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November 08, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-08

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SATURDlAY, NOV 8 $ , 194


4r 3ir'igu aril
Pi fty=Eighth Year

Citzen Iyrnes

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbel................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick..................General Manager
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman .........Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Lida Dailes..... .......... ......Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz ..................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent .........:.......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.................. Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal .................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to It or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Our Attitude

NO ONE who heard Mlle. Helene Barland
speak here Wednesday needed an addi-
tional reason for contributing to the World
Student Service Fund. We could not turn
down the call for help of the French youth,
suffering from ill-health and starvation, yet
trying to continue the common struggle for
better education.
A group, which can continue to study'
despite the obstacles of tuberculosis and
malnutrition in their way, is deserving of
every helping hand we can give them. Mlle.
Barland reported several good examples df
their courage. One woman student she
encountered ws expecting a child, yet con-
tinued to study. Her husband was in a vet-
erans hospital still sick from the wounds of
the war.
- When we compare the actions of the stu-
dents in Europe with those of Michigan, we
can well wonder about our attitudes towards
education. Fully realizing the extent of So-
cialism and Marxism in the world, the
French make .extensive studies of all polit-
ical philosophies, so that they will be pre-
pared to combat them when necessary. At
Michigan, students, who should have been
interested in understanding the teachings of
Marx, since it affects the capitalistic sys-
tem, used communistic tactics to silence
the Karl Marx Society.
French students are even represented po-
litically, by the National Student Union,
which is endeavoring to help them receive
enough food to live on, as well as defend
their interests before the'government. At the
University of Michigan, how many of us
even took time to vote in our own school
election? How many Detroiters participated
in the election at their home town?
There is an element of Communism in the
French student body, but there is in the
student, body at Michigan. And the over-
whelming majority of French students, to
quote a student interviewed by Mile. Bar-
land in Paris, think that nationalization
of industry in the socialist fashion is "lousy."
Yet the belief of French students in De-
mocracy has in no way soured their belief
in the future. To them, the one world of
Wendell Willkie is far from a dream. They
are determined to carry out the action of
the future necessary to world peace. For
that reason are they studying.
In France, in all the countries of Europe
and Asia, can we look our fellow students
in the face this day following WSSF and
campus election day and say that we are
with them? Can we say that Americans, too,
are confident of the eventual triumph of
the democratic system without the silencing
of our minorities, without resorting to the
weapons of Fascism and Communism, with
only the instruments of democracy for which
we fight? I wish that we could.
-Don McNeil.
Price of Progress
MRS LEISERING, whose house down at
the corner has been home to Daily edi-
tors longer than we can remember, was
cleaning a back shelf in a store closet last
week when she discovered an old, yellowed
calling card.
The card advertises "Crittenden Board-

