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November 14, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-14

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See Faire 4

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Latest Deadline in the State




Board Established




Members Will Supervise Wartime
Mobilization of American Strength
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-President Truman today formed a Na-
tional Resources Board to advise the White House, in event of war,
on the best way to mobilize America's military, industrial and civilian

It immediately held a meetin
Secretary of the Treasury Snyd
Secretary of the Interior Krug,
Secretary of Commerce Harriman
Export Curbs
Asked To Halt
Soviet Power
AFL, CIO Support
Marshall Program
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-(A)-
Rigid curbs on U.S. exports, to
prevent strengthening the military
power of the Soviet bloc, were pro-
posed today during critical study
y House and Senate committees
of the administration's $597.000,-
*00 emergency aid to Europe pro-
Rep. Lodge (R.-Conn.), a mem-
ber of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, urged that the U.S.
"use an economic pistol on So-
viet Union" in the form of eco-
nomic sanctions (pressure). The
suggestion won partial agreement'
from Secretary of Commerce Har-
riman, former ambassador to Rus-
Harriman Testifies
"I don't think it would be proper
to shut off trade, but I believe
we should not ship our materials
which are a direct contribution to
the military strength-of-the. east-
ern European countries," said
Harriman, who testified before the
House Committee in favor of the
short-term aid program.
The former envoy to Moscow
said also that he would "lose in-
terest," so far as further Amer-
ican help was concerned, in any
western European country which
went into the Soviet orbit.
Labor Support
Firm support for the Marshall
proposals came meanwhile from
the American Federation of La-
bor, which announced that it
would call a conference of labor
representatives from the 16 "Mar-
shall Plan" nations of Western
Europe to help fit labor into those
countries' rehabilitation efforts.
1CIO President Philip Murray
likewise issued a statement en-
dorsing the Marshall program and
pledging his organization's sup-
Vets register
Fewer Gripes
Gregory Answers
Complaint on Check
Student veterans have regis-
tered fewer complaints over fail-
ure to receive subsistence checks
this month than at any time in
the past, Leonard S. Gregory, Vet-
erans Administration training su-
pervisor, declared yesterday.
Replying to a letter by Standish
S. Howe printed in The Daily yes-
terday which argued that check
disbursement was probably being
delayed by VA "red-tape," Greg-
ory pointed out that the lack of
complaints indicated checks had
already been received by most vet-
Failure of veterans to report
changes in address or C-numbers
may account for the delay in ar-
rival or non-receipt of subsistence
fchecks in some cases, he said.
Gregory advised veterans who
L do not receive their checks by to-
morrow to report to the Veterans
Service Bureau in Rm. 1514 of the
Rackham Building.

Three Men Added

g at the White House. Members are
er, Secretary of Defense Forrestal,
Secretary of Agriculture Anderson,
and Secretary of Labor Schwellen-
_t ;each. The chairman is Arthur M.
Hill of Charleston, W. Va.,, who
took office last September 26.
Finance Marshall Plan
Mr. Truman told of the cabinet
appointments to the new board at
a news conference in which he
also announced the appointment
of Adm. Louis E. Denfeld as Chief
of Naval Operations and said the
Marshall Plan of aid to Europe
will have to be financed through
The work of the board will in-
clude drafting of programs for use
in time of war and the natural
and industrial resources for mil-
itary and civilian needs and for
stabilization of the civilian econ-
To Coordinate Policies
It also is charged with coordi-
"Policies for unifying, in time
of war, the activities of federal
agencies and departments engaged
or concerned with- production,
procurement, distribution, or
transportation of military or civil-
ian supplies, materials, and prod-
Ret he rfMe
3Gain Control
Of UAW Board
--(')~-The last-barrier to complete
control of the CIO United Auto
Workers by Walter Reuther forces
was cleared today when his can-
didates scored a decisive 18 to 4
majority of the UAW Interna-
tional Executive Board.
El~e'<-'- of regional directors
at the union convention gave Reu-
therites better than a 10-to-i vot-
ing margin on the board. They
always had been outnumbered on
factional issues since Reuther won
the presidency more than a year
Reuther has often said he was
president "in name only." This
was because the anti-Reuther fac-
tion led by George F. Addes has
had about a two-to-one majority
on the executive board. Addes was
defeated for reelection by mil
Mazey Tuesday, when Reuther
was returned to office with little
Yesterday the Reuther forces
completed the sweep of top of-
fices when Dick Gosser of To-
ledo and John Livingston of St.
Louis won the Vice Presidencies
from R. J. Thomas and Dick Leon-
The four top offices, now all
Reuther men, and the 18 regional
directors make up the executive
board. They have varying voting
strength. There are only 16 UAW
regions but the two in Detroit
each have two directors.
Among today's results in the
regional elections:

