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November 13, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-13

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Fifty-Eighth Year

Invisible R ubtcon

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick ................General Manager
=E lyde Reebit........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider ...............inance Manager
ida Dailes.....................Associate Editor
Eunice Mint ...................Associate Editor
M1ck 1Sraus .........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor,
]e1tty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan d6 Carvajal ...............Library Director
Me~lvin Trick................ Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Moral Obigation
T1HE ADMISSION policies of state-sup-
ported colleges seem to warrant addi-
tional scrutiny in the light of a recent
article by John A. Perkins, state budget di-
Perkins, writing in the education week-
ly, School and Society, noted that 60 per
cent of all students seeking higher educa-
tion are enrolled in the state-supported
colleges and universities which have been
an integral and ever-growing part of our
educational set-up since their inception
less than 100 years ago.
eAt present many of these schools are
adopting restrictions on the admission of
out-of-state students in which they are
often supported by state officials who see
in the curtailment of registration a co-ordi-
nate reduction in state expenses.
The culturally damaging effect of this
action has already received much dis-
cussion elsewhere. We propose instead to
investigate the moral obligation which we
feel is involved.
Perkins, although an advocate of this
restricted enrollment, admits that when the
day of the 51/2 million veterans with Cer-
tificates of Eligibility is past, "the eco-
nomic wherewithal to attend colleges will
be lacking in many instances." It is the
veterans, mostly under the GI Bill, who
make up 57 per cent of the total enrollment
of full time students in the colleges, and it
is the Federal Government which is the
largest supporter of the schools by its pay-
mens of tuition.
Certainly this money is as much a sub-
sidy as were the original federal land
grants to organize the schools, and as were
the payments for Army and Navy training
programs in the colleges during the war.
In addition, Perkins presents another
point. "Without research," he says, "higher
education will soon become sterile. The
research product of higher education has
brought new truth to teaching, enriched
industry, and enabled the United states to
assume its world leadership."
Where does this money come from?
"Money for research in educational in-
stitutions," he admits, "has not come for
the most part from state legislatures.
Private donations, foundation contribu-
tions, and the largesse of the Federal gov

ernment have pumped this life-giving
blood into our state universities and col-
Certainly there is in all this at least a
moral obligation to admit students of other
states, since the United States naturally
contributes from the moneys collected in
At present there is a Federal bill under
consideration (S. 971) to make grants
to institutions of higher learning for con-
struction of additional facilities. Perkins
is against accepting this aid, but what of
the other state officials who are in favor
of provincial restrictions? Will they not
accept Federal aid as in the past and still
pretend that they can live in a self-suf-
ficient world of their own?
This matter is especially vital to those
interested in doing post-graduate or pro-

A FAINT, almost invisible line separates
the period in which we still expect
peace from the period in which we begin to
expect war. The task of men of goodwill is
Who t theV,4aI...
0 About Restricting Aid
THE STAGE was readied in Washington
for next Monday's opening of the spe-
cial session of Congress. The President
brushed up on his lines, prompted by re-
ports from Messrs. Krug, Nourse and Har-
riman on the economic state of the nation.
Mr. Truman's critics sharpened their claws.
Due to come before the session is the
question of how far we're to go in telling
Europe how to spend the pending aid' funds.
Some observers frowned on European social-
ism, to the point of arguing that help should
be withheld from those nations that persist
in nationalizing their industries. The ad-
ministration, based on. Secretary of Com-
merce Harriman's report, will probably op-
pose such restrictions.
Harriman's Committee on Foreign Aid
called for no restrictions other than the
maintenance by European nations of demo-
cratic methods. "Imposed conditions would
constitute an unwarranted interference with
the internal affairs of 'friendly nations,"
said the report.
Some commentaries on aid to socialist
Dewey and Harold Stassen both made
their views known on the question this past
week. And not unlike their stands on other
issues, they found themselves at odds.
Gov. Dewey, in a rare committal state-
ment, took issue with those who seek to bar
aid to any nation whose industry is nation-
alized. New York's governor said, "I am
sure in my own mind that if those nations
would restore initiative and free enter-
prise, their progress would be immediately
accelerated. But we will not achieve that
result by . . . withholding aid if they do
not change their practices."
Ex-Gov. Stassen, in his new book, "Where
I Stand," denied that he intended to impose
"political conditions" on Europe, but, rather,
only "economic conditions." He added, "We
can not have the final program a success
if the nations waste our aid by going down
a non-productive, centralized-economy ap-
proach of either a socialist or Communist
* * *
dangers of playing "politics with dol-
lars," cautions Congress to go easy on any
condition to our aid to Europe. If we are
not going to play into the Russians hands
by trying to change the economic directions
of the western democracies, says the Star,
our assistance, .... must be reasonable."
JAMES W. ANGELL, professor of eco-
nomics at Columbia, writes in the New
York Times Magazine that our aid to Eu-
rope must not be conditioned on a nation's
economic policy, but rather on its democ-
racy. He points out that Americans, too of-
ten, identify democracy with their own par-
ticular forms of economic organization.
Thiey don't realize, he said, that the "prin-
ciples of democracy must include the right
of people to select and operate their own
forms of economic and political organiza-
AVID LAWRENCE, syndicated column-
ist, condemns the Harriman Report
which "deliberately abandons any insistence
on the free enterprise system in the opera-
tion of the Marshall Plan. The plan, he
said, can turn into "Operation Rathole," un-
less the NAM's proposal for limiting aid to