WASHINGTON-A fierce struggle for se-
curity or for preeminence in our harshly
competitive society runs as a dominant
theme through the lives of most of us. When
we are abruptly dislodged from the foothold
we have managed to establish for ourselves,
the ramifications are likely to be severe.
Especially must this be true in the case
of men who, having breathed the tangy air
of power on the pinnacles of political em-
inence, find themselves suddenly down in
the crowded valley where the anonymous
multitudes dwell. Citizen James F. Byrnes,
formerly Secretary of State, is an inter-
esting case in point.
It must be a severe emotional strain for
Mr. Byrnes to watch the violent and often
unpredictable drama of international rela-
tions, knowing, while he watches, that as
the drama unfolds, history's evaluation of
his policies is slowly being written. And there
is nothing he can do about it.
Nothing, that is, except to write books
and make speeches in which he stanchly
defends his policies and takes pains to
point out how increasingly correct he
feels they are turning out to be.
Mr. Byrnes' policy, then and now, is neatly
summed up in his own much-used phrase
"patience and firmness." It is a policy which
is appealing on superficial examination. Af-
ter all, what more could be asked by those
who sincerely seek international peace and
cooperation, by anyone of any political
Robert A. Campbell
THE PASSING of Robert A. Campbell ends
a career of over 46 years of service to
the community and means the loss of a true
friend to the University, the student body,
and the city of Ann Arbor.
During the 20 years he served as treasurer
of the University, "Uncle Bob" Campbell
never allowed the complicated tasks of his
job to dominate his whole life. He became
celebrated as, a good friend and unofficial
advisor to students, and his interest in
civic affairs lasted long after his resignation
from the University in 1931.
To the day he' died at the age of 82,
"Uncle Bob's" house on Tappan Ave. was a
mecca for students and townsfolk who
sought his advice. Few ever came away with-
out a sincere respect for his sensible and up-
to-the-minute views and his deep interest
in other people.
-Harold Jackson, Jr.
Caesar Petrillo
MUSIC CZAR James .Caesar Petrillo has
once again laid down the law. The pres-
ident of the American Federation of Musi-
cians has ordered his musicians to produce
no more records after Dec. 31. According to
Mr. Petrillo, records are putting musicians
out of work and must therefore be elimi-
nated,. That is the only consideration. The
fact that over 600 radio stations in the
United States cannot afford their own or-
chestras and are wholly dependent upon
transcriptions is not considered by Mr. Pe-
trillo or is ignored by him. Once again, as so
often in the past, he chooses to disregard the
American people. It is true that as president
of his union it is his responsibility to look
out for the welfare of his musicians. But
that is not his only responsibility.
American labor unions have come of age.
Today all national acts and policies must be
considered in the light of what effect they
will have upon unions and union members.
The days when unions were small, militant
organizations fighting society has come to
an end. Today labor unions are an integral,
accepted part of our society. The brash, ir-
responsible acts of their early years could be
brushed away as the acts of a radical, inex-
perienced group.
Today unions are big business with full-

time, highly paid executives as leaders. La-
bor organizations must accept the responsi-
bilities of maturity. They must consider not
only the welfare of their own members, but
also of society in general. They must realize,
if they wish no more stringent restrictions
than those imposed by the Taft-Hartley Act,
that they cannot act as independent, self-
seeking pressure groups with a "public be
hanged" attitude. They cannot retain their
present power without accepting the respon-
sibilities commensurate with that power.
It is just this responsibility that Mr. Pe-
trillo is failing to accept. Five years ago Mr.
Petrillo banned production of records for 27
months. That bit of strategy forced the
record companies to pay the AFM yearly
royalties on all recordings (amounting last
year to $2,000,000). However, the Taft-Hart-
ley Act bans payment of royalties, so Mr.
Petrillo is looking for another loophole. The
Lea Act outlawing the coercion of studios
into hiring standing orchestras and agreeing
to other featherbedding tactics has success-
fully passed a recent Supreme Court test.
Hence -the belligerent president of the AFM
has recently suffered a double setback.
Petrillo undoubtedly has a problem in try-
ing to protect the jobs of his musicians in
the face of increased record and transcrip-
tion sales. But the dire threat to the musi-

