PAGE FOTIR" THE MICHIGAN DAILY TflUSDAY, NflV WRM A ' k'1 _ ._ _ +aaa w'<. v.vaav s:,1 f7V . Ll iilialr V 1~Y I irfty-Eigan e il Fifty-Eighth Year ON WORLD AFFAIRS: The Great Reality BILL MAULDIN l Letters to the Editor... 0 Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne 8wendeman......... Advertising Manager Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director Edwin Schneider...............Finance Manager Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz...................Associate Editor Dick Kraus .......................Sports Editor Bob Lent .................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ...".................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KATZ _7*. Totalitarian No ONE is getting very excited, but the governmetnt loyalty purges are gradually turning into a totalitarian tragedy. Robert A. Lovett, Acting Secretary of :.State, has just refused the appeals of seven State Department employes, sum- marily discharged last June as bad secur- ity risks, without benefit of hearings. These seven men have not been per- mitted to resign without prejudice; they are forced to carry the disloyalty discharge taint. This despite the fact that all have sworn in affidavits that they are loyal Americans, and have denied both general and vague accusations of association "directly or in- directly" with representatives of foreign powers. These men have asked what charges there are against them. Mr. Lovett's an- swer: These charges are based on "evi- dence which the department is not able to disclose for reasons of national security." With the stigma of government disloyalty discharge upon them the former employes wonder how they will find other suitable work. Mr. Lovett: We have already considered this case sufficiently; go to the Civil Serv- ice Board to discover if you may be eligible for other government employment some time. Attorneys for the men presented a long list of substantiating evidence for the men's loyalty. Mr. Love tt: I must refuse the request. The attorneys pleaded: "The procedure followed is tragically analagous to the tac- tics employed in the police states domi- nated by Communists and fascists." "This government is sponsoring the "Free- dom Train' . . . on which there is under guard the Bill of Rights . . . to prevent its physical defacement. But in the cases of individuals whom we represent, its meaning and spirit have been summarily defamed." "Not only the personal welfare of these employes, but the integrity of this govern- ment is in issue." Mr. Lovett: The department expresses its "regrets." --Harriett Friedman WrongtDirection NOW that the hysterical ravings of the Hollywood investigation have subsided it might be well to point out that had the Committee on Un-American Activities made a conscientious effort it would have had little difficulty in uncovering un-American activities in movies. Mr. Thomas was merely looking in the wrong direction. Any investigation of Hollywood will re- veal an alarming and undiminishing ten- dency to stereotype racial groups, particu- larly the Negro. If American life were to be judged by movies (as it often is) re- putedly portraying it, one's conception of the Negro's place in society would be lim- ited by the unfortunate picture repre- sented by the movies. Yet, it is ridiculous (not to say fascistic) to suppose that Ne- --- - - - 2I.. . By SAMUEL GRAFTON jT LOOKS as if the British middle class is going conservative again, like the Amer- ican middle class and the French middle class. A year ago the American middle class, shivering slightly in a changing world, said its last good-bye to Roosevelt, and returned a Republican Congress. A few weeks ago the French middle class swung heavily to de Gaulle in the municipal elections, and now the British middle class has given the Con- servatives a large victory, also in municipal elections. I don't believe labor has changed its politics much in any of these countries. The big change has taken place in those. middle class"areas in which, at certain moments of despair, or of idealism, a left- of-center man has been able to pick up a couple of votes. The big Conservative vic- tories in England took place in "shaky" districts, usually Conservative anyhow. These, temporarily weaned away by the problems (and the hopes) of the war period, have cut and run for home. To take first things first: What effect kat the 4. ... 