THE MICHIGAN DIAILY SUNDAY, NOvnr1nER 9,.1947-- w_ Fifty-Eighth Year MATTER OF FACT: The Grand Mufti DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official i Tickets for the series of lectures Bulletin is constructive notice to allI may be procured from the Secre- Letters to the Editor. - 4 { - , w - ' 1. -' 1" i,." ' " '" -+ t..-- ter,- ,.. ... By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON, Nov. 8-When both the Soviet Union and the United States a mazed the world by agreeing on something - the partition of Palestine - there was a general tendency to heave sighs of relief and assume happily that one problem, at least, was on the way to solution. This cheerful view was implicit in the American proposal last week in the United Nations that separate Jewish and Arab states be set up next July 1, immediately after the British troops pulled out. For the American Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Johi Campbell ...................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Clyde Techt ...........,.........City Editor Jeanne Swendeman ........Advertising Manager Stkart Finlayson .............Editorial Director Edwin Schneider.............Finance Manager Lida Dailes....................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson................Women's Editor Betty Steward .........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin Tick .................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- Igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. i i BOOKS S NIGHT EDITOR: DICK MALOY Exploitation FROM THE FABULOUS El Dorado of the Americas, Hollywood, comes a trumpet blast from one of the major studios an- nouncing honor awards for the best "ex- ploitation" photos of the month. The photos are designed as a promotion stunt, and well they might be. For the first time in the recallable past the movie moguls have told a close ap- proximation to the truth. They have reached the stage where a jaded public finds little attraction to the usual garbage they produce so freely. Rather than raise their standards to meet the intelligence level of mature people, they have embark- ed upon their promotion stunts which may be adequately described as exploitation. The exploitation, however, is practiced on on an entertainment-starved public, rather than on the possibilities of a nearly good film: We devoutly hope that the time for plug- ging junk is drawing to a close, and that the future of Hollywood will be worthy of the fight to maintain a free screen. -Jacob Hurwitz CURRENT MOVIES THE LOWER DEPTHS, with Jean Gab- in, Louis Jouvet and Vladimir Sokolov. During his varied and busy career Maxim Gorki somehow managed to find time to establish a close friendship with Lenin- or was it Trotsky? At any rate, he is still remembered in connection with his father- ly concern for the Soviet state, and his writ- ings have generally advertised this fact. When the French scenarists got around to revising this play by Gorki, however, they neatly skirted most of its political impli- cations, thereby producing a film that should be palatable to Red and Republican alike. Like the play, though, the film attempts to capture the mood of a degraded society, and it is peopled with as sordid a crew as you'll ever hope to meet. Jean Gabin, for in- stance, is cast as a petty thief; Louis Jouvet as a bankrupt nobleman; Vladimir Sokolov as a fence who runs a flophouse on the side; and Suzy Prim as his wife. Not a very merry gathering, is it? All of these characters are assembled in the flophouse, where their individual prob- lems are studied intensely by the camera. Very little attempt has been made to weave these problems into a well-knit story. Rath- er they are left to symbolize a way of life, each representing a story in itself. In Gorki's own words, The Lower Depths is a "play where nothing happens, where the whole thing is atmosphere, nothing but atmos- phere." That seems to summarize it ade- quately. Two short subjects are shown with the feature. One is a British documentary deal- ing with the effects of public opinion. The other is a Chaplin comedy which was spoiled, I thought, by some dubbed-in sound effects. -Kenneth Lowe Anti-Semitic propaganda follows this pat- tern: The Jews are all communists, though they are also all international bankers. Either communism is just a plot of the bank- ers, or banking is just a plot of the ommun- FOUR IN AMERICA. By Gertrude Stein. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1947. 