" THE MICHIGAN DAILY : FRIDAY, NOVENMER 7, 1917 A I 0 I OUT OF THIS WORLD: Six Music Men from Mars' Plan To Revive Modern Jazz, LIFE OR CHAOS? I Campus Highlights Exhibit Illustrates Role of Atomic Power in .Society Six Music Men of Mars, a group of young jazz musicians are poised for an invasion of Ann Arbor to- day to spearhead a modern music Renaissance. The group scheduled to appear downtown today, will appear on campus in the near future under the auspices of the Student Leg- islature. Jazz Impresario Joe Fee, jazz impresario and University art student who is pro- moting their Ann Arbor appear- ances, predicts the band may well send thousands of students into paroxysms. "The war had a telling effect on modern swing. The dance craze that followed the great Benny Red Hair... (Continued from Page 1) I can be done; referrals may be made to the Psychological Clinic or Neuropsychiatric Institute, he added. "There may be a question of whether a child is going to show Negroid or Indian characteristics. We can consult an anthropologist and from his knowledge of the changes of children during growth, he can predict what the child is going to be like," he pointed out. The Heredity Clinic makes its own examinations of blood types and does the more simple tests, including general physical exam- inations. "More people need more advice about their family heredity. There should be heredity clinics in every community, for this type of serv- ice is beyondthe possibilities of every physician, nor does he have special training in heredity. He could not afford to spend his time checking as we do," Dr. Dice said. Each of the different traits is inherited differently and they are inter-related in a very complex manner. Long-time studies of many families must be undertaken before conclusions are drawn. "We need to know a great deal more than we do know about the actual heredity of human traits." Goodman, Glenn Miller and Duke Ellington bands and others in the 1930's collided head-on with thet sobering effects of World War II.y Be-Bop Arrived "That sobering down is now re- versed all over the nation and the strange new reflection of the war years on swing has produced 'be- bop,' which is rapidly becoming the greatest yet heard in modern music." The themes in be-bop are based' on melodic harmonies of great masters to fit a smooth and rhythmic pattern, Fee explained. "The square conception that be- bop isa wild disorganized de- generate musical pattern is en- tirely false. Our group goes for { Stravinsky all the way. We featurej mellow moving music," Fee said.{ The Music Men of Mars feature Leo Osebold, tenor sax, William Spencer, alto sax, John Devita, trumpet, Joseph Vigeletti, drums, Bob Monroe, piano and John Cuif- fini, bass. Prize Movie To Be Shown The Art Cinema League will present "Seeds of Destiny" early next month as a part of the Art Cinema-IRA series of films at the Kellogg Auditorium, manager Phil Bedein announced yesterday. The showing is planned in re- sponse to a recommendation pub- lished in The Daily Wednesday, Bedein said. A letter to the editor, from M. L. Robinson and B. L. Zwemer, stated that the picture had been banned from public theatres as "too realistic for the American public," although it received an Academy Award. "We Americans are too lily- white to see a small child stare out at us who is badly deformed from malnutrition," the letter continued. "But it seems to us that if we are concerned with our own des- tinies or the destiny of our fam- ilies, then the future leaders of Europe (which the film concerns) are also our concern." CLASS IN ETHICS . . . Prof. Lawrence V. Broughal, C.S.C. teaches ethics to these five Notre Dame football players who happen to be in the same classroom at the same time, at South Bend, Ind. Front, left to right: Zig Czarobski, John Panelli, Bob Livingstone; rear, Joe Signaigo and Bill Michaels. Automatic SLaunderers .baffle Men Men of the East Quadrangle may have the newest of washing machines, but they still cannot do their laundry like mother can. The wonders of the new auto- matic launderers baffle them.. Jim Furse, '51, tucked his laun- dry into one of the Quad's four Bendix "Home Laundry" units and settled down to study his German text. All went well until he shut off the machine. "All my white-shorts have turn- ed pink," he exclaimed. "We didn't have this trouble scrubbing our clothes in the serv- ice," Keith Weiland, an