FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY BILL MAULDIN 3iAriigan & Fifty-Eighth Year 1 . ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Policy on Germany WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1947 Letters to the Ed or.I Edited and managed by students of the Uni- Vrsity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff SJohn Campbell................Managing Editor [Clyde Becht .......................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Lida Dales.......................Associate Editor Dick Kraus........................Sports Editor Bob Lent...............Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.................. Women's Editor Betty Steward..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Business Staff Nancy Heimick ...................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- Igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN WSSF Drive Today rfODAY the World Student Service Fund appeals to every student on campus for support in the work of rebuilding education in foreign countries. This is an appeal that should reach the heart of everyone that re- ceives the benefits of the education system in America. We here cannot count the bless- ings of our universities, they are so numer- ous, but students and professors in other nations can easily tell you in a few-minutes everything that they have at their disposal. One point to be remembered about this relief work is that the people we are aiding are people just like you or me. They would be attending colleges and universi- ties right now if they hadn't been blown off the map during the war. We might be In the same position if the course of events had brought the war to our shores. The real hope for peace lies in the foun- dation that can be built from the ruins that now exist in so many parts of the world. A firm foundation depends on education. This is. where WSSF begins its work, and gives American students the opportunity to give their testimony of how much education means to us. American students spend $17,800,000 an- nuall' for their fraternities and $38,700,000 for football. If we can afford this can we not also afford to supply a few textbooks or -medical supplies to foreign students who no longer have fraternities or football? WSSF is not asking a specific amount from each student. Some can afford to °give as much as $25 or more, others will have to scrape to give less. But every stu- dent on campus should be wearing an orange tag signifying that they have given as much as they possibly can to help students and professors in wartorn coun- tries. Those who have seen the film "Seeds of Destiny" have had a glimpse at the twisted bodies of Europeans that have managed to live through the war, and within those bodies are twisted minds that must have the ad- vantages that only education can offer. As we rebuild cities and nations, so we must rebuild the minds of men through education. No amount is too small'or large enough to give to WSSF. Students throughout the world will know us by the amount we give today and tomorrow for service to them. The goal is $10,000 from the University of Michigan students and it stands as a chal- lenge for everyone to give generously. -Bette Hamilton M USIC ANIEL ERICOURT, youngFrench pian- ist, displayed a delicate touch and in- cisive power in a very satisfying Choral Union concert last night. A well-constructed program, preserving a nice balance between the artistic and the showmanlike, was distinguished by Eri- court's playing of Mozart and Debussy. Be- ginning with a Mozart Sonata in C, the pro- gram led through works by Merdelssohn and Schumann to an early Prokofieff sonata- an obvious tour de force. After intermission, +i-, iaonist again fAllowed, the- radient from By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER THERE ARE TWO American policies to- ward Germany. The official policy, incorporated in ex- Secretary of State Jimmy Byrnes and Gen- eral Lucius Clay in Berlin, placed the indus- trial rehabilitation of Germany at the top of the list. It would shape the Marshall Plan for assisting Europe very largely around a rehabilitated chunk of the former German Reich. The other, centering in the more able heads of the State Department, feels that security against Germany must come first and that a partially rehabilitated Ger- many can at most be a mere adjunct of a rehabilitated western Europe. Now, however, this transformation has been lucidly and honestly revealed by ex- Secretary of State Byrnes in his book, "Speaking Frankly." The basic stages were, roughly, as fol- lows: 1. At Quebec in 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill accepted the so-called Morgen- thau Plan for the reduction of German industry and the pastoralization of Ger- It Seems to Me By DON NUECHTERLEIN ONE OF THE BIG question marks existing in the present lineup of nations behind the Molotov Plan as opposed to the Mar- shall Plan is Czechoslovakia, whose import- ance in the current struggle between the East and West in Europe was borne out by her sudden reversal toward the Marshall Plan last July when the Soviet Union broke off negotiations on the subject in Paris. Many questions were subsequently raised concerning this action, and during my brief visit in