THE MICHIGAN DI~ALYr 1flIAY, NO-WI.MPMTL 14, IAA~ 4 xSr AU419an Daily Fifty-Eighth Year 1 ID RATHER BE RIGHT: "Common. Sease" Eited and managed by students of the Uni- Ver'sity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick.................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Stuart Finlaysn ...............Editorial Director Edwin Schneider...............Finance Manager Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson...................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvi Tick................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRIETT FRIEDMAN Let Us Know MANY SPORTS writers and commenta- tors seem to fear that college foot- ball will receive a brutish stigma if they reveal the numbers and extents of injuries suffered upon the football field. Little 'Hank' Fonde charged over from the one-yard line on a lateral from Yerges late in the Michigan-Indiana game. As he hit the goal line, a Hoosier tackled him with such force he was unable to get up. The touchdown was scored; no one watched Fonde as he laid there. All eyes were on Breiske kicking the extra point and not on Fonde who was being carried off the field - not toward the bench, but to the showers. No mention of what happened to Fonde was published, and the average football fan has only the knowledge that he is prob- ably living The only mention of injuries ever made is before the game - when the arm-chair Crislers are trying to figure out who will play. In Roman gladiatorial combat - which has often been compared to modern foot- ball - the combatants went into the arena with the express purpose of killing or maim- ing someone. The results were often bloody and revolting. Modern football is far from that. Rules have been set-up; the purpose has become one requiring brawn plus speed and intelligence. There is little evidence of the ancient arena left now. There is no reason to fear that football can ever be condemned by, this comparison. The efforts o all members of a foot- ball eleven are necessary for a winning combination - such as the Wolverines are. Broken bones, severe bruises and hard knocks are sometimes the result of one member of the team playing his very best despite the risks of injury. Fonde, Taliaferro, and others who were helped off the field deserve credit for the invaluable work they did for their teams. In fairness to the athletes and the spec- tator, the injuries received in football games' should be adequately reported. Mention of injuries will even make the game of football more human and less brutal by giving all the important facts about the encounter. -Craig Wilson By SAMUEL GitAF TON THE MARSHALL PLAN is only our old friend lend-lease dressed up a little bit, and if we hadn't cut lend-lese off abrupt- ly at the end of the war we wouldn't be needing a Marshall Plan now. In other words, the coming extraordin- ary session of Congress is actually a special session called to correct a whale of a mis- take. If we had stayed on the beam at the end of the war, and had continued lend- lease, we might have been a year ahead of the European crisis instead of, as now, probably a year behind it.. The point is important because there was almost no opposition in September, 1945, when we decided to drop lend-lease. And when a whole country joins happily in a mistake we ought to chew it over to see how it happened. It should have been apparent to any in- telligence that Europe wouldn't float if left alone after the kind of war it had been through. But a new President, who hadn't had the advantage of spring training, and who was trying to conciliate an irreconcil- able Republican opposition, lopped off lend- lease as almost his first official act after hearing from Europe that the war was over. He seemed to have been waiting for the telegram with the ax in his hand. The pipe-lines to Europe began at once to suck air instead of food, and thus we started on that majestic chain of stumbles which has led us to the present moment. What happened in 1945 was a tri- umph for that special kind of spit-in-the- corner "common sense" which is too often the boast of American politics. It was a triumph, in some cases, for that consum- ing dislike of the foreigner which had been held within bounds during the war, but which popped out squealing with the sur- render. It was the triumph of the shoe- string necktie over the statistician, the smoking czar over the professor, the di- visive spirit over the unifying one. The war's over, isn't it? Whatinell did those countries ever do for us? Thus spoke "common sense." It is only now that we are beginning dimly to see that in hand- ling such