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November 15, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-15

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Latest Deadline in the State



Wolverines, Badgers Scrap for



Rent Hearing
Rouses Much
Interest Here
'U' Groups Eager
To Keep Controls
Campus interest in the forth-
coming open hearing on rent in-
creases in Washtenaw * County
continued to grow yesterday as
additional student organizations
indicated a desire to testify at the
Reports reaching The Daily in-
dicate that most student groups
will oppose relaxation of rent con-
trol laws to allow general in-
creases here. Meanwhile Univer-
sity authorities said they would
merely act as observers for the
time being, although it is expect-
ed that faculty groups will take
individual action at the hearing.
Thursday Wilson White, chair-
man of the local Rent Advisory
Board, announced that the board
would hold an open hearing at
7:30 p.m., Nov. 24 at the County
Courthouse on the question of
rent control revisions. White has
asked interested students and
townspeople to appear before the
group and present "relevant facts"
about the present level of rents
in this area.
Action Asked Before Nov. 21
In order to draw up an agenda
for the hearing White asked in-
terested persons to contact him
at 1008 First National Building
before Nov. 21. The recommenda-
tion of the local advisory board
will be transmitted to a feour-
county rent group in Detroit
which will in turn refer it to the
Federal Housing Expeditor who
has final jurisdiction for rents
in Washtenaw County.
Meanwhile the Student Legis-
lature has swung into action to
gather facts for presentation at
the open hearing. Harvey Weis-
bergcsaid the Legislature would
collect student rent information
and opinions on the question
through a survey.
Speaking unofficially Weisberg
told The Daily there is no need
for a raise in rent here. He de-
clared that rents are already suf-
ficiently high, citing increasesof
three and four dollars weekly for
rooms over pre-war days.
Rooming Houses Controlled
According to Frank Hamilton,
local rent control director, rents
on rooming houses are still con-
trolled anti would be affected by
any relaxation of current laws.
An estimated 10,000 students and
* their families, who live outside
University controlled residences,
would be affected by a general
rent increase here.
University Vice-Presidents Rob-
ert P. Briggs and Marvin Niehuss'
said at present the official Uni-
versity position will be that of
an observer only. Mr. Niehuss
declared that "of course the Uni-
versity would be vitally interested
in the outcome of the hearings.''"
However, hre predicted that fac-
ulty members would probably take
individual 'action on the rent
The campus chapter of the AVC
has already contacted the Ad-
visory Board and made plans to
appear at the hearing. Jack Geist,
AVC chairman, declared that any
rent increase in Ann Arbor will
be an unnecessary and unjustifi-
able burden. He cited the enor-
mous demand for residences in
Ann Arbor because of the large

transient student population and
declared that rent decontrol would
result in "fantastic increases."
For Survival
He also declared that it is nec-
essary to maintain low costs in
order that both veterans and non-
veterans, already pinched by in-
flation, may stay in school.
Another survey of costs is
planned by the Ann Arbor chap-
ter of Progressive Citizens of
America. The PCA will conduct a,
survey by questionnaire in Ann
Arbor concerning, rentals. Results
of this survey will be presented at
the rent hearings. The PCA is
also contacting town and campus
organizations, as well as individual
landlords and tenants, in order

The 30,000-ton decommissioned battleship New Mexico, moves
under tow through seas 35 miles off Fire Island Light enroute
from Boston to Port Newark, N.J., where it is to be scrapped.
* * * *
'Battle of Newark' Postponed
Pending Court Ruling Today

NEWARK, N. J., Nov. 17-(A)-
Newark City officials and counsel
for the salvage firm which pur-
chased the decommissioned bat-
tleship New Mexico signed a truce
late today and postponed the
"Battle of Newark" at least until
The truce,' which came about at
a city hall conference, provides
that the city will delay its argu-
ments for a Federal court injunc-
John Perkins
To Address
MAC Meeting
Highlight of the 22nd annual
Michigan Accounting Conference,
being held here today, will be an
address by John A. Perkins, state
budget director and former pro-
fessor of political science at the
Speaking on "State Financial
Problems," Perkins will deliver his
address at the conference lunch-
eon which is to take place at 12:15
p.m. in the Ballroom of the
Speakers at the morning ses-
sion, to be held at 10 a.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, will be R.
R. Eppert, who will speak on the
subject of "A Business Man Looks
at Accounting" and Earle C. King,
chief accountant of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, whose
topic will be "Some Current Ac-
counting Problems."
The afternoon session will
present talks by George D. Bailey,
president of the American Insti-
tute of Accountants, whose speech
will be "The Increasing Signifi-
cance of the Income Statement."
John L. Carey, secretary of the
American Institute of Account-
ants, will speak on "Public Opin-
ion in the Accounting Profession."
The afternoon session will begin at
2 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture

tion if no effort is made to move
the onetime queen of the Pacific
Fleet up the Newark Channel to-
morrow, thus providing moral re-
inforcements to Newark's two-
fireboat navy.
The agreement came shortly
after U. S. District Court Judge
Thomas F. Heaney set 11:30 a.m.
tomorrow for hearing of argu-
ments on an application filed
earlier by the City for an injunc-
tion to restrain Lipsett, Inc., the
salvage concern, from having the'
New Mexico towed to Port Newark
for scrapping.
Although the City has agreed to
delay presenting its arguments it
is not withdrawing the injunction
application, pending a final agree-
The "Battle of Newark" was on
a merry go round of conferences.
sea trouble' and court actions all
Cripps Takes
LONDON, Nov. 14--(IP)-Sir
Stafford Cripps, known to his
countrymen as "The Apostle of
Austerity," assumed almost com-
plete control of Britain's entire
economy today, succeeding Hugh
Dalton as Chancellor of the Ex-
An informants close to Prime
Minister Attlee said Ci'ipps could
be expected to steer an orthodox
course for this burdened nation
which would be farther to the
right than that followed by Dal-
Attlee's senior ministers met in
emergency session during the day
to prepare for a full-scale Con-
servative onslaught stemming
from Dalton's "grave indiscre-
tion." Dalton relinquished his post
at the head of the Treasury after
apologizing to the House of Com-
mons for prematurely disclosing
budget inforration to a newspa-

Strike Keeps
Nerves Taut
In Marseilles
70,000 Idled in
Protest Walkout
By The Associated Press
MARSEILLE, France, Nov. 14-
A spreading strike kept nerves'
taut in this turoulent port city
tonight. A police spokesman said
the city was in a state of armed
alert for "we just don't know what
is going to happen."
A burst of arms fire riddled
Communist headquarters, height-
ening the tension. The police pre-
fecture estimated that 70,000 per-
sons were ontstrike in a Commu-
nist-led protest against actions
of the DeGaullist city administra-
About 40,000 Communists and
their followers paraded solemn-
ly at a funeral demonstration
for one of their number killed
Wednesday night in an attack
on a bar when rioting flared in
the City hall and resulted in up
to 50 persons injured.
The demonstration passed with-
out incident.
Plans for a general strike were
dropped as the French Govern-
ment moved determinedly to pre-
vent any new riots.
There were no casualties in the
attack on Communist headquar-
The Communists were holding
a meeting to lay plans for a de-
onstration at the funeral of their
follower killed in an attack on a
bar during the rioting when un-
known persons opened fire on the
headquarters. Police informants
expressed fear the attack might be
the opening of a fierce rivalry be-
tween the underworld, which oper-
ates many cafes and bars, and the
Meanwhile, strikes spread in
Marseilles, and 7,000 mobile
guardsmen, in addition to Al-
gerian infantry. Republican se-
curity companies (Nat ional
Guard), planes and armored
units stood by in case of trouble.
A general factory, transporta-
tion and store shutdown took
place when the General Council
of Labor ordered a full dess ob-
servance during the funeral of the
Communist victim of Wednesday's
In Paris, Socialist Premier Paul
Ramadier's government said it
had adopted a number of meas-
ures in a cabinet meeting to pre-
vent' a recurrence of the Mar-
seille rioting and to punish civil
servants who "were not sufficient-
ly energetic at their jobs."
The communique did not say
what the measures were. Rama-
dier yesterday declared Commu-
nists were responsible for the riot-
GOP To Give
European Aid
Tfop Priority
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-(')-
The Senate's powerful Republican
Policy Committee gave top prior-
ity late today to legislation grant-
ing emergency aid to Europe at
the special session of Congress be-
ginning next Monday.
Chairman Taft (R.-Ohio) said

he agreed with President Tru-
man that multi-billion dollar for-
eign spending must be paid for
out of current taxes but declared
that this does not necessarily rule
out a 1948 income tax cut.
Seeking to Reduce Amounts
Some members' of both the Sen-I
ate and the House Foreign Pol-
icy Committees are seeking to re-
duce the amounts proposed by
Secretary of State Marshall --
$597,000,000 toinrance, Italy and'
Austria this winter and some $7,-
000,000,000 to 16 European coun-
tries in the next 15 months.
Taft, who has declared himself
"absolutely opposed" to such large
expenditures, said the Senate's
Foreign Aid Bill would be ready
for presentation Nov. 24 and that
Sno other legTis:ation wnlr he tak-

