PAETWO, _ v THE IIICHIC .N la lty 'SiAT URD AY , NO EAMER 8, 1947 T~lEMICIGA fy..z .__ _._.. OV lWlER DR. KERR SAYS: Poor Care of Teeth During Exams Invites Trenchmouth Don't neglect your toothbrush when cracking the books for finals, or you might easily end up with trenchmouth, according to Dr. Donald A. Kerr of the school of dentistry. "As we go along with our usual treatment of Vincent's Infection, commonly known as trench- mouth," he said, "the percentage of cases seems to jump during ex- amination periods."' Former Justice Plunges to Death ATLANTA, Nov. 7-(IP)-Charles S. Reid, 49, former Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, plunged to death from a down- town office building today. 'March of Time' Film Will Be Shown Tonight "Gracias Amigos," a March of Time film narrated by Lowell Thomas which tells of the contri- butions made by South America to the war, will be shown at 8 p.m. tonight at the International Cen- ter. The program is open to the pub- lic. Dr. Kerr pointed out that low students during examination per- iods, can lead to bleeding gums resistance, characteristic among when that condition is superim- posed on improper care of the teeth. Trenchmouth is a gum in- fection which results from these unhealthy conditions and poor health habits. Dr. Harold W. Held, of the Health Service, says that although poor oral hygiene is the forerunner of trenchmouth, it is also neces- sary to investigate for partially- erupted wisdom teeth, faulty fill- ings, and poor bridgework, since these are common zones of infec- tion. Dr. Peelor Will Give Medical Series Speech Dr. Robert A, Peelor, of the Un- iversity Hospital, will speak on the causes, effects and control of obesity in a radio address at 2:30 p.m. Monday over Station WKAR in one of the University's "Medical Series" broadcasts. Development of Upper Peninsula Discussed . DETROIT, Nov. 7.-('P)-A pro- gram designed to attract addi- tional industries to the state's Up- per Peninsula area was discussed today by federal officials and the Michigan Economic Development Commission. Commission spokesmen said that the state group will have com- pleted its regional survey by Jan. Amish Officers Forced To End SocialBoycott Farmer Is Awarded $5,000 inDamages WOOSTER, O., Nov. 7-(AP)-A common pleas court jury today awarded a 33-year-old Amish farmer $5,000 in damages after he contended four church officials had imposed an Amish "mite" or boycott against him and that he had been socially ostracized the past five years. In addition, Judge Walter J. Mougey granted an injunction re- straining the four churchmen from imposing any boycotts against Andrew J. Yoder which would deny him the right of re- ligious liberty or cut him off from any social or business relations with his fellow church members. The jurors, nine men and three women, reached a unanimous ver- dict after deliberating an hour and 25 minutes. Yoder testified a boycott was imposed after he transferred his membership from the Helmuth district church to the more liberal Bunker Hill district congregation. He explained he made the trans- fer because he wanted to buy an automobile to transport his invalid daughter for medical treatment. Regulations of the Helmuth church forbid ownership or oper- ation of an automobile. His neighbors refused to have any dealings with him after the ban was announced, and its effects made him feel "like a whipped dog," he added. III ial Dutch Books Are oii Display In U' Library Exhibit (.e'ebrates (t]entury of Settleinent "Contributions of the Nether- lands to Western Culture" is the theme of tie current exhibit in, the main lobby of the General Li-) brary. Celebrating a century of Dutch settlement in Michigan, the exhib- it ranges from Erasmus to volumes on Mathematics.