problems as the stabilization of the world this kind of "common sense" is about as useful as it is in the grinding of five-element photographic lenses, or in the calculation of interstellar space.f And actually, we didn't even save all our money after ending lend-lease. This kind of common sense is forever losing through a hole in its pocket the dollars it refuses to spend on painting its house. We had to give some to UNRRA, we had to make a loan to Britain, we had to pump supplies Speeches or Deeds? THE GENERAL TIGHTENING of the in- ternational situation, and the increas- ing deadlock of American-Soviet attempts at cooperation call for a thoughtful apprais- al of our existing mechanism for maintain- ing peace, the United Nations, and of the policy of national sovereignty which has been the most dominant principle in world politics since the breakdown of feudalism. This insistence on national sovereignty made an omnipotent world government impossible. National security, -therefore, is still reckoned in terms of actual power, and territorial expansion remains the most expedient means of increasing that power. The important thing to realize is that expansion is motivated by defen- sive rather than aggressive intentions, and, subsequently, that Soviet aggressions are a result of that country's sense of inse- ctity and fear of attack. We must not be so blinded by the bias of nationalism that we justify our own war preparations on strictly defensive grounds, and then de- nounce the same policy in Soviet Russia as proof of her inexorable aggressive in- tentions. All these arguments have been advanced in the hope of producing a less hostile atti- tude toward Russia's lack of cooperation and compromise in UN proceedings. Many people have already pessimistically concluded that it is impossible to have a functioning organ of peace which counts Russia as a member. In spite of the obvious precedent shown when this country failed to join the League of Nations, they have failed to profit from historical examples, and want to create an international organization to which Russia does not belong. The fact that a recent Gallop Poll re- corded 83% of American citizens in favor of immediate steps to give the United Na- tions adequate powers to preserve peace, and that a Newsweek poll revealed dissat- isfaction with the failure of our UN rep- resentatives to assert active leadership in the cause of peace would Ieem to in- dicate that the public really wants an effective world organization of which all nations are members. If the United States were to favor the creation of a partial world government, which excluded Soviet Russia. it would have the irreparable effect of splitting the world in 'two. The people have endorsed the op- posite plan of action, of demonstrating our. .good faith in the workability of the United. .Nations in deeds as well as in speeches...-. -Pat James. to the Continent- but always a little late, always defensively, always a little behind the event. And we haven't even sat down yet to begin our meeting on saving Europe this winter, though it already seemed quite cold last night on Broadway. Are these reminiscences of what hap- pened to lend-lease in 1945 too much like ancient history? Are they dry as dust? Is all this water under the bridge?. The kind of "common sense" I am writing about is ever ready to defend itself with this sort of vocabulary, for what it fears above all is the sense of continuity, the danger that scores might be added up, and consequences related to cause. But is it important to realize that nothing new is coming, up at the new session; a new name has merely been given to an old p> oblem which has been mauled and man- handled. The Marshall Plan will enable Congressmen who are only correcting an old error to look as if they are conducting a new operation. Good enough; it has to be done; but we who have paid too much for this kind of "common sense" ought to ab- sorb the fact that this is not a new meeting on a new subject. This is the mourners' bench. (Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ON WORLD AFFAIRS: No Protection By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER UNCLE SAM is giving a sad example of how not to keep our friends east of the iron curtain. Petkov of Bulgaria, Mianu of Roumania, Mikolajczyk of Poland are all decent democratic human beings. Naturally, they gave what information they had to the American diplomatic missions in their sev- eral countries. Naturally, too, they got caught. Their contacts with us have been made tantamount to high treason. And What has the great U.S.A., the most powerful country in the world, done to protect its friends? Have we used every possible instrument of pressure? Have we thrown our weight around? Have we em- bargoed commercial shipments of vital goods, or thrown out the local representa- tives of the offending countries? Have we even said that if X, Y or Z was ex- ecuted for speaking to us, the criminals could count upon our opposition for a century? We have not. We have done nothing that a third-rate state would not have done. As a result, our diplomats in Trans-curtainia are going to find their sources of informa- tion drying up and their friends keeping a (ay. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) MATTER OF FACT: Ruined City By JOSEp1H ALSOP BERLIN-Among these ruins, the political realities of our world seem more solid and tang- ible than the people who walk the streets like tired ghosts. Ber- lin is the final symbol of the de- struction wrought by the second world war. And in Berlin more than in any other city of Europe there is no concealment of the central postwar fact. Instead of a world at peace, the war has left the world divided into two mu- tually hostile camps. ' To be sure, the Foreign Min- isters of the war-time grand al- liance - Marshall and Molo- tov, Bevin and Bidault - will shortly gather in London to dis- cuss a German peace settle- ment. But, barring the miracle of a complete reversal of Soviet policy, the London meeting can only end in stalemate. A stalemate in London will, in turn, produce an immediate and unavoidable result. Germany will be divided. Thus Europe will be divided, along the line of the frontier of the east-west zones of Germany, the Czechoslovak bor- der, the frontier of the east-west zones of Austria, and the border of the Yugoslav and Anglo-Amer- ican zones of Trieste. At London, of course, both the Soviet and the Western lead- ers will maneuver frantically, each trying to lay upon the shoulders of the other the re- sponsibility for Germany's di- vision. The Soviets are so anx- ious to stand forth as the cham- pions of German unity that Marshall Sokolovsky has told his German stooges Molotov will propose immediate termi- nation of the Allied occupation of Germany. Here in Berlin the hollowness of the London proceedings is being acknowledged in advance. While the Soviets and the Western pow- ers continue to give lip service to German unity, both sides are al- ready preparing for the organiza- tion of Germany in two parts. The Soviet plans can of course only be guessed at, but there is strong evidence that they will emphasize a highly nationalistic appeal. The So- viets here have not concealed their angry disappointment, caused by the failure of the Socialist Unity Party (the stooge party formed by forced merger of Communists and east zone Socialists) to win any German mass following. Thus the chances are that the So- cialist Unity party will be pushed aside. The new Rus- sian front in the east zone will then be constructed from the war-time Free Germany move- ment, the German soldiers, of- ficers and generals who were captured by the Soviets. Field Marshal von Paulus, who with Field Marshal von Seydlitz has been most conspicuous in the movement, was brought to Ber- lin to lay the groundwork this summer. The Soviets still retain approximately two million Ger- man prisoners (unless the death rate has been almost incredibly high.) They have persistently re- fused to release prisoners of im- portant rank. They have actually rounded up and taken to Russia German officers and generals re- leased by the Western Allies. One known trainload included thirty Wehrmacht generals and 420 offi- cers. It is entirely probable that these men are employed to lead a German army being organized and trained on Soviet soil. It is almost certain that they will also provide the human ma- terial for a new "national front" into which the wretched So- cialist Unity Party will be merged. It is expected that von ( Paulus and von Seydlitz will play 'the role of elder states- men, while the active leader- ship of the "national front" will be conferred on some such fig- ure as General Arno von Lenski. There are also reports that the Soviets will provide right-wing competition for their "national front" in the form of a burgh- ers' party headed by their aged hireling, Dr. Kurlz of the Lib- eral party. Thus the facade of the old Germany will be com- plete. Simultaneously, the English and Americans, who cannot employ German stooges, have been forced to prepare plans for a provisional government of western Germany. Even ifGermany is to beadi- vided, there is no way to avoid disaster, except to give the Ger- mans of the west zones clear re- sponsibility for the )reconstruction of their shattered land. It is ac- ademic to talk of any other ex- pedient. And the time for ac- ademic theorizing is now long past. (Copyright 1947, N. Y. Tribune Inc.) k i1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN II f' '! 