architec- tural student, commented. An ex- GI, he used to clean out his clothes in a battle helmet with a scrub brush. INTENSIVE SURVEY: Conference Techniques Under Scrutiny of Research Group Economics Club ... Prof. James W. Longley of theI economics department, a new member of the faculty from Har- vard, will speak to the Economics1 Club on "The Originality of John Maynard Keynes" at 7:45 p.m.j Monday in the Rackham Amphi- theatre.1 The meeting will be open to graduate students in economics and business administration. Delta Epsilon Pi . . Delta Epsilon Pi, Orthodox student society, will meet at 7:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall. The Chicago national convention and the meeting with the Wayne University chapter will be dis- cussed. Period Music . . The University's String Orches- tra, conducted by Prof. Gilbert Ross, will present a program of 17th and 18th century music at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. * * (ercle Francaise . . Prof. Rene Talamon will open the 1947-48 lecture series of Le Cercle Francaise with a reading of short French dramatic mas- terpieces at 4:10 pm., Tuesday, in Alumni Memorial Hall. * * Guild Meeting.. . Westminster Guild will meet with the Wesleyan Guild at 8 p.m. today in the Methodist Church social hall for a barn dance. Jane Dahlberg and Norm Frisch are co-chairmen of the dance and Dave Palmer will call square dancing. Gets Award Recipient of the Certificate of Merit for his wartime services as director of ship construction for the U.S. Maritime Commission, is Leigh R. Sanford, who received his degree in marine engineering from the University in 1910. Sanford, Executive Vice-Presi- dent of the Shipbuilders' Council of America, has been associated Swith the maritime field for more than 37 years, most of which were spent in the service of government agencies. During Sanford's wartime serv- ices with the maritime commis- sion, the organization supervised the construction of more than 5.600 ships, the greatest ship- building program in history. I ---_______________________________________ The role of atomic power as a force in society is highlighted in the exhibition "Atomic Energy,.i Force for Life or Chaos?" now in1 the Ann Arbor High School. Prepared by the National Com- mittee on Atomic Information, the display explains atomic energy and how it is achieved. Hiroshima's Ruins Enlarged photographs of the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. with comments on the destruction written by well known authors are' on display. One of the main points illustrated is the inability of steel and concrete structures to with- stand the devastating powers of the bomb. The importance of quick agree- ment on the control of atomic en- ergy is stressed in the display which reveals that atomic bombs can be produced by any of the major world powers within four years. Once the bomb is produced, the German V-2 rocket can be adopted for its distribution to any part of the world within a few minutes. The need for agreement is il- lustrated in a detailed presenta- tion of U.S. and Russian proposals concerning disposition of atomic energy. Call for Federation Compromises which would solve the problems are presented in ex- cerpts from books by Leland Stowe and Norman Cousins, who both advocate the formation of a world federation. Sidelighting the main problem, are discussions of atomic energy a 1 i _ and its relation to industrial prog- ress. One popular illusion which is expelled is that uranium will be used as fuel in a small engine which will run an automobile indefinitely. For Heat Energy Although atomic energy may not be used to run automobiles itl has immense possibilities in providing heat energy for peace- time use. The display includes charts il- lustrating relative costs of war, and books written by authors who have attempted to present, and solve the problems of the atomic age. The display, open to the public, will remain in the Ann Arbor High School for two weeks. 