TWO - THE MICIGC-AN IDL -'-cMBE 1047 ORIGINAL DEEP FREEZE: South Pole Adventures To Be Related By Byrd Some men spend their lives training dogs or horses, but Ad- miral Richard E. Byrd has spent a large portion of his life with pen- guins. Byrd probably could boast of traversing more ice than any other man, and all for good purposes. Results of his six polar trips have contributed greatly, both to scien- Bromage ... (Continued from Page 1) twenty departments responsible to the Governor should be consid- ered. Prof. Bromage stressed the ab- olition of the fifteen-mill limit on property tax, the distribution of gasoline and weight taxes for pur- poses other than highways and the repeal of the recent sales tax di- version amendment, in the field of finance and taxation. He noted also that there is a need for more county home rule. P.rof. Bromage listed the groups that would oppose revision. First, he' cited the' group that would ob- ject if reapportionment were made mandatory upon the secretary of state if the legislature failed to act. Second, groups that like the present type of county organiza- tion ' Vill fight change. Prof. Bromage concluded that inaction on the question of consti- tutional revision may be "disas- erous in view of the financial con- strictions of the state Constitu- tion.'" VETSCHECKS- Checks are being held at the Ann Arbor Post Office for the fol- lowing veterans: Adams, David J.; Allison, Har- vey C; Barry, Stanley M.; Breen, William C.; Buck, Charles C.; Davison, Harvey L.; Dawson, Law- rence R.; Dupee, Mildred Virginia (2); Eatmon, James R.; Engel, Ralph C.; Finucan, George A.; Formel, Philip Adrian, Fritz, Jack W.; Hough, Jerome F.; John- son, Richard E.; Kelley, Glenn E.; McKinnon,- Donald; Lind, William E.; Margolas, Isadore T.; Nesper, Thonas E.; Nickolis, Kenneth R.; O'Brien, Frank M. Jr.; Quast, Nor- man A: E.; Ryland, Thomas 0.; Seigle, Harold Joseph; Stucken- schneider, Norbert August; Sul- livan, Patrick E.; Toler, James P. III; Weber, Milton F.; Weikel, Charles William; Whol, Abert B.; Woronski, Conrad. Veterans listed above should pick up their checks by Nov. 16 when they will be returned to Columbus, Ohio., tific progress and American mili- tary knowledge.. During Byrd's second trip to the South Pole, he spent the whole winter alone, making scientific in- vestigations, with only icebergs, penguins, and a dog or two for company. He was dramatically rescued from his long siege after becoming poisoned by carbon mo- noxide. Expedition Movies Included "Discovery," a motion picture portraying events on this and later South Pole expeditions will be part of the program Byrd will present at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 20 in Hill Audi- torium in the third Oratorical As- sociation lecture. The movie shows the long voy- age from Boston across the Pa- cific to New Zealand, and the ex- ploration by sea through an un- known ice covered area, disclosing "Devil's Graveyard," the greatest ice-producing center in the world. Pictures First Base The discovery of Little America No. 1, the base established during the first Byrd expedition to the South Pole, buried under depths of snow is also. pictured in the film. Byrd will also explain data from his latest exploration from which he returned in March, 1947, when he discovered more hitherto un- known areas than any expdition in history. This was the Naval Antarctic Expedition, which util- ized three task groups containing thirteen ships. Tickets for the lecture may be purchased from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and fromn 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20. Dutch Exhibit Will Be Held An exhibit of letters, pamphlets, newspapers and other items deal- ing with the. first coming of the Dutch to Michigan will be on dis- play at the 'Michigan Historical Collections today through Novem- ber 28. The exhibit is being held to' commemorate the 100th year of Dutch settlement in Michigan. Included are numerous letters and papers of Paulus den Bleyker, who came to Kalamazoo from the Netherlands in 1850 and quickly became a leader in Kalamazoo af- fairs. In connection with the ex- hibit, a 10-page pamphlet is being issued, based on the numerous let- ters concerning Den Bleyker in the Michigan Historical oollect. tions. During the Dutch exhibit, the Michigan Historical Collections will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Saturday and from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. French Make New Strides In. Recovery Experts Feel Help Will Improve