Hearing on
Local Rents
May Determine
Rate Increases
Possible rent increases loomed
yesterday for an estimated 10,000
students living outside University
residences, with the announce-
ment that the local Rent Advisory
Board will conduct an open hear-
ing on the question of a general
change in the level, of rents in
Washtenaw County.
Students and townspeople have
been invited to attend and testify
at the open hearing slated for 7:30
p.m. Nov. 24 at Washtenaw Coun-
ty Courthouse.
To Hear Testimony
Wilson H. White, chairman of
the Rent Advisory Board which is
made up of six local citizens, has
asked any persons interested in
testifying at the meeting to con-
tact him at 1008 First National
Bank Building, Ann Arbor, be-
fore Nov. 21.
After hearing testimony of wit-
nesses, the local board will make
a recommendation, for or against
a general rent increase, to a four-
county rent group in Detroit. The
Detroit group will in turn refer the
recommendation to the federal
rent control authorities who have
final jurisdiction on a possible
change in rents here.
Campus Reactions
The announcement of the pub-
lic hearings brought immediate
reactions from several campus
groups contacted by The Daily.
Already the campus chapter of the
AVC, the Student Legislature and
the Interfraternity Council are
planning to send delegates to tes-
tify at the open hearing.
About half of the more than
20,000 students live in residences
not controlled by the University.
However, a rent increase granted
by the board would not affect stu-
dents living in dorms, Willow Vil-
lage units or fraternity and soror-
ity houses owned by alumni or-
Set Svanhohn
Will Present
Concert 'loday
Set Svanholm, Metropolitan
Opera tenor, will appear in the
fourth concert of the regular
Choral.Union Series at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Svanholm received his formal
musical training at the Royal
Conservatory in Stockholm, fol-
lowing which he led a Stockholm
choir and sang several roles in the
Royal Opera.
The young Swede started sing-
ing as a baritone, but when he
decided to try a higher voice it
was the turning point of his ca-
reer. Bruno Walter, the conduc-
tor, hear' nim sing Radames in
Verdi's "Aida," and invited him to
Since that time, he has climbed
to heights which he never
dreamed of as a choirmaster.
Known chiefly as a Wagnerian
tenor, he made his New York
debut in 1946 at the Metropolitan.
He has appeared since with the
San Francisco Opera, the Chicago
Opera and the Philadelphia La
Scala Company ii Detroit.
Svanholm's concert today will
mark his first Ann Arbor appear-


Governents Clash






Violence Increases in France, Italy;