'Campus Quarter' Skits tracing the history of the various student publications will feature the third edition of "Cam- pus Quarter." a 15-minute radio program to be presented from 9:45 to 10 a.m. tomorrow over Sta- tion WPAG. Highlighting the program will be an announcement of the band that has been chosen to play for the impending Panhellenic Ball. Other news of campus social and and cultural events will also be presented during the broadcast. Sponsored weekly by the Union and League, "Campus Quarter," is directed by Jim Schiavone. Re- search for the program is con- ducted by a committee headed by Nancy Culligan and Sam Sargent. I DRILY OFFICIL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Photoelectric Determination Line Profiles." of Biological Chemistry Seminar: Fri., Nov. 7, 4 p.m., Rm. 319, W. Medigal Bldg. Subject: "The Am- ino Acid Content of Biological Fliuds and Tissues." All interest- ed are invited. Chemistry 55-169E: Students in in' the second half of the accelera- ted laboratory program will report as follows for assignment to desks and for a preliminary discussion. Section D-M,W,F - Monday, Nov. 10, 1 p.m., Rm. 400. Section E-T. Th - Thursday, Nov. 13, 1 p.m., Rm. 151. Concert The University Musical Society will present the Cleveland Or- chestra, George Szell, conductor, in the Extra Concert Series, Sun- day, Nov. 9, 7 p.m., Hill Auditor- ium. Maestro Szell will play the following program: Schumann Symphony No. 4; Strauss' Dance of the Seven Veils from "Salome"; and the Beethoven Symphony No. 7, A limited number of tickets are still available daily at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower; and after 6 o'clock Sunday in the Hill Auditorium box office. StringOrchestra, under the di- rection of Gilbert Ross, will pre- sent a program of 17th and 18th century music at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 11, Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Norma Swinney Heyde, so- prano, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will appear as soloists. The concert will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today Radio Programs: 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 kc.). "Living for Moderns" (Drama) G. R. Garrison, directing. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870 kc.). Research in Engineering Mechan- ics. R. A. Dodge. 4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 kc.). Mu Phi Epsilon - Joyce Lawrence, soprano. Mr. George W. Copeland, of the Hart and Cooley Manufacturing Company of Holland, Michigan, will talk on the subject, "Person- nel Management," 10 a.m., Fri.,' W +7 in nnn w, ? n titles. Also "Does It Matter What You Think?" Sunday and Monday, Nov. 9 and 10. Kellogg Auditor- ium (Dental School). Tickets on sale at University Hall 10 to 12 noon and 1 to 2 p.m. SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Mr. Benjamin Schmo- ker will be the guest of honor, and the Student Director's Associ- ation will be special guests. Every- one invited. German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30 p.m., Michigan League Coke Bar. All students and faculty members are invited. Wesleyan Guild: A jointly- sponsored Barn Dance with mem- bers of the Presbyterian Guild will be held from 8 to 12 p.m. in the Social Hall of the First Methodist Church. Roger Williams Guild: Open house will be held at the Guild House from 8:30 to 12 midnight. Informal entertainment and re- freshments. Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion of America, U. of M. Chapter will present an Oneg Shabat at 8:30 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation. Coming Events Economics Club: Mon., Nov. 10, 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. "The Originality of John Maynard Keynes," by Dr. James W. Long- ley of the economics department. Business administration and eco- nomics staff and graduate stu- dents are invited. Graduate Outing Club: Meeting, 2:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 9, Northwest entrance Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rackham check desk before noon Saturday. All graduate stu- dents welcome. Group for the Study of Social Issues: Dr. Cenek Adamec and Dr. Ivan Viden, of the Czechoslovak- ian Institute of Public Opinion, will speak on the development of public opinion polls in Czechoslo- vakia. 