4 Adr A6F
t an
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Mic igan Might verwhelms H00S1
ers 35-0
Shift to Right in
Western Europe
Associated Press Correspondents
Report from Every Major Capital
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Just where has the world arrived in that conflict
between West and East that is widely described as the "Cold War"? By way
of taking stock the AP has gathered reports from its most experienced Euro-
pean correspondents. Signals were called by Daniel De Luce, veteran corre-
spondent who recently completed a tour of several countries in the Soviet
zone. His teammates were the chiefs of AP bureaus in London, Paris, Berlin
and Rome).
- *
* * * *
Yesterday's Scorers
Win over Indiana
Keeps Wolverine
Record Spotless
Bump Elliott Paces Scoring Attack
With Two First-Half Touchdowns
After being partially stalled for two Saturdays in a row, Michigan's
high scoring grid machine moved back into high gear yesterday by
rolling over a game but out-gunned Indiana eleven 35-0 before a chilled
sellout crowd of 85,937.
Flashing the power and' daring that made them almost a point-a-
minute outfit in their first four games, the Wolverines scored three
times in the first 19 minutes, going all the way each time they got
their hands on the ball.
"Big Three" Make Difference
As expected, it was the Maize and Blue's fine set of backs which
PARIS, Nov. 8-(T)-Communist "shock troops" in Western Eur-
ope-meaning the Communist Party groups in those regions not
cairectly under the guns of the Red Army-have lost ground since mid-
year, in the judgmnent of competent observers.
United States foreign policy-as'contrasted to the Kremlin's-is
openly supported by overwhelming national majorities in the West. But
in Eastern Europe, these observers agree, the will of the majority is
,~paralyzed by Communist police ac-
tion and Russia's immediate mili-
Coast Guard tary power.
Reads Digging In
Races TimeIn lands behind the so-called
Iron Curtain the dictated process
To Save Shi of Sovietization is ruthlessly being
P speeded up. Red minorities are
tightening their governmental
Helpless Freighter grip.
sRes edinStThis, however, represents con-
Is Rescued i Storm solidation, not expansion, of the
Kremlin's authority. It is like a
LUDINGTON, Mich., Nov. 8- general suspending a fruitless of-
(R)-A little Coast Guard cutter fensive and ordering his forces
raced 150 miles through 25 to 30 to dig in at least temporarily on
foot waves today to snatch a dis- a static line.
abled freighter and her crew of A survey by chiefs of Associated
28 to safety from the treacherous Press bureaus in Europe describes
reefs of Lake Michigan's "Grave- the Marshall Plan as the big wea-
yard of Ships." pon in repulsing Soviet ambitions.
The 3,000 - ton, salt - laden The very words, Marshall plan,
freighter, Jupiter, known as the have come to symbolize here the
"Ghost Ship of the Lakes", was long-range determination of the
released from the grip of a raging United States to risk 'hard dollars
snow and wind storm that churn- against paper rubles in restoring
ed the Great Lakes and endang- this continent's economic health.
ered shipping all along Michigan's InGermany
lengthy coastline.
Another Ship Disabled , In Berlin Wes Gallagher quoted
a German Communist leader as
In Lake Huron, whipped to a bluntly saying: "'If the Marshalli
froth by the wind, another freight- Plan results in full German bellies,1
er, the grain carrier, William C. the people will not care a damna
Warren, was reported aground and about the Communist Party." t
eaking off Rogers City, Mich. A Preston Grover in Paris wasf
tug and a lighter were enroute to told by French sources: "The cold
her sine. Her captain radioed thatwar has been largely won as far,
he was not in danger.. as France is concerned. The Com-<
The Jupiter, owned by the Jupi- munists are on a downhill slide.a
e Steamship Co. of Cleveland, The issue was only in doubt as1
plowed into trouble in Friday long as we could not be sure of the
iight's gale. She radioed that her continuity of America's interest
team lines were broken and she and support."
was unable to make headway At Rome Too
against the storm. In Rome, Charles Guptill re-X
peeds To Rescue ported a definite Russian setback
Meanwhile, the Coast Guard in recent weeks. He said nativec
ent an urgent radio plea crack- Communists were increasingly
ing through the night to St. Jo- handicapped by United States aid
eph,' Mich., 150 miles south on to Italy, by operation of the
he lake. "Cominform"-the so-called Com-1
In response, the little 150-foot munist Information Bureau withJ
utter Sundew set out into the headquarters in adjacent Yugo-
torm's teeth on her mercy errand. slavia-and the check on infla-
The Jupiter's position became tionary prices.