0About die Gaulle THE "MAN ON HORSEBACK" rode back into the political limelight last week. General de Gaulle and his "Men of Good Will" were forces to be contended with on the eve of the most crucial economic and political crisis in French history. De Gaulle's six-month old Rally of the French People professed, as its chief plank,, a strong anti-Communism. On the positive side, it sought Constitutional revision to provide for a strong executive, a job which de Gaulle presumably seeks. The lanky leader of French wartime resistance pro- posed, that the economy be organized into a "system of associations," which seemed to resemble Mussolini's "corporate state." Premier Ramadier and his middle-ground Socialists narrowly held on to power, though pressures were mo'unting from both de Gaulle's extreme Rightists and the Commu- nists at the other end. The Marshall Plan, France's economic health, and European recovery were in the balance. We've compiled here a few press interpre- tations of de Gaullism, what it stands for, and what it will mean in the coming months. * * * THE MODERN REVIEW, a new journal of opinion, cites the danger inherent in the philosophy of de Gaulle. "De Gaulle is the representative of . . . a neo-nationalism which might insure the independence of France, but which could not help but ac- celerate . . . the decline of European civili- zation," The article notes that "Gaullism, measures every economic, social and political disposiiton according to its utility in the pur- suance of national power politics." The General has come out against economic in- terests (including labor unions) which divide the French into competing groups. "In order to represent the national interest, the government should in no case be exposed to the pressure of particular interests." The Review states. To the mass of the French people De Gaulle offers unity-at the price of bypassing moderate interests." * * * SIDNEY KELLER, of the New York Her- ald-Tribune's Paris staff, reports that General de Gaulle, currently feared by most French labor leaders as a reactionary, is planning to give Cabinet rank to the head of the nation's largest labor union. The leader of the General Trade Federa-. tion and his chiefs, according to Keller, would be required to prevent the use of the strike as a political weapon against gov- ernment policy," a tactic which the present leaders have employed in the last six months to support Communist Party demands on the government." In its general outline, Keller goes on, "de Gaulle's plan resembles the system of trade union representation now used in the Soviet Union and in the corporate state form ... * * 7, T HE DETROIT NEWS calls Washington's fear of de Gaulle's purposes unfounded and unfair. "The Washington reports, while probably not meant to do so, have the ef- fect of belittling a Frenchman who stands for democratic government exactly as it ex- ists in the United States, says the News. De Gaulle's stand on a strong executive and his refusal to compromise by having either Communists or Socialists (represent- ing together more of popular vote than he does) on his cabinet is commended by the News. "What would we in America think if our president had to have a cabinet con- taining key members thrust upon him by political groups in Congress? De Gaulle's refusal to be a figurehead president en- hances him." * * * HAROLD. CALLENDER, Paris correspon- dent for the New York Times, compares the French crisis with that faced by the -~ I --- no - will this rightward western shift have on the great question of peace or war? One might imagine that western conservative opinion would be reassured by this new pattern, and would be a little less nervous from now on about the chances that the whole world might go Communist. But it doesn't work that way. Conserv- ative opinion is never reassured for more than ten minutes at a time, and its ap- petite for more and more reassurance is insatiable. The campaign against radical and leftist thinking in America became much more violent after the Republican Congress was elected than it had been before. Tension between ourselves and Russia increased, too, rather than died down. The rightward drift in the west seems much more likely to speed the mobilization of the world into two hostile camps, than to have the effect of reassuring conserva- tive opinion, by convincing it it has an acre which is its own. One wonders how big a part Russian sullenness has played in producing the rightward Western shift. It is possible it has played a great part. The Russians will now, of course, use the political manifestations thus produced, with their help, as proof that the West is basically, irreconcilably rightist, though the Western tendencies of just a few years ago show that that is not a sound estimation. Exact responsibilities in this field will have to be assessed later. The big thing to notice now is the dis- torting impact which the quarrel between Russia and the West has on the internal life of all countries, how it has helped to shatter our own liberal reform mood, as well as Britain's socialist one. The dis- torting impact can be seen in Russia, too, where 25,000,000 or some such num- ber of young Russians have just drawn up a "letter" to Stalin, telling of their willingness to fight in defense of Russia, when they might have been better occu- pied gathering borscht seeds, or what- ever. Until that quarrel is resolved, and peace is made, it is folly for any part of the world to expect normal evolutionary prog- ress in solving its problems. That quarrel is the great reality of our time, crushing every lesser trend under its giantweight. (Copyright, 1947, N.. Post Syndicate) Creeping Terror By JOSEPH ALSOP PRAGUE-In contrast to