Prague at the end of July, I re- ceived answers to most of them. In considering this question, one should remember that Czechoslovakia was occu- pied by Germany before war was declared in 1939 and that she never collaborated with Hitler as did Austria, Hungary and Romania. For this reason, all foreign troops were withdrawn from the country shortly after the war's end and until the present time her politics have not been influenced by the presence -of a Soviet army, as is the case with all her neigh- bors. It should be realized, however, that except for a small section of her Austrian and German border, which is patrolled by American troops, Czechoslovakia is com- pletely surrounded by the Soviet army. This fact, I believe, was the basis for the government's rejection of the Marshall Plan, despite the fact that both the gov- ernment and the people sincerely wished to cooperate with other European nations in the reconstruction of a war-torn con- tinent. While in Prague I found a feeling of dis- appointment existing among most of the people with whom I talked, many of whom were quite frank in their opinion that the government was being influenced too much by the Soviet Union. This feeling was not unfounded for prior to the Paris Confer- ence on the Marshall Plan the Czech gov- ernment had expressed its wholehearted sup- port of the idea and the country fully ex- pected their delegate in Paris to line the country up alongside those favoring the plan. Other events, however, changed the entire picture. After Foreign Minister Molotov walked out of the Paris Conference, Jan Masaryk, Czech foreign minister and son of the republic's great leader after 1918, was in- vited to Moscow by Marshall Stalin for a conference. Upon his return from this meeting, Mr. Masaryk announced to his people that the country was withdrawing her support of the Marshall Plan. What conclusion could the people draw other than that Stalin had told Masaryk in no uncertain terms to turn thumbs down on the plan or suffer the consequences. With Red army troops on all sides, it was no problem for Mr. Masaryk to figure out what the consequences might be. The Czechs pride themselves on being neutral in the midst of this great European struggle for power, Ind a people which has not let itself be swayed to the East or the West. Bohemia was liberated by both the Americans and Russians and here espe- cially the people feel they understand the political and economic ideologies of both sides. The Czechs greatly resent any outside influence attempting to force policies on them, and the government's reversal on the Marshall Plan was, most people felt, not the will of the people but the influence of Russia. Contrary to common belief, Czecho- slovakia is influenced but not controlled by the Communists. Only about one third of the government consists of Commu- nists while the other two thirds is com- posed of socialists and other parties to the right of Communism, a situation sim- ilar to that of France except that no So- viet army surrounds France. The situation insideC zechnslnvakia is nne of indenen- many over the opposition of the American War and State Departments. 2. Shortly thereafter, the two statesmen repudiated pastoralization but breaking the German industrial stranglehold on Europe remained basic and was accepted by Tru- man, Attlee and Stalin at Potsdam in 1945., There it was agreed that Germany was to be watched, educated, policed as a whole by the combined efforts of the U.S., the U.S.S.R., Britain and later, France. 3. Soviet trickery and refusal to cooper- ate offered certain Americans, who did not want to see Germany broght too low, an opportunity to revise basic American policy. At Stuttgart, in Sept. 1946, Secretary Byrnes expressed the new policy in a full- dress speech which I have reason to believe was written M'n part by General Clay. This speech aimed (a) at reassuring the Ger- mans by the promise that, except for the Saar territory,'their country would not be further amputated (he even questioned the veiled Polish annexations in the east); and (b) at reassuring Germany's neighbors against further German aggression even though Germany was rehabilitated. This speech cleared the way for the April, 1947 conference in Moscow which failed completely. As a result-subject to a last attempt to be made at London this month-Germany will probably remain divided. Meanwhile the Americans and British united their respective zones of occupation in Germany and-against the opposition of France, Belgium and the Netherlands- raised the level of German industrial pro- duction and handed over coal production to German industrialists who had worked for Hitler. The alleged motives for this revolution- ary departure from the Potsdam Agree- ment were several, all more or less plaus- ible. Mr. Byrnes goes so far as to suggest that if the Soviets refuse, the United States should undertake through the United Na- tions to throw them out by force. With the official American policy thus revealed as one of possible war against the Soviet Union in defense of the integrity of a country that Americans were fighting thirty months ago, it is small wonder that the western European democracies hardened their opposition. Wiser heads in the United States began to realize that in the name of ,rehabilitating Germany, General Clay and his friends might well be isolating the United States and Britain. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) T ragicLoss JOHN G. WINANT, former United State ambassador to the Court of St. James, took his own life Monday evening. Exactly two weeks earlier he stood before delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum-his cheeks flushed, his expression grave-and haltingly and with weakness de- livered what was to be his last public ad- dress. His words that evening were simple and direct, eminently fitting as the keynote address to a Forum which had set out to consider the question, "Modern Man: Slave or sovereign?" Mr. Winant, a flyer in the First World War, served three terms as New Hamp- shire's governor, campaigned tirelessly during the depression years for work- men's compensation and pension meas- ures, and later was instrumental in the enactment and extension of social security legislation. In 1941 he became United States ambassador to Britain, calmly and effectively carrying out his immense re- sponsibilities, and in 1946 resigned that post to join the United Nations Economic and Social Council. As a statesman, Winant earned the re- spect and gratitude of a nation. But his sense of responsibility to his fellow men ever remained unsatisfied. It was Winant the humanitarian who walked the war-demol- ished streets of London anonymously ex- tending help to those direct victims of bomb- ing. Even after his recent retirement, Winant could not rest. That he keenly felt the demands of peace, as he had those of war, was demonstrated in his last address: "I'd like to put a question to you. Are you doing as much for peace as you did for this country and civilization in the days - of war? I'm not. "And yet," he continued, "I believe that if we don't treat peace as seriously as we did war we'll never enjoy it-perma- nent peace on earth." It is indeed tragic that John G. Winant, so obviously handicapped by failing health and deeply hurt by the uncertainty of the peace as he delivered his last address, has deprived his country and the world of the vision and spirit of a truly great statesman. -Robert C. White. r' tf Y ' W/ vv e C f "'555 01*1 t ft 1 t r l 1 S S f . i k k "r t t r t c f t r t y +A t Z c r ti I Cop . 941 by UO d FeafSynd ae, c !j-A II gfsresrvd ".7',' 'I; , , )I "Not a scratch on 'im. He saw you an' laughed hisself to death." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN__I (Continued from Page 3) equation for lineargmechanical. systems with damping. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Fri., Nov. 7, 4 p.m., Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg. Subject: "The Am- ino Acid Content of Biological Fluids and Tissues." All interest- ed are invited. Seminar in Engineering Mechan- ics: The Engineering Mechanics De- partment is sponsoring a series of discussions on applied mechanics. Next seminar, 4 p.m., Wed., Nov. 5, Rm. 311, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. Van den Broek will present, "The Ductile Equilibrium Column Formula." Seminar on Stochastic Proc- esses: Wed., Nov. 5, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on Generalized Har- monic Analysis. Astronomical C-lloquium, No- vember 7, 1947, 4:00 p.m., Ob- servatory. Speaker: Dr. Keith Pierce. Ti- tle: Photographic and Photoelec- tric Determination of Line Pro- files. Exhibition "Natural History Studies at the Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan," through December, Museums Bldg. Ro- tunda. Events Today Radio Progran: 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc.), English Series. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc.), University of Michigan Chorus. 4:00-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.), Modern Painting Series- Henry Matisse-Dr. Carl D. Shep- pard. Two-day Conference, "Toward World Understanding" with which the Eighteenth Annual Parent Ed- ucation Institute has been amal- gamated, opens at 9:15 a.m., Wed., Nov. 5, Rackham Lecture Hall. Program includes addresses by such nationally known persons as Eduard C. Lindeman, Emily Taft Douglas, Mark Starr, Ernest M. Ligon, Ralph A. Sawyer and James K. Pollock and ten group discussions to be led by Starr, Lig- on, Harry A. Overstreet and dis- tinguished members of the Uni- versity faculties. The Conference is sponsored by the University Ex- tension Service and the American Association of University Women, Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, League of Women Vot- ers, Women's Action Committee for Lasting Peace, Foreign Policy Association and World Study Council. Members of the University staff listed in the University Directory and their spouses may attend the Conference without payment of fees but will have to register at the desk in the lobby to receive the badge which gives admittance to the sessions. This applies also to University students. Reception for Mile Helene Bar- land. The Cercle Francais and the Department of Romance Langu- ages will give a reception, immed- iately after her lecture today for Mlle Helene Barland, of the French Cultural Mission to the United States. The reception will be held in the West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. All regu- lar members of the Club are cor- dially invited. U. of M. Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 151, Chem- istry Bldg. Dr. Lothar Meyer of the Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago, will speak on "The Properties of He- lium II." The public is invited. Pi Tau Pi Sigma, National. Signal Corp. Honorary Frater- nity: Meeting, 303 W. Engineering Annex at 1700 hours. Alpha Kappa Delta: Initiation meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Dr. A. E. Wood, 3 Harvard Place. Speaker: Dr. A. M. Lee, Chairman of Sociology Department, Wayne University. Subject: "Race Ten- sions in Detroit." Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet- ing, 12 noon, Rm. 3056, Natural Science Bldg. Mr. John Branch will speak on "The Areal Geology of Wichita and Greeley Counties, Kansas." Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Administration frater- nity: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 110, Tappan Hall. Pledges meet in the same room at 7 p.m. Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Attendance will be taken. Group picture for En- sian will be taken and plans for the R-B Ball will be discussed. Student Branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Un- ion. Prof. W. E. Lay of the De- partment of Mechanical Engineer- ing, will speak on the subject, "How to Sit," in which he will dis- cuss the problems of riding com- fort in motor vehicles. All engi- neers are cordially invited. West Quad Radio Club W8ZSQ: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Club room, Williams House, 5th floor. Busi- ness: further work on the rotary beam tower. A.S.M.E.: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m. , Rm. 311 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. W. L. Cisler, Chief Engr. of Power Plants, De troit Edison Co., will speak on the subject, "Looking Ahead," in which he will discuss the advan- tages of an engineering education. Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m., Rm. 3217, Angell Hall. The discussion of Rilke's poetry will continue. U. of M. Flying Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1042, E. Engineering Bldg. Members are requested to attend. Scabbard and Blade: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 100, ROTC HDQS. Sociedad Hispanica: Meet in Rm. 305, Michigan Union, 8 p.m. All members are urged to be EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omittedatthe discretion of the edi- torial director. " " r Excellent Movie To the Editor: WE'D LIKE TO recommend an excellent movie that is being shown on campus today. It is one that we believe all students should see if they feel a responsibility for their own futures. The movie, "Seeds of Destiny," although it is an Academy Award picture, has been banned from public theatres because it was thought to be too realistic for the American public. We Americans are too lily-white to see a small child stare out at us who is badly deformed from malnutrition. But it seems to us that if we are concerned with our own destinies or the destiny of our families, then the future leaders of Europe are also our concern. That's why we feel it is important to see this film. What happens in Europe now is our own responsi- bility. Our futuredepends upon them. It is short, only twenty min- utes long, but it is worth taking a little extra time to see. -M. L. Robinson. -B. L. Zwemer. * * * Committee Probe To the Editor: T HE EDITORIAL PAGE of F3at- urday's Daily was "loded" with criticism of the Houe Un- American Activities Cornmittee, calling it "un-American, "Com- munistic," "unconstitutional," and "indecent." To me, these labels appear unfair for a zongressional committee that is trying to wake up the American people. Is it wrong for. the government to keep on eye (in Communism in this country? 7f the government doesn't, who Will? And where in the United States could the Com- munists do more damage than through HollywooddCommunist control of Hollywood would be a better propaganda agency for Moscow than an army of a mil- lion 'ealous "red" missionaries throughout the United States. This comrittee is not infringing on the civil, rights of Americans-it is trying to protect those rights! With Communism spreading as rapidly as it is today, a check is needed for the key positions of this nation. This committee is not condemning men on suspicion or imprisoning men on hearsay-they are simply asking them if the are Communists! Are we so ashamed of our country that we are afraid to declare we are Americans? Persons investigated by the Un- -American Committee have nothing to fear unless they are Commu- nists. If they are, do we want to protect them by shouting-"civil rights"? It seems to me that too many people are "taken in" by the unfavorable glamor Hollywood is throwing on this investigation. It's about time the government puts their finger on Stalin's agents in this country. We would not be so anxious to shout "civil rights" if another war came -and the United F RED WARING'S concert Satur- day night was very enjoyable. Fred Waring's contribution as master of ceremonies was lively and enjoyable, until he requested selections from the audience. A few sincere, democratic voices urged that "Meadowland," a Rus- sian marching song, be rendered. Unexpectedly, this request seemed the signal for a