THE MICHIGAN DAILY t-g Y g r i Burt Fifty-Eighth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: New American Type BILL MAULDIN ,, N \ t\\ \ Nk X Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan undernthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director Eunice Mintz ..................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent.................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson .................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager Melvin Tick................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, '$5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947.48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Night Editor: Harriet Friedman Writers Wanted As a student newspaper, the primary purpose of The Daily is to present an im- partial round-up of the important news of the day and to provide a sounding board for student opinion. The editorials which appear on this page represent the views of the respective members of The Daily staff. In order to increase the scope of opinion presented a student column will be printed. The editors of The Daily invite all students interested in writing an editorial column to submit three sample columns for con- sideration. Manuscripts =should be sub- mitted to the editors of The Daily by noon Monday, Sept. 29. Positions as staff reviewers for movies, music, books, and Art Cinema are also available. Music students will receive special consideration for the position of music critic. Sample reviews and criti- cisms for these positions should also be submitted by noon Monday, Sept. 29. -The Senior Editors Equal Facilities GEORGIA'S Governor M. E. Thompson has finally shown his supremacy colors. Advocating complete segregation of whites and Negroes as a solution to the South's race problem, Thompson answered lily- white Herman Talmadge, and set himself squarely on the fence by qualifying his statement with an "eqi' al facilities" pro- vision. Undoubtedly an improvement on the "ship them back to Africa," or "repeal the thir- teenth amendment" Talmadgites, Thomp- son has simply adopted the self protection attitude of the so-called southern liberal. He may or may not believe that segre- gation is the South's cure-all, but he knows the tempo of his electorate. He may or may not be sincerely search- ing to the problem's solution, but his truly constructive ideas must bow to the all powerful votes of the vociferously white Georgian "gentry." Certainly with Thompson as governor the possibility .of improvement is greater than with a man so thoroughly committed to his color as Talmadge. But segregation cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be considered a step toward the recognition of the Negro as a human being fitted to take a dignified place in any society. -Naomi Stern. IN THE SEARCH for the devil responsible for soaring food prices, the hunt turned last week to Chicago's grain pits. As corn for future delivery rose to $2.63 a bushel, an all-time high, and wheat soared to $2.87, Vermont's Senator Ralph . Flanders, ex- president of Boston's Federal Reserve Bank, thought he had spotted the devil. It was Speculation. "The -situation today in the commodity markets is comparable to that in the stockmarket in 1929," said he, "and it could have the same disastrous results." He demanded that trading on margin be eliminated and that trading in grains be put on a cash basis. -Time Magazine T E UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE'S new President John W. Taylor is a man of ideas. Unlike most college ;presidents, who By SAMUEL GRAFTON I WONDER IF, in the end, LaGuardia will come to seem more important to us as an individual, or as the forerunner of a new American type. He was of course a rare man, of whom all manner of good things should be said. To these it might be added that he invented a new kind of American person- ality, and contributed this invention to our national portrait gallery of familiar types. We have celebrated the laconic New England farmer for almost two centuries. We have had the bluff, hearty, touchy Texan for a hundred years. We have had the Southern gentle- + man as long as we have had a country. Along- side these LaGuardia has ranged a novel met- ropolitan portrait. He has given us a new di- mension, a new way of being an admirable American, and the man who does that for his country enlarges it even more than he who gains additional territory for it. A good novel or a play could have done it, could have announced to the country that its metropolis was now come of age, and was producing a new type of American, strange, Organic Problem YESTERDAY, more than two years after the Japanese sued for peace, the hurri- cane-boiled waters of the Atlantic tossed six deadly Japanese anti-shipping mines onto a Florida beach. This explosive jetsam is symbolic of the war-bred troubles which threaten to blast the General Assembly of the United Nations into impotency. The Jap mines were a war measure against the enemy and so was the war- time United Nations organization. The United Nations was formed as a political and military confederation against a common enemy and it was successful in that respect. The desire of the United Nations to win the war was so strong that cooperation, even at the expense of national interests, was the most expedient way to achieve that end. When the time came to set up the post-war organization, it was based on the war-time premise of complete cooperation. Complete unanimity of the major power representatives of the executive branch of the organization, the Security Council, was required. Unfortunately, cooperation is no longer expedient. Now the United Nations face no com- mon enemy except the spectre of another war. But even to mention the possibility of such a