PAGE rove
Fifty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of the Unin-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick..................General Manager
Clyde Becht........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
'Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider...............Finance Manager
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus.......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
Credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
mgatters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arb*r, Mich-
Igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No Correlation
A COMMON classroom problem nowadays
concerns the lac of lecture-textbook
A professor may advise the use of a cer-
tain text in conjunction with his course, but
the hapless individual who puts the knowl-
edge gleaned from the book into use in a
bluebook frequently finds such material in
disagreement with the instructor-resulting
in a grade lower than the student deserves.
As things stand now in certain courses, if
the student is unable to get the information
in the lecture, he is almost lost, since he has
no way of obtaining this information except
from the professor.
Some professors have found a solution to
this problem by writing their own textbooks,
thus enabling the students to supplement
knowledge gained from lectures or to check
up on points which the lecturer did not make
Frequently, however, the professor finds it
impossible to write his own textbook. In such'
a case, he should by all means teach his
course in close conjunction with some well-
written text. He may have ideas to supple-
ment those written in the book, but if he
follows the text for his main points, little
difficulty should arise as a result.
If some such system of lecture-textbook
correlation were put into general effect, the
problem of teaching would doubtlessly be
simplified, and a common source of student
frustration would be eliminated.
-Herbert Madalin
At the State .. .
"Wyoming" with Bill Elliott, Vera Ral-
ston and John Carroll.
WITH FORTY-SEVEN other states to pick
on, the citizens of Wyoming should take
this as a direct insult. Revolving around
some land disputes arising from the Home-
steading Act, a very tired story limps through
the usual shootings, bar fights, court trials
and cattle rustling, with the actors turning
in performances that would do justice to the
old-fashioned "still" coming attractions. The
dialogue sparkles with all the novelty of a
five-year-old cigarette commercial, and as
the soap chip winters pass we find the an-
cient characters just the same, and the
younger fry graying to meet them. The hero-
ine even starts out as a dying mother and
turns' up later as her own daughter, which
pleases Papa no end and probably saved some
salary money. Maria Ouspensaka, as her
nurse, tries hard, but it's beyond saving.
The Indians were smart. They left in the
first reel.
At the Michigan. .
"They Won't Believe Me," with Robert
Young and Susan Hayward.
ITH SUCH A TITLE, I must add that
you probably won't believe me when I
wax enthusiastic about a Thursday show
in this town. But it's a real nail-bitter, and
vai won't ,nlax ti the ladies sauea at the
Plain, Direct Talk
Letters to the Editor..
There's no law says the President's com-
munications to Congress absolutely have to
be written in a tony, formal style.
I wonder what would happen if the
Presidenit talked things over with the leg-
islative branch, in the simple, direct way
a man uses with his business associates,
his wife, or even his board of directors
during a crisis.
The President could say something like
this, when Congress reconvenes on the 17th:
"Ladies and Gentlemen: Well, here we
are again, and my first word to you is:
Leave us not kid each other.
"Have I been getting it, since you were
last here! First you kill price control, and
then you go away. A fine thing, mountains
and seashore and trips abroad for you, but
you leave little Harry in the White House, so
when anybody gets sore at the price of beef,
who do you suppose he writes to? Yeah,
that's who.
"Then you tell me I've got to stop Stalin.
Well, I've been stopping Stalin for four
months, now, while you've been away on
your undoubtedly pleasant little trips. I
did get off to Brazil for a bit, but that car
skidded. However, that's neither here nor
there. The point is, you says to me, let's
you and him fight, and you go away, and
to stop Stalin I have to get some food to
"Without price control? Why, every time
I buy a car of wheat, the price shoots up.
When I don't buy, it shoots up anyway, on
the theory that I'm going to buy.
"I try to ease the pressure on what by
setting up a food saving program. Out of
respect for you, I have to make it volun-
tary. You boys and girls get nervous at
anything compulsory, so I have to do it
with publicity. Stop world famine, you
tell me, with publicity. Why don't you just
give me a paper fan, and tell me to wave
it away?
"So we set up a poultryless Thursday. You
know what happens. We eat*fewer chickens,
so the chickens aren't killed, they eat more
grain, and we end up using more grain than
"Same way with meatless Tuesday. Ev-
ery farmer goes right on feeding grain to
his unslaughtered animals. That's a fine
way to save grain. But you wouldn't ask
your farmer friends to agree to an alloca-
tion of feed grains, would you? Oh, no.