- Portrays Progress1 The exhibit, portraying the pro- gress made in the Low Countries because of religious toleration, was arranged by Miss Ella M. Hymans of the library staff and Prof. Al- bert Hyma, of the history depart- ment. Prof. Hyma. who was born in the Netherlands, and is an author- ity on Erasmus, has contributed several books to the collection. Two of the volumes loaned by Prof. Hyma were printed by the Pilgrim Fathers in Leyden and bear their imprint. There are only three such books in existence that have this imprint. Pamphlet Collection Evidence of the University's in- terest in Dutch history is shown by the collection of original Dutch Historical Pamphlets which, in size and importance, is surpassed only by that in the Royal Library at the Hague. Because of this interes* the Dutch Historical Commission has presented the University with sev- eral large sets dealing with Dutch history. DEBATING SOCIETY: British House of Lords Faces Drastic Reduction of Power __ LONDON, Nov. 7.--P--Britain's proud House of Lords. once the seat of the nation's princes of privilege, may be reduced soon to little more than an exclusive club for paupers in legislative power. Prime Minister Clement Attlee's Labor government has served no- tice of its intention to strip more power from the peers in an avowed move to protect the party's broad nationalization program. Centuries of Transition Behind the latest move lies 10 centuries of transition-the as- cendancy of the king to a rule of sword under William the Con- queror, the rise and fall of the baron's power, the gradual emer- Directories Are on Sale In Publications Building 'aStudent Directories are now on sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, at the main business office of the Student Publications Building, ac- cording to Bill Zerman, directory sales manager. gence of the House of Commons as the country's controlling au- thority, Inseparable, too from the new step are hard questions involving the ideological tug-o-war between the right and the left: those of practical politics and parliamen- tary strategy. Formal Disclosure Ironically, it fell to King George VI-himself the symbol of heredi- tary rights-to disclose formally the intent of the government to curtail the peers' authority. He did it in 10 words in reading to Parliament the opening message prepared for him by Attlee and his cabinet: "Legislation will be introduced to amend the Parliament Act, 1911." Attlee promptly made it clear that the first step, at least, will mean a reduction from twouyears to one in the time the House of Lords can delay final passage of legislation which has been passed by the House of Commons,. 4 American Veterans Committee Presents RED FEATHER BENEFIT SHOWING 4 ROYAL TRIBUTE TO BRITAIN'S WAR DEAD--Princess Eliza- beth plants a small white cross in the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, London, as her fiance, Lieut. Philip Mount- batten, waits his turn to offer his tribute to Britain's war dead. Equal Par Ruled for Negro Teachers SERVING HOURS: 11 A.M.-1:30 P.M. 5-7 P.ML- "Known for Good Food" The TAVERN CAFETERIA 338 Maynard Street 4 NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 7-(N)- Federal Judge Wayne G. Borah ruled today that Negro school' teachers must be paid the same salaries as white teachers of equ qualifications. He said Negroes had been deni equal protection under law. Fine Foods and Light Lunches- I! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Delicious HomeMade Chili Home Made Donuts and Genuine Danish Pastry- L Orders Taken for Danish Birthday Pretzel and Napoleons I Corn Beef and Cabbage Every Thursday' W DUGOUT CAFETERIA Y2 Block East of the Engine Arch 1121 South University Avenue Phone 2-1669 -- C Its TNT! B It's TERRIFIC! it's TUESDAY, Nov.11 B It's {S B tthe A PHIHARMONIC S For the U. of Mich. Fresh Air Camp F IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO GET A DATE T Coninuous from 1 P.M. Last Times Today T WILLIAM ELLIOTT { VERA RALSTON "WYOMING STARTS SUNDAY LIMITED ENGAGEMENT - ONE WEEK ONLY NATIONAL PRICE POLICY Weekdays 90 to 5 P.M. - Sun. and Eve's $1.25 g.'ti"; .vm} .;i. .. a.w. :*^s . .!!.. . : *v~y ': .