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November 08, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-08

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Boy s'



Underdog Indiana Given
Little Chance for Upset
With six ball games down and three to go for an unbeaten season,
Fritz Crisler will send his big, bad Wolverines after Bo McMillin's
"pore little boys" at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
Predictions from those in the know figure that Michigan has
little to worry about as they go after their eleventh straight win, but
as usual, members of the Underdog Club have come up with numerous
and sundry reasons why Indiana could produce an upset today.
Taliaferro's Talents
Reasons one through twenty center around the person of one
Mr. George Taliaferro. Currently leading the Big Nine in total offense,
the Gary Galloper can make a football do just about everything except
sit up and bark. He punts, he pases, lie runs, he catches. In fact, there
hasn't been a team that's been able to hold him under a 100 yards
per game all year.
Ohio State bottled him up on the ground last week and held
him to a four yard rushing net. so Mr. 'I' took to the air and completed
five passes for 115 yards to keep his record intact. All told he has
racked un 687 yards this season which is more than Indiana's six
foes have been able to amass either in the air or on the ground.
Pointing Team
Then there is the wily Mr. McMillin to contend with. A past
See INDIANA, Page 3


BIG INCH FOR BIG SIX POINTS--Illinois' Russ Steger blasts over from the goal line to notch the
tying touchdown, in Michigan's 14-7 revenge victory over the Illini last Saturday.

ALLEY INTO TOUCHDOWN LANE-Little Hank Fonde driving for the Wolverines' winning touch-
down against the Illini last Saturday. The 165-pounder, blasting like a fullback, bolted through this
huge hole, provided by the Michigan forward wall. Dick Eddleman, left, moved into his path, but
Fonde ran over him into the end zone. The Michigan blocker at the right is Ed McNeil.

See Page 4





Latest Deadline in the State


Tax Cut Issue
Is By-Passed
Knutson Expects
Eventual Passage
By The Associated Press
Republican high command side-
tracked the $4,000,000,000 ta:
slashing bill temporarily today bu
it will get a baigh b ll &agn oi
the legislative mainline in Jan-
Chairman Knutson (R-Minn.)
of the House Ways and Mean:
Committee, author and ardent ad.
vocate of the bill, told reporters
after a conference with Speaker
Martin (R,-Mass.), "I rather ex-
pect the bill will go over to Jan-
He emphasized, however, that
when he does introduce the bill
it will stipulate that the tax slash
for 48,800,000 individual taxpayers
be effective January 1, 1948-tht
same date in the measure he hac
hoped to press through at the spe-
cial session of Congress beginning
Nov. 17.
Q Knutson, who had been plug-
ging for the tax action ahead of
foreign aid legislation, called on
Martin after Martin told report-
ers it was his "personal inclina-
tion" to postpone the tax bill until
the regular session. The speaker
said he believed Congress would
not have time to take up the tax
issue at the session called by
President Truman to deal with
foreign aid and inflation control
Food Charges
Will Be Aired
Committee To Hear
East Quad Petitions.
The East Quad Council has ap-
pointed a food committee to con-
sider student complaints on quad
food, president John Campbell an-
nounced last night.
The committee will meet with
residence halls dieticians to in-
vestigate charges that food pre-
paration and service in the quads
is not satisfactory.
Petitions criticizing the food
service are still being circulated'
throughout East Quad. When all
the petitions are in, they will be
presented to University officials.
Al Maslin, president of West
Quad Council, has announced that
the house presidents will meet
with the men circulating the pe-
titions sometime during the next
week, in order to coordinate the
activities of various groups work-
ing on the food situation.

End of Commission Rule
Is Sought by Gov. Sgler
Governor Promises University Press Club
He Will Return State Government to People

a art;.H-Ap, E. ry
Loan s


Thursdays Ended







View Clash

Return of the State government
to the people through elimination
of useless boards and commissions
and reductions in the powers of
others was promised last night by
Gov. Kim Sigler in an address
Speaking forcefully at a din-
ner meeting of the University
Press Club, the Governor said
that at the next session of the
Legislature he would propose
that "no director of any de-
partment shall be appointed by
a commission alone."
Sigler will propose that "all di-
rectors of state departmen,,s shall
Knight Lands
Small Papers
At Press Meet
Editor's Group Gives,
Citation to Brumun
The country's small dailies were

be appointed by the departmental
commission and the governor and
shall be approved by the Senate."I
The Governor's statement came
a few hours after the Legislature
appi'oved Sigler's bill abolishing
the so-called "non-political" Cor-
rections Commission.
Charging that the prescnt
state government is "too far
away from the people," Sigler
asserted that "the Governor of
the State of Michigan is nothing
more than a glorified clerk."
The government has been al-
lowed to devolve into a great num-
ber of independent boards and
commissions having "no responsi-
bility to any official elected by the
people," the Governer said.
"The Legislature is attempt-
ing to run the affairs of this
state under a antiquated con-
stitution that permits the tax-
ing body of the state, the Leg-
islature itself, to handle only 30
per cent of the state's funds,"
he added. "The other 70 per
cent is tied up by constitutional

