THE GREAT REALITY See Page 4 L 1Mw 43UU jIat~ CLOUDY AND COLDER Latest Deadite in,.thle State ... VOL. LVIH, No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Students Hit Food Service In West Quad Better Quality, Preparing Urged Food gripes took center interest in the West Quad yesterday, as more than 800 residents signed petitions criticizing ;preparation, distribution and presentation of their meals. A committee of the students who met yesterday with Francis Shiel, residence halls' business manager, explained that the purpose of the petitions was to point out that an overwhelming majority of the res- idents are dissatisfied with the food. Shiel declined comment on the situation. Investigation Needed Elizabeth Ham, head University dietician, meeting with the West Quad Council last night, was told that some sort of investigation is needed. "We want to be sure that we are getting sufficient quality for the money we're paying," Quad Pres- ident Albert Maslin said. "We told Miss Ham that the University should look into the situation at other state schools and find out how we rate in the quality for money ratio," he added. Student who circulated the pe- titions explained that while food purchased by the University may be first-quality, the preparation is very poor. Over and Over Again They claim that when such food as beef heart or liver is served, more than half the students do not eat, so that the food is served again the next day in different form. A former army mess officer pointed out that cafeteria food lines are often held up because a full tray of food cannot be brought in until the serving trays are com- pletely empty, causing a bottle- neck. Although the petitions were cir- culated by individual students, not the Quad Council, Maslin said that the, eight hodfse "Y'ffdetft- composing the council feel that the residents had just cause for complaine. He added: "We realize that the University faces sky-high food prices, but we hope that some solution to the problem can be found " Grain Price Inquiry Asked Exchanges Request Congress To Act CHICAGO, Nov. 5-(P')--The nation's three largest grain ex- changes, disclaiming responsibility for the recent rise in grain prices, today asked for a "sweeping" con- gressional investigation not only of their activities but also of the government's grain buying pro- gram. The exchanges, already under investigation by the attorney gen- eral after a presidential charge that "gambling in the market" had skyrocketed grain prices, said they would "welcome and request" a hearing "at the earliest possible date." Their statement said the special investigation had been requested "in order that the American pub- lic may be furnished facts from which it can draw its own con- clusions as to whether the rapid rise in commodity prices has been occasioned by illegal and improper practices on the part of the ex- changes, on the one hand, or by the government's buying program for export, plus bungling and lack of planning on the other hand." Teachers Will Meet Today The Michigan Council on Adult Education will focus its attention on international understanding and Michigan adult education problems at its annual meeting to be held here today and tomorrow. The Council will join the final session of the conference entitled "Toward World Understanding" to hear an address by Dr. Eduard Lindeman of the New York School of Social Work. 'Peace Climate' Urged By Emily Taft Douglas Aid to Europe, Control of Atomic Weapons, lasting Peace Discussed at Conference America must continue aid to Europe, both individually and through the Marshall Plan, Emily Taft Douglas, former congress- woman from Illinois, told members of the World Understanding Con- ference today at Rackham Building. Starved and half-starved Europeans can't be expected to "lift themselves by their bootstraps," Mrs. Douglas declared at the confer- ence, which is combined with the 18th annual Parent Education In- stitute. Toward 'World Peace-Mindedness' "If modern agricultural technology can be applied throughout the world to eliminate the age-old scourge of recurrent famine, it - would be a big step toward mak- PROF. WILLIAM lIABER . . will speak today Prof. Haber Will Discuss Job Outlook Predictions of vocational prob- lems to come will be featured in a talk to be given by Prof. Wil- liam Haber, of the economics de- partment, at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Focusing on the job future fac- ing students, Prof. Haber will an- alyze various occupational fields in a lecture entitled, "Vocational Horizons." Although presented as the last in the series of Orienta- tion Assemblies, the talk will be open to all students on campus. Study as Preparation The importance of a liberal arts education in securing a- job will be considered in the lecture, with suggestions for present study prep- aration. Prof. Haber will also in- clude a discussion of increasing and decreasing areas in the dif- ferent vocational fields. Prof. Haber, who teaches courses in labor relations and social se- curity at the University has a long record of government service in these fields. Government Service During the war, Prof. Haber served as Director of Planning for the War Manpower Commission, and as advisor to the War Mobili- zation and Reconversion Boards. The University Men's Glee Club will also be featured on the As- sembly program today, presenting a selection of special numbers un- der the direction of Prof. Philip Duey, of the music school. ing the world peace-minded, Mrs. Douglas said. Education and agricultural agencies will be of greater import- ance in creating a "climate for peace" than a world police force, Mrs. Douglas added. Provost James P. Adams, in an address at the opening session, warned that the genuine danger that the United States faces in its foreign affairs is the possibility we will not accept the economic consequence of our present polit- ical position. Danger Signs "Signs of this danger are al- ready visible in some quarters in the form of skepticism regarding the Marshall Plan for the support of economic recovery in Western Europe," Provost Adams declared. He advocated both an economic rehabilitation program to be car- ried out during hte next five to ten years, and emergency action to provide immediate aid. Desupite the nation's irritation over Russia' policy of obstruct- ing collaboration, there is little danger of a revival of political isolationism, Dr. Adams said. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the Graduate School, who also spoke at the opening session, told the conference that the only alterna- tive to living in a state of armed truce and constant alert is inter- national control of atomic weap- ons. Lasting German Peace At a 7:30 p.m. meeting of the conference yesterday, Prof. James K. Pollock of the political cience departmen tdiscussed the prob- lems of maintaining lasting peace in Germany. The conference will continue to- day with addresses by Mark Starr, educational director of the Inter- national Ladies' Garment Work- ers' Union; Dr. Ernest M. Ligon, professor of psychology at Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.; and Dr. Edward Lindeman of th New York School of Social Work. Award Film T~o Be Given "Open City," prize-winning film of Rome's underground during the German occupation, will be pre- sented by AVC's campus chapter at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Satur- day in Hill Auditorium. All proceeds from the perform- ances will be donated to the Red Feather Campaign of the Ann Ar- bor Community Chest to bolster AVC's $1,000 pledge. Tickets will go on sale at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the box office. "Open City" is presented in Italian, with English titles. UN Approves Commission To Aid Korea Aim to Expedite Independence By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 5-A United Nations Commission to "facilitate and expedite" Korean independence was approved today by the General Assembly's Polit- ical Committee in the face of a new Soviet bloc boycott on Amer- ican-sponsored proposals. . The 57-nation committee vot- ed 46 to 0 for the Korean Com- mission which was proposed originally by Secretary of State Marshall and opposed vigorously by Russia. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Bolivia abstained, the Soviet group did not vote and Yemen was ab- sent. The question goes to the As- sembly in plenary session probably late next week for final approval. Russia's boycott notice brought forth immediate spec- ulation that she would refuse to admit the commission to North Korea and would not co- operate with it. Russia has stayed away from a sub-committee which drafted a chart for a year-round "little as- sembly" asked by the U.S. and she had refused to take part in a UN Balkans watch commission already being set up by decision of the Assembly. The prospect of yet another So- viet boycott developed as the po- litical committee passed from the Korean question to debater on Marshall's "little assembly" proj- ect. Dr. Herbert V. Evatt, Australian Foreign Minister, supported it as a good idea and pleaded for full representation in the proposed year-around Assembly. World News At a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 5-A de- mand that a $5,919,921 additional tax assessment be slapped on Howard Hughes, millionaire Holly- wood plane designer, was made to- day by Senator Williams (R.-Del.) as the Senate War Investigating Committee resumed its inquiry into Hughes' $40,000,000 warplane contracts. * * * WASHINGTON, Nov. 5-Two closed door sessions of the spe- cial House Foreign Aid Commit- tee today failed to produce any agreement on a program for the forthcoming special session of Congress. * * * PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, Nov. 5--Communist Premier Klement Gottwald emerged tonight from a political crisis as Czechoslovakia's new strong man with complete au- thority from the national cabinet to rebuild the government of semi- autonomous Slovakia. NEW YORK, Nov. 5-Gov. Thomas E. Dewey declared to- night "we have only one choice' on the European aid question" and that is wisely to aid those who stand in the world in the hope that they will rise again as bulwarks of the institution of human free- dom." do. * * * WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., Nov.1 5-Charging that Russia has vio- lated "a solemn pledge," James F. Byrnes said tonight it is our duty to demand that Marshall Stalin "immediately return"-an es- timated 828,000 Japanese prison- ers. Student Wins $600 in Contest Worried about how to finance a trip to the Rose Bowl? Maybe you should try the sys- tem of Harold Brode, sophomore in the literary college! In five minutes last week Brode made himself $600. He did it by clipping the weekly football selec- tion chart from a Detroit after- PRESS CLUB SPEAKERS-Russell Barnes, Detroit News foreign correspondent, (left) and S.L.A. Marshall, editorial writer for the same paper will address 125 Michigan editors and publishers who will meet here today, tomorrow and Saturday for the annual University Press Club Convention. RECORD ATTENDANCE: Michigan Press Club To Hold Annuwl Meeting at TU' Today The University Press Club of' Michigan, an organization which grew out of a meeting of jour- nalism teachers in 1918, will con- vene here today with a record post-war number of Michigan ed- itors and publishers in attend- ance. Richard M. Cook, president of the club, and editor and publisher n," Tag Day Drive Falls Below WSSF Hopes The World Student Service Fund will continue the tag day drive on campus through