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November 12, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-12

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WT;I ATMAY,'NM-x 1.2, 1947



TH. aaII 2AN lAHa-.- a... -'i 1a .4 ! z " az .uj'i5


StUdent Body Invited to Tea
At President's Home Today

Camping Club1 Kenton To Play
Will Convene ,-

All students on campus are in-
d to the second Ruthven tea of
the semester which will be held
from 4.to 6 p.m. today in the home
of President and Mrs. Alexander
0. Ruthven.
The teas are a function of the
League social committee and the
League Council. Hostesses from
he committee will be present to
conduct students through the
l ouse Mothers To Pour
Special guests for the tea will
include residents from Helen New-
berry, Victor Vaughan, Delta
Dance pictures taken at A-:
Hop are on display at a local
camera shop on Church Street.
Students may order pictures

Delta Delta and Alpha Tau
Omega. Miss Evangeline Vigneron,
Mrs. Eva McKenzie, Mrs. Gladys
Piatt,Eand Mrs. Edna Straughan,
housemothers a n d supervisors
from the respective residences, will
pour tea.
A special invitation has been ex-
tended to Chinese students on
campus to attend the tea. Kath-
leen Mead, activity director of the
International Center, will accom-
pany the group and act as its
Opportunity to Tour Home
The teas are given in order to
give students an opportunity to
meet the president and his wife in
an informal atmosphere, to let
students tour the Ruthven home
which contains numerous art col-
lections, and to enable students to
visit with their friends.

For Workshop
Members of the WAA Camp
Counselors Club will meet for a
Handicraft Workshop at 7 p.m.
tomorrow in University Elemen-
tary School.
Miss Louise Markhis will talk
to the group about projects which
might be used in handicraft in
the camp situation. A display of
tools and products will be pre-
pared and members will be pro-
vided with a bibliography of
source books.,
The club is open to all women
on campus, first semester fresh-
men included. Camping experi-
ence is not a necessary prere-
quisite for membership. The club
offers a chance for members to
study camping.


Elysian Eve

Ticket Sales for Panhel Formal Dance
Begin Today in University Hall, League
Tickets for the 1947 all-campus Panhel Ball, to be presented from
9 p.m to 1 a.m. Friday, Nov. 21 in the Intramural Building and
featuring Stan Kenton and his band, will go on sale at 7:45 a.m.
today in University Hall.
Ticket sales will continue tomorrow and Friday morning in Uni-
versity Hall. From 1 to 5 p.m. today through Friday and Saturday
morning, tickets will be available in the Undergraduate Office of the
Stan Kenton, winner of nearly every band Popularity poll of
1946, will provide the music for this year's coed-bid formal,
"Elysian Eve."
The strange tonal effects and constant rhythm of Kenton's ar-
rangements last year attracted--

JGP Finance
To Organize
All junior women interested in
working on the finance committee
for Junior Girls' Play will meet
at 5 p.m. Thursday in the League
This is the first committee to
be formed for work on JGP Their
work includes the collecting of
junior dues.
Coeds who wish to help in this
capacity and also be in the actual
cast of the play may do so. This
is the only committee which
forms during the fall semester
and does the majority of its work
at this time. Other committees
will organize next semester.
Women who have been contact-
ed by Jackie Reid, chairman of
the finance committee, are also
requested to attend this meeting.
The room in which the meeting
is to be held will be posted on the
bulletin board in the lobby of
the League.
Those desiringadditional infor-
mation may contact Miss Reid at
For those who are in earnest:
There are only 36 shopping days

Friday For
Intermission entertainmer
feature a program of stiee
ent during "Ju-Hon-So Bal
be held from 9 pm. to mi(
Friday in the Union ballro
honor of Sphinx and Tri
junior men's honorary societ
Entertainment will inclu
Egyptian quartet. Jerry
playing boogie-wooie at
piano, an interpretative dai
a sultan by six members of
Gamma Delta. and several
rimba selections by Jerry
who appeared recently at V
Decorations will follow
theme of the two societies,
a Sphinx head at one er
the ballroom, and the Trh
insignia opposite. The b
stand will be converted int
Egyptian boat, and two

Ju on-So Ball

Student Talent To Entertain

slide rules will be placed over
the entrance to the bllroou.
Allh ien on campus may pur-
chase tickets for the dance, which
is the first in a series of three
specialty dances honoring mem-
bers of men's honorary societies.
Members of Sphinx and Tri-
angle are chosen for outstand-
ing participation in campus ac-
tivities, and are students in the
literary college and School of
Engineering, respectively.
Frank Tinker and his orchestra
will provide music for dancing.
The cost of tickets is the same as
for all Union weekend dances.
Bob Gregg, chairman of the
dance, is assisted by Bill Curry,
entertainment chairman; Dale
Coenan and John Lindquist, dec-
orations; and Bob Maier in
charge of programs.

