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November 13, 1947 - Image 1

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VOL. LVIII, No. 45



U.S., British
Treaty Asked
By De Gaulle
Implies Soviet
Threat to France
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 12-Gen. Charles
de Gaulle asked France today to
establish an airtight system of al-
liances with the United States,
Britain and other western powers
against the Soviet Union, which
he said was the greatest menace
France had ever encountered.
He told a news conference that
his country was menaced abroad
{ "by the creation of, an enormous
power, more formidable for her
than any previous European pow-
er, more formidable than were the
empire of Charles the Fifth (of
Austria), the Reich of Kaiser Wil-
helm II or the Reich of Hitler."
Clear Reference
De Gaulle did not mention Rus-
sia directly but there was no
doubt of his meaning as he spoke
an answer to a question as to
how he envisaged relations with
the Soviet Union with which he
concluded a 20-year alliance in
1944 when he was provisional
Treaties with the United States
and Britain must be concluded
immediately, he said, but should
be arrived at "as equals. We must
not appear to be beggars." e
He paid a system of alliances
was o.ae of the aims of his Anti-
Communist Rally of the French
People (RPF) Party, which he de-
scribed as "an element of force
which echoes the instincts of the
French people, who feel them-
selves menaced at home and
Vigorous Assention
He pounded the table vigorous-
ly as he reiterated previous as-
sertions that France must not per-
mit emergence of a strong, cen-
tralized Germany. He said the
meeting of the Council of Min-
isters in London would end either
in establishment of a united Ger-
many or a united western Ger-
"Until there is definite proof
that no Reich is being set up,
France must continue to hold her
trump cards and refuse to sanc-
tion a unified Germany," he said.
Fire in D06
To Be Probed
By Company
GALLUP, N.M., Nov. 12-(/P)-
Representatives of Douglas Air-
craft Corp. undertook key roles to-
day in probing for the origin of a
fire which disabled one of the
firm's DC-6 transports yesterday
and led directly to the grounding
F of others.
The White House announced
President Truman's personal
plane, the "Independence," was
one of those ordered out of the
air. Others were being used by
half a dozen airlines, some for
long overseas flights.
An investigation was launched
* after yesterday's close brush with
tragedy for an American Airlines
DC-6, San Francisco to New York
bound with 25 aboard.
It dived hastily into the Gallup
Airport with flames leaping from
( the underside, and aviation ex-

perts were quick to link the in-
cident to the Oct. 24 crash of a
United Airlines DC-6 which killed
52 persons in Utah.
Robert W. Knight of New York,
director of American's Operations
Analysis Division, said he was
confident blazes in both ships
were "on speaking terms."
Plane and passengers had an-
other close call as firemen battled
the flames after the landing. It
came as a broken quarter-inch
tube sprayed a full stream of
liquid fuel toward the flames.
Douglas Aircraft officials, who .
requested the grounding of all
DC-6's as several airlines already
were taking that action, were here
in force to assist in an inquiy.
The Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
tration and United Airlines also
shared in the probe, with the as-
sistance of several of the same
men who investigated the Utah
DC-6 crash. Their study was ex-
tended to required at least three
Faculty Housing

Political News Heralds
1948 National Election
Democrats Plan Philadelphia Convention;
Railroad Union Leaders Set for United Action
The 1948 presidential election appeared less distant last night.
The Associated Press reported additional plans for next sum-
mer's national party conventions, promise of united political action by
the nation's 1,500,000 railroad workers, and news of the first major
skirmish in the battle for the 1948 G.O.P. presidential nomination.
Set Convention Date
In Washington, Democratic national chairman J. Howard Mc-
Grath announced that his party's convention will open in Philadelphia,
Monday, July 12. Republicans have already announced that they will
meet in the same city three weeks earlier to select their presidential