Boycott Threat
From Russian
Bloc Ignored
Britain Rejects Plan
To Divide Palestine
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 13 - The
United Nations Assembly tonight
rejected a Russian boycott threat
and approved by a large majority
Secretary of State Marshall's pro-
posal for a year-round sitting of
the "Little Assembly."
The vote was 41 to 6.
The six nations of the Russian
group voted against it while the
Arab nations abstained.
Arabs Abstain
Before the vote, which climaxed
a stiff battle by the Soviet group
against the U.S. propasal, Russia's
Andrei Y. Vishinsky assailed the
majority-approved plan as "scan-
dalous." He announced again thatJ
Russia would boycott it.
In the debate, delegates of Po-
land, White Russia, and the So-
viet Ukraine also said their coun-
tries would not serve on the "Little
Troops "Not Available"
Elsewhere on the UN front:
1. At Lake Success Britain told
a UN Palestine subcommittee that
British troops would not be "avail-
able" to carry out any Palestine
solution which the Arabs and
Jews did not accept. This was in-
terpreted as a rejection of a So-
viet-Armerican compromise plan
for implementation of partition-
ing the Holy Land into separate
Jewish and Arab countries but
Britain said LdPr questioning
that she would not oppose any
majority-endorsed partition plan.
2. The Soviet Ukraine was
elected to the Security Council to
replace Poland Jan. 1, after U.S.-
supported India withdrew from
the contest.
3. The Philippines and Costa
Rica were elected to the Trustee-
ship Council.
Five Dead in
New Palestine
Reprisal .Raids
JERUSALEM, Friday, Nov. 14-
()-Attacking bands described by
police as Jewish underground "re-
prisal squads" killed at least five
British men and wounded 29
others in two machine gun and
grenade raids in Jerusalem and
Haifa last night as the Holy Land
experienced its bloodiest outbreak
of violence in six weeks.
An army communique early to-
day said 28 British soldiers were
wounded, five seriously,.when two
hand grenades were tossed into
a downtown Jerusalem cafe. A
British policeman was killed and
another was wounded by gunfire
from confederates of the grenade
Four British civilians, employes
of the Shell Petroleum Company,
were mowed down by gunfire in
front of a Haifa motion picture
theater. Two were killed instantly
and two died later in a hospital.
An unofficial police report that
two soldiers were killed in the
Jerusalem blast was not verified
British officials said the Stern
gang directed the attacks as an
underground reprisal for the
deaths of two Jewish youths and
three girls. The five were killed
yesterday in a British police and
military raid on a house in a set-
tement north of Tel Aviv, be-

lievedt have been atrroris
training school.
Due for Test
All applicants for admission to


WHERE NEWARK'S "NAVY" IS ON PATROL: Photo diagram shows Port Newark area1
the decommissioned battleship New Mexico is scheduled to be scrapped at pier leased by Nar
sub-leased to a salvage firm. Newark's city-operated fire boats (circled) patrol mouth of ch
in a move designed to block entry of the 30,000 ton battleship.
* * * * I


Tiny Fireboats Defend Port
Against U.S.S. New Mexico

NEWARK, N.J., Nov. 13-(o)-
Moving ponderously toward its
final rendezvous, the decommis-
sioned battleship New Mexico
headed for hostile Newar4 Har-
bor tonight and her civilian high
command snorted that H-Hour
had been set for tomorrow morn-
Awaiting the once valiant
dreadnaught, now dubbed "The
Reluctant" by waterfront wags,
were two dinky fireboats armed
with water and fire-chemical
spouts and a determination that
"she shall not pass."
The latest communique on the
impending engagement between
the New Mexico, its towing craft
and the Newark "fleet" came from
Walter P. Meseck, president of the
towing company, who set the hour
for a showdown at 10:15 a.m.
(EST) tomorrow and declared de-
Dalton Out in
'Leak' Scandal
LONDON, Nov. 13-(P)-Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer Hugh Dal-
ton was dropped from the Brit-
ish Cabinet tonight in a swiftly
developing budget "leak" scandal
that shook Labor's crisis-harried
Sir Stafford Cripps, Minister of
Economics, was named to succeed
Dalton as Treasury Chief. He re-
tained his recently assumed duties
as Coordinator of Britain's Indus-
trial Export Drive. Cripps, hailed
by Labor and Conservatives alike
for his recent exposition of Brit-
ain's economic position, thus
emerged as the undisputed "strong
man" of the government.
Palton, officially the fourth
ranking member of Prime Minis-
ter Attlee's cabinet, resigned after
apologizing to the House of Com-
mons for "a grave indiscretion"
in disclosing tax secrets to a re-
porter a few minutes before he
announced an emergency interim
budget in Parliament yesterday.