11 I Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 46 Notices University Senate Meeting: Mon- day, Dec. 8. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, November 15. Report cards are being distri- buted to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for freshmen and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Reports of freshman and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of jun- iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and up- perclassmen, whose standing at midsemester is "D" or "E," not merely those who receive "D" or "E" in so-called midsemester ex- aminations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for Dropping Courses Without Record will be Saturday, Nov. 15. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the classifier after confer- ence with the instructor. Students' College of Engineer- ing: The final day for Removal of Incompletes will be Saturday, Nov. 15. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday, Nov. 15. Varsity Debaters:Eligibility cards must be picked up this week. Seniors, School of Education: Meeting, Rm. 2436, University Ele- mentary School, 4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 14. Program: Class organization. All members of the senior class are urged to be present. Women students living in League Houses: Room and board payments for the second half of the fall semester are due on Nov. 20. Women students interested in applying for residence in Hender- son House beginning with the fall semester of 1948 may call at the Office of the Dean of Women. This small house for fifteen girls is run on a cooperative basis, enabling the residents to earn part of their living expenses. Meal are served. The alumnae give consideration in choice of residents to the stu- dent's interest in andtdesire for the principles of cooperative liv- ing. Approved social events for the coming week-end: October 14-Chi Omega, Couz- ens Hall, Hollis House, Lawyers Club, Michigan Cooperative, Mich- igan House, Roger Williams Guild, Sherman House, Sigma Phi Epsi- lon, Student Federalists, Theta Xi, Victor C. Vaughan House, Wo- men's Physical Education Club. October 15-Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi (afternoon and evening), Betsy Barbour, Colvin League House, Delta Tau Delta, Keusch League House, Helen Newberry Residence, Lloyd House, MichiganaChristian Fellowship, Mosher Hall (after- noon and evening), Osterweil Co- operative, Phi Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi (after- noon and evening), Stockwell Hall (afternoon), Theta Delta Chi, Tri- gon, Winchell - Wenley - Chicago Houses, Zeta Beta Tau. October 16-Inter Racial Asso- ciation. State of Michigan Civil Service Examination Announcements have been received in this office for: 1. Student Psychiatric Socia Worker A-$170-$190. 2. Psychiatric Social Worker Al -$180-$200. 3. Psychiatric Social Work Ad- ministrator -1-$200-$240. 4. Psychiatric Social Work Ad- ministrator 2-$250-$290. i4 4 _ EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily i prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste)f we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the i writers only. Letters of more than i 300 words are shortened, printed or omittedat the discretion of the edl- torial director. s " I Humor (?) Magazine To the Editor TO BEGIN WITH I am not one of those addicted to semi- weekly fits of indignation over1 I the muddling that surrounds usl in this life. Only once have I written to an editor. That wasE when Prohibition came in. I am1 even more strongly urged to sound 1 off now-. T+HE OBJECT of my combined I wrath and pity is the alleged humor magazine, Gargoyle, and¢ its perpetrators. It is reminiscentt of the worst variety of grammar school "funny sheets." Fearing1 that it might be taken for a Freudian dream interpretation of a set of case records from Eloise, the editors have taken the pre- caution of informing us that this is a college humor magazine. Itt is doubtful that there has everr been a more degrading, a more ill- favored, a more pitiable use of the word humor. The bulk of the 'humor' is ob- tained through inanity, wild ex-l aggeration, and absurdity - the tools of the incompetent. I submit a choice example, reprinted in its1 entirety.