Junior College
Increase Seen
By Andrews
Enrollment Growth
Expected for Decade
More junior colleges with bigger
enrollments will be established in
the United States during the next
ten years, Arthur Andrews, pres-
ident of Grand Rapids Junior Col-
lege, predicted here yesterday.
Andrews spoke at a session of
the Michigan Conference on High-
er Education, sponsored by the*
University, and attended by of-
ficers of 33 state colleges.
Andrews does not expect a de-
parture from the traditional pat-
tern of locally-controlled two-year
junior colleges, however.
Tradition Will Hold
"During the next decade I do
not expect to see the public school
system expanded to include a 13th
and 14th year, as advocated by
some educators," Andrews added.
"Public school systems are at pres-
ent struggling with problems of
support so that expansion on any
such scale does not seem possible
in the near future.-"
"It would seem that the junior
colleges, or community colleges,
as they may be called, will tend
to be locally controlled," he said.
"They will develop as parts of
single school systems rather than
as branches of universities; they
will be organized on a regional
Suggests Regional Set-up
Andrews suggested that al-
though there has been some talk
of setting up junior colleges in
every city of any size, this seems
inadvisable. Many cities do not
have the equipment, staff, or fi-
nancial support to do a good job
of organizing a junior college, he
pointed out. Two-year institutions
which serve a region embracing
several cities are more likely to
Junior colleges will do well to
expand their offerings, Andrews
declared. He believes that there is
room for expansion especially in
the areas of "terminal" voca-
tional programs and of adult edu-
cation. Junior colleges in some
areas already are offering adult
programs in such fields as cit-
izenship, physical and mental
health, appreciation of art and
music, vocations, and family life.
Ask General Education
The two-year colleges should
not abandon general education de-
signed t'o prepare students for fur-
ther college study, however, An-
drews cautioned.
"If anyone has a notion that the
first two years of traditional col-
lege work should be abandoned, he
should talk to the students," An-
drews declared. "There is a large
percentage of junior college stu-
dents who are looking forward to
senior college and professional
training. Many more will continue
in training for professional life if
it is economically possible and if
there appears to be a reasonable
chance they may be accepted in a
professional school when prelim-
inary training has been com-
British Conscri
Cause Governn

The recent action by the British
governmentrin utilizing its emer-
gency powers to conscript 750,000
people into vital jobs in coal mines
Arni textilesindust.is will not

Meanwhile, top officers of 19
railroad unions set up an organi-
zation to insure a direct appeal to
workers in all brotherhoods for
united endorsement or opposition
to candidates.
End Separate Action.
"Railroad Labor's Political
League" is intended to end te
old practice of separate action by
each of the unions.
Elsewhere, a New Hampshire
primary fight between supporters
of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and
Harold E. Stassen for Republican
National convention delegates be-
came assured.
Dewey, the party's 1944 nomi-
nee, has not yet announced his
1948 intentions but the friends
said yesterday that a full slate
of candidates friendly to him
would be entered next March 9 in
the New Hampshireballoting-a
traditional kick-off point in presi-
dential campaigns.
Stassen, former Minnesota gov-
ernor and the first candidate to
announce aspirations for the top
spot on the Republican ticket next
year, said, according to the As-
sociated Press, that a group of
delegates favoring him would be*
on the ballot in the New England
Keyes To Talk
on Michig.an's
Tax Dilemma
Dr. Keyes' talk will be delivered
Dr. Eugene C. Keyes, will speak
on taxation as seen from the top
of the state governmental net-
work, at 8 p.m. today in Kellogg
Dr. Keyes' talk will be delivered
at an AVC-sponsored panel dis-
cussion which will survey "Michi-
gan's Tax Dilemma" from three
Sharing the platform with D.
Keyes will be George R. Anderson
lecturer in economics, who will
present the position of an author-
ity on tax theory, and Municipal
League head John A. Huss, who
will speak of municipal aspects
of state taxation policies.
Lorne Cook, former chairman of
the campus AVC, who will act as
moderator, indicated that there
will be ample opportunity for the
audience to "put the speakers on
the spot."
"The speakers will make their
remarks, but we are expecting the
audience to keep the meeting go-
ing," Cook said.
The panel is open to the public.
Membershil p
Drlve To End
The United World Federalist
Drive for new membership will
close today, George Shepherd,
president of the University chap-
ter of the Federalists, announced.
Students interested in the'world
government movement may meet
Student Federalists, who will ex-
plain the work of the group,
from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. to-
day, at booths in University Hall
and the Union. Applications for
membership will be accepted at
that time.
J ,s
ption Will No
aent Sliakeup
who made the final decision to use

the government's extraordinay
powers, because there are several
in the cabinet who have been in
favor of this plan besides Sir