countries willing to utilize the free enter-
prise system, is accepted.
--Ben Zwerling.
-Al Shapiro.

to dress that line up in neon lights, and
with markers and' warnings, so that we
shall know it is there. It is a pity to stumble
finally across the Rubican in the belief
it is only a crack in the sidewalk.
In the coming debate on the Marshall
Plan, we must be careful to consider it
as a plan to preserve the peace, not as a
plan to give us a somewhat better setup
for a coming war. Mr. Marshall hit ex-
actly the right note last June when he
invited all the nations of Europe, includ-
ing Russia, to share in the plan.
To keep that perspective, to refuse to cross
the line, to preserve the moral atmosphere
of the expectation of peace, may be hard,
but it is necessary. If we want peace, we
must conduct ourselves as if we expect
The. great danger in the coming debate
will arise not from enemies of the Mar-
shall Plan, but from hothead friends, who
may sputter, through the foam on their
lips, that the Marshall Plan will furnish
us with something like bases o the Con-
tinent from which to fight.
In the same way, if we make a big tan-
tara at the coming council of Foreign Min-
isters, and come out of it with a clean break
with Russia, and a separate peace with
Western Germany, we may find that we
have crossed the line. For Rubicon is
everywhere these days; it lies in coils about
our feet. The point is not to cross it inad-
vertently, or because a foot slips.
It is for us to make our dwelling this
side of the line that separates the ex-
pectation of peace from the expectation
of war, to stick it out; patiently and
stubbornly, to accept no provocations and
to give none, and to let spectacular breaks,
if any must be, come from the other side.
For if we but once cross the line, a subtle
change must take place in our national
character and in our national work. A
diplomat who expects peace has a task
quite different from that of a diplomat
who expects war. The first must work
patiently, evenly, building, giving and tak-
ing. ' The second has a much lower and
easier job; he can yield no point, for to
yield becomes' something like treason, and
he accepts any offered concessions in the
spirit of one who has found a soft spot.
The first one must create; the second need
A change from one way of work to
the other must affect our conceptions
of industry, trade, our internal life; it
cannot stop short of working an eerie
transformation in everything we do, and
in the end it will guide us more than we
will guide it. We have not yet crossed
the line, and we need not, but we must
know that it exists and that it can be
crossed inadvertently.
War is not made by a declaration of
hostilities, but in that hidden moment, per-
haps years back, when someone, almost
unconsciously, stopped hoping for peace.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
FOR THE SECOND time this year, Nor-
man Granz' Jazz at the Philharmonic
was presented before a packed house in Hill
Auditorium. The affair, studded with names,
was undoubtedly a financial success. How-
ever, Mr. Granz' program has become some-
what formalized and is not too capably
handled, The spirit and enthusiasm the
musicians needed for this type of concert
was lacking and they often played with
tongue in cheek.
The ensemble work was ragged and in
this case was used merely as a connecting
link between the various solos.
Individual honors for the event were
divided between Coleman Hawkins and
trombonist Bill Harris. "Cocktails for Two"