today in an effort to reach the Univer- sity's $10,000 goal. Contributions from the WSSF drive yesterday reached $1,517 from the campus stations and $366 from campus organizations. "The first day's response has been heartening, but is still far below what should be expected," stated Jack Passfield, chairman of the drive. "The second day should equal the total already turned in if we are to come any- where near our goal of $10,000." "Several organizations are yet to be heard from and we have high hopes that their contribu- tions will make a substantial dif- ference," Passfield declared. Campus groups which have made special contributions are Betsy Barbour, Trigon, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega, Colle- giate Sorosis, Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, and Alpha Delta Pi. Other organ- izations have pledged proceeds from special projects during the year, according to Passfield. Campus Directory Sales Discontinued Campus sales of the Student Di- rectory have been discontinued, according to Bill Zerman, direc- tory sales manager. With 200 of the original 5,500 copies remaining, directories will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, at the main business office, Student Publications Building. of the Hastings Banner, estimated yesterday that at least 125 State journalists will be on hand. Registratioan Today Members will register at the Union from 2 to 7 p.m. today, and following a tea at the Presi- dent's house will attend a Uni- versity dinner at the Union with Arthur L. Brandon, club secre- tary and director of the Univer- sity News Service, presiding. At a session at 10 a.m. tomor- row, open to the general public, Detroit News foreign correspon- dent Russell A. Barnes will speak at Rackham Amphitheatre on the subject, "Russia's Expanding Pow- er." Marshall Will Speak S. L. A. Marshall, editorial writ- er for the Detroit News, will speak before a club luncheon at 12:30 p.m., tomorrow, on the subject, "Armament and Peace." Otto C. Pressprich, editor of the Saginaw News and second vice-president of the club, will preside. Women guests will simultane- ously attend a luncheon to be given at the League with Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd, presiding. Band Planning Freedom Epic Armistice Struggle Will Be Dramatized A pageant dramatizing the epic American struggle for liberty and justice, in commemoration of Arm- istice Day, Nov. 11, will be the them of the University March- ing Band's half-time show in the Michigan Stadium Saturday. In a series of significant forma- tions, the band will depict sym- bolic events in the development of America from the first free colony to its present position in world affairs. Boy Scouts of the Wash- tenaw-Livingston Council will as- sist the band in the last of the seven formations. Forming IND, after a counter- march back to center field, Prof. William D. Revelli, director of the bands, will conduct "Indiana Our Indiana," in salute to the Hoosiers. The band will then march to the north goal to play "The Yellow and Blue" in MICH formation. Students To Pick Campus Officers By Ballotoday Four Voting Booths Will Be Open; Students Must Present ID Cards Four polling booths will be open on campus from shortly before 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today as students select their choices to the Board in Control of Student Publications, the J-Hop and Soph Prom com- mittees and senior class offices from a record number of candidates. Ballots for the various elections may be obtained from one of three booths in the lobby of Angell Hall, under the Engine Arch and at the Willow Village bus stop on E. University. A booth located in Hutchins Hall will handle ballots in the Law Quadrangle. Students must submit their identification cards to booth atten- dants for punching before they may obtain ballots, Kelly said. class Limits Vote Students are reminded that only juniors may vote for J-H candidates, sophomores for Soph Prom candidates and seniors in the literary college for senior class of- ficers, Kelly emphasized.Ba All students in all schools may Both Parties vote in the publications board elections, he added. Claim Votes may be cast in the indi- vidual elections for as many can- T T i didates as there positions avail- nyca In , o able. Therefore, Kelly explained, a student may vote for nine can- didates to each of the dance com- No Specific Trends mittees and three candidates to Observed by Experts the publications board. Seniors may vote for only one By The Associated Press candidate for each of the four The meaning of Tuesday's off- class offices available. Election booth attendants will year election results was disputed include volunteer students, mem- vigorously today by leaders of the bers of the Legislature the Men's two major parties. Early voting returns of the campus election will be broad- cast at 11 p.m. today over Sta- tion WHRV. Judiciary Council and of Alpha Phi Omega, national service fra- ternity. Ballot Counting Ballot counting will begin at 7 p.m. today in the Union, Kelly said. Students interested in count- ing or watching the counting will be welcome, he added. Each vote will carry equal weight7 in the election with the candidates with the highest number of votes considered elected. Chairmen of the dance committees will be those elected candidates with the most votes. Election rules; prohibiting cam- paign literature on campus or in campus buildings, and campaign- ing within 50 feet of the polling places will be strictly enforced, Kelly warned. Infraction of the rules will con-l stitute automatic disqualification from the election, he said. * * * SL Receives CouncilReport, Men's Judiciary Will Ask Election Revision A report on election by-laws from the Men's Judiciary Council was submitted to