221 pages. EXASPERATING as her idiosyncracies may be, Gertrude Stein's posthumously published book, Four in America, is of enough interest and importance to warrant serious consideration. Already avowed admirers of the late authoress can find much here to support their enthusiastic claims. Many others, however, without preconceived pre- judices, are likely to close the book with a feeling of disappointment, if not derision. A rather parlor-gamish but intriguing idea serves as the thematic hook on which Miss Stein hangs her musing speculations concerning Christian names, religion, crea- tive activity and the American character. Viewing four prominent Americans in occu- pations completely different from those which they actually followed, she discusses Ulysses S. Grant as a religious leader, Wil- bur Wright as a painter, Henry James as a general and George Washington as a novel- The first section, longest in the book, is concerned with religion, which, to Miss Stein, is all bound up with knowing. Among the ideas upon which Miss Stein hits after much groping are these: "Relig- ion is what is alright if they have to have their ups and downs." "Religion is not a surprise but it is exciting." "There is no advice in American religion." "American religion is what they could not compare with themselves." Unfortunately, these statements would be largely meaningless, were it not for the laborious explanations offered by Thornton Wilder in his in- valuable, although somewhat adulatory in- troduction. According to Wilder, Miss Stein presents American religion as "very abstract, and so are the mentalities of the Americans described here who are cer- tainly prototypes of the generalized Amer- ican." A relationship between aviation and paint- ing and between painting and acting is dis- covered by Miss Stein in the second section, on Wilbur Wright, in which even Wilder finds difficulties beyond his comprelension, weakly bequeathing to "devoted readers of Miss Stein" the task of furnishing "a lexi- con of her locutions." Miss Stein pondering on creative activity is sometimes quite stimulating, but not as original as would appear at first shock. For instance, she is very much impressed with the idea that "one sees much better than one hears sounds" (from the section on Henry James). But after all, Shakespeare said long ago that "to hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit." As a matter of fact, Miss Stein inadvertently reveals her obligation to Shakespeare while carrying on a befuddled discussion of the difference between Shakespeare's plays and Shakespeare's sonnets. This discussion is related to Miss Stein's theory that there are two kinds of writing, one being "writing what you are writing" and the other being "writing what you are going to write." And this too is simply an eccentric way of saying some- thing that's been said before-that some writers plan what they are going to write and others don't. The long-suffering reader must be com- pletely confounded by the fourth section, which deals with George Washington as the author of The Great American Novel (yes, actually!) so confusedly that only the most patient, the most conscientious reader can discern any concrete conclusions. Recalling Wilder's confidence that others more competent than he will some day help us to understand and appreciate "the sys- tempatic meditation which was her life," one is inclined to speculate on the possibilities and the significance of such an endeavor. Might one not quite safely predict that the ambitious devotion which Wilder seems to take for granted may never materialize? One might even be justifiably tempted to venture the opinion that a writer such as Miss Stein, whose works must be deciphered to be un- derstood, can never claim distinction other than as a most unusual'and colorful person- ality, a serious and sincere writer who want- ed and tried to say something but didn't quite make it. It's been suggested that years hence all anyone will have to say about Stein will be "Stein was Stein was Stein was..." -,Natalie Bagrow proposal clearly implied that the two statesI could be established without being imposed by force. Unfortunately those who are closest to the situation in Palestine and the Middle East do not share this optimism. On the contrary, they expect trouble, and very bad trouble. One source of this trouble is sure to be an aging, crafty fanatic with a be- nevolent face and a fierce hatred of Zionism, Haj Amin Husseini the Grand Mufti of' Jerusalem. The chief weapon in the Grand Mufti's political armory is a very old one - poli- tical assassination. And the Mufti, ac- cording to reliable reports, has made his position entirely clear. Any Arab who ac- cepts public office or othewise collaborates with the partition scheme, in either the new Jewish state or the truncated Arab state, will not live long enough to regret his action. With astute foresight, the Mufti managed to get a large proportion of his Nazi finan- cial backing out of Germany even while the war was still on. He