showcased Hawkins' complete mastery of
his instrumept, and Harris exhibited ex-
quisite tone and ideas on "I Surrender,
Dear" and "Mean to Me," which has long
been associated with him. His performance
at a faster tempo was less exciting, however.
Flip Phillips' effortless tenor work on his
own composition, "With Someone New,"
somewhat over-shadowed Hawk's now-fa-
miliar variations on "Body and Soul."
J. C. Heard's consistently overloud drum-
ming vitiated the effectiveness of most of
the solos. The sparkling supporting work of
Pianoman Hank Jones was, with the excep-
tion of two prettily-played solos, almost
completely submerged. Bassist Ray Brown,
though he impressed with his steady beat.
similarly indulged in some tasteless bowing
antics, a la Slam Stewart, near the end of
the show. As a unit, the rhythm section
never quite jelled.
The general impression gained from the
concert was a lack of spontaneity. The music
often seemed hackneyed and dull. The solos
contained several recognizable quotes, a de-
vice which becomes shoddy when used repe-
-David R. Crippen.

Price (4of1 ,gro4
By S'i 1' ILl ASOi
WASHINGTON-- Presidet Har-
ry S. Truman fmust sometimes
feel a little like the unhappy
apple-sorter whose job drove him
insane because he had to make
so many decisions. For in this
autumn of decision, still another
decision - and this one is loaded
with political dynamite - is now
confronting the worried Presi-
dent. Sometime before next Mon-
day, when the special session of
Congress meets, he must decide
whether to risk Congressional
wrath by asking for a kind of
cut-rate O.P.A. or whether to pro-
pose much milder medicine and
hope for the best.
When the President called the
Congress into special session,
he spoke firmly of the urgent
need for effective measures to
head off the threat of uncon-
trolled inflation. Yet as of this
writing, nothing like a final
decision has been taken.
An area of agreement has been
neached.But a larger and more
vital area of disagreement still
exists. Those chiefly concerned
are the White House aides, like
Clark Clifford and John Steel-
man, the members of Dr. Edwin
Nourse's Council of Economic Ad-
visers, Secretary of Agriculture
Clinton Anderson, Secretary of
the Interior Julius Krug, Secre-
tary of Commerce Averell Harri-
man, and their advisers and econ-
Almost all those concerned
with the price issue are con-
vinced that the whole intricate
paraphenalia of price control
on everything from diapers to
piccolos, on the old O.P.A. pat-,
tern, is dead beyond resurrec-
tion. There is also general
agreement that allocation and
export controls, plus credit con-
trols, are essential. But here
the area of agreement ends. For
a number of the experts insist
that if the job abroad is to lie
done, and a really disastrous
inflation at home is to be avoid-
ed, some limited form of price
control is urgently essential. It
is argued that if the prices of a
few basic commodities - food,
especially wheat and meat, and
basic industrial products, es-
pecially steel - are frozen, the
whole economy can be brought
in balance.
The lines have not hardened,
but the chief opponents of this
school of thought are reported to
be Agriculture Secretary Clinton
Anderson and Presidential aide
John Steelman. For it is argued
that the record of O.P.A. clearly
demonstrated that the national
economy can no more stay a little
bit price controlled than the lady
in the joke could stay a little bit
pregnant. One controlled price in-
evitably leads to another.
The proponents of price con-
trol argue, however, that the
O.P.A. parallel is misleading.
They point out that during the
war years half the national
economy was devoted to war
production, whereas now ninety
per cent is producing goods for
civilian use. Thus limited price
control measured in a few basic
segments of the economy can
check the threatening infla-
tion. But if these measures are
not taken, the pressure will con-
tinue to mount ominously, aug-
mented by the failure of the
winter wheat crop and a new
round of wage demands to catch
up with the mounting cost of
living. This, the price control-
lers argue, might spell real dis-
aster, both at home and abroad.
These, too briefly, are the eco-