Price Check,
To Be Asked
Will Broadcast
Trinan Appeal
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-Presi-
dent Truman will open the spe-
cial session of Congress next Mon-
day with a personal appeal for the
two things he wants Congress to
do--give immediate aid to Europe
and check rising prices in the
United States.
(NBC and ABC announced they
would broadcast the speech from
1:30 to 2 pm. EST)
The President's decision to de-
liver his message in person to a
joint session was announced as
he conferred with representatives
of industry, labor and agriculture
on methods of producing enough
to make European aid feasible.
Sees No Undue Strain
Secretary of Commerce Har-
riman told the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee that the Gov-
ernment's p-roposal to send $597,-
000,000 in goods to France, Italy
and Austria this winter could be
carried out without undue strain
on the country's economy.
Meanwhile Secretary of State
Marshall, under questioning by
the House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee, said the Government ex-
pects "about 70 per cent effi-
ciency" in the use of the $300,000,-
000 to be proposed. for aiding
China over a 15-month period.
He did not immediately explain
why there could not be complete
Doubts Report Release_
Marshall said he doubted that
the on-the-spot report on China
prepared by Lt. Gen. Albert C.
Wedemeyer would be published in
full, although parts of it might
be made public.
"I don't thing it is to the best
interest of the Chinese Govern-
ment or our Government to re-
lease it," the Secetary said.-)
Asked by Rep. Fulton (R-Pa.)
if he wanted Congress to grant
aid to China without having seen
the report, Marshall replied: "I
think so."{
Both Marshall and Harriman
were testifying on behalf of the
State Department's "stop gap" aid
to Western Europe proposal,
which Marshall described as "an
option on time to consider wheth-
er a long-range program is ac-
ceptable to the Congress and to
the people."
IWheat Outtlook1,
Darkened by
Planting Dela
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-(A')-
The outlook for next year's winter
wheat has been darkened by a se-
rious delay in fall planting, thel
Agriculture Department reportedl
In its next to last crop report oft
the year, the Department also es-
timated the weather-harried corn
crop at 2,447,422,000 bushels, a de-
cline of about one-half of one per
cent from its estimate of a monthl
Confirm Predictions
Today's corn figure conirmed I
previous official statements thatl
the crop is about 17 -per cent shortl
of requirements for livestock feed-
ing, food uses and export for the

current crop year.
It shows the crop to be about 25
per cent smaller than last year's
record one.
Dampening official hopes for
another bumper wheat crop next
year, the Department said about
25 per cent of the intended win-'
ter wheat acreage in the impor-
tant great plains area had not


Soviet Supported
Anti-Franco Slap
Nineteen Join U.S. in Abstaining;
Britain, France and China Approve
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 12-A Soviet-supported slap at Franco
Spain was approved today by the United Nations political committee
but it fell far short of the unanimous vote its backers wanted.
The 57-member committee voted 29 to 6 for a toned-down mixture
of three resolutions aimed against Generalissimo Franco. France,
China, Britain and Russia were among those voting for it. The United
States and 19 other countries abstained.
The committee thus reaffirmed a resolution approved by the
Assembly last Dec. 12 which called on UN members to withdraw
their ambassadors and ministers



RIGHT-WING LANDSLIDE-Jubilant delegates to the eleventh
annual UAW-CIO convention carry Walter P. Reuther, whose
reelection to the union presidency preceded a landslide by his
entire slate of right-wing candidates, around Atlantic City's
Convention Hall.
Reuther Forces Stop Thomas,
Leonard in UAW-CIO Voting