Status By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst American business and financial experts who have been touring Europe following the World Bank meeting in London have returned with the idea that France, with help, can whip the economic troubles which have so much to do with her political instability. They are particularly impressed with the Monnent Industrial Re- covery Plan. France's basic trouble is that there is not enough steel, enough labor or enough of anything. Productive Capacity Hit During the Nazi occupation French resistance forces destroyed or paralyzed a large part of the country's productive capacity in order to deny its benefits to the Germans. During the first half of 1945 production was only 40 per cent of 1938. Now, according to French figures, it is above pre- war. The Monnet Plan calls for an increase, in the next three years, to 10 per cent above pre-war in agriculture, 40 to 50 per cent in industry. To date the rates of in- crease fixed in the plan have been achieved 100 per cent in electric- ity, 91 per cent in coal, 94 per cent in steel, 90 per cent in transport and 85 per cent in textiles. Hydro-Electric Plant The opening next month of Eu- rope's largest hydro-electric plant at the headwaters of the Rhone, is expected to give the whole pro- gram a great boost. French labor unions, in spite of Communist efforts, have agreed to increase their work week from 38 to 40 hours to 48 hours, and to a policy of large scale immigration of foreign workers. The Communists have been more successful in tying up the government's efforts to stabilize I the currency. 'PROFESSOR,' TEN MONTHS OLD-Ten months old Bobby Foster of Allegan, Mich., captivated his "students" in Western Michigan College class in "Introduction to Speech" when he took the professor's place. An interpretation of the child's babblings were presented by Prof. Charles W. Van Riper as an indication of wise methods of teaching a child to talk. MILITARY BUREAU OF MISSING PERSONS: Detectives Seek Men. Lost'in Bomingts aids Veteran Efiect on Exdpucation Benieficial, Experts Believe The influence of the studentf veteran on college and university uampuses is one of the outstand- ing features of American educa- tion today. That is the conclusion reached by a number of outstanding au-1 thorities writing in the latest is-1 sue of Survey Graphic. Ordway Tead, president of the New York City Board of Higher Education, in an article analyzing the impact of veterans on educa- tion, states that the superior qual- ity of work being performed by ex-servicemen effectively offsets the overcrowding of college class- rooms, dormitories, laboratories and libraries that resulted from the influx of a million and a half veterans under the G.I. Bill of Rights. Get Better Marks "The veterans, on the average three years older than non-veter- an students on the same educa- tional level, are getting better marks than non-veterans," he points out. Tead also observes that married veterans make better academic records than the unmarried and veterans with children top all campus averages for marks and honors. In view of the influence of vet- erans on enrollment totals, John Dale Russell, director of the Divi- sion of Higher Education, U. S. Office of Education, raises the question of whether some form of "college for all" is not the logical next step. Must Double Facilities Francis J. Brown and A. B. Bonds, Jr., staff members of the President's Commission on High- er Education, in another article cite figures showing that if ex- pected enrollment trends material- ize, by 1950-51 colleges and uni- versities will have to double the physical facilities of the last pre- war year when the total value of these institutions was nearly three billion dollars. Other articles by Maxwell Stew- art, editor of Publiu Affairs Pamphlets and Harold R. Ben- jamin, Dean of the University of Maryland School of Education, underscore the present shortage in quality, as well as in numbers of teachers, and place the responsi- bility f o r inferior education squarely on the shoulders of com- munities which continue to pay inadequate salaies. Campus Hio liights Cervantes Lecture .. . Commemorating the 400th An- niversary of the birth of Miguel de Cervantes, La Sociedad Hispan- ica will hear Prof. Manolita de Cirre, of the Spanish department of Wayne University, talk on the famous author, at 8 p.m. today, in Alumni Memorial Hall. Informal Tea '*. An informal tea for foreign and American students will be held at 4:30 p.m. todlay :it the International, Center. Colonel