r '

It's time to think
of Christmas . . . of gifts
6 ; -x she'll really like.
k S <
Whirl, ballerina, whirl, in one of the prettiest formals this season.
You'll love the tiny jacket, and the ful swishy skirt. 25.00
Many styles and colors.
FORMALS - he Cird vlf uo nt

national fame for this leader of
"progressive jazz." The Kenton
troupe, the highest salaried band
in the country, promises the best
in name band entertainment, ac-
cording to Panhel Ball Commit-
In planning this year's Ball
the central committee chose a
Greek theme illustrated by the
name of the dance. Elysian
means "heavenly" in Greek, and
thus the name of the formal
translates to "heavenly" eve.
According to Nancy Hess,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, general
chairman of the event, an "Ely-
sian Eve" will be had by all
those attending.

Union Coke Dance
Slated Tomorrow
The fourth in the fall series ofI
Union Coke dances will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rainbow Room of the Union.
All students are urged to attend
the mixer, whether stag or with
dates. Women will be admitted
free, but men will be charged a

small admittance fee.

until Christmas.

Under the novel seating ar-
rangements to be provided, groups
who wish to sit out dances to-
gether may make use of the spe-
cial booths for sororities and in-
dependent women. Refreshments
will be available in the building
during the dance.
Decoration of the Intramural
Building will be patterned af-
ter the simple splendor of Greek
architecture and design, with
gleaming white pillars and
grape clusters predominating.
The programs will also carry
out the dance theme by portray-
ing a silver "Winged Victory" on
a black, paper plush background.
Delta Sigma Phi
To Hold Smoker
The University's Alpha Theta
and Michigan State College's Al-
pha Pi chapters of Delta Sigma
Phi fraternity are jointly sponsor-
ing a rushing smoker at 8 p.m. to-
day at a local photographer's stu-
The fraternity was on Michi-
gan's campus from 1920 to 1934
and is now being reactivated. Any-
one interested in Delta Sig and
also any alumni in the area are
invited to attend the smoker.
Guests will include Delta Sig-
ma alumni Coach Fritz Crisler and
Robert S. Linton, Michigan State
College Registrar. Approximately
15 Delta Sigma Phi's from MSC
will make the trip to Ann Arbor
for the occasion.
League Will Give
First Faculty Tea
The first in the series of Stu-
dent-Faculty Hours of the semes-
ter will be held at 4 p.m. to-
morrow in the Russian Tea Room
of the League.
Faculty members of the School
of Education are to be guests for
the event The affairs are jointly
sponsored by Assembly and Pan-
hellenic Associations.
All students are urged to at-

Bunny Fur Scullfs
Actually worth $2.99
a Value Bombshell at

{ K
P et,* :. -'* -. \ \ i
y them now for gift
Pretty, soft, snug and
rm, they're a marvel-

The New Fall Silhouette Emphasizes
the Small Waistline
Lose Unflattering Inches Now
The Amazing yroDvncitg Way
NOW! Lose unwanted pounds and
nches . . . quickly, easily. All you
do is relax in a series of comfortable
unholstered chairs and let the gentle
Gyro-waves softly massage away un-
wanted flabby fat ending with a
world famous massage.
0 No Drugs
* No Baths
* No Heat
s No Disrobing
0 No Strenuous Diets
* Healthful
! Facial Toning
* Breast Moulding
4: * Foot Massage
We guaraunee sof/, natural perry onents.
Beauty &Gyroduciug =Studio



*us value at an astonish-
ingly low price!

9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.


Uan aatj
Glamor Continued
Yes-Glamor's continued all evening long
as your arms stay deep in luxurious rayon
jersey while finger-tips may be freed when
you please for dining. In lovely colors of
pink camellia, candy blue, black, and white,
to match and enhance your formal for the
coming dances. In sizes 6 to 72.



The critical camera's eye points to robe
drama, at every angle .. . notes first the
brilliance of 24-karat gold-plated initials
on the huge button . .. accents the gen-
erous sweep of the circular skirt . ..-and
presents to your audience the enchant-
ment of an exquisite silhouette. Of fine
wool flannel, tailored with consummate
craft. Vintage Wine, Aqua, Dawnblue
. Sizes 12 to 20.

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