Offenses Collide
Four Ex-Wolverines Face Former
Teammates in Showdown Battle
Daily Sports Editor
It's Michigan and Wisconsin in the run for the roses at Madison's
Camp Randall Stadium, 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, this after-
noon, as the favorite and the longshot road down the home stretch of
the Big Nine football derby in a winner-take-all clash.
Unbeaten Miphigan, the preseason choice, can wrap up its first
undisputed Conference title' since 1933 with a victory over Harry





FAMILIAR FACES-These four Wisconsin gridde s will be easily
recognized by Fritz Crisler in today's title-deciding clash at Mad-
ison. As .Marine trainees, these Badgers played for the Wolverine
coach back in 1943 when Michigan shared the Big Nine title
with Purdue. That year they helped beat Wisconsin, 27 to 0, but in
1945 they tried to beat the Wolverines and failed, 28 to 6.
Testimony Links Meyers to
More Wartime Subcontracts

Speed Is Keynote


Top Big Nine

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-()-
Testimony that Maj. Gen. Bennett
E. Meyers figured in the flow of
$1,053,573 in wartime subcontracts
to a firm in which he once ac-
knowledged part ownership-and
later said was owned by friends-
was given today before Senate in-
The firm concerned, the Avia-
tion Electric Company of Ohio,
was shown to have received the
subcontracts from Bell Aircraft
Bell Gives His Side
Lawrence D. Bell, president of
the Bell concern, said Meyers, who
retired in 1945 after holding high
army purchasing posts during the
war, suggested to him that Avia-
tion. Electric Company might be
interested in accepting a subcon-
tract for materials for British
planes which Bell had contracted
to produce.
Aviation Electric Company was
given a subcontract, Bell said, and
electrical wiring boxes it turned
out was subsequently used for
American planes as well as Brit-
Bell said. Meyers also recom-
mended other firms for subcon-
tracts, but that a check showed
these others were too busy to take
the work.
The Senate War Investigating
Committee also produced further
evidence to back its contention'
that the army was "anemic" about
investigating Meyers despite an
anonymous tip that he made "im-
mense" sums out of the war, ru-
mors that he was playing poker
for high stakes, and a plea by an

Stuhldreher's Cinderella team.
But the Badgers, who bounced G
back from a humiliating 48-7
setback at the hands of Cali-
fornia early in the season, are
eager to get out to California
and show the Westerners that it
was all a big mistake.
A victory over the Wolverines,
however, leaves Stuhldreher's team
with a big obstacle still to over-
come-Minnesota. Wisconsin has
won three Conference games,
whipping Purdue 34-14, North-
western 29-0, and Iowa 46-14.
while being held to a 7-7 tie by
Chief factor in the Badger re-
naissance has been the improved
performance of Sophomore Jug
Girard. Girard, who rated rave
notices as a freshman in 1944, be-
gan the season as a second stringer
playing behind ex-Wolverine Wal-
ly Dreyer. An injury to Breyer
three weeks ago gave Girard his
chance and he has been sensa-
tional ever since.
From all accounts Wisconsin,
like Michigan, depends on speed,
with power substituted for
quick charging and lightning
scoring thrusts from far out.
Last week Girard scored twice
on long punt returns of 85 and
63 yr4'ds, while reserve back
Lisle Blackipurne tallied oncel
on a 66-yard sprint.
At right half, Clarence Self, a
175-pound speed merchant, boasts
a running average almost identi-
cal with than of Jack Weisen-
berger, Michigan's best ground
7ainer, nearly eight yards a try.
Self, who came from a reserve
spot last season to a key position
in Stuhldreher's plans, also tal-
lied twice against the Hawkeyes.
The rest of the starting back-
field is ex-Wolverines Jack Wink,
pilot of the Elroy Hirsch-Pat
Harder team of 1942, and Earl
Steamer" Maves round it out.
Both saw plenty of action for
Crisler as Marine trainer during
the war season'of 1943.
Another ex-Michigan man will
lead the Badgers this afternoon.
He is Bob Rennebohm, left end,
who has been named game captain
for the third time this season. The
opposition did not score in either
of the other two games he has cap-
Talented Backfield
To match the passing of Bob
Chappuis, Stuhldreher can util-
See CRISLER, Page 3
Report Rain
In Madison
Rain at Madison fell steadily
through most of last night, ac-
cording to reports reaching The
Daily early this morning.
Daily sportswriters reported
that Wisconsin hopes for more
rain or snow, although the field
has been covered with a tarpaulin.
Despite the rain, Michigan's
lightweights squished to a 20-0
victory over Badger 150-pounders.
For complete story, see page 3.