now is known to have a large cache of gold in Irak, and a consid- erable fortune in Switzerland, largely in the form of easily negotiable Swiss watches. With this money, and with a well or- ganized, highly paid and fanatical gang of triggermen, the Mufti's influence is in- creasingly paramount in Arab politics. But it is a widely held misconception that Arab opposition to the creation of a Zionist state is confined to tie Mufti and his friends. The Mfti will act as the chief fanner of the flames of Arab resentment but the resentment already exists. Ob- viously all -this spells real trouble; so much trouble, indeed, that those who are close to the situation seriously doubt that it will be possible to complete the projected great new Anglo-American oil pipeline. The pipeline could too easily be cut by the Arabs. This in turn would seriously affect the shipment of oil to Europe under the Marshall plan. Finally, there is the question of who is to impose the partition. It is difficult to be- lieve that Belgians or Peruvians would will- ingly expose themselves to either Jewish or Arab bullets. Yet if American troops go to Palestine, Russian troops will go there too; and the thought of the Red Army in Pales- tine is not an appetizing one to the American policy makers. It is an even less appetizing thought that these explosive dangers spring as much from the American habit of yelling advice from the sidelines while refusing to accept responsibility, as from British bull- headedness. For partition - the only pos- sible settlement in Palestine - could have been firmly imposed by the British soon after the war, if the British had had clear, unequivocal American backing and support. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) What's on ilWaX ... ANOTHER West Coast sensation has gone' East for a try at the Big City. Accom- panied by a tremendous amount of advance publicity, Nellie Lutcher has apparently set- tied down to a long run at the Cafe Society Downtown in Manhattan. One of the rea- sons for her large following is a Capitol re- lease entitled "He's a Real Gone Guy." Ac- companying herself on piano, her unique vocal is displayed to good advantage and is nicely complemented by a rhythm section of which drummer Lee Young's brushwork is outstanding. The pairing, "Let Me Love You Tonight," is somewhat inconsonant with the quality of the first side. It's a shame that the King Cole Trio is saddled with such material as evidenced on Capitol's "Save the Bones for Harry Jones." Most of the space is taken up by an unfunny duet between Cole and Johnny Mercer, whose humor is beginning to wear slightly thin. Fortunately, some of Nat's bright piano manages to seep through the din. The duo continues to prostitute their talents on "Harmony," an innocuous Burke-Van Heu- sen piece accompanied by (of all things) a nickelodeon solo. Keynote, one of the better small firms, has been making consistently good records for a number of years. A prime selection is Cole- man Hawkins' "Just One of Those Things." Co-featured on the Porter evergreen, Teddy Wilson's dainty piano approaches perfection while the Hawk delivers his usual polished performance. Bassman Joe Kirby and Sid Catlett on drums, ably round out the quartet. Digging deeper into Columbia's reissue bag, we come up with a beautiful perform- ance: "How Deep is the Ocean" by Benny Goodman. Peggy Lee's vocal is among her best of this period and the band was in fine shape at the time of recording; undoubtedly Goodman's finest aggregation. "My Old Flame," which completes the coupling, is dis- tinguished by Cootie Williams' trumpet work and a highly competent arrangement. -David R. Crippen members o h Unierity Noti ces' f or the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SUNDAY, NOV. 9, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 42 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- dents on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Extra Concert Series Ushers: Report at 6:15 p.m. for the concert Sunday, Nov. 9. School of Business Administra- tion: Students from other schools and colleges intending to apply for spring admittance should secure application forms in 108 Tappan Hall as soon as possible. Those women students in the College of Literature, Science and Arts and in the School of Edu- cation who are taking the testing program on November 11 have late permission until 11 p.m. Freshman and Sophomore men, who are single, Residents of the State of Michigan, now living in the Willow Run Dormitories, and interested in University Residence Halls accommodations for the Spring Semester 1948 are asked to call at the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall Nov. 15. Seniors: College of L. S. & A. and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for February graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 University Hall, If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Counter Clerk. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, November 15. Report cards are being distri- buted to all departmental offices. Green cards are' being provided for freshmen and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Reports of freshman and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of jun- iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and up- perclassmen, whose standing .at midsemester is "D" or "E," not merely those who receive "D" or "E" in so-called midsemester ex- aminations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. University Community Center, Willow Run Village. Sun., Nov. 9, 10:45 a.m., Village Church Fellowship (Interdenom- inational). Mon., Nov. 10, 8 p.m., Faculty Wives' Club. Election of officers. Wed., Nov. 12, 8 p.m., Creative Dance Group. Instructor: Miss Irene Silco; 8 p.m., Creative Writ- ers' Group. Miss Leslie Cameron New members invited; 8 p.m., Vil- lage Church. Fellowship Discus- sion Group. Atomic Energy In- formation Series. Thurs., Nov. 13, 8 p.m., The New Art Group. West Lodge: Mon., Nov. 10, 6:45 p.m., Bowl- ing League. Willow Village bowl- ing alley. Tues., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., Fenc- ing; 8 p.m., Volleyball League. Wed., Nov. 12, 7 p.m., Duplicat Bridge. Fri., Nov. 13, 8:30-11:30 p.m. Starlight Serenade Dance, West Lodge Orchestra, free admission transportation furnished girls from Ann Arbor who sign up at th League. Sat., Nov. 14, 2 p.m., Listening hour - Michigan-Wisconsin foot- ball game. Sun., Nov. 15, 4:3016 p.m., Cof- fee hour; 6:45 p.m., Michigan-In- diana football pictures. Lecture French Lecture: Prof. Rene Tal" amon, of the Romance Languag Department, will open the serie of French lectures sponsored b3 Le Cercle Francais with a "Lec ture Dramatique," Tues., Nov. 11 4:10 p.m., Rm. D, Alumni Memor ial Hall. tary of the Romance Language Department (Rm. 112 R. L. Bldg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture. These lectures are open to the general public. Members of Le Cercle Francais are admitted free upon presenta- tion of their membership cards. A cademic Notices English 31, sec. 18 (Weimer).' The examination on Monday, Nov. 10, will be written in the West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Tues.. Nov. 11. 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3010, Angell Hall. Dr. N. A. Wiegmann will speak. Chemistry 55-169E: Students in the second half of the accelera- ted laboratory program will report as follows for assignment to desks and for a preliminary discussion. Section D-M,W,F - Monday, Nov. 10, 1 p.m., Rm. 400. Section E .-T. Th - Thursday, Nov. 13, 1 p.m., Rm. 151. Classical Representations Sem- inar: Mon., Nov. 10, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 13010, Angell Hall. Mr. Arnold Shapiro will speak. Physical Chemistry Seminar. Mon., Nov. 10, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry bldg. Prof. V. Scho- maker, of the California Institute of Technology, will speak on "Re- cent Electron Diffraction Studies of Molecular Structure". All in- terested are invited. Orientation Seminar: 7 p.m., Mon., Nov. 10, Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Miss Jean Smolak will talk on Boolean Algebra. The Graduate Aptitude Exam- ination is required of all graduate students who have not had the Graduate Record Examination or the Graduate Aptitude Examina- tionhbefore. The examination will be held at 6:30 p.m., Nov. 19, Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The fee for the examination is $2.00. Each student must buy an examination ticket at the Cash- ier's office and present a receipt in the office of the Graduate School at least three days prior to the examination. The student will be given a receipt to keep which will be his admission to the exam- ination. Veterans will have a yellow Sup- ply Requisition signed in the Graduate School office before go- ing to the Cashier's office. This will permit the purchase of an examination ticket to be covered by Public Law 346 or 16. Medical Aptitude Examination: All applicants for admission to medical schools, who wish to be admitted during 1948 and who did not take the Medical Aptitude Ex- amination on Saturday, Oct. 25, 1947, must take the examination on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948. The ex- amination will not be given again before the Fall semester. In order to be admitted to the examination, candidates must fulfill the follow- ing requirements: 1. Candidates must register for the examination before Saturday, r Nov. 15, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. 