nomic arguments. There are also
political arguments. On the one
hand, it is asserted that if the
President proposed any form of
price control, however limited, to'
the Eightieth Congress, he would
be smartly slapped down. More-
over, this slapping process might
crack wide open the carefully con-
structed bipartisan foreign policy
On the other hand, the price
controllers argue that the Con-
gress cannot afford to disre-
gard the angry mutterings of
the housewives. If the Republi-
can Congress refused to go
along with a price control pro-
gram, the albatross of responsi-
bility for the galloping infla-
tion which would surely ensue
could be firmly fixed around the
Republican party's neck. More-
over, unless inflation is con-
trolled, the whole program of
aid to Europe might as well be
written off anyway.
Obviously the decision must rest
in the end with the President
himself. It is as important, and
as difficult, a decision as he has
been called upon to make. His
+ message to Congress next Mon-
day will show how he has decided.
But it will be months before it will
be possible to know for certain
whether he has decided wisely.
(Copyright 1947, N. Y. Tribune Inc.)

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Letters to the Editor...j


(Continued from age 2)
present the distinguished Swedish
tenor, SET SVANHOLM. of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, in
th° Choral Union Series in Hill
Auditorium. Friday. Nov. 14, 8:30
p.m. Mr. Svanholm will sing a pro-
gram of songs by Caldara, Caris-
simi Schubert, Brahms, Strauss.
Rangstrom, Sibelius, Quilter, Scott
and Ilageman. He will be accom-
panied at the piano by Leo Taub-
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower; and after 7 p.m. in the
Hill Auditorium box office on the
night of the concert.
University of Michigan Sin-
phony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap,
Conductor will play a concert in
Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 19. Program: Mendels-
sohn's Symphony No. 4 in A ma-
jor ("Italian"), Copland's Suite
from the Ballet "Appalachian
Spring," and Symphony in D
minor by Franck.
The public is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, at 7:15
this evening. The program will
include several movements from
Haydn's "Surprise" Symphony,
i Harty's A Little Fantasy and
Fugue, and the well-known spi-
ituals By and Bye, Deep River,
Little David, Play on Yo' Harp,
I'm A-Rolling, and All God's Chil-
lun Got Wings.
The first of two concerts of
16TH, and 17TH CENTURIES will
be presented by the Collegium Mu-
sicum of the School of Music on
Sunday, Nov. 16, 4 p.m., Alumni
MemorialrHall. The first part of
the program will include selec-
tions from Dutch Psalmody in the
16th and 17th Centuries per-
formed by a brass ensemble and
the Madrigal Singers; the second
part will consist of Netherlands
Secular Music of the 15th and 16th
Centuries for voices, small ensem-
bles, and large chamber ensemble.
These programs are a part of the
centenary celebration of Dutch
settlement in Michigan. Free tick-
ets are available at 808 Burton
Memorial Tower.
Organ Recital: Marshall Bid-
well, Organist and Director ofj
Music at Carnegie Institute, will
present the first organ recital of
the semester at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 19, Hill Auditorium. Dr. Bid-
well is Lecturer in Organ in the
School of Music. His program,
open to the public, will consist of
composition by Handel, Loeillet,
Bach, Widor Jacob, Karg-Elert,
Bossi, and Vierne.
Design and the Modern Poster.
Ground floor corridor, College of
Architecture and Design. Through
November 26.
Events Today
Radio Program:
4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.).
Campus News.
Michigan Chapter A A U P:
Meeting Michigan, Union. Panel
presentation, with discussion, of
"Faculty Housing." All faculty
members are cordially invited.
Join Union Cafeteria south line at
6 p.m. and take trays to the lunch-
room of the Faculty Club.
Lydia Mendelssohn: Art Cinema
League presents Josette Day as
TER with Louis Jouvet. French