the Student Leg- islature cabinet for approval, at the Legislature meeting last night. The by-laws, involving a com- plete reorganization of the peti- tioning and elections system, pro- vide for standardized printed forms for petitions to be stapled to a copy of elections regulations, re- quirements that only the candi- date pass petitions, that no peti- samsp i palsnoaxp aq Aum swop or libraries, that' the judiciary council be empowered to judge violations of rudes and that three officers be created to investigate, try and defend alleged violators. The cabinet decision on the re- port will be submitted to the Legis- lature at its next meeting. The Legislature also voted to make a contribution from its treasury to the financing of a campaign to take to the Supreme Court the case of a Negro stu- dent refused admission to Univer- sity of Texas Law School. A jazz concert open without charge to the campus at large will be sponsored by the Legislature pending an investigation by the social committee, the group de- cided. The date for legislature elec- tions was set for Dec. 10 at the and - dfnalleged vatr. Democratic Chairman J. How- ard McGrath called the results "gratifying, but not unexpected." Carroll Reece, head of the Re- publican National Committee, de- clared the outcome could mean only that the. voters are pleased with the record of the Republican dominated Congress. Some other analysts could find little to indicate how the wind will blow in 1948. Van Antwerp Wins In a non-partisan Detroit elec- tion, four-term Mayor Edward J. Jeffries lost to Eugene I, Van Ant- werp, a city councilman. The final returns showed Van Antwerp with 224,249 votes; Jeffries with 205,- 318. Election board tabulations showed Democrats regaining the Kentucky governorship, a country judge succeeding to the late The- odore G. Bilb 's Mississippi Senate seat, and three House races end- ing according to form, with Re- publican candidates winning in In- diana and Ohio and a Democrat in Brooklyn. Headline Contests WORKERS' SERVICE: Labor education Programs Hampered by Limited Funds By PHIL DAWSON Labor education programs are consistently hampered by lack of funds, in spite of remarkable de- velopment in the last five years, according to Hilda Smith, of the National Committee for the Ex- tension of Labor Education. The University's Workers' Ex- tension Service in Detroit, a pio- neer in this field, is among those which would benefit from the pro- posed Labor Extension Bill, S-1390, now in both houses of Congress, Miss Smith yesterday told a luncheon meeting of inter- ested faculty members and others. Wide Scope The scope of workers' adult ed- ucation programs is wide, includ- ing industrial, governipental and community problems. Since these are of crucial interest to every- ested college or university, and, following approval of the blue- print by a state board and a na- tional Labor Extension Service, the federal government will pro- vide 75 per cent of the requested money-the other fourth to be raised within the state. Would Help Labor The Labor Extension Service set up by the bill would also serve as a source of information and as- sistance to labor, similar to the federal Agricultural Extension Service, Miss Smith explained. This measures provides steps for constructive action on a broad basis in the field of labor rela- tions. But its expected adoption will increase the need for planning groups in local communities and for teachers and leaders. PICTURES PLIGHT: French Education Continues Despite Poor Food and Health Results of the headline contests included: Democratic Congressman Earl C. Clements defeated Republican Eldon S. Dummit for the Kentucky Governorship, held the last four years by Simeon Willis, Repub- lican. Willis was ineligible to suc- ceed himself. John C. Stennis outdistanced four Democraic and one Repub- lican opponent for the Missis- sippi Senate seat. Virtually un- known outside his state, the rural jurist conducted a conservative campaign which ignored the "white supremacy" issue frequent- ly raised in Mississippi politics. One of the men he defeated was Rep. John Rankin (D.-Miss.), who promised to "out-Bilbo Bilbo" if elected to the Senate. Rankin re- tains his House seat. AVC Enters WalpoleFight AVC's campus chapter lent its support last night to Willow Run's Walpole Committee, donating $25 to bolster the Committee's "fight for civil liberties" in the explosive convenient districting vs. racial discrimination issue. The chapter elected Lewis Ber- man, John King and Vic Sherman to serve on a newly formed group to fight attacks on civil liberties. Initial steps were also taken by the campus chapter, to call to at- tention the spring municipal elec- tions. The chapter voted to spon- 1 By DON McNEIL I Despite the obstacles of poor health and starvation diets, French students are struggling to con- tinue their education, according to Mine. Helene Barland, petite Parisienne member of the French Cultural Relations Bureau. Health Alarming "The Health of the average stu- dent is extremely alarming," Mme. Barland said in a talk here yes- terday. She placed responsibility for widespread tuberculosis direct- ly on the meager food supply and high cost. "After paying tuition, books and _- - L,,. ,,,,. -- .. .n-+ is ~n Although they are sick them- selves, students have organized groups which regularly visit the sick war veterans, and aid the poor in their housework, she said. To re-enforce their meager subsis- tence, they have established em- ployment offices, and nationally they are represented by the Na- tional Students Union, with 55 thousand members. Students Faced Death "Because French students havel faced death, they look forward to life and their part in building a new world. They understand that they are living in one world, C I I I. I it i