nore precarious as she drifted to- The British scene was summed
hard the same reefsvwhere 60 sea- up by John Lloyds:
nien lost their lives in a 1940 "It appears that Russia never t
torm. She was in constant danger had any hope of bringing Bri-i
f foundering in the area south- tain over to her side but did hope
vest of Ludington which sailors to drive a wedge between BritainF
icknamed "the graveyard of and the United States. Any chance
hips." of quickly reviving the extremec
ick of Time 'v left wing of the Labor Party, which
Shortly before noon the sturdy nearly a yeardetermo forceForeign
ttle cutter breasted the horizon. Secretary Bevin to reorient for-
he Sundew maneuvered skill- eign policy to make Britain a
ully toward the Jupiter in dis- 'bridge' between East and West, G
egard of the suddenly heightened seems to have been obliterated
ury of the elements. completely by the Conservative u
Within minutes of her arrival, gains in the recent municipal f
he little Sundew had the 346-foot elections." C
A VCStudy of
Food Facilities
Is Near End
Will Publish Results
Within Three Weeks
The final phase of AVC's study
of students' eating facilities is
fast nearing completion, Andrew
Warhola, committee chairman in
charge of the survey, disclosed
Sampling of student opinion on
Ann Arbor's food from the view-
points of quality and price "should
wind up in two or three days,"
he said. "With this final infor-
mation in," Warhola added, "our
overall interpretation of the re-
sults can get under way. We'll
probably have the whole job done
in two or three weeks."
AVC's campus chapter is seek-
ing to present a unified picture
of Ann Arbor's eating facilities.
A survey already completed looked
into the matter of eating from
the management's point of view.
Owners were questioned as to
food and labor costs and facilities
for handling diners.
When all the results are in and
tabulated, the AVC will make a
series of recommendations for
easing overtaxed facilities and
high food prices. The report will
include information on food qual-
ity, prices and accommodations.
Sampling techniques used by
the AVC are similar to those em-
ployed by the Survey. Research
Center. Forms were drawn up in
consultation with Roe Goodman
and Charles F. Cannell of the
i* * *
Film Attracts
Record Crowd
More than 3,000 people bought
tickets for "Open City," the Ital-
ian war film which was shown, at
Hill Auditorium yesterday and
Friday, under the auspices of the
campus chapter of AVC.
The $600 netted by bringing the
fim to Ann Arbor will constitute
the bulk ofnAVC'sr$1,000 contribu-
tion to the current Community
Fund Drive, according to Jack
Geist, chairman of the group.
The turnout for "Open City"
was the largest to date for any
foreign film shown on campus,
Geist said.
Ball State Cheerleaders Meet
'U' Squad in Swap Session
A co-educational Ball State
Teacher's College cheering squad
from Muncie, Indiana met the
Michigan squad in a barefoot
swap session of cheers and tech-
niques before the game yesterday
in the I-M Building.
The BallnState squad boasts
"Mickey" and "Rocky" Howell,
believed to be the only married
cheerleaders in the United States.
Joyce Lillibridge, June Sherpe-
tosky and Dale Kendrick complete
the squad. The group were guests
of the 'Michigan squad at yes-
terday's game.
Compared Notes
In one of the first sessions of
its kind, the two schools met to
WOLVERINE SCORERS-Left to right, Quarterback Howard Yerkes, Halfbacks Bump Elliot and Hank Fonde, and End Dick Rifen-
burg, who scored all of Michigan's touchdowns in their 35-0 rout of Indiana. Yerges tallied first on a five-yard pass from Chappuis.
Elliot followed.with a score on a lateral from Yerges and added another TD soon after on a pass from Chappuis. Rifenburg scored
on another Chappuis toss in the third period. Fonde ended the se oring when he crossed the goal line on a Yerges lateral.
compare notes before the game.
The Ball State team exhibited its
"dance" style while the Michigan
team displayed their tumbling
Ball State leaders enthusiastic-
ally tried handsprings, back flips
and diving coached by the Mich-
igan team.
No Women Here
The University squad picked
up some ideas from their guests
but they will not adopt the 3:2
female ratio. Michigan's ten man
squad will remain womanless be-
cause it is the tradition according
to Newt Loken, faculty advisor.
The only Big Nine teams which
boast the feminine touch are
Minnesota and Northwestern. The
Gophers took three girls onto
their squad last year. "North-
western is the only Big Nine team
which permanently uses women
cheerleaders and they limit this
to one member.
Cold Weather
Blankets U.S.
Snow, High Winds'
Accompany Front
MCAF Group,
Meeting Will
Be HeldToday
Academic Freedom
Gathering Is at Union
Delegates from campus and
non-campus groups throughout
the state will gather here today
for part two of Michigan's second
conference on academic freedom-
to round out matters left undone
at the Oct. 18 meeting.