7:30, Lane Hall Library Room, Sun., Nov. 9. We print 'em all No job too large or small. Programs - Tickets Stationery - Announcements ROACH PRINTING 209 E. Washington Ph. 8132 Making their headquarters onl the third floor of Mason Hall, a1 group of researchers, operating un- der a Navy grant, are conducting an exhaustive study of the confer- ence as a method of reaching de- cisions. t Under the direction of Prof. Donald Marquis of the psychology department, the group includes Prof. Theodore Newcomb, Harold Guetzkow, Roger Heyns and Harry Shelly of the psychology depart- ment, Prof. Alvin Zander of the School of Education and Martin Kriesberg, a research associate in the political science depart- ment. The group plans to make a de- tailed study, both intensive and extensive of the processes and procedures used in conferences.. The conference as a method of reaching group decisions has been Checks Held For Veterans Checks are being held at the Ann Arbor Post Office for the following veterans: Frederick J. Ashby, Clyde E. Bailet, Allan George Balter, John S. Bandfield, Helen Bothfield Sey- mour Calvert, Paul Chernuchin, Lloyd O. Crabtree, Warren Mar- shall Danforth, Richard J. Dob- son, Gale Ellis, John C. Fenner', Albert M. Gibson, Elsworth K. Hanlon, Jr., Mary H. Henne, John La Velle Hickey, Victor M. Husty, Willis A. Jarvis, Donald Judsen, Chester C. Kabza, Fred L. Long, Edwin Lahti, Elmer F. Madar, Henry E. McDonnell, Jr., Robert Murphy, Patrick Thomas O'Brien, Donald R. Rouser, Ethel Robinson, Barnard R. Walling, William Weitzel, John M. Wright. Veterans listed above should pick up theirschecks by Nov. 14 when they will be returned to Co- lumbus, O. LOOK YOUR BEST when you SMILE! used with increasing frequency in the last decade in settlement of labor-management, in business and in government relations, lo- cal, national and international. The aim of this group is to un- derstand conference technique, and from this to evolve practical sug- gestions to improve organization and methods of conducting con- ferences. The "extensive" part of the study consists of a survey of con- ference procedures and formula- tion of a theory of conference process. The "intensive" study, which will begin sometime in December, consists of experiments to determ- ine the value of the theory. The research team will work with man- agement, labor, government, and student groups in testing its theory. The Conference Research Pro- ject will operate under its present Navy grant until August of next year. The grant may be extended at that time. Football Ticket Resale Non-student football tickets for the Michigan-Indiana game will be accepted for resale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Union travel desk. Tickets will be sold at face value but the Union does not guarantee sale of all tickets accepted. If tickets are sold, however, the former owner will receive a cash- ier's check in the mail by the following Friday. '4 4 PlC'S Michigan Representative: HAROLD JACKSON, Jr. Read and Use The Daily Classifieds I i . _ _ _. _ _ _ .___ _ _ _ __ _ _ ______ ---, 1 UN USUAL ALBUMS OLD and NEW on COLUMBIA RECORDS BAX: Music of Arnold Box Primrose, Harriet Cohen, B.B.C. Chorus MM 386.......... .............$9.6 BERG: Violin Concerto Krasner with Rodzinski and Cleveland Orch. MM 465 ........................4.6 In the world of womtent's and childdren's apparel, distribution is by VON SUHER PREFERENCIE I SO 1l Going to PAN-HELP? If you'd like a fresh corsage for your co-ed at a REAL SAV I NGS, call.., Campus Corsage Service BILL BARRISH, Tel. 2-7032 0 I4 11 BLOCH: Violin Concerto Szigeti with Munch and Orchestra M M 380 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRANCK: Quintet for Piano and Strings Schmitz and Roth Quartet MM 334.............................. GLUCK: Iphigenie en Aulide Barlow and Columbia Orch. M X 138 ..... .................. HAYDN: Cello Concerto Feuermann with Sargent and Orchestra MM 262 .. . ..................... MOZART: Horn Concerto No. 4 Brain with Halle Orchestra M X 285 . .............. .............. RAVEL: Gaspard de ta Nuit Gieseking, Piano M X 141 .............................. SMETANA: Quartet in E Minor (Aus Meinem Leben) Curtis String Qaurtet MM 405 .............................. 5.85 7.50 3.35 5.85 3.35 3.35 Through the thousands of store buyers who are the patrons of the apparel production centers of the na- tion comes the voice of the clothes-consuming public. The choices of the retailers, transmitted to the manu- facturing markets through millions of miles of their own and of salesmen's journeys, are originally the tastes of the wearers. Designing room and production plan are ever-sensi- tive to the requirements of the public. Rose Corsage, 2.00 Carnations, 2.00 Gardinia Corsage, 2.50 BEER DEPOT FOR DENTAL NEEDS 5.85 Our stock of Columbia Masterworks is now larger than ever before. We cordially invite you to come in and browse. 11 ii I