Engine School
Class Officers
To Be Elected.
Elections for engineering col-
lege class officers will be held.
Nov. 26, Ev Ellin, president of the
Engineering Council, announced
For the first time in many years,
there will be a president and sec-
retary elected, by each group of
underclassmen as well as the four
officers to be elected by the senior
"We feel that there is a definite
need for 'these officers from every
class in the college," Ellin said,
"since a wide variety of activities
will be offered for the various
classes under the Council's new
activities program."
Those elected from the three
underclasses as well as the presi-
dent and treasurer of the senior
class will serve as Engineering
Council representatives for their
respective groups. All senior offi-
cers will serve until graduation but
underclass officers will serve only
till new elections are held at the
end of the school year.
Rules concerning qualifications
for candidacy will be announced
and nominating petitions distrib-
uted some time next week.
The election will be supervised
by a committee, comprising four
members of the Engineering
Council, which is headed by Wil-
liam Shelley, 148E.

unnamed Major General that
Meyers be kept out of control of
surplus property.
Justice Department Alert
Meanwhile the Justice Depart-
ment informed reporters, without
elaboration, that it has been
"looking into" General Meyers'
Part of the testimony on Mey-
ers' relationship with the firm
getting the $1,053,573 came from
Oliver P. Echols, retired major
general who was Meyers' imme-
diate superior.
No Witch Hunt,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-(P)-
President Truman declared today
that the campaign to oust loyal
government employes will not de-
generate into witch hunts by
"kangaroo courts."
"Rumor, gossip, or suspicion
will not be sufficient to lead to the
dismissal of an employe for dis-
loyalty," he said as the newly-
created Loyalty Review Board held
its first meeting.
Nearly all his 1,000-word state-
ment carried the theme that strict
fairness must prevail in th pro-
tection of the civil rights of all
There have been complaints on
behalf of persons already fired
that they were falsely accused and
not even told the nature of the

Last Showing
Of Film Today
'The Barge-Keeper's
Daughter'_Ends' Stay
"The Barge-Keeper's Daugh-
ter," new French film satire, will
be shown for the last time at 8:30
p.m. today at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the Art Cinema
Satirizing the decaying imper-
ialist social system, the film pic-
tures the search for a new heir
to the throne of a mythical Bal-
kan Kingdom.
Josette Day plays the barge-
keeper's daughter with whom the
prince-to-be is in love, and from
whose grasp he must be saved to
keep the royal blood unbe-
Dialog for the film is in French,
and English subtitles are provided.
A short feature will also be shown.
Reserved tickets for "The
Barge-Keeper's Daughter" will be
on sale from 2 p.m. at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre box office
in the League.
Technic To Reach
Stands Thursday
The Michigan Technic will go
on sale Thursday with a table
of contents aimedat catching the
interest of all the campus.
Featured articles in this month's
publication are: "Day Lighting of
Interiors" by Dr. Robert A. Boyd,
University research physicist, and

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 14-Adm. W. H. P. Blandy, who directed theI
Bikini atom bomb tests, tonight termed "completely fallacious" the
"theory that a war can be won -against a powerful enemy in 24
hours by atomic bombing."
The Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet said that "ter -
rific damage" could be inflicted on industrial centers early in an
atomic war, but that this would not put an enemy's offensive forces
out of action.!

Badger Has Only Hisses for Wolverme

Whoever wins today, it's a tru-
ism that Badgers as a group won't

All three, of course, have shown
signs of the neurosis that was

student in zoology who takes care
of the animals, for the animal's

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