To Speak. , Colonel Joseph Colby, Chief of the Development Engineering Branch, Detroit Tank Arsenal, will speak before the Army Ordnance Association at 8:15 p.m. today in Rm. 302, Michigan Union. * * Carillon Recital Prof. Percival Price, University carilloneur, will be heard in an- other of the current series of ca- rillon recitals 7:15 p.m. today. He will play a group of compo- sitions by Haydn, A Little Fan- tasy and Fugue, by Harty, and some well known spirituals. - WICHIGAIN t_--NOW SHOWING By The Associated Press KARLSRUHE, Germany, Nov. 12-Military detectives are work- ing here, as in other parts of Eu- rope, to help clear up the after- math of the war. Missing Research and Enquiry Units (M.R.E.U.) of Britain's Royal Air Force are trying to trace 35,000 men posted as "miss- ing" during raids over Germany and the formerly occupied coun- tries. They hope they will be able to report 75 per cent success by the time their task is ended in the middle of 1948. Slender Clues "We often have to work with only the slenderest of clues," one officer explained. "Sometimes it may be a small piece of wreckage bearing part of a letter cipher or a number, sometimes a photo- graph of the wreckage, although the Germans tried to prevent such photographs being taken. Again a scrap of cloth from a burned uni- form may be the only thing we have." For more than two years officers of these special units have trav- elled endless miles, visiting ob- scure villages far from main high- ways, in an attempt to account for every single plane which crashed. Methodical Combing France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia, Italy and Czecho-I slovakia all have been combed methodically. Now the search in Germany, district by district, is drawing to a close. ' Alumnus Receives dimes Art Appointment Newly-appointed art editor of the New York Times is Howard V. Devree, '13, who will replace the late Edward Alden Jewell. Before joining the editorial staff of the Times in 1926, Devree was associated with the Kansas City Star as literary editor, and the New York Globe as an editorial writer. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members' of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 45 Notices Freshmen and transfer students who have been notified of the Principal - Freshman Conference are reminded of their appoint- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TRANSPORTATION WOULD like to share driving to work at Willow Run Airport. Hrs. 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Ph. AA 2-1436 after 6 p.m. )7 RIDE WANTED from Ann Arbor to Indianapolis or any place between- Chicago, Fort Wayne, South Bend. Will share driving and expenses. Must leave Friday, Nov. 14' after 6 p.m. or early Saturday morning. Call Dick: 2-2610. )46 FOR SALE AIPROX. % karat modern round-cut, blue-white diamond ring. New plat- inum Tiffany setting, baquettes. $375 under retail. Phone Bob, 2-2117, eve- nings.)5 OR SALE-1936 Ford. Good running condition. 202 Tyler. 2-4591. )38 2BUICIK SUPER SEDAN, 1941. Excel- lent condition. Recently overhauled. Phone 2-7265., evenings. )57 FOR SALE-One or two main floor pa- tron tickets for remaining concerts. Bargains. Phone 2-5152, between 11, and1. ) 1940 FORD CONVERTIBLE to sell to highest bidder. Call Al, 4211. )36 FOR SALE-1941 Lincoln custom sedan -exceptional condition. Original fin- ish. radio, heater satin seat covers. $1,395. 1110 Olivia' after 5 p.m. )108 ALL COLORS canaries and parakeets. finches. Bird supplies and cages. 562 South Seventh. Call 5330. )40 WEBSTER WIRE RECORDER, phone Carl Brownell, 4141 between 6 and 7 p.m. )81 FOR SALE: Set of tails. Formal top coat. Size 38. 823 Brown, or call 5293. )95 FOR, SALE: 1946 Aeronca Champion, $1450.00. Engine just majored. Plane in A-1 condition. Excellent for joint ownership or flying club. See and fly it at the Gridley Airport, US 23 at the Expressway. Phone Ypsi 9272. HELP WANTEDI STEADY EMPLOYMENT: The tele- phone company extends you a cordial invitation to investigate the oppor- tunities offered in telephone operat- ing for women. We will train you at a regular starting wage followed by frequent increases. Apply 321 E. Washington St. )77 WANTED TO TRADE WILL TRADE unfurnished 5-room apartment near University of Chi- cago for same or similar in Ann Arbor. WriteBox 31. )105 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Small, black, loose-leaf note- book containing Physics 25 problems. Call 202 Allen-Rumsey House. 2-4401. LOST-Gray covert topcoat in Union after game Saturday. Reward at 921 Dewey. 