the rest of Eu- rope, the surface of life here is wonder- fully bustling and prosperous. Prague's ba- roque palaces and modern suburbs could still do with a lick of paint. But the shops are full of goods. The streets are jammed with traffic. And the people are downright fat. Beneath this happy surface, however, an ominous and tragic fact is only half concealed. Czechoslovakia is in the grip of a creeping terror. Within a few months, unless drastic counter-measures are taken, the iron curtain will clank down with fi- nality. The terror, now creeping under- ground, will be open and unashamed. Czechoslovakia will know the fate of Hun- gary, of Poland, of Romania and Bul- garia. Long ago, the Communists made their preparations for the event that is now oc- curring. At the head of the army, they placed General Svoboda, commander of the Czechoslovak corps in Russia during the war, rumored holder of a party card, and in any case, a man who knows which side of his bread is buttered. Almost without excep- tion, he has passed over Western-experienced Czech officers and promoted those who have Russian associations. Above all, the army's counter-intelligence corps, which is really a secret service, has come under the domina- tion of Communists or men who will do their bidding. The army is infiltrated and neutralized. The Information Ministry is overtly in Communist hands, is ready to blare prop- aganda through Soviet-style loudspeak- ers in every town. Most decisive of all, the Ministry of the Interior, headed by the Communist Nosek, has transformed all branches of the national police into service organizations of the party. With complete control of the labor unions, and a con- siderable number of armed partisans, the Communists thus hold all the trumps for any game of coup d'etat. The atmosphere of terror is already tang- ible. Already leading non-Communist Czechs are known to be considering flight. And this is only the beginning of the story. All com- petent authorities here, foreign and Czech, have privately agreed that the end will come with the open suppression of Czecho- slovakia's hardy re-won independence, un- less those who love their liberties act in the interval in self-defense. They must do so before next spring, the time of the elec- tions for which the present terror is intended to prepare. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) j FIC A Cj r. 147 by UntedFeat y e e c. "He's our new specialist in charge of dirty names for Truman and Marshall." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 39 Notices University Senate Meeting: Mon- day, Dec. 8, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Medical Aptitude Examination: All applicants for admission to medical schools, who wish to be admitted during 1948 and who did not talie the Medical Aptitude Ex- amination on Saturday, Oct. 25, 1947, must take the examination on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948. The ex- amination will not be given again before the Fall semester. In order to be admitted to the examination. candidates must fulfill the follow- ing requirements: 1. Candidates must register for the examination before Saturday. Nov. 15, Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. 2. Candidates must bring to the examination a check or money order. for five dollars payable to The Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the Examination unless he pays his fee in this way. Cash will not be ac- cepted. Ca idatca who register will be- gin the examrination at 8:30 a.nm., Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, Rackham Lecture Hall. The examination will be divided into two sessions and will take all day. Inquiries should be addressed to The Chief Examiner Bureau of Psychological Services (Ext. 2297). School of Education Testing Pro- gram: Students who took the tests Thursday, Oct. 16, may obtain the results in Rm. 1439, U.E.S., Friday, 9 a.m.-12 noon and Saturday, 10 a.m.-12 noon. An explanatory manual is available for each stu- dent.iConsultation can be arrang- ed with education staff members or with the personnel officer if the student so wishes. Note: The counseling question- naire must be returned before the scores can be obtained. Principal-Freshman Conference: The annual Principal-Freshman Conference will take place on Thursday, Nov. 13. Instructors of classes which include freshmen are requested not to schedule bluebooks for the morning of Nov. 13 in order that freshmen may be available for conferences with their high school principals. Pre-Football guest luncheons from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and after game open houses from 5 to 7 p.m. held in organized student resi- dences will be approved chaperon- ed or unchaperoned provided they are announced to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date. Seniors: College of L. S. & A. and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for February graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Counter Clerk. Application for Admission to the Graduate School for the Sec- ond Semester: Students in other schools and colleges who will graduate, and who may wish to enter the Gradate School the second semester, must submit by December 15 in orderto"be given consideration. The crowded condition in the University has placed limitations upon the num- ber that may be admitted. Junior and Senior men, who are single, veterans, residents of the State of Michigan, presently living in the Willow Run Dormitories, and interested in University Resi- dence Halls accommodations for the Spring Semester 1948 are asked to call at the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, Room 2, University Hall before November 8. Lecture University Lecture. "Human De- velopment in its Earliest Stages" (illustrated). Dr. ARTHUR T. HERTIG, Pathologist and Visit- ing Obstetrician to outpatients, Boston Lying-in Hospital, Assist- ant Professor of Pathology and of Obstetrics, Harvard Medical School, and Pathologist, Free Hos- pital for Women, Brookline; aus- pices of the Department of Anat- omy. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 7, Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Academic Notices History 11, Lecture Section 2: Midsemester examination, 3 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 6. Heideman's and Slosson's sections in Rm. 25, An- gell Hall; Dudden's, Hochlowski's, McLarty's and Molod's in Natural Science Auditorium. Astronomical Colloquium: Nov. 7; 4 p.m., Observatory. Dr. _Keith Pierce will speak on the subject, "Photographic and Photoelectric Determination of Line Profiles." Chemistry 55-169E: Students in in the second half of the accelera- ted laboratory program will report as follows for assignment to desks and for a preliminary discussion. Section D-M,W,F - Monday, Nov. 10, 1 p.m., Rm. 400. Section E-T. Th - Thursday, Nov. 13, 1 p.m., Rm. 151. Seminar on Complex Variables: Thurs., Nov. 6, 3 p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall. Mr. Wend will speak on the Theta functions. Physical Chemistry Seminar: Thurs., Nov. 6, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Lothar Meyer will speak on "Thermo-Mechani- cal Effect in Helium II." All interested are invited. Concert String Orchestra, under the di- rection of Gilbert Ross, will pre- sent a program of 17th and 18th century music at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 11, Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Norma Swinney Heyde, so- prano, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will appear as soloists. The concert EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. School Spirite? To the Editor: WHAT a sad commentary on the state of student enthusiasm, when out of a student body of 20,- 000 plus, less than one-tenth of one per cent (about 20, for those of you who don't have a slide rule handy) are able to drag them- selves out of bed a little early and get down to the station to wel- come YOUR victorious team! Granted, many of you have legi- timate excuses, but 'not 19,980 of you! Sure, you think it's a fine idea to welcome the team; but let someone else do it, it's too much trouble for YOU to get down to the station by 9:30. You didn't know what time they were arriving? What's wrong with phoning the station, that's how we found out. Or is that too much trouble too? Maybe we consider ourselves so sophisticated that a little display of pep is beneath our collective dignities, hmmm? We've seen other schools (we're transfers) much smaller than Michigan where the turnout and enthusiasm puts our to shame. Of course, their teams weren't as con- sistent winners as ours; they ap- preciated their victories - and showed it! To the team, we would like to raise our small voices in a rousing "HAIL" for having done such a swell job in spite of (not because of) our student "spirit." For the three remaining games, let's each of us make a small ef- fort before, during, and after the game to show the team we're backing 'em-even if it involves such sacrifices as loss of an hour of sleep or a slightly hoarse throat! --Jim Edberg Dick Edberg One Fact Wrong To The Editor: YOU included in Saturday's Daily a feature story concerning some "small talk" which led to the downfall of the Wolverine football aggregation in their famous upset loss to Illinois in '39. The two prin- cipals at whom this talk was di- rected by the Illini eleven were Archie Kodros and Al Wistert, both of whom hail from Illinois. The story was very interesting except for one fact. Wistertdid not play on the Michigan team that year. He was only a fresh- man at the time, and played his varsity ball from 1940-42, receiv- ing all America acclaim in his senior year. -Bruce Theunissen will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today Radio Program: 4:00-4:115 p.m., WPAG (1050 kc.). Campus News. Two-day Conference, "Toward World Understanding" with which the Eighteenth Annual Parent Ed- ucation Institute has been amal- gamated, will open today at 9:30 a.m., Rackham Lecture Hall Program includes addresses by such nationally known persons as Eduard C. Lindeman, Emily Taft Douglas, Mark