Dialogue, English titles. Thurs.,
Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m.
Army Ordnance Association:
Meeting, 8:15 p.m., Rm. 302,1
Michigan Union. Colonel Jos-
eph Colby, Chief of the Develop-
ment Engineering Branch, Detroit
Tank Arsenal, will speak on the
subject "Modern Trends in Tank-
Automotive Design" (illustrated).
The public is invited. Business
meeting for members only at 7:30
International Center weekly tea,1
4:30-5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mr. M.
H. Soule, and Miss YeeYee from
University Women Veterans'
Association: Any women veterans
interested in attending the Wil-
low Run Starlight Serenade this
Friday night call Doris Hart at
8671 before Friday.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily 4
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, -300 words
or less in length, and In good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those at the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
. .,.
Turnabout ct
To the Editor:
WAS BOTH pleased and as-
tounded on reading in The Daily
a communique from Fred See-
gert, M, '46 which exhorted "Fritz
and the Michigan Team" to crush
Wisconsin by at least 30 points
lest Seegert be dunked in Lake
Mendota. Pleased because Fred
was a home town buddy of mine
years ago. and I was glad to hear
that he is safely ensconced on the
most beautiful campus in the
world at the University of Wis-
consin. Astounded because I
thought Fred had more intelli-
gence than to undertake such an
obviously foolhardy wager. He's
in for a ducking.
To clarily my position, let me
state that I am Fred Seegert's ex-
act counterpart - a Wisconsin
graduate now attending Michigan.
And just as Fred will be one
Wisconsin student cheering for
Michigan Saturday, I'll be in the
Michigan stands at Camp Randall
yelling my head off for the fight-
ing Badgers.
But back to Fred's letter. He
warns against underrating .Wis-
consin and then spots them 30
points. Consistent? He says the
Wisconsin fighting spirit "may
well match Michigan." To be
guilty of such gross understate-
ment, Fred must be blind and
deaf to the tremendous zest, en-
thusiasm, and school spirit in
Madison (as evidenced by the 2,-
000 fans greeting the Badgers at
the airport after the Yale game).
By comparison, Ann Arbor is a
morgue and the most loyal Wol-
verine follower a Benedict Ar-
nold. If the citizenry of Madison
got wind of that letter, Fred would
be ridden out on a rail.
Yes, Fred Seegert and all you
Michiganders, Wisconsin has more
fight and spirit than you can con-
ceive. So take warning from an
enemy in your camp - that spirit
will pay off Saturday. Michigan
over Wisconsin? . . . Perhaps.
Michigan by 30 points? . . . Ab-
surd! The mere suggestion is an
insult to Badger honor. If that
happens, I will gladly take a duck-
ing in Lake Mendota in full dress'
clothes. So one of us, Fred See-
gert or myself, is in for a frigid
swim Saturday night . . . I hope
he enjoys the water.
-Jack Goodale.
Wisconsin, '47.
Dating Problem
To the Editor:
SO THE co-educational system
is no good because Messrs.
Scott, Mitchell and Porter can't
stand the, competition. As far as
dates are concerned, free enter-
prise leaves them high and dry
on Saturday night, or soaking
in beer and tears - in either case
womanless. Leave us examine the
You are a man. You want a
date. There's a brunette in your
history class. You inquire her
name, swipe a directory, call her
up. Now don't kid yourself --
she's going to be flattered. She
may try to cover up by shoving
you to :the bottom of her waiting
list, buththat's her prerogative,
and the only one she's got. You
can call up another girl as soon
as you hang up on the first, but
she has to wait around until
another guy gets the same idea
you had. And men can be awful

Living in the largest dormitory
on campus, I know dozens of girls
who sit home weekend after week-
end, or sneak out to a show with
a girl-friend because our society
dictates that one must have a
date on Saturday night. Why'
don't they have dates? -- well,
some aren't the predatory type;
p.m., Rm. 319, Michigan Union.
Dr. C. D. LaRue of the Botany De-
partment will speak on "Tropical
Plantations." Color film, "Amazon
Awakening," will be shown. Open
to the public.
A.S.H. & V:E.: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Union.
Prof. L. S. O'Bannon will speak on
the subject "Special Applications
of Air Conditioning.
All members and others inter-
ested are urged to attend.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Russian Room, Michigan League.
Hindustan Association: An in-
(Continued on Page 6)