But Mr. Byrnes, who is earnest and
honest, makes one clear but unspoken as-
sumption which, I think, is the key to our
foreign policy failures both now and when
he was Secretary of State. In his latest
speech, he amplified his request for pa-
tience with an eloquent plea for American
tolerance toward the Russians. But both
"patience" and "tolerance"-particularly
the way Mr. Byrnes has used the words
and the way he conducted his foreign
policy-presuppose that we are always
in the right, that our position on inter-
national questions is never in error, and
that the whole problem is a matter of
waiting for the bad little boys to see
things our way.
It is this attitude which, now even more
than when Mr. Byrnes was in office, con-
tributes to an international situation in
which we and the Russians seem to be com-
peting in a campaign of stubbornness and
inflexibility. Russian policy is often very
difficult for Americans to understand and
cope with, but that is no excuse for us to
be utterly self-righteous and refuse to exam-
ine the merits of our own attitudes. It is this
approach to our foreign policy which not
only hinders the achievement of interna-
tional harmony but also helps to produce
the political atmosphere at home in which
"loyalty" to the nation becomes nearly
equivalent to unswerving ag ement with our
government's policies.
If we criticize Russia's conduct in occu-
pied areas, then we must look sharply into
our own occupation behavior-particularly
in Korea, where there are reports, from
American correspondents, of U.S. support
of reactionary groups, and reports of tol-
erance, if not backing, of terrorist activities
against leftist segments. If we decry Russian
interference in her neighboring countries,
then we must make absolutely sure no polit-
ical strings are attached to our aid to West-
ern Europe. If we criticize civil rights viola-
tions in eastern Europe, then we must erad-
icate transgressions against civil rights in
our own country.
At Hill Auditorium
OPEN CITY, with Aldo Fabrizi, Marcello
Pagliero, and Anna Magnani.
By WAY of contrast with the current
vogue for advancing the prices of cer-
tain potboilers, it is interesting to know
that you can see an excellent picture on
campus at popular rates. The picture is
Open City, a film which was hastily assm-
bled in Rome just six months after the Nazis
had evacuated that city. It is the story of the
tragic goings-on in occupied Rome, and
especially of a liberation movement led by
a strange pair-a Catholic priest and a
Communist organizer. These parts are played
respectively by Aldo Fabrizi and Marcello
Pagliero, whose performances, as well as
those of nearly every other member of the
cast, are rendered with a rare, if not relig-
ious, sincerity.
Many of the incidents which are portrayed
were based upon actual happenings, and
were filmed, in several instances on the spot
of their occurrence. Consequently, the film
is intensely realistic, bordering on the docu-
mentary. At the same time, it somehow man-
ages to preserve the moving qualities of
pure drama.
-Kenneth Lowe.

IN THE MIDDLE of making an important
point about Thomas Jefferson, our Ameri-
can History professor was interrupted by an
explosion outside. Hallowe'en firecrackers,
we surmised, or maybe just a car backfiring.
The professor took a firmer grip on his
lectern and started all over only to be jarred
by a second explosion.
"Must be an enemy of the people," he
* * * *
ZANY COEDS don't seem t~o surprise peo-
ple any more. The girl who was seen
lugging a football up the steps of Angell
Hall evoked only the professional com-
ment, "Maybe she's taking it up to the
speech department to get it blown up."
HE SIGHT of two little boys playing with
a football in the Arboretum is probably
as common as any other sight in the Arbore-
tum. But there was something special about
the pint-size tailbacks we saw in the Arb
the other day. It was the numerals they had
painstakingly drawn on their sweatshirts.
Identically, they were "49."

Safe Form uila
the best safeguard against a
new German or German-Russian
attack on civilization. The Soviet
Union is not now and will not
t :or many years in a position!
to wage war alone on the demo-t
cratic world. With a united and
rehabilitated Germany as its ally.
it might well be able to do so
in less time than our Germany-
Firsters believe. Once the allied
troops pull out, God help us!
For this reason, we may hope
that the coming Germany con-
ference to open in London late
this month will end in the dead-
lock that means permanent di-
vision. For-as ex-Secretary ofl
State Jimmy Byrnes warns in
his recent book, "Speaking
Frankly" - some important
Americans are willing to go to#
war with Russia in defense of
German integrity. To prevent
this sort of nonsense, official di-
vision of Germany is essential.
As long predicted, the Germans1
are already showing their ugly
teeth again. Increasing defiance of
British and American war victorst
is reported all along the line. The
well-known German tactics of
bluster-and-whine are already in1
full swing. In Collier's Magazine,a
Sigrid Schultz, unquestionably one
of the greatest American author-
ities on contemporary Germany,]
describes how the Germans are
already hoping for and actually
planning a new war. The Nazis
and nationalists are planning a
come-back either with the democ-
racies or with the Soviet Union.
Apparently they do not much
mind which side they are on so
long as a third world war offersE
them a new opportunity to recoup
their war losses and emerge as
the dominant power in Europe. In
1944 Miss Schultz published a re-
markable book, "Germany Will
Try It Again." Now she reports
from first-hand observation that
Germany is trying it again.
Division of Germany along
the present demarcation lines
will frustrate any such German]
scheme. For a divided Germany
can serve neither as an Amer-
ican nor a Russian pawn. The1
two halves will cancel each otherI
For this reason, it seems to me,
the Marshall Plan must utilize the]
Ruhr, not as a pivot in the plan
of European rehabilitation but as'
a storehouse to be freely tapped
for western Europe's benefit.
This means giving control
over the Ruhr not to Nazi-mind-
ed and politically undependable
Germans but to a democratic
consortium. This should consist
not merely of the U.S. and Brit-
ain, two countries which never
experienced German military
pillage and domination, but also
of France, Belgium and the
Netherlands, the three ountries
most directly interested.
The scandalous farce of Amer-
icans and Britishers solemnly tell-
ing western Europeans how much
they "need Germany" must stop.
A further necessary step is ac-
tually aiding France, Belgium
and the Netherlands to build up
their steel, aluminum and chem-
ical industries at Germany's ex-
pense, thus permanently chang-
ing the industrial balance of Eu-
With Germany divided, the
Ruhr under international super-
vision, Germany's resources at the
command of Germany's victims
and the European industrial struc-
ture basically shifted, then only

