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November 09, 1947 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-09

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Sun Eclipse Paves Way
To Career for Goldberg


> I

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
in a series of weekly articles on fac-
ulty personalities.)
Skeptics who consider astron-
omers as little more than moderr
star gazers should take note of th
life and work of Associate Pro
fessor Leo Goldberg, chairman o
the astronomy department..
Beginning his college trainin
in the Harvard Engin erin;
School, Prof. Goldberg wa$Jittel
fatally by the astronomy biggwhilf
watching the 1932 total ;eclipse o
the sun with his summer employer
a Nantucket Island hotel owne
and amateur astronomer.
Slide Rule for Telescope
At school the next year, a fev
classes with Harvard's "super
salesman" astronomer, Dr. Bart
Bok, had convinced him to lay
down the slide rule for the tele-
scope for good. Or so he thought.
Prof. Goldberg went on to take
his doctor's degree at Harvard.
taught three years there afterhi
graduation in 1938, and then camE
to Michigan to work in the Uni-
versity's McMath-Hulbert observ-
atory at Lake Angelus, one of the
world's largest observatories,. de-
voted entirely to solar research.
Bombsight Research
Less than six months had elaps-
ed, however, before Pearl Harbor,
and Prof. Goldberg soon found his
engineering training and mathe-
matical talents being utilized to
the full. The scientists at the
McMath-Hulbert observatory were
developing the Navy's Mark 23
optical bombsight, and Prof. Gold-
berg's job was to develop the the-
ory of the operation of the sight
before it was actually built.
Book Published
But war work didn't deter
Prof. Goldberg from his princi-

;al interest, solar research, and in
1943 he published a book, "Atoms,
Mtars, and Nebulae," written joint-
y with Indiana University's Dr.,
Lawrence H. Aller. This work has
since been translated into Span-
ish for use in South America.
The end of the war gave Prof.
Goldberg the opportunity to re-
linquish his "engineering" duties
and go once more into basic re-
search of the sun. This research,
he explained, is not as impractical
as it may seem.
General Courses
The astronomy department head
is also going ahead on plans to
develop courses at the University
which will appeal to the general
student who doesn't intend to
make astronomy a career, and to
expand facilities for majors in
that field.

Club Leader
Seeks Unity
Shaw Cites Need
On Campus Visit
Unity among progressive cam-
n nrip-nizations on essential po-
litical struggles must be attained
ii America is to avert war in the
near future, declared Marvin
Shaw, national director of Com-
munist student clubs, in an in-
terview here.
Communist student clubs are
now at an all-time membership
peak and look upon campus
struggles as blows for democracy
and temporary victories in the
fight for socialism, Shaw said.
They have demonstrated their
willingness to cooperate by help-
ing build the National Student
Association, veterans' organiza-
tions and academic freedom
movements, according to Shaw.
Visits Midwest Colleges
Shaw, a married veteran of
three years in service, now on a
one-term leave from graduate
studies in economics, is visiting
Communist student clubs on mid-
west campuses. He represented
the Communist Party at the NSA
convention and the Chicago Stu-
dents' Conference.
Students, who command one-
and-a-half million votes, must
make their united influence felt
on foreign and domestic issues in
their "area of agreement," Shaw
said, just as they fought for col-
lective security and an anti-fas-
cist foreignupolicyhwhen war was
imminent during the '30's.
No Student Action
Students returning from college
abroad this summer, he said, re-
ported that young Europeans look
upon Americans as dupes of those
who pull the economic strings
here. Although American students
initiated peace strikes and dem-
onstrations against Franco Spain
and Japanese invasions, a decade
ago, he said, only a small sec-
tion of them today participate
in the progressive movement.
Breaking down the ivory tower
character of American univer-
sities, and the illusion that we
can raise our economic status in-
dividually by becoming profes-
sionals, Shaw said, is the major
task of Communist student clubs.
Weekly Supper
Series To Begin
A "Latin American Supper,"
featuring chicken and rice pre-
pared in the South American way,
will be held at 6 p.m. today at
the International Center.
The supper, sponsored by the
International Students Associa-
tion, is being prepared by students
from South America. It is the
first in a series of weekly suppers
presented by various national
groups on campus and featuring
the native dishes of each coun-
All students who are members
of campus organizations affiliated
with ISA may attend.
Reservations may be made at
the International Center.
Hold Those Bonds!