-(P)-The triumphant Walter
Relther forces in the CIO United
Auto Workers tumbled tobacco-
chewing R. J. Thomas and mild-
mannered Dick Leonard out of
their vice-presidential jobs today.
Completing the Reuther sweep
of four top union offices, the UAW
convention turned Leonard's post
over to Regional Director John W.
Livingston of St. Louis.
A few hours earlier Thomas was
beaten by Dick Gosser, powerful
Set Svanhohm,
Opera Tenor,
Will Sing; Here
Set Svanholm, Metropolitan
Opera tenor, will , present the
fourth concert in the regular
Choral Union concert series at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Audi-
The program will consist of
compositions by Caldara, Caris-
simi, Schubert, Brahms, Strauss,
Rangstrom, Sibelius and Hage-
Svanholm received his formal
musical training at the Royal
Conservatory ,in Stockholm, fol-
lowing which he led a Stock-
holm choir. It was his decision to
switch from singing baritone to
tenor, however, that decided his
Conductor Bruno Walter heard
him after the voice "change" and
invited him to Vienna. Since then
he has sung in many other Eu-
ropean cities, including the Wag-
ner shrine at Beyreuth. Svan-
holm, the tenor, has climbed to
heights undreamed of by Svan-
holm, the baritone choirmaster.
Tickets for the concert tomor-
row are still available at the Hill
Auditorium box-office.
French .film
Op ens Today
"The Barge-Keeper's Daughter,"

Toledo, Ohio, labor leader.
Flying Start
The election stampede got off
to a flying start yesterday when
Reuther was reelected president
without organized opposition and
Emil Mazey defeated Secretary-
Treasurer George F. Adde.
The defeat of Leonard, who re-
cently negotiated the first major
auto industry pension plan but was
not backed by the membership,
came shortly before 7 p.m. when
Livingston reached a majority of
the convention's 7,500 votes.
Unofficial Count
In -the final unofficial count an-
nounced later, Livingston had 4,-
210 votes; Leonard 1,579, and
Shelton Tappes, Detroit Negro
running as independent 508.
Thomas, who held the presiden-
cy for seven years before Reuther
edged him out at the last conven-
tion here in March, 1946, lost to
Gosser by a final unofficial vote
margin of 5,053 to 2,025.
Thomas' setback ended an epoch
in the turbulent 11-year history of
the Auto Workers Union.
Raid Kills Five
Jnewish Youth
Underground School
Attacked in Palestine
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 - ()P) -
British troops and police killed
five young Jews, three of them
girls, in a raid on what officials
said was a school operated by the
Jewish underground to train teen-
agers of both sexes in the use of
"a variety of weapons."
The raid, carried out by a force
of 1,000 to 1,500 British troops
with armored cars seeking hidden
arms in the rich orange grove re-
gion on the Palestine coastal plain,
occurred at Shunath Maccabi, 10
miles North of Tel Aviv. Two of
the dead girls were described as 16
years old. The other was reported
to be 18.
At approximately the same time,
in Haifa, three Jewish gunmen
entered an upstairs transport of-
fice, threatening workers and, fir-
ing a machine gun from a window,
killed a British police sergeant and
wounded three other officers who,
were drinking coffee in a cafe
across the street. The killers cov-
ered their flight with a, flash'
The British wounded danger-
ously a third Jewish youth in the
raid at Shunath Maccabi and cap-
tured four others. The violence
constituted the first serious out-
breaks here since late September.

from Madrid and on the Secur-
ity Council to act if a demo-
cratic regime were not installed
in Spain in a "reasonable" time.
The new resolution now goes to
the full Assembly, where dele-
gates expected it would receive
final approval.
Charles Fahy, American alter-
nate delegate, said the U.S. felt
the resolution meant the Security
Council should act. He said the
U.S. did not favor economic meas-
ures against Spain which the
council could take under the char-
ter. The U.S. is on record against
any action which "would initiate
change by violence."
Six Latin American countries
-Argentina, Costa Rica, El Sal-
vadore, Dominican Republic,
Paraguay, and Peru.. voted
against it. They contended the
proposal constituted unwarrant-
ed interference in the affairs of
a nation.
Argentina dispatched. an am-
bassador to Madrid last year after
the Assembly adopted the Dec. 12
resolution. The Dominican Re-
public maintained a minister in
Madrid until shortly before this
Assembly met. All other UN mem-
bers either complied with the res-
olution or have no relations with
Conquer China
Rail Junction
PEIPING, Thursday, Nov. 13-
(P-Official private messages
reaching Peiping repoited today
the Chinese Communists had com-
pleted the conquest of Shihkiach-
wang, important rail junction 172
miles southwest of here.
These dispatches said the Com-
munists smashed the last core of
Shihkiachwang's resistance - a
ring of tanks inside which a group
of last ditch defenders fought to
the end.
Shihkiachwang presumably will
become an essential link in the
corridor the Reds are trying to
establish between northern Shan-
tung and northern Shensi prov-
It was rich in weapons, indus-
trial machinery, cotton, leather
and other goods which the con-
querors vitally needed.
Seek Scalps
Of Scalpers
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 12-(P)--
Detective Capt. Harry L. Milsted
said today that the city and Uni-
versity Police Forces were keep-
ing a sharp lookout for scalping of
Wisconsin-Michigan football game
tickets as reports circulated that
$100 a pair was the going price.
Members of the city police force
are watching hotelsand other
places where scalpers operate,
Milsted said. William Aspinwall,
Manager of the University Ticket
Office, reported that a special de-
tective force would be at the sta-
dium Saturday to check on last
minute scalping activities.