catastrophe is "warmonger- ing" in the words of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky The problem that now faces the United Nations is organic; it can function properly only if the major powers cooperate with each other. But when the Unted States and the Soviet Union, or any other of the Big Five, cannot agree the -United Nations falls to the debating society level of its prede- cessor. The situation has become crucial dur- ing the current meeting of the General Assembly. Trygve Lie, secretary general of the United Nations, addressed an emer- gency appeal to the United States and the Soviet Union Tuesday, asking them to moderate their differences. "The peo- ples of the world and many governments as well," Lie said, "are shocked, frightened and discouraged to find that those same nations which created the United Nations' are so openly unable to agree." An international organization based on war-time expediencies cannot adequately perform its peace-time functions. The Unit- ed Nations, in order to resolve the problems confronting it, must be changed organically so that its members can work toward com- mon interests as they did against a common enemy. -Stuart Finlayson. High-ranking Army and Air Force offi- cers have been carrying the depressing tale of the shrinking American Army to the President and now Gen. Eisenhower has sounded a warning that our forces are wasting away to the danger point. It is time Congress heard the unvarnished truth and Gen. Eisenhower is the man to tell it. Foreign observers as well as thinking Americans have viewed the disintegration of this nation's armed might with dismay. No doubt there is elation in some quar- ters. At no time in this country's history has there been greater need for a strong, well- equipped and well-trained military machine in time of peace.tIt willsbe difficult for many Americans to get used to this idea, but it is vital that they do. Like it or not, there are international tensions which, if not relieved in good time, could lead to armed conflict. It is not enough for a peace- loving nation to rely upon diplomacy alone. Diplomacy is only as good as its user's ability to defend himself in the event of its failure. The manpower of the American :Army has been dropped by 8,000 to 10,000 each formidable and worthy. A life lived like this one does it too. New York now means something to the country it didn't mean be- fore, because of LaGuardia, because of this fiery little jimmy cricket whose speech and personal style seemed modeled, ballet-wise, on metropolitan traffic noises. BUT PECULIARITIES ALONE are not enough; peculiarities alone are only mat- ter for comedy. To add the new picture to the national gallery, LaGuardia had to have something else. That .he had it was shown when Fusion picked him to run for Mayor. The whole city, from the richest members of the oldest families to the most enterprisingly leftwing trades unionists, swung around, as if moved by a common impulse, and placed its hopes in the hands of this furiously honest little man. At that moment the new type was born, the fierce little metropolitan battler, of mixed immi- grant parentage, and even more mixed poli- tical background, a strange, reliable, honest, unkempt, oddly-spoken, passionate man; as I say, a new type, of whom it might be said for short that uses city wit (as for gener- ations we have been using country wit) to help solve the problems of all of us. LaGuardia isn't, of course, the only one who had it. He wouldn't be the herald of a new type if he were unique. Al Smith had it. Maybe O'Dwyer has it. But in La- Guardia the pressure of the new type for recognition and attention becomes insis- tent. And just as the city seems a little differ- ent when you walk out of an art gallery, and you note things you perhaps never saw be- fore, so it seems a little different after you've studied LaGuardia a bit. I took my children to the Bronx Zoo the other day. We climbed into a cab for the return. The cabby sneer- ed when I gave him my Manhattan address. "Oh, tired of Central Park, hey?" he said. "You have to come to Bronx Park now." Not strong on manners, of course. But not an oblivious character, either; very interested, in fact, and he added an unfavorable word about people who spend two something on a cab, when fifteen cents on the subway would do it. Then my small daughter left her purse in his car. Ile drove back from the Bronx with it. He was sore that we had left it; he hid it shrewdly and suspiciously behind his back, making us identify it before turning it over, then disdained a reward and drove away in a rage. A character, certainly; as good his way as any Silas in the books, and maybe a little easier to un- derstand because of LaGuardia. That's New York; perhaps it's producing something. It hasn't quite got into the books and plays yet, except in the two-dimensional form of the movies' favorite Brooklyn type. But it has entered the American conscious- ness. And in the end that may be the thing we shall like most to remember LaGuardia for. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corp.) ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Rock Bottom By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER T. U. ASSEMBLY, FLUSHING, N. Y.