~some have to spend extra time at
their studying; some don't lok
like Hedy Lamarr. Neither do
most men.
Thinking of these girls - most
of whom are a lot of fun, and
"good dates" (especially since
they haven't had their heads
turned by the excessive popularity
occasioned by the follow-the-lead-
er type of- male who dates only
where the rest of the crowd does)
I have only contempt and a bit-
ter, bitter laugh for Saturday
-Judy Lalkin
* w
To the Editor:
'VA advising veterans not to
cash their checks if they are over-
paid has its dour note, too, for
there are many veterans who have
not received their checks at all.
It may be that the VA is so con-
cerned with this possible over-
Ipayment of G.I. benefits that
they go to the extreme end of us-
lng multitudinous pre-audits and
a cautious policy of red-tape caus-
ing their check disbursing ma-
chinery to "bog-down." If the
VA wishes to proceed slowly and
cautiously in this matter of sub-
sistence checks, they should aso
consider the breakdown of morale
and the financial duress they
cause by nonpayment.
For an example of VA check
disbursing, I am still waiting for
a subsistence check of some kind
beginning and covering the sum-
mer post-session period which was
promised "uninterrupted." So far
they will have "interrupted" for
three months now, and just as
any person would if similarly "cut
off," I think the VA should give
the same emphasis to UNDER-
PAYMENT as well as to OVER-
PAYMENT of G.I. benefits.
-Standish S. Howe
Willow Buses
To the Editor:
DOESONE have to take the
3:45 bus in order to get to a
7 p.m. concert? I thought per-
haps the University had beflefit-
ed from that recent barrage of
letters resulting from poor trans-
portation facilities from West
Lodge to a concert!
There is, of course, no 4:45
bus on Sundays. Therefore, the
5:45 is the only logical bus to
take to the 7 p.m. concert. Last
night, at 5:45 two (2) busses, gen-
erously provided by the Univer-
sity, pulled up at West Lodge, al-
ready half-loaded with married
students, to transport the scores
of men and women waiting and
hoping to go to Ann Arbor. Con-
sequently, by everyone exhaling
fully, it, was possible to jam sixty
(60) human cattle into one poor
bus, which, at best, can unconm-
fortably accommodate forty (40)
passengers. The other bus was
similarly loaded.
Please, please, wont's ANYONE
take pity on us??
-Curtis L. Mann
World Federalists
To the Editor:
TE MOST COMMON objection
raised concerning the World
Federalist approach to the prob-
lems of peace is that it is not
realistic. Critics feel that the ma-
jor powers could not today find
sufficientcommon ground upon
which a limited world government
could be built.
Such an attitude has two
sources. One is a painful misun-
derstanding of the World' Fed-
eralist program combined with a
lack of knowledge concerning the
present power political situation.
The second is related to the ques-
tion of what constitutes realism.

The World Federalists propose
that we unite now in a Federal
Union with all willing nations.
Though we propose that all means
be used to bring all major pow-
ers into the union upon its incep-
tion we feel there is grave prob-
ability that the nations of what
is now known as the Eastern bloc
will be unwilling to give up their
national sovereignty. We feel that
the door should be. left open to
these nations, confident that the
day will come when our differ-
ences will be less. But now there
must be agreement amongst those
nations, who are willing to agree.
We feel that we are the real-
ists who face truthfully the in-
evitability of war if we continue
along the present policy. And we
provide a realistic solution. Today
the United States is about to
launch forth on a great cam-
paign to secure the economies of
Europe against collapse and to-
talitarianism. But our great sac-
rifice will be lost unless we real-
ize that national competing econ-
omies cannot be stable in their
petty wars of preferential agree-
ments and tariffs. The European
economies proved this in the 1920s
and 30's. We may bolster their

At Lydia Mendelssohn..a
with Louis Jouvet, Elvire Popesco and Jo-
sette Day.
THE FEATURE at Lydia Mendelssohn this
weekend is a sophisticated Cinderella
story that is told in a rather amusing style.
It seems that, once upon a time, there was
a rich oil magnate who wished to secure his
investments in the Kingdom of Silistria by
restoring the royal family to the throne.
Complications arose when it became known
that his candidate for the crown had given
his heart to a commoner-a barge-keeper's
daughter, in fact-and was unwilling to sur-
render this little gem for any kingdom. Con-
sidering the relative merits of girl and king-
dom, I should judge that his choice was un-


Club: Meeting, 7:301


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