can Germany be helped to what-
ever extent is necessary, without
Until these measures are car-
ried out, any Anglo-American
efforts to rehabilitate western
Germany to a pre-war status
will meet the most stubborn op-
position. Not only on the part
of the Frenchmen, Belgians and
Dutchmen (whom our Ger-
many-Firsters perversely insist
on treating worse than they
treat our ex-enemies). Opposi-
tion on the part of Americans
like Sigrid Schultz and this
writer and Lord Vansittart in
We who accurately predicted
Germany's second onslaught on
civilization and whose warnings,
if heeded, would have prevented,
all the horror and destruction of
World War II, are stubbornly de-
termined to prevent, if we can, the
Jimmy Byrnes, General Clays and
Ambassador Murphys from re-
building the German Franken-
stein a second time.
With all the gravity of which
we are capable, we call on the
American people:
"Do not allow the same sort of
Americans who built up Germany
for World War II to build up
Germany for World War III."
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance. Inc.)I



Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hal, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 am. Sat-
SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1947
VOL. LVII, No. 41
Extra Concert Series Ushers:
Report at 6:15 p.m. for the concert
Sunda*, Nov. 9.
Principal-Freshman Confer-
ence: The annual Principal-Fresh-
man Conference will take place on'
Thursday, Nov. 13. Instructors of
classes which include freshmen
are requested not to schedule
bluebooks for the morning of Nov.
13 in order that freshmen may be
available for conferences with
their high school principals.
School of Busines Administra-
tion: Students from other schools
and colleges intending to apply for
spring admittance should secure
application forms in 108 Tappan
Hall as soon as possible.
School of Education Testing Pro-
gram: Students who took the tests
Thursday, Oct. 16, may obtain the
results in Rm. 1439, U.E.S., Sat., 10
a.m.-12 noon. An explanatory
manual is available for each stu-
dent. Consultation can be arrang-
ed with education staff members
or with the personnel officer if the
student so wishes.
Note: The counseling question-
naire must be returned before the
scores can be obtained.
Senior and Graduate Engineers:
Mr. R. L. Dale of Standard Oil
Company will interview students
for overseas employment, Tues.,
Nov. 11, in Rm. 249, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Students may sign the
interview schedule posted on the
bulletin board at Rm. 221, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
Senior Engineers - June Grad-
uates: A number of openings will
be available to June graduates for
Junior Professional Assistant in
the 7th Region, Illinois, Wisconsin.
and Michigan, U.S. Civil Service
Examination for these openings
will be held in Ann Arbor on Dec.
6. Applications to take the exam-
BEFORE Nov. 12. Consult your
Department placement officer for
further information and applica-
tion forms.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Sister
Mary Edgar Meyer, Romance Lan-
guages (Spanish); thesis: "Sources
of 'La Cristiada'," Sat., Nov. 8,
Seminar Room 308, Library, 10
a m. Chairman, I. A. Leonard.
The Graduate Aptitude Exam-
ination is required of all graduate
students who have not had the
Graduate Record Examination or
the Graduate Aptitude Examina-
tion before.
Theexamination will be held at
6:30 p.m., Nov. 19, Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
The fee for the examination is
$2.00. Each student must buy an
examination ticket at the Cash-
ier's office and present a receipt
in the office of the Graduate
School at least three days prior to
the examination.The student will
be given a receipt to keep which
will be his admission to the exam-