2-7931. )104 REWARD: National Swiss watch-Lost in front of Gate 8 at Stadium on 11-8-47. If found, please call A. W. Storey, 2-4591. )2 LOST-Glasses and wallet on campus, Friday. Identification, Nancy O'Far- rell. Call Swartz, 2-7044 )4 LOST-ONE Zeta Psi . fraternity pin. Finder please call Mark Wenley any evening at 2-0549. )89 LOST-Brown wallet Friday night in Don-Al Grill. Keep the money, but please return the ID and key. Ur- gently needed. Barbara Slovak, 402 Benjamin. Phone 2-1046. )73 I HAVE SOMEONE'S topcoat. Someone has mine. Switch was accomplished October 31 in Chem. Bldg. Call 26674 and ask for Larry. )24 LOST: Natural tan raincoat, red plaid lining on campus about Oct. 29. Call Paul, 2-1297. )38 Lost: Pair of glasses with heavy brown speckled rims Saturday at Stadium or on Hill Street. Reward. Call Jo' at 2-2281. )110 P or.mirn nkmdBilo wrist watch MISCELLANEOUS STUDYING PORTUGUESE? - To im- prove my English, I would like to exchange somebody's knowledge on it for mine in Portuguese. Preferably a girl. Box 32. )106 WANTED WANTED: One ticket for Wisconsin game. Call Dave Loewenberg, Law Club. 4145.)3 r WANTED: 4 tickets for the Wisconsin game. Call 2-6572 for Mr. Morton. )87 RIDE WANTED to Columbia, S.C. or vicinity and return for Christmas holidays. Share expenses. Phone 2-1907. Ask for Jack. )36 TWO OR FOUR Wisconsin game tickets wanted. Will provide transportation for two as part ofndeal if necessary. Call Dave or Lyons at 2-0720 and leave number. )89 FOR RENT FOR RENT: NEWLY furnished front room with private bath in private home. Vicinity of Geddes and Hill Street within one-half block of bus stop. Business or professional women desired. References exchanged. Phone 7647 between 6-10 p.m. )53 DOUBLE ROOM for male students. 3 blocks from campus. Phone 2-1242. )44 ROOMS for colored students, 144 East Hoover. Phone 2-4070. )75 BUSINESS SERVICES ANNOUNCING the addition of Miss Kay Engel, University graduate, as piano teacher. Adult specialty. Mrs. E. Gomberg. Phone 2-0779. )45 DRESSMAKING, alterations. Vogue patterns a specialty. Call Mrs. Ring- enin for appointmeit, 2-2604. )101. WANTED: Sewing, dress making and alterations. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Division. 2 rings. )82 ments in the Rackham Building, Thursday morning, Nov. 13. Assembly, School of Forestry and Conservation: 11 a.m., Nov. 13, W. K. Kellogg Foundation Auditorium. Dr. John T. Shea of the Soil Conservation Service will speak on "Foresters and Community Lead- ership." All students in the School of Forestry not having non-forestry conflicts are expected to attend. All others interested are cordially invited. NROTC Students, including those who have completed 24 hours NS, will report to NH for chest X-ray Thursday, Nov. 13. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, November 15. Report cards are being distri- buted to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for freshmen and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Reports of freshman and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of jun- iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name };hose students, freshmen and up- .erclassmen, whose standing at midsemester is "D" or "E," not merely those who receive "D" or 'E" in so-called midsemester ex- aminations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or 'colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 *Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for Dropping Courses Without Record will be Saturday, Nov. 15. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the classifier after confer- ence with the instructor. Students' College of Engineer- ing: The final day for Removal of Incompletes will be Saturday, Nov. 15. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday, Nov. 15. Varsity Debaters: Eligibility cards must be picked up this week. Freshman and Sophomore men, who are single, Residents of the State of Michigan, now living in the Willow Run Dormitories, and interested in University Residence Halls accommodations forthe Spring Semester 1948 are asked to call at the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall before Nov. 15. Application for Admission to the Graduate School for the See- ond Semester: Students in other schools and colleges who will graduate, and who may wish to enter the Graduate School the second semester, must submit by December 15 in order to be given consideration. The crowded condition in the University has placed limitations upon the num- ber that may be