Starr, Ernest M. Ligon, Ralph A. Sawyer and James K. Pollock and ten group discussions to be led by Starr, Lig- on, Harry A. Overstreet and dis- tinguished members of the Uni- versity faculties. The Conference is sponsored by the University Ex- tension Service and the American Association of University Women, Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, League of Women Vot- ers, Women's Action Committee for Lasting Peace, Foreign Policy Association and World Study Council. Members of the University staff listed in the University Directory and their spouses may attend the Conference without payment of fees but will have to register at the desk in the lobby to receive the badge which gives admittance to the sessions. This applies also to University students. George E. Bean, City Manager of Pontiac, will address the Michi- gan chapter of the American So- ciety for Public Administration at a social seminar at 8 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Students of public administration are invited. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Picketing To The Editor: WISH to clear up certain mis- conceptions and to state why I countered on the picket line out- side Hill Auditorium this past Monday. One Friday last year I was asked to sign a telegram protesting Dutch action in Indonesia, direc- ted to the Netherlands' Ambassa- dor. I unequivocally signed it and still maintain the belief that the Dutch are ruling despotically, without degard for simple justice and reason. I was also asked to participate in a picket line when the Ambass- ador spoke-I did, although hot in a manner expected. Then, as now, I believed picketing could only bring discredit to the University and to the misguided individuals who participated. The purpose of the picketing was presented as bringing the question into the open. No matter what the public reaction was, any publicity was good publicity in it- self. The protest's purpose - was being sidetracked for the some- what dubious, cynical view of get- ting into the limelight with a gar- ish, emotional appeal. I firmly believe in the principle of "no bad means justify good ends." No matter how sincere the individuals were who picketed, their tactics were reprehensible. It might have seemed a lark, but its consequences were much more serious. The picketing was also done in light of the fact that Ambassador Kleffens granted an informational interview to the persons (includ- ing myself) who signed the protest telegram. Furthermore, the march- ing itself was done only after most of the individuals already entered Hill. There was no picketing after the Convocation. In the interview that afternoon, Ambassador Kleffens gave a slick rationalization of Dutch policy that seemed very feeble indeed. The inquiry was calm, rational and without emotion. We all got the facts and can, as I intend in another letter, condemn Dutch In- donesian policy. This information was gotten without picketing and is more damaging than a thousand cheap publicity stunts. In conclusion, I would like to humbly apologize for my action. In a large measure my condem- nation of picketing is a condem- nation of myself. I must confess it was done hurriedly, but for good or bad, I felt it was necessary for everyone to know that the action was not ". . representative of the students of Michigan." I hope I never have to resort to such tac- tics again. Again I definitely take my stand in condemnation of Dutch policy-and the ill-conceiv- ed picketing. --Alfred Shapiro University carillonneur, will be heard in another program in his current series of recitals at 7:15 this evening. The program will consist of British music from the Elizabethan era to modern songs. Rackham Building Thursday evening record concert: East Lounge, 7:45 p.m. Handel: Con- certo in B Minor for viola and orchestra; Schumann: Second Symphony; Mozart: Concerto No. 1 in G Major for flute and orches- tra. Graduate students are invit- ed. Silence is requested. Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalism sorority: Mrs. Helen Brady Mann, Society Editor of the Ann Arbor News, will speak on, "The Practical Problems of Socie- ty Editing," at 7:30 p~m., Hen- derson Room Michigan League. All interested women cordially in- vited. International Center weekly tea, 4:30,5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. Kathryn L. Glass and Mrs. C. H. Luckes. Kappa Phi: Meeting, 5:30 p.m. Meet in the Methodist Wesleyan Lounge. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Russian Room, Michigan League. Lithuanian group: lV eeting, 7 p.m., Michigan League. Members urged to attend. All Lithuanian students are cordially invited. Hillel Foundation: Joint meet- ing of the Hillel Social Commit- tee and the I.Z.F.A. SocialCom- mittee, 4 p.m.,. Hillel Foundation. All members are urged to attend. Coming Events Mr. George W. Copeland, of the Hart and Cooley Manufacturing Company of Holland, Michigan, will talk on the subject, "Person- nel Management," at Fri., Nov.' 7, 4 4 A A I I di I 4 '4 I BARNABY . : I - - - 9K II. l 0 r 9K -1 m I I I