- When the house that you have built caves in and you find yourself sitting on the basement floor, you always have one con- solation-you can't fall any farther. Here in the great World's Fair leftover barn that houses the U.N.'s full-dress per- formance, it is easy to feel that interna- tional affairs have reached rock bottom. The Soviets are determined to rule or else. Their dominating motive may be just security on an elastic, expanding scale. Or it may be a time pious desire to save the world by Communism. Or it may be a resurgence of good old-fashioned czarist imperialism. Whatever it is, people here now admit that it doesn't make any difference. Either a world that would not submit to Hitler submits to Russia-or it has to take steps to ;protect itself. Two years ago, one year ago, most Amer- icans wanted "one world." They still do. But they ;are quite prepared to make the best of two-if necessary. A year ago Prav- da's threat that Russia would abandon the United Nations were the Charter changed would have left Americans with guilt feelings. Not so today. If the Soviet Union were to pick up its rag dolls and go home tomorrow, few Americans would mind much. Nobody wants that-but many of us are asking whether a smaller organization that could work along political principles acceptable to the vast majority of mankind would not be preferable to a false univer- salism hiding an intolerable because con- cealed division. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) The railroads have asked the ICC to per- mit a further increase in passenger fares. The only people who can possibly object to this reasonable request are subversive com- muters and their fellow-travelers. -The New Yorker. q-25- MIAMI, Arizona - You have t probably seen pictures by an artist m named Artzybasheff, who makes tl big machinery look like parts of r human beings. He draws faces in on the fronts of locomotives, for in- sn stance, making the running lights te into eyes, the front of the boiler rc into a monstrous nose, and the an cowcatcher into teeth. There are a three electric power shovels work- in inging at the open-pit Castle- g Dome Copper Company in Miami, he Ariz., which make you think of ou Artzybasheff. The shovels are mi among the biggest in existence. A ed bucket on one of them can scoop t eight tons of rock. It is the deli- ol cacy and finesse with which the ne giants are manipulated that ri makes you think of the great rc booms, levers, and buckets, as w arms, wrists, and hands. h The shovel operator, who is in- bu credibly small in the control room of his machine, looks as if he were of at the console of the Radio City sh Music Hall organ as his hands ri and feet flicker from pedal to bu lever. In all of the maze of opera- a: tions which produce copper-the sh digging, blasting, crushing, re- a fining, and milling-the shovel tr operator is paid the highest wages o and is considered the greatest di craftsman. h I watched one of the Castle ax Dome shovels unearth a boulder c he size of a small automobile. The .achine seemed to be studying ie problem with its bucket sus- ended expectantly in the air. The ock was buried deeply, and the ly exposed part was round and mooth. Suddenly the shovel's iron eeth began darting around the ock, probing and prying with mazing speed, until it had found tiny depression, only a few nches deep, where the teeth could et a grip. The shovel grunted and eaved, and the boulder reared ut of its bed. For just a mo- ent it balanced, teetering on its dge. In the twinkling of an eye, he bucket whirled around to the ther side of the boulder, ma- euvered itself exactly into the ght position, and caught the ock with a crash as it fell. It as too big to fit inside, so it ad to be carried on top of the ucket. A bulldozer had clanked up to ffer its help with the rock if it hould be needed. It happened ght under the path taken by the Lcket with its precariously bal- 6ced load, which would have ipped and flattened the dozer and its operator at the slightest emor on the part of the shovel perator. Yet the dozer man lidn't even bother to duck his tad as the whole business passed a inch or two over him. That's onfidence. I M1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -11 _ (continued from Page 3) Honor Societies are requested to submit a list of officers to the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, before October 6, 1947. Approved Student Organiza- tions, graduate and undergrad- uate, planning to be active for the school year 1947-48 may secure an organization recognition card by filing a directory card, listing of- ficers of the group. It is requested that either the president or sec- retary file this information for the organization before October 6, 1947. Directory cards are avail- able in the Office of Student Af- fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall. All groups for which no Directory card is filed are assumed to be inactive for the present school year. All Transfer Students in the College of Literature, Science, and Arts who received yellow evalua- tion sheets during registration week must return them to 1209 Angell Hall by September 30. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Edu- cation, Forestry, Music and Public Health. Students who received marks of I, X or "no report" at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course of courses unless this work is made up by October 22. Students wish- ing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition ad- dressed to the appropriate offi- cial in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. Beta Tau; Zeta Psi; Phi Chi. September 28: Alpha Rho Chi. Student Print Loan Library: Students interested in obtaining a picture for the fall semester, may sign for the print between Thursday, Sept. 25 and Saturday, Oct. 4, West Gallery, Alumni Me- morial Hall. A desk will be set up at that time for this purpose. Stu- dents are requested to bring stu- dent identification with them at the time they make their reserva- tion. A rental fee will be charged. The prints will be issued from Rm. 205, University Hall, the week following the close of the exhibit on Oct. 4. The West Gallery is open to the public from 10-12 a.m. and from 2-5 p.m. daily ex- cept Monday. Applications for Bomber Scho- larships: Applications may be ob- tained at the Scholarship Office, Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 