I do without bread two days a week while
every cow in the country eats its head off
in corn and wheat. And who am I? Just
the President of the United States, that's
"When I ask for a few controls that could
handle the thing right, some of you boys on
the Republican side yell that you can't work
with me, because you don't like my theories
of government. I know what that means,
don't tell me. There's a Presidential year
coming up, and so maybe you're going to
bring out that old line that I'm some kind of
a dangerous Communist. Who, me? Just
consider my philosophy, my birthplace, my
bow tie. Look fellows, it's me, it's Harry!
You're not really going to give me an anti-
Communist program to carry out, and then
call me a Communist when I ask for some-
thing to do it with. You're not, huh, fellows?"
I don't know why he can't say it like that.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
The Dutch Side
DESPITE Dr. Van Kleffans' and his coun-
trymen's efforts, the Dutch side of the
Indonesian question has not been carefully
considered on campus or by editorial writers
in this country, in our opinion. Placards,
letters to the editor and editorials have
asserted that the Dutch are anti-republicans
and economic exploiters. We think those
labels have been given without due consider-
ation of Dutch problems and accomplish-
ments in the Indies, and without even both-
ering to check up on the Netherlanders in
many instances. That's unfortunate, for the
recent history of Dutch activity in the Indies
shows that they have labored genuinely to
maintain order and decency for all individ-
uals in their lands until the rights of all
inhabitants are otherwise guaranteed.
In 1941 the Indies had limited repre-
sentation in the Netherlands Government,
and there were evidences that colonial ex-
ploitation had virtually disappeared.
Of the total production of rubber for in-
stance, only the product of 1,533,600 acres
were in the hands of Netherlands and for-
eign investors (Americans and British),
while 3,211,000 acres were Indonesian
owned. These are Dutch figures taken from
official Dutch publications prepared before
the War.
American and Dutch oil companies paid
royalties to the Indonesian landowner just
as oil companies in this country pay roy-
alties to Texas and Oklahoma landowners.
The taxes paid on the 3,705,000 acres in
foreign hands remained in the Indies for
the building of roads, hospitals, schools and
No more than 1 per cent of the total
rural population worked for Dutch and
other whites in 1941. Indonesians lived
their own lives as farmers, fishermen,
craftsmen, laborers, technical assistants
within their own towns and farms. The
income of natives from new industries
alone amounted to 450 million guilders
per year.
After the War, economic gains were aug-
mented by substantial progress towards self-
government. The Cheribon Agreement of
1947 provided for the formation of three
free Indonesian states, a federation which
was to be linked with the Netherlands only
by common allegiance to the Crown-a most
tenuous connection. The three agreeing par-
ties consisted of East Indonesia, Borneo and
the trouble-spot, the Indonesian Republic
of Sumatra and Java.
The Sumatra-Java Republic, unlike its
neighbors, found the crown allegiance clause
unbearable, and Republicans conducted con-
tinuous guerilla warfare under the leader-
ship of President Soekarno, an ex-Japanese
sympathizer. This was contrary to existing
agreements with the Dutch. Naturally, with
bullets flying, the establishment of democ-
racy become difficult, inasmuch as the Re-
publican raids (this was before Dutch coun-
ter-attack) disrupted the whole country. At
this time the Republicans had difficulty
convincing the bulk of the population of
the justice of their cause, so they attempted
to force the"natives to fight. This led the
natives to appeal in large numbers to the
Dutch for protection and restoration of
order. Add to this the fact that the Repub-
licans have held 10,000 Dutch hostages for
over two years and we see why the Dutch,
ordered their army (consisting of only 3,000
Europeans) to move.
The primary question now facing the
United Nations Commission in Indonesia
concerns the character of the Republicans.
Who are they? Whom do they represent?
What do they stand for? The Dutch have
given answers that must be seriously con-
sidered if we are going to give both
sides a fair hearing. The Republican lead-
ers are terrorists, according to the Dutch,
and they point to the 10,000 hostages.
The Republican cause lacks sympathy and
support from the natives, they say, and
point to terror-stricken natives begging
them for protection; the Republicans want
complete independence, and agree to
terms, but then fail to keep their part
of the bargain.
As the situation stands now, it is im-
possible to condemn the Dutch, because we
don't know all there is to know about In-
donesia, and probably won't know for some
time. We must wait for the UN report. In
the meantime, we should listen to the Indo, ,
nesian plea for "independence, all or noth-
ing" by all means; yet we should also listen
to the very respectable Dutch argument,
"unity and order first."