general denuncia- tion= of the Russians by Mr. War- ing, who felt that because the Rus- sians did not play any of our marching songs and were not will- mng to come over to our way of thinking, he would not play any of theirs. Those were the words, in effect, of a man whose musical arrange- ments were aesthetically enjoyed by innumerable people, whose ar- rangement of "Meadowland" is loved, as art, by an equal num- ber. By t, in accord with current prejudice and criticism against tlhe Russian people and their gov- ernment, Mr. Waring injected per- sonal invectives to multiply dis- trust and hate, which we con- sidered not only detrimental to harmonious international relation- ships but a damnable discrimina- tion against the world of art. Art in its highest sense is creat- ed for universal application and appreciation. It knows no boun- daries; it is the expression of an aesthetic experience to be shared with all men, regardless of race, creed, color or political affiliation. Shall we, on the basis of Mr. Waring's inappropriate move, re- fuse to accept music by Wagner or an opera like "Madame Butterfly," Sbecause we object to their polit- ical background, or because they are tinted with some color that unthinking men employ to incite mob hysteria? Paradoxically, he employed the same suppressive methods that our way of life so ardently opposes. Concurrent with recent Congres- sional investigations, such tactics: infringe upon and abrogate the right to a free association of ideas in politics as well as in music. Art and music must not be fwedded with the cause of hate. t Love and freedom of expression r are the best mendicants for a world sick with nationalistic and bigoted disorders. -William G. T. Yates, Jr. -Wayne 0. Pangborn. * * * Waring Concert To the Editor: .a .. ,.. - ' 4 States was "sold out" internally, would we? If we are Americans, let us be proud to admit it-to anyone. If we are not, the United States is no place for us! -John Grzybowski. , , ,* present. Ensian picture will be taken at 8 p.m. Beginners conversation group, Sociedad Hispanica: Meet at 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly "chat," 4-5:30& p.m., Guild House. Special guests: students from the Speech Clinic. Michigan Dames Book Group: 8 p.m., Kalamazoo Room, Michi- gan League. Mrs. Miner Crary, of Jackson, will discuss "On Judging Books," by Francis Hackett. Michigan Dames Clef Club Chorus meets at 8 p.m. in the Ann Arbor High School cafeteria. Mrs. Grover Wirick is in charge. Coming Events George E. Bean, City Manager of Pontiac, will address the Michi- gan chapter of the American So- ciety for Public Administration at a social seminar at 8 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 6, West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Students of public administration are invited. Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalism sorority: Mrs. Helen Brady Mann, Society Editor of the Ann Arbor News, will speak on, "The Practical Problems of Socie- ty Editing," at 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 6, Henderson Room, Michi- gan League. All interested women cordially invited. International Center weekly tea 4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs. Nov. 6. Soviet 'Achievement To the Editor: HAVING TRANSFERRED from a small, liberal college in New England, I found the rather ex- treme mental conduct of the local "liberals with a vengeance" some- what surprising. In hopes of keep- ing them from cutting their own throats with their enthusiasm, I offer the following selection from the New York Times, as presented on the back cover of the current "Book-of-the-Month Club News." It is entitled "Soviet Russia's Most Remarkable Achievement." "When the full story of the Rus- sian Communist Government can be told, it may very well appear that the most remarkable achieve- ment of the regime, all things con- sidered, was its propaganda and censorship. Nothing quite like these has ever been seen before; they are new things under the, sun which has seen political con- stitutions without number and so- cial experiments of every sort.... The point is made with great emphasis by the late H. A. L. Fish- er, liberal British historian with a vision ranging over all European civilization. In "A History of Eu- rope," published shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War, he states the case in one striking paragraph: "Yet there is this novelty in the Soviet system. A living religion is enforced by the massed large-scale propaganda of a scientific age, by machine guns and airplanes, telephone and telegraph, printing press and film, broadcasting and the regimenta- tion of all the arts. A hundred and sixty million human, souls are by a gigantic system of governmental pressure hermetically sealed against the invasion of unwelcome truth. All previous experiments in tyranny recorded in human an- nals pale beside this colossal achievement." The interesting point here is that Soviet propa- ganda and censorship are regarded as an experiment in tyranny. For thirty years there has been "great argument about it and about" just what kind of experiment the So- viet system represepted. Broad- minded liberals, who themselves wouldn't care for Communism or even socialism, have urged a tol- I I BARNABY:.. A