"We're headed right for Port
Newark and that blockade we've
been reading so much about.
Those little boats had better run
for cover when we get there, too."
Full Speed Ahead
The New Mexico, under way
at the breakneck speed of four
knots, had broken out of battle
formation last night a consider-
able distance out of New York.
A Coast Guard plane found the
battleship 58 miles from the har-
bor entrance this morning and di-
rected two tugs which had cut
her loose yesterday in heavy seas
to take her in tow for her target
-a Newark scrapyard, which city
officials say she must not reach.
Officials have ordered that no
more ships be junked within the
'En Garde'
Guarding the Newark Channel
entrance are two fireboats com-
manded by Public Safety Difec-
tor John B. (Admiral for the Du-
ration) Keenan who regarded the
snail-like approach of the enemy
suspiciously. He trumpeted to his
fleet: "It may be a plot. Hold
your formation!"
One patriotic Newarker tele-
phoned New Jersey's best known
naval authority-Adm. William
(Bull) Halsey, formerly of Eliza-
beth, for strategic advice.
No Help from Halsey
"I can't help Newark on strat-
egy," said Halsey from his Vir-
ginia home. "I don't know a damn
thing about patrolling channels.
I patrolled oceans. Let your own
admirals work out their blockade."
Mayor Vincent J. Murphy said
earlier, after a conference with
the Navy Department, there might
be a Washington-enforced truce.
The impending Battle of New-
ark aroused the ire of New Mex-
icans who viewed Newark's atti-
tude toward the ship as a "direct
insult" to the state. One veteran
demanded that the governor "call
out the Rio Grande fleet for coun-

Panel Agre4
Best System
Regressive Plan
'Ruthless,' Says
Three views of Michig
dilemma merged last nigh
need for a graduated inc
to replace what was called
gressive sales tax" now i
Lt. Gov. Eugene C. Key
nomics lecturer George R
son and Municipal Leagi
John A. Huss agreed, at a
sponsored panel discussi
the sales tax places an unc
den on lower-income brack
was, therefore, undesirabl
Dr. Keyes, surveying
I problem from the viewpoi
high state official, blur
nounced the sales tax as th
ruthless, meanest tax sys
vised by man.".
"The sales tax," Dr. Key
tinued, "penalizes a man
ing children, for buying f
for wearing shoes."
The lieutenant-govern
that he's all for the into
but expressed serious dot
the party in power or th
themselves could easily be
the idea.
Anderson, presenting th
omist's point of view,
both the property tax
sales tax as regressive
raising revenue.
The property tax, as i
ministered, he said, invari
sults in unfair assessmen
Huss attacked the state
tion policies as the panel's
ity on municipal proble
view was that the state c
adequately handle taxa
tration because "it was c
to satisfy all financialc
with a single formula."
Fire Destro'
(/D\ A rl.... fire.. n.A