-Fred Schott.
"Its always a relief when hunting season ends."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
,- . .
Canadian Currency
To the Editor:
the campus, I like to receive
mail that contains a little extra
spending money.
When my aunt, back home in
Canada, sent me a five dollar bill
the other day, I was overjoyed.
But I didn't benefit by it in any
way. Here in Ann Arbor it seems
that Canadian currency is regard-
ed as a collector's item. It is placed
in value par with Confederate
When I went to exchange that
five dollar bill at the Union, the
clerk regarded it as an antique. He
had never seen a Canadian bill be-
fore and thus he refused to cash
it. Now I realize that there is a
twelve per cent discount on our
currency and I am willing to ac-
cept it. But I don't understand
the ignorance of some of your
countrymen. Even my mundane
roommate had never seen a Can-
adian bill before!
When are Americans going to
realize that Canada is an inde-
pendent country, not a colony?
Canada stands behind all her is-
sued currency just as the United
States does. A good example of'
this is the bank failure in 1933.
All the banks closed except one
-the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce branch in California. In
those hectic days they alone re-
mained open, and they alone paid
all checks issued to their accounts.
Because of this the same branch
is still doing a fine business to-
Every Canadian can recognize
American money and will accept
it for payment. None would ever
say, "What on earth is this?" as
did the clerk at the Union.
I do hope' that someday Amer-
icans will realize that Canada is
more than "a country to the north,
covered with ice and snow."
-Paul Binkley.
Waring Concert
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to the letter printed
in The Daily on Nov. 5, 1947, in
which Messrs. W.40. Pangborn and
W. G. Twilliger Yates, Jr. attacked
Fred Waring, we wish to state that
the reasoning in this attack seems
a little circuitous. We think that
Mr. Waring in his refusal to play
"Meadowland" was well within his
rights as set forth under our con-
stitution. That point is, we think,
undisputable. Now that leaves the
attack then aimed at Mr. War-
ing's taste, which the two fore-
mentioned gentlemen seem to be-
lieve lies in his mouth. His actions
to them are-and we quote- "but
a damnable discrimination against
the world of art."
If refusing to play or have a
work played that is reprehensible
to one fan for any reason is
"damnable discrimination," then it
is certainly a widely practiced
thing. Personally we dislike
"Heartaches," for no particular
reason-just "damnable discrim-
ination." Mr. Waring's personal
likes and dislikes are his own and
not ours, yet if we are to have
"a free association of ideas in
politics as well as music," then we
must not be quick to attack a
man for an honest airing of his
The point we wish to make is
that Mr. Waring's actions and
opinions, artist or no artist, be-
long to him and ,such a quick at-
tack upon those opinions tend
to do the very thing that is being
attacked, that is, "to infringe upon
and abrogate the right to a free
association of ideas."
-Mrs. Mary Scull.
Leo N. Scull, Jr.
- * * *
Nature Lover
To the Editor:
OUR TOWN, with Albert Nadeau,Larry
Darling, and Marcella Kratt.
IF THE AUDIENCE reaction on opening
night can be used as an index, the De-
partment of Speech has made a particularly
fortunate choice in its initial presentation
this season. The play selected was an in-
formal and highly unorthodox affair, in-
volving a number of novel dramatic techni-
ques, all, calculated to increase the burden
of cast and director. This of course is the
sort of thing which, if not properly exe-
cuted, can easily upset any production. I'm
happy to say that both cast and director
have met the situation commendably in this
instance. Albert Nadeau, who acted as nar-
rator, was especially instrumental in the
success of the production and, considering
their special technical problems in dealing
with a play of this type, attention should
also be called to the efforts of the designer
and technicians.
The play itself is a rather folksey account
of a New England settlement shortly after
the turn of the century. Its playwright,
Thornton Wilder, has investiga'ted the cus-
toms and values of its inhabitants in a
penetrating and sometimes humorous fash-
ion. He has also seen fit to embody a mes-
sage in his work, but it is not an objection-
able one.
-Kenneth Lowe
* * *
THE PLAY'S THE THING, with Ian Keith
and Joseph Macaulay.
IAN KEITH provides most of the bright
moments in the Drama Guild's revival of
Molnar's "The Play's The Thing." A well-
constructed tour de force on a play within-a-
play theme, the production drags in too
many spots because of inadequate handling.