Veterans will have a yellow Sup-
ply Requisition signed in the
Graduate School office before go-
ing to the Cashier's office. This
will permit the purchase of an
examination ticket to be covered
by Public Law 346 or 16.
Graduate students are reminded
that courses dropped after noon
of Nov. 15 will be recorded with
the grade of E. Courses dropped
prior to this date will be listed as
dropped but no grade will appear.
Chemistry 55-169E: Students in
the second half of the accelera-
ted laboratory program will report
as follows for assignment to desks
and for a preliminary discussion.
Section D-M,W,F - Monday,
Nov. 10, 1 p.m., Rm. 400.
Section E-T. Th - Thursday,
Nov. 13, 1 p.m., Rm. 151.
Classical Representations Sem-
inar: Mon., Nov. 10, 4:15 p.m., Rm.
3010, Angell Hall. Mr. Arnold
Shapiro will speak.
Physical Chemistry Seminar.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (wthicht is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writes only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Wistert Did Play
To the Editor:
AFTER Checking through The
Michigan Daily bound edition
of 1939 and confering with Wally
Weber, coach of the freshman
football squad, who originally told
the story, it has been proved that
Al Wistert did play on the varsity
squad in 1939. I refer Mr. Bruce
Theunissen to an article printed
in the issue of Tuesday, Oct. 17,
1939 in which Wistert is cited for
his line play in practice.
-Beverly Bussey.
* * *
WSSF Drive
To the Editor:
A FLOP IS ABOUT the best
thing to call the WSSF drive.
It's not the fault of the commit-
tee; two committees would not
have done better. It's the fault of
the campus. The trouble is not so
much that the drive has fallen
short of the goal, but that in doing
so it demonstrates the terrific self-
ishness and unbelievable short-
sightedness of Michigan students.
Here they receive some of the
finest training that is offered any-
where, many without paying for it.
In Europe and Asia there is still
not enough equipment to go
around. Here students, who are
well fed by world standards, ob-
ject to the food they are given.
Elsewhere they do without, and
many have to be sent to sanitoria
and rehabilitation centers to re-
build their bodies. Here man after,
man gives a dime or a quarter
(if he gives at all) and, you hear
such remarks as "then I gave too
much." Students in Norway, Den-
mark, the Netherlands, and Bel-
gium still have little, and two
years ago they were receiving aid
yet they can give.
Can we not see that no teach-
ing is worthwhile unless everyone
in the world has a chance at an
education? How do these dime and
two-bit people figure they can live
in a world half enlightened, half
darkened? How can we, a nation
which has so much, live in the
same world with people who have
so little- Could Egypt? Could Per-
sia? Could Rome? It can't be done.
It's been demonstrated time after
time th'at it can't be done. The
only difference between long ago

- . .°'°'ti

and now is that then cultures
evolved slowly; now the future
comes driving down upon us al-
most before we know it....
The tag days are over but the
drive is not. You can show your
concern for the future of educa-
tion throughout the world by
sending your contributions to Lane
Hall or the Associate Dean of Stu-
dent's office any time of the year.
Don't forget that you'll not just
be giving to someone you'll never
see. It will be one of the soundest
investments you will ever make
in your own future and the fu-
ture of those you love.
-Don Ervin.
Lack of Manners
To the Editor:
tended the opening of Thorn-
ton Wilder's fine play "Our
Town," at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Larry Darling, Marcella
Kraft and company turned in an
exceptional performance. In short,
it was a perfect evening except
for one ,thing-the audience. Not
only did the usual portion (about
10 or 15 per cent) arrive late,
some almost 15 minutes after
curtain time, but their behavior
after they arrived displayed an
amazing lack of taste.
At the close of the second act
some of the most important lines
in the whole play were spoiled for
most of us by the idiotic giggling
on the part of a few score boobs-
there is no other word to de-
scribe them-who seemed to think
that the production was intended
to be a comedy. Also, at the open-
ing of the third act, the entire
mood which a group of silent
players were trying to convey was
shattered by the insipid titters
of approximately a quarter of the
It must have been a trifle dis-
- appointing to the players to say
nothing of those really anxious to
experience the play, for their act-
ing to be so lightly regarded.
Mention has recently been made
on this page of the poor classroom
manners exhibited by University
students. What happened Wednes-
day night was just a more ob-
vious manifestation of a pitiful
deficiency-the plain lack of com-
mon good manners among the col-
lege generation of today. If these
individuals did not have the in-
tellectual maturity to grasp what
was going on up on the stage, they
at least, could have had the com-
mon decency to refrain from spoil-
ing the production for the rest.
Better yet they could have stayed
away entirely, and saved their
pennies for a circus in Detroit
this winter.
-Dave Thomas