General Says He -w'%AL
Was Offered Job J



WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 - - A
fast talking retired Air Force Gen-
eral vigorously disputed today tes-
timony that he tried during the
war to borrow $50,000 from plane-
maker Howard Hughes. He did say
he tried to borrow this amount
from him earlier this year.
The general, Bennett E. Meyers,,
also told a Senate War Investigat-
ing subcommittee that while he
was on an official inspection of
Hughes' California plant in 1944,
Hughes offered him a postwar job
in which he "could write my own
ticket" as to salary.
"People offered jobs to me all
the time," Meyers said. "They
didn't mean a damn thing to me.
I was only interested in winning
the war."
The witness also testified--and
his petite blonde wife backed him
up-that Mrs. Meyers slipped an
envelop econtaining $900 into the
pocket of Johnny Meyer, Hughes
public relations man, in repayment
of travel and hotel expenses. But
Meyer took the witnes -tand
briefly and flatly contradicted
them both.
Today's developments came
thick and fast, with Hughes in
town again to resume his testi-
mony, probably next week, in the
investigation of his wartime con-
- ----- - - --61YYl f- t

In Store for
GCPrid Throng
Gamie rrek Mad e
By 2,400Hoosiers
An overcoat-clad throng of 85,-
38 will view today's gridiron bat-j
tle between Michigan and Indi-
The second sellout crowd of the
season will be forced to don win-
ter raiment to ward off tempera-
tures in the mid-thirties. The
U.S. Weather Bureau at Willow
Run Airfield predicts a cold and
windy afternoon with the mer-
cury around the middle thirties
Forecasters said the mercury
would take a dive last night, with
some rain and possibly snow in
the early morning. However, the
weather may clear later today.
Ticket officials report that 2,400
Indiana grid fans will make the
trek from Bloomington to view to-
day's football battle. Ticket sales
here in Michigan zoomed upward
early in the week, soon exhaust-
ing all available supplies.

Two Czech Visitors Deny
Existence of 'Iron Curtain'

praised last night by John S.
Knight, publisher of the Detroit swi cages that his pro-
Free Press and three other city posals concerning changes in man-
dailies, in a speech before the agement of the penal system would
University Press Club of Michi- place paroles and pardons in the
gan. spoils system, Sigler pointed out
that the commissioner of cor-
"Because they are closer to the rections would be responsible to
people, what they ' - anihave the governor who would in turn
far more influence upon public answer to the people.
thinking than the editorials and "The door has been left open
news content of the great metro- for changes," he asserted. "If we
politan dailies," Knight said of make mistakes, we will be in timeI
the small papers. mak mstaesrr eitwe he in time

Two Czechoslovakian visitors to
Ann Arbor yesterday branded the
"Iron Curtain" a myth, at least
in their owncountry.
"Anyone can express his opin-
ion without fear of Soviet retalia-
Szell To Lead
Concert Here
The Cleveland Orchestra, under
the direction of George Szell, will
present the second in the Extra
Concert Series at 7 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
Featuring Beethoven's popular
Seventh Symphony, the orchestra
will also include Schumann's
Symphony No. 4 and Strauss'
Dance of the Bells from Salome
in its program.
Szell, the fourth conductor in
the orchestra's 29-year history,
has succeeded Erich Leinsdorff,
who served in that position from
1943 to 1946. Since his appoint-
ment, Szell has enlarged the wood-
wind section and strengthened and
increased the string choir.
Born in Budapest, Szell had a
varied musical career in Europe,
serving as chief conductor of the
Berlin State Opera and making
extensive tours during which he
served as guest conductor with
most of the leading European or-
He made his New York debut in
March, 1941 as guest conductor
of the NBC Symphony Orchestra,
and engagements followed with
orchestras of other cities, includ-
ing Boston, Detroit and Chicago.
Tickets for tomorrow's concert
may still be obtained at the Hill
Auditorium Box Office until noon
today and after 6 p.m. tomor-

Also at last night's meeting,
Prof. John L. Brumm, retired, of
the journalism department, was
presented with an embossed cita-
tion in recognition of his service
as a founder and past president
of the club.
The more than 100 editors and
publishers who are attending will
wind up their 30th annual confer-
ence today with a general business
Talks by Russell Barnes and S.
L. A. Marshall featured the morn-
ing and noon program yesterday,
while a panel discussion on "Con-
stitutional Revision in Michigan"
was presented in the afternoon.
John Witherspoon, city corpor-
ation counsel of Detroit, John A.
Perkins, state budget director, and
Laurent Varnum, former president
of the State Bar, participated in
the panel discussion.
A-Hop Tickets
Still Available

lature meets again."
Coiinunity Fund Drive
Over Top on Final Day
With the University among the
leading contributors, the local
Community Fund drive reached
the 104 per cent mark yesterday,
it was revealed at the "victory"
The campaign was successful
with a determined last-minute
push on the final day of its week
extension. Congratulations were
the order of the day as awards
were made to the highest con-