The clever first act leads the audience to
expect more in the same vein which unfor-
tunately was not forthcoming. Keith plays
the role of the suave playwright who dis-
entangles the web of circumstances which
the heroine's temporary defection from her
fiance has spun about the principle char-
acters. His performance was marked by ur-
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivenotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for te Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
FRIDAY, NOV. 7, 1947
VOL. LVIII, No. 40
Medical Aptitude Examination:
All applicants for admission to
medical schools, who wish to be
admitted during 1948 and who did
not take the Medical Aptitude Ex-
amination on Saturday, Oct. 25,
1947, must take the examination
on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948. The ex-
amination will not be given again
before the Fall semester. In order
to be admitted to the examination.
candidates must fulfill the follow-
ing requirements :
1. Candidates must register for
the examination before Saturday.
Nov. 15, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg.
2. Candidates must bring to
the examination a check or money
order for five dollars payable to
The Graduate Record Office. No
candidate will be admitted to the
examination unless he pays hi; fee
in this way. Cash will not be ac-
cepte d.
Candidate; who register will be-
gin the examination at 8:30 a.m.,
Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, Rackham
Lecture Hall. The examination will
be divided into two sessions and
will take all day.
Inquiries should be addressed to
The Chief Examiner Bureau of
Psychological Services (Ext. 2297).
School of Business Administra-
tion: Students from other schools
and colleges intending to apply for
spring admittance should secure
application forms in 108 Tappan
Hall as soon as possible.
School of Education Testing Pro-
gram: Students who took the tests
Thursday, Oct. 16, may obtain the
results in Rm. 1439,dU.E.S., Friday,
9 a.m.-12 noon and Saturday, 10
a.m.-12 noon. An explanatory
manual is available for each stu-
dent. Consultation can be arrang-
ed with education staff members
or with the personnel officer if the
student so wishes.
Note: The counseling question-
naive must be returned before the
scores can be obtained.
Pre-Football guest luncheons from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and after
game open houses from 5 to 7 p.m.
held in organized student resi-
dences will be approved chaperon-
ed or unchaperoned provided they
are announced to the Office of
Student Affairs at least one day in
advance of the scheduled date.
Approved social events for the
coming weekend:
November 7
Adams House, Kelly League
House, Newman Club, Phi Kappa
Tau, Phi Sigma Delta, Stockwell
Hall, Williams House, Women's
Physical Education Club, Zeta Tau
November 8
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi,
Chi Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma
Pi, Delta Upsilon, Delta Tau Delta,
First Unitarian Church, Kappa
Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Michi-
Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Iota Alpha, Phi
Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi
Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, Tau Epsilon Rho, Theta Chi,
Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta
Beta Tau.
November 9 (afternoon)
Craglea House, Wilcox House.
Junior and Senior men, who are
single, veterans, residents of the
State of Michigan, presently living
in the Willow Run Dormitories,
and interested in University Resi-
dence Halls accommodations for
the Spring Semester 1948 are
asked to call at the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Room 2, University
Hall before November 8.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Saturday, November 15.
Report cards are being dis-
tributed to all departmental of-
fices. Green cards are being pro-
vided for freshmen and sopho-
mores and white cards for report-
ing juniors and seniors. Reports
of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to
1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should
name those students, freshmen
and upperclassmen, whose stand-
ing at midsemester is "D" or "E,"
not merely those who receive "D"
or "E" in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses,
but registered in other schools or
colleges of the University should
be reported to the school or college
in which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. J. L. Menson of the Super-
heater Company, East Chicago,
Indiana, will interview senior me-
chanical engineers, Fri., Nov. 7,
in Rm. 218 W. Engineering Bldg.
This is a preliminary interview
for June graduates. A second in-
terview will be held during the
spring semester. Students may
sign the interview schedule posted
on the bulletin board at Rm. 221,
W. Engineering Bldg.
Senior and Graduate Engineers:
Mr. R. L. Dale of Standard Oil
Company will interview students
for overseas employment, Tues.,
Nov. 11, in Rm. 249, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Students may sign the
interview schedule posted on the
bulletin board at Rm. 221, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
Senior Engineers - June Grad-
uates: A number .of openings will
be available to June graduates for
Junior Professional Assistant in
the 7th Region, Illinois, Wisconsin,
and Michigan, U.S. Civil Service
Commission. .
Examination for these openings
will be held in Ann Arbor on Dec.