Prof. John L. Brumm, newly
elected chairman of the Michigan
Committee for Academic Freedom
will open the special session at 1
p.m. in the Union. The meeting,
which will deal with violations of
academic freedom and the pro-
posed adoption of the NSA Bill of
Rights, is scheduled to close at 4
Every duly constituted organi-
zation on campus is entitled to
three voting delegates and two
non-voting observers at the meet-
ing. Letters of accreditation from
officers will be required of the
The MCAF came into being a
statewide conference last May. A
second meeting on Oct. 18 adopted
a constitution and elected an ex-
ecutive board to make it a func-
tioning organization. Matters of
policy are expected to be cleared
up at today's session.
British to Add
Spuds to Long
Rationing List
LONDON, Nov. 8-(MP)-Potato
rationing was added tonight to
the long list of restrictions har-
assing food-short Britons.
Food Minister John Strachey-
following up recent cuts in the
British meat, bacon, sugar and
fats rations-announced that af-
ter tomorrow potato sales will be
limited to three pounds per week
per 'n as the result of a
shortage caused by the summer
Strachey told a news confer-
ence that floods in the spring
and the summer drought, the
worst in 50 years, had cut the
potato crop 10 per cent below the
average yield. If rationing were
not decreed, he declared "some-
time in the spring potatoes would
have run out, and that would
have been a catastrophe."
Russia Trains
German Army
LONDON, Nov. 8-(/P)-The In-
ternational Committee for the
Study of European Questions re-
ported tonight that Russia is us-
ing Soviet military schools to
train captured German army of-
ficers for the "formation of the
ranks of a future Wehrmacht for
"Several dozens of divisions," it
added, have been formed by the
Russians from German prisoners
of war.
.committee, a non-govern-
mental group of men prominent
in public and private affairs here
and in Europe, declared its own
continent-wide espionage system
had also discovered that Germans
and Russians were engaged in
"active collaboration" in develop-
ing and manufacturing arms in
Russia and the Soviet zone of
made the big difference. Michi-
gan's"Big Three" (Bob Chappuis,
Bump Elliott and Jack Weisen-
burger) accounted for 324 of the
Wolverines 363 yards and had a
hand directly in all but one of
their touchdowns.
Chappuis got 103 of these
through the air and 48 on the
ground and passed for three touch-
downs. Weisenburger got 91 yards
in ten tries and Bump picked up
55 and scored twice.
Chap Takes Charge
The Chap personally took
charge of the first , two touch-
downs. After the opening kickoff,
he sparked the team on a 72 yard
sustained march that ended with
one of his passes hitting Yerges for
Iyards and the first score.
After Indiana punted to Michi-
gan's 41, Chap went right back to
work and in nine plays Michigan
had another touchdown. He passed
for 6 to Bump, 22 to Mann, and
then tore 15 yards off tackle to
the four. Four plays later, Elliott
dove over for the second tally.
Four minutes passed and Bump
did it again, only this time it was
Weisenburger who set up the
score. Starting from his own 34,
the slippery fullback took a lat-
eral from Yerges, picked up a key
block by Stu Wilkins and scooted
60 yards down the sidelines all
the way to the Indiana six. Chap-'
puis then passed to Elliott in the
flat and the Bumper dove over.
Brieske made good his third
straight kick and the score read
Bump's Turn to Sparkle
In the second half it was Bump's
turn to lead a drive down the field.
This one went 84 yards and took
just eight plays. Thrice the 178
pound red head drove for 10 yards
run a crack and then reeled off a
beautiful 26 yard run to the In-
diana 12.
A fifteen yard penalty nullified
the play, but Chappuis hit Rif-
enburg with a 51 yard pass on the
See GROUND, Page 6
"U' Press Club
Elects Officers
J. E. Campbell, president and1
editor of the Owosso Argus-Press
was elected president of the Uni-
versity Press Club of Michiganr
at its final session yesterday.
Elected first vice-president was
Otto C. Pressprich, editor of the
Saginaw News, while Ink White,
editor of the Clinton County Re-
public News, in St. Johns, was
elected second vice-president. Ar-
thur L. Brandon, director of In-
formation Services at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, was re-elect-1
A cold front, accompanied by
high winds and snow in the upper George SzeI
middle west, brought an end Sat-
urday to the unseasonably warm L
fall all the way from the Rocky Leads C once
Mountains to the Atlantic and
from Canada to the Gulf. at Hil Todf
The snow and cold swept down
from the western mountains,
bringing freezing temperatures to George Szell will lead th
points as far south as Vicksburg, land Orchestra in the seco
Miss., and chilling the entire gulf cert in the Extra Concer
region clear to central Florida. at 7 p.m. today at Hill A
In Minnesota snow reached a im
depth of 13 inchesatInternational T . .oay ill
Falls. Nine inches fell at Duluth, The program will inc
while the twin cities of Minneap- Beethoven Seventh Syr
olis and St. Paul reported four Schumann's Symphony No
inches. Snow storms also occurred Strauss' Dance of the Bel
in the Rockies and the Dakotas, Salome.