Meyers Tells
Senate Group
Of Stock Deals
Involves Morgenthau,
Eccles in Testimony
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-(M-)-
Bennett E. Meyers, retired major
general, testified today that he
consulted former Secretary of the
Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
about government bonds before
plunging into a wartime $4,000,-
000 bond deal-and that he once
bought aviation stock for his Air
Forces superior, Lt. Gen. Ira C.
The witness further told inves-
tigating senators that he also con-
sulted Marriner S. Eccles, Federal
Reserve Board chairman, before
he and his wife purchased the
bonds on speculation. But both
Morgenthau and Eccles issued
vigorous denials to Meyers' testi-
Morgenthau told him, Meyers
said, that "he didn't see how I
could go wrong." The former sec-
retary called Meyers' story "an
outright lie."
Key Witness
The balding, fast talking Mey-
ers, a key witness in the tumul-
tuous Senate inquiry into $40,-
000,000 worth of wartime plane
contracts awarded Howard
Huges, related under oath that he
had bought the aircraft stock dur-
ing the war for "around $1,000"
for Eaker, former Deputy Chief of
the Air Force. Meyers fprmerly
was deputy chief of air force pro-
Hughes, Hollywood film maker
and plane designer, has told the
Senate War Investigating subcom-
mittee that Eaker works for him.
Meyers said he bought 100
shares of Republic Aviation Corp.,
stock. He declared he purchased
it in his own name but "I'll be
damned if I know" why.
Asks If Rule
Chairman Ferguson (R.-Mich.)
inquired whether the Air Force
had a rule against procurement
officers buying such stock. Mey-
ers replied he believed there was
a rule that "officers could not
hold stock with a company for
which they were contractual offi-
Ferguson asked "who furnished
the money?"
Meyer replied he presumed that
Eaker had.
Meyers again entered a broad-
side denial concerning testimony
of alleged dealings with Hughes.
Meyers' testimony that .he
talked to the high officials about
the bond deal came only after
Chairman Ferguson had "re-
freshed" Meyers' memory by
reading his testimony given at a
closed session of the committee
last July.
Call for Boost
hi British Tax
LONDON, Nov. 12-(M -The
Labor Government called today
for twice as big a tax on company
earnings and imposed higher lev-
iec on alcoholic drinks and other
consumers' items in order to fight
inflation by cutting down the
amount of money available for
purchase of goods.
The announcement was made
in the Hose of Commons when

been seeded by November 1 be- new French film starring Josette
cause of diy weather. Normally Day and Louis Jouvet, will open at
the crop is all planted by this date. 8:30 p.m. today for a three-day
Winter wheat, which makes up run at Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
about three-fourths of all wheat tre under the auspices of the Art
produced, is harvested in the fol- Cinema League.
lowing s'pring and summer. Reserved tickets for "The
Lower Exports Barge-Keeper's Daughter" will be
A short wheat crop next year on sale from 3 p.m. al the theatre
would lower this country's ability box office in the League.
to supply cereals to Europe, which
i' expe ted to continue to require
large imports for at least three 5SUPJPORTS (GO.V @".
more years,
Bec use of this year's short
crop of corn and other feed Bromage.Ur
plans meanwhile to ask farmers to

ges New State Constitution




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