205 University Hall, and must be re- --- ,l turned to that office not later than Tuesday, Sept. 30. To be eligible for these scholarships a student must have served at least one year in the armed forces dur- ing the last war, must have com- pleted satisfactorily not less than the equivalent of two semesters of credit hours in any undergrad- uate school or college in this Uni- versity, and shall have received no degree of any kind from this University. Awards will be made according to need, character, and scholarship ability after compari- son of applicants. Canadian Undergraduate Stu- dents: Application blanks for the. Paul J. Martin Scholarship for Canadian undergraduate students may be obtained at the Scholar- ship Office, Rm. 205, University Hall. To be eligible a student must have been enrolled in the University for at least one semes- ter of the school year 1946-47. All applications should be re- turned to that office by Tuesday, Sept. 30; 1947. The scholarship will be assigned on the basis of need and superior scholastic achievement. Seniors in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering: The Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. has established a scholarship of $500 to be used during the cur- rent school year. The scholarship will be awarded to a highly rec- ommended student in Aeronau- tical or Mechanical Engineering who has completed his Junior year at the University. Applica- tions should be in letter form, giving a brief statement of qual- ifications and experience in re- gard to both scholastic work and any outside experience they may have had. Any service record should be mentioned. Senior Me- chanicals will address their letters of application to Prof. R. S. Haw- ley, Rm., 221 W. Eng. Bldg., sen- ior Aeronauticals will send their applications to Prof. E. W. Con- lon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Ap- plications will be received up to October 3. Aeronautical Engineering Stu- dents: There is available one $500 Robert L. Perry Memorial Fellow- ship to students in Aeronautical Engineering who are in need of financial assistance and who show definite promise in this field. In the selection of a candi- date preference will be given to veteran pilots. Applications ,should be in letter form, giving a state- ment of services in the Armed forces, aid addressed to Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Applications will be received up to October 3. Scholarship Open to Senior Mechanical, Aeronautical and Electrical Engineering Students:, Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Cor- poration has established ap an- nual scholarship of $250 which is available to students who are in their Junior year in the above fields of engineering and who are highly recommended by their fac- ulty Scholarship Committee. The student will be employed by the, Company the first semester after the award. Application forms for, this scholarship may be obtained i the Aeronautical Eng. Office. -C nslidated Vultee Graduate Fell wship: The Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation has established two annual Graduate Fellowships of $750 each, avail-. able to graduates of accredited engineering, metallurgy, physics or mathematics schools who are! highly recommended by their fac- ulty Scholarship Committee, for graduate study and research in the fields included in aeronau- tical engineering. The students will be employed by the Company the first summer after the awards. Applications available in Aero. Eng. Office. Juniors, Seniors and Graduates: Four Frank P. Sheehan scholar- ships are available. The selection of candidates for these scholar- ships is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Ap- plicants should address letters to Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. giving a brief state- ment of their qualifications and experience they may have had. A statement should also be made about their plans for further study in Aero. Eng. Any service record should be mentioned. Ap- plications will be received up to October 3. Approved social events for the coming week-end: September 26: Couzens Hall, Jordan Hall; Mosher Hall; Win- chell House; Zeta Tau Alpha. September 27: Acacia; Alpha Delta Phi; Alpha Delta Pi; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Tau Omega; Beta Theta Pi; Chi Phi; Chi Psi; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Delta Sigma Delta; Del- ta Tau Delta; Kappa Sigma; Michigan Christian Fellowship; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Delta Phi; Phi, Delta Theta; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Kappa Tau; Phi Rho Sigma; Phi Sigma Delta; Psi Upsilon; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Sigma Alpha Mu; Sigma Nu; Sig- ma Phi Epsilon; Theta Chi; Theta Delta Chi; Theta Xi; Zeta Beta Tau; Zeta Psi; Phi Chi. September 28: Alpha Rho Chi. Married Veterans of World War U-University Terrace Apart- ments and Veterans' Emergency Housing Project. , Opportunity will be provided Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, October 1, 2, and 3 for students in the above group to file applica- tion for residence in the Univer- sity Terrace Apartments and the Veterans' Emergency Housing Project. At present there are no vacan- cies in these apartments, but ap- plications will be considered for future vacancies. Applications for residence in these apartments will be consid- ered according to the following qualifications: 1. Only married veterans who are at present registered in the University may apply. 2. Only married veterans 'of World War II may apply. 3. Only Michigan residents may apply. (The Regents' definition of a Michigan resident follows. "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michigan for the purpose of reg- istration in the University unless he or she has resided in this state six months next preceding the date of proposed enrollment.") 