Marseille Port
Strangled by
Terror Aimed at
Present Government
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 13-Violence in
Southern France and the length
f Italy brought governments of
he two countries into head-on
ollision tonight with left-wing po-
litical forces and a reference by
he Italian Communist chief to
Democratic revolution."
French Premier Paul Ramadier
peaking to Communist deputies
n the National Assembly, charged
heir party with responsibility for
'larseille riots yesterday in which
one person was killed and 30 .to 50
where njured when a mob invaded the
vy and 'ity Hall and attacked the De-
hyannel aullist mayor. Communist labor
eaders tied up the Marseille port
nd threatened the Rhone Delta
ith a general strike.
halenge Communists
es ."If you want a dictatorship, we
sill fight you to the end," the So-
Tax ialist Premier said to the Con
nunist deputies.
In Italy, a wave of terror that
1 ook on a pattern of nation-wide
'iolence directed at the Christian
~emocrat government of Premier
Is \lcide De Gasperi, had resulted in
Ke even assassinations or deaths in
eyes me days.
o Democratic Revolution
an's ta Palmiro Togliatti, Italian Com
t on the nunist chief, told reporters his
ome ta arty intended to stay on the
the re- parliamentary plane as long as
n effect hat is possible." But he said to
yes, eco- me of them, the representative of
Ander- r liberal newspaper: "For the rest,
ue hea iou who are a liberal show me
n AVC- hat it is possible to organize
on, thaI emocratic revolution."
due bur- Naples police fired on Commu-
ets, an( ist rioters, and Interior Minister
e. tarlo Scelba declared in the con
the tai tituent assembly that "attempts
lt of £ -gainst the state and against de-
ttly de- locracy will not be tolerated."
e "most
tem de j
Nobel Prizes
yes con
for hav
oo4d anAre Awarded
or sa( British Scientists,
ibt tha' French Author Win
ie voter:
sold or STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 13
he econ -(IP)-Nobel prizes in physics and
attacke hemistry were awarded tonight to
and the wo British scientists while the
ways o terature award went to Andre
wayso: ide a French author who fr-
is ad terly was an enthusiast for Com-
t is d unism.
abl Sir Edward Appleton, 55, who
's taxa elped lay the groundwork for ra-
author- ar, received the award in physics.
ims. Hip le was cited for "his contributions
ould no n exploring the ionosphere, i.e.,
adminis- lectrically conductive strata in
alled or herupper atmosphere on the
emand: arth."
Sir Robert Robinson, 61, an or-
_anic chemist, received the chem-
stry award "for his research re-
s arding biological significant sub-
tances from the vegetable king-
Iey lom, especially alkaloids."
The prizes are worth about $40,-
)00 each.
Gide, the eighth French writer
v. 13 -' o win the literature award, was
through onored by the Swedish Academy
ionCen->f Literature "for his extensive

jey, th- nd artistically important author-
red. h ip, in which he has exposed the
jfig.ht-3roblems and conditions of hu-
fh ankind with fearless love of
sections Truth and psychological percep-
by Paw- Lion."
area of
he Paw-
ent into lUech Moite
seen for Continues Run
from all
tions in Art Cinema League will continue
t. its showing of "The Barge-Keep-

Forged Works of Dutch Artist
Will Not Appear in Ann Arbor


An Amsterdam art forger who
out-swindled Goering and "took"
Dutch museums for a cool two
million won't get a chance to palm
off any phony masterpieces in
Ann Arbor.
There's not a single Jan Ver-
meer painting among the 46
brought here from Holland for
the current Museum of Art ex-
hibit, and it's not hard to take a
guess at the reason. One Hans
Van Meegeren faked the style of
the 17th century artist so well that
he fooled Dutch art experts for

had been sold to the Nazi bigwig.
The deal was traced back to Van
Meegeren, who was promptly
picked up for selling prized na-
tional art to the enemy.
When he said he'd painted the
picture himself ( along with seven
other "old masters" no one would
believe Van Meegeren. He'd been
so careful to use pigment and oil
formulas identcial to Vermeer's
that the pictures even fooled the
To prove his case to scoffing art
authorities, Van Meegeren painted

(,W___ _ _ _)-A fliiash iire raedi
the Rhode Island Recreati
NO PRODUCTION KNOWLEDGE: ter housing 30 bowling al
night and police estimat
U'' Scientists Doubtful That 'dozens' of people were in
SFour alarms brought firs
ing equipment from all
Russia Knows Bomb Secret of the city and from near
Police roped off the
By JIM MARCHEWKA engineering and production se- North Main Street, near t
Skepticism mounted among crets have still been retained by tucket line, as firemen w
University scientists today in re- the U. S.," he added. the debris in rescue work.
sponse to a recent Soviet dispatch It is likely that the Russians The flames could be&
regarding an atomic bomb experi- will work out the technical prob- several miles.
ment in Siberia. lems involved in the atomic bomb Ambulances were sentf
It is very unlikely that the dis- assembly but their efforts would hospitals and police stai
patch is authentic, according to require more time and a greater Providence and Pawtucke

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