{.* r"Y;p~~c. ^ . \;v.'*f,~^ C«?T;..nA'fv ..' *N*'DAVID 0. SELZNICK .., Anndounes thte. ~' O AT4ECHNICOL0R podua.sp . .: v:; : ?? YM1 WANTED TO RENT IKE MUSIC? If you have a spare room in vicinity of Stockwell, we'll serenade you daily. Must have room in which to practice. Call Joyce at 2-4471, 4529. )90 PANTED: Apartment or light house- keeping rooms or sleeping room for January - furnished or unfurnished. Married veteran, wife, both second year students at U. of M. 18514 Whit- comb Ave., Det. 19, Mich. Call VE- 64736 collect. )108 FOR SALE rIRL'S Columbia lightweight balloon bicycle. Excellent condition. 2-8294 or 607 E. Ann, Apt. 3 after 5 p.m. )102 FOR RENT WANTED ROOM for rent for male student. 623 AGENTS Wanted-Lucrati West Huron. , )105 ity. Liberal commission legiate items. Average $5 ed I n- ol- ur. 50 ow me ate )3 :ro- >ra,- Prof. Burt Is New Editor of Journal Prof. William H. Burt, of the Museum zoology department, has been appointed editor of the "Journal of Mammalogy," a quar- terly magazine published by the American Society of Mammalo- gists. The magazine, founded in 1919, is the only journal in North Amer- ica devoted entirely to articles on mammals. Prof. Burt will assume his dut- ies with the publication's next is- sue, February, 1948. I ve opportu selling c 5.00 ber hog MORE THTC EXCELENTi, tax incl. Tsr onight, 8:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM EVERY TICKET A RED FEATHER CONTRIBUTION! All profits pledged to Community Chest by University AVC Citizens First Veterans Second I THIZZER MOTOR BIKE. New! Best ' ' Yi' N offer in 3 days! Must sell! Call 2- ses, 8250. Come 1113 Packard. )12 letter ice, 2 AUSCH & LOMB monocular micro- WANTE scope. High-low oil immersion lens, altera 5-10 ocular, mechanical stage. Call Divisi 2-7636. )106 HOOVE 3EAUTIFUL BLACK ALL SILK crepe sales. floor-length dinner or evening dress. Fors High sophisticated style. Size 16. Taylo Telephone 2-2334. )7 - ANNOU WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS: four shop. for $9.00. Pajamas: three for $10.00. be lo Best buy in town. Phone Arnold, Cust 8768. )33 stylin phone UPER OLDS TRUMPET in good con- dition. All leather case. Mel, phone L 8177. ) 58____ UICK SUPER SEDAN. Excellent con- FOUND dition. Recently overhauled. Phone, Unior 2-7265, evenings. )57LOST- LL COLORS canaries and parakeets, 10:00 finches. Bird supplies and cages. 562 pleas South Seventh. Call 5330. )40 Rewa rEBSTER WIRE RECORDER, phone LOST: Carl Brownell, 4141 between 6 and 7 Cortl p.m. )81 retur Phon IZE 6% lady's riding boots and rub- ber boots. Also classical records. Ph. MY W 2-7497. )24 tainir ticket OR SALE: Set of tails. Formal top Call( coat. Size 38. 823 Brown, or call 5293. ward. )95I FOUND ABLECLOTHS, aprons, bridge table with covers, colorful patterns in dirt-proof may] plastic. Ideal for gifts. 2-4270, eve- 4295. nings. )38 LOST: EN'S SCHWINN CONTINENTAL bike. card, Call Bob Zinn, 2-2565 meal times or nans evenings. )26 LOST: WO FORMALS, size 14. Practically pou new. Reasonable. Call 4058 after 6. man )87 5553. S for colored students, 144 East er. Phone 2-4070. )75; FOR RENT. Male student. 5 s from campus. 813 E. Kingsley. )88 ING ROOMS-Clean, steam-heat- ingle or double. 