2. Candidates must bring to the examination a check or money order for five dollars payable to The Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he pays his fee in this way. Cash will not be ac- cepted. Candidates who register will be- gin the examination at 8:30 a.m., Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, Rackham Lecture Hall. The examination will be divided into two sessions and will take all day. Inquiries should be addressed to The Chief Examiner, Bureau of Psychological Services (Ext. 2297) G raduate students are reminded that courses dropped after noon of Nov. 15 will be recorded with t the grade of E. Courses dropped , prior to this date will be listed as a dropped but no grade will appear e - Physical Education - Women g Students: Women's physical edu- - cation classes for the indoor sea- son will begin on Mon., Nov. 10 - Any late registration must be done - before that time. Concert The University Musical Society -will present the Cleveland Or- e chestra, George Szell, conductor, s in the Extra Concert Series, Sun- y day, Nov. 9, 7 p.m., Hill Auditor- - ium. Maestro Szell will play the , following program: Schumann - Symphony No. 4; Strauss' Dance of the Seven Veils from "Salome"; EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily -t- prints - every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the viewsI t expressed in letters are those of the4 writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printedeor omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Pickieting t] To the Editor: p i1HE LETTER by Al Shapiro ins Thursday's Daily explaining his t action on the picket line I find in-i adequate and not altogether un-t amusing. Mr. Shapiro is quiteb amusing as well as ambiguous1 when he constantly reiterates his oppositionto "violent" picketing methods, in the light of the facta that he "stooped" to these same methods himself, creating a much greaterifuror than the odd picketsg themselves could have ever con-f jured. He is not so amusing in thet light of the effects of his action.s Mr. Shapiro might have beenv surprised to know that I too op- posed the picket line for essent- ially the same reasons as he gives. I also believed that it would be a bad tactical move. However, in spite of my opposition, I did not1 intend to compromise my feelingE that the Dutch policy in Indonesia constitutes another example of im-t perialism in action. From Mr. Sha- piro's behavior in the press con- ference with Ambassador van! Kleffens, I assume that he too i not completely satisfied with theF Dutch excuses for their action in the Far East. t Mr. Shapiro's recent action as the "preux chevalier" of the picket< line has been much blown up by the press particularly by a met- ropolitan newspaper, to the detri- ment of all the liberal elements on the campus. By his behavior on the picket line, I would assume that he is much more interested in Imethodology than in results. If Mr. Shapiro were really sincere about his liberal beliefs would he consistently compromise them by his illiberal methods? John. H. Sloss] * * Film Cutting' To The Editor: I BELIEVE that it would be of in- terest to those who saw "Open City" at Hill Auditorium to know that the original film contains some scenes which have been cut' in the English version. These cuts seem to have been motivated by reasons other than mere economy. For example, the scene in the torture-cell is far more prolonged in the original. The horrors of the torture alternate with the glimpses of the comfort in the German Of- ficers' Mess and the haunting mel- ody of the piano. At the height of this sequence the Gestapo officer emerging from the Mess enters the cell. His victim is unconscious, his head slumped forward. The offi- cer has him revived by an intra- venal injection and then visibly moved, bends over the mutilated face and says: (quoting from memory) "I admire your courage. You have suffered immensely. You are a Communist-do you think that the Monarchist officers of Badoglio who are advancing with the armies of what you would call ... er ... liberation-do you think and the Beethoven Symphony No. S7. A limited number of tickets are still available daily at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower; and after 6 o'clock Sunday in the Hill Auditorium box office. String Orchestra Concert: 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 11, Lydia Men- , delssohn -Theatre, under the di- rection x-of ,Gilbert Ross. The pro- gram will include the 17th and 18th century music of Purcell, Leg- renzi, Boccherini, and Mozart, with Norma; Swinney Heyde, soprano, and Oliver Edel, cellist, as soloists. The public is invited. Exhibition s "Natural History Studies at the Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan," through December, Museums