu(h
funny. Please, Mr. Arnesen, though I
I, hope he does not represent have willingly permitted the Gar-
many people. Because the Gar- goyle to exploit my rather pe-
goyle is funny. It must be funny, euliar physical attributes, it hurts
or else it would not have so many to have someone other than a
avid readers. friend poke jibes at me.
Though people at Michigan do To say that I am depressed by
not buy their own Gargoyles, they the tc
borrw thir rommae's r thhe attention which has .been
borrow their oommsr thordth irdrawn to me by your unkind crit-
house's copy. Or they read l it inicism would be an understatement.
the Library. If, in your tolerance, you can-
But they all read it. They never not see fit to permit my associa-
miss an issue. tion with the University of Mich-
I would like to ask, what does igan, I feel my only alternative
Mr. Arnesen think is funny? Does is to jia side-show.
he go for the Sateveposti level of ,rbetter yet, please hurry with
cartoon humol'? Does he want the gas chamber. I didn't know
rah-'ah and gossip columns and such cruelty existed. Now that I
Who was Seen Where with Whom have tasted it, life doesn't seem
Last Night? Does he prefer thehahvtastdvig.
smooth frustr'ated sophistication n 'l'tihving.
Ne ik ? s tca -Dick Coleman,
of the New Yor'ker? Doe's lie think-lik olmn
Esquire and the Police Gazette are * * *
the ne plus ultra of the gentle Amnerican Education
art of jesting?
We can give it to the campus, To the Editor:
if that is what the campus wants.
All except the New Yorker. NOWING YOUR propensity for
Perhaps Mr. Arnesen has not using squibs from Time, I
seen other college humor maga- have waited for a quotation taken
zines. He should drop around and from the report on college pres-
see our exchanges. He should take ident Harold Taylor's speech. I
a look at the chit-chat, the waited in vain. Speaking of U.S.
Queens of the Month, the worn- education, he said, "(It) has be-
out gags, the coy and pointless come one massive quiz program,
stories, the haphazard art work, with the prizes and honors going
the inanities, the smut. to the most . . . repulsively well-
If that is what he wants, we informed persons . . . Our educa-
can give it to him. tional system seems now designed
But the Gargoyle prides itself to create a race of eager beavers.
in the thought that the Michigan "Individual education could be
student wants more than that. We dealt with more significantly .. .
believe that people of the Univer- if we removed the entirie me-
sity want a magazine with at chanical engine of credits, grade
least a trace of literary mnerit, points, formal examinations and
cleverness, and originality. ! required courses. This arithmetical
We compromise by publishing approach ... values accuracy and
the craziest college humor maga- correctness above imagination."
zine in the country. And the best. The article gives Taylor's rec-
Mr. Arnesen accuses us of using ommendations: "(1) abolish lec-
"inanity, wild exaggeration, and tures; (2) distribute copies of
absurdity." Will he suggest an- what the lecturer would have said,
other source of humor? and let it be mulled over in
Evidently the last issue of the small discussion groups; (3) help
Gargoyle at no point struck Mr. each student to 'find a set of
Arnesen's funnybone. That need values in which he can believe
be no fault of either Mr. Arnesen and by which he can act in this
or the Gargoyle. There is an old world.'"
and true adage which goes, "If it A faculty opinion poll concern-
be not droll to we, what care we ing marks and lectures should
how droll it be?" produce some fruity-and anony-
Mr. Arnesen and anyone else mous-answers.
have a standing invitation to pre- --A. H. Hunkin.






.ae :a aaaaaaauasr

order for five dollars payable to
The Graduate Record Office. No
candidate will be admitted to the
examination unless he pays his fee
in this way. Cash will not be ac-
Candidates who register will be-
gin the examination at 8:30 a.m.,
Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, Rackham
Lecture Hall. The examination will
be divided into two sessions and
will take all day.
Inquiries should be addressed to
The Chief Examiner, Bureau of
Psychological Services (Ext. 2297).
The Graduate Aptitude Exami-
nation is required of all graduate
students who have not had the
Graduate Record Examination or
the Graduate Attitude Examina-
tion before.
This semester the examination
will be held at 6:30 p.m., Nov. 19,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The fee for the examination is,
$2. Each student must buy an ex-
amination ticket at the Cashier"s
office and present a receipt in the
office of the Graduate School at
least three days prior to the ex-
amination. The student will be
given a receipt to keep which will
be his admission to the examina-
Veterans will have a yellow Sup-
ply Requisition signed in the
Graduate School office before go-
ing to the Cashier's office. This
will permit the purchase of an ex-
amination ticket to be covered by
Public Law 346 or 16.

dropped after 12 noon today will
be recorded with the grade of E.
Courses dropped prior to this
date will be listed as dropped but
no grade will appear.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
Mon., Nov. 17, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303.,
Chemistry Bldg. The structure of
some unusual compounds will be
the topic for discussion.
All interested are invited.
University of Michigan Sym-
phony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap,
Conductor will play a concert in
Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 19. Program: Mendels-
sohn's Symphony No. 4 in A ma-
jor ("Italian"), Copland's Suite
from the Ballet "Appalachian
Spring," and Symphony in D
minor by Franck.
The public is cordially invited.
The first of two concerts of
16TH, and 17TH CENTURIES will
be presented by the Collegium Mu-
sicum of the School of Music on
Sunday, Nov. 16, 4 p.m., Alumni
Memorial Hall. The first part of
the program will include selec-
tions from Dutch Psalmody in the
16th and 17th Centuries per-
formed by a brass ensemble and
the Madrigal Singers; the second
part will consist of Netherlands
Secular Music of the 15th and 16th
Centuries for voices, small ensem-
bles, and large chamber ensemble.
These programs are a part of the
centenary celebration of Dutch
settlement in Michigan. Free tick-
ets are available at 808 Burton
Memorial Tower.







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A remarkable Secret Weapon.,

Oh, nonsense. We modern brass hats




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