Letters to the Editor...

Mon., Nov. 10, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303,
Chemistry bldg. Prof. V. Scho-
maker, of the California Institute
of Technology, will speak on "Re-
cent Electron Diffraction Studies
of Molecular Structure". All in-
terested are invited.
Physical Education - Women
Students: Women's physical edu-
cation classes for the indoor sea-
son will begi on Mon., Nov. 10.
Any late regis ration must be done
before that time.
The University Musical Society
will present the Cleveland Or-
chestra, George Szell, conductor,
in the Extra Concert Series, Sun-
day, Nov. 9, 7 p.m., Hill Auditor-
ium. Maestro Szell will play the
following program: Schumann
Symphony No. 4; Strauss' Dance of
the Seven Veils from "Salome";
and the Beethoven Symphony No.
A limited number of tickets are
still available daily at the offices
of the University Musical Society
in Burton Memorial Tower; and
after 6 o'clock Sunday in the Hill
Auditorium box office.
String Orchestra, under the di-
rection of Gilbert Ross, will pre-
sent a program of 17th and 18th
century music at 8:30 p.m., Tues.,
Nov. 11, Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. Norma Swinney Heyde, so-
prano, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will
appear as soloists. The concert
will be open to the general public
without charge.
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild: Open
house, after the game at the Guild
Gamma Delta, Luthern Student
Club: Open House; after the game
at the student center, 1511 Wash-
Unitarian Student Group: Meet
at the First Unitarian Church,

1917 Washtenaw, at 7:30 p.m. for
a hayride. The group returns to
the Church by 9:30 for refresh-
ments and social activities. Due
to the concert, there will be neith-
er meeting nor vesper services
Sunday evening.
Coming Events
Economics Club: Mon., Nov. 10,
7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
"The Originality of John Maynard
Keynes," by Dr. James W. Long-
ley of the economics department.
Business administration and eco-
nomics staff and graduate stu-
dents are invited.
Art Cinema League and the
I.R.A. present Maxim Gorky's
"The Lower Depths" (Les Bas-
Fonds) with Jean Gabin and Louis
Jouvet. French dialogue, English
titles. Also "Does It Matter What
You Think?" Sunday and Monday,
Nov. 9 and 10. Kellogg Auditor-
ium (Dental School). Tickets on
sale at University Hall 10 to 12
noon and 1 to 2 p.m.
Group for the Study of Social
Issues: Dr. Cenak Adamec and
Dr. Ivan Vid.en, of the Czechoslo-
vakian Institute of Public Opin-
ion, will speak on the development
of public opinion polls in Czecho-
slovakia. 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall Li-
brary Room, Sun., Nov. 9.
Dr. Cenek Adamec and Mr. Ivan
Viden of the Czechoslovakian In-
stitute of Public Opinion will
speak at 2 p.m., Mon., Nov. 10,
Kellogg Auditorium; auspices of
the Survey Research Center. The
subject of their discussion will- be
Public Opinion Polls in Czecho-
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Sun., Nov. 9, 8 p.m., Michigan
League Ballroom. The public is



Conversation Group,
IHispaniea: Meet Mon., 3
International Center.

to 5 p.m.,

,'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Presents: An Evening of Jewish
Music, featuring claissical, folk,
liturgical, and Palestinian record-
ings, Sun., 8 p.m. Refreshments.
All inviter



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