6. Applications to take the exam-
BEFORE Nov. 12. Consult your
I Department placement officer for
IT APPEARS that the trees
around the campus are taking
an awful beating from the postel
hangers. As I rode into Ann Ar-
bor on the bus from Willow Vil-
lage today, I noticed that the trees
along the road near the campus
were frequently covered with pos-
ters advertising student activities.
I am surprised that some nature
lover has not spoken in defense
of these trees which are being
taken advantage of by the poster
hangers among our student body.
After getting off the bus I ex-
amined a number of trees near
the campus and found many of
them with a half dozen to a dozen
tacks, nails and spikes driven into
their trunks. In many cases bits of
old posters were still clinging to
the tacks and nails.
Aside from the fact that the
signs and means for attaching
them spoil the natural beauty of
the trees and the campus environ-
ment, there is the injury done to
the trees. In a few years if the
practice of hanging posters on
trees near the campus continues
the trees will either be dead or
you won't be able to see their
trunks for the tacks, nails and
spikes that have been driven into
-Robert O. Smith.
Student Courtesy
To The Editor:
I ACCEPT numerous bumps and
smashed toes while climbing
narrow, crowded stairways -with
never a "pardon" or an "excuse
me, please"-as a natural result of
an unavoidable cause.
I can even look at three day old
beards, dirty shirts, filthy saddle
shoes, men without coats, and "at
dawning" hair without squirming
or wishing for required courtesy
and good manners courses. But
sometimes disgraceful student be-
havioroverwhelms me.
Today's Convocation afforded a
pitiful example of a lack of cour-
tesy and decency. At least one-
fourth of the audience who gath-
ered to hear Senator Vandenberg
and Dr. Van Kleffens missed en-
tirely everything the Netherlands'
Ambassador had to say. They were
in such a hurry to keep lunch-
eon appointments that they felt
obliged to rush from the auditor-
ium either before the Ambassador
spoke, or, much worse, they made
their noisy exit while Dr. Van
Kleffens was speaking. At least
one distinguished visitor can de-
part from Ann Arbor with an un-
pleasant memory of his guests'
poor manners.
I have seen my fellow Americans
display similar ignorance and poor
breeding in Rio de Janeiro. There
I apologized to my Brazilian
friends for that kind of insult.
Here, I wish I could make just a
few Americans feel their deserved
further information and applica-
tion forms.
University Lecture. "Human De-
velopment in its Earliest Stages"
(illustrated). Dr. ARTHUR T.
HERTIG, Pathologist and Visit-
ing Obstetrician to outpatients,
Boston Lying-in Hospital, Assist-
ant Professor of Pathology and of
Obstetrics, Harvard Medical
School, and Pathologist, Free Hos-
pital for Women, Brookline; aus-
pices of the Department of Anat-
omy. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 7, Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
French Lecture: Prof. Rene Tal-
amon, of the Romance Language
Department, will open the series
of French lectures sponsored by
le Cercle Francais with a "Lecture
Dramatique," Tues., Nov. 11, 4:10
p.m., Rm. D, Alumni Memorial
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secre-
tary of the Romance Language
Department (Rm. 112 R. L. Bldg.)
or at the door at the time of the
lecture. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Members of Le Cercle Francais
are admitted free upon presenta-
tion of their membership cards.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Sister
Mary Edgar Meyer, Romance Lan-
guages (Spanish) ;thesis: "Sources
of 'La Cristiada'," Sat., Nov. 8,1
Seminar Room 308, Library, 10'
a.m. Chairman, I. A. Leonard.
Astronomical Colloquium: Nov.
7, 4 p.m., Observatory.
Dr. Keith Pierce will speak on
the subject, "Photographic and
(Continued on Page 6)
-Alan M. Markman
'Pro pagandism'
To The Editor:
MR. WARING'S most uncalled-
for little speech last Saturday
night apropos of a request from
some of the audience that the or-
chestra play the Russian marching
song Meadowland is a dismaying
example of the absurd manifesta-
tions which! anti-Russian propa-
ganda is assuming in this country.
Quite apart from the fact that it
is preposterous to extend a feeling
of resentment toward a people to
the music and other forms of ex-
pression of that people, it is ob-
vious that the dissemination of
these little seeds of intolerance in
times as unsettled as these under-
mines every effort toward world
It is too bad that Mr. Waring
saw fit to mar what would other-
wise have been a very pleasant
mcmnrvof a frsta,.emusal