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September 25, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-25

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Southern Walkout on Racial
Problem Is Avoided by NSA

Binging into agreement on the
question racial discrimination in
education the Negro and white
delegates from the North and
South was the toughest problem
facing the NSA convention.
The Chicago conference had ac-
cepted an "equal rights and op-
portunities" clause to hold the
Announce Five
New Additions
To Psych Staff
The psychology department re-'
cently announced the addition of
five new members to its staff.
Dr. Louis Granich, former chief
clinical psychologist at England
General Hospital, Atlantic City,
New Jersey, and psychologist in
the Bureau of Child Guidance,
New York C:1y, will be the as-
sistant professor of clinical psy-
cho'ogy.rt 'Granich will teach
basic graduate work in clinical
psychology and supervise ad-
vanced students in clinical prac-
Dr. Clellan Morgan, former as-
sistant professor of psychology at
P4irdue University, will lecture and
teach psychology 157 and 158.
Dr., George Katona, assistant psy-
chology professor, will direct re-
search in economic' surveys for
the Survey Research Center.
Two new psychology instructors
are Dr. Edward Walker, labora-
tory instructor and director of ex-
perinental work in animal learn-
.ng and motivation, and H. Rich-
6.rd Blackwell, director of Vision
Research Laboratory, .a govern-
ment financed program for the,
promotion of investigations of
basic problems of vision and vis-
Seven U' tudents
Get FellowvsIPS
Seven University graduate stu-,
dents have been awarded fellow-
ships to condiuct research in met-
ropolitan community problems in
the city of Flint.
The University institute. for
Humn;, Adjustment sponsors the
felowships which range in value
from $500 to $1,000. Grants have
been ' awarded to Roland Heiden,
OGand Rapids; Frank Stedman,
Ai Arbor; Joseph Hoffman, Ro-
anoke, Va.; James Larson,' Wood-
stock, .Ill.; Elizabeth Myerson,
New York City; Arthur Lean,
Camden, Ark.; and William Win-
ter, Columbia, Mo.=

convention together but now the
North wanted a stand on dis-
crimination and the Southern Ne-
groes wanted NSA to oppose se-
A compromise resolution call-
ing for "securing the eventual
elimination of all forms of dis-
criminatory educational systems"
was initiated by the organizational
representatives and passed by a
sub-panel containing both South-
ern Negroes and whites.
But late that night a Southern
white caucas repudiated this "ini-
tial compromise." Some delegates
could not accept it and the "solid
south" stuck together.
Southern Argument
The Southerners pointed to the
fact that they had already held
inter-racial meetings and argued
that such an NSA stand would
alienate their campuses and pre-
vent their supporting the NSA.
Passing the initial compromise
would mean that at least 10
Southerners would walk out. To
accept the "equal rights" clause
would break faith with the Ne-
groes who would not walk out
but whose schools would probably
not support NSA.
The executive committee met
all night, finally sent two Ne-
groes and two whites out to find a
compromise, unanimously adopt-
pd their suggestion and had it
placed on the agenda ahead of the
other alternatives.
Compromise Reached
The outcome was still uncertain.
The idea of placing the "equal
rights"clause in thehpreamble
and the "discrimination" phrase
in the by-laws was fully accept-
able but the compromise also
granted regional autonomy in ac-
tion on racial discrimination. The
Southerners contended this vas
necessary to sell the NSA to thbir
Dramatically, continuations
committee president Jim Smith
presented the final amendment
which read that NSA "will take
action on national, regional and
campus levels through the cor-
responding organizations of NSA
to implement its stated principles,
with regard to ine legal limitations
- After a number of favorable
speeches, Marvin Shaw represent-
ing the Communist Party told the
Southern Negroes that this was a
favorable compromise they should
accept. The annonymous cry
"Then they don't need the help of
your organization" broke the final
Moments later the convention
voted almost unanimously. The
Civil War was on its way out.

Department of
Zoology Adds
Three to Staff }
Reallocation of Space
Curbs Overcrowding
Addition of three professors and
reallocation of building space is
helping the zoology department'
stay abreast of enrollment "that
has seen no let-down in the past
two years," Dr. George R. LaRue,
chairman of the zoology depart-
ment, revealed yesterday.
Dr. Alfred M. Elliot has been
appointed assistant professor in
charge of the general zoology
course; Dr. Paul A. Wright and
Dr. Norman E. Kemp are new
instructors of zoology.
'Tight for Space'
"Dreadfully tight for space," the
department is converting a stor-
age room into a research labora-
tory for five graduate students,
a dark room and smaller room
will become an office and another
research room will be set up on
the fourth floor, according to Dr.
Dr. Elliot received his B.S. de-
gree at Yankton College in 1928,
his M.S. at Neva York University
in 1931 and was awarded his
Ph.D. there in 1934. He has
studied at the Marine Biological
Laboratory, Mass., Stanford and
UCLA. His last position, at State
Teacher's College, Bemidji, Minn.,
was that of professor of biological
chemistry, director of the colllege
health service and assistant to
the President.
Bates Graduates
Dr. Wright received his B.S.
in 1941 at Bates College, and his
M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard in
1942 and 1944. His last position
was an instructor in biological
science at Boston University.
Dr. Kemp is another graduate
of Bates College, '37, and was
awarded his Ph.D. at University
of California, Berkley, Cal., in
1941. During the 1946-47 semes-
ters, he was an instructor in the
biology department, Wayne Uni-
versity and in the summer was an
instructor in the zoology depart-
ment at University of California.
1,800' ,Driving
Permits Issued
Some 1,800 driving permit ex-
emptions have been issued by the
Office of Student Affairs during
the last ten days.
Scores of students still apply-
ing for permits are expected to
push the final total past the for-
mer peak of 3,600 reached last
year. Large numbers of student
drivers are also expected to com-
plicate the parking problem which
was already acute during previous