By JAKE HURWITZ i ingly enough more women than
Be careful, lest that ".jolly" fat i men tend to forget tncmselves and
man you know bite your head off. overindulge, Dr. Peelor says.
Fat people are not the "halei Easy on the Exercise
fellow w01l met" sort of charac- But don't go knocking yourself
terns that. popular legend would out with exercise just because yu
have you believe, according toDr. are overweight, Dr. Peelor adviScs.
Robert A. Peelor of the University if you run around the biock 499
HocpitoL. times, grunt. for two hours in a
Ws% No Joke! c-alisthenics class and take nas-
It is pretty dit'ieult to make sage treatments till you're a rosy
Ifpink, chances are your tonnage
jokes when plagued with indiges- will decrease unappreciably, be-
tion, headaches. swollen ankles, cause you will eat more than ever.
sore joints, backaches. varicose Of course there is always the
veins, sleeplessness, skin trouble fellow on a "strict diet" who when
and the host of ills that attack the unwatched climbs out of bed at 2
obese, Dr. Peelor says. a.m. and "stumbles" onto a full
In most cases obesity results icebox, and goes back to bed with a
from (and this will astound you)
plan overeating. The chap who
villifies his abused glands is mis-
leading himself and anyone else
who lets himself be taken in, Dr.
Peelor says. Even n cases of
glandular disorder a reduction of
food intake will generally be ac-
companied by a loss of weight.


self-satisfied feeling of having out-
smarted someone. Actually he is
oily joshing himself. Dr. Peelor
See the Doctor
No matter how yolice it, dliet-
in'g uncier Ithe supervisinnof a doc-
tot' is the only 'tective method of
li!ig weiht, ccording "to Dr'.
Pt'e lor, who \ i ll (-,?,Io all a:;.-
pecls of obesity :t 2:30 pin, to-
mi'i row over Station WVKAP.
A final word o' advice to fat
men and women: do not tarry at
the trough.
Read and Use
The Daily Class i fieds

FARMER'S DAUGHTER-An unidentified farm lass gaily waves
to the photographer during a recent agricultural fair held in Kal-
New Look' Controversy Hits
University of Hawaii Students

[or You

'Jolly' Fat Man Not Always 'Hale Fellow

Reports from insurance firms
show that about one out of seven
suffer from obesity, and surpris-


Class of '42
Ann Arbor

That long skirt controversy has
skipped over several thousand
miles of the Pacific Ocean and
landed on the campus of the Uni-
versity of Hawaii.
It seems that men students at
the Un4versity of Hawaii are dead
set against the long dresses-while
the women generally approve. The
Hawaii student newspaper made a
survey on the subject and came
up withsthe statement that a girl
should show her legs if they are
pretty. However, the controversy
is still unsettled, with the campus
divided ,into pro- and anti-short-
- * * *
Two colleges here in the states
are planning to build new student
union buildings. At nearby Ohio
State University, a site has been
selected for the new union and a
faculty-student committee named
to make suggestions for construc-
tion of the building.
At the University of Missouri, a
$2,500,000 student union is to be
constructed. Work will get under-
way shortly on the Missouri union
which will provide recreational,
dining and social facilities for
11,439 students enrolled at the
An overly enthusiastic football
fan at Northwestern University
has run afoul of the law. William
Hrebik had no ticket for the
Northwestern - Indiana game re-
cently, but he wanted to see the
game. So Hrebik, who recently got
his pilot's license, rented a light,
plane for the afternoon and de-
cided to view the grid tilt from
the air. However, when he landed
he walked into the hands of the
waiting law, who charged him
with reckless flying. It seems that
he had flown too low over Dyche
Stadium to see the play, and vio-
lated a CAA law.
*k *s *

the health of students. The cam-
pus governing body has instituted
a monthly inspection of all eating
places in the vicinity of the cam-
pus. Each restaurant is rated and
the results are published in the
Texas A & M student newspaper.
The campaign has resulted in a
marked improvement in sanitary
measures at local eating places.
Students at the University of
Illinois are planning a living war
memorial to honor fellow'students
who lost their lives in World War
II. A large "International House"
is to be constructed near the cam-
pus, to house 100 students. The
house will also furnish a meeting
place and social center for all vet-
erans at Illinois.
Students at the University of
Utah are planning a giant drive to
get an increase in subsistence al-
lotments under the G.I. Bill of
Rights. Nearly 1,000 veteran stu-
dents have written letters to the
Utah congressmen asking action
on a bill to raise veterans' subsis-
tence allotments.
* *
The University of California has
sent a giant expedition into Africa
on a scientific mission. The expe-
dition, which includes 40 univer-
sity scientists will penetrate to
every portion of Africa in a re-
search' project into the origin of
modern man.
Also from California comes word
that the student governing body is
planning to open its own broad-
casting station. The non-commer-
cial venture would air student tal-
ent over the entire campus area.
Dancing Classes
Planned for'LiA0


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Bravo, Bravo, Ballerina
Out of all the aspects of the "new look"
we applaud the ballerina silhouette for its
newness . . . for its flattery . . . for its
comfort! You'll dance in a dream when
you wear a pretty ballerina. All sizes and
a variety of styles to choose from.

A new series of dancing classes
At the University of Wisconsin, in which foreign students will
a Marxist Discussion Club has teach the popular and folk dances
been recognized by the college ad- of their nations is being inaug-
ministration. The school was crit- urated by the International Stu-
icized for recognizing the group. dents Association and Inter-
but a Wisconsin official declared Guild.
that recognition of the Marxist The classes will be held each
group did not constitute university Friday evening at the Interna-
approval of its principles. tional Center.
* * *Any students interested in join-
From Texas A & M college come ing the class should make reser-
reports that the campus governing vations with Homer Underwood
body has taken steps to safeguard at the Center.
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