Bldg. Ro- tunda. Events Today hat they would suffer as much 'or you?" To this profundly cunning poli- ical temptation the victim replies by spitting in the Nazi's face. In the English film we see this ast action but are not told the words which preceded it. Yet in fairness, one must say that some of the other signifcant scenes- which were cut when the picture was shown in England, seemed to have been restored in the version seen at Hill Auditor- ium. Anyone interested in the de- tails may find them in the article by O. Hollander in the Oct. 1947, English magazine "Our Time." To sum up the words of Mr. Hollander, "I suggest that it was a very blue pencil that vetted 'Open City' for British (and Amer- ican) audiences. Inview of the great merit of this prize-winning film (in my opinion the finest ar- tistic product of the war). I strongly object to any tampering with Rosselini's original." -William C. Rohn .Propaganda To the Editor: LO! The propaganda chief of the USSR is vindicated! He always said he could make the Americans go around yelling "Fascisti," if fie tried long enough, hard enough, and cleverly enough. And he's done it. Not that we're using that word always, but words are only symbols for ideas, and it is that same idea that buzzes in the back of our minds when we use words like un-American, police state, etc., in criticizing recent events. We are amazed at the folly of the current "Red witch-hunt." Consider for a moment the foolish- ness we are engaged in in witch- hunting ourselves. We go about flaying at our own shadows! We criticize ourselves for our ("Fas- :istic") tyranny, crying to the heavens for release from regimen- tation, even thought control. And our very vociferousness, which brings no authoritative reprisals, belies the significant- existence of the practices we angrily decry. True, America has many faults. Some are inherent in the system, many more in the people them- selves. But a point I think worthy of note is that the American way at its worst gives more to its peo- ple, both in material goods and - more important -- in personal lib- erty, than the Russian way at its best. If America is what we need criticize most, 'tis truly a wonder- ful world. Russian leaders practice a tyranny like this country hasn't seen since the Revolutionary War, and I hope never sees again. And we spend our time defending her "right" to do it, and criticizing ourselves!Why? It may be against the American principles to suppress even an op- posite ideology like totalitarianism, but that is no excuse for not crit- icizing it severely. The greatest possible threat to world peace is the existence of a powerful dictatorship that pos- sesses a clever and vast propa- ganda machine. -James E. Duras Dutch Actions To the Editor: FOR AN HOUR and a half Mon- day afternoon Ambassador Van Kleffens discussed with a group of us the position and actions of the Dutch in Indonesia. A skilled diplomat, he presented very reasonable justification for the Dutch actions. Lacking con- trary information, I am inclined to accept his explanation. Yet, the picture he painted raised one ques- tion in my mind which is unans- wered, either by the Ambassador or by Fred Schott's editorials of Friday. Van Kleffens contends that a small totalitarian minded group currently controls the government of the Republic with arms taken from the Japanese. This group, he says, refuses to hold an election, continues minor warfare against the Dutch, intimidates the Indo- nesians, and holdsseveral thou- sand Dutch hostages. The Dutch, he contends, simply want to estab- lish a democratic government and permit the area to assume domin- ion status. Fine! The problem now is break- ing the stalemate by means other than military subjugation. My question was, "Why doesn't the Dutch government ask the United Nations to assume juris- diction?" There is no United Nations Com- mission in Indonesia, Mr. Schott. The two parties have agreed to work with a group of three in- dividuals in arbitrating the mat- ter. But the United Nations has refused to consider the matter of jurisdiction! In his morning address, Van Kleffens urged that law should take precedence over emotion and the arbitraryuse of force. Yet the Dutch insist upon their right A I1 4I 4 i Radio Program: 9:15-9:45 a.m., WUR Hymns of Freedom. (760 kc.).I Art Cinema League and the I.R.A. present Maxim Gorky's "The Lower Depths" (Les Bas- Ponds) with Jean Gabin and Louis Jouvet. French dialogue, English titles. Also "Does It Matter What You Think?" Sunday and Monday, Nov. 9 and 10. Kellogg Auditor- ium (Dental School). Tickets on (Continued on Page 6) BARNABY.. . I General Library Book List . . . I jBornoby! Hostilities have A sfrong scouting force of - H-e ws taking a shortcut 1 1 understand your desir to I