'Ensian Urges
Seniors Sign
For Pictures
Appointment applications for
senior pictures for the Michigan-
ensian can be made today at
any of the 'Ensian's campus
booths, by all seniors expecting
to graduate in February, June or
August, 1948, Buck Dawson,
'Ensian managing editor, an-
nounced yesterday.
"The deadline for applications is
Oct. 1 and booths have been set
up in the Michigan League, Michi-
A second tryout meeting for
the Michiganensian will be
held at 5 p.m. today in the
Editorial Room of the Ensian
in the Student Publication
Building,. Buck. Dawson,
'Ensian managing Editor an-
Openings in Photography,
writing, sales, art, business and
editorial are available to sec-
ond-semester freshmen and
upper classmen.
gan Union, Law Quad, Engineer-
ing Arch and the Willow Village
bus stop. Booths will be open from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day this
week and next week until October
1, but will be closed all day Satur-
day and Sunday," Dawson said.
No picture appointments will be
made after October 1, Dawson ex-
plained, because the taking of the
pictures will start then.
"The price of the pictures is $2
and each senior will have eight
prints to choose from. Only pic-
tures taken by Ensian appoint-
ment will be used in the year-
book," Dawson said.
IRA Meeting...s
Prof. John F. Shepard, of the
psychology department, will ad-
dress the first IRA meeting of the
semester on "Racialism in Amer-
ica" at 7:30 p.m. today in the
.* * *
International Tea . . .
American students will have
an opportunity to meet their
foreign classmates at an infor-
mal tea at 4:30 p.m. today in
the International Center.
World Federalists . ..
The United World Federalist or-
ganization will meet today at 7
p.m. in Lane Hall.
1' * *
Freshman Smoker ...
A freshman smoker, open to all
students-who were former scouts,
will be held by Alpha Phi Omega
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union

Prof. Arnold
Publishes Text
On Plant Life
In response to a need for a
textbook for paleobotany, Prof.
Chester A. Arnold of the botany
department has written "An In-
troduction to Paleobotany," pub-
lished this month by the McGraw
Hill Book Company as one of their
series in botanical sciences.
Paleobotany, FPor. Arnold ex-
plained, is the study of fossilized
plants. Just as paleontologists
study the evolution of animals by
correlating fossilized bones of
geologic eras, so paleobotdnists
study the evolution of plant life
through fossil plant remains of
past eras, he said.
A lack of previous study, how-
ever, and the comparative rarity
of complete fossilized plants, ne-
cessitates collecting knowledge
from detached pieces of evidence
such as a single leaf or acorn,
rather than a whole tree, Prof.
Arnold pointed out. Our knowl-
edge of the history of the major
plant groups, then, is relatively
incomplete, he added.
Although the subject can be
treated as either botany or geol-
ogy, Prof. Arnold chose to write
from the viewpoint of a botan-
ist. The book discusses the evo-
lution of plants from the simple
algae to the more complex flower-
ing plants. The last chapters,
summarize the subject with flora
placed in their geologic eras.

Even after a record week of
student placement in part time
jobs, the demand at the Univer-
sity's Personnel Office still far ex-
ceeds the supply of employment-
minded students.
Alfred B. Ueker, director of the
office, said yesterday that al-
thought an estimated 750 students
have been placed since the start
of the pre-semester rush, 75 open-
ings remain unfilled.
Unskilled Jobs
Ueker, whose office acts as an
intermediary between students
and campus and private employ-
ers, said that most of the remain-
ing positions fall in the unskilled
category - waiters and kitchen
help-and bring pay of from 65
to 85 cents an hour.
He emphasized, however, that
there are still a number of higher
paying jobs in University depart-
ments and private businesses for
students of more specialized abil-
ity. Among these are sales posi-
tions for women in local dress
shops, jobs for gas station attend-
ants, and openings for several ex-
perienced court reporters. Calls
for a window displayman for a
local store and for a registered
pharmacist also remain un-
'U' Hospital
The University Hospital has in-
dicated the need for a number of
male orderlies to fill morning po-

Job-Seeking Students Fail To Meet Need

for male baby sitters, a number of Many of the applicants, Ueker
such jobs, as well as light house- pointed out, have been married
work and convalescent care, re- veterans, and for them there are
main open for women. Most oth- opportunities for good living ac-
er positions have been for men,commodations and board in the
Ueker said, but at the same time, m Ann Arbor area in return for light
ninety per cent of applicants have
been male. housekeeping duties.


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