admitted. North American Rayon Corpo- ration representatives will be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, Thurs., Nov. 13, to in- terview men working on their PhD. or M.S. degree and former graduates in organic and physical chemistry, physics, niechanical engineering, and chemical engi- neering. This applies to June graduates as well as to February graduates. Students working on their B.S. degree will be inter- viewed if there is sufficient time. Positions will be at Elizabethton, Tennessee. For complete infor- mation, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments. State of Michigan Civil Service Examination Announcements have been received in this office for: 1. Student Psychiatric Social Worker A-$170-$190. 2. Psychiatric Social Worker Al' -$180-$200. 3. Psychiatric Social Work Ad- ministrator 1-$200-$240. 4. Psyclaiatric Social Work Ad- ministrator 2-$250-$290. 5. Psychiatric Social Work Ad- ministrator 3-$300-$360. Closing date, Dec. 3. For complete information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lecture La Sociedad Hispanica Lecture: Cervantes y "El Celoso Extreme- no", by Senora Manolita de Cirre, at 8 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 13, Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Academic Notices Medical Aptitude Examination: All applicants for admission to medical schools, who wish to be admitted during 1948 and who did not take the Medical Aptitude Ex- amination on Saturday, Oct. 25, 1947, must take the examination on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948. The ex- amination will not be given again before the Fall semester. In order to be admitted to the examination, candidates must fulfill the follow- ing requirements: 1. Candidates must register for the examination before Saturday, Nov. 15, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. 2. Candidates must bring to the examination a check or money order for five dollars payable to The Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he pays his fee in this way. Cash will not be ac- cepted. Candidates who register will be- gin the examination at 8:3,0 a.m., Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, Rackham Lecture Hall. The examination will be divided into two sessions and will take all day. Inquiries should be addressed to The Chief Examiner, Bureau of Psychological Services (Ext. 2297). The Graduate Aptitude Exami- nation is required of all graduate students who have not had the Graduate Record Examination or the Graduate Aptitude Examina- tion before. This semester the examination will be held at 6:30 p.m., Nov. 19, Rackham Lecture Hall. The fee for the examination is $2. Each student must buy an ex- amination ticket at the Cashier's office and present a receipt in the office of the Graduate School at least three days prior to the ex- amination. The student will be given a receipt to keep which will be his admission to the examina- tion. Veterans will have a yellow Sup- ply Requisition signed in the Graduate School office before go- ing to the Cashier's office. This will permit the purchase of an ex- amination ticket to be covered by Public Law 346 or 16. Graduate students: Courses dropped after noon of Nov. 15 will be recorded with the grade of E., Coursesbdropped prior to this date will be listed as dropped but no grade will appear. Seminar on Complex Variables: Thurs., Nov. 13, 3 p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall. Mr. Wend will speak on the Theta Functions. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Fri., Oct. 14, 4 p.m., Room 319, West Medical Bldg. Subject "Phosphatases." All interested are invited. Concerts University Musical Society will (Continued on Page 4) SERVING HOURS: 11 A.M.-1:30 P.M. 5-7 P.M. "Known for Good Food' The TAVERN CAFETERIA 338 Maynard Street --NOW - SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT - THIS WEEK ONLY - 90c to 5 P.M. EVES. $1.25 inc. tax .1 - Shows Daily at - 1:15-3:55-6:25-9:00 P.M. --Coming Sunday - .1 CARTOON - NEWS MICHIGAN vs. ILLINOIS 35c until 5 P.M. I I .:. IF The Theosophical Society in Ann Arbor announces "A COURSE IN THEOSOPHY" given weekly each Thursday by Mr. S. H. Wylie Nov. 13 .. "KARMA" {ichigan League Time: 8: The public is cordially invited. AI Place: A 00 P.M. L 1 .1 ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents (in the tradition of "The Well-Digger's Daughter") The BARGE-KEEP ER'S flA tI-IlTFR HOOVER SPECIALIST, SERVICE and sales. Buy through Goodyear store. Fow rervice rc11 A A 2-098. W. 0. III i - I a I