- "Dick Coleman is eight feet tall and has three eyes." A panic,I I am sure.1 I deeply regret, as must every-] one but the Garg staff, that such7 an ill-begotten venture should be7 J associated with the University of 5. Psychiatric Social Work Ad-1 ministrator 3-$300-$360.1 Closing date, Dec. 3. For complete information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Academic Notices Medical Aptitude Examination:1 All applicants for admission to3 medical schools, who wish to be1 admitted during 1948 and who did not take the Medical Aptitude Ex-1 amination on Saturday, Oct. 25,E 1947, must take the examination on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948. The ex-1 amination will not be given again; before the Fall semester. In orderj to be admitted to the examination,I candidates must fulfill the follow- ing requirements: - 1. Candidates must register for' the examination before Saturday, Nov. 15, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. 2. Candidates must bring to7 the examination a check or money order for five dollars payable to The Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he pays his fee in this way. Cash will not be ac- cepted. Candidates who register will be- gin the examination at 8:30 a.m., Monday, Feb. '2, 1948, Rackham Lecture Hall. The examination will be divided into two sessions and will take all day. Inquiries should be addressed to The Chief Examiner, Bureau of Psychological Services (Ext. 2297). The Graduate Aptitude Exami- nation is required of all graduate students who have not had the Graduate Record Examination or the Graduate Aptitude Examina- tion before. This semester the examination will be held at 6:30 p.m., Nov. 19, Rackham Lecture Hall. The fee for the examination is $2. Each student must buy an ex- amination ticket at the Cashier's office and present a receipt in the office -of the Graduate School at least three days prior to the ex- amination. The student will be given a receipt to keep which will be his admission to the examina- tion. Veterans will have a yellow Sup- ply Requisition signed in the Graduate Schoof office before go- ing to the Cashier's office. This will permit the purchase of an ex- amination ticket to be covered by Public Law 346 or 16. Graduate students: Courses dropped after noon of Nov. 15 will be recorded with the grade of E. Courses dropped prior to this date will be listed as dropped but no grade will appear. I' Biological Chemistry Seminar: Fri., Oct. 14, 4 p.m., Room 319, West Medical Bldg. Subject "Phosphatases." All interested are invited. Modular Representations Semi- Michigan. I hope that it doesn't g beyond Ann Arbor. 'at the Garg is suffering from is prolonged infantilism of ts . . . staff, and the assininity n which they are determined to plunge themselves. I am converting my fruit cel- ar to a gas chamber. Accomplices welcome. --Richard Arnesen, Source Credit To the Editor: I HOPE THAT Mr. Joe Frein be- lieves in the principle of giv- ing credit where credit is due. But a reader might get a contrary im- pression if he had read the week- liy newsletter, IN FACT, for OG- tober 27, 1947, before reading to- day's Daily. Frein's story on American book-burning is based almost exclusively on that issue of IN FACT. No mention is made of the source. The newsletter, IN FACT, is probably unique in American journalism. Its editor, George Seldes, labels it "an antidote for falsehood in the daily press." It prints stuff that most of the other publications will not or can- nlot touch. One of Mr. Seldes' complaints is that when the daily press lifts material from his news- letter it fails to credit the source. When Frein and others withhold the name of the publication while making use of its material, they also withhold from readers the information that there is a pub- lication which dares to print the facts-consistently. I hope Frein' will continue to bring into full glare what he takes to be the advancing threat to liberty. But I further hope that he learns to credit the source of his material. -Bill Byrne. nar: Rm. 3012 Angell Hall, 4 p.m., Mon., Nov. 17. Transportation will be provided to East Lansing for the meeting. Concerts University Musical Society will present the distinguished Swedish tenor, SET SVANHOLM, of the Metropolitan Opera Company, in the Choral Union Series in Hill Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 14, 8:30 p.m. Mr. Svanholm will sing a pro- gram of songs by Caldara, Caris- simi Schubert, Brahms, Strauss, Rangstrom, Sibelius, Quilter, Scott and Hageman. He will be accom- panied at the piano by Leo Taub- man. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Tower; and after 7 p.m. in the Hill Auditorium box office on the night of the concert. University of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor will play a concert in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 19. Program: Mendels- sohn's Symphony No. 4 in A ma- jor ("Italian"), Copland's Suite from the Ballet "Appalachian Spring," and Symphony in D minor by Franck. The public is cordially invited. The first of two concerts of DUTCH MUSIC OF THE 15TH, 16TH, and 17TH CENTURIES will be presented by the Collegium Mu- sicum of the School of Music on Sunday, Nov. 16, 4 p.m., Alumni Memorial Hall. The first part of the program will include selec- tions from Dutch Psalmody in the 16th and 17th Centuries per- formed by a brass ensemble and the Madrigal Singers; the second/ part will consist of Netherlands Secular Music of the 15th and 16th Centuries for voices, small ensem- bles, and large chamber ensemble. These programs are a part of the centenary celebration of Dutch settlement in Michigan. Free tick- ets are available at 808 Burton Memorial Tower. Organ Recital: Marshall Bid- well, Organist and Director of Music at Carnegie Institute, will present the first organ recital of the semester at 4:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 19, Hill Auditorium. Dr. Bid- well is Lecturer in Organ in the School of Music. His program, open to the public, will consist of composition by Handel, Loeillet, Bach, Widor Jacob, Karg-Elert, Bossi, and Vierne. Exhibition Museum of Art: Paintings looted from Holland, through November 28. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily, except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. Gallery talks: Nov. 16 at 3 p.m.; Nov. 20, and Nov. 25, at 4:15 p.m. The public is invited. Design and the Modern Poster. Ground floor corridor, College of Architecture and Design. Through November 26. Letters to the Editor. . : . .1 r. ART DAY THE EXHIBITION of "Paintings Looted from Holland" opens in the Uni- versity's Museum of Art, located in Alumni Memorial Hall. Circulated by the Dutch Government in recognition of the accomp- liuhments of the American Army in sal- vaging their works of art, the collection comprises forty-six pictures, most of them of the seventeenth century. A few 'char- acteristic examples of Dutch painting were selected as tokens of the thousands, sys- tematically seized and appropriated for Hitler, Goring and other Nazis. Dutch painting is a record of daily life and environment* portraits of burghers, interiors of middle-class homes, the coun- tryside, and still-life compositions of tables loaded with fruits and flowers. This art is secular and Protestant, representa- tive of the society of a strong and in- dustrious people. The technical soundness and the uni- formity of the Dutch school are well illus- trated in the pictures of the present ex- hibition, many of them by lesser known masters. If you are looking for excellent geo- metric design combined with representation, you will find it in Emanuel de Witte's' spa- cious interior called Music Before Breakfast. Equally pleasing is Berckheyde's Church In- terior. Good solid objective painting is the rule with Dutch artists. Skillful arrange- ment and subtle color balance raise De Heem's Vivat Oranje and Van de Velde's A Tobacco above the average. Outstanding among the portraits are Maerten Van Heem- skerck's paintings of Pieter Bicker and Anna Codde. This competent Renaissance master significantly placed his subjects in their environment, the wife spinning and the husband counting his coins. Ann Arbor is fortunate in being one of the thirteen cities in the United States priv- ileged to show "Paintings Looted from Hol- land." The Museum of Art should be con- gratulated for its arrangement of this and other current events illustrative of Dutch culture. -Prof. Harold E. Wethey. I ,4 I Positive Action 4 T TAKES Gov. Sigler to do something positive about the food situation. While Washington committees have been wrangling over meatless Tuesdays and poultryless Thursdays, Michigan's governor has proclaimed an entire week to be devoted to the eating of a particu- lar food - beans. From Gov. Sigler on down, Michigan families will be asked next week to partake of vita navy beans, the State's largest agri- cultural crop. The president of the Michi- gan Bean Council has even gone so far as to urge all families to observe Bean Week by eating beans for breakfast at least twice during the period. So, when West and East Quadders com- plain again about their foed, all the Uni- versity dieticians need repky is: "Shut up, and eat your beans!I" For a week, anyhow. --Joan Katz .1 A BARNABY . . mf N -. --err IFAfla.' I trust* ther rno w. s nninn ohe.vervupst T 1he Sec'ret Weooon in thaft 'Irina