15 minutes to >us walking. On bus line. 840 Huron. )18 3USINESS SERVICES G: Alterations and repairs. Miss, gston, 315 South Division. )53 G: Theses, term papers, addres- etc. Duplicating: notices, form s, programs. A2 Typing Serv- 08 Nickels Arcade, 9811. )30 ED: Sewing, dress making and ations. Miss Livingston, 315 S. pion. 2 rings. )82 R SPECIALIST, SERVICE and Buy through Goodyear store. service call A. A. 2-0298. W. O. or, 1612 Brooklyn, Ann Arbor.)32 UNCING the opening of our new After November first we will cated at 109? East Washington, om clothes, alterations and re- ng. The Hildegarde Shop. Tele- e 2-4669. .)5 LOST AND FOUND tickets to game. Call at Mich. n pool room up to noon Sat. )103 -Cashmere Paisley Kerchief Fri., a.m. in Angell Hall. Finder e contact Boots Kaliman 2-5587. rd. )104 Qn Illinois student train one and wrist watch. Finder please n to Richard Allen, 806 Hill St. e 8612. Reward. )36 ALLET MISSING. Wallet con- ig pertinent ID and football ts, Section 24, row 60, seat 27. George Whitehorne, 2-2565. Re- )46 D: One star-shaped earring set rhinestones in Union. Owner have for price of ad. Call Gary (73 Wallet. Brown pigskin, I.D. discharge papers. Walt Poz- ki, 2-3169: Reward. )25 Demuth gold dot pipe and ;h. Personal value. Reward. Nor- Kroll, 209 Vaughan House, 2- )89 ial pre-Detroit magnificent comedy performances :tengill Auditorium, e Molnar famous rable Bolingbroke Second" will live Starred with Keith his character- ductions as "Saint Joan." atricia Moore and alluring Ilona. ive you the same 2-7265 evenings. WIFE OF STUDENT living at Will Village would like full or part ti work related to dietetics. GraduE dietician. Box 29, Michigan Daily.) S.O.S. Must rent or buy good mica scope. Will trade Mercury II cane: 3.5 lens, or will buy for cash. C Fred Nichols, 319 Winchell, W. QuE Phone 2-4401.) REAL ESTATE , 3 ACRES and new house. Living roo kitchen 2 bedrooms and bath on floor. Full basement, oil heat. P session at once. NEW WATER FRONT COTTAGE. L ingtroom,skitchen, 2 bedrooms, ba Water system. Can be easily ma into year-around home. ImmediE possession. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION for seve homes. 40 acres, including 15 aci fine woods. 7 miles from Universi paved roads all the way. This is unusual opportunity for several fa ilies tossecuretlarge building sites the cost of lots in town. Be sure investigate this property. Oril F guson, 928 Forest Ave., Ann Arb Phone 2-2839. a ad )m is rn a ity m f0 'e )O t11 "d. 84 n, s- e- h. le al es ! L - mmm d Musical Supplies REEDS - STRINGS We carry VAN DORN REEDS Complete Musical Repair PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 209 E. Washington Ph. 8132 F--.:- *4 When you dine at The Allenel Hotel The flavor of good food and prompt efficient service comined with the quiet atmos there of our dinin, HELP WANTED JAZZ Tenor Sax Man needs rhythm sec tion. Piano, bass men, and drummer Call Mickey, 7626. ) STEADY EMPLOYMENT: The tel phone company extends you a cordi. invitation to investigate the oppo tunities offered in telephone opera ing for women. We will train youa a regular starting wage followed b frequent increases. Apply 3211 Washington St. ) STOCK AND COUNTER MAN: Stead work, must be dependable and reliabb A job with a future, automotive part and accessories. A-L Battery Electr Service, 529 So. Main St. Ph. 2-2517)4 SALESLADY - Experienced or willin to learn ready to wear. Full tim Apply the Budget Shop, 611 Ea Liberty St., Mrs. Randall. ) MICHIGAN STRANGE! STARTLING! AMAZING! no roonts Provide yon with the necessities o f a successful Art Cinema Leagle to and IRA present dinner party. We cater to private parties as well as T- r MAXIM GORKY'S small dinner engagements. 86 HE LOWER D H E TCall Today for Reservations' DEPTHS s. Jean Gabin Louis Jouvet 98 Suzy Prim e- Sun., Mon., Nov. 9, 10 al 8:30 P.M. t- Admission 50c (tax mcl.) at y Kellogg Auditorium 126 EAsT HURON Phone 4241 E. (Dental School) 77 ty e. is 'ic 45 te. 83 THAT THE AT DFA Ct' ARE DDIiC ft4 I I Dramatic Guild presents a spec showing of Ferenc Molnar's r "The Play's the Thing." Threep only, Nov. 6, 7 and 8 at Path Ann Arbor High School. Appearing in the play that made will be Ian Keith whose memo in Maurice Evans' "Richard the in the history of the theatre. is Joseph Macaulay, famed for izations in such original pro "Life with Father" and Shaw's Blonde and beautiful Pa plays the part of the seductivea Together they combine to gi - -- - ._ l- I I