4. Veterans who have incurred physical disability of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. A written statement from Dr. 'Forsythe of the University Health' Service concerning such disability should be included in the application. 5. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (Summer session is considered as one-half term.) 6. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years. 7. Length of overseas service will be an important determin- ing factor. 8. In considering an applicant's total length of service, A.S.T.P., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted. 9. If both husband and wife are veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resident and both are enrolled in the Uni- versity their combined application will be given special consideration. 10. Each 4pplicant must file with his application his Military Record and Report Qf Separation. Married veterans of World War II who have filed applications for the Terrace Apartments priof to October 1, 1947V should not apply again, since their applications are being processed in terms of the above qualifications. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall Lectues Season Tickets 194748 Lecture Course may now be purchased at Hill Auditorium box office. Seven distinguished numbers will be pre- sented this season, the complete course being as follows: Oct. 23, Walter Duranty and H. R. Knick- erbocker. debate, "Can Russia Be Part of One World?"; Nov. 3, Jacques Cartier ."Theatre Caval- cade": Nov. 20. Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd, "Discovery," with motion pictures; Nov. 25, Miss Jane Cowl, "An Actress Meets her Audience": Jan. 13, Julien Bryan, "Russia Revisited," with motion pictures; Jan. 22, John Mason Brown, "Broadway In Review"; Feb. 10, Hon. Arthur Bliss Lane, "Our Foreign Policy, Right or Wrong?" Tickets for the complete course are priced at $6.60, $5.40 and $4.20. Box office hours are from 10-1, 2-5 daily ex- cept Saturday afternoon and Sun- day. Freshman Health Lectures for Men: It is a University require- ment that all entering freshmen take a series of lectures on Per- sonal and Community Health and to pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Trans- fer students with freshma standing are also required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere. Upperclassmen who were here as freshmen and who did not ful- fill the requirements are request- ed to do so this term. These lectures are also required of veterans with freshman stand- ing. The lectures will be given in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:00, 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. as per the following schedule: Lecture No. Day Date 4 Thurs. Sept. 2 5 Mon. Sept. 29 6 Tues. Sept. 30 7 (Final Exam) Wed. Oct. 1 You may attend at any of the above hours. Enrollment will take place at the first lectur'e. Please note that attendance is required and roll will be taken. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Wil- liam Elliott Humphrey, Geology; thesis: "Geology of the Cierra de los Muertos Area, Coahuila, Mex- ico, and Aptian Cephalopods from the La Pena Formation," Thurs., Sept. 25, 4065 Natural Science Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, L. B. Kel- lum. Graduate Students: Prelimi- nary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held Fri., Sept. 26, 4 to 6 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Diction- aries may be used. English 211g, Proseminar in American Literature, will meet Wednesdays, 4-6, Rm. 3217 A.H. Mathematics Seminars: There will be a meeting of those inter-' ested in seminars in mathematics Thursday, Sept. 25, 4 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall, at which the subjects for seminars will be selected and the hours arranged. Medical Aptitude Examinatgn. All applicants for admission to Medical Schools, who wish to be admitted during 1948, must take the MedicalAptitude Eamin- tion on Sat., Oct. 25, 1947 or Mon., Feb. 2, 1948. The examination will not be given on any other day. In order to be admitted to the October 25th examination, can- didates must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Candidateshmust register for the October 25th examination on or before Thurs., Sept,. 5, 1947, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. Sept. 25 will be the last day for registra- tion for the October 25th exami- nation. 2. Candidates must bring to the examination a check or money order for five dollars payable to the Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he pays fee in this way. Cash will not be ac- cepted. Candidates who register will be- gin the examination at 8:45 a.m. on Oct. 25, 1947, in the Lecture Hall of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. The examination will be divided into two sessions and will take all day. Inquiries should be addressed to The Chief Examiner, Bureau of Psychological Services, (Ext. 2297). Museum Science 168, 173, 185, 205 and 206: these courses will not be given during the academic year 1947-48. Political Science 151: British Government MWF at 9 in s203 A.H. Political Science 121: American Constitutional Law. MWF at 9 in 2003 A.H. Political Science 52: Sec. 2 (Laing). Wednesdays at 11 in 2014 A.H. Political Science 383: National Government and American Politi- cal Thought, Wed., 3-5, Rm. 308 Library. CiConcerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, BARNABY... i =- lk - f ..1, 7- 0 SAnd what I'd give to see them mugs in the Stole Department 1 Excellent, McSnoyd! If we Scon learn what the United (One's own country does not Iemploy sp*e, .8arnaby. Hle Whnwe get all this .-- ;4- W pw- m i ! - ! !t - .! , .11M :-w I I 0 m I