Enlarged After Ti Band To Mark
A tie for ninth, place in the
Soph Prom Committee balloting Arm sticew
was settied yesterday by enlarg- I y
ing the ordinary nine-member
committee to ten members, Dick Milestones erected along the
Kelly, chairman of the Student American road to freedom, from
Elections Board announced. Plymouth Rock to Lake Success,
The tie resulted when Jim Smith will be the theme of the Univer-
and Ruth Campbell each received sity Marching Band's spectacle to
111 votes. be maneuvered today between
---- halves of the Hoosier-Wolverine
'' ed'1 contest in the Michigan bowl.-
In a program planned to com-
Play Production will give the memorate Armistice Day, the band
final performance of Thornton will interpret these milestones in
Wilder's "Our Town" at 8 p.m. to- I seven symbolic formations. Bands-
day in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. men will be assisted in the final
Tickets for the play may still "picture" by Boy Scouts repre-
be obtained between 10 a.m. and senting the Washtenaw-Livingston
8 p.m. at the theatre box office. ? Area Council.


tion," Dr. Cenek Adamec, of, the
Czechoslovak Institute of Public
Opinion, declared.
Over- Simplification
Dr. Adamec and his colleague,
Ivan Viden, deplored the distort-
ed and over-simplified picture of
Czechoslovakian politics which
theysay the American press has
Drs. Adamec and Viden are ex-
changing social survey ideas this
week with Dr. Rens s Likert, di-
rector of the University Survey
Research Center, as part of, a
Rockefeller Foundation-sponsored
tour of public opinion institutes
throughout the country. The In-
stitute they represent is sponsored
=by the Czech government, but
makes its findings independently.
Dismisses Reports
In dismissing reports of Russian
domination in his country, Dr.
Adamec remarked that the only
Russian authorities in Prague are
those at the Soviet embassy.
He labeled as untrue recent re-
ports that the Communists had
taken control of the cabinet. The
opposite actually happened, Dr.
Adamec pointed out - a commit-
tee of ministers of all political
parties was set up.
Serve as Protection
All four Czech parties believe,
however, that good relations with
Russia will serve as protection'
against a feared re-birth of Ger-
man power, the survey experts de-
Food is Czechoslovakia's most
pressing problem right now. "The
country is facing the most tragic
period of the after-war years,"
Dr. Adamec said. Because of a
five-month drought, less than half
of the usual grain crop was har-
vested, he explained.
Moving Ahead
Despite prospects of a hungry
See IRON, Page 6
Campus Skit
To BeAired
Announcement of the band that
has been chosen to play for the
impending Panhellenic Ball will
highlight the third edition of
"Campus Quarter," a 15-minute
radio program to be presented
from 9:45 to 10 a.m. today over

Officials Act
As Chickens
Flood Capital
'Voluntary Ban' Stays
On EggConsumption
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7-Poul-
tryless Thursdays were suspend-
ed suddenly today amid the
cackles of chickens sent here by
angry growers in a Hens-for-Har-
ry, Leghorns-for-Luckman cam-
The Citizens Food Committee
announced that, effective immedi-
ately, it's OK to eat poultry on
Thursdays, though the "voluntary
ban" on egg consumption on that
day will continue.
Officially the committee used
the word "moratorium," explain-
ing that the poultry ban was mere-
ly suspended while a new pro-
gram, estimated to save 56,000,000
bushels of grain, is tried out by
the poultry industry.
But no one in Washington ex-
pected the Thursday ban ever to
be reinstated. Officials feared they
would be literally deluged with
Yesterday, crates of fowl began
arriving on the doorsteps of Pres-
ident Truman and Charles Luck-
man, Food Committee chairman,
to dramatize the chicken raisers'
protests with live "squawks."
Growers complained bitterly that
hens kept on the farm for lack
of buyers were eating their heads
off, gulping precious grain needed
in Europe. They sent the birds
here with the explanation that
they couldn't sell them and could
not afford to feed them.
AFC To Hold
Meetmg Here
A special session to wind up
uncompleted business of the state-
wide Academic Freedom Confer-
ence of October 18 will be held
from 1 to 4 pm. tomorrow in the
The meeting will concern itself
primarily with the question of ac-
ademic freedom's violations and
the National Students Associa-
tion's Bill of Rights.
Any regularly constituted or-
ganization is permitted three vot-
ing delegates and two non-voting
observers. Credentials signed by

Wolverine reris oo' i ifty-Yard Line Seat

Stuck two miles from the 50-
yard line, one Treppi is still a

thusiasm. He just doesn't likej
crowds, especially people.
Treppi, named Intrepidous in

in 1936 from the Detroit Zoo, the
gift of an alumnus. Formerly of
Alaska, he possibly has never had

Somewhere along the line Trep-
pi has lost the extreme ferocious-
ness supposedly typical of wolver-

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