and there were flurries throughoutm
the northern Great Lakes region. Szell, who made his Ne
Meanwhile, storm warnings re- debut in 1941 as guest cond
mained hoisted on the Great the NB)C Symphony Or
Lakes but the high seas were ex- was born in Budapest and
pected to diminish late Sunday. varied musical career in
The coldest spot in the nation before he came to the
Saturday was Dickinson, N.D., States.
which reported 11 above zero. Since his appointmenta
Here in Michigan the mercury ductor of the Cleveland Or
nosedived during the night, reach- Szell has enlarged the wc
ing the low thirties yesterday af- section and'strengtheneda
ternoon. Snow flurries were re- creased the string choir.
ported in several parts of the state Tickets for the concert.
and forecastors have given no hope obtained after 6 p.m. today
for a return of warm weather. Hill Auditorium Box Office.
e Cleve-
nd con-
1t Series
ude the
o. 4 and
ls from
w York
uctor of
dhad a
as con-
and in-
may be
y at the
Freezing Fans
Flaunt Flasks
Foe Funless
Soldiers, Newsmen
Guests of University
A shivering throng of nearly
86,000 yesterday saw the Mighty
Michigan Wolverines shatter. In-
diana 35 to 0.
The mercury took a dive shortly
after the game got underway, as
a chill wind sent the temperature
to the low thirties. And the sec-
ond sell-out throng of the season
got a taste of winter as the
wind whipped scattered snow
flakes across the field.
Flasks Appear
With cold weather in evidence
for the first time this year, the
time honored fire-water flask also
put in an appearance. However,
local police report little traffic in
inebriates. And local liquor stores
revealed that business had fallen
far below last week's sales which
were boosted by the influx of
homecoming alumni.
The lone, red-clad Indiana
cheerleader seemed to be the only
Hoosier rooter able to muster a
cheer after the Wolverine jugger-
naut started rolling. His exhorta-
tions failed to move the 2,400 sad-
dened Indian fans who made the
trek from Bloomington.
G.I. Guests
Special guests of the game to-
day were 80 hospitalized soldiers
from Percy Jones Hospital and 50
veterans from the VA center at
Fort Custer. The men were guests
of the University Athletic Asso-
ciation and the trip was spon-
sored by the Red Cross.
Jam Session
Will BeHeld
Beboppers to Appear
First Time in Public
The "Music Men of Mars," fea-
turing "be-bop" the new form of
jazz, will give a jam session from
3-6 p.m. today at the Masonic
The youthful group, whose aver-
age age is 20, are all accomplished
musicians, and include members
who have appeared on Detroit ra-
dio stations. This is their first
public performance as a group.
Joe Fee, University student
sponsoring the group's local ap-
pearance, explained that "be-bop"
is a more complicated-type ar-
rangement of jazz music. "The
difference between jazz and be-
bop is the difference between a
simple and a syhphonic arrange-
ment," he said.
Admission to the Jam Session
today is 25 cents.
Game Movies
freighter in tow and headed for
open water away from the reefs.
A second Coast Guard vessel,
the Mackinaw, bigger than the
Sundew, arrived later to aid her
small companion in the towing
GI Enrollment
Hits New High
DETROIT, Nov. 8-(JP)-A rec-
ord number of 132,116 Michigan
veterans of World War II are en-
rolled in educational institutions
First Issue of Flaming Gargs
To Meet Cold Snap Monday
ed ,secretary-treasurer.
"Ann Arbor ain't seen nothin'
yet," exclaimed Cumulus S. Iso-
bar, quondam traveling member
of the U.S. Weather Bureau, in an
exclusive interview with a large
tan Saint Bernard today. "Yester-
day's cold snap," he added, warm-
ing himself before a handy can-
can dancer in a downtown bistro,
campus, and, in my opinion, will
leave the University as a whole
colder than my great-aunt, Sara,
who weathered the bliz..ard of '88
in a shift and angora oarmuffs."
Reactions to this start ing pro-
nouncement were mixed when it
was made known at the Gargovle
Small Fry Add New Note to Cheers
Daily Special Writer
It's lost in the general confusion,
but there's been a new note in
be found in the married students'
section each week, ranging from
18 months till they're big enough
ta hnet ha fa srp z- n ih
the midget-size fans (potential
letter-men of 1967) who madly
clap their hands and lisp "yea,